CharacterSheet WreckAge

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Character Name ___________________________

Training Level ______________________

Community Name __________________________ Faction _________________________
Narrator ___________________ Player Name ______________________

Action Points Movement Power Shooting Fighting Nerves Wits Renown

Archetype: __________________________________________ Traits: _________________ _____________________

Previous Archetypes: ____________________________________ ______________________ _____________________
Contacts: ___________________________________________ ______________________ _____________________
_________________________________________________ Paranoia: __________________ Phychosis: ____________________

Background:: __________________________________________________________________________

Equipment Skills
Carrying: Equpped: Equipment: Skill Name: MoS: Level: Attribute:
Two Handed 1 ____________________
q Animal Handling ____
_________________ __ ____________________ q Armorer ____
Two Handed 2 ____________________ q Athletics ____ Move
q Barter ____ Wits
_________________ __ ____________________ q Camoflage ____ Wits
____________________ q Cartography ____
Communication _________________________ ____
OR ____________________ q
q Communication _________________________ ____
Heavy ____________________ q Communication _________________________ ____
_________________ __ ____________________ q Craft ___________________________ Yes ____
q Craft ___________________________ Yes ____
____________________ q Doctor ____
AND ____________________ q Dodge ____
q Espionage ____
q Explosive ____ Wits
One Handed 1 Trinkets: q First Aid ____
q Harvesting ____ Wits
_________________ __ ____________________ q Herbalist ____ Wits
One Handed 2 ____________________ q Investigate ____ Wits
q Manipulation Yes ____ Nerves
_________________ __ ____________________ q Martial Arts ____ Fighting
One Handed 3 ____________________ q Mining ____ Wits
NBC ____ Wits
_________________ __ q
q Negotiate ____ Wits
Conditions: qWounded qOut-of-Action qDying qDead q Poison ____ Wits
q Physchology Yes ____ Wits
qGroggy qUnconscious qProne qActivated q Repair ____
qSuppressed _____ qUnnerved qHold _____ q Research ____
q Scavenging ____ Wits
qFast Moving qSlow Moving qSlow _____ Reload q Sneak ____ Move
q Socialize Yes ____ Wits
qPistol ____ Broken qPistol ____Out of Ammo qPistol ____ Jammed
q Survivalist ____ Wits
qRifle ____ Broken qRifle ____Out of Ammo qRifle ____ Jammed q Tracking ____ Wits
q Knowledge _____________________________ ____
Available Resouce Units: ________ Spent Renown: ____________ q Knowledge _____________________________ ____
q Knowledge _____________________________ ____
q Knowledge _____________________________ ____

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