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Fernando Garcia


We have entered the year of 2017 with full disappointment and fear. 2017
marked the moment where we have given the power of presidency to a total
immature celebrity figure named Donald Trump . Proposing the idea of making
America Great Again another words the way it used to be , trying to control the
nation by his own will. Connecting to the book 1984 by Orwell written in 1949 ,
which is about big brother and the party having control of the nation. Making
everyone believe in one main belief and doing what's right for the nation to
prosper. Winston was an anti- party , who tired going against the belief of big
brother resulting in consequences. The book 1984 is still relevant to 2017 because
it's a warning to the people. Warning them about how big brother tries taking
control of the people and their minds, invading privacy and making the world a
better place.
In the book 1984 , Orwell makes a claim about how big brother goes beyond the
limits. Trying to take control of everyone's thoughts , actions , and life. They believe
the choice for mankind lies within happiness , diminishing all the moral values
mankind has as it states in 1984 , The choice for mankind lies between freedom
and happiness and for the great bulk of mankind, happiness is better. They have
overlooked the idea that mankind lies within the principle of happiness instead of
freedom. The believe what they are doing will make everyone happy , but in reality
they are violating everyone's rights and freedom of living , speaking , and beliefs.
They seek what's beneficial for them and not for the people as it states in the
passage The Party seeks power entirely for its own sake. We are not interested in
the good of others; we are interested solely in power, pure power.
One of the main reason why Orwell makes the claim that he does is because he
wants to warn the future generations to watch out. To be aware of the their
surroundings and who is in power because not everything seems the way it is
portrayed. What was happening at the time during Orwell's world that causes him
to fear for the world was that the party and big brother was slowly eating the
society alive . Brainwashing every individual to think and act alike, their privacy
was violated. They were being watched twenty four seven and not given the sense of
freedom they deserve. As it states in 1984 , The eyes follow you but when you
move, BIG BROTHER is watching. No matter where you were what you were doing
they had eyes on you. Tracking and recording your moves, you are being spied on
without your authority as an individual. They are taking control of our own will ,
"It's a beautiful thing, the Destruction of words. Of course the great wastage is in
the verbs and adjectives, but there are hundreds of nouns that can be got rid of as
well. It isn't only the synonyms; there are also the antonyms. After all, what
justification is there for a word, which is simply the opposite of some other word?...
In the end the whole notion of goodness and badness will be covered by only six
words. They are limiting the the way we speak , we think, the way we describe
what's going on. Taking control of ourselves to what they want, making us forget
what emotion are.
Orwells argument about trying to take control of everyone's thoughts , actions ,
and life. They believe the choice for mankind lies within happiness , diminishing
all the moral values mankind is relevant to today's society. In today's society we
have a given the power to a political figure who is only interested in pure power.
He doesn't care about the people , he runs around the idea of happiness . He
believes in making America great again will bring happiness . Refusing to run in
the idea of freedom, he has brainwashed many making them all to believe in one
belief. Which is making America great again , getting rid of all those people who
aren't from here . But this isnt causing happiness , it provokes more hatred within
each other. In 1984 he warning us of dictatorship and its exactly what's going on in
today's society. Not only that but we are constantly being spied on , our privacy has
been violated. As it states in CSUN.EDU , Each time you log in to the Internet you
are involved in a much broader information exchange than most people realize The
government takes our information when logging into an website , an app, or even
when using your phone. They violate our privacy , taking information without our
In conclusion , Orwell wrote this book as an warning for 2017 . He makes a claim
that big brother goes beyond the limits. Trying to take control of everyone's
thoughts , actions , and life. They believe the choice for mankind lies within
happiness , diminishing all the moral values mankind has. We aren't allowed to
think and act on our own will. The government is corrupted and we are to blind to
see it because we have been fooled by its appearance. They have taken control of
everything. Its no longer about the people , but its all about having power control
over us . This leads into a world we wouldn't want to live in.


Orwell, George, and Erich Fromm. 1984: A Novel. NY, NY: Signet Classics, 2015. Print.

Rodriguez, Christine Joyce. "How Technology Violates Privacy." How Technology Violates Privacy.
N.p., n.d. Web. 12 Mar. 2017.

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