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Beck 1

Writing Prompt #8 Semester long Multi-modal Project

UWRT 1104-002

Austin Beck

Prof. Lynn Raymond

Beck 2

Should College Athletes be Paid?

Fig. 1 Quote from Movie Coach Carter

Source: La Couture Liberaire Why Should College Athletes Get Paid

This quote is from a movie called Coach Carter in the film the coach is very strict on discipline
keeping up with grades. College athletes also need to keep up with being student as well as an
athlete. If the athletes grades drop or suffer than they are on probation and could be dropped
from the college athletics and loose any scholarship they had while also being kicked out of the
college. It is therefore academics that should be a top priority for the athletes.
Beck 3

Fig. 2 UNC Chapel Hill Logo

Source: UNC Chapel Hill

Many different Universities and College have had a scandal on the grounds of creating fake
classes to help boost their athletes GPA. UNC Chapel Hill was one of those schools that were
found doing this to keep athletes playing. The issue is that this goes against giving an athlete a
scholarship since it requires them to make grades in order to play not just some fake classes.
These classes also do not prepare them for the real world as they are just handed it. This is also a
reason that they should not be paid for cheating a GPA to play sports.

Fig. 3 Jalen Tabor Tweet

Source: Florida QB apologizes for comparing college sports to modern slavery

This tweet comes from a former college athlete expressing his own opinion on the matter which
is quite controversial but will only look at the issue of paying college athletes. When he
compares athlete to slaves he means that the athletes work hard and make tons of revenue for the
school so he questions why are college athletes not paid. College athletes are not paid because
most are on scholarships which is tens of thousands of dollars every semester. They also receive
many complementaries such as being fed before game free clothing from the school and also
many more. This is a ton of money spent already on them but they also want to be paid after all
the free money they receive already.

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