Worksheet Expressing Quantity02

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Unit 1: Information and Communication Technologies.

Content: Expressing Quantity.

I. Complete the next sentences with the proper use of a lot of, lots of and all
related to the context of each exercise.

a) There are ____________ soda cans in the fridge, get me one dude!

b) He studied ____________ Math exercises the Math test, I hope he can reach his

c) Tomorrow is the rock show Daniel! ____________ our favorite rock starts are going
to be there!

d) The reunion was fantastic, ____________ of the attendants were excited and happy.

e) Have you checked ____________ the answers? You have to be 100% percent sure
about this final test.

f) My mobile phone has ____________ applications, do you want to see it?

g) In this generation ____________ teenagers use their time into Social sites, thats just
a waste of time.

h) My computer has detected ____________ virus and spywares! I hate this situation

i) Nowadays the newspapers informs ____________ unfair situations, what do we have

to do in order to change our world?

j) I am so happy today! Ive just completed my entire collection of Soccer player cards!
____________ my heroes are there!

II. Answer the next questions using the quantifiers a lot of, lots of and all
focusing on the context of each question.

a) How many people use the social sites nowadays?


b) How many smartphones does your country have?


c) How many news can you read from your laptop?

III. Pay attention to each picture and write a sentence related to the context of each
picture by using the quantifiers a lot of, lots of and all properly.

a) _____________________________________

b) _____________________________________

c) _____________________________________

d) _____________________________________

e) _____________________________________

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