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2nd Grade Geography (Maps) Unit Lesson Plan

Alison Carpenter

Abbreviated Lesson Plan

Lesson Sequence
Day 1
Read content objectives from the board -- 1 Min
Read language objectives from the board -- 1 Min
Read How I Learned Geography -- 15 Min
Introduction of vocabulary -- 7 Min
Introduce/Preview the Compass Rose -- 5 Min
Day 2
Read content objectives from the board -- 1 Min
Read language objectives from the board -- 1 Min
Review vocabulary -- 4 Min
Introduction Activity: Google Lit Trip -- 35 minutes
Compass Rose chant: North, South, East, West Which direction is the best? -- 4
Day 3
Read content objectives from the board -- 1 Min
Read language objectives from the board -- 1 Min
Review Vocabulary -- 4 MIn
Globe trotting activity --20 Min
Day 4
Read content objectives from the board -- 1 Min
Read language objectives from the board -- 1 Min
Review Compass Rose chant -- 4 Min
Outside activity --35 Min
Daily Lesson Plan

Title Globe Trotters

Subject Geography

Grade Level 2nd grade

Date 2016

State Standard 3:
Students will use Geographic tools and skills to locate and describe places on earth.

Learner Outcomes: Rationale:

Understand the compass rose Compass rose helps you read maps

Required Materials
World Map, Questions, Music, & Book Pen/Pencil & Worksheets

Introduction 2 minutes
Vocabulary 5 minutes
Review 5 minutes
Activating background knowledge 5 minutes
Group activity 7 minutes
Regroup 5 minutes
Lesson Description & Explanation
Social Studies Standard 3
Students will use Geographic tools and skills to locate and describe places on
Objective 2
Demonstrate geographic skills on a map and a globe.

Fit with the Curriculum

This lesson teaches students how to use a compass rose on a map and globe.
Students will have learned directions on a compass rose and how to use it.
Before this lesson students will have been taught the vocabulary (north, south,
east, west, direction, compass rose, map, globe). They will also have read the
book How I Learned Geography by Uri Shulevitz. In small groups the students
will have done a Google Lit trip related to the book. As part of the lit trip, students
will answer questions about directions and places on the globe. Students will
work with the teacher in their small group on the lit trip and not all at once.
This lesson is somewhat of a review for students to use what theyve learned
about a compass rose and maps. The lesson following this one will begin with a
short review with much less scaffolding. Students will review as a class the
different directions. Then students will use a compass rose and map of the
playground to follow directions. The class with go outside and each student will
be given a worksheet with a map of the playground and a compass rose.
Students will have questions to follow directions and they will have to write a few
of their own to assess using the compass rose and directions. Students will also
be given a summative assessment to complete individually. This way the teacher
will be able to understand how much students have learned.
Students will also be writing about traveling and directions during their daily
writing time. During science students will also discuss forces and transportation.
This can be tied into traveling and transportation with directions and maps.
Lesson Preparation

Performance Objective
Students will be able to locate specific places in relation to the book on a map in
small groups.
Students will be able to explain how to travel from one location to the next using
geographic vocabulary in small groups.

Displaying the Objectives

SIOP Feature 1: Content Objectives Clearly Define, Displayed, and Reviewed with
SIOP Feature 2: Language Objectives Clearly Defined, Displayed, and Reviewed with
As the teacher, we would first write the content objectives as well as the
language objectives on the board. Then verbally explain and point to where the
objectives are on the board, then as a whole class repeat out loud the content
and language objectives, and lastly choose one student to point to where the
objectives are and repeat the content and language objectives in a loud scary
monster voice. This will ensure that all students know and understand the
objectives. Having students say the objectives in a fun voice keeps them more
engaged and theyre more likely to remember the objective.

Content Concepts
SIOP Feature 3: Content Concepts Appropriate for Age and Educational Background
Level of Students
How to travel in a specific direction by using real life modes of transportation.
o Students need to know that a boat is not appropriate land travel. They also
need to learn different modes of transportation. This is appropriate for the
age and level of students because they all travel somehow, whether by
foot, car, bike, etc. The information is relevant to their lives now and will be
relevant to their lives in the future. It may even be relevant to the career
path they choose.
How to effectively use a Compass Rose.
o Using a compass rose is an important skill. Most maps have a compass
rose. While a lot of maps are going digital now it is important for students
to know how to use a compass rose. Digital maps (like a maps app on a
phone) include a compass rose and its still important to be able to read
and use. Using a compass rose is becoming a lost skill, many people do
not know how to give or follow directions from a compass rose. It is a skill
that will help people travel and should be taught young.

Supplementary Materials
SIOP Feature 4: Supplementary Materials Making the Lesson Clear and Meaningful
Vocabulary words written and displayed
o All students will benefit from seeing the vocabulary words written. When
students see the word visually they can remember and connect with it
better. Providing students with the vocabulary displayed will also help
students achieve the language objective. Students can be reminded of the
vocabulary theyre expected to use by verbally reviewing it as a whole
class. It will help ELLs to remember the new terms and definitions.
Providing ELLs with a display of the vocabulary words will allow students
to better remember the terms.
Maps with points from the book marked on it (color coded)
o The maps with points from the book are needed for the assignment with
this activity. Using these maps with these points will be helpful because
students will be familiar with these points from the book and from the
Google Lit Trip. Using familiar points with different questions will help
students to not panic over something completely new.
Vocabulary translations to ELLs to their L1
o Providing ELLs with vocabulary translation may pull on their L1
background knowledge.

Students will be provided with a translation of vocabulary words. The content is
simplified and basic so all students should be able to understand. The translation
of vocabulary will help students link any background knowledge they have from
their first language to English.
The text will not be translated or adapted. Students will be provided with access
to a copy of the book to review but the book will not be changed. The book will be
read to the class multiple times and explained for childrens understanding.

SIOP Feature 6: Meaningful Activities

Google Lit Trip
o This is meaningful for all students because using google earth is relevant
in todays world. Students will be able to gain experience with technology
and maps as well as using the compass rose. This is an activity done as a
class so students will also be provided with the scaffolding needed so they
will grasp the concept of directions and a compass rose. This is also
important to connect the activity with the book read, How I Learned
Geography. Students will get practice listening to the language specific to
the content.
North, South, East, & West chant
o This activity is meaningful because it get students involved visually,
auditorily, and kinesthetically. If students are involved in these three ways
they are more likely to remember the concept. This will help students
remember what the directions on the compass rose are. Not all compass
roses are labelled so remember this chant will help students identify the
directions. This will give students oral practice with the language concepts.
Using a world map to describe the direction (i.e. N, S, E, W) used to get from one
point to another and to describe what mode of transportation was used (i.e. car,
train, bus, boat, swim, etc.)
o This will give students practice using and implementing the skills theyve
learned. They will get practice using directions and choosing appropriate
transportation. These are skills students will use in the future. When giving
directions to others or following directions, they will need these skills. This
is good practice and provides a little scaffolding as students work in
groups. Students will have to read each map, speak with group members
about the maps and directions, listen to other group members, and write a
sentence using the specific language content.
Group discussion of how each group (based on colored paper) traveled from
location to another.
o This is meaningful because it gives students practice with the oral
language. Students practice saying the specific terms and listening to the
terms. Again, they will use this in the future.

Building Background
SIOP Feature 7:Concepts explicitly linked to students background knowledge
Ask the students where they have traveled before and how they got there. By
asking them these questions it will be activating their personal background
knowledge. Any student that a has traveled to any place will apply. Even if their
travels took them to another country, state, city or any other place. It is culturally
appropriate for any culture because every culture has some way to travel from
one place to another.

SIOP Feature 8: Concepts explicitly linked to prior learning

The first objective of standard 3 is SWBAT Identify common symbols and
physical features of a community, and explain how they affect people's activities
in that area. So there would be multiple opportunities to review symbols of a
community and how they look on a map. That will help to connect one objective
to another and make maps more comprehensible.

SIOP Feature 9: Key Vocabulary

We would have a vocab day and each vocab word would be discussed (ex.
Compass Rose). The discussion would be me (as the teacher) repeating the
vocabulary word several times and having students repeat the word. Starting with
compass rose would lead perfectly to other vocabulary. I would give them
sentence starters for them to practice using compass rose in a sentence (ex. I
can use the Compass Rose to find. by..). Another day we might go
outside and use a compass to find a treasure by following a map (around the
playground). Each student would have a turn telling us if we are going north,
south, east, or west. (Depending on level of success, I might break the class up
into small groups)

Comprehensible Input
SIOP Feature 10: Speech
We will give simple explanations of vocabulary terms. Instead of saying North is
towards the magnetic pull of the North Pole, we will say North is the top direction
on a map. This is more appropriate for the grade level and language
proficiencies. We will also talk in a slow to normal pace but also in a fun and
engaging way so all students can grasp the concepts that are being taught and
feel eager to participate..

SIOP Feature 11: Explanations of academic tasks

This example would be for the Globetrotters lesson: remember that north is the
top direction of the map, south is the bottom, east is the right, and west is the
left. (Each word would be written on the board to the corresponding places). To
go from one place to another we can use these direction to help us know which
way we would need to go. For example; to get from the Burning Desert to the
Beaches. We would go West then North. (The slide used during our example
teaching would be up. *see attached slide*). Now we're going to do one together.
Our points are Fresh Water and the Burning Deserts who can tell me which
direction we would need to go first? How would we get there?..Then
which direction? . How would we get there?..Good job! Ok, thumbs up if you
got this. Thumbs down if you think you need more practice. Thumbs? We
would continue from there as needed.
o When talking about forms of transportation and the means of traveling we
would talk about realistic ways we can get from point A to point B. We
would state something like this i know that you are second graders with
imagination but tinker bell cant get you there and superman cant fly you
there and you wont be able to swim the whole ocean to get there so lets
think of some ways that you have traveled before. this would help the
students understand the correct means of transportation that we are
asking for.
Adaptation activity around the classroom. We would set up color coded maps
around the classroom with two questions that each group would be asked to fill
Hand out pieces of colored paper numbered 1 -5, you will match your paper with
the one on the wall.
You will have 30 seconds to get to your group. I will play music when it stops
please be in your correct groups.
o Once music ends make sure each student is in the correct group.
Once in groups talk about where you are located and how you will get to your
destination using NSEW and how you will be traveling.
o You will have 5 minutes to answer the questions
o After 5 minutes we will regroup as a class and talk about your answers
Group duties
o The scribe will be #1
o The reader for question 1 will be #2
o The reader for question 2 will be #3
o The speaker will be #4
o The runner will be #5
The runner is in charge of bringing the map & question papers to
the teacher and the number pieces at the end of the activity.
Directions would remain posted for students to refer back to as they continue
with the lesson.

SIOP Feature 12: Variety of Techniques

Because 2nd grade is still in the learning-to-read phase we would not expect
them to read (although there would be students who can) so when we are first
running through the tasks students will be expected to do we would 1) explain
what we're doing and how we're doing it. 2) We would then model (on our own or
with a student). 3) After that we would gradually release the students to do the
task/activities on their own. By giving the instructions this way students will know
exactly what is expected and will have coaching until they no longer need help.
The important part is that we will be there to support them and answer any
questions the students may have.

SIOP Feature 13: Learning strategies
Students will have the opportunity to use cognitive learning strategies by the
teacher providing them with a mnemonic device (the direction chant). Students
can use this strategy throughout the lesson and after. They may also use
metacognitive strategies as they visualize the travel route between two points on
the map. The direction chant can also be used as a language learning strategy.
Students will be explicitly taught the direction chant and reminded to use it,
whether out loud or in their minds. While students are working in their groups the
teacher may walk around and remind students if theyre struggling with directions
to use the chant.

SIOP Feature 14: Scaffolding techniques

This lesson starts with the most scaffolding and then decreases. As the teacher
explains what the activity students will participate in they are providing students
with instructional scaffolding. Then the teacher models through procedural
scaffolding what the students will be doing. As the teacher thinks aloud the steps
taken to accomplish the activity students are getting verbal scaffolding. All three
of these types of scaffolding are needed to introduce a new activity and to
prepare students to accomplish the activity on their own. Students will
accomplish the activity in small groups. This provides all students with some
scaffolding from each other. The teacher will still be walking around providing
extra help as needed. The teacher will remind students of the task and the
tools/strategies they know to accomplish the task.
This scaffolding will specifically help ELL students as they learn the content
language. It not only teaches them what the language is but how to use it. And
not only how to use the language generally but specific to the assigned task. This
way students will know exactly what is expected of them.

SIOP Feature 15:Questioning to promote HOTS

The purpose of our lesson is to have students gain a better understanding of
what a Compass Rose is and how/when we use it. This being, said we want our
questions to be based around a Compass Rose and a wold map. The types of
questions that can be created in order for students to think more critically could
include recall, analysis, comparison, inference, and evaluation.
o Example questions:
Create a route that will take you from point A to point B but you
have to travel by two different methods (i.e. boat and car).
How are the North and South directions different?
Why do maps need a compass rose?
Are the directions on a compass rose always the same? What are

Interaction and discussion

SIOP Feature 16: Frequent opportunities for interaction and discussion

In order for the students to be interactive with the teacher, at the beginning of this
lesson we will review the vocabulary words that were learned from the previous
lesson. We will do the review by asking the students to verbally provide a friendly
definition for the term. We will write these definitions on the board so students
can easily access them. The students will also learn the North, South, East, West
chant by the teacher modeling it first, then having the whole class do the chant
outloud, and then choose one student to model it for the whole class.
The students will have the opportunity to be interactive with each other when it
comes to answering the two questions on their assigned map. They will need
discuss with their group what direction(s) to use to get from point A to point B and
they will also need to discuss their means of transportation (we will encourage
students to use real life means of transportation).
We want the students to be able to work together as a group and not feel like
they dont have constant support. By having just the teacher talk and guide the
lesson might cause some students to not participate. By having the students
work in groups they will be able to work on their listening, speaking, reading, &
writing skills and have peer support.

SIOP Feature 17: Group Configurations

Students will work in a small group that will be configured by low and high
students based on their English Proficiency as well as their Academic Level.
Each student will have a duty to perform (i.e. runner, speaker, scribe, & a reader).
The teacher will explain what each dutys responsibilities are. The students will
discuss verbally with one another as well in written form. This will require
students to work together to answer the questions and by having low and high
students in the group this will allow high students to be a model for the low

SIOP Feature 18: Wait time

A strategy that can be used to ensure that appropriate wait time is given to all
students including ELLs is to have the students close their eyes for 30 seconds
to one minute and think about their answer and once the student(s) has their
response they will place their finger on their nose indicating that they are ready to
move on. The teacher can monitor to see who needs more time to process and
adjust the time accordingly.

SIOP Feature 19: Clarify Key Concepts in L1

To make sure all students understand the activity, the instructions that were
verbally explained in the beginning of the lesson will be written on the board.
These instructions will also include the questions In what direction do/did you
travel to get from point A to point B? and How did you travel from point A to
point B? Was it by walking, a boat, a bicycle, etc.? These instructions will help
students remember how to do the activity and what they need to remember in
order to get from point A to point B.The teacher will also specifically ask each
group member as they work if they need any clarification or have questions.
ELLs may be asked to explain a few concepts if the teacher is listening to their
group and isnt hearing them speak or hears them explain a concept incorrectly
without help from peers.

Practice & Application

Hands-on materials and/or manipulatives
One of the most beneficial manipulatives that will be used will be the Google Lit
Trip. Students will be able to be hands on with this activity, which will lead to a
better understanding of how to tell directions on a map.
The students will be read the book How I Learned Geography and will have
access to it throughout the lesson if they need to reference it for further
clarification on the specific points talked that were discussed as a whole class.
Students will be given a piece of colored paper with a number on it. The colored
paper will determine which group they belong to and the number will specify what
their task is for their group. In these pre-determined groups students will have
questions that need to be answered by using the world map as well as a
Compass Rose. Students will be able to work on their reading, writing, listening,
and speaking skills as well as provide peer support to their group members.

Students will practice and apply the compass rose. Each day they will be asked if
they are at point A and go to point B which direction would you need to go in
order to get there.
o Day 1: While the teacher is reading How I Learned Geography they will
hear how the character was able to travel from next location to the next.
o Day 2: Students will be following along with the Google Lit trip and being
asked which direction they are traveling.
o Day 3: Students will do a class activity involving them to apply what they
know about the compass rose and directions in order to tell the class how
they got from one location to the next.
o Day 4: The class will be going outside and practicing their directions if they
are at the side how they get to the monkey bars.
This lesson is in the middle of a larger lesson and the students by the end will be
asked more complex questions and to make their own compass rose. Having
them make their own compass rose allows for the teacher to assess if they have
understood the task and can apply the knowledge they learned about a compass
rose without peer or teacher help.

Integration of the 4 skills in practice

All four skills (reading, writing, listening, and speaking) will be integrated
throughout the lesson. This will very beneficial for all students especially ELLs.
Students will be able to use their speaking skills when discussing in their small
group as well as a whole class. Students will be able to use their writing skills
when they have to write answers to the questions being asked on the worksheet.
Students will need to use their listening skills in multiple areas of the lesson
including the story being read to them, discussions, and instructions given by the
teacher. Students will be able to use their reading skills when using a map &
Compass Rose and having to read & answer the questions. Having peer support
from others in the class will assist students in achieving personal goals they may
have. It is important to incorporate all four skills so all students are able to
improve on them as well as assist other students in becoming more proficient in
the skills they are less proficient in.

Lesson Delivery
Content objectives align with instruction
The instructional materials that you provide for this lesson should align with and allow
students to achieve your stated content objective(s).

Content Accuracy
You are the knowledgeable content expert in the classroom. You will need to brush up
on content concepts before teaching certain topics. Elementary students can ask some
tough big picture questions without knowing it you need to be prepared for these! E.g.
if you are teaching about gravity, the distributive property, or metaphors make sure that
you know what they are! Your knowledge of the content should be at a higher level than
what you are expecting of the students.

Language objectives align with instruction

The instructional materials that you provide for this lesson should align with and allow
students to achieve your stated language objective(s).

Review & Assessment

Formative assessments
We asked the students during the lesson what the vocabulary words mean and
waited for their response. Then during the activity we would walk around and
listen to the students response on how they would travel from point A to B using
the compass rose.

Review key vocabulary

When we regroup as a class and each group tells how they got from point A to B
they are to tell the rest of the class how they traveled using the vocabulary
learned from the book and in class.

Review and assessment of student learning

At the end of the lesson we will be doing a whole class discussion on how each
group was able to get from point A to point B and what their means of
transportation was. As each group is presenting we will use the world map to
show the direction the students took and then ask the class if they agree with that
group or if they think there is a better direction or means of transportation to use.
By allowing the students to present and discuss their choices it will show if they
have grasped how to use a map & Compass Rose.

We will be providing feedback during group work making sure they are
understanding the task that was given to them.
o Being immediate with feedback
While walking around if we hear students saying that they are going
to be going North then East when they need to be going West. I am
going to stop and make sure the group understands the NSEW and
do the chant with them. I want them to get the immediate feedback
so that they dont do the worksheet wrong and get confused when
we are moving on to the next task.
o Be specific
When walking around providing feedback to the students i dont
want to say great work, good job, atta boy, etc. because they know
they did something right but they dont know what. When you are
specific students realize that you are paying attention to their work.
Specific feedback would be a student says they will travel by camel
in the burning desert and you say great job using your background
knowledge and remembering that camels live in the deserts what a
great way of transportation!
o Getting the response from the students
Asking the students what they learned and liked about the activity.
Students develop an awareness of their learning, and are more
easily able to recognize mistakes. Involving your students allows for
you to see if they have mastered the material or not.

Differentiating Instruction & Student Choice

The color sheets will be given out to High/Low English level based on students
Allow students to write in L1
Providing translation of vocabulary to the students as needed
TEacher will be working around to help students as needed
Groups will be encouraged to work as a team
Lesson Materials
How I learned Geography book
World map
Compass Rose
Color coded paper numbered depending on the number of groups
Worksheet & map for each colored coded group
Google Lit
Globetrotters theme song (for transitions only)
Stop watch (to keep track of appropriate time in each group)
Large pointer (to use when showing the specific locations on the map)

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