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Lesson Plan Template

Name Melissa Jacobs
Subject Social Studies
Grade Level 2nd Grade
Date/Duration 4-1-17 45 minutes
Big Ideas There are many different and important jobs within our
Essential What are jobs?
Questions Why do people have jobs?
What types of jobs do we see daily in our community?

PA/Common Standard - 6.4.2.A

Core/Standards Identify local examples of specialization of work

Objective After reviewing different community jobs including

doctor, firefighter, police officer, teacher, postman, etc.,
Bloom's 2nd grade students will choose one of these specific jobs
Taxonomy and will write a short paragraph, approximately three
sentences, describing why this job is important within
Webb's Depth of the community and the roles that this specific job has
Knowledge one out of one time.
(DOK) 2nd grade students will utilize construction paper,
markers, and other craft materials provided in the craft
bin to create and art project that either presents a
picture of the community worker/job they described
above one out of one time.

Formative & Formative- 2nd grade students will write a short

Summative paragraph describing a specific job by writing three
Assessment sentences about that job and why it is important.
Evidence Summative- 2nd grade students will create an art project
that displays a picture of either a police officer,
firefighter, doctor, teacher, etc. which will be placed
within their portfolio. The paragraph that they write will
be glued to the back of the art project.
ISTE Standards Weebly- we will begin creating a class website as we go
for Students through our unit defining vocabulary learned and topics
covered. 2nd grade students will be able to assist in
Framework for defining different jobs within the community which will
21st Century be placed into the classroom weebly site for the work
Learning unit.
Global and economic awareness will be focused upon
as these are jobs that continue to affect all parts of the
Accommodation Kayla will be provided with a fidget toy (eraser, stress
s, Modifications ball, etc) during this class to assist her if she is unable
to sit still.
Kayla will be permitted breaks to allow her to refocus if
she becomes upset.
Kayla will be given permission to leave the classroom
by grabbing the pass near the door if at any time she
feels that she is going to become upset or needs to
leave the classroom.

Seton Hill University Lesson Plan Template Step-by-Step

the Learning Understanding Goods and Services
Introduction Activating Prior Knowledge
What are some good choices that you have made today
at school?
Hook/Lead-In/Anticipatory Set
A local firefighter/policeman will come in and talk about
their job in the community and how this work is
important and affects the community on a day to day
basis. (this lesson plan will need to be scheduled in
advance so that this worker can come in) If there is not
a worker available or this lesson plan needs to occur on
a different day a YouTube video will be used of a
community worker to describe the importance of their
Explicit Big Idea Statement
Instructions There are many different and important jobs within our
Essential Questions Statement
What are jobs?
Why do people have jobs?
What types of jobs do we see daily in our community?
Objective Statement
After reviewing different community jobs including
doctor, firefighter, police officer, teacher, postman, etc.,
2nd grade students will choose one of these specific jobs
and will write a short paragraph, approximately three
sentences, describing why this job is important within
the community and the roles that this specific job has
one out of one time.
2nd grade students will utilize construction paper,
markers, and other craft materials provided in the craft
bin to create and art project that either presents a
picture of the community worker/job they described
above one out of one time.
If you want to be a firefighter when you grow up go back
to your seat, a policeman, a teacher.
Key Vocabulary
Jobs, community, environment, work
Lesson PreAssessment of Students
Procedure Students will complete a short worksheet about the
different types of jobs. This work sheet will be matching.
On the left-hand side of the worksheet will be pictures of
different types of workers such as firefighter, policeman,
teacher, doctor, etc., on the right-hand side of the paper
there will be a short description, for example for
firefighter the worksheet states I put out fires.
Students will draw a line to match the proper job with its
description. This will be reviewed to see what students
know about the different jobs within the community.
Modeling of the Concept
2nd grade students will meet a real
firefighter/policeman/or other person that has a job
within the community. 2nd grade students will get to
hear about that individuals job. 2nd grade students will
be permitted to ask questions if there is a real live
person. If for some reason this lesson plan does not
occur on the date or if the community member cancels,
a YouTube video will be utilized to show students an
individual that has a community job talking about the
importance of their job.
YouTube video can be found at:

Guiding the Practice

2nd grade students will be writing a short 3 sentence
paragraph about a job of their choosing. They will be
permitted to use the classroom IPads to find more
information about their job. They will also be permitted
to use the classroom library from the work section. They
will then write 3-5 sentences about the job that they
choose and why this job is important.
Providing the Independent Practice
2nd grade students will create an art project that displays
the job that they chose. This project will be created
using construction paper, markers, posterboard, and
other items within the classroom arts and crafts bin.
Students can be as creative as they would like while
creating their community job member. Upon completion
they will glue their 3-5 sentences to the back of the art
project to describe the type of person/job they have
We will go around the room and everyone will state one
interesting fact that they learned today.
Reading youTube Video
Materials Web quest on smart board or Ipad
Technology Art and Craft material
Evaluation of Formal Evaluation
the Students will hand in final project of art project with their
Learning/Master 3-5 sentences glued on the back to display their mastery
y of the in community jobs and the importance of them.
Concept Informal Evaluation
Students will work together to complete classroom
weebly on the unit.
Closure Summary & Review of the Learning
Students will state one fact that they learned today from
either the presentation or from creating their art project.
None, Go home and Play!

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