Denisse Silva Summary 3

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Denisse Silva

Dr. Deborah Keller

English 0099, Summary #3

February 2017

From scrubbing floors to Ivy League: Homeless student to go to

dream College by Vivian Kuo, tells about a brave young girl who has
incredible hunger for success and accomplishes her school dream.
Dawn Loggins, who was homeless at the start of the school year, was
abandoned by her drug-abusing parents and adopted by her high
school. She did not let all this get her down and she decided to use
her parents example to drive her. After she worked hard in school,
she applied to four state colleges and one dream school, Harvard. She
was accepted to her dream school and now she hopes to start a
nonprofit to help other teens that had obstacles in their education just
like her.

To (All) the Colleges That Rejected Me, by Suzy Lee Weiss, Talks
about how many high school seniors including her, failed to get
into the college of their dreams. Ms. Weiss is a senior at Taylor
Allderdice high school in Pittsburgh. She argues that colleges lie
when they tell you to be yourself. She uses sarcasm to criticize the
way the college system works. Colleges ask for a lot to things to be
a part of a college opportunity. A good GPA is not enough. College
now is looking for students who do extraordinary things.

I have a personal connection with Kuos article. I feel a small

connection with Loggings because the bad things that happened in
her life drive her to be better. I feel that way sometimes. The bad
things that happen to me make me push hard and motivate me.
Logging and I have the same dream to graduate from college.

From scrubbing floors to Ivy League: Homeless student to

go to dream College reminds me of when I was in high school
and one of my classmates had the same issues as Loggins. I think
her father was an alcoholic and they were very poor. She always
was the best of the class. She always wanted to be a success and
leave the life she was living. She did, and today she is a
successful businesswoman.

This quote means a lot to me and makes me wake up every time I

need it and is related to From scrubbing floors to Ivy League:
Homeless student to go to dream College By: Vivian Kuo. It does
not matter what is going on in your life, success just depends of


Rauf, Don, Traci Mosser, and Caitlin O'Hagan. "Reality Check: Freshman

Survivors Tell All."

Careers & Colleges 24.4 (2004): 30-34. Academic Search Complete.

Web. 14 Feb. 2017.

Weiss, Suzy Lee. "To (All) the Colleges That Rejected Me." Wall Street Journal

- Eastern Edition

30 Mar. 2013: A11. Academic Search Complete. Web. 14 Feb. 2017.

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