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Established in 1977 /

MONDAY, APRIL 10, 2017 / RAJAB 13, 1438 AH emergency number 112 NO. 16437 44 PAGES 150 FILS

Your turn will come too, Iran tells Gulf Arabs

DUBAI, April 9, (RTRS): Iranian President Hassan Rou- US strikes in response risked escalating extremism in the In a phone call with Syrian counterpart Bashar reference to rebels and militants ghting his rule for six
hani on Sunday condemned as agrant US aggression region. al-Assad, Rouhani told him, Allegations that Syria years - and thanked him for Irans support for the Syrian
on Syria a US missile strike on a Syrian air base this In a speech on Sunday, Rouhani also criticised US-al- launched the chemical attack were just a pretext to nation.
week and criticised Gulf Arab states for supporting it, lied Gulf Arab states for endorsing the US missile strike. disrupt the Syrian peace process, according to Press Saudi Arabia hailed the strike as a courageous deci-
state television reported. Unfortunately, there are countries in our own region TV. sion by President Donald Trump and a Saudi ally, the
Rouhani called on Saturday for an impartial investiga- which encourage Americas acts of aggression, Rouhani The Syrian state news agency SANA said Assad told United Arab Emirates echoed that support. Both coun-
tion of the suspected chemical weapons attack in Syria said in remarks carried by state television. Your turn Rouhani the Syrian people and army were determined tries belong to the US-led coalition ghting Islamic State
which killed at least 70 people, and he warned that the will come too. to crush terrorism in every part of Syrian territory a militants in Syria.


O head of authorities, destiny is calling ... take appropriate decisions and move on
By Ahmed Al-Jarallah
Editor-in-Chief, the Arab Times
IN times of major crises and trib-
ulations that threaten the destiny
of a state, democracy becomes a
luxury. This is because the devil
Blasts kill 43, Sisi deploys troops
of betrayal and interests is found
in the details of the argument Amir condoles Egypt
which had brought down the
Byzantine rule. TANTA, Egypt/CAIRO, April 9, (Agencies): At least
It is completely irrational for
countries to bicker about issues 43 people were killed in bomb attacks on two Egyptian
at a time when danger is on their Coptic churches on Palm Sunday that included the seat
doorsteps. Instead, they should of the Coptic Pope, the latest assault on a religious mi-
apply their abilities in combating nority increasingly targeted by Islamist militants.
such danger.
In the wake of 9/11 incident, Islamic State claimed responsibility for the attacks, which also in-
the president of the nation that jured more than 100 people and occurred a week before Coptic Easter,
is most sensitive in terms of de- with Pope Francis scheduled
mocracy did not hesitate to take to visit Egypt later this month.
drastic measures despite the cha- The rst bombing, in Tanta,
os which such actions might have a Nile Delta city about 100
brought in the US. Congress. km (60 miles) north of Cairo,
The then American President tore through the inside of St.
George Bush Jr lashed out his George Church during its Palm
famous phrase, You are ei- Sunday service, killing at least
ther with us or against us. This 27 people and injuring at least
means he even put aside the in- 78, the Ministry of Health said.
ternational law and ordered his The second, carried out a few
forces to attack Afghanistan. He hours later by a suicide bomber
ordered the opening of Guanta- in Alexandria, hit Saint Marks
namo Bay Prison to detain any- Cathedral, the historic seat
Photo shows a partially restored 2nd of the Coptic Pope, killing 16
one who was described as an to 3rd century AD silver pot from
enemy of the state by the US southern Arabia. The Al Sabah Col-
people, including three police
military authority. lection, a spectacular assemblage ofcers, and injuring 41, the
Last year in France, which is of Islamic and pre-Islamic art, which ministry added.
considered to be one of the old- has placed Kuwait rmly on the inter- Coptic Pope Tawadros, who
est democracies in Europe, the national map of art and scholarship, had attended mass at Saint
French President had ordered has a team of experts managing it. Marks Cathedral, was still in
In todays special report, Arab Times the building at the time of the
emergency laws immediately af- met up with the collection and cura-
ter the series of attacks that took explosion but was not harmed,
torial teams of Dar Al Athar Al Islami- the Interior Ministry said.
place in Paris. This is despite the yyah to learn more about the work
fact that the level of danger wit- that keeps a museum running. These acts will not harm
nessed in France was lesser than See Pages 19-21 the unity and cohesion of the
that in the US. people, Tawadros said later,
In addition, the Prime Minister according to state media.
of Britain did not wait for parlia- President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi
mentary bickering to ensue after condemned the attacks and sum-
the attacks on the London Metro. moned the National Defence
The government instead invoked Council to an urgent session.
one of the 16th century laws which El-Sisi, meanwhile, ordered
punish extremists and those who military troops be deployed
transgress on the State Security. across the country, his ofce
He did not turn to the opinions and said in a statement.
campaigns waged by some of the President Abdel Fattah El-
mass information media. Sisi the Supreme Commander
These countries with deep- of the Armed Forces has or-
rooted sense of democracy had dered units from the military to
In this April 6, 2017 photo, a sus- immediately deploy and assist
to set aside democracy when pected member of the Islamic State
tribulations intensied around the civilian police in securing
group, Hussein Al-Dhufairi (center), is vital facilities in all provinces
them. The head of the relevant presented to the media at the Nation-
state announced unofcial mea- al Bureau of Investigation in Manila, of the republic, his ofce said
sures, which are guaranteed by Philippines. (AP) in a statement.
Deecting Western criticism
the constitution of that country. that he has suppressed political
This is because, in order for a Charges denied
opposition and human rights
country to maintain its essence activists since he won election Relatives and onlookers gather outside a church after a bomb attack in the Nile Delta town of Tanta, Egypt on April
and security, it cannot succumb
to political games and bicker- Security stepped up in 2014, Sisi has sought to pres- 9. The attack took place on Palm Sunday, the start of the Holy Week leading up to Easter, when the church in the
Nile Delta town of Tanta was packed with worshippers. (AP)
ent himself as an indispensable
ing on selsh interests which are
based on democracy, especially against sleeper cells bulwark against terrorism in
the Middle East, and he identi-
in the Third World countries
where only a form of democracy
has been taken while the rest of
it is in captivity of accusations,
KUWAIT CITY, April 9: As the
Ministry of the Interior tightens the
noose around terrorist suspects fol-
es militant Islam as an exis-
tential threat.
The attack will only
Newswatch Panel firm against rise in
lowing the arrest of Kuwaiti Hus- harden the determination (of
insults and transgression on the
rights of people under the pretext
of freedom of expression.
sein Al-Dhufairi and his Syrian wife
Rahaf Zina in the Philippines, Abu
Faisal, the brother of Hussein has de-
the Egyptian people) to move
forward on their trajectory to
realise security, stability and
NEW YORK: A secretive
group that published a trove
of hacking tools allegedly
fuel prices, service fees
Continued on Page 37 nied that his brother belongs to the comprehensive development, used by US spies has re- By Abubakar A. Ibrahim legislative will and this is conrmed
outlawed DAESH or the so-called Sisi said in a statement. leased a password that it by Article 50 of the Constitution which
Email: Arab Times Staff
Islamic State organization, reports His Highness the Amir says can unlock related states that the system of Government
Follow me on: Al-Qabas daily. Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmad Al- files. KUWAIT CITY, April 9: The National is based on the principle of separation
Abu Faisal denied the charge against Jaber Al-Sabah on Sunday sent In a Medium post , the Assembly during its next session will of powers functioning in co-operation
his brother and stressed the latter is a a cable to Egypts President Shadow Brokers group look into the fth report of the Finan- with each other in accordance with the
businessman and that he frequently expressing condolences and revealed a password to les cial and Economic Affairs Committee provisions of the Constitution. None of visits the Kuwaiti embassy in Manila associated with the leaked these powers may relinquish all or part
sympathy over the victims of toolkit, purportedly from the on review of petrol prices and a number
almost on a daily basis. the terrorist attack that hit the US National Security Agen- of bills on fees for services, according of its competence specied in this Con-
Abu Faisal told the daily the only Coptic church in Tanta and Al- cy. Some security experts to parliamentary sources. stitution.
charge that his brother was arrested for
US$/KD 0.30485/95
is because his wife is a violator of resi-
His Highness the Amir
tweeted that the password
works, but that couldnt be
The committee has concluded it is The committee referred to the
strength of the economic situation in
not permissible to increase fees and -
Euro/KD 0.3232 dence law of the Philippines.
The daily pointed out another brother
voiced Kuwaits strong con- independently veried.
An October leak by the
nancial costs on goods and services and Kuwait as conrmed by the interna-
demnation of the heinous crim- products that have been subsidized by tional credit rating agencies in their
group included information
Yen/KD 0.0027 of the accused was taken into custody inal act that targeted innocents, the state for the benet of the citizens latest rating, as Moodys maintained a
Continued on Page 37 Continued on Page 37 Continued on Page 37 unless a law to this effect has been is- rating of Kuwait (AA) unchanged.
British/KD 0.3776 sued by the Parliament. The committee considered the in-
The committee also decided to x crease in tariff for water and electricity
KSE -14.5 pts at closing April 9 Equate builds in US gasoline prices 1/9/2016 era and repeal
law No. 20/2016 on xing tariffs for
units only without other sectors is an
incorrect economic solution, because
See Page 35
ABU DHABI, April 9: Kuwaits electricity and water units. The com- increases on the commercial, industrial
Equate is constructing a petrochemical and investment sector will indirectly
Dow -6.85 pts at closing April 7 plant in the US with an investment of
mittee has also approved all bills con-
reect on the citizen by the high prices
cerning fees for services based on the
$1.7 billion, the chief executive ofcer fact that these bills do not violate the of goods and services.
Nasdaq -1.14 pts at closing April 7 of the company said in Abu Dhabi on Constitution. The committee stressed increases
Sunday, reports Gulf News. The committee backed its argument cit- through law either on subsidized goods
The production capacity of the plant, ing Article 134 of the Constitution which and services or fees will require the
FTSE +46.17 pts at closing April 7 which is expected to be ready in the states that No general tax may be estab- Government to provide a comprehen-
second half of 2019, is 750,000 tonnes, lished, amended, or abolished except by a sive study of such increases and their
Mohammad Husain said. implications, and thus the legislator
Nikkei +67.57 pts at closing April 7 The plant is coming up along the Gulf
law. No one may be exempted, wholly or
will see to what extent this increase is
partially, from the duty to pay such taxes
coast in the US. Its an opportunity for us except in the cases specied by law. No eligible.
Gold 1,266.45 per oz (London) to expand in the US and also the availabil- one may be required to pay any other tax, The committee also took into consid-
ity of shale gas makes it competitive, he fee, or imposition except within the limits eration that the Government has taken
said speaking to Gulf News at a confer- Syrian refugee children watch television at their parents tent no action to review the gasoline prices
NYMEX crude $52.27 per barrel
ence organised by Gulf Petrochemicals in an informal refugee camp, at Al-Marj town in Bekaa Valley,
of law.
as previously announced because it
Lebanon, on April 8. For the millions of Syrian refugees scat- The committee also stressed that
and Chemicals Association. failed to provide support as promised
Brent crude $55.22 per barrel
Kuwait-based Equate is a joint ven- tered across camps and illegal settlements across the region, the normal procedure is that the legis-
for the affected (the low income peo-
the chemical attack on a town in northern Syria and subsequent lative authority is the one that should
3-month $ LIBOR rate 1.15761% ture involving Petrochemical Industries US strike was a rare moment when the world briey turned its enact such laws and that the role of the ple).
Continued on Page 37 attention to Syria, before turning away again. (AP) See Page 37 Executive Branch is to implement the Continued on Page 37


From left: HH the Crown Prince Sheikh Nawaf Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah with Speaker Al-Ghanim, HH the PM Sheikh Jaber Al-Mubarak and FM Sheikh Sabah Al-Khaled.

KUNA photos
From left: HH the Crown Prince with Defense Minister Sheikh Mohammad Al-Khaled, Interior Minister Sheikh Khaled Al-Jarrah with Lt Gen Al-Dousari and Finance Minister Al-Saleh with KIA chief Al-Saad.

His Highness the Crown Prince receives state officials

His Highness the Crown Prince Sheikh Nawaf Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah received Sunday at Bayan Palace His Highness then received Deputy Premier and Interior Minister Sheikh Khaled Al-Jarrah Al-Sabah who presented
National Assembly Speaker Marzouq Al-Ghanim and His Highness the Prime Minister Sheikh Jaber Al-Mubarak to His Highness Lt Gen Mahmoud Al-Dosari on the occasion of his appointment as Secretary of the Ministry of Interior.
Al-Hamad Al-Sabah. His Highness also received Deputy Premier and Finance Minister Anas Al-Saleh and Chairman of the Kuwait
His Highness later received First Deputy Premier and Foreign Minister Sheikh Sabah Al-Khaled Al-Hamad Investment Authority Bader Al-Saad and State Minister for Cabinet Affairs and acting Information Minister Sheikh
Al-Sabah and Deputy Premier and Defense Minister Sheikh Mohammad Al-Khaled Al-Hamad Al-Sabah. Mohammad Al-Abdullah Al-Mubarak Al-Sabah. (KUNA)

Dr Walid Al-Jassar supervises operation

Kuwait singular in helping far-flung Kuwaiti medical team removes 33-kg
Syrian refugees, says US Congressman fibroid from the abdomen of woman
KUWAIT CITY, April 8: Kuwaiti
medical crew at the Maternity
Hospital successfully carried out a
Stephen Lynch, Dennis Ross in Kuwait rare ovarlectomy- surgical opera-
tion to remove a fibroid weighing
KUWAIT CITY, April 9, future leaders going to school side by 33 kgs from the abdomen of a
side with your (Kuwaiti) future lead- woman who had been suffering
(KUNA): When talking ers, and only good can come from from the disease in her left ovary,
about helping far-flung that. A fresh statistic by US embassy reports Al-Qabas daily.
Syrian refugees, Kuwait in Kuwait indicated that some 15,500 According to the Consultant
Kuwaiti students are presently receiv- Obstetrics and Gynecology Surgeon
has been singular in ing academic education in American
terms of its generosity, said and a professor at the Faculty of
universities. Medicine in Kuwait University Dr
US Congressman Stephen On the recent US air strikes in
Walid Fahad Al-Jassar, the patient
Syria, Lynch said that there was great
Lynch on Sunday. unanimity among civilized countries, has since been discharged from the
Going beyond your borders to including Kuwait and the US, over the hospital and is now going about
help people in tough situations ... wrongness of the horrific attack with with her normal activities without
as I have seen in refugee camps in chemical weapons. experiencing any symptom of medi-
southern Turkey, Jordan and I think the recent response from cal issues.
US military was limited but strong and He explained that he was the one Al-Qabas daily photo
Lebanon, the people of Kuwait has The huge fibroid removed from the
been so generous with humanitari- hopefully well see a change in behav- who supervised the operation on the
KUNA photo ior on the part of the (Bashar) Assad left ovary of the woman.
an aid that I thought it was impor- US Congressmen Stephen Lynch (left) and Dennis Ross (center) during 55-year old patient. She was suffer-
government. On his part, ing from acute pain in her swollen
tant to come and say thank you, the interview. Congressman Ross said another rea- directly after the surgery for rest
Lynch, a Democrat representing son for the visit was to foster the
abdomen such that she could not and further medical follow-up,
the State of Massachusetts told cially in northern Iraq, are resilient to secure exchange of expertise and already-strong relations with Kuwait. sleep or eat. She heard about a simi- considering the intensity of the
KUNA in an exclusive interview. fight IS. Pointing to Kuwaits role in financial intelligence to combat money In this regard, he noted they visited lar operation about a year ago and operation.
He is on a visit to the country along this regard as a stabilizing force in laundering and terrorist financing. US troops stationed in Kuwait, and I she approached the doctors for pos-
the region, Lynch expressed hope Established in 2013, Kuwaits FIU
with fellow Congressman Dennis A. encourage more of my colleague con- sibility of carrying out the opera-
Ross; a Republican from the State of that Iraq reaches stability. is an independent agency responsible gressmen/women to come and see on tion. The annual statistic report of the
Florida. The second leg of the trip will While in Kuwait, both Congressmen for receiving, requesting, analyzing, ground how Kuwait is dynamic and Dr Al-Jassar revealed that the Department of Social and
be Iraq later today. had met with head of the Financial and disseminating information con- such a contributor to the overall finan- medical crew, which included Dr Psychological Services for aca-
Lynch; a member of the Oversight Intelligence Unit (FIU) with the effort cerning suspected proceeds of crime cial wellbeing of the Middle East. Wafa Al-Duwaisan, carried out nec- demic year 2015/2016 showed
and Government Reform Committee, to try to diminish the likelihood that or funds related, linked to or to be Economically speaking, Ross said the essary X-ray tests before the opera- 1,249 Kuwaiti and expatriate male
noted that the trip to Iraq comes to terrorist financing that might be used for money laundering or terror- volume of Kuwaiti investments in the and female students in the schools
obtained through legitimate financial ism financing according to the provi-
tion. This gave them the opportunity
make sure that the country can func- United States and, vice versa, was to ascertain location of the fibroid for special needs had experienced
tion as a pluralistic democracy systems. sions of law. discussed, especially in the oil and
where all sects, as well as religious We have received great coopera- On academic cooperation between energy sectors. on the left ovary. social and psychological issues
and ethnic minorities, can share in tion from Kuwaits FIU. I believe that the two countries, Lynch said, It is a The United State is not building He said the operation went on within one year, reports Al-Qabas
governing and be strong enough to Kuwait is on the verge of joining the great relationship and we hope it con- new refineries, actually, it is refining for three hours before the 32.5-kg daily.
resist any terrorist group, mainly the Egmont Group, noted Lynch. The tinues. US universities are actively its current ones and Kuwait has been fibroid could be removed com- Report added 194 individual
so-called Islamic State (IS). We want Egmont Group is a united body of 152 recruiting Kuwaiti students, preparing very helpful in this regard due to its pletely, adding, The patient was cases were handled by social and
to make sure that communities, espe- FIUs, providing a platform for the them for the job market. Those are our investment expertise, he noted. taken to the Intensive Care Unit psychological experts.

205 firms referred to MoI

PAM discovers 1,655 cases

of fake national employment
KUWAIT CITY, April 9: The Acting Director of Public
Authority for Manpower Abdullah Al-Mutawtah revealed
that a total of 1,655 cases of fake national employment under
third and fifth items of the Social Security law were discov-
ered during inspections in 2017, reports Al-Jarida daily.
He said the discovered cases are divided into 11,581 cases
registered under the third item in 67 companies in addition
to 74 cases registered under the fifth item in 42 companies.
Al-Mutawtah indicated that the results of the inspections
have been referred to the Manpower and Government
Reconstructing Program for legal actions to be taken against
the concerned companies. He affirmed that the files of the
companies have been blocked and subsidy for national labor
offered to them has been suspended.
Al-Mutawtah stressed that a total of 205 companies were
referred to Ministry of Interior and will then be sent to the
court, because those companies violated Law No. 6/2010
concerning private sector labor.
He revealed that 13 work-related citations were issued
during the inspection visits, 119 citations related to perma-
nent cancelation of files and 73 citations over violation of
article 10 of the labor law after discovering there are no
functioning companies in the addresses specified in the
licenses, which meant the companies do not need the labor-
ers registered under their sponsorship.

Students in 371 cases of thefts

KUWAIT CITY, April 9: Different school administrations
in all educational zones of the country dealt with 371 cases
of thefts among students of different grade levels during the
academic year of 2015/2016, reports Al-Qabas daily.
The latest educational statistics has warned about worsening
of the theft phenomenon among girls. The number of theft cases
recorded among girls was 199 and that among boys was 172.
The statistics revealed that the educational zone with
highest number of theft cases was Ahmadi with 111 theft
cases, followed by Farwaniya with 105 cases, Hawally with
67 cases, Mubarak Al Kabeer with 44 cases, Capital with 25
cases, and Jahra with 19 cases.
The educational level with highest number of theft cases is
elementary level, particularly in Farwaniya Educational Zone
with a record of 91 cases, followed by intermediate level in
Ahmadi Educational Zone with 24 cases and then secondary
level in Hawally Educational Zone with seven cases.


legal clinic

Release Driving Licence

I am transferring from my father I have an inquiry regarding my

residency to a company. My title driving licence. I got my driving
is storekeeper, I want to know licence on May 26, 2014 and
whether I can change the sponsor validity is till May 26, 2024. I got
within one year or I would have to a new job in sales but my previ-
wait one year to change residency ous job was in an investment
to another company. company and the profession on
I also want to understand the license says Assistant
whether the rules will remain the Investment Officer.
same for all job titles or rules will Will my licence get cancelled if I
be different for different job titles. change to sales job?
If you hold a university degree And if at all it gets cancelled will
you can change a sponsor so long I be able to get a new one soon?
as your current sponsor is willing Or is there a transfer of licence
to give you a release. On the option?
other hand, if your current spon- Because without licence there
sor insists on holding you we are is no sales job. Please help me
afraid you have to complete the out with this inquiry as it will be of
mandatory one year with him. great help.
On your second question, the
rules remain the same if you oper-
Name withheld
ate under the open-ended con- Answer: No, your licence will
tract. They may however change not be cancelled if you change your
under a fixed-term contract. In job designation from Assistant
fact the rules remain the same Investment Officer to a sales job.
regardless of job title. Indeed, according to regulations
I am a degree holder and have
been working in this company as currently in force, designation
an IT manager for over 11 years, change that will lead to withdrawal
but my residence permit shows of licence includes driver, student,
my designation as Computer mandoub and housewife.
Operator. My residence was
renewed in December 2016 for
two years. Now I have the assign- Project Visa Transfer
ment to handle our other office in
Qatar and they say that with this I am reading your Legal Clinic
designation I wont get visa on daily, I really appreciate your
arrival. So they have asked me to advice. Please can you advice me
change it. I checked with our PRO on this matter, this is the 3rd time
who says it is not possible to I am sending you email.
change it before two years. Also I have a query, I entered KUNA photos
wanted to know if it is possible Kuwait on project visa in con-
then, if they change, will it affect struction company and His Highness the Amir Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sa- Ghanim and His Highness the Prime Minister Sheikh Jaber Al-
my driving licence too. My salary worked for 3 year and 9 bah received Sunday at Bayan Palace His Highness the Crown Mubarak Al-Hamad Al-Sabah. His Highness later received First
is KD 750. Please advise. months. Then I got a good Prince Sheikh Nawaf Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah. His High- Deputy Premier and Foreign Minister Sheikh Sabah Al-Khaled
Name withheld offer from another construc- ness also received National Assembly Speaker Marzouq Ali Al- Al-Hamad Al-Sabah. (KUNA)
tion company so I moved from
Answer: Your PRO is correct, my previous company to my
you cannot do anything about the present company on same
designation as reflected in your resi- project visa. Now after 18
dence permit. The change can only months I got a good offer from
be effected during the process to telecommunication company.
renew your residence. A change in I have 2 questions. Kindly
designation will however not affect guide me
your driving licence. Only driver, 1. It is possible project visa can
be transfer to main file or not.
mandoub, housewife and stu- 2. If it possible where I have to
dent lose their driving licences submit my application to get
when they change their designations approval.
under current regulations. Thank you
Name withheld
Visit Visa
Answer: Going by current and
I would like to know if I can get other decisions issued on the sub-
visit visas to enter Kuwait for my ject, you can only transfer to
brother-in-law (wifes brother), his
wife and children. My salary is KD another project visa of the same
540. Please advice. sponsor or another project with a
different sponsor with comple-
Name withheld tion of the first project. You can
Answer: Yes, you will be able to also transfer to the general file of
get visit visas for your brother-in- your current sponsor.
law, his wife and children as you From the above scenarios given
meet salary requirement. You must you will realise that you cannot
however note that when the visas transfer your current project visa to
are issued they have to be used that of the telecommunication com-
within one month. Also of note is pany.
the fact that your brother-in-law The only leeway you can take
and his family will be able to stay advantage of is to transfer your KUNA photo
in the country for one month only. work permit to the main file of His Highness the Amir Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Sabah while receiving KCCI Chairman Ali Al-Ghanim with other ofcials.
your current sponsor upon the pay-
ment of KD 350 fee charged for
Notice Period
that purpose. This would mean that His Highness the Amir meets KCCI officials
you could ultimately land in a pri-
On medical grounds I can not vate sector company if your current His Highness the Amir Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sa- During the meeting, they presented a book on Kuwaits humanitar-
continue in my current job. Do I sponsor has no objection. Until this bah received Sunday at Bayan Palace Chairman of Kuwait Cham- ian activities to His Highness the Amir.
still have to work during notice is done, we are afraid you cannot ber of Commerce and Industry (KCCI) Ali Al-Ghanim and other The meeting was attended by Deputy Minister of Amiri Diwan Af-
period of three months. Is the take up the offer of the telecom-
company bound by law to waive KCCI ofcials. fairs Sheikh Ali Jarrah Al-Sabah. (KUNA)
my notice period on medical munication company.
Name withheld
Answer: Yes, the company is
bound to waive the notice period if
you present a duly signed form by
Visit Visa

Pls advise, if direct family mem-

bers wife and kid got visit visa but
Fake certs probe forces 17 doctors
to resign in fear of being exposed
at least two medical officers from they did not enter Kuwait after 2
the Ministry of Health alluding to months as validity of visa was
your condition. only 30 days after issuance.
My question is, can I apply for
visit visa for them and get new visit
Family Visa visa?, since my residency will be
issued again. It was temporary visa
14 for 1 month. Now they will issue MoE receives 3,000 complaints from expat teachers over housing grant
I have been working in Kuwait new visa 18 and new civil ID.
since 2000. Presently working in Will I have to give in writing to
Kuwait National Guard. My month- them any additional documents? KUWAIT CITY, April These resignations by bank-
ly salary is KD 438. May I get the 9: The investigations car- ing ofcials and companies oc-
family visa for my wife and kids. Name withheld curred successively without the
Please let me know. If yes what is ried out by the panel,
motives and real reasons being
the procedure to get the visas. Answer: Since your family which was formed to look revealed.
Name withheld could not enter Kuwait within 30 into the case of fake and Sources said more than 50
days after issuance of their visas, forged certicates in aca-
Answer: We are sorry, you can- the latter are no longer valid. If you cases of resignations were
not sponsor your family on depen- still desire to bring in your family demic institutions, have witnessed in a number of
dent visa because you do not meet on visit visa, you need to go forced 17 doctors to resign companies and board of di-
the minimum salary requirement of through the same process as you rectors of some banks during
KD 450 per month. out of fear of being ex-
did to get them the visas that are the past period as well as in
now expired. No additional infor- posed and referred to ju- companies of the oil, real-
Dependent Visa mation or documents are required dicial authorities, reports estate, health, welfare and
for that purpose. Al-Shahed daily quoting aviation sectors. They added
First of all I thank you sincerely sources. that all those who resigned
for your legal services and clarifi- Family Visa They explained that the sud- used to occupy high positions
cation. I kindly request you to den shocking resignations af- such as chairman and mem-
clarify my below question briefly.
My wife has a valid iqama (fam- I have applied for family visa, rm what has been discovered ber of board of directors,
ily visa) until April 2017 and our however by mistake I got visit of late that there are fake and financial managers in banks
baby is to be born in India by end visa. Now I want to apply for fam- forged certicates in a number Al-Ghanim while receiving the Algerian ambassador and directors of investment
of this month and my salary is ily visa again. Do I have to cancel of academic institutions in the
below KD 450. Is it possible for me the visit visa before applying for departments in companies.
to get visa for my baby as me and family visa. country. This prompted Min- KCCI chief receives Algerian envoy Meanwhile, the Ministry of
my wife are having valid iqama ister of Higher Education Dr Education has received roughly
Name withheld Mohamed Al-Fares to issue a
here but Im not familiar about this Chairman of Kuwait Chamber identify the available investment 3,000 complaints from expatri-
new law as each and every person decision to further extend the of Commerce and Industry opportunities. ate teachers regarding the hous-
quoting different law and dont Answer: Your family has one work of the concerned panel. (KCCI) Ali Mohammed Thu- On his part, HE Abdulhameed
know what to do. So please explain month from the day of issue of the ing allowance cut, reports Al-
me it will be much helpful for me in
Some have lamented that the naiyan Al-Ghanim Sunday re- Abdawi expressed gratitude for Anba daily.
visa to enter Kuwait. So just wait extension will give room for ceived the Algerian Ambassa- the efforts exerted by KCCI to de-
this time and will be very thankful for the one month to elapse and you dor to the State of Kuwait HE velop economic ties between the The daily quoting knowl-
for you and your team. apply for the family visa if your holders of fake certicates to Abdulhameed Abdawi and a two countries. edgeable sources indicated the
Name withheld meet the salary cap of KD 450/- to run away before they are ex- delegation from Algerian Minis- He afrmed his keenness to ministry has asked its nance
Answer: If your wifes visa is qualify to sponsor your family on posed and referred to concerned try of Urban Planning, Tourism identify with the Kuwaiti private counterpart to boost its budget
dependent visa. authorities. and Handicraft. sector and his wish to encourage
under your sponsorship, then you The two sides discussed Kuwaiti investors to increase their for the disbursement of out-
will have no problem in getting a The preliminary release of standing sums to the expatriate
economic ties between the two volume of investments in com-
dependent visa for the baby if she/ The Arab Times invites ques- the investigation results dis- countries and ways to develop mercial, industry and tourism in teachers. However, the ministry
he finally arrives. If your wife is tions on all aspects of Kuwaiti closed involvement of promi- them. Algeria. has yet to receive any response
however still under the sponsorship law. If you face a problem, or nent figures. This has put the Al-Ghanim afrmed the impor- The ambassador urged Kuwaiti from its nance counterpart in
of her father we are afraid you will need specific advice on any tance of increasing efforts to de- companies to form strategic part-
legal matter, from commercial panel in a difficult situation, velop the mutual economic ties nerships with their Algerian coun- that regard.
not be in a position to sponsor the as some holders of these fake
child because your current salary and investment law to divorce through exchange of visits by terparts to open up new economic Concerning the reduction of
does not qualify you to do so. We and labour, send questions to certificates are well-known commercial and economic dele- horizons between the two sisterly housing allowance, sources not-
the Managing Editor, Arab prominent figures who have gations from both sides to closely countries. ed the Ministry of Education is
must also point out that under Times, P.O. Box 2270, 13023
Kuwait law, it is not permitted for Safat, Kuwait, or Fax to a big say in political and aca- not responsible for the decision,
a married woman to still be under 24818267. E-mail: arabtimes@ demic circles. ecutive apparatuses of some ing the lack of expertise in this indicating its the sole decision
the sponsorship of her father. Meanwhile, the resignations local banks and companies sector, despite its financial of Civil Service Commission
of a number of officials in ex- have raised questions regard- stability. (CSC).


Three girls, cross-dresser in fight

KUWAIT CITY, April 9: Three girls and a
cross-dresser engaged in a quarrel inside a
oped into a heated argument during which the
girl was injured. A case was registered to trail
Sabeeh calls for mustering efforts
coffee shop in Salmiya area. the suspect.
One of the girls was injured in the face as
a result. Acting on information, a team of
rescue men was dispatched to the location to
deal with the situation.
Meanwhile, a citizen lodged a complaint
with ofcers at Salaam police station accus-
ing his brother of physical assault. He said the
brother beat him mercilessly due to a former
to face development in Arab world
Initial investigation indicated the cross dispute. The brother was invited for question-
dresser was harassing the girls and it devel- ing. Kuwaits labor minister attends 44th ALC session
Kuwait Today CAIRO, April 9, (KUNA):
Kuwait on Sunday called
Umm Al-Maradem 26 20 - 4ft SE
for mobilizing efforts to
Prayer Timings
Sea Island Buoy - - - - - counter changes and de-
Fajr ............................................................................. 04:07 Salmiyah 26 21 - 4ft SE
Sunrise ....................................................................... 05:28 velopments sweeping the
Zohr ............................................................................ 11:49 4 days forecast - Marine Arab world, through a
Asr ............................................................................... 15:23 Monday, April 10
Maghrib .......................................................................18:11
Isha ............................................................................ 19:30
Expected weather ................... Partly cloudy + dust + scattered rain common Arab vision.
Sea state ................................................Moderate to rough at times Hind Al-Sabeeh, Kuwaits
Wave height ...............................................................................3-6 ft
Weather Max Temp ....................................................................................33C Minister of Social Affairs and
Expected weather for the next 24 hours: Min Temp .....................................................................................22C Labor, and Minister of State for
By Night: Fair with light to moderate north easterly to light vari- Wind Direction ...............................................................................SE
able wind, with speed of 06-28 km/h and some scattered clouds Wind Speed .....................................................................15-40 km/h
Economic Affairs, told the 44th
will appear. Tuesday, April 11 session of the Arab Labor Con-
By Day: Mostly sunny with light variable wind changing to light to Expected weather .............................. Partly cloudy + scattered rain ference (ALC) held in Cairo
moderate south easterly wind, with speed of 08-30 km/h. Sea state ................................................Moderate to rough at times
Station Max Min Wave height ...............................................................................3-6 ft under patronage of President
Exp Rec Max Temp ....................................................................................33C Abdel-Fattah el-Sisi, that these
Kuwait City 32 20 Min Temp .....................................................................................21C
Kuwait Airport 34 16 Wind Direction ........................................................................... S-SE
changes cast shadow over issues
Abdaly 33 16 Wind Speed .....................................................................15-40 km/h shouldered by the Arab Labor
Bubyan 27 18
Jahra 32 18
Wednesday, April 12 Organization (ALO), topped with
Expected weather ........................................Cloudy + scattered rain
Failaka Island 28 18
Sea state ................................................Moderate to rough at times unemployment.
Salmiyah 26 21
Ahmadi 26 21 Wave height ...............................................................................3-6 ft Hence, the 44th ALC acquires
Nuwaisib 28 17 Max Temp ....................................................................................31C signicance since it is the top
Wafra 31 15 Min Temp .....................................................................................20C
Salmy 34 18 Wind Direction .........................................................................NE-SE platform for the three parties
Wind Speed .....................................................................15-40 km/h involved in the production pro-
4 days forecast - Weather Thursday, April 13
Monday, April 10 Expected weather ................... Partly cloudy + dust + scattered rain cess, the employers, employees
Expected weather ................... Partly cloudy + dust + scattered rain Sea state ..............................................................Moderate to rough
Wave height ...............................................................................3-6 ft
and the government, the minis-
Max Temp ....................................................................................33C ter, who presided the session,
Min Temp .....................................................................................22C Max Temp ....................................................................................35C
Wind Direction ...............................................................................SE Min Temp .....................................................................................22C said.
Wind Speed .....................................................................15-40 km/h Wind Direction ........................................................................... SE-S
Tuesday, April 11 Wind Speed .....................................................................15-40 km/h
Participants in the ALC are
Expected weather .............................. Partly cloudy + scattered rain directly responsible for promot-
Max Temp ....................................................................................33C Tide times at Shuwaikh Port ing the Arab production insti-
Min Temp .....................................................................................21C 1st high tide: ............................................................................. 11:28
Wind Direction ........................................................................... S-SE 2nd high tide:............................................................................ 23:17 tutions, enforcing the criteria
Wind Speed .....................................................................15-40 km/h
Wednesday, April 12
1st low tide: .............................................................................. 17:21 of quality and qualifying labor
2nd low tide: ............................................................................. 05:57
Expected weather ........................................Cloudy + scattered rain Sunrise:..................................................................................... 05:28 to be able to compete on the
Max Temp ....................................................................................31C
Min Temp .....................................................................................20C
Sunset: ..................................................................................... 18:10 regional and international mar-
Wind Direction .........................................................................NE-SE Recorded yesterday at Kuwait Airport kets, she said.
Wind Speed .....................................................................15-40 km/h
Thursday, April 13 Max temp ....................................................................................30C Al-Sabeeh lauded the theme
Expected weather ................... Partly cloudy + dust + scattered rain Min temp .....................................................................................19C of the ALCs report for the year,
Max Temp ....................................................................................35C Max Rh .......................................................................................76%
Min Temp .....................................................................................22C Min Rh ........................................................................................35% namely vocational training is
Wind Direction ........................................................................... SE-S Max Wind ........................................................................NE 28 km/h the base for sustainable devel-
Wind Speed .....................................................................15-40 km/h Total Rainfall in 24 hrs .............................................................. 0 mm
opment strategies in the Arab
Marine Forecast Recorded yesterday at South Dolphin World 2030.
Station Max Min Sea Todays Min/Max/ Air Temp .................................................................21/24C The issue goes in harmony
Exp Rec Surf Waves Min/Max Rel Hum..................................................................52/86%
Ht Direction Wind Direction/Wind Speed ............................................SE/24 km/h with a call to support systems
South Dolphin 25 21 22 4ft SE Prev Wave Dir/Max Wave Ht .................................................... N/2 ft of vocational training in Arab
Umm Mudayrah 26 - - 4ft SE Min/Max Sea Surface Temp .......................................................-/- C
Beacon M28 - - - 4ft SE Sea Current ........................................................... End of Downdraft countries, as one of the chief
Beacon N6 25 21 - 4ft SE Supervisor of the Students and Alumni Training Ofce in Kuwait Universitys College of Business Admin-
Qaruh Island 26 20 - 4ft SE
Directorate General of Civil Aviation, projects of the Arab integrated istration Dr Abdulrahman Al-Taweel announced the launch of the 23rd Marathon Training Program titled
Meteorological Dept.
program is to curb unemploy- Steer Your Career on April 9. The program is presented by Kuwait Injaz Establishment and sponsored by
deaths ment, was approved by the Kuwait Chamber of Commerce and Industry. The opening ceremony was attended by Dean of the Col-
Arab Economic and Social lege Dr Meshari Al-Hajri, Emad Al-Zaid from Kuwait Chamber of Commerce and Industry, and Executive
Nashmi Mubarak Salem Bouhadlak Al Rasheesdi, 52 years old, buried on Sunday. Condo-
Director at Kuwait Injaz Establishment Rana Al-Nibari.
lences: Rabeya, Block 3, Street 32, House 31, Tel: 97477758-24731233; Noora Isa Musa, 81 years
old, buried on Sunday. Condolences: (Men) Qurain, Block 1, Street 42, House 22, Tel: 55025005
Development Summit, Kuwait
(Women) Qortuba, Block 3, Street 1, House 22, Tel: 66622585; Naeema Abdul Hameed Isa, 86 2009.
years old, widow of Ahmad Abdullah Al Isa, buried on Sunday. Condolences: (Men) Omariya, Diwan
Al Adaween, Tel: 99077405 (Women) Sabah Al Nasser, Block 2, Street 2, House 14, Tel: 99023907;
The agenda of the 44th ALC ship and its role in develop- grams, the minister said. and economy, providing fa-
Majed Sultan Al Salem, 90 years old, buried on Sunday. Condolences: (Men) Mansouriya, Block 2, comprises a host of topics of ment and promoting employ- In the meantime, Al-Sabeeh vorable conditions for estab-
Yousef Al Ghanain Street, Avenue 20, House 7, Tel: 66667729-99366007 (Women) Surra, Block 2,
Street 16, House 20, Tel: 65183003.
prime importance. ment, and bolstering womens called for further support to lishing a Palestinian indepen-
April 9, 2017 These are topped with two role in the implementation of enhance the capabilities of dent state with East Jerusalem
technical ones; entrepreneur- sustainable development pro- the Palestinian labor market as capital.


Kuwait Capital of Arab

Youth of 2017 set: min
May 15 launch to include various activities
CAIRO, April 9, (KUNA): Ar-
rangements have been com-
pleted for the launch of the Ku-
wait Capital of Arab Youth of
2017 on May 15, said Minister
of Commerce and Industry and
State Minister for Youth Affairs
Khaled Al-Roudan on Sunday.
The event will include various ac-
tivities, topped with His Highness
the Amir Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmad
Al-Jaber Al-Sabahs award for youth
creativity, Al-Roudan told KUNA
after attending the 61st session of the
Council of Arab Youth and Sports
Ministers Executive Bureau in Cairo.
As for the Cairo gathering, the minister
said they discussed the outcome of the meet-
ings held by the afliate technical youth and
sports committees, in addition to the prepara-
tions of the Kuwait Capital of Arab Youth
of 2017.
The bureau has also approved Kuwaits
reservation on a condition that the interna-
tional sports federations should endorse ac-
tivities by the Arab counterparts.
This is likely to help enhance the Arab-
Arab ties, the minister said.
Linking the Arab youth to the national
economic projects also featured high on
the agenda of the executive bureaus meet-
ing, Al-Roudan said.
The minister stressed the dire need to
embrace youth urging governments to
pay more attention to them so that they
would not fall prey to extremist groups.
As the 61st session of the Council of
Arab Youth and Sports Ministers Execu-
tive Bureau started Sunday, chaired by
Egypt, participants expressed their condo-
lences and sympathy over the victims of a
terrorist attack that hit a church in Tanta,
north of Cairo, earlier, claiming the lives
of 21 people and injuring scores.
The Ministers of Youth and Sports of
Kuwait, the UAE, Tunisia, Jordan, Saudi
Arabia, Lebanon, Morocco, or their repre-
sentatives, took part in the session.
They discussed a MoU presented by the
Lebanese Ministry of Youth and Sports on
supporting displaced youth in neighbor
countries, in addition to carrying on with
the Arab youth campaign No to Violence
Kuwait Integrated Petroleum Industries Company (KIPIC) recently ... No to Extremism ... No to Terrorism.
signed contracts with several directors and team leaders at Al-Habari Meanwhile, the board of directors of the
Club afliated to Kuwait Oil Company (KOC). The contracts were sealed Arab Fund for Youth and Sports Activi-
to launch an effective new beginning after announcing the administrative ties also held its 37th ministerial session in
structure. Chief Executive Ofcer of KIPIC Hashim Seyyid Hashim said
the company took the bold step to ensure unprecedented success in Cairo. Chaired by Egypt.
oil sector by Kuwaiti hands. He added the company will contribute ad- Addressing the session, Egypts Min-
ditional value to the national economy using strategic vision to fulll the ister of Youth and Sports Khalid Abdul-
desire of His Highness the Amir to transform Kuwait to a trade, economic Aziz urged the Arab governments to offer
and nancial hub. further support to the Funds projects.



Momentum builds for accord

Assad misread US intentions

THE world was bereaved after hearing the Syr- White House have not hesitated to attack Syria and
ian regime of Bashar Al-Assad had used chemical challenge the Russian existence. It is a clear cut mes-
weapons against its people in the town of Khan Sh- sage which indicates that might is still in the hands
aykhun, columnist, professor at Kuwait University of the US administration and its strong allies includ-
Political Science Department and the Assistant Un- ing Britain, Germany, France, Turkey and the King-
dersecretary for Legal Affairs at the Ministry of In- dom of Saudi Arabia and most of the countries of the
formation Dr Haila Al-Mekaimi wrote for Annahar world who seek justice and not genocide and wars.
daily Sunday. Meanwhile, we expect the recent attack that has
However, irrespective of the nature of the regional been waged by the US troops on one of the Syrian
and international intervention in Syria and whatever military bases, is likely to accelerate the solution to
the volume of the popular component who disagrees the current Syrian crisis either through diplomacy
with the ruling regime, this should not allow the ruler and dialogue or through the military might where the
or the regime to use weapons of mass destruction latter shall remain the best solution for surmounting
against his people or against any other human being. terrorism and the drying up of its springs for the sake
In this context, we say if any regime resorts to of restoring peace, justice and safety at global level.
the use of weapons of mass destruction, this means
the regime will be toppled sooner or later. While, I
was following up news of Khan Shaykhun town, I Shortly after the end of 2012 Parliament elec-
remembered what was done by the defunct regime tions, I went to an electoral center of an inuential
of Saddam Hussein against the separatist Kurds in MP where I found him giving a press release to a
Halabcha city. well known Arab TV channel, Dr Wael Al-Hassawi
It is needless to say whatever the type of popular wrote for Al-Rai daily.
demands, no politician can punish his people using I heard him say, We will not stay silent over such
weapons of mass destruction. Hence any regime that prejudice which led some to win the elections. We
resorts to this type of weapons should be classied as will confront them as much as we can.
a criminal of war. I wondered how he was planning to confront them
Although, the massacre of Halabcha occurred and I enquired about the prejudice. However, few
KUNA photos months later, the Parliament was dissolved and the
prior to the Iraqi invasion and occupation of the State
Top: The rst edition of KD 10 note. Above: The second edition of KD 1. MPs threats came true.
of Kuwait, and although the actual
downfall of Saddam Hussein oc- A few days ago, an inuential person wrote on the

Kuwait currency dinar to curred in 2003, it is needless to

say the real downfall of Saddam
Hussein was realized following
the implementation of Halabcha
front page of a local newspaper that he is yearning
for the return of the previous Parliaments. According
to him, the worst thing in the present Parliament is
the threats of grilling and blackmailing of the govern-

mark its 56th anniversary In other words, Saddam Hus-

sein persistence to remain at the
helm of political power in Iraq
following the Halabcha massacre
was actually a matter of time. Al-Mekaimi
The last couple of weeks witnessed a big argu-
ment over the draft laws concerning amendment of
the citizenship law. The MPs threatened that they will
grill His Highness the Prime Minister if the amend-
ment to allow the court to judge lawsuits related to
1961 saw end of Gulf rupee Hence, we have observed how
history repeats itself through the
citizenship is not approved. Then His Highness the
Amir Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah
events which are currently taking place in Syria. made a generous initiative to forgive those whose cit-
KUWAIT CITY, April 9, Speaking of the Kuwaiti attitude in dealing with izenships were revoked earlier based on denite ad-
(KUNA): The national cur- the events which currently take place in the Middle justments. The government then formed a committee
rency, the Kuwaiti Dinar East this attitude is obvious. Not just this we saw dur- to study the issue and decide on those who deserve to
ing the recent Arab Summit where the Kuwaiti politi- get back their revoked citizenships.
(KD), will be celebrating its cal leadership described the so-called Arab Spring However, some MPs started issuing threats again
56th anniversary as being as an illusion to cheat people and this is what exactly to grill the Prime Minister, thinking that the govern-
the nancial building block happened, otherwise, where is the dignity, freedom ment disavowed its pledges. Public groups such as
and justice that was realized by the countries of the the 80 Group and the 60 Group among many others
which helped the nation Arab Spring? announced their rejection to the amendment of the
grow and expand. Not just that, the relevant Arab countries have citizenship law. They actually refused the interven-
Before replacing the Indian Rupee harvested nothing from the so-called Arab Spring tion of the judicial authority in the matter under the
in 1961, the initial plans for issuing except overwhelming anarchy, devastation and civil pretext that this will weaken the state gravity and en-
a national currency began in 1958 wars that currently prevail in these countries leaving courage forgers of Kuwaiti citizenship.
during which the highest authorities behind a trail of widows and orphans. Based on my knowledge, the government has not
in Kuwait made it imperative for the Apart from the above, we have observed that the referred the law to the Parliament yet. I am sure that
country to start steps for independence index of development and evolution in these Arab the Parliament will not approve the law if it is not in
both politically and economically. countries has retreated drastically because the re- favor of the country. Furthermore, His Highness the
With the declaration of Amiri decree forms cannot be realized through civil wars, rather Amir will turn it back to the Parliament.
41/1960, the Kuwaiti monetary council through internal and external tools. The question now is What is the secret behind
was established to look into measures to But reality shows the case of Syria is the worst those threats of dissolving the Parliament? Could it be
issue the currency and coins. On April of its kind, because the ruling regime still insists to because there are some MPs who do not understand
1, 1961, the Kuwaiti and Indian govern- stay in power even if it means annihilation of all the any language other than the language of threats?
ments agreed to withdraw the Gulf Ru- people on our planet.
pee, basically the Indian currency, from
In this connection, we have observed that the im-
the Kuwaiti markets to begin efforts for plication of obstinacy shown by some regimes could Strength and uniqueness of societies represent the
replacing the banknotes with the new bill. be actually attributed to the fact that the said regimes internal fundamentals that can hold together social
The rst issue of the banknote fea- are still insisting not to read the regional political ties and guarantee cohabitation of various segments
tured the likeness of then Amir Sheikh of the population, Prof Mohammad Abdulmohsen
Abdullah Al-Salem Al-Sabah. It also changes properly.
had the signature of head of the mon- Such being the case when the Syrian regime used Al-Maqate wrote for Al-Qabas daily.
etary council Sheikh Jaber Al-Ahmad the chemical weapons against its people during the This will happen within the framework of social
Al-Jaber Al-Sabah who later became the reign of the former US president Barack Obama, peace and harmony under the purview of the rule of
13th Amir of Kuwait. the latter succumbed and began talking about cold law lled with equality, justice and equal opportuni-
The back of the rst issued banknotes peace with Iran. ties. Whenever those fundamentals are weak or non-
had various illustrations of Kuwaiti land- Unlike Obama, however, the administration of the existent, the society will be exposed to jiggling lead-
marks depicted and they varied accord- new US President Donald Trump is totally different ing to breakup through which factions and groups
ing to the value of the bill. because Trump during his election campaigning had will surface. This is in addition to possible worries
Various issues and values of the Ku- made it clear that his vision in dealing with the for- and confusion among various segments.
waiti Dinar have appeared since the eign issues will be different from that of Obama. Several countries and governments have been
banknote was issued with the rst vari- In spite of the above, the Syrian regime insisted to striving hard to consolidate fundamentals of their
ation coming after 1968. The Central ignore the changes in the US foreign policy and used unity. This is what our ancestors and forefathers were
Bank of Kuwait (CBK) issued the quar- the forbidden weapons of mass destruction against its keen about when they established Kuwait. They pro-
ter, half, and 10 dinars rst on Nov 17, people, ignoring the fact that this shall cause embar- moted love, tolerance, mutual understanding and sac-
KUNA photo 1970 and then on April 20, 1971 the KD rassment to the international community.
The new CBK building one and ve came into circulation. rice for the society. They abhorred the act of name
We expect the use of the weapons of mass de- calling, mockery and discrimination, as well as con-
The second issues of the KD saw the struction by the Syrian ruling regime against its peo-
New CBK HQ opening today banknote being smaller with the cur-
ple is likely to constitute the coup de grace and this
demned fanning ember of discord and inciting sectar-
rency featuring the likeness of then Amir ian crisis.
The new landmark headquarters of It is composed of geometric Sheikh Sabah Al-Salem Al-Sabah and is evident through the statements which have been
the Central Bank of Kuwait (CBK) shapes that echo the geometry and the signatures of the Ministry of Finance issued by some of its allies who talk about a political
is a symbol of the countrys cultural order of traditional Kuwaiti architec- Abdulrahman Al-Aqtiqi and CBK Gov- settlement in Syria without Bashar Al-Assad. Since the ill-fated Iraqi invasion in Kuwait, I
and commercial identity, and its - ture and which sit in harmony with ernor Hamza Abbas. This happens although these allies were earlier lost trust in the Arab League after 11 Arab countries
nancial prowess and rapidly devel- the nearby Kuwait State Mosque In 1980, the third variant of the cur- talking about holding elections provided Bashar Al- failed to condemn the horrible aggression that swept
oping economy. on the north-west side of the Sief rency had replaced the likeness of the Assad took part. It is needless to say the attack on away the charter of the Arab League, Abdullah Be-
Afrming the national cultural Palace. The total area of the site ruler of Kuwait with the ofcial seal of Khan Shaykhun has resulted in renewing the talks shara wrote for Al-Qabas daily.
identity, the 235-meter tall build- is 25,872 square meters and the the State of Kuwait. In 1986, the CBK about the actual implementation of the Chemical Furthermore, we found out that some countries
ing takes the shape of a boat sail construction area is estimated at issued for the rst time the KD 20 bill. Weapons and Weapons of Mass Destruction Non even tried to justify that unrecorded crime. The Iraqi
reminding onlookers and visitors of 20,000 square meters. When the Iraqi invasion occurred in regime continued as a member of the Arab League
the countrys roots in international The tower is intersected by a po-
Proliferation Agreement in the Middle East and this
1990, the Kuwaiti government decided entails all powers in this part of the world hastening for years after that crime and was welcomed in the
trade. dium that contains reception and to cancel the use of the national curren-
His Highness the Amir Sheikh banking halls, conference facilities, to sign this agreement to curb the unbalanced regime regular meetings. That big failure was not because of
cy. In 1991, the fourth series of the Dinar from committing any crimes of war. the Arab League but because of the attitudes of the
Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sa- dining and banquet rooms and a was issued with the quality and color of
bah will ofcially inaugurate the pic- museum. It includes all the very lat- members who, since the 50s, have adopted the Ara-
the banknotes being superior to previous Also: bism speech. Such radical Arabism obligated mem-
turesque triangular 44-storey tower est high-tech gadgetry and building incarnations.
building on Monday. techniques. (KUNA) The US President Donald Trump has swiftly bers to have one vote in all issues regardless to the
In 1994, the fth edition of the Ku- taken a decisive action by carrying out a missile at- favor of their own countries. They always avoided
waiti Dinar saw the introduction of a tack on the Syrian Al-Shuairat airbase in the rural
silver line on the bill and other measures opposing the Arabism of Jamal Abdulnasser out of
to avoid counterfeiting. The sixth and
area of Homs City which is the second biggest Syrian fear that they would be targeted by the severe media
airbase and plays a signicant role in terms of coor-
News in Brief last series to date began in 2014 with
the Kuwaiti Dinar displaying an elegant dinating the government military attacks on both the
in Cairo.
This led to narrowing of ideas and reducing vari-
design both depicting various landmarks Syrian armed opposition and the unarmed civilians, ety. The radical Arabism was not derived from Arab
and also increasing the size of the font columnist Dali Mohammad Al-Khamasan wrote for ideology but from European concepts adopted in the
to enable shortsighted individuals to read Al-Anba daily Sunday. beginning in Sham in order to confront the Ottoman
Shuwaikh shop shut: Residency The owner said he was surprised Trump said the raid on Al-Shuairat airbase actu-
when suddenly he saw smoke coming whats written on the bill. Caliphate. Later, Arabism was used by Abdulnasser
Affairs Department of Capital Gov- ally serves the US national security. He hinted the
ernorate located in Shuwaikh area out of the car. Initial investigation for political aims and personal benets. That ideol-
pointed to a short circuit. A case was chemical attack on the town of Khan Shaykhun was ogy badly affected the Arab work and resulted in
will be transferred to the old building
of Hawally Passport Department
effective from April 16, to pave the
Meanwhile, re broke out in the Nationality for carried out from this airbase which claimed the lives
of scores of people, most of them children and left
shameful defeat in the 1967 war.
However, the Arab countries did not take any step
way for reconstruction work, says an kitchen of a house in Ferdous area behind a trail of injured. towards changing that inherited attitude which de-
Interior Ministry press statement.
Ofcials of the Residency Affairs
without any casualty.

serving nation It is a brutal crime indeed and can be deemed as
a crime of war and those who committed it should
stroyed the activity of the Arab League.
Among the important priorities for the Arab
Department stated the department KUWAIT CITY, April 9: A total of be punished in accordance with the international law. League is to create coordination among the Arab de-
in Shuwaikh area will stop receiv- Fire in camel stable: Fire broke 428,844 individuals received Kuwaiti This crime is committed by criminals and killers who
out in a camel stable in Kabad area. cisions and requirements of the national state. This
ing applicants from April 13 during citizenship from 1992 to 2016, reports have usurped power and are involved in killing their can be achieved via two tracks joint economic at-
the period of shifting, and applicants No injuries were reported, says Al-
Al-Qabas daily. people using forbidden weapons in full view of the titude and enhancing of the Arab culture which aims
may contact Residency Affairs According to an ofcial statistics, the international community.
Departments in other governorates to According to security sources, when at urging Arab people to become interested in Arab
the Operations Room of Ministry non-Kuwaiti wives of Kuwaiti citizens It is needless to say Trump is different from his
complete their transactions. constitute the majority of 58 percent issues. However, this cannot be achieved without cre-
of Interior received information weak and hesitant predecessor Barack Obama, partic- ating democratic governments that agree to the inter-
about the re, securitymen rushed with 24,814 cases. This includes 20,068 ularly since we know that during the reign of Obama,
expatriate women and 4,744 Bedoun ests of the people.
Car on fire: Fire erupted in a vehicle to the location with paramedics and the Syrian regime was involved in brutal crimes The Arab League needs to take the decision of
parked in front of a house in Sabah reghters. After checking to nd women. The children of Kuwaiti wom- against its people and Obama responded only by con-
no one around the stable, reghters en came in second place with 24 percent dismissing any regime that is not democratic or that
Al-Nasser area due to a short circuit. demning and denouncing the crimes.
No injuries were recorded, says Al- extinguished the re and launched with 10,285 cases. They include 7,273 comes to power via military coups. We have to ad-
Bedoun and 3,012 expatriates.
Anyway, for the time being, the situation seems to mit that the ongoing disorder and spread of terrorism
Seyassah. investigations to discover some liquor be different because Trump has taken a swift decision
A team of remen went to the bottles and other items at the location. About 7,747 individuals, including are results of dictatorial regimes that do not take into
4,360 Bedoun and 2,287 expatriates ob- that resulted in the allies of Syrian regime including consideration human rights or the right of people to
scene and dealt with the incident after A case was registered and further
the Operations Room of the Interior investigations are ongoing to nd and tained Kuwaiti citizenship due to other Russia and Iran and other militias remaining silent in choose and question their ruler.
Ministry received information about arrest the involved individuals includ- reasons such as family relations, long- dealing with this new development.
the re. ing the informant. time stay in Kuwait and for offering In other words, Trump and his assistants in the Compiled by Zaki Taleb
great services to the country.


Death sentence commuted Other Voices

Explanation is needed
to 10 years in friend murder By Ahmad Al-Sarraf but their death was deliberately not
recorded in Kuwait to help their

Court orders tenant to pay 5 years rent I n the 1960s, my old friend Yaqoub dependents continue to receive assis-
told me he put his trust in the air- tance and salaries on their behalf.
craft manufactured by the then Soviet There are some who are addicted to
Union than the planes built by getting their daughters married and
Western companies. the grant given by the government
By Jaber Al-Hamoud He based his conviction saying he during marriage is then shared
Al-Seyassah Staff never heard of air disasters involving between the father and the so-called
the Soviet Union unlike the West.
KUWAIT CITY, husband. The daughter is then
I told him the reason was that the divorced, marries another man, gets
April 9: The Court Communist bloc had fewer commer- another grant from the government
of Cassation upheld cial aircraft compared to the West, which is again shared between the
the verdict of the and then the censorship of the media father and the new husband and the
prevented the communist
Court of Appeals countries from publishing
game continues.
that commuted the Then there are seasonal
disaster news in a trans- forgers whose job is to
death sentence on parent manner. sell votes.
an expatriate to 10 I remembered what my There are some who
friend told me that politi- have mastered the art of
years in prison as cal and administrative
pronounced earlier being the beneficiaries of
corruption in the Gulf subsidized foodstuff and
by the Court of countries is much less building materials and
First Instance. than in Kuwait. I told him even animal fodder and
this might be the case, but then resell the same on
The expatriate was in light of the lack of
found guilty of stabbing the black market to bene-
media freedom in the fit from the difference in
his friend with a knife countries he referred to, it Al-Sarraf
while they were celebrat- sale price.
is not possible to deter- Add to this the names of those who
ing the birthday party of mine corruption in those institutions, hold the dual nationalities and cheat
another friend. so the situation may be much better or both countries. This is in addition to
The case file indicated the worse, but in Kuwait it is almost easy commercial cheating by both the citi-
deceased and his assailant to know.
MoI photo had engaged in a dispute What is strange is we accept there zens and the residents.
The meeting in progress. during the birthday party is corruption in Kuwait like others, Our foreign missions have become
held opposite the apartment but this contradicts all manifestations famous for embezzling money,
of the victim, and the manipulating bills of overseas treat-
Means to bolster Kuwait, US ties discussed accused left the party for his
of religiosity, and this is constantly
increasing. ment, financial scandals in some
apartment within the same We have a small army of PhD hold- cooperative societies, more by charity
Deputy Prime Minister and Interior
Minister Sheikh Khaled Al-Jarrah
ment at the Ministry of Interior said
in a press statement that the meet-
this ongoing cooperation which
contributes to the security and sta-
building when the misunder- ers and other phantom graduates, but societies and embezzlement and theft
Al-Sabah discussed on Sunday ing dealt with a number of issues of bility in the region and the world.
standing escalated. He resur-
faced, went straight to the
no one wants to expose them, par- in the Public Authority for Social
with Commander of US Naval mutual interest, especially regard- For his part, the US official kitchen where he stabbed the ticularly some of them occupy high Security.
academic, educational or administra- Fraud also seeped into the religious
Forces Central Command ing security aspects and means of praised the security cooperation victim in the chest and back. institutions and the suspects have
(CENTCOM) Vice-Admiral Kevin developing and strengthening them between his country and the State Lawyer Abdul-Wahab tive positions.
M. Donegan a number of security between the two friendly countries. of Kuwait and the strong relations We also have another small army been referred to the Public
Bin Salamah in his defense
issues of common concern. Sheikh Al-Jarrah expressed his and exchange of experiences argued the incident was not of those who hold fake disability Prosecution.
The security information depart- satisfaction with the progress of between them. (KUNA) certificates issued by hypocrite doc- We should not forget the involvement
as narrated. He declared his
client confessed to the act tors as a result of which the State of some MPs who accept bribe, gifts
without getting the chance Treasury has lost millions of dinars and various forms of favors not to men-
Ice cream vendor caught selling drugs to explain his side of the
story, and he doesnt under-
distributed to such people in the form tion the millions paid into the account of
of social assistance. individuals and companies to win ten-
KUWAIT CITY, April 8: The Jahra area in possession of illicit drug known deported the same day. stand Arabic. We also have yet another small ders, pass transactions and so on.
He pointed out that the army of citizens who have died and
police have arrested a Syrian ice cream in the local market as Strawberry.
vendor for selling narcotic pills, prosecution officers arrived were buried in neighboring countries email:

reports Al-Anba daily. Bridge pulled down: Ministry of at the scene after the inci-
The daily added, the arrest came Deportations OKd: The Under- Public Works has started pulling down dent but faulted the investi-
after police received a tip-off. secretary of the Ministry of Interior the University Bridge on Ghazali gation since the officers did
He was caught red-handed while Mahmoud Al-Dosari has approved the Motorway to connect the road to Jamal not invite any eyewitness to
selling 10 pills to an undercover police deportation of an unidentified Abdul Nasser Street. know what really transpired News in Brief
agent. Egyptian who was caught by the In this context, the General Traffic between the two.
Meanwhile, security operatives Municipality while urinating in the Department announced Saturday that
from Ahmadi arrested two citizens in sink used to wash chicken, reports officials and students of Kuwait Pay rent: Rent Section at
possession of illicit drugs and related Al-Anba daily. University in Shuwaikh should exit the Civil Court ordered a Fire rules violated: Protection Sector Drugs in parcel: Air cargo inspectors
tools in Riqqa area. They were referred The daily added, the man works for from Jamal Abdul Nasser Bridge tenant to pay KD 29,500 at Kuwait Fire Service Department at the Kuwait International Airport have
to relevant authorities. a poultry shop. A security source said through the roundabout at Jaheth Road (the value of monthly (KFSD) closed a hotel in Salmiya area foiled an attempt to smuggle meth into
And, an Egyptian expatriate was nine other expatriates, including 3 via the university gate opposite Kuwait unpaid rent of KD 500 cov- for violating fire safety regulations. the country, reports Al-Anba daily.
apprehended by securitymen in Khaitan Jordanian female beggars will be Institute for scientific Research. ering 1/5/2011 until Acting Director General of Fire The daily added, the drugs came into a
31/3/2016). He was ordered Protection Affairs Brigadier Khalid parcel sent from an unidentified
to vacate and deliver the Abdullah Al-Fahad stated closed a hotel European country in the name of a
in Salmiya area administratively for vio- Kuwaiti.
building to the landlord in lating fire safety
good condition, and then The parcel has been referred to the
regulations based on General Department for Drugs Control.
settle the legal fees. instructions from The recipient will be summoned for
On behalf of the land- the Director General interrogation.
lord, Lawyer Maryam of KFSD Lieutenant
Faisal Al-Bahar filed a law-
General Khalid
suit, indicating the tenant Al-Mekrad to pro- Pipe injures many: A number of
whos the son in-law of his tect life and proper- individuals sustained injuries when a
client was allowed to stay in ty. large pipe aboard a heavy vehicle fell
the building due to financial Meanwhile, traf- from a flyover onto several vehicles on
difficulty he was facing. fic congestion was Nuwaiseeb Road, reports Al-Anba
However, the position of experienced in daily.
his client changed after the Firdous area when According to sources, when the
couple started engaging in a camel ran away Al-Fahad Control Room received information
fierce marital problems that from its owner and about the accident, Nuwaiseeb firefight-
led to separation and series went onto the road, says Al-Seyassah. ers and rescue officers rushed to the loca-
of court cases. Therefore, According to security sources, when tion, removed the pipe, rescued the vic-
his client demanded pay- the Operations Room of Ministry of tims and moved the vehicles from the
ment of the rent and the Interior received information from a road.
Kuwaiti citizen about a camel on the The victims were referred to the near-
court granted his request. road, securitymen rushed to the location
The defendant claimed to est hospital for treatment.
to discover heavy traffic congestion in Meanwhile, a Kuwaiti who is believed
have paid rents to his father the area. They chased the camel and to be in his 40s has been admitted to the
in-law without collecting managed to bring it under control. They hospital with serious head injuries,
receipts but Lawyer Al-Bahar identified its owner and summoned him reports Annahar daily.
countered the claim as base- to take the camel. The owner revealed According to sources the man was
less and without truth. that he had tied the camel in front of his injured after pipes from a truck got loose
house and was planning to take it to a and fell on his car.
livestock pen but he was surprised when The man then lost control of vehicle
Head of the South Korean the camel managed to escape.
housing delegation and and crashed into a cement barrier. The
Necessary action was taken. incident happened on the Al-Nuwaiseeb
CEO of Korea Land and Road.
Housing Corporation Sang
Woo Park sent a message to
Kuwaitis before he left the
country, saying he is aware
of their concern and their
wait for the smart city,
reports Aljarida daily.
He affirmed that the
project will be finished on
time and it will be a won-
derful model, reflecting the
deep Kuwaiti-Korean ties.
In an interview with the
daily following the official
signing of the consulting ser-
vices contract for the general
planning of the first smart
city in the country in South
Abdullah City Project, Park
stressed the keenness of the
South Korean government to
complete this project and to
participate in more projects
in the Middle East.
He explained that the city
will be ready with top mod-
ern technology within five-
six years. It will include
unprecedented three- storey
houses and plots with modern
specifications with mixture of
Korean and Kuwaiti features.

Officials from Ministry of
Interior held a meeting with
the Iraqi committee assigned
to follow up the file of Kuwait
PoWs. They discussed proce-
dures to complete the file,
reports Al-Shahed daily.
The Iraqi delegation had
arrived in the country
through the Abdali border
checkpoint and was received
by a delegation from the
Iraqi Embassy. The delega-
tion held several meetings
with representatives of
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
and Ministry of Interior.


Court Cases

Mother pulls case

10 yrs jail in brother kill

By Jaber Al-Hamoud (Hawalli Directorate) arrested the
Al-Seyassah Staff 1993-born Kuwaiti citizen for stabbing
his 26-year old brother to death. The
KUWAIT CITY, April 9: The Civil mother reported the incident to the
Circuit of the Court of First Instance police after she found the lifeless body
sentenced a Kuwaiti citizen to three- of her son inside the family diwaniya in
year imprisonment with hard labor and Mubarak Abdullah Area (West
ordered him to pay KD 42,000 to a Mishref).
Kuwaiti woman after he allegedly Detectives went to scene and col-
deceived her by impersonating a ruling lected evidences for investigation and
family member and swindled her of decided to question the brother imme-
KD 30,000. diately after noticing wounds in parts
The Public Prosecution accused the of his body. He initially lied about the
suspect of swin- injury, claiming he fell from a motor-
dling a Kuwaiti
woman of KD bike, but confessed later on when the
30,000 after con- investigation intensified.
vincing her He led officers to a desert area where
about his ability he hid the murder weapon alongside
to produce a some belongings of his slain brother he
secret financial had burnt at the location. He noted the
portfolio owned incident happened due to a serious fam-
by a major figure ily dispute with his late brother.
in the state.
The plaintiff Verdict upheld: The Appeals Circuit
counsel Lawyer Abdulkareem
of Misdemeanor Court upheld the ver-
A h m e d
Abdulkareem called for a temporary dict which acquitted an officer of rank
compensation worth KD 5,001 and the Lieutenant from Ministry of Interior An aerial view of Jaber Al-Ahmad International Stadium. (KUNA Yousef Dashti.)
return of KD 30,000 along with interest who was accused of mistakenly killing
because his client had borrowed the an individual.

Around 12,000 deported Asians,

amount from the bank, which will The Public Prosecution had filed
charge interest from her. charges of negligent driving against the
The court sentenced the accused for officer after he was suspected of driv-
3 years imprisonment with labor in ing without paying attention and crash-
addition to paying back the KD 42,000. ing into a vehicle, which resulted in the
death of the motorist of that vehicle and

Arabs nabbed entering illegally

damages to that car.
Mother pulls case: The Misdeme- The defense counsel Lawyer Dalal
anor Court chaired by Judge Lafi Al-Mutairi provided evidences to
Mohammad Ghazi sentenced a Kuwaiti prove that there were no concrete
man who killed his brother in Mishref incriminating evidences that showed
area to 10 years in prison with hard her client was in the wrong.
labor after his mother withdrew the She stressed that the Court of First Abortion doctor caught in apartment
case. Instance made it clear of its non con-
Detectives from the General viction of the provided evidence against
Criminal Investigation Department her client. By Munaif Nayef and Meshal
Al-Seyassah Staff and
Other Voices KUWAIT CITY, April 9:
An Asian shepherd was
Crisis has no boundaries found dead in Salmi des-
ert area near Artal Road.
According to security sources,
By Fauziya Abul ilies from such areas have been forced to when the Operations Room of
run away from Mosul, especially the Ministry of Interior received
he crisis continues to intensify with western part of the city due to the ongo-
T such huge number of displaced peo- ing conflict. However, a significant
ple and refugees who are traversing majority of civilians are still caught in the
information about the corpse,
securitymen and paramedics
through seas, deserts, hills and valleys, crossfire and are facing danger of death
rushed to the location and referred
either running away from their bitter in the hands of both sides of the conflict the corpse to Forensics
lives in their countries despite having liberators and DAESH. Department.
In Yemen, forced migration is rampant Investigations have been launched
security, or from wars that have devoured to determine the cause of the death.
everything. The latter applies in the Arab due to severity of the ongoing war which
world and some Asian countries. continues to extend its scope to various
These people are facing tough situa- parts of the country. According to the 12,000 deported: Some 12,000
tions; rainstorms and snowfalls are inten- international organizations reports, mil- Asian and Arab nationals who were
sifying the miseries of millions of these lions of Yemenis are living in impover- deported from the country five years
human beings. Imagine how the children, ished conditions, are displaced and ago have tried to enter the country
women and men are managing without unable to even secure medical care. illegally on forged passports and fake
even a tent to cover them, In Libya, there is complete names, according to security systems
and their inability to secure deterioration of security and of the Interior Ministry at the land
livelihood in various areas and sea and airports, reports Al-Qabas
food and medicine. The daily.
injured and sick among including the capital city A security source added investiga-
them rarely get the oppor- Tripoli where militias are tors had discovered the majority of
tunity to access medical chasing people from their the deportees belong to Asian nation-
attention. homes or attacking them for alities, and that successful implemen-
Before the so-called some reason or the other. This tation of the fingerprint machines in
Arab Spring, the immigra- is making the situation worse Kuwait International Airport helped
tion trend was limited to in terms of internal displace- uncover the manipulation and docu-
only some countries. ment and migration to Tunisia, ment forgery.
Majority of the immigrants Fauziya Algeria or mainland Africa.
were from Africa; they Interestingly, few years ago,
Doctor arrested: Acting on a tip-
would risk their lives by traversing many Africans were heading north to off and armed with a search and
through the Libyan desert where they Libya to try their luck in reaching Europe arrest warrant issued by the Public
encounter human traffickers who extort through it. Now, Libyans are leaving Prosecution, personnel from the
money from them and then leave them to their countries and heading to wherever Criminal Investigations Department
face their own peril in the sea. They they can in a bid to save their lives and raided the apartment of an Egyptian KUNA photos
sometimes were sold secretly as slaves. the lives of their children. doctor and arrested him for selling Top and above: Pictures taken at the ceremony.
However, the scope of the crisis has The conferences and meetings, which medicines to abort foetuses, reports
now expanded to include millions from were held recently, have affirmed the Al-Rai daily.
Syria, Iraq, Yemen and Libya. presence of a serious fear because of Another compatriot doctor who Drill boosts mutual expertise: minister
Interestingly, majority of Syrians are dis- the social, human and security effects reportedly sensed danger and escaped
placed in their country after their houses on this wave of immigration and dis- from the country is sought by Deputy Premier and Minister of April 9 by the Kuwait Army with the armed forces as well as
were destroyed or they forced to leave placement in Arab areas or in Europe Interpol. Defense Sheikh Mohammad the participation of Ministry of boost cooperation between
their towns and cities. Some even lost through the sea. Al-Khalid Al-Sabah attended cer- Interior, National Guard, Kuwait them.
their bread winners. Majority of the vic- It is a catastrophe that knows no bor- emonies which represented the Fire Service Directorate and The ceremonies were attend-
Citizen attacked: A Kuwaiti citi- final phase of the Eagle institutions and authorities of dif- ed by the GCC Secretary-
tims are women and children. ders. It is the duty of humanitarian orga- zen was attacked by six unknown Resolve Exercise. ferent countries in addition to General Abdullatif Al-Zayani,
It is unfortunate that Iraqis in conflict nizations and the global community to individuals in Jabriya area, reports Sheikh Mohammad Al-Khaled armed forces of GCC states and Head of the National Guard
areas such as Mosul have started experi- provide effective aid for saving millions Al-Qabas daily. hailed all the efforts exerted to US forces. Sheikh Thamer Ali Sabah
encing this bitter life. Thousands of fam- of lives. According to security sources, achieve success of the Eagle He said such exercises are Al-Salem Al-Sabah, US Central
the citizen went to Jabriya Police Resolve 2017 Exercise, which important as they contribute to Command Major General Ralph
Station and lodged a complaint was organized from March 19 to exchange of expertise among Grover among other officials.
against the suspects, explaining
News in Brief that he was publicly insulted and
attacked by six individuals for
unknown reasons.
A case was registered and investi-
gations have been launched to find
7 women, 5 men held in Salhiya brothel
Criminal held: A Kuwaiti citizen was According to security sources, the
woman filed a case at Riqqa Police
and arrest the suspects. By Munaif Nayef and five men for engaging in action for securing Mangaf area
arrested by Ahmadi security operatives
in Thaher area for nine counts of crimi- Station against her ex-husband, explain- Al-Seyassah Staff immoral acts from the suspicious after several reckless drivers
ing that he married her and then request- building in the area. closed down main roads to prac-
nal charges, says Al-Seyassah. Reshuffle eyed: Transfer applica- KUWAIT CITY, April 9: Seven One of the arrested men con- tice drifting and perform stunts
The officers were on a round of the ed her for KD 11,000 to invest in the tions have been submitted by 25 offi-
area when they encountered the suspect commercial project. After receiving the women and five men were fessed that he had paid KD 20 to without any consideration for the
cers and non-commissioned officers, arrested from a brothel in Salhiya safety of other road users, reports
accompanied by a GCC national inside a money, he intentionally created some who are working in external fire- rent a room with an Asian
car. He aroused suspicion of the officers problems with her and then divorced her area. woman for an hour. Detectives Al-Seyassah daily.
and disappeared without returning the fighting centers, for working in inter- According to security sources, A number of bloggers on
when he tried to escape from the loca- nal centers. This move demonstrates also discovered hidden surveil-
tion. They checked his details and dis- money. when the Criminal Investigations lance cameras that monitor social media shared a video clip
covered his involvement in nine criminal Securitymen have launched investiga- the success of applying the finger- Department received informa- which showed many reckless
print system, reports Al-Rai daily every person entering the build-
offences. He was taken to the police sta- tions and will summon the man for ques- tion about a gang running a ing. drivers drifting and performing
tion for necessary action. tioning. quoting an official source from brothel in Salhiya area, a team stunts with their vehicles in
Kuwait Fire Service Directorate
was formed for investigations broad daylight, which caused
(KFSD). and raiding the building and A number of Kuwaiti citizens
Caught in the act: Farwaniya secu- Fight in court: An officer and a He said the decision is aimed at traffic problems and exposed the
rity operatives arrested a Kuwaiti man Kuwaiti citizen in his 20s exchanged apartments therein. requested General Traffic lives of innocent people to dan-
controlling the entries and exits of
and a Bedoun for stealing an iPad from a blows at the Family Court due to a minor workers on a 48-hour shift system They arrested seven women Department to take necessary ger.
restaurant in Ardiya Industrial Area. The disagreement. The duo was referred to and limiting more of such transfer
suspects were referred to concerned Maidan Hawalli police station for inves- applications by workers in exter-
authorities after confessing they had sto- tigation. nal centers as well as benefitting Al-Ayaar Mosque) with officers police station for consuming alco-
len more than once from the restaurant. The citizen is alleged to have insulted Cash stolen: A Kuwaiti citizen
from the allowances and privileg- at Naeem police station against a hol and constituting nuisance, accused his 16-year old nephew of
Apparently, officers from Farwaniya the officer in the course of duty. A case es.
Security Directorate received several was registered. person who stole his smart phone reports Al-Anba daily. breaking into his bedroom at the
On the other hand, KFSD intends at knife point, reports Al-Anba A security source said a citizen in family residence in Nahda area and
complaints regarding thefts in restaurants to use a decision to reshuffle a num-
and shops in Ardiya Industrial Area and daily . his late 50s filed a complaint with stealing KD 200 cash and wrist
deployed a team of detectives to the 2 held with pills: A citizen, an ber of officers and heads of depart- The Bangladeshi man told police- watch, says Al-Seyassah.
Egyptian, and a Bedoun man were ments in internal and external fire- the Operations Room of the Interior
location. They managed to arrest the two men he was walking on a pedestrian Ministry saying his son always A security source said the citizen
suspects as they tried to perpetrate apprehended in possession of two nar- fighting centers in order to enhance lodged a complaint with officers at
cotic pills and chemical, reports the work and develop its depart- bridge along the Fourth Ring Road returns home at dawn drunk. He
another theft. around 3:30 pm when suddenly the Qaraiwan police station accusing
Al-Shahid daily. ments. noted the son drinks heavily with
The suspects were found under the suspect attacked and tore his clothes his nephew of theft. A case was
his colleagues.
Wedding for cash: A Kuwaiti influence of drugs at a security check- before stealing the mobile at knife Acting on information, security-
woman accused her ex-husband of mar- point manned by personnel of Jahra Bdeshi robbed: Jahra Prosecution point. men went to the family residence,
Meanwhile, a citizen told securi-
rying her with the purpose of swindling Security Directorate and the aforemen- Department ordered investigators ty operatives in Jabriya area that an
her of KD 11,000 under the pretext of tioned narcotics were recovered during a to look into a complaint filed by a woke the suspect up, and referred unknown person stole KD 500 cash
investing in a commercial project. search inside their car. Bangladeshi employee of the Drunkard nabbed: A 26-year old him to the area police station. from his room.
Ministry of Awqaf (Mubarak citizen was detained in Al-Thaher A case was registered.


Katara organising lectures to educate public about art of forefathers

Qatar launches art of Nahmah Prize for Gulf singers

DOHA, April 9, (KUNA): Qatars sea journeys, and ourishes during day of qualications saw partici- second QR 70,000 and the third
Cultural Village Foundation, Kat- the shing and pearl diving trips, pation of Nahmah singers from QR 50,000.
ara, launched the art of Nahmah Dr Khaled Al-Sulaiti, Director Qatar, Oman, the United Arab One QR equals $0.274.
Prize on Saturday bringing togeth- General of the Cultural Village Emirates (UAE), Saudi Arabia The Nahmah signing used to
er traditional singers from the Arab Foundation, said. and Kuwait. be performed during trips of sh-
Gulf countries. Al-Sulaiti, in remarks at the The competition categories in- ing or pearl diving. The Nahmah
Katara is also organizing lec- launch of the Nahmah Prize, said clude traditional singing types: singer entertain the sailors during
tures alongside qualication Katara sought to preserve history Dawari, Al-Yamal, Al-Khatfa, Ad- the harsh journeys. The singer,
rounds of Nahmah singers to edu- of the forefathers in yet another sani, Haddadi and Mkhol. through the Nahmah, prayed to Al-
cate public about this art that ac- bid to revive our genuine herit- The rst winner will get a lah to ease their pain and difcul-
companied our forefathers in their age with its full details. The rst 100,000 Qatari riyal reward, the ties they face at sea.

Gulf forces refine their tactics

A musician tuning up the drum
KUNA photo

during Eagle Resolve exercise

Kuwaits 25th Commando Group participates in drill
9: Special operations
forces from Kuwait, Qa-
tar, Saudi Arabia and
the United Arab Emir-
ates are participating
in the military exercise
known as Eagle Resolve
2017 which kicked off
KUNA photo on March 19 and will
Artists play Kuwaits traditional music instruments.
continue until April 19,
reports Shephard Media
Having been conducted
across the Arabian Peninsula
since 1999, the US Central
Command describes the Eagle
Resolve Exercise as a month-
long multilateral military exer-
cise that is focused on enhanc-
ing the participants ability to
... respond as a multinational
headquarters staff, followed by
a series of tactical demonstra-
tions of land, maritime, and air
forces from several nations.
The participating forces in-
clude Kuwaits 25th Commando
KUNA photo
Group, Qatars Special Opera-
A Kuwaiti artist plays a drum. tions Command, Saudi Arabia
Maritime Security Units, Special Gulf security forces in action during the Eagle Resolve exercise.
Kuwaits traditional music Forces Companies and Saudi
Emergency Force (SEF), as well
Kuwaiti traditional music has its metal mortar, sea drums and oth- as the UAE Special Operations
own instruments to perform dif- ers, used by different generations Command.
ferent arts such as Al-Samri, Al- in national celebrations to preserve
Khammari, Al-Ardah and Liwa. the traditions and beauty of old Ku- The exercise is sponsored by
Among these traditional percus- waiti music. (KUNA) the US Central Command and
sions are the mirwas, tar, twaisat, carried out under instructions
from the US Special Operations
It is aimed at developing con-
cepts of operation, and tactics,
techniques and procedures asso-
ciated with counter-terrorism and
counter-insurgency, and rening
their approach towards relevant
missions in this regard.
On April 2, 2017 at Abdali
Farms in Kuwait, the Ground
Assault Force taught a set of
skills to the teams of special
operations forces for enhancing
interoperability and cooperation
across the GCC as well as inter-
On April 3, the participat-
ing forces conducted a maritime KUNA photo
counter-terrorism series in Ku- Gulf writers and poets gather at the International Festival for Poetic Creativity.
waiti territorial waters with as-
Chinese artist Ai Weiwei sault teams tasked with respond- FAAS Festival for Poetic Creativity launched
ing to a rapidly evolving hostage
Chinese artist to inspire audience situation onboard an oil tanker. Kuwaits poet Shueib affirms importance of poetry
The training series included as-

Weiwei to visit Qatar sault teams arriving onto the deck

of the vessel from rotary wing
platforms via fast-rope descents
Kuwaiti poet and writer Aliyah Mo-
hammad Shueib afrmed the impor-
tance of poetry in the advancement of
highlighting good values, especially in
a world lled with wars, killings and
Shueib emphasized on the impor-
Kuwait is represented in the festi-
val by Aliyah Mohammad Shueib and
Al-Jawhara Al-Quweidhi along with a
number of writers and poets from Saudi
DOHA, April 9: Leading contempo- Ai Weiwei is also expected to meet as well as visit, board, search and
seizure (VBSS) from intercept the culture, social life and spread of tance of meetings among poets and Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Oman,
rary Chinese artist Ai Weiwei is com- with young and aspiring artists during values of coexistence and tolerance in writers in the Arab world in order to Egypt, Iraq and Morocco. This years
ing to Doha this week to experience his stay, including several the residents crafts. the community. cement cooperation and contribution festival is celebrating and honoring
the countrys ourishing arts and cul- at the Fire Station: Artist in Residence The counter-terrorism series In her press statement issued on the of relations in spreading awareness and Omans poet Saeda Khater Al-Farisi in
ture scene. Programme. This will provide the ide- have been focused on ground sideline of the Seventh FAAS Inter- enlightenment of the Arab public opin- appreciation for her contribution in the
His visit is further evidence of Qa- al opportunity for artists to discuss the and maritime operations includ- national Festival for Poetic Creativity, ion regarding the Arab destiny which is enrichment of the cultural and art arena
tars progress as a leading creative creative process and explore different she said the poetry is the means for in need of attention. in Oman and the Arab world in general.
and artistic hub that attracts world-re- techniques with a hugely experienced ing a simulated Ground Assault
nowned artists from around the world. and established artistic gure. Force against a fortied position,
It also highlights Qatar Museums Khalid Yousef Al Ibrahim, Chief providing operators the chance
commitment to bringing established Strategic Planning Ofcer at Qatar to demonstrate room clearance,
creative gures to the country to inspire
future generations of indigenous talent.
Museums said: We are pleased to wel-
come Ai Weiwei to Doha this week,
counter-improvised explosive News in Brief
device, casualty evacuation and
During his time in Qatar, Ai Weiwei to inspire local audiences and artists site-sensitive exploitation tactics,
will visit several of Qatars most prom- in Qatar and educate our communi-
inent and signicant arts and culture ties about international art. This visit techniques and procedures.
destinations including the Museum of furthers our aim at Qatar Museums of Ofcials from the US Central Deputy FM meets Chinese envoy: reports Al-Rai daily. the Saudi Press Agency, the prince says
Islamic Art, Mathaf: Arab Museum of bringing international artists to Doha Command said, Teams of Spe- Kuwaiti Deputy Foreign Minister the city will serve as an important land-
Khaled Al-Jarallah met Sunday with mark for young Saudis recreational and
Modern Art, and QM Gallery Katara to inspire an indigenous culture of cial Forces from the GCC and the China-Arab States Cooperation Forum
Dasman Creativity Forum: social needs, and will create more job
and meet with senior QM representa- creativity and innovation and foster an US Naval Special Warfare Com- National Real-estate Company spon- opportunities for young people. The
tives. In addition, he will explore many existing culture of artistic appreciation (CASCF) Representative Li Chengwen sored the Dasman Creativity Forum
mand along with rigid-hull in- and his accompanying delegation. entertainment city southwest of the capi-
of the countrys most notable and rec- and participation in Qatar. titled Away from the familiar with
ognisable public art projects, includ- Ai Weiwei has a long and estab- atable boat teams simulated an During the meeting, they discussed the participation of 42 artists, reports
tal Riyadh is part of a broader effort by
air-borne and sea-borne rapid in- bilateral relations and the latest region- Prince Mohammed to appeal to the
ing the striking sculpture East-West/ lished career as a contemporary artist. Al-Anba daily. The event was organ-
sertion, search and seizure of the al and international developments. ized in Sharq area by Kuwait Space countrys majority young people and
West-East by Richard Serra, located He resides and works in both Berlin The meeting was attended by diversify the economy. (AP)
near Zekreet. and Beijing. Ai studied animation at occupied tanker and its hijack- Arts and Gate Out Blog with many art
Assistant Foreign Minister for the lovers and critics in attendance.
As part of his visit, on April 11, Ai the Beijing Film Academy, then stud- ers, and safe release of the tanker Deputy Foreign Ministers Office
Weiwei will be giving a public talk, ied art in New York in the early eight- crewmen. Plan to solve Hajj issues: The rep-
Ayham Al-Omar, Assistant Foreign
open for all to attend, in the auditorium ies. Upon returning to China a decade Saudis eye new park: Saudi Arabia resentative of Leader of the Islamic
The raid was a cumulative joint Minister for Arabs Aziz Al-Daihani
Revolution for Hajj affairs Seyyed Ali
at the Museum of Islamic Art at 6:00 later, Ai advocated for experimental and Chinese Ambassador to Kuwait has announced that a Six Flags theme
pm, alongside Swiss businessman, artists by publishing underground exercise that tested the partici- Qazi-Askar announced on Sunday that
Wang Di. (KUNA) park is expected to be built in a new
diplomat and art collector, Uli Sigg. books and curating avant-garde exhi- pants tactical skills and abilities entertainment city that will be the first he sensed a desire by the Saudi offi-
to operate cohesively in an op- cials to resolve the Hajj issue for this
The talk will be moderated by art ex- bitions. He has worked in many media, of its kind in the kingdom.
pert and curator Tom Eccles, Execu- including sculpture, installation, pho- erational mission with our GCC Kuwaiti student wins seat: Deputy Crown Prince Mohammed year. Media outlets quoted him as say-
tive Director of the Center for Curato- tography, architecture and lm. partner nations. Kuwaiti scholarship student Yousef bin Salman says the project will also ing that he sensed during the talks held
rial Studies and the Hessel Museum of His work has featured in leading Eid who is currently studying medicine include a safari area. The kingdoms with the Saudi officials an intention to
It was added with reference to in the University of Jordan has won a sovereign wealth fund, known as the resolve the Hajj issue for this year. He
Art at Bard College. During the talk, galleries and museums around the the ongoing cooperation in the
Ai Weiwei will discuss the transforma- world including Tate Modern London, seat in the students union at the Faculty Public Investment Fund, will be main added that all pending issues between
tion of his artistic production and Uli Haines Gallery San Francisco, Lisson areas of asymmetric warfare in of Medicine. He is the first Kuwaiti the investor in the project. both nations were resolved and Iranian
Sigg will touch on the importance of Gallery Milan and National Gallery of low-risk settings. student to win a seat in the union, In a statement published Saturday by pilgrims can visit Makkah this year.
collectors and museum donations. Victoria, Melbourne. Source Shephard Media News


World News Roundup

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, his wife Sophie Trudeau and son Xavier board a government plane in Ottawa, on April 8. The prime minister and his family are heading to France to commemorate the 100th anniversary
of the Battle of Vimy Ridge. (Inset): A veteran holds a torch of remembrance during a vigil at the National War Memorial to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the Battle of Vimy Ridge in Ottawa, Ontario, on April 8. (AP)

Politics Politics

Risky bet pays off Time to bury the hatchet

Gorsuchs ascension
vindicates McConnell
Trump aides end palace intrigue
WASHINGTON, April 9, (AP): Neil Gorsuchs as- TON, April 9, (Agencies): Top White
cension to the Supreme Court was vindication for Sen-
ate Republican leader Mitch McConnell, whose risky
House aides Steve Bannon and Jared
Kushner met and agreed to bury the
House goes on break, Trump
bet more than a year ago paid off big time for Presi- hatchet over their differences, a senior
dent Donald Trump and the Kentucky senator himself.
When Justice Antonin Scalia died in February
administration ofcial said on Saturday,
in a bid to stop inghting that has dis-
tracted from President Donald Trumps
awaits progress on agenda
2016, McConnell decided immediately that the Sen-
ate would not ll the seat until the next president was message. WASHINGTON, April 9, (AP): Presi- had a big, colossal failure with their
elected. McConnell never wavered. He ignored Dem- Bannon, Trumps chief strategist, dent Donald Trump is approaching so-called health care repeal. So I
ocratic griping, misgivings from fellow Republicans, and Kushner, an inuential adviser and the end of his rst 100 days in ofce dont think its been much of a suc-
and ultimately erroneous predictions that GOP Senate Trumps son-in-law, met on Friday at without having signed a single major cess.
A man is evacuated from the scene the request of White House chief of staff bill into law. From the view of Republicans,
candidates would pay a political price. after a gunman opened re at the Reince Priebus who told them that if Trumps drive to repeal and re- Rep Charlie Dent, R-Pa, said: If we
Now McConnell can take credit for allowing Trump shops at Merrick Park in Coral Ga- place the Obama-era health law ran want to have durable, sustainable
to put a young conservative on the court for life, even bles, Florida, on April 8. (AP) they have any policy differences, they
should air them internally, the ofcial aground in the House in spite of Re- reforms in this country, whether tax
though it took changing Senate rules to do it. publican opposition to the overhaul. reform, health care or anything else,
No. 1, its courageous. No. 2, its genius, in that said. It was the rst time in recent mem- it will need to be done on a bipartisan
order, because he knew how The development at the presidents
much criticism he would get, America Mar-a-Lago retreat in Palm Beach, Flor-
ory that a newly elected presidents
initial big proposal had imploded so
basis. Everybody knows that.
The presidents victories have
said Sen. James Inhofe, R- ida, came at the end of what has been a spectacularly. been limited chiey to rolling back
Oklahoma. relatively smooth week for Trump. The conrmation of Judge Neil about a dozen regulations issued by
Democrats and some Re- Bentley faces hearings: Alabama Gov Trump ordered airstrikes against Syr-
Robert Bentley will face impeachment Gorsuch to the Supreme Court president Barack Obama, which Re-
publicans predicted dire fallout ian targets that drew praise in many stands as the only major victory for publicans say will relieve businesses
from McConnells divisive hearings beginning Monday after the state parts of the world and staged an error-
Supreme Court gave lawmakers the green- Republicans so far. from the burdens of compliance
Senate rules change that re- free summit with Chinese President Xi Congress left Friday for a two- costs. The measures, which cant
light to move ahead with an effort to oust the Jinping, complete with his wife, Mela-
moved the 60-vote libuster governor, who is ghting to stay in ofce week spring break. Looking ahead, be blocked by Democrats, have re-
barrier for Supreme Court amid fallout from an affair with a top aide. nia, wearing a red dress to symbolize the prospects for health care are at best pealed regulations on coal mining
picks, and they warned of a The Alabama Supreme Court on Saturday main color of the Chinese ag. dicey, while other initiatives such as near creeks and streams, and limit-
McConnell more polarized Senate and a tax overhaul, infrastructure spend- ing methane emissions from oil wells
reversed a short-lived victory for Bentley Focus
court over time. But most in the GOP were full of when a judge on Friday blocked impeach- ing and carrying out Trumps un- on federal lands.
praise for their wily leader. ment proceedings. After the high courts rul- Priebus message to Bannon and popular proposal for spending cuts We believe that, so far, that ben-
Mitch did what he thought was the right thing at ing, the House Judiciary Committee quickly Kushner was to stop with the palace arent ready for prime time yet. et to the economy is over $10 bil-
the time, and I think the American people agreed with announced plans to proceed with hearings on intrigue and focus on the presidents In the rst 70 or so days I havent lion, said top White House lobbyist
it, as was evidenced by the outcome of the election, Monday. agenda, the ofcial told Reuters. seen much in the way of Capitol Marc Short, though he added that
said Sen John Thune, R-South Dakota. And now we Bentley, a 74-year-old dermatologist and Both aides left having agreed that it Hill success for Trump, said Rep those benets would be spread out
have a great justice on the Supreme Court. former Baptist deacon, has been engulfed in was time to bury the hatchet and move William Lacy Clay, D-Mo. Theyve over 20 years.
Frustrated Democrats grudgingly acknowledged a sex scandal since recordings surfaced in forward, said the ofcial, who spoke on
that McConnell got what he wanted and delivered for 2016 of him making suggestive remarks to condition of anonymity. administration ofcial and the four for- idential nominee.
his party, even as they insisted that the damage done a female aide before he and his wife of 50 Four former advisers to the president mer advisers said. Reince is chief of staff, said a
to the Senate in the process would not quickly be for- years got divorced. said Trump is accustomed to chaos in The former Trump advisers said source familiar with the issue. Hes not
gotten. Bentley has vowed to stay in ofce his decades-long career as a real estate Kushner, husband of Trump daughter going anywhere.
despite growing calls for his resigna- developer but that even he has grown Ivanka Trump, is trying to tug the presi- Republican strategist Charlie Black,
Benefit tion. He stood on the marble steps of the weary of the inghting. dent into a more mainstream position, who has known Trump for 30 years,
The next time Democrats control the White House state Capitol on Friday and somberly Hes got a long fuse for that kind of while Bannon is trying to keep aame said he did not think a shakeup was im-
acknowledged making personal mistakes thing, said one former adviser. I imag-
and the Senate, they could be the ones to benet from but maintained he did nothing to merit his the nationalist fervor that carried Trump minent and that Trumps White House
the rules change enacted under McConnell. Thats removal from ofce.
ine he has gotten tired of this. to his unexpected election victory on reects his traditional approach to run-
because the change will apply to all future Supreme I do not plan to resign. I have done noth- The White House dismissed persis- Nov 8. Bannon is getting some of the ning his business.
Court nominees, too, eliminating any need for input ing illegal. If the people want to know if I tent talk that Trump might be on the blame for the administrations early Hes always had a spokes-to-the-
from the minority party in making conrmations to the misused state resources, the answer is simply verge of a staff shakeup. The only thing stumbles because, one former adviser wheel management style, said Black.
high court. no. I have not, Bentley said. He criticized we are shaking up is the way Washing- said, The president demands results. He wants people with differing views
The Republicans engaged in historic obstruction- unnamed people he said were delighting ton operates as we push the presidents In what was viewed as a sign of among the spokes.
ism that made it possible for this conrmation process in exposing the embarrassing details of his aggressive agenda forward, spokes- Bannons declining inuence, he was Bill Daley, a former White House
to be conducted, said Sen Ed Markey, D-Massachu- personal life. woman Lindsay Walters said. removed from his seat on the National chief of staff to President Barack
setts. We now have a radical right-wing justice on The governors legal team has argued that The Trump White House has been a Security Council this week. Administra- Obama, who got pushed out in a shake-
the Supreme Court. And I think that was their goal all the proposed hearings are fundamentally hotbed of palace intrigue since he took tion ofcials said this was done at the up himself after roughly a year into the
along. So it is successful. unfair and do not give the governor the ad- ofce on Jan 20. But the drama has urging of national security adviser H.R. job, said it appears that inside the Trump
Some Republicans say the vacancy was an impor- equate opportunity to respond to accusations. intensied after the failed effort to get McMaster, with whom Bannon had White House theres a struggle for the
tant factor in Trumps victory in November because The Supreme Court justices asked for briefs healthcare legislation approved by the clashed. soul and brain of the president.
the prospect of putting a conservative on the court on the matter to be led by Monday. (AP) House of Representatives and the rocky Some of the former Trump advisers Kushner, who played a major role in
helped evangelicals and other voters overcome their rollout of an executive order attempting said Priebus is at fault for not gaining the presidential campaign, is heading an
misgivings about Trump. In exit polls 21 percent of Ex-gym employee shoots 2, kills self: to temporarily ban citizens of six Mus- control of the feuding and said Cohn, effort to overhaul the federal govern-
voters called Supreme Court appointments the most A former gym employee opened re inside lim-majority nations from entering the a former Goldman Sachs executive, ment and has traveled to Iraq with the
important factor in their vote, and among those peo- the facility on Saturday, critically wound- United States. would be a candidate to replace him. Joint Chiefs of Staff chairman. Kushner
ple 56 percent voted for Trump. ing a manager and another person before he Bannon, former chief of the con- Priebus is the former chairman of the is allied with a group of aides who view
McConnell told reporters Friday that the most killed himself, ofcials said. servative news organization Breitbart Republican National Committee and themselves as more moderate forces,
consequential decision Ive ever been involved in was The manager later died at a hospital after News, has been at odds with Kushner bucked many in his party by putting the including economic adviser Gary Cohn,
the decision to let the president being elected last year the shooting at the Equinox gym, a law and Gary Cohn, the head of the White weight of the RNC behind Trump when the former president of the Goldman
pick the Supreme Court nominee. enforcement ofcial who was brief on the House National Economic Council, an it was clear he would be the partys pres- Sachs investment bank.
It was a gamble. McConnell said after the election investigation told The Associated Press. The
that he didnt think Trump had a chance of winning or ofcial spoke on the condition of anonymity
Republicans of holding their Senate majority. because they were not authorized to release
McConnell and other senators also expressed the the information.
hope that after the bitter ght over Gorsuch, the Sen- The shooting happened about 1 pm at the Police have not released the names of the others get out of the building.
upscale mall, the Shops at Merrick Park. shooter and victims. Equinox workers did an amazing job
ate can get back on a more bipartisan course. That
Shoppers, diners at mall restaurants and It appears to be an ex-employee, mana- of calmly ... getting the rest out of there,
will be necessary to pass spending bills to keep the gerial dispute that triggered this shooting, Rodriguez said.
lights on in government by an April 28 midnight people in workout gear ran to safety or took
cover after reports of gunre. Miami-Dade Police Detective Alvaro At Yard House, a restaurant inside the
deadline. Zabaleta said. mall, many patrons were outside dining or
McConnell pledged to preserve the 60-vote li- Five gunshots, Ovi Viera, who was
washing his hands in the mens locker room, The mall is within a couple miles of waiting for their lunches when police told
buster threshold on regular legislation, as opposed to told The Miami Herald . It was too loud for the University of Miami campus. Former restaurant employees to get everyone inside.
nominations, which will continue to act as a tool forc- it to have been a weight dropping. Within Miami baseball standout Javy Rodriguez So thats exactly what we did, said Tim
ing bipartisan outcomes and ensuring participation two seconds, people just started running said he was inside the gym and working out Hartog, the restaurants general manager. It
from the minority party. out. Miami-Dade police said the second when the shots started, writing on Face- was never chaotic. Were trained to do these
victim was in critical condition at a hospital. book that he ran to safety. He also helped Bentley Zabaleta things. (AP)


In this photo provided by the US Navy, the USS Gerald R. Ford departs Huntington Ingalls Industries Newport News Shipbuilding for builders sea trials off the US East Coast, on April 8, in Newport News, Va. The rst of the
Navys new class of aircraft carriers will spend several days conducting builders sea trials, a comprehensive test of many of the ships key systems and technologies. (AP)

Taxes Terror

GOP consensus sought Effort to err on side of caution

Trump back to FBI reviews handling of tips

drawing board WASHINGTON, April 9, (AP): The
FBI has been reviewing the handling
cial, who was not authorized to discuss
the matter by name.
steps agents may take during the as-
sessment phase.
WASHINGTON, April 9, (AP): President Donald of thousands of terrorism-related tips The pace of the FBIs counterterror- Agents, for instance, may analyze
Trump has scrapped the tax plan he campaigned on and leads from the past three years to ism work accelerated with the rise of information from government databas-
and is going back to the drawing board in a search for make sure they were properly inves- the Islamic State group, which in 2014 es and open-source internet searches,
Republican consensus behind legislation to overhaul tigated and no obvious red ags were declared the creation of its so-called and can conduct interviews. But they
the US tax system. missed, The Associated Press has caliphate in Syria and Iraq and has cannot turn to more intrusive tech-
The administrations rst attempt to write legisla- learned. used sophisticated propaganda to lure niques, such as requesting a wiretap
tion is in its early stages and the White House has kept The review follows attacks by peo- disaffected Westerners to its cause. By or internet communications, without
much of it under wraps. But it has already sprouted In this April 5 photo, Faisal Gill, new- ple who were once on the FBIs radar the summer of 2015, Comey has said, higher levels of approval and a more
the consideration of a series of unorthodox proposals ly-elected chairman of the Vermont but who have been accused in the past the FBI was strapped in keeping tabs solid basis to suspect a crime or na-
including a drastic cut to the payroll tax, aimed at ap- Democratic Party, poses at the door 12 months of massacring innocents on the groups American sympathizers tional security threat.
of the partys ofce in Montpelier, Vt in an Orlando, Florida, nightclub, in- and identifying those most inclined to The guidelines explicitly discourage
pealing to Democrats. . Gill is a Pakistani-born lawyer be-
Some view the search for juring people on the streets of New commit violence. open-ended inquiries and say assess-
lieved to be the rst Muslim to lead a York City, and gunning down travel- Social media outreach by IS has ap- ments are designed to be relatively
new options as a result of state party in the US. (AP)
Trumps refusal to set clear ers in a Florida airport. In each case, pealed to people not previously known short, with a supervisor signing off on
parameters for his plan and the suspects had been determined not to the FBI but also enticed some who extension requests.
his exceedingly challenging to warrant continued law enforcement once had been under scrutiny to get Many assessments are closed within
endgame: reducing tax rates scrutiny months and sometimes years back in the game, said Seamus days or weeks when the FBI concludes
enough to spur faster growth before the attacks. Hughes, deputy director of George theres no criminal or national security
without blowing up the budget The internal audit, which has not Washington Universitys Program on threat, or basis for continued scrutiny.
decit. been previously reported, began this Extremism. The system is meant to ensure that
Administration ofcials say year and is being conducted in FBI a person who has not broken the law
eld ofces across the country. A sen- Location does not remain under perpetual scruti-
its now unlikely that a tax
Trump ior federal law enforcement ofcial de- The fact that there was a physical ny on a mere hunch that a crime could
overhaul will meet the August
deadline set by Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin. scribed the review as an effort to err location and a caliphate announced, eventually be committed. But on occa-
But the ambitious pace to gure out a plan reects on the side of caution. it helped kind of drive folks back in sion, and within the past year, its also
Trumps haste to move quickly past a bruising fail- The audit is essentially a review of when they might have drifted away, meant that people the FBI once looked
ure to broker a compromise within his own party on Kelly Cuomo records to ensure proper FBI proce- Hughes said. at but did not nd reason to arrest later
how to replace the health insurance law enacted under dures were followed. Its an acknowl- The review covers inquiries the FBI went on to commit violence.
President Barack Obama. The White House is trying edgment of the challenge the FBI has internally classies as assessments In the case of Omar Mateen, that
to learn the lessons from health care. Rather than ac- America faced, particularly in recent years, in the lowest level, least intrusive and scrutiny was extensive, detailed and
cepting a bill written by the lawmakers, White House predicting which of the tens of thou- most elementary stage of a terror-relat- lengthy.
ofcials are taking a more active role. Administration sands of tips the bureau receives annu- ed inquiry and is examining ones Mateen, who shot and killed 49
Trump nominates immigration head: ally might materialize one day into a from the past three years to make sure people at an Orlando nightclub in
ofcials have signaled that they want to pass tax leg- US President Donald Trump intends to
islation with only Republican votes, yet theyve also viable threat. all appropriate investigative avenues June, was investigated for 10 months
nominate Lee Francis Cissna to head the US were followed, according to a former
held listening sessions with House Democrats. Citizenship and Immigration Services. Investigations that go dormant be- in 2013 and interviewed twice after a
White House aides say the goal is to cut tax rates The White House announced the nomina- cause of a lack of evidence can re- federal law enforcement ofcial who co-worker reported that Mateen had
sharply enough to improve the economic picture in tion in a statement Saturday. surface instantly when a subject once spoke on condition of anonymity to claimed connections to al-Qaeda.
depressed rural and industrial pockets of the country The US Citizenship and Immigration under scrutiny commits violence or discuss the process. As part of a preliminary inves-
where many Trump voters live. But the administration Services processes immigration and naturali- displays fresh signs of radicalization. Assessments are routinely opened tigation, agents recorded Mateens
so far has swatted down alternative ways for raising zation applications. The agency is part of the FBI Director James Comey has lik- upon a tip whether from some- conversations and introduced him to
revenues, such as a carbon tax, to offset lower rates. Department of Homeland Security whose ened the difculty to nding not only one concerned about things such as condential sources before closing the
Trump, who brands himself as a deal-maker, has acting secretary is John Kelly, where Cissna a needle in a haystack but determin- activity in a neighbors garage, a co- matter. That kind of investigation is
not said which trade-offs he might accept and he has currently works as director of immigration ing which piece of hay may become a workers comments or expressions of more intensive than an assessment and
remained noncommittal on the leading blueprint, from policy in the Ofce of Policy. needle. support for IS propaganda and are permits a broader menu of tactics, but
Rep. Kevin Brady, chairman of the Ways and Means Trump has taken a rm stance on immigra- Though theres no indication of sig- catalogued by the FBI. The bureau re- it also requires a stronger basis for sus-
Committee. tion since his inauguration, passing executive nicant aws in how terrorism inquir- ceives tens of thousands of tips a year, picion. Mateen was questioned again
orders with the intention of tightening border ies are opened and closed, the review and averages more than 10,000 assess- in 2014 in a separate investigation
Rates security and restricting the arrival of travelers is a way for the FBI to rene and ments annually. into a suicide bomber acquaintance.
from certain countries and refugees. adapt to the threat, and part of that is FBI guidelines meant to balance Comey has said he has personally re-
Brady, R-Texas, has proposed a border adjustment Cissna previously served at the US Citi-
system, which would eliminate corporate deductions zenship and Immigration Services, in the Of- always making sure you cover your national security with civil liberties viewed that inquirys handling and has
on imports, to raise $1 trillion over 10 years that could ce of the Chief Counsel. He also is a former bases, said the law enforcement of- protections impose restrictions on the concluded it was done well.
fund lower corporate tax rates. US foreign service ofcer, who was stationed
But that possibility has rankled retailers who say in Haiti and Sweden. (AP)
it would lead to higher prices and threaten millions sculpted in butter. if Cuomo is no longer governor.
of jobs, while some lawmakers have worried that the cups of milk at 25 cents since 1983, has long
Bakery workers defy Trump: Workers But only half of the expected subsidy Our group will lie dormant for the next 24 said it cant pay its bills at that price.
system would violate World Trade Organization rules. ever came through, and the nonprot thats months to see if there is a change of admin-
at a famed New York bakery who face a Before the fair kicked off its 13-day end-
Brady has said he intends to amend the blueprint been operating the Milk Bar on the Syracuse istration in 2019, Gary Raiti, president of of-summer run last year, state agriculture
but has not spelled out how he would do so. deadline to produce immigration papers are
instead defying the government in public fairgrounds for 64 years announced it is New York State Dairy Exhibits Inc., told the ofcials briey approved the price hike to
Other options are being shopped on Capitol Hill. at President Donald Trumps Manhattan pulling out and putting the blame squarely on groups members in a recent letter. 50 cents. But when public objections were
One circulating this past week would change the home. Cuomo, saying it will only consider returning Dairy Exhibits, which has kept the 7-ounce raised, Cuomo nixed it and instead promised
House Republican plan to eliminate much of the pay- The 31 employees of the Tom Cat Bakery $90,000 to help with expenses. A fair spokes-
roll tax and cut corporate tax rates. This would require will be red and could be deported if they man conrmed the state provided only about
a new dedicated funding source for Social Security. cannot prove by April 21 that theyre work- half that amount by putting the dairy build-
The change, proposed by a GOP lobbyist with close ing in the country legally. ings employees on the state payroll.
ties to the Trump administration, would transform Theyre rallying Saturday afternoon in With the state refusing a milk-price hike or
Bradys plan on imports into something closer to a front of Trump Tower. larger subsidy, Raiti said his organization is
value-added tax by also eliminating the deduction of The Department of Homeland Security severing ties with the state and selling off the
labor expenses. This would bring it in line with WTO set the deadline for the workers to show their dairy buildings equipment.
rules and generate an additional $1.2 trillion over 10 employment documents. Cuomo spokesman Richard Azzopardi
years, according to budget estimates. Those additional Many have worked on the gourmet bak- did not respond to repeated requests for com-
revenues could then enable the end of the 12.4 percent erys production line for much of its 30-year ment. For Cuomo, who some have speculated
existence. as a possible presidential candidate in 2020,
payroll tax, split evenly between employers and em- the milk bar brouhaha is a controversy he
ployees, that funds Social Security, while keeping the Tom Cat covers a whole city block in
Queens, churning out artisanal bread 24 hours didnt need in the same week the Legislature
health insurance payroll tax in place. was a week late in hammering out a $153
This approach would give a worker earning $60,000 a day and delivering it around in the New
York City area. (AP) billion budget deal.
a year an additional $3,720 in take-home pay, a pos- News of a possible shutdown of the Milk
sible win that lawmakers could highlight back in their
Bar prompted hundreds of comments on the
districts even though it would involve changing the Controversy over cups of milk: New website of the fairgrounds hometown news-
funding mechanism for Social Security, according to Yorks governor is nding out that, in poli- paper, the Syracuse Post-Standard. Some
the lobbyist, who asked for anonymity to discuss the tics, something as simple as a 25-cent cup of bemoaned the loss of a beloved tradition.
proposal without disrupting early negotiations. milk can turn sour fast. Some said even at 50 cents, the milk was a
Although some billed this as a bipartisan solution, Just last summer, Democratic Gov bargain. Some were mystied anyone would
and President Barack Obama did temporarily cut the Andrew Cuomo was hailed as a hero for stand in line for milk.
payroll tax after the Great Recession, others note it stepping in with a state subsidy to prevent a And some questioned why the state
probably would run into rm opposition from Dem- price hike to 50 cents for the popular cups couldnt come up with the full $90,000
of white and chocolate milk at New York Kitsap Live Steamers member Don Defey, of Auburn, is enveloped in steam subsidy at a time when the governor has been
ocrats who loathe to be seen as undermining Social as he performs a boiler blowdown on his Mikado locomotive at South Kitsap
State Fairs beloved Milk Bar, which for touting a $70 million vision for an aerial
Security. generations has been a shrine to the states Regional Park in Port Orchard, Wash, on April 8. The club offers train rides to gondola and other big projects to upgrade the
dairy industry complete with life-size people the public on the 2nd and 4th Saturdays of each month. (AP) New York State Fairgrounds. (AP)


World News Roundup

French President Francois Hollande (center), Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau (right), and the mayor of Arras Frederic Leturque stand in front of the Victory Medal-Poppy of Peace installation by New Zealander
artists Helen Pollock and Tony McNeight at the Heroes square in Arras, northern France, during a ceremony to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the Battle of Vimy Ridge, a World War I battle which was a costly vic-
tory for Canada but one that helped shape the former British colonys national identity, on April 9. (AP)


Uzbek man was failed asylum-seeker; 2nd suspect arrested

Swedish attack suspect sympathised with IS

STOCKHOLM, April 9, (Agencies): An
Uzbek man suspected of ramming a truck
into a crowd in Stockholm, killing four
Jalilov suicide bomber: police
people, had expressed sympathy for Is-
lamic State and was wanted for failing to
comply with a deportation order, Swed-
ish police said on Sunday.
Russia blast suspect travelled to Turkey
Another 15 people were injured on Fri- ST PETERSBURG, Russia/OSH, Kyr- Jalilov, the suspected suicide bomb- I would have said rmly that Akbar
day when a hijacked beer delivery truck gyzstan, April 9, (RTRS): The man er, was born in 1995 and grew up in was not capable of doing anything
barrelled down a busy shopping street Russian police believe was the suicide the city of Osh in Kyrgyzstan, a mainly bad, said the source, using an abbre-
before crashing into a department store bomber who killed 14 people in a blast Muslim ex-Soviet Republic in Central viation of Jalilovs name. The source
An ofcer works the scene as police cordon off a large on the St Petersburg metro this week Asia. asked not to be identied because he
area around a subway station on a busy commercial and catching re. The Uzbek was arrested developed an interest in Islam and Around 2011 he moved to St Pe- did not want the authorities to associ-
street on April 8, after nding what they described as a several hours later. soon after travelled to Turkey, two peo- tersburg. He worked in low-paid jobs ate him with a suicide bomber.
bomb-like device, in Oslo, Norway. The ofcial police We know that the suspect had ex- ple who know him told Reuters. for several years. Photographs posted The two worked in the same outlet of
Twitter account said one man has been arrested and pressed sympathy for extremist organi- The two people said they did not on social media showed a stylishly the Sushi Wok restaurant chain.
Police Chief Vidar Pedersen said police were working to sations, among them IS, Jonas Hysing, know for sure if the man, Akbarzhon dressed young man. His online posts During the course of 2014, said the
disarm it. (AP) chief of national police operations, told a Jalilov, went on from Turkey to neigh- offered no hint of any ties to Islamist former work colleague, Jalilov devel-
news conference, using an acronym for bouring Syria. Turkey has been rou- militants. But there is a gap in Jalilovs oped an interest in Islam. He prayed,
the ultra-hardline militant group. tinely used by radical Islamists as a biography from the end of 2015 until went to the mosque, read the Quran,
route into areas of Syria controlled by the start of this year. During that period and started growing a beard. But the
In Europe, vehicles have also been the Islamic State group. several acquaintances said he disap- source said he did not notice any signs
France used as deadly weapons in attacks in
Nice, Berlin and London over the past
If Jalilov had been in Syria, that
would expose a major gap in Russias
peared from view.
He reappeared when he visited Osh
of extremism.
The second source, another native
year and were claimed by Islamic State. counter-terrorism procedures, which in February this year. In March he re- of Osh who also worked with Jalilov in
There has been as yet no claim of respon- rely heavily on identifying anyone who turned to St Petersburg and rented an St Petersburg, said he too was aware
sibility for the Stockholm assault. has been with militants in Syria and apartment from where he set off on the that Jalilov had acquired an interest in
Govt probes threats The Stockholm suspect, aged 39 and stopping them from returning to Rus-
sia, or arresting them.
day of the bombing carrying a rucksack
and a bag.
religion. But he said Jalilov never tried
to push his faith onto anyone else.
from the Central Asian republic of Uz- The metro blast happened on Mon- By speaking to several people who During 2015, said the rst source,
bekistan, applied for permanent residence day afternoon just as Russian President knew Jalilov well, Reuters has been Jalilov left St Petersburg. The source
Clashes at Le Pen in Sweden in 2014. But his bid was re-
jected and he was wanted for disregard-
Vladimir Putin visited St Petersburg.
No group has claimed responsibility.
able to piece together a picture of his
life in the missing years.
said he heard from other cooks at the
restaurant that before leaving, Jalilov
ing an order for his deportation, Hysing But Islamic State has threatened acts According to someone from Osh had said he was going to Turkey.
rally in Corsica city said. of violence on Russian soil in reprisal
for the Kremlins military intervention
who worked as a cook alongside Jalilov
in a St Petersburg restaurant in 2014,
He said, according to the source,
that there are good jobs in Turkey, and
PARIS, April 9, (RTRS): Skirmishes broke out on Satur- Migration in Syria in support of President Bashar he was an even-tempered young man things arent working out (with work) in
Police had been looking for him since al-Assad. who did not drink or use swear words. St Petersburg.
day ahead of a campaign rally by French far-right leader
Marine Le Pen, prompting the removal of more than a the Nordic countrys Migration Agen-
dozen protesters and the evacuation of the hall in Ajac- cy in December gave him four weeks inquiry. Sergels torg, the central square next to tigation so far.
cio, Corsica. to leave the country. He had not been Of the injured, 10 remained in hospi- Drottninggatan, at 2 p.m. (1200 GMT). The four victims killed in Fridays
The latest polls ahead of the April-May, two-round known as a militant threat by the security tal, two of them in intensive care. Prime Minister Stefan Lofven, ad- truck attack on shoppers in the Swedish
presidential election show Le Pen leader of the anti- services before Fridays attack. In neighbouring Norway early on Sun- dressing a Social Democratic party capital included a British man, a Belgian
immigrant National Front neck-and-neck with centrist Two of the dead were Swedes, one was day, police set off a controlled explosion conference in the western city of Goth- woman and two Swedes, authorities in
Emmanuel Macron, who is expected to beat her in the a British citizen and the other from Bel- of a bomb-like device in central Oslo enburg, said Sweden would never be those countries said. Their identities
runoff. gium, Hysing said. and took a suspect into custody. Police broken by acts of terror. were not released.
Polls also show that right behind them, far-left veteran Swedens prosecution authority said across the Nordic region went on height- Swedish prosecutors on Sunday ar- The Belgian news agency Belga said
Jean-Luc Melenchon has risen rapidly in opinion polls a second person had been arrested in ened alert after the Stockholm attack. rested a second person in connection the Belgian woman had been reported
after his performance in a televised debate early this connection with the attack on suspicion Stockholm was returning to normality with the truck attack case for suspected missing and was rst identied by her
week, drawing level with conservative candidate Fran- of having committed a terrorist offence on Sunday with police barricades taken crimes against the nation and were hold- identity papers and later by DNA testing.
cois Fillon, whose presidential bid has been tainted by through murder. down along the Drottninggatan street ing four other people. As of Sunday, 10 of the 15 people
corruption charges. But police said they were more con- where the attack took place. A person suspected of terrorist of- wounded in the truck attack remained
Around 50 Corsica nationalists demonstrated in front vinced than ever that the Uzbek man was Hundreds of ower bouquets covered fenses by murder has been arrested, hospitalized, including one child. Stock-
of the venue in Ajaccio where Le Pen was holding her the driver of the commandeered truck. steps leading down to the square next to spokeswoman Karin Rosander told The holm county spokesman Patrik Soder-
rally, chanting We do not want the National Front, ac- They said another ve people were be- where the truck ploughed into the Ahl- Associated Press. She did not give any berg said four of the 10 were considered
cording to local newspaper Corse Matin. ing held for questioning after raids dur- ens department store, with more piled up further details about the new suspect. seriously injured and the remaining
Some of them managed to enter the hall where Le Pen ing the weekend, and that they had con- under boarded-up windows. In all, Evensson said authorities have six, including the child, were slightly
was expected to speak. They clashed with Le Pens secu- ducted about 500 interviews as part of the A memorial service was being held in questioned over 500 people in the inves- injured.
rity team, throwing punches and ring teargas, prompt-
ing the evacuation of the hall, the newspaper said.
A Corsican nationalist movement claimed responsibil- views to his home country. which pose a serious threat to public order (old people) are about to pass away.
ity for incidents. The ministry said Hani Ramadan was ar- on the French soil. In 2002, Hani Ramadan Sensing their pained reaction, he added:
We will never let this party, whose former leader had Europe rested Saturday in Colmar, in eastern France, was banned from teaching in a Swiss school Who guarantees life? No one. At your age,
demanded the death penalty for Corsican political pris- as he was taking part in a conference, and because he had publicly defended the stoning you have the future ahead of you.
oners, come safely to our country, the organisation A police escorted him to the Swiss border. of adulterers. (AP) Francis is known for his casual, self-
Ghjuvent Independentista, said in a statement, referring Greece arrests 7: Greeces coastguard It said Ramadan is known in the past to deprecating remarks and has said repeatedly
to Marines father Jean-Marie Le Pen. The campaign said on Saturday that it had uncovered an have adopted a behavior and made comments he didnt expect to be pope for very long.
event was delayed for an hour and moved to another international ring that transported large quan- Pope raises own mortality: Pope Fran- Early on in his four-year papacy he predicted
venue, French television BFM TV said. tities of drugs from Albania to Italy using cis urged young people to lead the churchs two to ve years would do it. He has also
Meanwhile, French prosecutors opened an investiga- high-speed boats. future Saturday even as he voiced doubts that not ruled out the possibility of resigning like
tion on Friday into written death threats posted along The coastguards drug-ghting unit said it hed be around much longer to see it. his predecessor, Emeritus Pope Benedict
with bullets to two news outlets and several magistrates, had arrested ve Albanians and two Greeks The 80-year-old pope referred to his own XVI, did.
and seized 1.5 tonnes of unprocessed can- mortality twice in the span of a few minutes At the same time, theres nothing indicat-
ofcials said. during a vigil service to rally enthusiasm for
nabis and two speedboats, estimating that ing that Francis is slowing down.
Mediapart, an investigative online publication and the Catholic Churchs World Youth Day, to Later this month, he begins the rst of his
one of the two news organisations targeted, said it and the ring had made many millions of euros.
(RTRS) be held in Panama in 2019. 2017 foreign travels that are expected to bring
Le Canard Enchaine, a satirical weekly which specialises I dont know if it will be me, but the pope him to Egypt, Portugal, Colombia, India,
in lifting the lid on political scandal, had both received
will be in Panama! he told the crowd at the Bangladesh and perhaps South Sudan. He
identical letters from a group calling itself The Purge France expels Swiss preacher: St Mary Major basilica. is also gearing up for the next big meeting
Collective 2J. Frances interior ministry said it has expelled A few minutes earlier, he drew gasps from of the worlds bishops this fall, dedicated to
a Swiss Islamic preacher with extremist Pope Francis Pope Bernedict the pews when he teased: At my age, we young people. (AP)



4 fear of reprisal

Turkish officers get

asylum in Norway
STAVANGER, Norway, April 9, (Agencies): Norway
and Turkey NATOs northern and southern fron-
tiers in Europe have been pillars of the Western
military alliance for more than 60 years. But the dip-
lomatic temperature between the two has fallen
steadily since Turkey recalled dozens of military
officers as suspects in an aborted coup and Norway
became the first nation to grant some of them asylum.
The government in Oslo agreed last month to pro-
tect four Turkish officers who had been assigned to
NATO and, like colleagues in Germany and Brussels,
fear they could be imprisoned as terrorists if they go
back to their country. Turkeys Foreign Ministry sum-
moned the Norwegian ambassador for an explanation
while the officers remain in
Stavanger, a city on Norways
west coast that lies 3,800 kms
(2,360 miles) from Ankara.
We see that this is a diffi-
cult decision for Norway
because of the alliance, and it
can cause big problems for
NATO, so we appreciate that
they have put human rights In this April 8, 2017 photo, Georgian border guards patrol a border with Georgias breakaway region of South Ossetia, near the village of Khurvaleti, Georgia. Voters
over political decisions, one in Georgias breakaway region of South Ossetia are electing a president on April 9 and deciding on a referendum on whether to add the word Alania to the regions
of the officers given asylum name, which critics say would be a step toward incorporating South Ossetia into Russia. (AP)
Erdogan said. Norway still says you
are innocent until proven guilty
... in Turkey, you have to prove your innocence.
The men trying to forge new lives in Stavanger are Poland
among a cadre of commissioned Turkish officers who
were working at NATO facilities around Europe dur-
ing Turkeys July 15 thwarted coup. The Turkish
government suspects of playing a role in the failed
coup, and the men have asked not to be named for fear Kaczynski remains in mourning 7 years on
of reprisals against their families in Turkey.
Some of my colleagues in other NATO headquar-
ters did return to Turkey. They were detained at the
Poland wrestles with crash trauma
airport in front of their families, their children. It WARSAW, Poland, April 9, (AP): Its ments objections to the re-election of he is widely considered the real power
would be very difficult to go back to Turkey now, been seven years since Poland lost its Tusk as president of the European behind both the prime minster and
one senior officer said. We have small kids, and we president in a plane crash in Russia. Council failed. president, whom he both chose.
have to save their lives. His twin brother, who effectively runs Kaczynski accuses Tusk and his The main anti-government protest,
The former officers bristle at being branded trai- the Polish government today, remains allies of not doing enough to clarify all which is being organized by civic
tors. Each man was on leave when the plot unfolded in mourning, only wearing black suits facts surrounding the crash and of fail- rights group Obywatele RP, will rally
and claims he has a firm alibi. With their bank and black ties in public and deter- ing to ensure proper security for the in defense of constitutional freedoms
accounts frozen, their successful military careers sud- Hooded penitents from La Borriquita mined to punish those he blames for flight of a president who was in an and against an emerging Catholic-
take part during a Holy Week proces- the crash. opposing political camp. Some of his nationalism in Poland, which we see as
denly cut short and hopes for fair trials in Turkey sion in Cordoba, Spain on April 9.
shattered, they say they had no choice but to seek The identical and inseparable accusations have been strong, of Tusk very close to fascism, said Pawel
Hundreds of processions take place
asylum in Norway, where they filed for protection throughout Spain during the Easter Kaczynski twins Lech and Jaroslaw somehow colluding to make the acci- Kasprzak, one of the organizers.
between Aug 13 and Oct 19. Holy Week. (AP) were in the Polish public eye for half a dent happen. Since the Law and Justice party
One of the men was fired by telephone. Another century childhood actors, then Tusk has denounced the accusations took power, a new investigation into
received a call ordering him to leave Norway within advisers to president Lech Walesa, as absurd, saying at first they could be the plane crash has been launched,
three days. Two watched in horror as their names then rising to become president and attributed to Kaczynskis deep grief, which cost 3.6 million zlotys alone in
appeared on blacklists of soldiers commanded back prime minister simultaneously. but later calling them a nasty and 2016 ($900,000), leaving an opposi-
to Turkey. Tragedy struck when President cynical ploy for power by a party tion party to ask state auditors to
When I saw the list and my name in the list, I tried Lech Kaczynski died in a plane crash without any other political ideas. review whether the expense is justi-
to understand the reason ... but there was nothing on April 10, 2010, along with his wife Even in 2014, when Tusk was still fied.
about this on the paper. There were just one or two or and 94 others, many of them top mem- prime minister and Kaczynski led the But government officials say the
three sentences calling us back, one said. It was a bers of Polands political and military opposition, he said, What Jaroslaw concerns are real and they must press
terrible period. I knew I would lose my rights, my elite. They were flying to an airport Kaczynski is doing with the catastro- on.
past, my family, everything. near Smolensk, Russia, to pay tribute phe is already a problem for the whole The longer you hide the wreckage,
The men say they have seen social media videos of to some 22,000 Polish officers killed state. the longer you hide the black boxes,
other Turkish officers being tortured in jail and have in the Katyn massacres by the Soviet the more you make Poles aware that
desperately tried to reach military friends back home. secret police during World War II. Ruling you are complicit in this catastrophe,
Grillo Szydlo
They say some have disappeared, while others were Poland will mark the anniversary of Along with his brother and sister-in- Foreign Minister Witold
forced into giving confessions. the crash Monday with state obser- law, a large swath of the ruling elite Waszczykowski said Thursday.
After the coup, 160 generals and 7,000 military vances. perished in the crash, including the Last week prosecutors said a new
officers have been arrested, one of the officers said Europe Seven years later, Jaroslaw head of the central bank and the armys analysis of the evidence has found that
bitterly. If these persons were involved in this coup, Kaczynski still thinks many questions chief of staff. That a patriotic president two Russian air traffic controllers were
the result must have been different. 5-Star holds tech summit: Italys surrounding the crash need to be was on a mission to honor an atrocity guilty of deliberately causing an air
anti-establishment 5-Star Movement is answered, not the least by Russia, inflicted by Moscow only deepened a traffic catastrophe, helped by a third
Custody broadening its reach as it eyes national which has refused to return the wreck- sense of continued Polish suffering official in the tower at the time. The
The government of President Recep Tayyip office, inviting some very establishment age and the planes flight recorders, due to Russia a country that allegations were rejected by Russian
Erdogan alleges that the coup was carried out by fol- figures to a daylong summit Saturday on and Donald Tusk, the then-Polish Jaroslaw Kaczynski has called cursed President Vladimir Putins spokes-
lowers of a US-based Muslim cleric Fethullah Gulen, technology, science, jobs and the future. prime minister who is now one of the earth. man.
who denies orchestrating a takeover. More than The summit, which was intentionally European Unions top officials. I lost a twin brother, Kaczynski, In the past, Law and Justice officials
150,000 people have been taken into custody, fired or low on political diatribe, marked a new now 67, said months after the disaster. have suggested the Russians created
forced to retire from Turkeys armed forces, judiciary, phase for the grassroots protest movement Crash You need to have one to understand fake fog or placed an explosive device
education system and other public institutions since that has upended the Italian political scene Kaczynski has used his position as what kind of loss that is. on board.
the coup attempt. and now leads the polls as Italy prepares leader of the ruling Law and Justice While his loss elicited widespread They also are horrified by the slop-
Even Gulenists who did not take part in the coup for a general election later this year or party to direct state bodies to try to sympathy, Kaczynskis opponents py way the Russians carried out the
attempt are considered a serious security threat now next. debunk official findings that the crash have grown extremely critical of what autopsies, with body parts mixed up in
And it provided strong evidence that the
and are being purged from Turkeys military. The 5-Stars are attracting more than just the was an accident. Early on, Polish they, like Tusk, see as is a cynical use the wrong graves, and have ordered
four former officers in Norway deny being Gulen sup- working-class backers typical of Europes investigators concluded the crash was of the tragedy for political gain. exhumations of most of the victims,
porters and think the government is using the coup as anti-establishment parties. The head of an accident resulting from several fac- Anti-government protests will take also in search of new evidence.
an excuse to crush its critics. Google Italy, university professors and tors, including pilot error and heavy place on the sidelines of Mondays Authorities recently revealed they dis-
We are hearing that peoples wives are accused of prominent journalists took part, though fog. state ceremonies. Opponents say they covered three hands in one grave.
being plotters and traitors. If one of your relatives has there were notable absences, including His supporters, often Catholic and will also protest the countrys overall Bereft of the person who was clos-
money in a certain bank, or you were using certain among 5-Star lawmakers and Italys lead- generally older, see Kaczynski as a political direction, which they decry as est to him, Jaroslaw Kaczynski now
social media on the day of the coup, you are accused ing astronaut, who bailed at the last min- brave defender pursuing the truth. anti-democratic. visits the presidential palace in
of being involved, one said. ute. Opponents see him as a dangerous The Polish government, now 17 Warsaw on the 10th of each month to
Turkey responded angrily to Norway granting the 5-Star founder Beppe Grillo sat in the promoter of conspiracy theories for months in power, has come under honor the Smolensk victims.
officers asylum, protesting that a NATO ally offered front row of the converted Olivetti type- which no evidence has ever surfaced. international censure for steps that The truth about Smolensk is close,
the men support to abuse the countrys political, writer factory in Ivrea, near Turin in The continuing quest is also deepen- have eroded the system of checks and Kaczynski told flag-waving supporter
social and economic opportunities instead of ensur- northern Italy, watching as a next gener- ing Polands isolation in Europe, evi- balance on the government. While last month, the 83rd time he marked
ing their return to Turkey. ation of 5-Star sympathizers outlined dent last month when the govern- Kaczynski holds no government post, the day.
The mens lawyer, Kjell Brygfjeld, thinks the four how Italy might emerge from years of
cases were fast-tracked through the sometimes economic stagnation and rising unem-
clogged Norwegian asylum system. One of the former ployment. (AP)
Some children were orphaned in the col- to determine what caused the recently ren- were planning to kill one of Moldovas
officers said his asylum petition was approved with- lapse and five families were left homeless, ovated pre-World War II-era building to most powerful politicians, prosecutors
out his needing to provide documents proving he was German army probes soldiers: The Swiebodzice Mayor Bogdan Kozuchowicz collapse. Prosecutors have opened an there said Saturday.
in danger. Germany militarys counter-intelligence said Sunday. Four people were injured. investigation. (AP) Senior organized crime prosecutor
agency is looking into 275 suspected right- The people who died were two school- Vitalie Busuioc said authorities knew of
wing extremists in its ranks, including a age children, three men and one woman. orders from two unnamed people to assas-
The overwhelming victory of Prime Minister soldier heard saying Heil Hitler, the Doctors said a 13-year-old boy, is hospital- 17 detained in alleged plot: sinate Vladimir Plahotniuc, an influential
Aleksandar Vucic in Serbias presidential election on Defence Ministry has told parliament in a ized with life-threatening injuries. Seventeen people have been detained in businessman and chairman of the
April 2 could help stabilise the country, a top US and letter seen by Reuters on Sunday. A team of construction experts is trying Moldova and Ukraine on suspicion they Democratic Party, the biggest party in
NATO military officer said. About 143 of the cases were reported Moldovas pro-European governing coali-
Navy Admiral Michelle Howard, who heads last year and 53 this year, the ministry tion.
NATOs Allied Joint Force Command in Naples, told wrote in its 15-page answer, detailing inci- Police said the suspects had received
Reuters she hoped engineered provocations between dents of soldiers performing Nazi salutes $100,000 and were due to receive a total of
Kosovo and Serbia in recent months would calm or uttering racist remarks against service- $200,000.
down now that the election was over. men with migrant backgrounds. Authorities detained eight people in
Now that were through the election, perhaps the Public displays of Nazi symbols and Moldova and nine in Ukraine and seized
national leaders will refocus on their own countries salutes are illegal in Germany, where most an unspecified number of grenade launch-
and govern. Thats my hope, Howard, who also com- people are repulsed by any degree of sym- ers, two pistols, phones, wigs and mous-
mands US naval forces in Europe and Africa, said in pathy to the dictatorship responsible for the taches. (AP)
an interview late on Saturday after an event hosted by The letter noted the lax manner in which
the Missile Defense Advocacy Alliance.
Howard said the region remained an area of con-
some of the most serious cases have been Protests against Vucic: Thousands
dealt with. of people are blowing whistles and bang-
cern for the US military and NATO, which still has One such incident is Case 29, which ing pots outside the Serbian government
4,500 troops in Kosovo after intervening in 1999 to involved a soldier who was heard conspic- headquarters to protest the election of pow-
stop Serbias killings of ethnic Albanian civilians in a uously saying Heil Hitler, Heil our erful Prime Minister Aleksandar Vucic as
counter-insurgency campaign. leader and Sieg Heil, comrades, the the countrys new president.
She said Vucic, the outgoing prime minister, had run ministry said. (RTRS) The protest on Saturday was the sixth in
for president on a promise to keep the country moving on a row against Vucics election triumph last
a path toward European Union accession, which also weekend. The demonstrators joined hun-
required a demonstration of economic stability. Polish PM vows aid to survivors: dreds of policemen and soldiers who were
If hes serious, then I think that is helpful for the Polands prime minister and local authori-
ties vowed Sunday to provide financial holding a separate rally over low wages
country, Howard said. As you meet all that criteria, and poor living standards.
help and other aid to survivors of an apart-
I can only imagine that its helpful for ... establishing ment building collapse that left six people The protests have been held every day
stability and security of (Serbia). dead. since Sundays election, in which Vucic
If Vucic makes good his vow to continue moving Ministry of Emergency Situations employees examine a train wreck in Moscow, polled 55 percent of the votes and avoided
Prime Minister Beata Szydlo came to Russia early Sunday on April 9. The accident Saturday night occurred when an
toward EU membership, then Serbia would remain the site of Saturdays collapse in the south- a runoff election.
balanced between Russian influence and the rest of empty commuter train unexpectedly applied its emergency brakes and a follow- Government officials claim the demon-
western town of Swiebodzice and prom- ing passenger train heading for Brest hit it from behind. Russias emergency
southeast Europe, Howard said. ised state aid to the survivors, including strations are organized by opposition lead-
services ministry says 15 people have been hospitalized. (AP) ers. They deny it. (AP)
special pensions to orphaned children.


World News Roundup


Replace clerical rule

Reza Pahlavi wants a
revolution in Trump era
DUBAI, United Arab Emirates, April 9, (AP): Irans
exiled crown prince wants a revolution.
Reza Pahlavi, the son of the last shah to rule be-
fore the 1979 Islamic Revolution, has seen his pro-
le rise in recent months following the election of US
President Donald Trump, who promises a harder line
against the Shiite power.
Pahlavis calls for replacing clerical rule with a par-
liamentary monarchy, enshrining human rights and
modernizing its state-run economy could prove palat-
able to both the West and Irans Sunni Gulf neighbors,
who remain suspicious of Irans intentions amid its
involvement in the wars in Iraq, Syria and Yemen.
But the Mideast is replete with cautionary tales
about Western governments putting their faith in ex-
iles long estranged from their
homelands. Whether Pahlavi
can galvanize nostalgia for the
age of the Peacock Throne re-
mains unseen.
This regime is simply irre-
formable because the nature of
it, its DNA, is such that it can-
not, Pahlavi told The Associ-
ated Press. People have given
up with the idea of reform and
they think there has to be fun-
damental change. Now, how
Pahlavi this change can occur is the big
Pahlavi left Iran at age 17 for military ight school
in the US, just before his cancer-stricken father Mo-
hammad Reza Pahlavi abandoned the throne for ex- A supporter of pro-Kurdish Peoples Democracy Party shows a photo of jailed party leader Selahattin Demirtas during a referendum rally in Istanbul on April 8. Tur-
ile. The revolution followed, with the creation of the key is heading to a contentious April 16 referendum on constitutional reforms to expand President Recep Tayyip Erdogans powers. (AP)
Islamic Republic, the takeover of the US Embassy in
Tehran and the sweeping away of the last vestiges of
the American-backed monarchy.
Retained Iran
Yet the Pahlavis and the age of the monarchy have
retained their mystique in Iran, even as the majority
of its 80 million people werent alive to experience it.
Television period pieces have focused on their rule,
including the recent state TV series
Landmark nuclear deal with world powers slammed
The Enigma of the Shah, the most expensive
series ever produced to air in the country. While in-
corporating romances or mobsters into the tales, all
uniformly criticize the royal court.
Cleric Raisi to challenge Rouhani in polls
But Pahlavi, 56, insists young Iranians increasingly TEHRAN, April 9, (RTRS): Hard- by Iranian news agencies. Raisi, 57, heads Astan Qods
look toward Irans past. He pointed to recent demon- line Shiite cleric Ebrahim Raisi The key solution to our prob- Razavi, an organisation in charge
strations at the tomb of the pre-Islamic King Cyrus announced on Sunday he would lems is fundamental change in of a multibillion-dollar religious
the Great, which have been claimed by a variety of
anti-government forces as a sign of unrest. Under his run in Irans May presidential elec- the executive management of the foundation that manages donations
fathers secular and pro-Western rule, Iran experi- tion, challenging moderate Presi- country by the will of the people, to Irans holiest Shiite Muslim
enced a rapid modernization program nanced by oil dent Hassan Rouhanis economic and the formation of a competent shrine in the northeastern city of
revenues. An Ethiopian Christian woman prays record and his policy of detente and knowledgeable government Mashhad.
If you look at the legacy that was left behind by at Deir El Sultan outside the Church with the West. that works day and night to bring His statement said he would not
both my father and my grandfather ... it contrasts with of the Holy Sepulchre, traditionally The former prosecutor-gener- back the dignity of the people and use the religious and nancial ad-
this archaic, sort of backward, religiously rooted radi- believed by many to be the site of the
crucixion and burial of Jesus Christ, al may struggle for recognition ghts poverty and corruption. vantages of this post for his elec-
cal system that has been extremely repressive, Pahl- among voters though analysts say toral campaign.
in Jerusalems Old City on April 9 dur- Isolation
avi said. ing Palm Sunday. (AP) Raisi, thanks to the support he en- If he wins the May 19 vote,
Since the US election, Pahlavi has given a growing Rouhani won the presidency in
number of media interviews, including with Breitbart, joys from Supreme Leader Ayatol- Raisi would boost his chances of
lah Ali Khamenei, could pose a 2013 with the backing of mainly eventually succeeding Khamenei,
the far-right website once run by Trumps chief strate- of young people and women. He
gist, Steve Bannon. Pahlavi also has sent letters to the real challenge to Rouhanis bid for who himself served two terms as
Trump administration. a second term. promised to bring Iran out of its president under the late founder
Gauging national sentiment toward restoring the Raisi has faulted Irans eco- international isolation and create a of Irans 1979 Islamic Revolution,
monarchy in Iran is impossible, especially after nomic performance under Rouhani freer society. Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini.
the crackdown that followed the countrys dis- and his pursuit of detente that in But many ordinary Iranians have Iranian conservatives are still
puted 2009 election. Iranian state media routinely 2015 yielded a landmark deal with lost faith in him because he has not trying to reach consensus on a
refer to the Pahlavi monarchy as despotic, but world powers under which Tehran been able to improve the economy presidential candidate, though
there has been some reassessing of history in other curbed its disputed nuclear pro- despite the lifting of sanctions in Raisi seems well placed to become
quarters. January last year under the nuclear
A book published last year, The Fall of Heaven: gramme in exchange for the lifting their top choice.
of sanctions. deal. Raisi was named on Thursday by
The Pahlavis and the Last Days of Imperial Iran, of- Rights campaigners also say
fered a revisionist view of the shah. While acknowl- People are asking why despite the Popular Front of Revolutionary
edging the abuses of his feared SAVAK intelligence Gen Aoun Abbas all our resources and human talents there have been few, if any, moves Forces, the conservatives main
service and the corruption surrounding his rule, the ...our country is in this situation, to bring about greater political and coalition, as a potential contender
book portrays him as a fatalist in an era of disappear- Raisi said in a statement published cultural freedoms. in the Islamic Republics election.
ing Mideast monarchies. Mideast
The regime has repressed discussion of the Pahl-
avis for so long that it has had the opposite effect of
making young Iranians inside the country curious Lebanese army retakes E. border: Palestinian refugees living in 12 refugee Palm Sunday celebrated: Christians adverse wind conditions.
about what they dont know, said historian Andrew The Lebanese Army Commander Gen camps in Lebanon. (RTRS) in the Holy Land are celebrating Palm A French citizen lost his life and seven
Scott Cooper, the books author. Theres an interest- Joseph Aoun said Saturday the army Sunday, the start of the Holy Week that people four of them Turkish and three
ing generational divide going on here to where young regained full control over the eastern and leads up to Easter. foreigners were injured, the statement
northeastern borders with Syria after con- Mogherini arrives in Algiers: The Crowds of faithful gathered at Jerusa- said. Turkish civil aviation experts were
Iranians are saying to their parents and grandparents, High Representative of the European
frontations with armed groups. lems Church of the Holy Sepulchre, the investigating the crash.
the same people who marched against the shah and Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Cappadocia is a popular tourist destina-
Pahlavis, Why did you get rid of that system and put The military units, deployed in the traditional site of Jesus crucixion and
border areas, will remain there to reassure Policy Federica Mogherini arrived in resurrection. Many waved palm fronds to tion, known for its volcanic rock-forma-
this one in place? the residents and combat the armed groups Algeria Saturday evening on a two-day symbolize how worshippers greeted Jesus tions, underground cities and churches
He added: The family name still retains a lot of whatever the cost might be, he afrmed. ofcial visit. Upon her arrival at Houari- over 2,000 years ago as he triumphantly carved into mountainsides.
magic, more than ever today among Iranians. How Gen Aoun made the comments in a press Boumediene international airport, she said entered Jerusalem. Nevsehir governor Ilhami Aktas said 81
that translates practically into support for Reza as a release following an inspection tour of the she was extremely satised with the Clergy and worshippers took part in the hot air balloons lifted off Sunday in Cap-
credible alternative leader, I just dont know. military outposts on the outskirts of the level of the deep, intense and very positive procession next to the newly restored tomb padocia to give tourists a scenic view of the
Asked how his envisioned peaceful revolution northeastern town of Arsal where he was partnership. of Jesus. A Greek team has just completed historic site.
could play out in Iran, Pahlavi said it would need to be- accompanied by senior ofcers. The partnership between the European a historic renovation of the Edicule, the Hot air balloon tours were suspended
gin with labor unions starting a nationwide strike. He He commended the level of prepared- Union and Algeria is the fruit of a very shrine that tradition says houses the cave Wednesday due to bad weather but
said members of the hard-line Revolutionary Guard, ness of the military troops in the frontlines intense and positive work over the past where Jesus was entombed and resurrected. resumed Saturday with the permission
years, she told reporters. of civil aviation authorities, the state-run
a paramilitary organization established to protect the of the combat against terrorism and their
She noted that her visit to Algeria aims
A 12th-century building sitting on
clerical system, would be assured they wouldnt be efforts to maintain the security of the 4th-century remains, the Church of the Anadolu Agency reported. (AP)
to further intensify and deepen the partner-
all hung and shot. country.
ship in several areas elds.
Holy Sepluchre is the only place where six
Most importantly, he said Western governments The mission to confront the terrorist Christian denominations practice their faith
Besides the bilateral issues, Mogherini at the same site. (AP) 31 Palestinians arrested: The Israeli
need to keep their distance and not threaten military groups is parallel with the one to face up to is scheduled to discuss with the Algerian occupation forces arrested on Sunday 31
action. the Israeli enemy in the south; both of them senior ofcials a number of regional and Palestinians, most of them from occupied
have direct impacts on the internal security international issues of mutual concern.
Optimistic of Lebanon, Gen Aoun went on. Hot air balloon crashes: A hot air bal- Al-Quds.
This is my second visit to Algeria since loon hit a high-voltage transmission line in Palestinian Prisoner Club said in a
Thats an exceedingly optimistic vision, especially He added that the turmoil in the region the beginning of my term, she pointed out.
added strains on the Lebanese army, thus central Turkey and crashed Sunday near a statement today that the occupation forces
considering the amount of power the Guard and other necessitating the highest possible level of
The EU foreign policy chief noted that she popular tourist destination, killing a French arrested 23 citizens from Al-Quds, most
hard-liners wield in Irans economy. met Algerian Minister of Foreign Affairs tourist and injuring at least seven people, of them were released later after removing
preparedness. and International Cooperation Ramtane
It also largely ignores the concerns many in Iran Gen Aoun served as commander of the the transport ministry said. them from the Aqsa Mosque for varying
have about Western meddling. Pahlavis father took Lamamra a few weeks ago in Brussels Turkeys Ministry of Transport said the lengths.
9th brigade of the army in the eastern parts for the Algeria-EU Association Council.
power following a 1953 coup engineered by Britain of the country before being appointed as balloon was carrying 20 passengers, includ- It added that the Israeli forces arrested
and the US. (KUNA) ing six foreigners, when it hit the electric seven Palestinians from the city of Hebron
commander of the army in last month.
Pahlavi, who still resides in the US, said he hasnt (KUNA) line during its descent in Cappadocia due to and another from Bethlehem.
had any side occupation since 1979, and has re- The Israeli occupation forces have inten-
ceived nancial support from his family and many sied their military actions in the occupied
Iranians who have supported the cause. Palestinian killed in clashes: A city of Jerusalem in conjunction with the
My focus right now is on liberating Iran, and I member of the Palestinian Fatah faction Jewish Passover.(KUNA)
will nd any means that I can, without compromising was killed in factional clashes at the Ain el-
Hilweh refugee camp in southern Lebanon
the national interests and independence, with anyone on Sunday, a Fatah ofcial said, as ghting Probe on Netanyahu continues:
who is willing to give us a hand, whether it is the that has killed at least four people, raged Israeli media say police have questioned
US or the Saudis or the Israelis or whomever it is, for a third day. another billionaire as part of a corruption
he said. At least four people have been killed and probe involving Prime Minister Benjamin
Pahlavi said he had yet to meet with the Trump dozens more people wounded in the latest Netanyahu.
administration despite his letters. Another Iranian ex- round of ghting, pitching Fatah and other Channel 2 TV says police grilled British
ile group, the Mujahedeen-e-Khalq, previously paid Palestinian groups against hard line Sunni businessman Poju Zabludowicz on Sat-
a member of Trumps Cabinet $50,000 for giving a Islamists known as the Badr group. urday about alleged presents he provided
speech . However, the MEKs siding with Iraqi dicta- Fatah is led by Palestinian President Netanyahu and his wife, Sara.
tor Saddam Hussein during the Iran-Iraq war in the Mahmoud Abbas. The investigation, dubbed File 1000,
1980s and its killing of Americans before the revolu- Clashes have erupted intermittently in reportedly concerns claims that Netanyahu
tion, which the group now denies, makes it an unsuit- recent months in Ain al-Hilweh. The latest improperly accepted lavish gifts from
able partner, Pahlavi said. round began on Friday when a joint secu- wealthy supporters, including Hollywood
Its pretty much a cult-type structure, he said. rity force grouping the main Palestinian producer Arnon Milchan and Australian
For now, Pahlavi said he looks forward to meeting factions met resistance from Badr ghters billionaire James Packer.
with Trump and his administration. But he pins his as it tried to deploy in the camp. The Netanyahus are said to have re-
Mortar bombs have been red in the ceived more than $100,000 worth of cigars
hopes on Irans sense of history, something Cooper most recent clashes, some of the most fero- Security members investigate at the site after a hot air balloon hit a high-voltage and liquor from Milchan. Netanyahu denies
also acknowledged. cious between the sides to date. transmission line and crashed near Cappadocia, a popular tourist destination any wrongdoing.
For many Iranians, the revolution is unnished Lebanons Palestinian camps mainly fall in central Turkey on April 9. The state-run Anadolu Agency says several hot air Zabludowicz owns several assets in Is-
business, the author said. outside the jurisdiction of the Lebanese balloons lifted off Sunday in Turkeys Cappadocia region to give tourists a scenic rael and has been friendly with Netanyahu
security services. There are some 450,000 view of the historic site, and one hit the electric line during its descent. (AP) for decades. (AP)


Tibetans should decide: Tibetan
spiritual leader the Dalai Lama said on
Saturday the Tibetan people should decide
if they wanted to continue with his institu-
tion, adding that he wanted to convene a
meeting of senior monks this year to start
discussing his succession.
China, which brands the Nobel Peace
laureate a dangerous separatist, says the
tradition must continue and its ofcially
atheist Communist leaders have the right to
approve the Dalai Lamas successor, as a
legacy inherited from Chinas emperors.
Whether this very institution of Dalai
Lama should continue or not is up to
Tibetan people, the Dalai Lama told a
news conference in the remote hill town of
Tawang near the Chi-
nese border in Indias
northeastern state of
Arunachal Pradesh.
A nal decision on
the fate of the institu-
tion would be taken
when he reaches late
80s or 90, the Dalai
Lama said.
Tibetan Buddhism
holds that the soul
of a senior lama, or
Buddhist monk, is Dalai Lama
reincarnated in the body of a child on his
death. (RTRS)

6 killed in Kashmir protest: Six peo-
ple were killed and more than two dozen
injured on Sunday when police clashed
with protesters during a by-election in Sri-
nagar in Indias disputed Kashmir region, a
senior police ofcial said.
In this March 15, 2017 le photo, US Navy aircraft carrier, the USS Carl Vinson approaches to participate in the annual joint military exercise called Foal Eagle between South Korea Separatist factions in Kashmir had
and the United States, at Busan port in Busan, South Korea. The Pentagon says a Navy carrier strike group is moving toward the western Pacic Ocean to provide a physical presence called for a boycott of the vote, resulting in
near the Korean Peninsula. (AP) heightened security and low voter turnout
when the polling began.
In Budgam district, police initially used
tear-gas against protesters who were throwing
North Korea India stones, but then opened re, killing six peo-
ple, the senior police ofcial told Reuters.
More than two dozen people were
injured during the clashes across central
Kashmir on Sunday, the ofcial said.
N.Korea to boost defenses Rescued from bondage get homes At least 70 polling stations were shut
due to the violence, while at some stations
voting machines were set ablaze by the

US Navy strike Labourers rebuild lives protesters. (RTRS)

Anchor learns of husbands death:
group to Korea CHENNAI, India, April 9, (RTRS):
Born into debt bondage, S. Appu
spent 25 years conned to a rice mill
said Sam Jebadurai from the charity
International Justice Mission, which
works to rescue bonded labourers and
People across India are hailing the com-
posure of a television news anchor who
learned of her husbands death as she deliv-
in south India, watching his father help them rebuild their lives. ered a breaking news report on live TV.
WASHINGTON, April 9, (Agencies): A US Navy strike repay a debt, and then working tire- These take time and many dont Supreet Kaur was reading the morning
group will be moving toward the western Pacic Ocean A Roman Catholic priest blesses with lessly to pay it off himself. follow through. news bulletin for Indias IBC24 channel
near the Korean peninsula as a show of force, a US of- holy water devotees waving palm When he was freed from the mill When he was asked where he in Chhattisgarh state on Saturday when a
cial told Reuters on Saturday, as concerns grow about fronds in observance of Palm Sunday in Guduvanchery in Tamil Nadu state would want to live as a free man reporter called in a story about a fatal road
North Koreas advancing weapons program. which ushers the start of Holy Week in 2015, he did not have a place to by ofcials that had helped to res- crash.
Earlier this month North Korea tested a liquid-fueled in this predominantly Roman Catholic call home. cue him, Appu recalls shrugging Although the reporter didnt name the
Scud missile which only traveled a fraction of its range. nation in Asia on April 9, in Manila, Home had always been the rice his shoulders and muttering that it three victims, Kaur realized her husband,
The strike group, called Carl Vinson, includes an Philippines. Palm Sunday is observed mill, Appu, 27, told the Thomson didnt matter. Harsad Kawade, was among the dead from
aircraft carrier and will make by Roman Catholics all over the world the details of the story.
Reuters Foundation. I even married Actually, I didnt even know the For a moment her voice trembled, but
its way from Singapore toward to mark the entry of Jesus Christ into there, all the while unaware that there name of the village my parents came
the Korean peninsula, accord- Jerusalem. (AP) she collected herself and carried on read-
was a world outside that space. from, he said, sitting on the steps of ing the news till the bulletin got over 10
ing to the ofcial, who was not But today Appu lives in his own his new home, watching his daughter
authorized to speak to the me- minutes later, Ravikant Mittal, IBC24s
house, designed and built by students smother her face with powder. editor-in-chief, said Sunday.
dia and requested anonymity. of Chennais Madras Christian College And besides, no one had ever Once the broadcast was over, Kaur
We feel the increased pres- as part of a project funded by charities asked me what I wanted. emerged from the studio and broke down
ence is necessary, the ofcial and the government to help rescued Appu ended up living with other in tears. She called the reporter for more
said, citing North Koreas wor- bonded labourers get back on their feet. rescued labourers on the edge of a details from the accident site before
risome behavior. Before moving into a one-room village in Tamil Nadus Kancheepu- informing her family about the accident,
The news was rst reported brick house in December, Appu was ram district in tents provided by a Mittal said.. (AP)
by Reuters. living in a makeshift shelter on a non-governmental organisation.
Trump In a statement late Saturday, piece of land given to him and eight These generational bonded labour-
the US Navys Third Fleet said Pakistani missing in Nepal: Pakistan
other families rescued from the same ers, all from the Irula tribes, had prac- says a retired army ofcer went missing
the strike group had been directed to sail north, but it mill by the Tamil Nadu government. tically been forgotten, said Prince
did not specify the destination. The military vessels while visiting a Nepalese town on the
We found them living in tempo- Solomon, assistant professor and eld Indian border for a job interview.
will operate in the Western Pacic rather than making ONeill Turnbull rary shelters during the 2015 oods coordinator for the college project. Foreign Ofce spokesman Mohammed
previously planned port visits to Australia, it added. that swept the region, said Jesser- One of my students waded Nafees Zakari said Sunday the ministry has
This year North Korean ofcials, including leader son Joel, a 22-year-old student, who through a lake to reach them. asked authorities in Nepal to look into the
Kim Jong Un, have repeatedly indicated an interconti- Asia helped to build Appus new home. Shocked by their plight, the stu- disappearance of retired Lt Col Mohammad
nental ballistic missile test or something similar could They were practically living in dents quizzed the families about their Habib, who went missing shortly after ar-
be coming, possibly as soon as April 15, the 105th the open, unprotected and exposed. needs and began mapping out a pro- riving in the town of Lumbini on Thursday.
birthday of North Koreas founding president and cel- China probes CIRC chief: The head They needed shelter. ject to build them permanent homes. The family of Habib, who retired in
ebrated annually as the Day of the Sun. of Chinas insurance regulator is being India banned bonded labour in By mid-2016, the foundations of 2014, reported his disappearance after they
Earlier this week US President Donald Trump and investigated for suspected disciplinary 1976, but it remains widespread, with the rst set of homes had been laid. were unable to reach him by phone. (AP)
Chinese President Xi Jinping met in Florida, where violations, the countrys top anti-graft body millions like Appu from the margin- Each family promised to work with
Trump pressed his counterpart to do more to curb said on Sunday, bringing the most senior alised Dalit and tribal communities the students to develop their homes,
North Koreas nuclear program. nancial regulator to date into the govern-
13 Afghan forces killed: Insurgents
working in elds, brick kilns, rice replacing plastic and asbestos sheets have killed at least 13 Afghan security
ments ght against corruption. mills, brothels or as domestic work- with concrete pillars and roof.
Security Chinas top leaders have pledged this
forces in separate attacks, ofcials said
ers to pay off debts. Appu said with its garden, en- Sunday, as the country struggles to contain
Trumps national security aides have completed a year to address nancial risks and asset Last year, the government an- closed bathroom and a tiled roof, his a long-running Taleban insurgency and
review of US options to try to curb North Koreas nu- bubbles.
nounced plans to rescue more than house was a dream home. combat a growing threat from a local
clear and missile programs. These include economic In a brief statement, the Central Com- Islamic State afliate.
mission for Discipline Inspection said 18 million bonded labourers by 2030, The homes which were designed
and military measures but lean more toward sanctions and increase compensation for res- to be held up by stilts, sit three feet Munir Ahmad Farhad, spokesman for
and increased pressure on Beijing to rein in its reclu- Xiang Junbo, head of the China Insurance the governor of the northern Balkh prov-
Regulatory Commission (CIRC) and a cued workers by vefold as part of (0.9 metres) above ground to limit the
sive neighbor. efforts to tackle modern slavery. damage done by future ooding. ince, said a roadside bomb killed nine secu-
Although the option of pre-emptive military strikes on member of the central banks monetary rity forces and wounded several others the
policy committee, was suspected of seri- But without homes, land and jobs, it Another key feature are proper toi-
North Korea is not off the table, the review prioritizes is easy for rescued workers to slip back lets to replace the open-air bathing night before in the Chimtal district, where
less-risky steps and de-emphasizes direct military action. ous disciplinary violations a phrase that they were waging an ongoing operation
usually refers to graft. into debt bondage, campaigners say. areas used by women known as against the Taleban. He said ve insurgents
Trump spoke with South Koreas acting President It gave no further details. The compensation amount is given, four sticks and a sari because they
Hwang Kyo-ahn on Friday, the White House said on have been killed and dozens wounded.
As of Sunday afternoon, Xiangs name but for all other welfare schemes, in- are formed by planting sticks in the In a separate incident, Islamic State
Saturday in a statement which did not mention the and position remained on the website of the cluding housing and land, they have to ground around which women wrap
strike group. militants attacked the Darzab district head-
CIRC, ll in forms and follow procedures, their saris for privacy while bathing. quarters in the neighboring Jawzjan province
Meanwhile, North Korea has vowed to bolster its As head of the insurance regulator, Xi-
defenses to protect itself against airstrikes like the Saturday night, and that gun battles were still
ang oversaw rapid growth of the insurance underway, said Mohammad Reza Ghafori,
ones Trump ordered against an air base in Syria. industry, along with liberalisation of invest-
Fate of refugees in doubt: The future Australian Prime Minister Malcolm spokesman for the provincial governor.
The North called the airstrikes absolutely unpar- ment rules that provided insurers greater Four Afghan reinforcements, including a
donable and said they prove its nuclear weapons are latitude to invest more of their assets at of hundreds of asylum seekers languishing Turnbull said during a visit to the
Pacific island nation that Papua New unit commander, were killed in an ambush
justied to protect the country against Washingtons home and overseas. (RTRS) at an Australian-run detention center in as they raced to the scene of the clashes, he
Guinea had made significant progress
evermore reckless moves for a war. Papua New Guinea remained in doubt on toward resettling the nearly 900 men said. (AP)
The comments were made by a Foreign Ministry Saturday, with the leaders of both countries
ofcial and carried Sunday by North Koreas state- Indonesia police kill 6: Police shot being held at the Manus Island detention
dead six suspected members of an Islamic declining to provide details about what will center, which is slated to close by the end
run Korean Central News Agency. The report did not happen to the men if a deal to resettle them of the year. But Turnbull dodged ques- Sport outlasts wars, politics: A crash
militant group in Indonesia on Saturday, of horses and men deep in a mountain pass
name the ofcial, which is common in KCNA reports. they said, after a failed drive-by shooting in the United States falls through. tions about exactly where the government
The airstrikes, announced shortly after Trump and signals the start of another game of buz-
targeting police ofcers in East Java. plans to send those men if the US refuses kashi, Afghanistans national sport.
Chinese President Xi Jinping wrapped up dinner at a Indonesia has the worlds largest Muslim to accept them under a deal struck by the
two-day summit in Florida last week, were retaliation Buzkashi, which translates roughly
population and has been on high alert over Obama administration. as goat pulling, has been played for
against Syrian President Bashar Assad for a chemi- a recent resurgence in radicalism inspired Australia will not settle any asylum
cal weapons attack against civilians caught up in his centuries across Central Asia and is one of
by the extremist group Islamic State. seekers who try to arrive by boat a the most enduring and iconic symbols of
countrys long civil war. After a police chase the six abandoned policy that the government says dis- Afghanistan.
Some forces are loud-mouthed that the recent US their vehicle in a village in the Tuban area, suades migrants from attempting the It is a sport which is often violent, but
military attack on Syria is an action of warning us but not far from the industrial city of Surabaya, dangerous and occasionally deadly designed to showcase the riders horseman-
we are not frightened by it, the report said, adding that and attempted to ee into a plantation ocean crossing from Indonesia. Australia ship and warrior spirit.
the Norths tremendous military muscle with a nuclear where they were all killed in a second gun instead pays Papua New Guinea and the Amid foreign invasions, civil wars, and
force as its pivot will foil any aggression by the US. battle with police, East Java Police spokes- Pacific island nation of Nauru to house insurgent attacks, Afghans have gathered to
We will bolster up in every way our capability for man Frans Barung Mangera said. asylum seekers in detention camps that cheer on their favorite chapandaz, as the
self-defense to cope with the US evermore reckless By around 5pm we had immobilized have been plagued by reports of abuse riders are known.
moves for a war and defend ourselves with our own all of them, Mangera said, conrming that and draconian conditions. On Friday, a typical community match
force, it said. all six had died during the incident. A box We are working to solutions, endurable played out under the soaring, snow-capped
North Korea has long claimed that the United of 9mm bullets was found in their vehicle, solutions, of people who have been detained peaks that surround the Panjshir Valley,
he said. here and Nauru, Turnbull told reporters after north of Kabul.
States is preparing to conduct similar precision strikes Police were monitoring the vehicle prior
against its territory or even launch an all-out invasion. meeting with Papua New Guineas prime Rusting hulks of Russian-made tanks
to the attack, he said, in connection with minister, Peter ONeill. Working with third and guns litter the Panjshir, testifying to
It claims its nuclear weapons are a necessary deterrent the Friday arrest of three suspected mem- countries, most notably, of course, the United
to the US military threat. the years of war when famed guerilla com-
bers of the group, Jemaah Anshorut Daulah Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi States, to that regard. Well take this process mander Ahmad Shah Massoud used the
Washington denies it has any intention of invading (JAD), who were allegedly planning an arrives for a meeting with Bangla- one step at a time. mountains to hold off rst the Soviets, then
the North. attack on a police station and had bought deshi Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina In April 2016, ONeill said he would the Taleban.
Tensions have been even higher than usual over the M16 machine guns from the southern in New Delhi, India on April 8. India close the Manus center after the nations Its been almost fty to sixty years that
past few weeks because annual war games between Philippines. and Bangladesh have signed a slew Supreme Court ruled that detaining asylum buzkashi matches have been happening on
the US and South Korean militaries are underway. We tried to stop that vehicle, but the of agreements, including a $4.5 billion seekers and refugees there was a violation this site, said Abdul Anaan, a spectator.
The exercises this year are the biggest ever and have vehicle did not stop, Mangera said, adding concessionary line of credit from India of their constitutional right to personal lib- I myself was a horseman and usually
included stealth ghter training and other maneuvers that those in the vehicle took out weapons for development projects in Bangla- erty. The decision sent Australian ofcials played buzkashi, and today many youth
that are particularly sensitive to North Korea. and shot at ofcers. (RTRS) desh, as the South Asian neighbors scrambling to nd a place to resettle the are interested in this game and playing
try to deepen their ties. (AP) detainees. (AP) it. (RTRS)


World News Roundup


Car bomb kills 4 in Somalia

India, China navies
thwart pirates attack
DELHI, April 9, (Agencies): Chinese navy ship sup-
ported by an Indian navy helicopter thwarted an attack
on a Tuvalu-agged merchant ship by suspected So-
mali pirates, Indias defence ministry said on Sunday.
The ship, known as OS 35, was reported to be under
attack on Saturday.
The Indian defence ministry said four of its navy
ships in the vicinity responded to a distress signal
from the ship and reached the bulk carrier early on
It said that the crew had taken refuge in the ships
strong room, know as the citadel, once they learnt they
were under attack in line with established safe ship-
ping operating procedures.
An Indian Navy helicopter undertook aerial re-
connaissance of the merchant
vessel at night, and at sunrise
... (to) ascertain the location
of pirates, if still on board,
the defence ministry said in a
Subsequently ... a boarding
party from the nearby Chinese
Navy ship went on board the
merchant ship, while the In-
dian Naval helicopter provided
air cover for the operation.
The defence ministry said
Steed all the 19 Filipino crew of the
ship were safe and the captain of the ship thanked the
Indian Naval ships for their response and for provid-
ing air cover. Demonstrators clashes with the Bolivarian National Police during a protest in Caracas, Venezuela, on April 8. Opponents of President Nicolas Maduro protest on
John Steed of aid group Oceans Beyond Piracy the streets of Caracas on Saturday as part of a week-long protest movement that shows little sign of losing steam. (AP)
told Reuters the ship was sailing under navy escort to
its next port.

Hijacked ship owned by Lebanon co: A ship hi-
jacked off the coast of war-torn Yemen is a cargo ves-
sel owned by a Lebanon-registered company, a United
Nations agency conrmed Sunday. The hijacking is
the latest in a resurgence of piracy in the waters off Ban on Capriles fuels demonstrations
Somalia and Yemen, one of the worlds crucial sea
trade routes.
The OS 35, which can carry non-liquid cargoes like
grain or iron ore, is registered by Oldstone Cargo Ltd,
Venezuelan forces, protesters clash
which lists its business address in Tripoli, Lebanon,
said the International Maritime Organization. The OS CARACAS, April 9, (Agencies): holding political ofce for 15 years. politicians without due process.
35 is Oldstones only ship registered with the UN. Protesters clashed with security The order from the national comp- The violence was condemned by
Oldstone could not be immediately reached for com- forces during protests in Venezuela trollers ofce cited administrative the opposition leadership, who none-
ment. on Saturday after a ban on a top op- irregularities including breaking theless blame Maduros obstinacy
The pirates managed to board the ship Saturday position leader from ofce breathed contracting laws and improper man- for fueling the unrest.
evening near Yemens Socotra Island despite resis- life into a fractured movement and agement of donations, according to a They called for another protest
Protesters takes part in a demonstra- fueled the rst sustained anti-gov- copy of the ban. Monday. But with Caracas shut-
tance from the crew, said Somali pirate, Bile Hussein. tion against the US missile strikes into
Armed pirates hijacked the ship and were steering it Syria, in front of the Syria embassy ernment demonstrations since 2014. The ban triggered condemnation ting down for the Easter holiday
toward Somalias northern coast, said an ofcial with in Santiago, Chile, on April 8. The Thousands of people, some carry- from other Latin American countries which Maduro extended by decree
the ports ministry in Somalias northeastern semiau- US red a barrage of cruise missiles ing signs reading Dictator Madu- and the United States, which said it for three extra days they appeared
tonomous state of Puntland, who spoke on condition into Syria on Thursday night in retali- ro! and Elections now! in support was deeply troubled by the persecu- to be saving their strength for a ma-
of anonymity because he was not authorized to speak ation for a chemical weapons attack of banned leader Henrique Capriles, tion of Venezuelas opposition. jor demonstration called for April
to the press. against civilians earlier in the week. took part in marches across the coun- We also reject the rationales the 19.
Somali pirates in recent weeks have hijacked at The banner reads in Spanish Peace try against unpopular leftist Presi- Maduro government proffers for At least 17 people were treated
least two vessels with foreign crews in the waters off in Syria. (AP) dent Nicolas Maduro. for injuries, according to Ramon
its repressive actions, which, when
Somalia and Yemen, marking a return of the threat Saturdays protests extended closely examined are spurious and, Muchacho, a Caracas-area mayor
after ve years. a week of unrest sparked by last politically-motivated, and without where the demonstration took
weeks Supreme Court decision basis in domestic or international place.
Somali car bomb kills 4: At least four people were in which it assumed the role of the law, a US State Department spokes- Around most of Caracas, check-
killed when a car bomb exploded outside a military opposition-led congress. The ac- person said on Saturday. points were set up to search cars
base in the Somali capital of Mogadishu on Sunday, tion was quickly overturned, but the Capriles on Saturday said his and frisk bus passengers even miles
including some in a van that was destroyed, military global outcry it sparked galvanized headquarters in Caracas had caught away from the clashes. As night fell,
ofcials said. the opposition. re after tear-gas was thrown inside. many streets still reeked of tear-gas
The car bomb targeted senior ofcials leaving the Security forces blocked the march and a small group of youth burned
base in a convoy, they said. The Islamist group al Sha- in Caracas, as they did during two Vandalized trash and tore down street signs at
baab was behind the attack, said Abdiasis Abu Musab, other protests this week, prompting Around the same time, around a busy intersections in eastern Cara-
al Shebabs spokesman for military operations. violent confrontations. hundred protesters broke into an of- cas.
The suicide car bomb was targeting senior military Temer Lasso Protesters lobbed rocks and petrol ce of the Supreme Court and van- As the most dominant gure in
ofcials but by good luck their car was not hit. Their bombs and burned trash in the street dalized it, throwing construction the opposition over the past decade,
car turned a minute before the blast, Major Abdikadir while authorities responded with a materials inside and lighting a re, Capriles has been at the forefront
Hussein, a military ofcial, told Reuters. volley of tear-gas. according to a Reuters witness. of the protests, the most combative
A mini-bus carrying civilians was also destroyed. Lat/Am The government is afraid. If it Two people were reported injured since a wave of anti-government un-
We cannot give the exact gure of casualties, but by rubber bullets in San Cristobal, an
many civilians died in the attack. were not afraid, it would not close rest in 2014 in which dozens of peo-
7 Amazonas inmates die: Seven the streets. ... It would not disqual- opposition hotbed near the countrys ple were killed, many at the hands of
inmates have died in a penitentiary in a ify Capriles, said 27-year-old law- border with Colombia. security forces.
Ugandan police arrest minister: Ugandan police northern Brazilian state where riots left yer Gikeissy Diaz, adding that half Capriles had urged a crowd of The almost-daily churn of events
said on Saturday a minister had been arrested for tak- dozens of prisoners dead earlier this year, of her graduating class has left the supporters in Caracas to march to in what the opposition calls an on-
ing a bribe from a hotel owner after promising he according to authorities. country and that she is thinking of the ofce of the state human rights going coup by the government has
would in return help him deal with sexual harassment Six of the prisoners died Friday at the doing so, too. ombudsman, whom the opposition energized and united the normally
accusations from one of his workers. Puraquequara prison in Manaus, the capital Capriles, a two-time presidential says is a puppet of the government. fractious opposition.
Taking bribes and embezzlement of public funds is of Amazonas state, the state prison admin-
istration said. The seventh body was found candidate and current Miranda state The country has chosen the path While opposition leaders have in-
rampant in the east African country but arrest of min- governor, who was seen by many as of dictatorship, he said. sisted on peaceful protest, frustration
isters and other top government ofcials accused of Saturday, according to a second statement.
It was not clear when the seventh death the oppositions best chance in the Government critics say Capriles built up over 17 years of polarizing
graft is rare. occurred. presidential election scheduled for ban is arbitrary and allows the ruling socialist rule in Venezuela is running
Government critics often blame graft on long ruling The circumstances surrounding all of 2018, on Friday was banned from Socialist Party to sideline popular high on both sides.
President Yoweri Museveni who they say is reluctant the deaths are under investigation. One
to punish corrupt but loyal supporters. of those killed had been decapitated;
Museveni, 72, has been in power since 1986. another appeared to have been asphyxi- tion, which is introducing a minimum for workers to gain full pension benefits. shooting is related to extortion attempts
Emilian Kayima, police spokesman, said junior ated. retirement age. While the government (RTRS) that have plagued the twin resorts of Ixtapa
minister for labour, employment and industrial rela- Unlike in previous prison killings, there wants a minimum age of 65 for men, it and Zihuatanejo on the Pacic coast.
tions, Herbert Kabafunzaki, was arrested shortly after
was no riot when the deaths occurred, could discuss reducing that for women, The dead appeared to have been
taking a bribe of 5 million shillings ($1,385). according to the prison administration, if necessary, Temer said. Shooting in Mexico kills 4: State residents of Zihuatanejo, where much of
and prisoners did not resist the police who If we set the minimum age for men at ofcials say gunmen have opened re at a the recent violence has been concentrated.
responded to the crimes. 65, and 64 or 63 for women, it would not bar in the Mexican resort of Ixtapa, leaving (AP)
Keita names defence min as PM: Malis President Four prisoners died at the same lockup four people dead and two injured.
Ibrahim Boubacar Keita replaced his prime minister
mean a big change, Temer said, adding
in January, when a series of riots at that a different age for women is still not The security spokesman for the southern
late on Saturday, naming the defence minister to head Brazilian prisons left more than 120 under discussion. state of Guerrero says the shooting hap- Ecuador searches polling firm:
the government of the West African nation, which is inmates dead, including more than 50 at The pension plan, submitted last year pened early Saturday. Ecuadorean prosecutors and police on
struggling to end unrest in its restive desert north. another Amazonas penitentiary. Some to Congress, is aimed at curbing a grow- Roberto Alvarez says initial investi- Friday searched the office of a Gal-
Abdoulaye Idrissa Maiga, a close ally of President of those killed had been decapitated or ing deficit in Brazils generous pension gations indicate the shooting broke out lup polling affiliate whose presidential
Keita who had held the defence portfolio since Sep- dismembered in violence largely blamed between members of two rival drug gangs election exit poll fueled protests by
system, meant to provide rights guaran- projecting a six-point win for the losing
tember, replaced Modibo Keita, according to a decree on clashes between rival gangs. Those teed in the countrys 1988 Constitution. who were at the bar.
read on state television. The prime minister had ten- gruesome deaths raised serious questions opposition candidate.
It would require more years on the job Alvarez says theres no indication the An exit poll by Cedatos and two
dered his resignation on Friday, it said. about Brazils prisons, which are often
Islamist ghters, some of them with links to al Qa- overcrowded, understaffed and virtually other rms showed conservative banker
controlled by gangs. Guillermo Lasso winning Sundays race.
eda, seized northern Mali in 2012 before being driven Ofcial results wound up showing him los-
out of major cities and towns by a French-led military At Puraquequara, for instance, 1,286
prisoners are being held in a facility built ing by two points to ruling-party candidate
intervention a year later. Lenin Moreno.
for less than half that number, according to
France maintains an anti-militant force in West Af- the prison administration. (AP) Outgoing President Rafael Correa ac-
ricas vast, arid Sahel region, and the United Nations cused people close to Lassos campaign of
has deployed a peacekeeping mission in Mali.
hiring Cedatos to intentionally spread false
Brazil offered all it could: Brazil- results and sow confusion.
ian President Michel Temer said his Cedatos executive president Polibio
Attacks on S. Sudan civilians rise: Civilians and government has offered all it could to Cordoba said in an interview with Noti-
aid workers in South Sudan have seen an alarming rise ease lawmakers resistance to a landmark mundo radio that the firm has nothing
in attacks and harassment in the past week, the United pension reform bill, key to rebalance to hide.
Nations said Saturday, as the East African country the governments strained finances, If honesty brings us to this point, then
faces both civil war and famine. according to an interview published on this is the price of honesty, he said.
The top UN humanitarian ofcial in South Sudan, Saturday. Officials are barred by law from
Eugene Owusu, said in a statement that both govern- Temers center-right government, describing ongoing investigations,
ment and opposition forces in Upper Nile region beat which took office last year pledging but the raid appeared to be linked to a
aid workers in separate incidents. to tackle Brazils massive government formal complaint by a governing party
Humanitarians are in this country to save lives. It deficit, proposed five concessions to lawmaker, congressional Vice-President
is beyond reckoning that they continue to be killed, wavering congressmen on Friday, amid Rosana Alvarado, which echoed the
harassed and abused despite our repeated calls for ac- signs of resistance among legislators to presidents allegation.
tion, Owusu said. the unpopular reform. Her complaint lists crimes of illegal
He also called an attack by government forces on These included easing the rules on the association and alteration of documents, the
the southern town of Pajok that killed several dozen transition to the new system and on rural most severe of which could lead to seven
workers, pensions for police and teach- In this photo taken on March 13, 2017, mothers hold their children as they wait to years in prison.
people reprehensible. The attack sent thousands of ers, as well as benets for the elderly and have them screened for malnutrition at a UNICEF-supported Outpatient Thera- Cedatos accurately predicted the results
people eeing into neighboring Uganda, worsening disabled. peutic Program in Aweil, South Sudan. The United Nations said Saturday, April of the eight-way rst round and said it has
what has become the worlds fastest-growing refugee Temer told the Folha de S. Paulo 8, 2017 that civilians and aid workers in South Sudan have seen an alarming nothing to hide.
crisis. newspaper that he would not compro- rise in attacks and harassment in the past week as the country faces both civil Lasso has cited Cedatos exit poll in his
mise on the central tenet of the legisla- war and famine, accusing both government and opposition forces. (AP) allegations that the race was stolen. (AP)


World News Roundup


Effectiveness, safety concerns

Industry backing muddies
infection-control science
WASHINGTON, April 9, University.
(RTRS): Sage Products has been Despite all the promising
generous to science, and science study results, the number of
has been kind to Sage Products. hospital-acquired drug-resistant
This happy relationship blos- infections has remained stub-
somed more than a decade ago, bornly high.
when Sage funded a study at In 2009, the federal govern-
Rush University Medical Center ment launched a campaign to
in Chicago to test the efcacy of reduce bloodstream infections by
the companys new antibacterial the notorious superbug methicil-
wipes on hospital patients. lin-resistant Staphylococcus au-
Researchers published their reus (MRSA) in hospital patients
ndings in 2006: Used daily, they 25 percent by 2013. That failed.
said, Sages wipes, soaked with The new goal: Halve infection
a powerful germ-killing chemi- rates by 2020.
cal called A Reuters analysis of federal
chlorhexidine, data found that after a small de-
were more cline in the rate of MRSA infec-
than twice as tions in hospital patients from
effective as 2013 to 2014, the rate increased
sponge baths slightly the following year.
at preventing The CDC conrmed the in-
the spread of crease and said it is being fol-
vancomycin- lowed closely as new data
resistant En- become available. It could be
terococcus. a one-year anomaly in a lon-
Thats a group ger-term decline rather than a
of drug-resis- meaningful increase, said CDC An ancient Roman ante-x decorated with a low relief image of Silenus dated to the rst century B.C. is on display in the San Giovanni underground
Weinstein station of Romes brand new third metro line on April 6. (AP)
tant bacteria spokeswoman Melissa Brower.
that infect thousands of hospital As Reuters reported last year
patients every year, killing hun- in its series The Uncounted, Ancient Rome treasures discovered during dig on show
dreds. the United States has no reliable
Shortly after, Rush received means of tracking all superbug The long-delayed project to extend Romes sub- three-story San Giovanni subway station, which indicated the site was once a huge farm. Peach
a $1 million donation from the infections and deaths. In its own way system has brought treasures of the past to is expected to open in 2018. pits, seashells and other organic remains have
family foundation of Sages analysis, Reuters found that, tak- the surface and allowed them to be showcased at For those who will use this metro this sta- been found intact and are featured in the exhibit.
founder, Vincent W. Foglia. The en together, more than a dozen one of the citys new subway stations. tion in particular its a full immersion into the Lines on the southeastern section of Metro
money was earmarked for re- superbugs the CDC has labeled Rome city ofcials this week unveiled the Metro history of Rome and of this site, said archae- C have been operational since 2015, while
search by the senior scientist on grave threats to public health C archaeological exhibit, which features amphora, ologist Rossella Rea, who is in charge of the northern lines near the city center are still un-
the study, Dr Robert A. Wein- continue to kill tens of thousands marble panels, coins and even peach pits dating dig for the Italian government. der construction. The project has been delayed
stein, an infectious-disease spe- of people every year in addi- back to the Roman era. The permanent exhibit Archaeologists said their surveys, which for years by the repeated discovery of ancient
cialist at Rush. tion to hundreds of thousands of will be on view as passengers descend into the reached an unusually deep 20 meters (yards), underground treasures. (AP)
Since then, Sage has provided nonfatal infections.
funding and millions of dollars Hospitals are understandably
in wipes for studies by Wein- eager to nd ways to beat back
stein and his colleagues. And
in that time, Weinstein and his
the infections, which waste time,
money and lives. But hospitals
colleagues have published 11 tend to like these mass-pro-
articles on six trials that endorse duced, one-size-ts-all solu-
daily washing of patients with tions, said Blaser.
Sages patented wipes an Dr Didier Pittet, director of Librarian to bring tools to jungle classrooms
off-label use, as the US Food the World Health Organizations
and Drug Administration (FDA) Collaborating Centre on Patient
has approved the wipes only for
cleaning patients before surgery.
Relationships like the one be-
Safety, said that in the United
States, the marketing behind the
use of chlorhexidine is huge.
Digital library in Amazon eyed
tween Sage and researchers are Scientists who receive indus- ASHLAND, Ore, April 9, (AP): Dana Rensi was in So, I did what all librarians do, she said, I
common in the infection-control try funding insist their research is the Peruvian Amazon city of Iquitos working her way checked something out.
business. Such ties have helped not swayed by their patrons, and through a Fulbright teacher exchange program when Rensi paid a visit to the local Southern Oregon Edu-
propel the popularity of chlorhexi- point out that industry funding she decided to go a little deeper into the jungle, so cational Service District and checked out a Raspberry
dine products in hospitals and is essential, absent more support she hopped into small canoe-type boat known as a Pi. She plugged in a foldable keyboard shed won as a
In this Jan 13, 2017 photo made Pequepeque named after the sputtering sounds its door prize at an ESD tech meeting seven years prior,
other healthcare settings where from government. available by NASA, astronaut
drug-resistant superbugs are a Weinstein said Sage has had engine makes and embarked on a tour she can still hooked up a solar battery she purchased for her phone
Peggy Whitson (center), oats describe in great detail 12 years after the experience. on a $10 Groupon and attached the Pi to a 51-inch TV.
chronic problem. In 2014, sixty- no involvement in his work and inside the Quest airlock of the
three percent of hospitals surveyed hasnt inuenced his conclu- International Space Station with
What she saw were single-room buildings topped Lo and behold, it worked.
by the federal Centers for Disease sions. Thomas Pesquet (left), and with thatched roofs and equipped with blackboards Partnered
Control and Prevention (CDC) said Shane Kimbrough before their and little else. Secondary schools there are rare, but
Fellowships spacewalk. On April 5, NASA an- inside the one she visited, traced in chalk, was the Rensi has partnered with Project Amazonas, a not-for-
they routinely bathed patients with prot non-governmental organization that specializes in
chlorhexidine. The $1 million from the Foglia nounced that Whitson will remain familiar elliptical ripples and scattered orbs of our
foundation was used for fellow- on the ISS until September 2017, solar system. Without the educational tools that have medical care, conservation, education, research and sus-
But as use of chlorhexidine tainable community development. Shell be spending a
products has grown, so have ships and studies, including one adding three months to her origi- become standard in most rst-world classrooms, the
involving Sages wipes, Wein- nal mission. (AP) rough sketch was the best the teacher could manage. week as a translator on a medical boat that serves remote
concerns about their effective- villages along the Amazons tributaries then shell install
ness and safety and about the stein said. Foglia, through his Right about then, Rensi, the library media specialist
foundations attorney, said that at Oregons Ashland High School, decided she should ve digital libraries at schools and libraries.
role of industry-backed research Some of the buildings Rensi plans to visit are al-
in promoting them. The industry the gift had no strings attached do something about that. This summer, she will.
and that Weinstein was directed Inspired by what she witnessed in the jungle during the ready equipped with solar power, but for those that
money funding chlorhexidine re- arent shell be purchasing portable solar panels. Itll
search muddies the message of only to do the most he could for 2005-06 school year and emboldened by technological
the most people with this. advances which have rendered former barriers to her vi- be a busy few weeks for Rensi. Shell also be purchas-
the results, in the view of many ing monitors and keyboards in Iquitos, taking several
health experts. Weinstein said Sages support sion mere hurdles, Rensi will head back to the jungle in
hasnt deterred him from pub- July with equipment that will give hundreds and possibly sets of $1 microscopes called foldscopes for science
Dr Martin Blaser, a professor education and experiments, handing out reusable,
in New York Universitys De- lishing negative results about its thousands of school-aged children who have no access to
products. He has produced one electricity, let alone the internet, the ability to tap into so- washable menstruation kits from Days for Girls and
partment of Microbiology and distributing paperfuges, which is quite a story in itself.
chair of the Presidential Adviso- such critique, he said. It involved lar digital libraries loaded with educational content.
a small trial at Rush in 2006, By tweaking a popular childrens toy, Stanford bio-
ry Council on Combating Antibi- Resources engineers have developed a human-powered, string-
otic-Resistant Bacteria, said its which appeared as a brief report
in a European journal in 2010. Nasheed Modi People are really smart, they just have no resourc- operated centrifuge that can be used to detect diseases
still impossible to tell whether es, she said of the schools she encountered in Peru. such as malaria, HIV and tuberculosis. Its made from
washing patients daily with such The report said daily bathing
with the wipes was no better than And everything gets ruined because its so humid. 20 cents worth of paper, twine and plastics and can
a potent biocide is wise or effec- And they just dont have money for supplies, so if I reach speeds up to 125,000 rpm. The fact that it re-
tive. Indiscriminate use could soap and water at reducing infec-
tions from central-line catheters
Discovery can take down something that has all that wonderful quires no electricity makes it especially valuable in the
trigger resistance in harmful bugs information on it then its a huge benet for them. Peruvian Amazon, where centrifuges worth thousands
or kill off benecial bacteria, in a surgical intensive care unit.
Weinstein also noted that the Warming economic issue: Win- They can educate themselves and get out of the cycle of dollars, sans the electricity required to run them, are
with dangerous consequences, of poverty and have some opportunities. used as doorstops.
he said. CDC co-sponsored many of his ning effective action on climate change
studies, so I had someone look- will require treating the problem less Known as RACHELs, or Remote Access Community Rensi reached out to one of the bioengineers, Manu
Infections ing over my shoulder. From 2000 as an environmental or human rights Hotspot for Education and Learning, the digital librar- Prakash, who helped develop the paperfuge and was
We know antibiotic-resistant to 2004, Weinstein served as chair crisis and more as a sensible economic ies Rensi will take, once set up, will shoot out wireless oored when he responded and agreed to meet with
infections are out of control. We of the Healthcare Infection Control shift, the former Maldives president signals which can be picked up by any laptop or mobile her. The two hit it off during their initial get-together
need something that works, Bla- Practices Advisory Committee, said Thursday. device with standard Wi-Fi capability. Rensi has just at Stanford, and Prakash agreed to give Rensi a private
ser said. But we want to know which advises the CDC on infec- While it remains an ethical or the thing for that, too the Raspberry Pi, essentially a paperfuge tutorial before her trip.
it works. Weinstein sits on the tion-prevention guidelines. human rights issue, its not so easy to stripped down, bare bones computer (it doesnt even in- Oh my gosh, the fact that he answered me in the
same presidential advisory coun- Besides providing funding and have it in your political manifesto, clude a case) developed to promote basic computer sci- rst place, Rensi said, in a phone interview that took
cil that Blaser chairs. products for studies, companies Mohamed Nasheed said, pointing to ence education in developing countries. It retails for $35. place shortly after she met Prakash. And he said,
Chlorhexidines potential risks often pay researchers directly climate changes political divisiveness As her plan began to take shape a few months ago, You guys are exactly what we need to test these (pa-
came to the fore in February, when for consulting and speaking en- in the United States. Rensi realized she couldnt travel 4,600 miles south tot- perfuges) out. Hes making them for people like us.
But any politician, he said, can ing bags of motherboards and gigabytes of valuable edu- Hes from India and I dont know if he grew up poor
the FDA issued a warning after gagements. Weinstein said he win votes by promising more jobs
registering a jump in reports of al- received a few thousand dollars cational content ranging from classic literature to medical or not but (the paperfuge) is for developing countries.
and a stronger economy some- encyclopedias without rst testing the equipment to make Theres this whole group of people that are just out to
lergic reactions, including a couple from Sage but stopped accepting thing eminently achievable if the
of deaths, and other adverse events speaker fees a decade ago. sure all the wonderful, potentially life-changing tools do good things. Im connected with some of them and
world transitions to cleaner and
linked to the chemical. Corporate ties to infection- more sustainable energy, a move that shed promised would work as she had hoped. Im so happy.
And even chlorhexidine isnt control research extends beyond also would bring environmental and
contamination-proof. In 2008 chlorhexidine. Manufacturers of social benefits. On Friday, the BLM changed its Donald Trumps recent lifting of coal-
and again last year, Sage issued diagnostic tests have nancially KFC eyes change: KFC said Friday
The world needs to package the lead website photo to a y sherman mining regulations. that it will stop serving chickens raised
massive recalls of its chlorhexi- supported scientists whose stud- benets of a low-carbon transition in way on the North Platte River in Wyoming. A previous photo showed a man and with certain antibiotics.
dine cloths that were tied, ironi- ies found that testing and treating that political parties can embrace, said The river ows 50 miles south of the boy outside with camping gear. BLM The fried chicken chain said the
cally, to dozens of infections by patients upon hospital admission Nasheed, speaking at the Skoll World coal in the previous photo. ofcials say they plan to change the change will be completed by the end
Burkholderia cepacia, a pathogen signicantly reduced MRSA in- Forum on Social Entrepreneurship in BLM ofcials say theres no link website images weekly. (AP) of next year at its more than 4,000
that wreaks havoc on hospital pa- fections. Hospital garment mak- Oxford. between the coal photo and President restaurants in the US.
tients. ers have helped to fund scientists Some populist politicians are KFC said is working with 2,000
The 2008 recall forced a tem- who found gowns and gloves already persuaded on the economic farms around the country to stop using
porary shutdown of a Sage-funded highly effective in combating benefits of stepping up climate antibiotics that are used by humans.
study, but not before six patients MRSA. Researchers involved in action, said Samir Saran, vice Antibiotics specic to animals may
participating in the trial contracted those studies have said that the president of the New Delhi-based still be used to treat diseases in the
the infection as a result of the con- companies were not involved in Observer Research Foundation, chickens, KFC said.
tamination. A 2013 article on that the trials and that their support which works on policy responses to
Meat producers give animals
problems facing India.
study, co-written by Weinstein did not inuence the results. Indias Prime Minister Narendra antibiotics to make them grow faster
and published in the New England Europe has been faster to rec- Modi, for instance, aims to put in place and prevent illness, a practice that
Journal of Medicine, referred to the ognize chlorhexidines potential 175 gigawatts of renewable energy by has become a public health issue.
recall as a treatment interruption risks. Studies from the region 2022 approaching the entire electri- Officials have said that it can lead
and concluded that the cloths were single out potentially fatal aller- cal generating capacity of Germany to germs becoming resistant to
safe and effective without mention- gic reactions to the chemical as today, Saran said. (RTRS) drugs, making antibiotics no longer
ing the six B. cepacia infections. a serious, under-reported threat. effective in treating some illnesses
in humans.
References to the infections Britains Medicines &
were removed from the original Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency shows fishing: The US KFCs rivals have already an-
manuscript for brevity and be- Agency issued a warning about Bureau of Land Management is back nounced plans to curb their use of
cause they didnt directly relate the dangerous reactions, called to picturing the great outdoors on chickens raised with antibiotics. Chick-
to the wipes effectiveness in re- anaphylaxis, in 2012. The num- its internet home page after raising l-A has said that by 2019 it will only
eyebrows with a prominent photo of a serve chicken that has never been
ducing drug-resistant infections, ber of adverse events related to given any antibiotics. And McDonalds
huge coal deposit in Wyoming.
said Dr Michael W. Climo, lead chlorhexidine reported to the Some interpreted the image of the Corp has stopped using chickens raised
author of the study and a profes- agency increased from 14 in coal at Peabodys North Antelope with antibiotics important to human
sor at Virginia Commonwealth 2007 to 117 in 2016. Rochelle Mine as a sign of the Trump Visitors take their sele with blooming cherry blossoms at the Meguro medicine for its McNuggets and
administrations support for coal. river in Tokyo on April 9. (AP) chicken sandwiches. (AP)


A passion for pieces that link to our past THE AL-SABAH

COLLECTION caring hands on the heart of art and history
By Chaitali B. Roy
Special to the Arab Times

M useums are the keepers of the cultural conscience of a nation.

A museum collection weaves narratives that provide a tangi-
ble link between the present and people of past societies. It provides
ways. Her approach to her role as a curator is pragmatic and exible,
compelling but gentle. She has none of the snobbishness usually as-
sociated with academic art historians and professional curators who
a basis for the reconstruction and understanding of life in times far live in their own intellectual space.
removed from our own. Objects kept in museums not only offer valu- Arab Times: Apart from passion, what else do you need to iden-
able insights into contemporary art, craft, technology, and trade, but tify in yourself to pursue a profession such as yours?
they also shed light on the lives of the individual artisans who created Salam Kaoukji: Apart from passion, you need a sense of culture,
them, and the people who used them. something I nd lacking in people today. I was fortunate enough to
Collections are the most important resource of a museum: they are be raised in a cultural and creative environment. I learned to speak
what make museums unique. Caring for collections is a challenging and read several languages. I recall attending the opera at the age of
but exciting responsibility central to the work of any museum. Col- seven. It is not that I was particularly fond of opera (laughs), but I
lections need constant care, which starts with the staff their com- went nonetheless. While traveling, my parents would invariably take
mitment, energy, and creativity are an important part of the process. me to museums and when I had kids of my own, I did the same. As a
Proper care of a collection requires resources on the part of collec- child, if you are surrounded by culture, it makes a difference. When
tors and enormous team effort from curators, conservators, research I grew up, I discovered an interest in theatre, which led me to design
assistants, photographers, archivists, art object attendants and other costumes and sets for the theatre. Moreover, I am interested in poli-
administrative staff. Conservation and management of collection re- tics and current affairs. I have to read the news daily. I cannot con-
quire thought, planning, perseverance and continuous commitment. ceive of young people not knowing whats happening in the world,
Collections care stops the natural degradation of objects, makes them and I have raised my children the same way.
safely available to the public and preserves them for future genera- Arab Times: I have read that you need a science degree to pursue
tions. conservation is that right?
The Al Sabah Collection, a spectacular assemblage of Islamic and Salam Kaoukji: You dont really need a degree, on the other hand,
pre-Islamic art, which has placed Kuwait rmly on the international you need to work with passion, conviction and you need to work
map of art and scholarship, has a team of experts managing it. The with your hands. Putting together a broken artifact is not just about
collection founded by Sheikh Nasser Al-Mohammad Al-Ahmad Al- mixing and matching pieces. You have to internalize the decoration
Sabah, Minister of the Amiri Diwan and Sheikha Hussah Al-Sabah, to be able to put it together. There are some who will not be able to
Director General of Dar Al Athar Al Islamiyyah, covers a variety of do it even if you explain it endlessly, while there are those like Benji
art objects from pre-Islamic and Islamic periods including jewelry, (Benjamin Hilario), who just take to it naturally. Benji joined the
textiles, architectural elements of decoration, manuscripts, ceramics Dar with a different role and responsibility. He and I received and
and glass, manuscripts and metalwork. unpacked the collection when it was returned from Baghdad after
From the eighties onwards, the Al Sabah collection metamor- the war. While unpacking, I was struck by Benji making some as-
phosed from a private collection to a leading public museum in the tute observations about the similarity of decoration of some artifacts
region. And this has been made possible due to the extraordinary vi- originating from the same area and period. It takes a lot of sensitivity
sion of its founders and a team of highly committed and passionate to relate to objects and Benji has that. He was later trained by differ-
staff with a remarkable range of specialized knowledge and skills ent conservators who came to work at the Dar.
who are responsible for research, documentation, display, care and Arab Times: So you mean to say you dont need a degree to pur-
most importantly a systematic mitigation of all risks to the objects sue either curating or conservation as a profession?
in the collection. The museum staff is periodically supported by re- Salam Kaoukji: A degree exposes you to different disciplines and
nowned conservators and scholars from leading international cultural gives you a broader choice,but there are also other things that matter.
institutions who work on conservation and research. Arab Times met In fact, some of the most well-known conservators dont have aca-
up with the collection and curatorial teams of Dar Al Athar Al Is- demic qualications in conservation.
lamiyyah to learn more about the work that keeps a museum running. Arab Times: Let us talk about the collection. From where are the
objects acquired?
Curators: Salam Kaoukji: From the art market and auction houses.
Salam Kaoukji (Sue) Arab Times: What happens after an object is acquired by the col-
Chief Curator Al Sabah Collection lectors?
Salam Kaoukji curates and manages the collection as well as the Salam Kaoukji: The object is given an inventory number, and the
museums conservation programme. Supported and assisted by Mut- registrar Mutlaq Al-Juraid makes a note of its provenance and cost. We
laq Al-Juraid and Adel Al-Qattan, she is responsible for curatorial then study the decoration and read inscriptions if there are any on the
activities including registration, research, interpretation, preserva- object and accordingly attribute the object to the period to which it be-
tion, and organization of exhibition loans. The curator for many dis- longs, and to its area of origin. The information is entered in the collec-
tinguished exhibitions, she also has several notable publications to tion database, which includes dimensions, manufacturing techniques,
her credit. Kaoukji is warm, cheerful, and a non-conformist in many Continued on Page 20
A partially restored 2nd to 3rd century AD silver pot from southern Arabia



A passion for pieces that link to our past
caring hands on the heart of art and history

Salam Kaoukji, curator and collection manager with Mutlaq Al-Juraid assistant curator and administrative assistant, and Benjamin Hilario, senior object attendant

Photographers Robert Lorenzo and Michael Tejero in the photography Departmental assistant Shifana Shabdeen and Object Attendant George Fahad Al-Najadah acting head of exhibition at work
studio Hilario checking the ceramic storage records in the database

backbone of a collection curatorial and conservation teams

Continued from Page 19 research. He maintains the museums database system, and coordinates the Acting Head of Exhibition
publication history, names of exhibitions in which it was shown, if any. Follow- digitization of the collection database. Fahad coordinates the production budget of special exhibitions and organ-
ing that the object is passed to the photography department. The images taken He also administers activities related to conservation and visiting scholars izes the scheduling of traveling object. He oversees the exhibition designs,
by the photographers are archived, and the object is sent to the conservation who are involved in research and writing about the collection. object display, and gallery installations. He also supervises the installation
department if it requires examination or conservation. Arab Times: What do you look after? teams during exhibitions.
Arab Times: Why would you buy an object that needs conservation? I am Mutlaq: I take care of the registration process of an object after it is ac- Arab Times: What is your role as Head of Exhibitions?
asking you these questions as most of our readers are unaware of how a mu- quired. My job is to start the recording process after an object is acquired. I Fahad: I oversee all exhibitions both inside and outside Kuwait. I take care
seum works, and how collections are looked after. enter its source, details and other relevant information in the database. of the travel logistic of objects on loan to other museums. I travel with the
Salam Kaoukji: We buy it because it is either very important art histori- Arab Times: Sue did mention that the database is very important to the objects when they are loaned out and oversee their installation.
cally or just very beautiful, and at times because it will serve as a link aid- collection. Arab Times: I have heard there are certain procedures to be followed for
ing in the attribution of other objects. Take this bronze object for example Mutlaq: Yes it is, for instance, if curators or scholars studying the col- traveling exhibits. Would it be right to say that every exhibit is like a passen-
(conservator Anezi was cleaning a bronze object). This object is covered with lection require details about a particular object they are working on, we can ger with its own identity papers?
corrosion. Experience shows that there is beauty under this corrosion,and that supply them with the necessary information by searching it out from among Fahad: Every exhibit has to have an airway bill and a customs declaration
thousands of objects with just a click of the mouse and a few keywords. before departure. Moreover, the object also needs a temporary exit and an
cleaning it will reveal the decoration and/or inscriptions on the surface. Arab Times: Do the objects in the collection have cer-
Arab Times: Which objects are difcult to preserve? interim entry permit to travel.
ticates to identify them? Arab Times: You had mentioned an incident
Salam Kaoukji: Bronze, paper and ivory are difcult to preserve. Bronze Mutlaq: Yes, they have, for example, when other muse- when you traveled with the exhibits for the rst time.
can develop bronze disease if not stored in the proper environment, and ivory ums ask for loans, we need to supply them with specic in- Fahad: We were once traveling with an exhibi-
develops cracks in uctuating temperatures. Ceramic and glass objects are formation to allow the object to travel. We need to provide tion and were stuck in Turkey for three nights due
Assistant Juanna Fernandes

easy to preserve. Carpets are rolled around PVC pipes and covered for protec- information about its provenance, valuation for insurance to engine failure in the C 130J military transport
tion then put up on special racks that prevent the pile from coming in contact purposes, and full description with measurements. In fact, aircraft. The dilemma was the deadline that had to
with hard surfaces. Furthermore, one should not store objects in wooden cup- objects that have travelled abroad several times already be met to install the exhibition. Three days of de-
boards because unseasoned wood emits fumes, so the storage space should have their digital proles. lay meant you lost out on three days of work which
preferably consist of metal cupboards.Basically, the storage environment de- is difcult to make up.
pends on the material from which the object is made, for example, while metal Adel Al-Qattan Arab Times: Are the objects insured every time
objects are kept in a de-humied environment, manuscripts, ivory, leather and Curatorial assistant they travel?
wood require some humidity. Adel joined the collection quite recently as a curatorial Fahad: Of course.The objects are insured from
trainee. He assists in the object recording process and at- the moment they are put into a crate until they are
Mutlaq Al-Juraid tends to scholars who are visiting the collection. uncrated and returned to the museum.
Assistant curator and administrative assistant
Mutlaq in addition to being the Collection registrar attends to curatorial Fahad Al-Najadah Continued on Page 21



A passion for pieces that link to our past THE AL-SABAH

COLLECTION caring hands on the heart of art and history
Continued from Page 20 tems effectively
Abd Al-Aziz Al-Duweesh and Ahmad Al-Anezi
Conservators Juanna Fernandes & Shifana Shabdeen
As conservators, they restore and preserve artifacts Departmental Assistants
and apply the appropriate procedures to maintain the Juanna coordinates and provides all the administra-
objects integrity and prevent it from deterioration. tive support of the museums curatorial and conser-
When presented with a problem they consult with the vation departments. She also assists in the database
curators and together try to solve problems related management.
to the objects. Through their work, they also help to Arab Times: What is your role as a departmental
make works of art readable and visible to scholars assistant?
and visitors. Juanna: I deal with all clerical matters related to
Arab Times: What is the role of a conservator? the administration of the Collection, and coordinate
Conservators: Well. We are involved in the care, with the National Council staff regarding the visits,
maintenance, and conservation of historical and cul- travel plans and stay of visiting scholars throughout
tural artifacts. the year.
Arab Times: I can see that you are using a ma- I also assist in the upkeep of the database records.
chine to clean an object. (Ahmad was cleaning a Shifana looks after the Collection inventory
bronze artifact) with George Hilario and records it in the database.
Conservators: Our job also involves using spe- She is in charge of the upkeep of the Collections
cialist tools and chemicals to clean and repair objects. curatorial archives. She also provides data entry
It is a time-consuming job that requires experience assistance and technical support to the curatorial
and good judgement. staff, and deals with collection related inquiries
and requests for information to enable the study
Benjamin Hilario of objects.
Senior object attendant Arab Times: What is your role Shifana?
As Collection departmental attendant, Benjamin Shifana: I assist the curators and visiting scholars
specializes in handling and packing valuable objects by creating reports that group objects they need to
and participates in the safe management of the collec- study. I also keep a record of the location of the ob-
tion. He manages the storage and care of the objects jects.
and artifacts in the collection, and assists in cleaning
them when appropriate.

backbone of a collection curatorial and conservation teams Arab Times: What is your role in the Collection
Benji: My task is to look after the objects in the
Robert Lorenzo, Michael Tejero and Rizalde
Museum Photographers
Robert, Michael and Rizalde are the museums
collection and make sure they are stored in their des- photography staff who carry out artifact photography
ignated location. I make archival storage boxes for for publications and archives.
objects, which I learned to manufacture from the Arab Times: You are responsible for the images
conservators who worked at the collection ofce. I of the objects in the collection. How do you decide
also pack objects, especially for exhibition and loan
purposes. I also assist visiting scholars in supplying on your approach?
them with objects they need for study. Photographers: The style of photography depends
Arab Times: I have heard that you have a love for on the requests of curators and visiting scholars, it
putting objects together. Did you receive any training also depends on whether the object is being photo-
for the work you do? graphed for publications, for study, archival purposes
Benji: I learned from experience and from being or the database.
in contact with conservators. I like reconstructing Arab Times: Is it difcult to take close-ups of the
broken ceramics. Once, I reconstructed a bowl from objects?
fragments which I identied under the guidance of Photographers: Yes, some objects have inscrip-
a conservator. I also love cleaning metal and stone tions and decoration that need to be shown,and are
objects. difcult to photograph.
Arab Times: I am sure you have to take special
George Hilario care as most objects in the collection are fragile?
Object attendant Photographers: We have been trained to handle
Arab Times: And what about you George? objects carefully. Sometimes, we photograph espe-
George: My turf is physical safekeeping of the cially sensitive objects in the presence of conserva-
objects, and storage maintenance. I keep an eye on tors.
the objects and inform the curator when I detect a Arab Times: Which objects are most difcult to
problem in the storage condition of the object. I also photograph?
monitor the temperature and the humidity conditions Photographer: It is hard to photograph metal and
of the storage facilities. jeweled objects. Every object has its own essential
I undertake a range of practical support activities characteristics that need to be highlighted. It is some-
Ceramic pouring vessel in the form of a hoop drum player from 13th century Iran. (Inset): Conservator Ahmad Al-Enezi operating the laser machine. and re-storage work including upgrading storage sys- times difcult to capture that.



Somethin different
By Dean Fosdick ences. gardens look smaller.
Plant texture varies from coarse to ne. Hardscaping using winding pathways
T he most popular element in landscape de-
sign is color, but texture is another impor-
tant building block. Texture in gardening can
Coarse-textured favorites include cannas,
elephant ear, coleus, hydrangea and horse
and streams, eye-catching fountains and
furniture also produces a sense of visual
chestnut. All are dramatic and bold. texture, along with four-season interest. The
be seen as well as felt, and is used primarily They draw the eye because of their dif- same goes for foliage shape, bark surfaces
to provide contrast. ferences or contrast in shape or appearance, and the patterns made by branches.
Color lacks dimension without texture, Finneran said. They dominate groupings. Even kitchen gardens can be accented
which can soften spaces, provide visual inter- Most plants are said to be medium in texture, by emphasizing visual texture. Dill, fennel,
est, fashion backdrops and set moods. and generally are used to link ne and coarse ar- thyme, asparagus and lavender are ne-tex-
It takes a different kind of eye to appre- rangements in large settings. Examples include tured plants that are attractive in edible set-
ciate texture in the garden, said Susan Bar- impatiens, daisies, camellias and viburnum. tings. Tomatoes, basil and peppers serve for
ton, a University of Delaware horticulturist. Fine-textured plants generally have smaller medium texture, while lettuce, chard, corn
Were all programmed to recognize color, foliage. Ferns, grasses, vines, shrubs and Jap- and okra provide the coarse.
but once you start looking for texture, you can anese maples t into this category. Beets are a great example of adding col-
appreciate it. The subtle use of texture also can create a orful foliage to an edible garden, Finneran
Landscape design is comprised of ve sense of scale and distance. Placing coarse- said. Pair this plant with a ferny-looking foli-
basic principles: scale, balance, repetition, textured plants closest to the observer with age of carrots and youve got a lovely design
dominance and unity, said Rebecca Finneran, This June 26, 2010 photo taken in New Market, Va, shows hydrangea blooming red and medium plants in the middle and ne-tex- that you will eat later on.
a horticulturist with the Michigan State Uni- blue on the same bush. (AP) tured assortments in the rear makes the set- Purple kohlrabi is another great example
versity Extension program. ting appear more distant. Reversing that, with not to mention Swiss chard, she said. All of
The tools we use to achieve these are use said. Leaves, owers, stems and bark can year or day will accentuate this. Even a pot coarse-textured plants in the background and these add bold coarse texture with fun color
of line, form, color and texture, Finneran add texture to the visual. Certain times of or paving materials can add textural differ- ne-textured varieties up front, tends to make that is sure to please. (AP)

STECI Holy Week Service: This years
Passion Week Service of St Thomas Evangeli-
cal Church of India Kuwait Parish will be led
by the Parish Vicar, Rev Saji Abraham. Maun-
dy Service on April 11, at 7.30 pm at NECK
South Tent, Good Friday Service on April 14
at 10.30 am to 1.00 pm and Easter Service on
Sunday, April 16, at 4.00 am to 6.00 am (both
at KTMCC Hall). During this week, like every
year the members are requested to avoid one-
time meal on a daily basis and use that amount
to feed those who are in hunger and need. A
special offertory will be collected during the
Good Friday Service for this noble cause.

Byproducts of Development: The Sultan
Gallery will hold preview of Byproducts Of
Development by Abdullah Al-Mutari on Tues-
day, April 11 from 7-9 pm.
Focusing on the impact industrial expan-
sion has had on the bodies and identities of
youth in the region, Byproducts of Develop-
ment utilizes found materials, both digital
and physical, to portray a theory of cultural
transformation. The show aims to draw atten-
tion to the physiological repercussions of rapid
urbanization; linking the effects of oil industry
to noticeable changes in the body. Addition-
ally, digital connectivity is scrutinized as a
locus of change, prompting shifts in self-image
and methods of self-actualization that mirror
the drastic changes in local landscapes. Male
fragility is positioned as a reaction to, as well
as a consequence of, rapid development, with
youth caught between a changing ecology and
digital inuences.
This is Abdullah Al-Mutairis rst solo

April 15
DAI Experience Science: Scientists from
the Islamic world helped build the foundation
of todays science. In biology, astronomy,
chemistry, physics, optics, and math, Muslim
scholars like Ibn Haythem, Ibn Hayyan, Al-
In this March 24, 2017 photo, Kevin Martin, state coordinator for New Hampshires Big Tree Program, is dwarfed by the giant European Beech tree he is measuring in Portsmouth, NH. (AP) Fazari, and others, made signicant contribu-
tions to their elds.
Experience Science is a special programme
Forest giants serve as role models led by Dr B (Dr Bahareh Azizi), whos
planned some pretty cool experiments that
include strawberry DNA, Oreo moon phases,
and bending light! Designed for children ages

Forget roses, birds these folks like big trees 10-13, each Experience Science 90 minute
session (3:30 - 5 pm), which will be held at
the Yarmouk Cultural Centre, includes a look
at the role of Muslim scientists in a specic
PORTSMOUTH, New Hampshire, April 9, sized role trees play in nature by feeding and eld, whats happening in that eld today and
(AP): A horse chestnut tree towers over a busy sheltering animals, protecting watersheds and a couple of hands-on experiments.
street in New Hampshires main port city. Its providing a sink for carbon that helps to offset Week One (April 15): Human Biology and
known for its history more than its height; leg- greenhouse gas emissions. DNA
end has it that William Whipple planted it after They are especially important in a state like Week Two (April 22): Astronomy
returning in 1776 from signing the Declaration New Hampshire, which is 83 percent forested. Week Three (April 29): Chemistry and
of Independence. By starting to look at one tree and ap- Week Four (May 6): Optics and Physics
But at nearly 70 feet (21 meters) tall, it preciate it, people start to understand their Week Six (May 13): Family Day at Amri-
is also big for a chestnut, and that is what connection with the outdoors and nature, said cani
brought Keven Martin out one rainy morning. Mary Tebo Davis, a natural resources eld To register your 10-13-year-old for this
Armed with tape to measure its circumference specialist at the University of New Hampshire programme, please visit the museum shop
and a laser nder to calculate its height, Martin Cooperative Extension, which runs the big tree at either the Yarmouk or Amricani cultural
was here to nd out whether the tree remained program. centres. Spaces are limited; to register, email:
the states biggest horse chestnut, a title it has Resilient
held for decades.
It is not only the biggest, but its been The big trees, like the horse chestnut in April 28
around a long time, said Martin, who coor- Portsmouth, are also popular because they are
tied to a historical event or have proven so Buntara Sangha Buntaayana: Buntara
dinates New Hampshires Big Tree Program Sangha Kuwait will be organizing its Mega
when he is not building boats. More than 700 resilient surviving sometimes for centuries.
You cant imagine the number of people event of the year Buntaayana 2017 on Friday,
champions in the state have been crowned. April 28, 2017 at Cambridge English School
And while there may not be any redwoods out who had their picture taken under that tree, Auditorium Mangaf, Makka Street, Al Mangaf,
here, the state is home to 10 national cham- groups of kids who encircle the tree, Barbara Kuwait.
pions, including the countrys biggest black Ward, the director and curator of the historic Prominent Writer and researcher Dr Indira
spruce and American mountainash. Kevin Martin measures the circumference of a European Beech tree in Portsmouth, NH. (AP) Moffatt-Ladd House, outside which the tree Hegde will grace the occasion as chief guest.
People appreciate a big tree more, and they stands. Its such a nice thing for children in The highlight of the event will be the
have a lot of history to them. People have a ness about protecting forest from threats like total. Winners earn a place in the big tree list, particular. But even adults are just awed by Badaguthittu style Yakshagana Show from the
connection with them, more so, said Martin, development and forest pests, as well as a way and the owner gets a certicate. Some even the idea that a living thing has been here that famous artists from Northern Costal Karnataka
who has written a book on the big trees found to better understand why some species grow so have their photos taken alongside the tree. long. for the rst time in Kuwait. Famous Yak-
on public lands. They are just a lot more large, the effort today is driven by tree lovers Its like nding a rare tiger. There is a Martin was done measuring, and Ward shagana Artist Theerthahalli Gopal Acharya,
impressive when you see them in the woods or like Martin. segment of the population that really connects looked on anxiously, wondering whether Subramanya Hegde Yelaguppa, Sridhar Bhat
driving by. They spend their free time scanning high- with trees, said Ian Leahy, director of urban the horse chestnut had done enough to keep Kaasaragodu, Ashok Bhat Siddapura, Ram-
ways, historic sites and the states hiking trials forest programs for American Forests who co- its title. More precise measuring techniques akrishana Hillur will be performing rst time
Awareness for the next big one. ordinates its American Biggest Trees program. meant the tree had lost some height, but it in Kuwait.
Started in 1950, the states Big Tree Pro- To nd a champion, an owner starts by There is a just a deep, deep passion. In some appeared to have made up the difference by Prashanth Shetty famously known as
gram has been part of a nationwide network measuring its circumference and submitting ways, its just out being in nature. Its like increasing its circumference. Chitra Mithra will perform rapid art perfor-
run by the conservation group American that data to the tree program. Then, Martin hunting, but without killing anything. Its still a champion, yep, Martin said mance along with music and dance. Variety
Forests that has logged some 721 champions or another volunteer goes out to measure its But its not just the thrill of nding a big later, after he was able to tally up all the num- entertainment artist Ashok Polali with Vishwas
across the country 200 species still dont circumference, height and crown, as well as its tree. These forest giants serve as role models bers. It still beat out all the horse chestnuts in Gurupura will be presenting unique dances
have a title holder. Created to raise aware- overall conditions, and come up with a point of sorts, helping the public understand the out- the state. and melodious songs. Young emerging talent
Saiheel Rai will be hosting the entire event.
For further information, one can contact:
this deadly disease, come join our online support Reception; Auditorium show; (according to their students and are required to cooperate with Yadunath Alva 99558231, Uday Kumar
group. Best way of dealing with this disease is age group); Touring the Mosque; Q & A; Art the staff members of the Grand Mosque. Shetty 66071763, Jaysheel Shetty
providing support and share our experience with workshops; (according to age group between 5 Photography is allowed inside the Grand 65582402 Praveen Kumar Shetty 50278788,
each other. There are lot of things which even and 18 years old); Snack break; Distribution of Mosque (please note that disrespectful poses are NiranjanMalli 60392127, Shodhan Shetty
doctors cant tell so be member of this website the Grand Mosque publications and souvenirs; strictly prohibited). 65945161, Sandesh Kumar Shetty 6008 1181
click and start sharing your experiences which may
help others. October is recognized as National
End of tour.
According to these age groups:
If you would like to book a tour, please contact or Email on:
Breast Cancer Awareness Month (NBCAM). The Age group: 5 to 9 years old: Morning: 60 visi- Tel: 22980813/ 22980815/ 22980812 May 3
Alcoholics Anonymous: If you know primary purpose is to promote self examination tors max; Evening: 20; 10 to 15 years: Morning: Email:
someone who cant stop drinking and would like and screening mammography as the most effec- 100 visitors max; Evening: 45; 16 and above:
YMCA Kuwait Ecumenical Quiz: YMCA
Fax: 22473708 Kuwait is conducting the 5th Annual Bible
to help them please check us out and we promise tive way to save lives by detecting breast cancer Morning: 140 visitors max, Evening: 105:
to try to help at There are no at early stage. For more information visit: http:// Quiz for the members from all the churches in
Tour language: Arabic- English- French; Ara- April 11 Kuwait on Wednesday, May 3, 2017 at Light
fees. This is a genuine public service. bic (English upon prior request); Arabic- Eng-
lish- French; Arabic (English upon prior request); History of Kuwaits Democracy: Join House Church, NECK from 6:30pm onwards.
Albara Al-Wuhaib at Awares Diwaniya on The sections of the Bible based on which the
Drinking problem?: Friends of Bill W. are Latest Arabic- English- French: Arabic (English upon
prior request) Tuesday 11th April at 7pm when he will be quiz is going to be conducted are all Chap-
available to help. Totally condential. Email: discussing the history of Kuwaits democracy. ters from book of Genesis, Zachariah, Luke Invitation to Grand Mosque: The Visits Rules and Regulations:
The past years have been remarkable. They and Revelation. The rst three winners will
Department is pleased to invite you to visit the Please arrive in time for your visit. be presented with ever rolling trophies and
Grand Mosque, which is one of Kuwaits most All visitors are kindly required to abide by the have included some of the major protests in
the history of the country. This diwaniya will medals. First winner Mariam Ever Rolling
Narcotics Anonymous: NA can help with treasured religious and cultural landmarks to dis- mosques dress code. Male visitors should wear Trophy, second winner Dr A.T. Varghese
cover the beauty of Islamic arts and architecture. long pants. Shorts and sleeveless shirts are not shed light on how Kuwait reached its current
addiction problems. Totally confidential: status. So please come along to Aware Center, and Family Ever Rolling Trophy and third win-
94087800 English/Arabic. Free guided tours are available all year round allowed. Female visitors: should wear head cover ner Mathew Eapen and Family Ever Rolling
on ofcial working days between (9-11 am) and and long loose clothing (available at the mosque). Villa 23, Street 101, Block 1, Abu Fatira. For
Foods and drinks are not allowed inside the more information please call 65523746 or visit Trophy. YMCA Kuwait cordially invites all
(5-7 pm), within a special tour program designed members and families to attend the program.
Cancer online support group: If you are to cater to the needs of different age groups. The prayer halls.
Cancer patient or family member ghting with program is as follows: For school visits, teachers are responsible for Continued on Page 23


Exhibition and workshop to celebrate historical craft

Al Sadu to hold talk on art of Egyptian Serma needle work

KUWAIT CITY, April 9: Al Sadu a talk on the art of the Egyptian Serma professional craftsmen from Cairo. prestigious tableaus adorning the halls surface of the desired area at least a Although it is a meticulous craft,
Society is delighted to invite you to needle and thread work. The craftsmen are members of the and household items; from curtains, centimeter high, where this protrusion yet it is a distinguished one, and their
the exhibition and talk on the art of This event is a celebration of Serma craft community located at to slippers to bed covers and cushions creates a visible impression and as it professional craftsmen are considered
the Egyptian Serma needle and thread historical crafts that have played the footsteps of Al Azhar mosque, in and above all royal costumes. And is embroidered in gold and silversh artists with outstanding talents. Serma
work on Sunday, April 16 at 6.30 pm important role in the Arab World. The Cairo, and who were once among the because it was a durable, expensive threads, it reects and attracts visitors technique and worn by the royalty
at Sadu House (Gulf Road, next to the celebration is under the auspices of leading embroiderers of the Kiswa of but stunning decorative technique, to read and admire. during the 18th and 19th centuries.
National Library). the National Council for Culture, Arts the Kaaba. The workshops will span it was chosen to be used as the main The design is accordingly preset This technique was also employed in
The Exhibition will be opened by and Letters (NCCAL). three days and aim to spread knowl- decoration on the Kiswa of the Holy and the backing are prepared with the Coptic Christian church in Egypt
the Honorary President of Al Sadu The workshops that will accompany edge and promote this traditional Kaaba, at the heart of Makkah, Saudi cardboard, which is then nely ap- and adorned their outts and furnish-
Society, Sheikha Altaf Salem Al- the exhibition aim at teaching the art craft. Arabia. plied on the surface of the tableau. ings.
Sabah and The Ambassador of the of this needlework and demonstrate For years, the handmade gold The art of embroidering in the Each unit is thus carefully stitched For any inquires please contact our
Arab Republic of Egypt Mr Yasser its secrets to Sadu House community. metallic embroidered textiles known Serma technique relies on the skill of back and forth till perfectly com- colleague Mona AlSayed at info@
Atef. The opening will be followed by The workshops will be conducted by as Serma were among the most the craftsmen, who need to raise the pleted. or call 22452856.


A yer of the event. A yer of the event. A yer of the event.

Berny (Berny-Ignatius) and Akbar himself in the middle of the war for A show not to be missed so book AMIE Examination for those interested Notes: 1. Please send your story only
Malappuram (Tabla) will also perform new turf! your tickets now! in pursuing career enrichment. to the above mentioned email. Story
along with Miss Nimisha Saleem. Free Fat Sam, who runs the most popular For more information and on chapter shared in Instagram, Facebook or Twit-
entry for all music lovers in Kuwait. club in town, is at loggerheads with membership, kindly contact IEI, Kuwait ter will not be considered.
click Legendary Music Composer M.S.
Baburaj was born in Kozhikode and
his arch rival, the dapper Dandy Dan
who has manufactured a new weapon IEI Kuwait Chapter membership:
chapter ofce on 22445588 extn. 314
between 5:30 pm to 8:30 pm (Sunday
2. Please write your story or memory
and sign it with your full name, and your
his greatest achievements was the the Spurge Gun! The Institution of Engineers (India), through Thursday) or through email to contact number.
Latest introduction of Hindustani strains into
Malayalam popular music. He suc-
Armed with this new style machine- Kuwait chapter invites all its members You may also
contact Engr Ashok Kumar (97275974)
3. It will be great if you send us your
personal photos or those of the place
gun that has never before been seen to update their membership informa-
cessfully composed melodies based before on the streets, Dan and his or Engr Karthikeyan (99840191) for any related to the story (optional).
Continued from Page 22 on Hindustani Ragas and blended
tion for the year 2016-17 and actively
further clarication. Your story will be part of a new book
hoodlums are spreading fear and participate in the chapter activities.
Malayalam lyrics into them. Most of destruction wherever they go. Indian engineers residing in Kuwait to be published by DAI.
For more information please contact the lyrics were written by eminent Only the penniless, ex-boxer, I am condent that your contributions
Mathew Varkey (Convener) Mob# Malayalam poets like P. Bhaskaran are welcome to join the pool of more Share your story with Amricani: will be an essential part of the history of
Bugsy Malone can halt this havoc but than 700,000 engineers by becoming Do you or any of your family members,
99876828. and Vayalar and most of his clas- can he do so without being splurged Amricani. Share with us!
corporate or non-corporate members of acquaintances or friends happen to have
sic duets sung by K.J. Yesudas & S. himself. The Institution of Engineers (India). IEI,
May 5 Janaki. a story with the American Missionary
Whatever happens, Bugsy knows Kuwait Chapter conducts many techni- hospital in Kuwait (Mustashfa Lemrai- KIFF anti-drugs campaign: As
KDNA Babuka Kelkkan: To its going to take a lot more than cus- cal events for the benet of its members. cani) during the years from 1914-1967, part of the Fraternity fest, Kuwait India
promote and continue the charity ac- BAIA to present Bugsy Malone: tard pies to defeat the rival mob and Please watch for the upcoming events in the ofcial period of offering medical Fraternity Forum (KIFF) is conducting
tivities of KDNA, organizing a Ghazal Audiences can enjoy a foaming frenzy protect Fat Sams Grand Slam! your registered e-mail or announcement services in Kuwait? Anti-Drugs Campaign among Indians
Night Babukka Kelkkan by Grand at BAIAs performances of Bugsy A fantastic fun lled show with in the media. The chapter has science Please share with us your story or living in Kuwait. According to the
Daughter of M.S. Baburaj Miss. Malone on May 5 & 6. great songs and plenty of messy club activities for members children, your memory during those old days by available statistics of Indian Embassy,
Nimisha Saleem on May 5th 2017 at It is 1920s New York and life on splurge where the cast of over 40 and ladies wing activities for the mem- writing the event and sending it to the 60% of the convicted Indians in Kuwaiti
Abbasiya Community Hall at 6.00 the streets is tough. Its a dark night children have great fun playing all the bers family. IEI, Kuwait chapter has following email address: Mystory@
pm onwards. Famous Music Director and mobster, Roxy Robinson, nds adult parts. facility to register student members for Continued on Page 24


OSL aims to officially recognise students accomplishments

GUST launches official Student Life Records Transcripts

KUWAIT CITY, April 9: Gulf University for honors and awards, student bodies and entities, and tournaments, exhibitions, performances,
Science and Technologys (GUST) Ofce of and training and workshop seminars. Student charity drives, and trips. Students are also
Student Life (OSL) announced on Sunday the participations in the universitys student presented with various volunteering opportu-
launch of its Student Life Records Transcript. employment program are also recognized and nities within the university where they learn
Originally piloted in the 2015/2016 fall se- documented in the transcript. Each semester, event organization, teamwork, creativity, time
mester, this transcript ofcially recognizes the more than 70 students are hired by various management, and leadership.
students accomplishments and involvements university departments as tutors, note-takes, As for sports, students partaking in any of
in the universitys out-of-class activities. This photographers, and administrative assistants. the Athletic Departments teams participate
initiative aims to expand learning beyond the Notable previous community service participa- in local and international tournaments and
academic setting, all the while supporting their tions include the Guinness World Record championships. All of these aforementioned
future career options through the recognition Clothes Charity Drive, New York City Home- activities are ofcially recognized by the
of these activities. less Aid Initiative, and Flower Giveaway on university and are recorded in the new Student
GUST seeks to foster a dynamic environ- Mothers Day. Life Records Transcripts.
ment and is committed to improving the stu- Head of OSL, Anwar S. Al-Sabah said, GUST seeks to foster a dynamic environ-
dents social intelligence while steering them Life experience gained at the university is as ment and is committed to improving the stu-
towards a promising future and a successful crucial as the academic journey. We believe dents social intelligence while steering them
career. It also provides student-centered that students involvements and their profes- towards a promising future and a successful
services, programs, and experiences through sional performance outside the classroom career. It also provides student-centered
exposing the students to out of the classroom should be recognized and documented ofcial- services, programs, and experiences through
learning opportunities, engaging them in ly. This co-curricular transcript is an initiative exposing the students to out of the classroom
different events and activities internally and that will attest to the students participation in learning opportunities, engaging them in
externally, locally and internationally. This these activities. different events and activities internally and
includes collaborating with students through Head of OSL Anwar S. Al-Sabah Known for its lively campus and active stu- externally, locally and internationally. This
OSL to engender a diverse and energetic dent life, GUSTs 16 student clubs hold more includes collaborating with students through
campus life in. class related achievements, activity history, and verify all participations in arts and music, than 80 events a year. These events include OSL to engender a diverse and energetic
The transcript will validate students non- and social activities. These records will enlist athletics, student clubs, community services, expos, seminars, discussions, competitions campus life in.

click ICS to present Mahi Ve on April 13
Continued from Page 23
Jails are arrested on drug-related cases. The
Richa Sharma: voice of Sufi Music in India
recent cases of death and captives of Indian drug
abusers is a threatening news. To defend and to
campaign against such social crisis by protecting
individuals as well as the society has become By Chaitali B. Roy Armed with her talent and self-belief, young
obligatory. In this current situation, Kuwait Richa landed in Mumbai, the City of Dreams
India Fraternity Forum is conducting campaign Special to the Arab Times
to seek out her destiny in 1994. For a couple of
by distributing handouts, conducting counseling, years, she sang cover versions and performed
seminars etc. to educate the Indians living in Ku-
wait informed President Saifudheen Nalakath in a
press release. For more details contact: 55062071
he is God gifted with a voice as compel-
ling as her effortless singing. It traverses
scales with such ease that at times it
in religious congregations before she landed
her rst lm in 1996. But she got her rst real
seems almost magical. She renders Chaap break when she sang Kahin Aag Lage for
or email at
Tilak, a Su kalam by Amir Khusrau with the Grammy Award winner A.R. Rahman in
the movie Taal in 1996. And then there was
as much devotion as a romantic Mahi Ve
NYF offers free yoga classes: NYF Kuwait or an earthy peppy Billo Rani. The range of no looking back. She moved between genres,
offers free yoga, breathing, meditation and reiki her voice is extraordinary as is her grasp of sang songs of different ranges and made a
classes by a well-experienced female yoga teach- the grammar of Indian vocal music. Her voice niche for herself in Bollywood. Because of
er for all age groups. Classes are given on the her strong rendition, she came to be associated
basis of different health problems, stress and
ows smoothly into the mood of each song
rendering it special. Her repertoire is extensive with songs that required very nuanced and yet
other problems by different techniques. Contact: powerful singing.
99315825. and inclusive ranging from semi-classical and
devotional to ghazal, folk, rock/dance and Bol- Powerful
lywood chartbusters. By the nineties, playback singing in Bol-
Leadership Excellence Course: The She is Richa Sharma, one of Indias most lywood had undergone a change. It was no
Leadership Excellence Course (LEC) is a course gifted playback singers, and she will perform longer a monopoly of a powerful few who
modeled on the Seerah of Rasoolullah who is the live in Kuwait at one of Indian Cultural Soci- were and continue to be legends. The eld
best model of leadership for all mankind. The etys most power packed shows Mahi Ve on had opened up to new and gifted singers who
LEC focuses on the lessons that we can learn Thursday, April 13 at the American Interna- had talent, persistence, and courage to brave
from the Seerah of Rasoolullah and see how we tional School auditorium in Maidan Hawally. out the ruthless world of lms. We grew up
can apply them in our lives to become winners in Pioneers of live entertainment in Kuwait, listening and learning from the legends, but
this world and the next. the Indian Cultural Society has set a track trends changed with time. In the past, there
The objectives of the course are 1. Understand record for blockbuster shows featuring great was one government-run channel on radio and
what leadership is from the Seerah of Rasoolullah entertainers including Mohit Chauhan, Himesh
and how to apply it in our lives today 2. Under- television, but now there are more avenues.
Reshamiyya, Daler Mehendi, Shreya Ghosal, Reality television and talent shows provide
stand the purpose of our lives and learn to live Alka Yagnik, Naseeruddin Shah, Anupam
that purpose with condence 3. Understand the more exposure to both singers and listeners. I
Kher, Salim- Sulaiman, Udit Narayan, Kumar believe that artists should get the opportunity
importance of connecting to Allah and learn Sanu, Shibani Kashyap, Talat Aziz, Hema
how to do it 4. Understand how to leverage your to show and share their gifts, but they should
Sardesai and many others. be passionate and committed towards their art.
strengths and overcome weaknesses 5. Under- Speaking to Arab Times, Ashfaq Khan,
stand how to articulate your life goal and create a There are artists who use technology to add
President of ICS said, We planned to invite texture and melody to their voice; I am strictly
road map to achieve it. Richa Sharma for a long time. She is one of
For more information please visit www.lecku- against that, she avers. or call 99514995 / 66363310. Indias most versatile singer with an enviable Richa Sharma has also taken a strong stand
track record of chartbusters. We are looking
forward to her performance. towards meaningless lyrics or lyrics with
vulgar innuendoes. In the fast-paced and
AWL registration: If you would like to join Awards competitive world of Bollywood, she has the
the American Womens League (AWL), please
call 99039723 or 94067999 or email: kuwait- Winner of multiple awards and nomina- courage to refuse songs that do not appeal to All American women and tions, Richa has been hailed as the voice her. I take a stand against unreasonable and
wives of Americans are welcomed. of Su Music in India and as the Fusion meaningless lyrics. If I am offered such a
Queen. She has to her credit some of the song, I request for some poetry or ornamenta-
most popular songs of recent times includ- tion to be added to the lyrics. But since I dont
Ugandans register with UIK: Are you ing Jag Soona Soona Lage (Om Shanti Om), have the right to change the songs, and if the
a Ugandan living and working in Kuwait? Sajda (My Name is Khan), Kahin Aag Lage lmmakers are unwilling to do so, I politely
Would you like to get in touch with other (Taal), Billo Rani (Dhan Dhan Goal), Zor avoid it by saying I am not suitable enough. A
Ugandans in Kuwait both socially and profes- certain element of fun is permissible, but I can-
sionally? Then please get in touch with us. Ka Jhatka (Action Replay), Chodo More
Baiyan (Zubeida), and Mahi Ve (Kante). She not sing songs with abusive and absurd lyrics.
We would like to invite you to register with I prefer to sit back at home and not sing such
the Ugandans in Kuwait (UIK) association, also has to her credit some basic albums like
an informal organization of Ugandans living Ni Main Yaar Nu Sajda Kardi, Piya and numbers, she is rm.
and working in Kuwait. The purpose of this Winds of Rajasthan that have done very In 2014, Richa Sharma was invited to open
exercise is to get together as Ugandans and to well. the Ottawa Jazz Festival. Her performance on
consider taking the first steps to establishing a Richa Sharmas journey with music the opening nights main stage sent a strong
more formal organisation. This association is began at a young age. She was born into signal that South Asian music is reaching out
voluntary. It is designed to create a forum for the middle-class home of Pandit Dayanand to the West. As a singer, whenever I sing,
Ugandans in Kuwait to foster a sense of com- Upadhyay, a Hindu priest who was gifted I feel I am singing for God, and that is what
munity, to communicate more effectively with with a rich baritone. Richa took her rst un- helps me connect with my audience. I gave a
each other and to encourage Ugandans out certain steps into the world of singing in her one and a half-hour performance at the Jazz
here to work together. We are also planning childhood. She watched her father worship Festival that the audience enjoyed. I sang fu-
a celebration to mark 50 years of Ugandans God with his music, and she followed suit. sion, Bollywood, Su and folk and I am plan-
Independence this year. If you have any ques- Soon she was singing devotional songs at ning to do the same in Kuwait, she promises.
tions regarding this association or if you are religious gatherings in her hometown, Farid- Richa Sharma has a phenomenal presence on
interested in registering, then please send us abad, Haryana. I was born with music. In stage. She enjoys performing live as it gives
an email at We fact, I believe I was gifted with music while her the freedom to improvise and be creative.
hope to hear from you soon. Refusing to be typecast, Richa Sharma has
in my mothers womb, shares the singer
with Arab Times. worked hard on her voice. She gives different
Free drum music classes: Free profession- Although my father was not a professional nuances and textures to her rendition which
al drum music classes are available at Salmiya for singer, he had a god gifted voice, which I think enhances and invests each song a differ-
all age groups from beginners to advanced by a I inherited.As a child, I used to sing along with ent colour. The artist is excited and looking
well experienced drum teacher. For more details: him. That was my introduction to music. Soon Richa Sharma forward to her rst performance in Kuwait in
94974295. I started singing in local functions, and at the which she says she will go all out to entertain
age of 8, I gave my rst professional perfor- made the singer spiritual and more inclined God. The environment at home was geared to- her fans. For more information on the show
mance for which I received a token of Rs 8, towards devotional music. Richa agrees. I am wards puja (the act of worship) and devotion, contact 66550065 - 97428028 97984603
Indian Embassy SPDC notice: Attention of she smiled. Perhaps it was her upbringing that very a spiritual person with a strong belief in and I grew up imbibing that spirit. 97690035.
all Indian associations/Indian schools in Kuwait
is once again drawn to Scholarship Programme
for Diaspora Children (SPDC) which was intro-
duced by Government of India in the academic
Scheme are:
(i) NITs, IIITs, Schools of Planning and
register at either the Amricani Cultural Centre,
Sunday to Thursday 10:00-3:00 or the Yar-
rm resolve.
The TIES Center is the social and educa-
year 2006-2007 with the objective to make higher Architecture mouk Cultural Centre, Sunday to Thursday tional hub for English Speaking Muslims in Chess Round Robin Challenge: Registra-
education in India accessible to the children of (ii) A Grade institutions accredited by 10:00-6:00. Kuwait. For more information, please call tions are open for chess coaching and the Annual
overseas Indians and promote India as a centre National Assessment and Accreditation Council For more information, please 25231015 or e-mail or visit Round Robin Challenger Series. Send your name,
for higher studies. (NAAC) and recognised by University Grants Civil ID No., mobile number, age, rating to
Under the scheme, 100 PIO/NRI students Commission (UGC). with CCR in the e-mail
were awarded scholarship of up to US$ 4,000 per (iii) Other institutions covered under Direct subject. No entry fee.
annum for undergraduate courses in Engineering, Admission of Students Abroad (DASA) scheme. TIES Center classes: TIES Center is con- Scrabble sessions are back: Scrabble
ducting a series of classes about some of the sessions are back for all to come, learn and
Technology, Humanities, Liberal Arts, Com- Income criteria will be applicable to all four
merce, Management, Journalism, Hotel Manage- categories. Applicants will seek scholarships Prophets and Messengers of God who strove play with us at Better Books, Salmiyah, Bldg Kwt-Brits football supporters: A new foot-
ment, Agriculture, Animal Husbandry and some after they obtain admission in the approved list of very hard to spread monotheism and teach 19, next to Badur Travel, opposite the Ministry ball supporters website for British expats living
other courses. educational institutions. their respective peoples how to worship of Private Education, on Friday afternoons and working in Kuwait has been set up by an
The scheme is open to NRIs/PIOs from over Applications are required to be submitted God. Their message was not only spiritual; from 2:30-5:30 pm. Inviting all kids aged 8 and Everton supporter, Trevor Powell. The Kuwait
40 countries (including Kuwait) having substan- online at SPDC portal - they also taught people how to conduct their above to join me and play competitively with Brits Football Supporters Association (KBFSA)
tial Indian Diaspora population. in/login/index.php. Last date for submission daily lives and develop the living conditions me Rohaina. Classes are held every Saturday site aims to provide contact information for sup-
The Scheme was revamped and launched in of applications was extended till Oct 14, 2016. on earth. from 12-1.30 pm. Bknelled, Euphuize, Waqf, porters of each others whereabouts and also in
July 2016. Under the revamped Scheme, number Nodal ofcer for SPDC is P. Bharadwaj, Deputy In this series, we will focus on the follow- Zooeae are some of the lovely words and there the future hopes to organise social events such as
of scholarships has been enhanced from 100 Secretary (OIA-II), Ministry of External Affairs, ing prophets: Adam, Nouh (Noah), Ibrahim are 200,000 more you can learn with us. But quizzes and even five-a-side matches on a home
to 150 with introduction of 50 scholarships for New Delhi, Tel: 00-91-11-24197952, Email: (Abraham), Ayoub (Job), Yousuf (Joseph), the fun part is playing this wonderful game international teams basis. We need expats to reg-
children of Indian workers employed in the Mousa (Moses), and Eisa (Jesus) may competitively. So come and see us and call me ister their support and hence we can then start to
Emigration Check Required (ECR) countries. peace, mercy and blessings of Allah (to @66634224, Rohaina Tanweer. cast around for a suitable meeting venue. The

The Scheme is now applicable to four categories Whom all might and majesty is ascribed) be site can be accessed at
of applicants: Experience Science for Adults: Regis- upon them all.
(i) Persons of Indian Origin tration is now open for Experience Science for We will not only focus on historical facts, Bridge game: Bridge tournament is being
(ii) Non-Resident Indians Adults. but will also deduce some important lessons held every Sunday and Wednesday at 20:00 Free fitness classes: Free tness classes at
(iii) Children of Indian workers working in Why should kids have all the fun?! whose application in our daily interactions hours, played at the Graduates Club, next to B.FIT studio in Salmiya! Classes include Zumba,
ECR countries (including Kuwait). The ve week programme will be held on and chores determine our success and salva- Kuwait Engineering Society. Interested Bridge Masala Bhangra workout, aerobics, toning &
(iv) Children of Indian workers in ECR coun- Saturday from 10:00 am-11:30 am at the Yar- tion. pairs or individual players please contact Mo- much more. Contact +965-65077062 for further
tries - studying in India mouk Cultural Centre. Join us every Thursday at 7 pm to learn hammed Merchant, Tel: 24815622, 24841158,
The institutions that are covered under this Registration is limited to 16. You may about the life and times of those messengers of 99612287. Continued on Page 25


High note
Cezarys Picks
Love to music present in our genes

Lullaby earliest tool in

cementing human bond
By Cezary Owerkowicz to calm down an infant playing Rihanna
Special to the Arab Times or even Mozart according to Dr. Sandra
Trehub from the Toronto University.

T his is how it began? Twinkle,

twinkle, little star/How I won-
der what you are/Up above the world
She presented to children records of
pieces for adults and lullabies and ob-
served their reaction. It appeared when
so high/Like a diamond in the sky/ they listened to music for adults they
Twinkle... This is how mummy were restless but became calm while lis-
sings or whispers, the most wonder- tening to the lullabies and - as stated by
ful words in the world of singing Dr. Trehub - they looked happy.
which has only one meaning: I love Most probably our love for music
you! You are my diamond. came from lullabies sung for the prehis-
Lullaby (or the cradle song) soothing toric babies, say scientists. Amazing uni-
song or piece of music, usually played for versalism of singing for children allows
or sung to children is for most human be- me to believe that love to music we have
ings the rst contact with words and mel- in our genes, says Prof. Krasnov.
ody. With simple and repetitive melodies, Developed
lullabies can be found in every country I am sure the evolutionary adaptation
and have existed since time immemorial. to listening to the music began from lis-
How ancient, this is the question. tening to lullabies. Our musical abilities
The dark cave is lit with a little re. developed over the thousands of years. At
Women dressed in animal pelts, frenzy the beginning probably there were simple
cuts, strips of meat dry near the re. Si- mumbles or murmuring which slowly
multaneously a mother strains her ears to changed into more complicated vocalizes
listen to the crawling sounds of the wild and nally - real hum melodies.
beasts who may have been attracted by In the end we started to create music
the stench of using instruments. It took around twenty
meat. thousand years; it is an age of the most
Suddenly ancient instruments known to us, prob-
she hears her ably their makers in their attempts to
baby sleeping copy human voices became their sounds
in the corner similar to singing.
of the cave The interest in music already appeared
beginning to in the fetus life. The children in the womb
whimper. The began to hear from the twentieth week
mother, since and in the thirtieth week began to recog-
she cannot stop nize the difference between music and
her work, be- speaking.
gins to murmur Owerkowicz It has been proved by the scientists
the simple si- from the Helsinki University, who carried
lent melody to calm the child. It works; out the experiments on pregnant women.
the baby falls asleep in a moment. The future mothers in their third trimester
This behavioral pattern has not come of pregnancy listened to well-known lul-
out of the blue. This is what people have laby, every day, loud enough and all the
been doing for centuries when the prehis- time the same, to allow the fetus to hear
toric homo sapiens (the binomial nomen- it well.
clature for the only extant human species. It appears that when the children were
Homo is the human genus, which also born they remembered it well. Scientist
includes Neanderthals and many other checked it with the EEG - babies brains
extinct species of hominid; H. sapiens is activated evidently up to fourth month of
the only surviving species of the genus life listening to lullaby heard as a fetus.
Homo) survived by hunting animals for Music soon developed as being the
food and reaping groups had just started only reason to calm down babies. It be- Photo by Bassam Abu Shnab
creating the bases of human culture. came the way of strengthening links Photo taken recently shows Mubarakiya Souk in Kuwait City.
As time passed by more advanced among the rst human race. Charles Dar-
tools were discovered, attempts were win has already afrmed that it plays an
made at languages and even arts. This important role in social life of the group,
was also a time when the music was dis-
covered. The anthropologists had no idea
present in even the most primitive com-
munities during important moments of
Pioneers of Kuwait
why prehistoric humans began to make their life: funerals, weddings, wars, etc.
music during their time. The explanation On such occasions everybody sings. In
for this question was given by Prof. Max
Krasnov and Dr Samuel Mehr from the
Darwins opinion music unites people
around one act or activity.
Strong believer of tolerance and forgiveness
Harvard University. In their opinion the Music since the beginning of his-
beginning of our love to music comes tory is the main binder of our social life,
from lullabies. They described their the-
sis in scientic periodical Evolution and
Human Behavior.
Prof Krasnovs idea is based on the
states Prof. Jay Schulkin from George-
town University in Washington, DC,
another scientist who is involved in such
Sheikh strives for stability in region
theory of conict of interest between In his opinion joining in common This is the 17th in a series of in 2003, Sheikh Sabah Al Ahmad marketing of its oil industry and
a parent and a child. The theory was re- singing or playing was one of the rst articles on His Highness Sheikh was still hoping that Iraq would be enhance its oil revenues through
leased in the 1970s of the last century by customs in primary communities, which Sabah Al Ahmad pioneer of the reunited under a democratic, stable the utilization of the oil resources
Prof. Robert Trivers, also from the Har- created emotional links. This was maybe political development in modern government that could guarantee more effectively: processing the
vard University. because we were listening to the music Kuwait and 15th ruler of Kuwait. internal security and political stabil- natural gas instead of burning it, and
Attention since birth and we identify it safely, with Editor ity necessary for peace in the region integrating the whole oil opera-
mothers voice. It evokes in us a very to the ultimate benet of the whole tion exploration, production and
That theory says children are continu- positive emotion and directs us to con- Arab world. transportation, and exporting two
ously trying to attract the attention of the tacts with the others. thirds of its oil production as high
parents to ll the gap in their time and to By Lidia Qattan Discover
Influences Special to the Arab Times quality rened products.
the contrary parents are using all possible In the meantime eager to discover
means to limit this to only the needed Music, of course not in every form, the fate of the Kuwaiti POWs still Reflected
amount of time. The exact sample was
the lullaby, says Prof. Krasnov. That was
inuences our brain in a unique man-
ner, initiates production of endorphins,
W hen on the 9th of April 2003
the war ended, Sheikh Sabah
Al Ahmad called for an immedi-
held in Iraq , he intensied his effort
in collaboration with the coalition
The Kuwaiti merchant mentality
is also reected on its foreign aid,
the way to inform the child the presence evoke pleasant feelings. While listening ate transferring of power to the forces, determined to solve this programmed to spur the devel-
of a parent, without stopping to do what to the music we release a big quantity of Iraqis, for they alone had the right enigma once and for all. opment of the Gulf countries in
he/she was doing, because time to pay at- oxytocin neuro-hormone, responsible for to choose their leader, but this was The Kuwait Council of Ministers particular and other Arab and poorer
tention at that was very limited. creating ties, especially between mother also offered one million US dollars Sheikh Sabah Al Ahmad
easier said than done. countries, through providing them
The mother couldnt sacrice her time and child just after delivery. After more than three decades of to any one coming forward with with generous aids to spur their
From the start such a mentality
and attention exclusively for the infant. It is produced also during hugs, kisses oppression, during which the people concrete information. development for mutual benet and
She had to prepare meals, take care of and other forms of close social links. has been instrumental in making
of Iraq were conditioned to live in Teams of Kuwaiti volunteers to promote stability in the world.
older children, and protect them against Maybe because of this one of the most Kuwait prosperous and internally
fear and suspicion of one another, joined the search. Finally the grim Through the years of his involve-
attacks from wild animals. sensitive behavior music people are suf- truth was revealed at Abbaniya, stable through the cooperation of
at the time of liberation they were every member of the community for ment in foreign affairs Sheikh Sabah
Humming a simple melody was to in- fering from the Williams Syndrome too divided, too disoriented and too a locality north-east of Baghdad Al Ahmad has modied the Kuwaiti
form the infant that the parent is nearby disease (distemper of oxytocin produced where some mass graves were the common interest.
uncertain to take matters into their At the same time Kuwaits for- nancial aid to widen its scope in
and is taken care of. It was a clear sig- among others). own hands. discovered; in them the remains spurring cooperation in the Gulf
nal: somebody singing cannot talk to the The children suffering from that, even of many Kuwaiti POWs were eign policy has been aimed at gain-
The political vacuum left behind ing friends on all fronts to enhance region and in the Arab and Muslim
other. Constant intensity of voice is in- mentally handicapped, are extremely with the removal of the Saddam identied through their DNA. This world in order to foster peace in the
formation that a parent is just around the friendly empathic, cuddle up to other discovery obliterated any hope of uidity of commerce and ensure its
Regime triggered a bewildering prosperity. world.
house. This is the reason why lullabies people and above all love music. Some- situation hard to control even under nding any survivor of Kuwaiti Incidentally till 1973, Kuwait was
often made the infants quiet, explained times they are excellent musicians having POWs. Such a policy fostered by the
a provisory military government. the only donor of the total sum of
Prof. Krasnov. absolute hearing power. Only minority groups, which in- The action and general behavior merchant mentality has enabled
Kuwait to sail through many storms Arab development assistance.
A scientist from the Harvard states The research with functional magnetic spite of all the reprisals maintained of a nation is determined by its
resonance shows that they have more than that threatened its survival including The Kuwait Fund for Economic
lullabies debuted in the life of the Homo their solidarity were strong enough mentality. Development was the rst Arab as-
sapiens thousands of years ago much be- average primary structure of brain respon- to make a stand. Indeed their unity Kuwait was born and made pros- the latest the Iraqi invasion.
sible for emotions. It seems that musical Incidentally it has been the mer- sistance to be established. The other
fore even any known language was spo- gave them a sense of purpose and perous through commerce and trade.
sensibility and emotional contact with chant mentality that enabled Kuwait Arab funds were established in 1974
ken. Universalism of lullabies and proof the structure needed to resist and Such an activity fostered a merchant
that melody is the most important part of people have common roots in our brain. to make good use of its oil revenues following the sharp increase in the
ght for their rights. Those minori- mentality. oil price.
life is a result of research by Prof. Isabelle It is not surprising, of course, that ties were the Kurdish in the north There are in the development of its economic
Peretz from the University of Montreal. music also strengthens the sensibility of infrastructure based on diversity, by The same merchant mentality has
and the Shiite in the south, which at three golden inclined Sheikh Sabah Al Ahmad to
Listening to simple, quiet melody healthy children. Next proof comes from the moment of freedom presented rules that dif- establishing factories and expand-
calms a child two times faster than speak- the German scientist from the Leipzig ing its commercial enterprises and be a strong believer of tolerance and
the greatest challenge to the unica- ferentiates the
ing. She came to the council after making Max Planck Institute of Anthropology. true merchant: investments on a global scale. forgiveness through which one can
tion of Iraq. gain friends.
a research on 60 infants (a few months In their opinion psychologists Sebas- However when they elected a honesty, open- It even spurred agriculture for
old babies). Her choice of lullabies was tian Kirschner and Michael Tomasello mindedness and the production of vegetables and Indeed he believes that revenge
leader, the civil government that only causes more trouble and pain.
fragments of Turkish and of other per- express opinion that between children lis- formed needed outside support generosity. grains, inspite of Kuwait being a
sons. Thanks to her research, she discov- tening to the music has established much Honesty desert land with no fertile land, nor Hence for the sake of unifying the
to meet the countless problems Arab world in a common endeavor
ered infants dont pay attention or react stronger emotional ties than between demanding immediate action. keeps and in- river or lakes. Its limited quantity of
only to known language and the voice those playing in silence. They have be- creases his brackish water in its subsoil has to and a common objective the Sheikh
Wars and revolutions are cata-
of the mother. come more empathic. clysmic affairs, they are yet more Lidia Qattan clientele; open be mixed with potable water to yield has been constant in his foreign
During the experiments parents sat Is it a cure for the entire world to lis- terrible and consequential when the mindedness good results in horticulture. policy, even supporting those
behind a child, unseen. The scientist ten to obligatory favorite lullaby before nation is split apart. gains him respect and business op- The same merchant mentality has countries that stood against Kuwait
then played the Turkish lullabies. It ap- going to sleep (alone or with your dear Inspite of this fact, at the removal portunities, and generosity wins him enabled Kuwait to dispense with during the invasion.
peared children listening to the melodies ones?) Lullaby and goodnight, with roses of the Saddam regime from power friends which is good for business. middle-men in the production and To be continued
remained calm (parents unseen) for nine bedight/With lilies oer spread is babys
minutes but after they heard the voices wee bed// Lay thee down now and rest,
may the slumber be blessed/2x/ (Brahms all badminton enthusiast in Kuwait Arnis/Eskrima training: Indian Football Referees Associa-
of their parents, they began to cry in less to join their regular badminton tion (IFRA) will be starting free
than four minutes. Lullaby) Eskrimador-Kuwait a member of
tournament being held every Friday Cacoy Doce Pares World Fed- refresher/coaching classes for exist-
It means music is much more efcient from 8 am to 7 pm at Kuwait Disa- ing referees, new recruits, those as-
than talk to keep the children calm. Prob-
ably it means it is a much older process Editors Note: Cezary Owerkowicz click bled Sports Club, Bin Khaldoun
eration now opens a new batch
of training. Learn the Philippine piring to be referees and even those
is the chairman of the Kuwait Cham- Hawalli. Over 10 badminton courts national sports, which is Arnis/ who would like to learn about the
in evolution, says Prof. Peretz. NB: The ber of Philharmonia and talented pia- are now available for badminton laws of the game at IEAS Salmiya
Montreal scientist repeated experiments nist. He regularly organises concerts Sports practices and tournament and it is
Eskrima with the authentic style
and techniques. Training schedule (Don Bosco).
with other languages such as French and by well-known musicians for the ben- open for all nationalities and from Classes will be from 9:00 am to
so on and the result was identical! Continued from Page 24 will be every Friday from 11:00
et of music lovers and to widen the different badminton organizations. am to 1:00 pm @ Kaifan Sports 12:00 pm every Friday.
Children instinctively sense that cer- knowledge of music in Kuwait. His Exclusive-private court are also
information. Hurry and enroll now! Complex-Karate Gym. Text or call Those interested may call
tain melody is a calm lullaby. Words are e-mail address is: cowerkowicz @ available on per hour rental. For #50292148-Herms. 99519439 or get in touch with any
not so important as rhythm and tempo, and cowerkowicz@hot- more information, please contact Dr
IFRA member for registration.
says Prof. Peretz. You will not succeed FBC tournament: Filipino Bad- Chie Umandap 97197268
minton Committee (FBC) is inviting Free IFRA coaching classes: Continued on Page 26


Firm presents latest technologies in space transmission and communication

Gulfsat participates for 12th time in CABSAT Dubai

KUWAIT CITY, April 9: Gulfsat Chairman and Chief Executive Ofcer facts, CABSAT is of a momentous was hugely successful, building on the
Communications Company (Gulfsat), of Gulfsat, Mohammed Al-Haj, stated uniqueness for Gulfsat. This is un- companys remarkable success during
the leading company specialized in to press: Gulfsats participation in derlined by the fact that this was the the past few years and the expansion
providing communications and TV CABSAT, the prestigious international companys participation for the12th of its data base. The companys booth
broadcasting and re-broadcasting exhibition of digital media and satellite successive year, prompted by the at the exhibition was a focal point for
through satellites, has announced its communications is a vital element of our desire to keep pace with the latest de- visitors and customers from several
active participation at the 23rd CAB- strategy of being present and visible, and velopments in media and TV content countries, particularly the Middle East
SAT the foremost exhibition for an essential part of our annual business broadcasting and keeping abreast with and North Africa. This year, he said,
the broadcast content delivery, digital plan to participate in a selected number this industry. At the same time, the we were keen to display the latest
media and satellite industries, which of global events and forums directly importance of keeping in touch with technologies of space broadcasting and
was held at the Dubai World Trade concerned with broadcasting the media the companys wide customer base media content. In doing so, we were
Center in Dubai, United Arab Emir- content and satellite TV broadcasting. cannot be exaggerated, for this base supported by our strong and highly
ates during the period 21- 23 March He explained that CABSAT is of a includes customers from all countries developed infrastructure.
2017. This was Gulfsats participation prime importance to satellite communi- within the MENA region. Al-Haj went CABSAT provided Gulfsat with
for the 12th year running, building on cations companies, as it hosts more than on to say that Gulfsat signed agree- an excellent opportunity to present
the success of its participation in the 900 companies and brands specialized in ments with a number of new and up-to-date services and state-of-the-
past years. satellite broadcasting, satellite technolo- existing customers from the region, art High Definition technologies
The company has been keen to keep From left to right: Yousef Farah, Mohammed Al-Haj, Sara Tulaimat, Sabah gy and digital broadcasting in more than which include TV stations that wish to in the field of satellite TV broad-
pace with the latest developments in Al-Sultan and Sanjay Cherian. 110 countries worldwide, making it the benet from the companys services casting and media content. We
the satellite broadcasting industry and global platform which brings together in promoting and strengthening their were careful to adopt the highest
its technologies. It also seeks to offer to remain in touch with its wide cus- Manager, Sabah Al-Sultan and Dr experts, specialists, satellite broadcasting footprint in this region and maximize standards and technologies in over-
its own highly developed technologies tomer base in the region and its efforts Reyad Douglas, Director of Com- companies, producers, studios, creative their outreach to TV audience. The coming jamming and piracy in order
that cater for the requirements of cus- to identify future trends. Gulfsat was mercial and Sales, in addition to the content producers and distributors from company will announce these during to safeguard intellectual property
tomers in the Middle East and North represented at this prestigious event technical support, marketing and busi- the Middle East, North Africa and South the coming phase. rights. Our services included Cloud
Africa region in all elds related to by its Chairman and CEO, Moham- ness development team. Asia. Al-Haj added that Gulfsats participa- Bro which particularly targets infor-
TV broadcasting in line with its policy med Al-Haj, Chief TV Broadcasting In the occasion of this participation, Al-Haj added that, given these tion in this years version of CABSAT mation cities and TV channels.

Contact Centre recognised with Award of Excellence

Alshaya wins customer service award

KUWAIT CITY, April 9: International
retail franchise operator M.H. Alshaya
Cos commitment to customer service
has once again been recognised, with its
Contact Centre winning an award at the
Public Relations and Customer Service
Award ceremony held in Kuwait last
week under the patronage of His High-
ness Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber
Alshayas Contact Centre won the
Award of Excellence in customer sat-
Ms. Manal Barakat, representative of Gulf Bank, handing the prize to one isfaction for best practices in providing
of the redTM account draw winners customer service in the caf category,
based on the way it handled customer
Presented with Apple prizes feedback on Starbucks services in par-
ticular. The award highlights Alshayas
ability to provide world-class customer
service by taking quick and effective
Gulf Bank welcomes redTM action in following up on each piece of
customer feedback it receives.
Alshayas Matthew Holgate, Presi-
winners to its head office dent of Starbucks, and Mona Dabbah,
Director of Customer Service, received
Contact Centre and SBX Teams
the award from Her Excellency Hind Al-
KUWAIT CITY, April 9: Gulf Bank Sabih, Minister of Social Affairs and La-
was pleased to welcome the new
winners of the third monthly redTM Al Tijari announces bour and Minister of State for Economic
Affairs. The event was organised by the
account draw on Thursday, 6 April
2017, and present them with their Apple winners of Al Najma Kuwait Public Relations Association.
Based on surveys and customer feed-
prizes. The redTM account draw was back, Starbucks was found to have the
held live on Al Dewaniya program KUWAIT CITY, April 9: Commer- highest levels of excellence and profes-
at Marina FM 90.4, on Thursday, 30 cial Bank of Kuwait held the Al Na- sionalism of all coffee shops in deliver-
March 2017, under the supervision of jma Account daily draw on 9th April ing services and products to customers,
Ministry of Commerce and Industry. 2017. nurturing positive relationships with
Abdullah Ali Habeeb Redha, winner The draw was held under the su- them, and efciently responding to their
of the iPhone 7 Plus, Ahmed Khaled pervision of the Ministry of Com- enquiries through the Contact Centre.
Salem Hashem Salem, winner of the Alshaya operates more than 3,400
iPad Pro, and Jawaher Dawoud Ghloum merce & Industry represented by
Abdulaziz Ashkanani. stores for over 75 of the worlds
Awadh, winner of the Apple Watch, all best-known and best-loved brands,
visited Gulf Bank Head Ofce where The winners of the Al Najma dai-
ly draw are: including Starbucks, H&M, Mothercare,
Ms. Manal Barakat Manager of Debenhams, The Cheesecake Factory,
redTM and Nassour Consumer greeted Mohammad Abduljaber Ibraheem
Victorias Secret, and Boots, and Pottery
them and handed them the prizes. Abduljaber KD 7000/-; Shabaan Jad Barn across the Middle East, North
Before making the ofcial announce- Alrab Ali Abdulazez K D Africa, Russia, Turkey and Europe.
ment, Gulf Bank invited its custom- 7000/-; Raed Faisal Al Khalaf KD Alshayas Contact Centre manages a
ers to tune in to Marina FM 90.4, Al 7000/- broader customer service offering that
Dewaniya program to nd out who the Khalil Abdulateef Mandani Mo- builds connections with the customers of
lucky winners of the redTM account hammed KD 7000/-; Samera Hus- all the brands that the company operates, Group picture at the Kuwait Educational Academy School Football League.
prizes were. sain Ahmad Kankuni KD 7000/- 365 days a year.
Gulf Banks redTM is an account
for high school students, college and Al Najma awards are now bright- Ms Dabbah says the award highlights
the efforts the company makes to put the
Football league held for special needs students
university students aged between 15 er and bigger than ever. With the re-
vamped Al Najma account, all your customer at the heart of its business.
and 25. Eligible customers will get the
chance to enter the draw automatically
and on a monthly basis, upon transfer-
ring their student allowances.
dreams will be turned to reality. On
top of offering the highest daily
prize in Kuwait for KD 7,000, now
A team of bilingual professionals
operates the Contact Centre seven days a
week from 7am to 3am, serving custom-
ABK sponsors KEAS football finale again
ers in 10 countries across the Middle
Each month, an iPhone 7 plus, an our Mega prize draws got bigger to East and North Africa. It services KUWAIT CITY, April 9: Al Ahli
iPad Pro, and an Apple Watch will be
gifted to three lucky winners monthly
reach KD 250,000. include elding enquiries and orders re- Bank of Kuwait (ABK) recently an-
nounced that it sponsored the Kuwait
Remit to win
The new prizes scheme for Al Na- lated to food delivery, home furnishings,
and until January 2018. The next draw jma account Daily draw to win KD store opening hours, marketing activi- Educational Academy School (KEAS)
dates are announced as follows: April 7000 Quarterly draws to win great football nale, for the second consecu-
24, May 22, June 29, July 24, Aug 21,
Sept 28, Oct 23, Nov 207, Jan 11, 2018.
prizes that would start from KD
100,000 to KD 250,000
ties, and ongoing support for Privileges
Club, Alshayas loyalty programme.
Alshayas Contact Centre serves over
tive year, marking the end of the foot-
ball league held by KEAS for a group
Al Mulla Exchange promotion
In addition to the Apple prizes, stu- of special needs schools. The event
dents will have the opportunity to win a
Fiat 500c -Model 2017 at the annual car
1st quarter KD 100 000; 2nd quar-
ter KD 150 000; 3rd quarter KD 200
500,000 customers annually.
was held at the Al-Arabi Sports Club
in Mansouriya, on 5 April, 2017.
gives free tickets to IPL final
000; 4th quarter KD 250 000
draw, upon transferring their allowance!
Also, movie tickets at all Cinescape With Al Najma you have more AUB names KD 250K The football league was held in an
effort to engage students with special KUWAIT CITY, April 9: With the week until May 14, 2017.
theatres will be available for only KD chances to win greater prizes needs and encourage them to partici- exciting Indian Premier League sea- This promotion will see 11 win-
2 seven days a week by simply being a Each KD 25 kept in your account grand prize winner pate in sports and use their skills, while son on Al Mulla Exchange Company ners and a total of 22 tickets to the
redTM account holder; not to men- gives you one chance to win giving them the opportunity to enjoy begins its new promotion to provide its dream IPL nal match. The highpoint
KUWAIT CITY, April 9: On March Indian customers the unique chance to of the draw is the grand prize which
tion the exclusive offers from Edfa3ly, Each KD 25 kept in your account 29 Ahli United Bank held its Lifetime the excitement of the tournament rst
be part of the electrifying nals on May
which is an international internet shop- hand. includes special hospitality services
for one week will give you a chance Salary annual grand prize draw as part 21, 2017, in Hyderabad. in addition to the other prizes. The
ping services company. to enter the daily draw. of the Al Hassad Islamic Savings Ac- ABKs sponsorship of this event
Gulf Bank invites all students to take comes in line with its Corporate So- Starting from Wednesday, April grand prize winner will be announced
Each KD 25 kept in your account count program. It was a momentous
cial Responsibility (CSR) strategy for 5, anyone transferring money to India on May 15.
part in its redTM account draws, as they occasion for Ibrahim Al Mansoury
might be the lucky winners for year for 3 months will give you chance to 2017 that focuses on individuals with through any of Al Mulla Exchange Talking about the latest promo-
enter the quarterly draw. who won KD 250,000 as a lifetime
2017! salary for 250 months. special needs. The Bank aims to raise branches or via the companys online tion, Rakesh Joshi, General Manager,
To take part in the redTM account Additional features awareness of the special needs seg- services will automatically enter a Al Mulla Exchange, said cricket has
ATM card Ahli United Bank congratulates
draws, prospective customers can open Ibrahim Al Mansoury who is now ment and the importance of engaging draw for to get two tickets to the IPL always been a craze in India and with
an account at any one of Gulf Banks Issue a credit card against your able to achieve his dream of acquiring them within Kuwaits communities, 2017 nals, in addition to two airline the advent of T20, the cricket fever
56 branches, transfer online using the account a house or his favorite car, to travel by involving them in ongoing activi- tickets. A winner will be chosen every has gone higher. The IPL has become
Banks App or through the banks bilin- Obtain all CBK banking services abroad, establish a new business or ties that instill the sense of importance a festivity in India that has the whole
gual website at, You deserve to win! Open an ac- any dream he might have along with and equality among them. country in frenzy. As a token of our
or call the Customer Contact Center on count now with just KD 500 and you his aspirations. The Bank will continue to offer its gratitude to the support and trust of
1805805. will enter all draws. The Al Hassad Islamic Savings support to such initiatives with the aim our loyal Indian customers, we thought
Account program is the largest in of making a positive impact and a dif- of providing them with a chance to be
Kuwait with a total annual prize ference in the lives of these individu- part of the peak of this season, the nal
Burgan Bank announces names draw of KD 3,400,000 aimed at
realizing the dreams and ambitions
For more information about Al Ahli
The Indian customers are an im-
of customers since inception in Bank of Kuwait, please visit portant part of the Al Mulla Exchange
of daily winners of Yawmi draw [INSERT YEAR].The program also
provides 26 weekly prizes, which
or contact an ABK customer service
agent via Ahlan Ahli at 1899899.
business, and we have been providing
continuous promotions to them as a to-
KUWAIT CITY, April 9: Burgan two months prior to the draw date. Ad- represents the biggest number of ken of our gratitude. This is one of the
Bank, the second largest in terms of ditionally, every KD 10 in the account weekly winners. biggest promotions we have conducted
assets, announced today the names of will entitle customers to one chance of To qualify for the Al Hassad so far and we believe this will be well
the daily draw winners of its Yawmi winning. If the account balance is KD Islamic Savings Account prizes, received in the community.
account draw, each taking home a 500 and above, the account holder will customers only need to open a saving click The IPL matches are being played
cash-prize of KD 5,000. be qualied for both the quarterly and account with a minimum of KD 100. between April and May with approxi-
The lucky winners are: 1. Tariq daily draws. For every KD 50 of quarterly balance Continued from Page 25 mately 57 matches played between
Mahmood Mohammad Sha; 2. Mo- Burgan Bank encourages everyone in the account, customers earn one eight teams. Al Mulla Exchange with
hammad Mousa Al Baram; 3. Ali Ab-
dulrahman Mohammed Dashti; 4. Ah-
to open a Yawmi account and/or in-
crease their deposit to maximize their
chance to enter the quarterly draw.
Moreover, customers earn one chance
Courses 71 branches in Kuwait continues to
give customers out of the box market-
mad Abdullah Bander Al Qamlas; 5. chances of becoming a winner. The to enter the weekly draws for every Islamic and Arabic courses: A yer of the promotion ing promotion.
Mariam Hassan Ahmad Al Madhoun. higher the level of the deposit, the KD 50 of balance. Islamic and Arabic courses are being
In addition to the daily draw, Bur- higher the likelihood to win. For more information on Ahli offered at the Enlightenment into Islam
Center starting from 5:00-7:00 pm. Ladies Section will commence the Ara- Islamic classes in French: The
gan Bank also offers a Quarterly Draw For more information on opening United Banks Hassad Islamic Sav- bic Conversation Course. The students
with more chances to win higher re- a Yawmi account, the new quarterly Registrations can be done at the Enlightenment into Islam is offer-
ings Account and the wide range ing Islamic Classes in French for
wards, offering the chance to one draw or on any of the banks products main ofce Womens Committee in must have successfully completed at
of prizes it presents, along with the ladies. Timings 4:30 to 7 pm. Every
lucky customer to win KD 125,000 ev- and services, customers are urged to requirements to qualify for the draw, Qurtoba. least 3 levels of Arabic. Placement test
For more information contact: will be taken by those who took Arabic Wednesday. Please register at the of-
ery three months. The Yawmi Account visit their nearest Burgan Bank branch, customers are invited to visit any of ce (Womens Section), 2nd oor. For
offers Daily and Quarterly Draws, or simply call the banks Call Center at the Banks branches, call the customer 24322684, 25362693, 97743327 and class outside IPC.
25362681. more information please contact us.
wherein the Quarterly Draw requires 1804080. Customers can also log on to service Hayakum on 1812000 or Class is every Friday from 9-11 am. Telephone 25362684, 99789954,
customers to maintain a minimum Burgan Banks for visit the Banks website www.ahli- IPC Rawdah-22512257
amount of KD 500 in their account for further information. IPC Arabic Course: IPC Rawdah Continued on Page 28


h o r o s c o p e
By Jacqueline Bigar
Happy birthday for Monday, April 10, 2017:
ognize how many choices you have. Assess
whether you need to choose the path that is the Aries - (Mar 21 - Apr 19) ***** You might not be in the mood for
serious matters, and it will be obvious to those
have a strong sense of knowing whether you
are on the right path. Tonight: Know when to Scorpio - (Oct 23 - Nov 21)
most realistic. Listen with care when following around you. Allow more lightness and humor call it a night.
This year you have the gift of being able to through on a decision Tonight: In the limelight. **** Positive moments surround a vivid into your life. Help others to understand that it **** You know when enough is enough, but
others might not be able to hear your warning.
identify with both sides of an issue. Others
might not be sure which point of view you are
Aquarius - (Jan 20 - Feb 18)
discussion, which encourages you to embrace
a change in the status quo. You realize that you
is up to them to decide how they behave and
what choices to make. Tonight: Let the sun-
Virgo - (Aug 23 - Sept 22): Act on what you know to be true, despite oth-
ers reactions. Display your innate intelligence
more likely to agree with. You have much more can resist all you want, but eventually you will shine in!
compassion for others than in the past. If you **** Know that you might be overly opti- and intuition. This combination of traits works
**** Look at the big picture. Consider what need to bend. Be aware that mixed messages mistic about a personal matter. Use caution if well for you. Tonight: Follow a hunch.
are single, you could meet a potential suitor in
the next six months. Just remember to stay is going to happen next. What are you going mark the next few days. Tonight: Try not to be Cancer - (June 21 - July 22) this attitude is affecting your nances. Be
open-minded! If you are attached, your com-
passion and understanding will benet your
to push for? You play a major role in todays
events. When you detach, youll see many dif-
*** Pressure builds around the homefront.
aware of your limits. Question your ability to
fulll a childs or friends request. Tonight:
Sagittarius - (Nov 22 - Dec 21)
bond. Stop causing disagreements between you
and your sweetie, and allow greater closeness
ferent routes to your desired destination. Dont
be too set in your ways. Tonight: Follow the
Taurus - (Apr 20 - May 20) So many offers come forward that you could
be overwhelmed by your choices. Know what Make no promises unless you are 100 percent **** You are full of get-up-and-go. Fol-
low through on a long-term desire. Friends are
music. you want, and dont hesitate to ask for just that. condent.
to build. LIBRA teaches you how to keep the *** You shoulder a lot of responsibilities likely to support you in a meeting where you
You might be overwhelmed by someone elses
The Stars Show the Kind of Day Youll Pisces - (Feb 19 - Mar 20) that you dont necessarily have to. Honor a fast
change of pace. You might judge a partner as stubbornness. Tonight: Hang in there! Libra - (Sept 23 - Oct 22) present a unique idea. Recognize others for
supporting you, and let them know how much
Have: 5-Dynamic; 4-Positive; 3-Average; you appreciate it. Tonight: So what if it is Mon-
2-So-so; 1-Difcult **** Deal with a partner directly, regardless
of whether you want to. Remain secure in your
being inordinately pushy. Find out what this
persons intentions are, and then respond ac- Leo - (July 23 - Aug 22) **** You walk a ne line between reality
and a distorted vision. A roommate or family
day night?

Capricorn - (Dec 22 - Jan 19) judgment of what is going on. A friend might
be displaying some excessive or outlandish
cordingly. Tonight: Refuse to get caught up in
a power play.
***** You have the right words to drive a
very hard bargain. Your actions follow your
member wont hesitate to tell you what he or
she thinks. You initially could have a negative Born today: Actor Steven Seagal (1952),
**** You might want to rethink a decision behavior. Stay on course, and feel secure about thinking. You are unlikely to take anyones reaction. Look at the big picture. Tonight: Try actor Omar Sharif (1932), publisher Joseph
and head in a more appropriate direction. Rec- your decision. Tonight: Where the action is.. Gemini - (May 21 - June 20) attitude, especially if it is not supportive. You to make a long-term desire a possibility. Pulitzer (1847)

home decor indoor gardening beauty tips taste buds

bottle bud vases scented geranium home remedies for dry hair BBQ chicken pizza
Materials: Empty bottles, spray paint, painters Start exploring the world of scented geraniums and Vinegar acts like a conditioner on dry hair; it also Ingredients: 1 (10-ounce) Italian cheese-avored
tape, puff paint youll be amazed at the range of aromas they offer: has the desirable effect of removing dandruff. Take thin pizza crust, 3/4 cup tomato chutney, 2 cups
Method: First, wash out those bottles! If your Choose from rose, lemon, lime, nutmeg, ginger, or about half a cup of vinegar and mix in 2 cups of wa- chopped roasted skinless, boneless chicken
bottles have labels on them, soak in warm water chocolate scents, just to name a few. They also ter. Use this liquid as a conditioner after you have breasts, 2/3 cup diced plum tomato, 3/4 cup shred-
until its easy to peel the label off. Spray your rst present a lovely range of leaf shapes, from lacy to rinsed the shampoo out of your hair. Allow it to stay ded extra-sharp white cheddar cheese, 1/3 cup
bottle. You may need two coats if your bottle is shield. And many have soft, fuzzy foliage thats as on for a few minutes and then rinse off completely chopped green onions
printed. To take it to the next level, take your paint- fun to touch as it is to smell. with water. Preparation: Preheat oven to 450. Place crust
ers tape and start making patterns of your choice What it needs: Grow scented geraniums in a Aloe vera treatment can help give a shine and on a baking sheet. Bake at 450for 3 minutes. Re-
like stripes, a sun burst, and more stripes! Use puff bright spot protected from drafts. Water and feed soft texture that makes frizzy hair manageable. move from oven; spread chutney over crust, leav-
paint to create dotted designs that pop out from the regularly with a general-purpose plant food. Make a paste with 2 tablespoons of coconut oil, 4 ing a 1/2-inch border.
bottle. Let dry for about 30 minutes before spray Test garden tip: Make sure your scented ge- tablespoons of aloe vera gel and 3 tablespoons of Top chutney with chicken. Sprinkle diced tomato,
painting. Now youve got all your bottles ready to raniums get plenty of light; otherwise theyll grow curd and leave this on your hair for about half an cheese, and green onions evenly over chicken.
go, put owers or buds into the bottles to turn them long and leggy. If they become lanky, pinch them hour. Bake at 450 for 9 minutes or until cheese melts.
into bottle vase. back to encourage bushy growth. Use the parts you Cut pizza into 6 wedges.
pinched off as cuttings.

Dear Abby
Long-distance relationship
may be too far to overcome
By Abigail Van Buren
Dear Abby: My boyfriend and I have been together
off and on for more than two years. We have been in a
long-distance relationship the entire time. I live in Cali-
fornia, and he lives in the Midwest. Ive been trying to
get him out here because I have a job I love, and he could
easily get a job in his sector out here.
His issue is that this area has too many people and is
too fast-paced for him. Im not sure what to do. I dont Kozhikode District NRI Association (KDNA) orga- specialist doctors service was available for Gynecol- lundi, Santhosh Punathil, Ubaid Chakkittakandy also
want to quit my job and move there. nized medical screening camp in association with ogy, Urology, Ortho and Pediatrics. attended the inaugural function.
Finding a job there wouldnt be easy Badr Al Sama Medical Center on World Health Day Medical camp was inaugurated by Ashraf Ayoor, Santhosh Nambayil, Abdurahman M.P., Abdul
since construction is not booming as on April 7, at Badr Al Sama Medical Center, Far- Project Manager Badr Al Sama Medical Center and Salam, Karunakaran Perambra, Mohammad Ali Ara-
much. What do I do? Do I just give waniya. Nitin Menon, Marketing Manager offered up to free kkal, Haneefa Kuttichira, Dinesh Meppurath, Shabin
up my job, or keep trying to convince Hundreds of association members including ladies Medical Tests up to KD 10 (ten) for next one month to Pateri, Vinayan Calicut, Ashraf Balussery, Womens
him to move? Or should I cut my and children and people from various labour camps celebrate world health month. Forum Representative Jayalalitha Krishnan, Shahina
losses and start over? visited and utilized the medical screening camp. Free KDNA Ofce bearers Suresh Mathur, Zubair M.M., Zubair, Indira Karunakaran, Shibija Raj were among
Long-distance dating medical tests such as blood sugar, blood pressure, Kalathil Abdurahman spoke during the inaugural func- the few volunteered the camp and Aysha Sana Anas
Dear long distance: I dont creatinine, cholesterol, Kidney and Liver function and tion. Zaheer Alakkal, Ilias Thottathil, Krishnan Kada- controlled the Registration process.
think you should give up a job
Abigail Van Buren you love in an environment you
enjoy on the chance that this
two-year relationship might become permanent.
If it goes nowhere, where does that leave you?
Its time to ask yourself whether you really want to
tie your future to someone who prefers a different
way of life. Once you answer that question, you
whats on today emergency number 112
Civil ID info: 1889988
will know what to do. Site for checking travel ban

Dear Abby: My son has his masters degree in inter- Arabic courses at AWARE: We are grounds Hall 7 from 9.30 am-1.30 pm, Savannah College of Art and Design. respite from school & siblings and a de-
national relations, so he travels to places I will never see. 4.30 pm - 9.30 pm. The fair will include EducationUSA Advisers will be present parture from the pressures of normal life,
Hes in Italy now, and he asked me what I would like for pleased to announce that registration for
the Summer I Arabic courses Schedule representatives from 25 US colleges and at the fair to answer students questions Venalthanima is here once again to drive
a souvenir. I said I wanted his memories. universities who will provide information about higher education in the US, includ- the participants to a world of their dreams.
I asked him to get a bag and put in it menus, train tick- (April 9-May 20, 2017) has started at the
AWARE Center. about their schools and answer questions ing the admissions process. US Embassy This years theme is Back to Books.
ets and bar napkins, and to jot down at night on hotel from students and parents about educa- Consular Ofcers will also be present to Inter-active and activity oriented train-
stationery what he did, saw, how the weather was. I asked We will offer beginners weekday
evening & weekend morning courses. tional opportunities in the United States. answer questions about the student visa ing sessions by experts on diverse top-
him to mention anything different or unusual and collect The following universities will attend the ics, outdoor activities etc, are part of the
coasters, valet stubs, anything that would help him share AWARE Members are eligible for a application process.
20% discount off each course & group event: Temple University; Colorado State Additional information about the fair camp. Renowned Human/personality de-
his experiences with me when he gets back. velopment trainers will lead various ses-
I said that when we go through all the stuff, I will registration of 5 or more will be eligible University, Fort Collins; Indiana Universi- can be found at www.KUWAIT-EDUEX.
for a 10% discount off the course. For all ty, Bloomington; Kansas State University; com sions along with a team of experts.
get my vicarious thrill then better that than some Participants will be divided into 3
tchotchke Id have to dust. Good idea? course details & registration, please visit: Virginia Tech; University of Missouri, Co- For more information about studying in lumbia; Wayne State University; Portland the United States please visit http://www. groups based on their age Sub Jun-
Proud mom in Florida For more details, do not hesitate to State University; West Virginia University; Visit us @Ku- iors (Class 4 & 5), Juniors (Class 6-8)
Dear proud mom: Great idea! As the years contact us by email: Loyola University of Chicago; University and Seniors ( Class 9-12). The number of
go on, those memory joggers will let you both or call: 65523746 of Oklahoma; NewSchool of Architec- participants will be limited to 50 in each
Group on a rst-come rst-serve basis, in
relive the adventures hes having now, and they ture & Design, San Diego; University of
will become increasingly precious. I know it from Kentucky; Missouri University of Science Venalthanima 2017: The purpose order to give maximum personal attention
experience. Fresh at Dar Al Funoon: Dar Al Fu- & Technology; University of Dayton; driven annual camp for students Ven- to each participant. The camp is sched-
noon is presenting exhibition titled Fresh Saginaw Valley State University; Univer- althanima 2017 a three day personality uled to be from May 4-6, 2017 (Thur-Sat)
by Karim Ghidinelli until April 22 sity of Oregon; St. Cloud State University; development & leadership training work- at Thanima Centre, Julaiah.
Dear Abby: I am sure this issue affects many people, Karim Ghidinelli was born in Brescia, Southern Illinois University Carbondale; shop organized by Thanima, the socio- Those who look forward to a fantabu-
but I have not seen it addressed in your column. Often- Italy. He received his Bachelors and Mas- cultural group active in Kuwait, is gearing lous camping experience to develop their
times married partners are separated by many years in University of California-Irvine (UCI); Uni-
ters degrees at Savannah College of Art versity of Colorado, Boulder; University up for an explosion this year too with one independence, self-esteem and a long
age. Eventually the older of them has to enter a long-term & Design, Savannah, GA. He has widely lasting friendship amongst each other,
care facility due to a mental/physical defect. of California-Davis; University of South and only aim of a total educational expe-
exhibited in the United States of America Florida; University of Central Florida; and rience much more than a recreation. A pursue new interests, develop tness
Even though the bond and love that kept them together and Europe. For the third time, Ghidinelli & sports skills, are invited to register at
over the years still exists, the younger still has physical will present his most recent work at Dar the earliest at
and emotional needs that can no longer be met by the Al Funoon. Karim lives and works in New vtapps/ until April 10, 2017, subject to
older spouse. What are the ethics in the younger one hav- York, USA. seat availability.
ing a friend with benets to address those needs, if its Artists statement: Fresh, as in re- For more details, please contact
done discreetly without causing embarrassment and hu- newed, innovative and free. Freshness Alex Varghese (General Convener M
miliation to the older spouse? as the liberation from stagnant and re- 96004319), Mrs Beena Paul (Jt Con-
Friends with benefits dundant policies and tendencies. Fresh vener M. 66637801), Pratapan Nair (Jt
Dear friends: This is a highly personal deci- as positive, peaceful and meaningful Convener M: 66243243) or any Thanima
sion that no one can make for anyone else. While evolution. In this ever certain world of ab- Hardcore members.
many readers may disagree, I see nothing wrong solute truths and populist totalitarianism.
with taking care of yourself as long as you remem- I offer no answer, merely the honesty of
my journey, my reections and dilemmas, Football coaching workshops: Inter-
ber you have a moral obligation to support your ested in Coaching/professional develop-
spouse til death do you part. To me that means Id rather continue to ask, than attempt an
overly simplistic answer. ment?
visiting and spending time with your spouse every This weekend Everton Academy, Bay-
day to ensure his/her needs are taken care of in Gallery hours Sunday to Thursday:
10:00 am-1:00 pm and 4:00-8:00 pm. an will be welcoming three top coaches
a compassionate and diligent manner, and to let from Glasgow Celtic F.C., the Scottish
the person know he or she is loved. Saturday: by appointment. Getting To
The Gallery A1-Watiah, Behbehani Com- Premier League Champions, including
their International Academy Manager,
pound, House No. 28. For further infor-
Dear Abby is written by Abigail Van Buren, also mation call +965 2243 3183. website: Tony Massie.
known as Jeanne Phillips, and was founded by www.daralfunoon-kwcom. They will be delivering a certied Celtic
her mother, Pauline Phillips. Contact Dear Abby Coach Education program on Saturday,

at or P.O. Box 69440, Los 6-8pm, Sunday, 6-8pm and Monday, 8-
Angeles, CA 90069. EduEX 2017 Education Fair: The 9.30pm. Certicates will only be awarded
(Source: Universal Uclick) EduEX 2017 Education Fair will take to coaches attending all 3 sessions.
place Saturday, April 08-Monday, April Places are limited - register at Bayan
10, 2017, at Kuwait International Fair- A yer of the event. ofce any evening 5-8pm.


Couch slouch
Writers say Peak TV has hurt them

Baldwin does double duty

as OReilly, Trump on SNL
LOS ANGELES, April 9, (Agencies): Alec put prime-time TV into reruns and blockbuster
Baldwin raised eyebrows in the middle of last movies on hold.
nights Saturday Night Live by doing an Several issues are on the table but the most
impression of embattled Fox News anchor Bill prominent point of debate revolves around the
OReilly hosting a virtually ad-free OReilly changing nature of the television landscape.
Factor and then interviewing a supportive That there are more series than ever 455
President Donald Trump, also played by the this season, more than double the number six
actor. years ago may seem like a plus for TV
In doing so, Baldwin created the effect of writers. But those shows also run for fewer
being on screen twice, a feat accomplished episodes than the traditional 22-24 episode
by taping one of the performances ahead of broadcast series. Short seasons of 8, 10 or 12
time. The show has employed this technique in episodes means less pay for writers whose
the past, when Dana Carvey would play both payment is structured on a per-episode basis.
President George H.W. Bush and presidential Nowadays, two-thirds of all shows includ-
candidate Ross Perot during debate sketches. ing some on broadcast, are produced with
Baldwin scored laughs by telling Fac- fewer episodes but were still paid episodic
tor viewers the show still had a few reliable fees, says Chris Keyser, a veteran writer and
sponsors, like Dog Cocaine. Fox News WGA negotiating committee co-chair. I, for
Channel has seen dozens of advertisers seek example, have a show on Amazon. And I will
to move their commercials out of OReillys work for about the same amount of time as I
program in the wake of a New York Times used to work, almost a year, for eight episodic
report detailing payments made to women who fees. So I am working for a fraction of what I
levied allegations of inappropriate behavior at used to work for, even though the companies
OReilly, who has said in a recent statement are making double what they used to make
that he had been a target, but had never been and I am not alone.
the subject of any complaints made to Fox Five days of bargaining are scheduled to
News Human Resources department. begin Monday after an initial two weeks of
talks ended with an impasse and an offer NHK WORLD TVs oat featuring NHK NEWSLINE follows the networks mascot Domo in balloon form during The National Cherry Blos-
Baldwin also reprised his popular impres- som Festival parade on April 8. NHK WORLD TV is a news and lifestyle channel produced fully in English and broadcast from Japan. (AP)
sion of the President in the shows cold rejected by the guild. The WGA negotiating
open, in which the fake Commander-in-Chief committee recommended a strike authorization
appeared at a meeting in a rural Kentucky vote, which the guild board and council both issued in Kuwait and to be used in China Entry of one year duration KD 51; (c) Busi-
town. At a town hall meeting, he tried to elicit seconded. If no settlement is reached, Guild mainland shall first be notarized and legal- ness visa: Multiple Entry of ten years duration
support for the recent US missile strike against members will begin voting on whether to give ised by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in KD 76.
Syria while telling attendees his administra- their bargainers the authorization to strike Kuwait, and then be legalised by Chinese 2. Visa fee for Canadian and Japanese
tion would cut many government services and
benets upon which they rely.
on April 19. The current three-year contract
expires May 1.
click Embassy in Kuwait.
Specific requirements and information for
(a) Tourist visa: Multiple Entry of six
Comedian Louis C.K. delivered an extended Many doubt negotiations will end in a document legalisation, please refer to the months duration KD 14; (b) Tourist visa:
stand-up monologue that included a routine strike; the two sides came to agreement in Courses website of Chinese Embassy in Kuwait. Multiple Entry of one year duration KD 22;
asking about animals inner thoughts. 2010 and 2013. Still fresh on the minds of both For documents issued by member countries (c) Tourist visa: Multiple Entry of ten years
writers and producers is the protracted 2007 Continued from Page 26 of the Apostille Convention*, after getting duration KD 42; (d) Business visa: Multiple
Another standout sketch poked fun at the Apostilles from the competent authorities, they
recent controversy surrounding Pepsis latest strike. Without writers, late-night hosts were Entry of one year duration KD 39; (e) Busi-
forced to improvise on the y, the production can be used in Hong Kong SAR and Macao ness visa: Multiple Entry of ten years duration
commercial, which was pulled within a day 99507076, 97743327. Fax 25342573 (attention SAR of China directly.
schedules of major lms were jumbled and a Enlightenment into Islam) KD 64
of going on the air. In a taped segment, Beck *Refer to the Convention of Abolishing the 3. Visa fee for Kuwaiti nationals:
Bennett plays a writer who calls friends from season of scripted television was virtually shut Requirement of Legalisation for Foreign Public
down. Estimates suggest the strike cost the Los (a) Tourist visa: Multiple Entry of six
the set of the commercial shoot to tell them IPC Islamic Courses: Say: O my Lord, Documents months duration KD 14; (b) Business visa:
about the concept - only to learn its offensive Angeles economy somewhere in the neighbor-
hood of $1.5-$2 billion. let me grow in knowledge. IPC is offering Multiple Entry of One year duration KD 39;
to people from many backgrounds. Islamic courses in English (for ladies only). (c) Business visa: Multiple Entry of Five years
Next week, the show will air live in prime- But screenwriters, who have seen their earn- Muslims and non-Muslims are welcome. Chinese Embassy notice: Please be noted duration KD 64.
time from coast to coast for the seasons last ings slide over the last decade, are emboldened 1. Tilawa Surah Ar-Rad and Surah Ibrahim that effective starting today, the photo used in a
All applicants may visit Passport and Visa
four episodes, starting with Jimmy Fallons to claw back some of their losses. Sundays at 5:30-7:00 pm; 2. Principles Chinese visa application must meet the require-
ments (For details, please visit the website of Centres of CKGS at (a) 17 Floor, Behbehani
hosting gig. One of the most important thing we learned of Tafsir (part 2) - Sundays at 7:00-8:30 pm; Building, Sharq, Kuwait: Tel. No. 22440392
from 2007-2008 is that you get nothing with- Chinese embassy
3. Tajweed 3 - Tuesday, at 5:30-7:00 pm; 4.
eng/). (e-mail: or ;
out ghting for it, says Keyser. We didnt Jesus in Surah Mariam (part 2) - Tuesdays at (b) Complex Kais Alghanim, 4 Floor, Mecca
So-called Peak TV and its expansive array have our minimums, our credits, our pension 7:00-8:30 pm. Application with non-compliant photos will
not be processed. Street, in front of Annod Complex, Fahaheel,
of series has been great for viewers, say Hol- and health plan or our jurisdiction over new Instructor: Sr Zeinab Hassan Ashry Kuwait: Tel. No. 22909229 (e-mail: indiavisa.
lywood scribes, but not so much for writers. media without ultimately saying that we were Place: IPC - Women Section Al-Rawdah, Thank you for your attention and coopera-
tion. (c) Jleeb Al Shuyoukh
On Monday, the Writers Guild of America will willing to ght for those things. Thats the Area 3, Street 30, House 12, opp 4th Ring (Abbasiya) 2nd Floor, Jleeb Al Shuyoukh
resume negotiations over a new contract with resolution that we bring to this negotiation. Road. Block 1, Street 1, Xcite Building, Kuwait Tel.
the Alliance of Motion Picture and Television Yet Keyser, a former WGA president, says Email:, Telephone: Indian Embassy notice: India has further No. 24342428) (e-mail: indiavisa.kuwait@
Producers, which represents broadcast and hes hopeful for an agreement. There is 22512257. liberalized grant of visas to nationals of USA, CKGSs website is http://www.
cable networks and movie studios. plenty of room for the companies to make a Canada and Japan. Fee structure is as below:
With the WGA moving to authorize a strike,
Hollywood is hoping to avoid a crippling work
move here, he says, claiming they collective-
ly made a record $51 billion last year. They
Embassies 1. Visa fee for USA nationals: In emergency cases, Indian Embassy accepts
visa applications directly at its Visa Wing from
(a) Tourist visa: Multiple Entry of ten years
stoppage like the 100-day strike of 2007 that certainly can afford to do it. Chinese Embassy notice: Documents duration KD 36; (b) Business visa: Multiple applicants.

tv highlights
Cinema programme from Thursday 06/04/2017 to Wednesday 12/04/2017

Aftermath Al-Kout 1 11:30 (No Fri) 20:00, 22:00, 00:05 Get Out Avenues 1 11:30 (No Fri) Showtime Available for Groups 09:30 am
13:30, 15:30, 17:30, Bairaq 2 12:45 (No Fri) 15:45 A Beautiful Planet 3D 10:30 am
Sharqia 1 12:00 (No Fri) Fanar 1 15:45, 22:30
19:30, 21:30 14:45 360 5 23:45 05:30 pm, 07:30 pm
14:00, 18:00, 22:00 Marina 3 23:45
Al-Kout 3 12:30 (No Fri) Bairaq 3 20:00, 22:00, 00:05 360 14 11:30 (Sat) Humpback Whales 3D 11:30 am
Sharqia 3 00:45 Avenues 3 14:30
14:30 Grand Hamra 1 15:00, 17:00, 19:00, 21:00 15:45 (No Mon) 09:30 pm
Muhalab 1 11:45 (No Fri) Bairaq 1 13:00 (No Fri) Avenues 9 22:15, 00:30
23:00 (Thu, Fri) Flying Monsters 3D 12:30 pm, 06:30 pm
13:45, 18:30, 20:30, 15:00, 17:00, 19:00, 360 3 11:45 (No Fri) Yabani Asly
22:30, 00:30 Grand Gate 5 14:00, 16:15, 18:45, 21:15 Journey to Space 3D 08:30 pm
21:00, 23:00 14:15, 16:30, 18:45,
23:30 (Thu, Fri) Grand Hamra 7 15:45, 19:45, 22:00
Fanar 3 12:00 (No Fri) Laila 18:30, 20:30 (No Wed) 21:00, 23:15 Tuesday
00:15 (Thu, Fri)
14:00, 16:00, 20:00 Ajial 3 19:00 Smurfs: The Lost Village Grand Hamra 2 15:15, 17:45, 20:00, 22:15
Grand Gate 3 14:45, 17:15, 19:15, Showtime Available for Groups 09:30 am
Fanar 4 22:15, 00:15
Marina 1 12:00 (No Fri)
Grand Hamra 5 14:45, 16:45 (Arabic Film) Safra 5 Njoom (Arabic Film) 21:15, 23:15 Journey to Space 3D 10:30 am
Grand Hamra 6 14:00, 16:00, 18:00, 20:00 Muhalab 3 14:00, 18:00
14:00, 16:00, 22:00, 00:05 Fanar 5 19:00, 21:00, 23:00 Les Malheurs De Sophie 04:30 pm
Grand Gate 1 14:00, 16:00, 18:00, Fanar 5 13:00 (No Fri)
Avenues 4 01:15 Avenues 3 12:15 (No Fri) Flying Monsters 3D 11:30 am
20:00, 22:15 Avenues 7 13:00 (No Fri)
Avenues 10 12:30 (No Fri) 15:00, 17:00 16:45, 19:00, 21:15, 23:30 09:30 pm
Marina 3 17:45 17:15, 19:30
14:45, 17:00, 19:15 Max Steel Avenues 4 20:30 (No Thu) 360 5 12:00 (No Fri)
A Beautiful Planet 3D 12:30 pm, 02:30 pm,
Avenues 11 22:00, 00:05 Avenues 9 13:15 (No Fri) 360 9 21:00, 23:15 05:30 pm, 08:30 pm
Grand Hamra 3 14:15, 18:15, 20:15, 22:15 14:15, 16:30, 21:30
360 8 11:30 (No Fri) 15:15, 17:15 360 11 13:15 (No Fri) Kenya: Animal Kingdom 3D 01:30 pm
01:00 (Thu, Fri)
13:45, 16:00, 18:15, 360 4 12:00 (No Fri) 15:30, 17:45, 20:00, Salt And Fire Humpback Whales 3D 03:30 pm, 06:30 pm
Grand Gate 6 14:45, 16:45, 19:00,
20:30, 22:45, 01:00 14:00, 16:00, 18:00, 22:15, 00:30 Secret Ocean 3D 07:30 pm
21:00, 23:00 Avenues 8 12:45 (No Fri)
360 9 01:15 20:00, 22:00 Al-Kout 3 16:30, 18:30, 20:30, 14:45, 16:45, 00:45 Wednesday
Al-Kout 1 23:30 Kong: Skull Island Bairaq 3 12:00 (No Fri) 22:30, 00:30 360 2 13:30, 17:45, 22:00
Al-Kout 4 13:00 (No Fri) 14:00, 16:00, 18:00 Bairaq 2 19:15, 23:30 Showtime Available for Groups 09:30 am
Sharqia 2 23:30 360 4 00:05
17:00, 21:00 Muhalab 1 15:45 Ajial 3 17:00, 21:00 Grand Gate 8 14:30, 16:30, 18:30, Flying Monsters 3D 10:30 am
Grand Hamra 4 14:30, 16:30, 18:30, Muhalab 2 23:00 20:30, 22:45 Kaatru Veliyidai (Tamil Film) 05:30 pm
20:30, 22:30 Power Rangers
Fanar 1 13:15 (No Fri) 360 7 19:30 (Fri, Sat, Mon) A Beautiful Planet 3D 11:30 am
00:45 (Thu, Fri) 17:45 Grand Hamra 5 19:15, 21:45 Mahbas (Solitaire) 06:30 pm, 09:30 pm
Grand Hamra GC 15:00, 17:30, 20:00, 22:30 Plaza 15:30, 18:30,
Avenues 2 11:45 (No Fri) Akher Deek Fe Masr (Arabic Film) Marina 1 18:00, 20:00 21:30 (No Thu) Humpback Whales 3D 12:30 pm
01:00 (Thu, Fri) 22:15, 00:45 Avenues 8 18:45, 20:45, 22:45 Kenya: Animal Kingdom 3D 07:30 pm
Grand Gate 2 14:30, 17:00, 19:15, 21:30 Fanar 1 13:30 (Fri) Ajial 4 16:00, 19:00,
Avenues 4 22:45 360 14 17:45 (No Mon) 22:00 (No Thu) Journey to Space 3D 08:30 pm
23:45 (Thu, Fri) Avenues 9 19:30 20:15, 00:30 19:45, 21:45
Grand Gate GC 15:00, 17:30, 20:00, 22:30 Avenues 10 21:30, 00:05 Avenues 1 13:30, 17:45, 20:00, Laila 16:30, 22:30 (No Wed) Life Thursday
01:00 (Thu, Fri) 360 5 18:45 22:15, 00:30 Grand Hamra 3 16:15 360 13 14:00, 21:15 Showtime Available for Groups 09:30 am
360 7 12:00 (No Fri) 360 6 12:15 (No Fri) Grand Hamra 7 17:45
Eat Local 14:30, 16:45, 19:00,
360 14 13:30 (Fri, Sat) A Beautiful Planet 3D 10:30 am
14:30, 17:00, 22:15, 00:45 Grand Hamra 8 19:30 07:30 pm
Sharqia 1 16:00, 20:00, 00:05 23:45
19:30 (No Fri, Sat, Mon) 21:15, 23:30
Grand Hamra 8 15:30, 17:30, 22:30 Flying Monsters 3D 11:30 am
Fanar 3 18:00, 22:00, 00:05 360 13 11:30 (No Fri) Bairaq 2 21:15 Collide 06:30 pm, 09:30 pm
Fanar 5 01:00 16:15, 18:45, 23:30 Naam Shabana (Hindi Film) Kenya: Animal Kingdom 3D 12:30 pm
Avenues 7 15:15, 21:45, 23:45 360 15 21:15, 23:45
360 2 15:30, 20:00, 00:15 Bairaq 2 16:45
How to find us Ajial 2 15:45 (No Fri) Journey to Space 3D 05:30 pm
360 12 23:00, 01:00 18:45, 21:45 Humpback Whales 3D 08:30 pm
Grand Gate 4 14:15, 16:45, 19:30, 22:00 1. 360 Zahraa Area, South Surra, 6th Ring Road, corner of
Al-Kout 4 15:00, 19:00, 23:00, 01:00
Grand Hamra 6 22:00 Going In Style
King Faisal Highway Loot 2 (Nepali Film) Friday
2. Ajial Ajial Complex, Fahaheel Ajial 2 16:00 (Fri) A Beautiful Planet 3D 02:30 pm, 06:30 pm,
00:00 (Thu, Fri) Sharqia 3 12:45 (No Fri) 3. Al Bairaq Between Jaber Al Ali East & Al Agalia West
Grand Gate 7 14:15, 16:15, 18:15, 14:45, 16:45, 18:45, 09:30 pm
4. Al Fanar Al Fanar Complex, Salem Al Mubarak Street, near Kavan (Tamil Film) Journey to Space 3D 03:30 pm
20:15, 22:15 20:45, 22:45 Sultan Center, Salmiya Plaza 15:30, 21:30 (Thu) Humpback Whales 3D 04:30 pm
00:15 (Thu, Fri) Muhalab 2 13:00 (No Fri) 5. Al Kout Al-Kout Complex, at the end of the Coastal Road, Ajial 4 16:00, 19:00, 22:00 (Thu) Secret Ocean 3D 05:30 pm
15:00, 17:00, 19:00, 21:00
Smurfs: The Lost Village Muhalab 3 00:05
Fahaheel Kenya: Animal Kingdom 3D 07:30 pm
Sharqia 2 11:30 (No Fri) 6. Al Muhalab Al Muhalab Complex, Behind Hawally Clinic, Hawally Angamaly Diaries Flying Monsters 3D 08:30 pm
Fanar 2 11:45 (No Fri)
13:30, 15:30, 17:30, 13:45, 15:45, 17:45,
7. Al Sharqiya Arabian Gulf Street, Souq Sharq, near the Amiri Hospital (Malayalam Film)
19:30, 21:30 19:45, 21:45, 23:45
8. Laila Gallery Salem Al Mubarak Street, near Sultan Center, Salmiya Plaza 18:30 (Thu) Saturday
Muhalab 3 12:00 (No Fri) Marina 2 12:15 (No Fri) 9. Marina Marina Mall, Between Salem Al Mubarak Street & Ajial 1 15:30, 18:30, 21:30 Showtime Available for Groups 09:30 am
16:00, 20:00, 22:00 14:15, 16:15, 18:15, Arabian Gulf Street, Salmiya Flying Monsters 3D 10:30 am
Fanar 4 12:15 (No Fri) 20:15, 22:15, 00:15 10. Metro Metro Complex, Farwaniya, near Crowne Plaza Hotel &
IMAX 05:30 pm, 07:30 pm
14:15, 16:15, 18:15, 20:15 Avenues 4 11:45 (No Fri) Farwaniya Garden A Beautiful Planet 3D 11:30 am
Imax film programme at The Scientific
Marina 3 11:45 (No Fri) 13:45, 16:00, 18:15 11. Plaza Salem Al Mubarak Street, near Sultan Center, Salmiya Center 03:30 pm, 08:30 pm
13:45, 15:45, 19:45, 21:45 Avenues 5 21:00, 23:15 12. The Avenues The Avenues Mall, Al Reggai near Al Rai, 5th Ring Journey to Space 3D 12:30 pm, 06:30 pm,
Avenues 2 14:15, 16:15, 18:15, 20:15 Avenues 6 11:30 (No Fri) Road & Ghazali Road Intersection Sunday 09:30 pm
Avenues 5 13:00 (No Fri) 13:30, 15:45, 18:00, NB: Friday no show before 1:30 pm Showtime Available for Groups 09:30 am Humpback Whales 3D 01:30 pm
15:00, 17:00, 19:00 20:15, 22:30, 00:45 Regular show KD3:000; 3D-Digital KD3.500; VIP show Flying Monsters 3D 10:30 am Kenya: Animal Kingdom 3D 02:30 pm
Avenues 11 12:00 (No Fri) 360 1 12:30 (No Fri) KD6.000. On Monday, price is KD1.500 except Digital movies. 07:30 pm Secret Ocean 3D 04:30 pm
14:00, 16:00, 18:00, 20:00 14:45, 17:00, 19:15, A Beautiful Planet 3D 11:30 am
360 10 12:15 (No Fri) 21:30, 23:45
Cinescape cinema movies inquiries and Fax Back hotline 1803456 Notes: All films are in Arabic. For
06:30 pm, 09:30 pm
14:15, 16:15, 18:15 360 9 11:45 (No Fri) 13. The Scientific Center IMAX Opp Holiday Inn, Salmiya, Gulf Road English, headsets are available upon
Journey to Space 3D 12:30 pm
360 12 13:00, 17:00 (No Fri) 14:00, 16:30, 18:45 request. Film schedule is subject to chang-
14. Grand Al-Hamra Grand Al-Hamra, tel: 22270333, www.grand Humpback Whales 3D 05:30 pm
es without notice.
15:00, 19:00, 21:00 360 10 20:15, 22:30, 00:45 Kenya: Animal Kingdom 3D 08:30 pm
360 15 13:15 (No Fri) Al-Kout 2 12:00 (No Fri) 15. Grand Gate Grand Gate, tel: 22056464, For information call 1 848 888 or visit
15:15, 17:15, 19:15 14:00, 16:00, 18:00, Monday

Calif women have banned flame retardants in their bloodstreams

Connecticut optometrists seek to limit online eye exams

HARTFORD, Conn, April 9, (Agencies): Some Ryan said an optometrist will make sure a website states how a previous prescription is re- meet the benchmark already created in the lead author Susan Hurley told Reuters Health
optometrists are pushing back against new patients contact lenses, which he referred to as quired most of the time. An ophthalmologist states telemedicine laws. in an email.
technology that allows consumers to get pre- a medical device on the eye, are a good t. in the patients state will review the test results It will leave patients with serious ocular Effects
scriptions for contact lenses and glasses with Ryan said lenses can cause damage to the eye and their prior prescription. and systemic issues undiagnosed and delay
the click of a keyboard and a smartphone. if theyre not properly tted. Also, he said pro- The procedure costs $40 for a prescription the care patients should be receiving, he said. Concerns that similar effects might occur
While proponents of these limited online eye fessional ttings typically include checking the for eye glasses or contracts and $60 for both, But without a medical history, how could they in people led to the voluntary phase-out and
exams argue they provide both nancial sav- pressure in the eye and basic eye health to make while a typical exam by an optometrist can cost know? banning of these chemicals, said Hurley, a re-
ings and convenience, medical professionals $127 on average, according to the company. searcher with the Cancer Prevention Institute of
sure no adverse conditions have developed. In
contend patients could be put at risk. Without contrast, Ryan said the online tests are unprov- Opternative states how the procedure is not a California, in Berkeley.
a full, face-to-face exam from a doctor, they ar- en and untested and there have been examples replacement for a comprehensive eye health Two toxic chemicals banned in the US in Small studies in the past, almost entirely fo-
gue potential medical problems could be over- of patients receiving the wrong prescription. examination. 2005 are still nding their way into the blood- cused on young women, suggested that PBDE
looked. Opternative, which led a lawsuit last year streams of California women, suggesting that levels in people dropped immediately after the
Our concern is making sure that people get Risk challenging the South Carolina law banning on- sources of exposure persist in homes and in the chemicals were banned, Hurley said.
the health of their eyes checked, said Connect- Im going to say for like 95 percent of the line exams, is ghting the proposed Connecti- environment, researchers say. To check more recent levels in a larger and
icut state Rep Kevin Ryan, who has a doctor of people ... they can get away with this, he said, cut legislation. The flame retardant chemicals called different population, the researchers analyzed
optometry degree. He has proposed legislation referring to the online exams, which typically New clinically proven technologies like Polybrominated Diphenyl Ethers, or PBDEs, blood samples from 1,253 women participating
this session that would require in-person eye include a refraction test that measures a per- Opternative would be blocked from providing were used to treat polyurethane foam, hard in an ongoing study of California teachers. The
examinations conducted by an optometrist or a sons prescription for glasses or contacts. But patients access to safe, convenient and low-cost plastics, textiles, glues and wire insulation, participants, mostly between the ages of 60 and
physician who specializes in ophthalmology for everybody is kind of taking a risk. Another prescriptions for glasses and contacts, said Dr. among other products, until 2006 in the US. 79, provided blood samples regularly between
contact lens prescriptions. health condition can develop in your eye that Steven Lee, OC, chief scientic ofcer and co- They were banned a few years earlier in Eu- May 2011 and August 2015.
More than a dozen states have decided to you just wont be aware of. founder of Opternative, in written testimony. rope. Exposure to PBDEs was common, Hurley
regulate online exams in recent years, accord- Chicago-based Opternative is one of several He said state lawmakers should pass legislation We dont fully understand the health conse- said, (they) were found in at least three-
ing to the American Optometric Association. companies offering a variation of an online eye that enhances patient access to telehealth, not quences of exposures to these chemicals in hu- quarters of the women we tested. And there
In Virginia, for example, online eye exam pro- test. According to the companys website, their diminish it. mans. Laboratory studies in animals, however, was a small, but statistically meaningful in-
viders must meet certain consumer protection test takes 15 minutes or less to complete. The But Dr. Brian Lynch, a practicing optom- have shown that PBDEs can interfere with nor- crease in the blood levels of both chemicals
standards, while South Carolina last year barred patient tells Opternative what he or she sees on etrist in Branford, Connecticut, and the legisla- mal development of the neurologic system, dis- over the four-year study period, the study
consumers from getting a prescription for a computer screen, standing 10 feet away, by tive chairman for the Connecticut Association rupt the proper functioning of the immune and team reports in Environmental Science and
glasses or contact lenses from an online exam. using a smart phone as a remote control. The of Optometrists, argues such online tests dont hormonal systems, and may promote cancer Technology.
Mubadala expected to raise over $1 billion Iran security body reviewing new IPC oil contracts
Abu Dhabis government-owned fund of Abu Dhabi, SMBC Nikko and Standard Irans top security body is still reviewing delayed several times due to opposi- years under which Iran did not allow
Mubadala will raise in excess of $1 billion Chartered are the joint lead managers and the Iran Petroleum Contract (IPC) tion from hardline rivals of President foreign firms to book reserves or take
with a dual-tranche dollar bond, banking bookrunners for the new deal. model, Oil Minister Bijan Zanganeh Hassan Rouhani. equity stakes in Iranian companies.
sources close to the matter said on Sunday. The company started pre-marketing the was quoted as saying on Sunday, as The new oil contracts (IPCs) are Oil majors have said they would only
The bond issuance, with tranches of potential transaction to investors last Friday the contracts aimed at attracting foreign currently being reviewed by the go back to Iran if it makes major chang-
seven and 12 years, is expected to be of and will have a global investor call on April investors appear to face fresh delays. Supreme National Security Council, es to the buy-back contracts, which
benchmark size for each tranche, the 10, the bankers said. The deal is expected In January, Iran named 29 compa- Zanganeh told parliament, the stu- companies such as Frances Total or
sources said. Benchmark bonds are tradi- to price as early as April 11. nies from more than a dozen coun- dents news agency ISNA reported. Italys Eni have said made them no
tionally meant to be upwards of $500 mil- Mubadala is merging with Abu Dhabi- tries as being allowed to bid for oil Zanganeh did not elaborate or say money or even incurred losses. The IPC
lion. owned International Petroleum Investment and gas projects under the IPC, which how long the review might take, ISNA has more flexible terms that take into
A Mubadala spokesman declined to com- Company (IPIC). It said last January that Tehran hopes will boost production and other agencies reported. account oil price fluctuations and invest-
ment. the merged entity will have assets of about after years of sanctions. The IPC model ends a buy-back ment risks, a senior Iranian oil official
Barclays, HSBC, Natixis, National Bank $125 billion. (RTRS) But the IPC model has been system dating back more than 20 told Reuters in November. (RTRS)

Market Movements 07-04-2017

Change Closing pts Change Closing pts
JAPAN - Nikkei +67.57 18,664.63 INDIA - Sensex -220.73 29,706.61
PHILIPPINES - All Shares +15.35 4,524.16 HONG KONG - Hang Seng -6.42 24,267.30
AUSTRALIA - All Ordinaries +5.30 5,902.60 S. KOREA - KRX 100 -5.73 4,324.59
GERMANY - DAX -5.83 12,225.06
FRANCE - CAC 40 +13.84 5,135.28
EUROPE - Euro Stoxx 50 +6.23 3,495.80

Antitrust settlement conditional on market reaction

Business trumps politics as utilities back EU deal with Gazprom

RIGA/BRUSSELS, April 9, (RTRS): diplomats said. Latvias public utilities commission, ahead of the EU executives final tools, adapting and perfecting the con- the situation for some time but are not
Some big utilities in eastern Europe are Russia uses the full arsenal of tools Rolands Irklis, told Reuters. It would assessment, saying there no formal tract model in accordance with our a permanent solution.
backing a proposed EU antitrust settle- to deploy influence: military, econom- give Latvia a direct access to the deadline for its decision. clients needs, Elena Burmistrova, After Lithuania broke Gazproms
ment with Russian state gas exporter ic, political and even cultural, an EU European markets even if (it) is not Its complex, politically-charged who heads its export arm, wrote in an supply monopoly by opening a
Gazprom, increasing the chances of a diplomat said. Is there a country that directly connected to the infrastruc- investigation has played out against industry publication earlier this year. Liquefied Natural Gas terminal in
deal that is opposed by countries striv- doesnt want this case solved? Probably ture, he said. the backdrop of tense relations since Some EU diplomats have ques- 2014, it won a 20-percent discount on
ing to loosen the Kremlins grip over not ... but there is a lot of anger. Aigars Kalvitis, head of gas utility the EU imposed sanctions on Russia tioned the Commissions decision to Russian gas supplies. Since 2015, it
their energy sectors. EU antitrust authorities say the case Latvijas Gaze, which is partly owned over the annexation of Crimea in 2014 pursue a case against US tech giant has been trading gas with Estonia and
The provisional agreement, is not political and that the market by Gazprom, said the settlement could and the subsequent conflict in east Google that will likely lead to hefty plans to include Latvia this year.
announced last month, would see response will take priority. A settle- help it negotiate more favourable Ukraine, as well as deep disagree- fines while settling with Russias gas Gazprom no longer has meaningful
Gazprom avoid a fine of up to 10 per- ment would smooth business ties with terms for its long-term Russian gas ments over the Syrian civil war. exporter. levers for influence in the Baltic
cent of its global turnover over EU Russia, which supplies around a third contracts, which expire in 2030. Brussels officials have repeatedly Poland has threatened to take the states, the head of its state-owned gas
charges it abused its dominant market of its gas, despite tensions over Slovakian gas utility SPP said said they want to reduce the EUs reli- European Commission to court if it network operator Dalius Misiunas said.
position and overcharged clients in Ukraine and Syria. Gazprom had already scrapped curbs ance on Russian gas. Moscow argues settles on a deal that its state-run ener- Latvia, meanwhile, regards
eight eastern European nations. The agreement has drawn a positive on cross-border trade and shown more the antitrust case is politically moti- gy company PGNiG called far from Gazproms settlement pledges as sim-
In return the Kremlins gas giant, response from some big utilities and flexibility on pricing in recent years. vated something denied by Brussels. enough. PGNiG estimates it has been ply agreeing to abide by existing EU
which denies the charges, has offered network operators which said it would The pledges could further boost inte- With a settlement, however, Russia losing almost $1 billion per year from energy rules rather than making mean-
concessions on contract terms and allow them to strike better deals with gration on gas markets, a spokesman would accept EU authority in applying buying Russian gas at oil-linked prices ingful concessions, said Olga
pricing to settle one of the EUs larg- Gazprom, increasing the likelihood the said, leading to higher energy securi- competition law something it has but reselling it at hub-linked prices. Bogdanova, head of energy at the eco-
est, longest-running antitrust cases. EU will accept the Russian companys ty. long balked at. If it fails to abide, the Others say the settlement is too lit- nomics ministry.
However, the deal is subject to feed- concessions. The EU member states where EU could still impose fines. tle, too late particularly in the Baltic Despite the cautious optimism from
back from EU states and market play- Bowing to EU conditions, Gazprom has allegedly engaged in In the five years since the EU began states and Czech Republic, which have bigger market players, traders and
ers in the region and could still be Gazproms offer would see it do away anti-competitive behaviour are Poland, its antitrust probe, Gazprom has shift- taken their own steps to break smaller clients said Gazproms con-
amended or even abandoned. with contract terms that bar clients Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Bulgaria, ed its strategy under pressure from Gazproms supply monopoly. cessions came with too many strings
Many of the countries involved from exporting its gas to other coun- Hungary, Slovakia and the Czech increased competition from LNG The Czech Republic, for example, attached, such as restrictions on time,
once in the orbit of Moscow and reli- tries and tie deals to investments in Republic. imports, price arbitration cases brought has been buying Norwegian gas for volume, location and fees for gas
ant on Gazprom for the bulk of their pipelines. The company would also The eight governments and industry by Western customers and more several years. swapping.
gas supplies are disappointed at the link its prices to benchmarks such as players have until May 4 to lodge liquidity on Europes energy markets. We have done the homework, What kind of commitment is this,
EUs deal-making. They believe European gas market hub prices, rath- objections to the proposal in the final It abandoned some of its most con- Czech energy security ambassador if I have to walk through fire to use
Russia has been exploiting their er than oil, and allow clients to renego- chapter of a case which began with tentious practices and sold stakes in Vaclav Bartuska told Reuters. You them? one executive in the Baltics
dependence in a region where gas pric- tiate the prices every two years. raids on offices in 10 countries in 2011. some gas pipelines in response to new can only force your supplier to behave said. These commitments do not cost
es can make or break governments and It (the deal) is a very welcome step A spokeswoman for the European EU energy rules. if he knows you have alternatives? ... Gazprom anything ... Gazprom should
want to see Gazprom punished, EU if it is made a reality, the head of Commission declined to comment Gazprom is offering new trade fines and investigations can alleviate be punished.

Pacific Controls owes $381 mln

Creditors pursuing legal

Saudi prepares debut dollar
action against Dubai co
DUBAI, April 9, (RTRS): More
creditors of Dubai technology
which is already pursuing legal
sukuk with US risk disclosure
company Pacific Controls are Dubai Islamic Bank, Mashreq
pursuing court action against the and United Arab Bank declined Move seen as precedent for future international sukuks
company as they seek to recoup to comment, while the other
some of the 1.4 billion dirhams banks did not respond to requests
($381 million) theyre owed, for comment. DUBAI, April 9, (RTRS):
banking sources said. Banks hope to sell the data Saudi Arabia has included
The company, which has centre to telecommunications a disclosure on credit risk
served clients including tele- firm Etisalat, which is a current- retention requirements,
coms firm Etisalat and Dubai ly using it as a customer.
Civil Defence, has been strug- Pacific Controls built the data part of the US Dodd-Frank
gling since last year as cashflow centre in 2011 with an invest- Act, in the prospectus of a
has dwindled. Several of the ment of $85 million in order to debut dollar sukuk which
roughly 19 banks that have manage data services for build- it is expected to issue this
exposure to the company have ing control and automation.
now asked for court consent to More recently, the privately- week and could total $10
seize its data centre in Dubai and owned firm has branched out billion.
other assets, the sources said. into cloud computing and the The disclosure to comply with
Pacific Controls did not internet of things. the act, which the US Congress
respond to an emailed request Bankers hope a sale will allow introduced after the financial crisis
for comment and staff answering them to recover at least part of to reduce risk-taking, has not been
the phone at the firm directed the outstanding amount theyre made for other sovereign sukuk
requests for comment to be sent owed, although several banks issues.
by email to Chief Executive have taken provisions against
Sanjay Nayak. Nayak did not their exposure, the sources said. The US retention rule was set to
align the interests of issuers of asset
respond to an emailed request Creditors optimism about a backed securities (ABS) with those of
for comment. turnaround of the firm has ABS investors by asking the sponsor
The data centre acts as secu- soured in recent months as the of an ABS securitisation to have skin
rity against a syndicated loan the companys founder and execu- in the game by retaining 5 percent of
company has been unable to tive chairman and former chief the credit risk associated with the
make payments on, while other executive Dilip Rahulan remains securities it is issuing.
assets the firm holds are security overseas, having left for the In its sukuk prospectus, Saudi
against bilateral debt the firm United States last summer for In this file photo, an Iraqi worker operates valves in Nihran Bin Omar field north of Basra, 340 miles (550 kms) Arabia says that it does not consider its
has not been able to meet, the surgery, the sources said. southeast of Baghdad, Iraq. Addressing an energy conference in Baghdad, Iraqs oil minister said that the country
plans to increase daily crude oil production to 5 million barrels by the end of this year, up from the current rate of planned sukuk a securitisation, but that
sources said. Staff answering the compa- about 4.4 million barrels per day. (AP) the issuance may be captured, as a
Pacific Controls is one of nys office confirmed his technical matter, by the language of
many Gulf companies that are absence and said there was no the US risk retention rules.
floundering as more than two information on his return. They 24th Forum on Fundamentals of Oil and Gas Industry kicks off in Kuwait Considered
years of low oil prices drag declined to provide Rahulans
down economic growth and contact details, instead directing Sukuk are generally considered to
business activity, leaving banks
with a rising number of bad
enquiries about the firm to
Nayak, who was appointed chief Future of oil prices unpredictable: OAPEC chief be asset-based, rather than asset-
backed, but in order to comply with
the rules, it will purchase at least 5
loans. executive after Rahulans depar- KUWAIT CITY, April 9, (KUNA): It
Mashreq, National Bank of ture overseas. percent of the aggregate principal
is hard to predict international oil pric-
Fujairah, Dubai Islamic Bank,
Ajman Bank, United Arab Bank
KPMG, which was hired last
year to advise on a potential
es over the coming period, Secretary
General of the Organization of Arab
Qatar GDP growth slows in Q4 amount of each tranche it issues, the
Saudi prospectus shows.
Saudi Arabias ministry of finance
and Noor Bank are among the restructuring of the companys Petroleum Exporting Countries declined to comment.
lenders pursuing legal action
against Pacific Controls via the
debt, has stopped working on the
matter because of non-payment
(OAPEC) Abbas Ali Al-Naqi said on
Sunday. as oil and gas sector shrinks The kingdoms decision to comply,
should the rules apply, has rung some
Dubai civil courts, the sources of its fees, a source with direct The Organization of the Petroleum DOHA, April 9, (RTRS): Qatars which account for 22 percent of the alarm bells. People are now worried
said. They join Emirates NBD, knowledge of the situation said. Exporting Countries (OPEC) plays a Ministry of Development Planning consumer basket, dropped 1.0 per- that Dodd Frank risk retention could
major role in determining oil prices and and Statistics released the follow- cent from a year earlier while food apply to sukuk in general, a capital
levels of production, added to contribut- ing preliminary fourth-quarter gross and beverage costs, which account markets legal expert of a Dubai-based
ing to addition to concluding pacts over domestic product data, adjusted for for nearly 13 percent, fell 0.4 per- firm told Reuters.
43 tenders worth $915 mn the past period which had a significant
effect on market stability, Al-Naqi told
the 24th Forum on Fundamentals of Oil
Qatar Real GDP Q4/16 Q3/16 Q2/16 Q1/16
pct change year/year 1.7 3.9 1.8 1.4
cent. But transport costs jumped
8.0 percent after domestic prices of
fuels including gasoline rose.
Legal firm White & Case, which
worked as legal adviser for the banks
arranging the debut sukuk, said in a

awarded in first qtr CTC

pct change qtr/qtr -2.1 3.8 2.3 -2.2
and Gas Industry, Kuwait April 9-13. publication on April 7 that the major-
OAPECs role focuses on preparing Note: The base year is 2013.
Previous figures are revised. Qatars M2 money supply ity of sukuk in the international mar-
reports and specialized studies on the expanded from a year earlier in kets are asset-based, making them
The mining and quarrying sector,
KUWAIT CITY, April 9, (KUNA): ones for the government bodies economic and technical aspects of the which includes oil and gas, shrank February after shrinking for 12 dependent on the creditworthiness of
Forty-three tenders worth KD 279.9 worth KD 132.1 million (USD 431 oil and gas industry, the secretary gen- 2.5 percent year-on-year in the straight months, while annual the sponsor.
million (USD 915 million) have million). eral told the opening session of the fourth quarter and decreased 6.4 growth in bank lending accelerat- Since last December, US credit risk
been awarded during the first quarter The National Council for Culture, forum. The organizations produces up percent quarter-on-quarter. The rest ed, central bank data showed. retention rules have become effective
of 2017, the Central Tenders Letters and Arts (NCCAL) came to 10 studies annually. of the economy expanded 5.9 per- Qatar Money Supply End End End for all types of asset-backed securities
Committee (CTC) said on Sunday. first among the ministries and other The Secretariat organizes the forum cent from a year earlier and grew 2.2 -Feb 17 -Jan 17 -Feb 16 generally defined as securities collat-
The estimated value of the tenders government bodies in terms of the every year so that participants can percent from the previous quarter. M1 change yr/yr (pct) 0.4 -7.2 3.9 eralised by any type of self-liquidating
enhance their perception of the funda- M2-M1 yr/yr 3.2 1.6 -4.6
was KD 339.5 million (USD 1.1 bil- awarded tenders, with one worth KD financial asset.
mentals of the oil and gas industry, as M2 change yr/yr 2.5 -0.8 -2.5 Such a definition could cover
lion), while the saving rate hit KD 36.4 million (USD 119 million). Qatars Statistics Authority Total credit yr/yr 14.1 12.4 17.1
59.6 million (USD 195 million), the The Ministry of Electricity and well as keeping pace with the relevant many asset-based sukuk that are not
direct and indirect developments released the following March con- Qatar C.Bank Net Foreign Reserves
traditionally thought of as asset-
CTC added in a statistical report Water followed in the second place worldwide, he said. sumer price data on Sunday. bln riyals 123.2 122.9 132.2
Sunday. with five tenders worth KD 31.8 Qatar Consumer Inflation 03/17 02/17 03/16 change yr/yr (pct) -6.8 -7.1 -6.2 backed or a securitisation, White &
The forum aims to provide a favor- pct change month/month 0.2 0.1 0.0 Note: Percentage changes are cal- Case noted, with reference to certain
Up to 24 meetings have been held million (USD 103.9 million). Then able atmosphere for consolidating the kinds of sukuk structures such as the
during the first three months of the the Ministry of Public Works third pct change year/year 0.9 0.7 3.3 culations by Reuters. Previous figure
professional and the personal ties Note: Housing and utility costs, for foreign reserves is slightly revised. murabaha one which is partly being
year to discuss measures for the with five tenders. among the participants. used by Saudi Arabia.
offers, receiving applications, award- As for the oil sector, the Kuwait The agenda of the five-day event Given the breadth of the US risk
ing tenders and other relevant steps. Oil Company (KOC) was first comprises 12 lectures, to be given by and environmental sides of the industry. and exchange of expertise and knowl- retention rules, their potential impact
Five tenders worth KD 171.2 mil- regarding awarded tenders, with five specialists, both from the Secretariat and The forum is a tool through which edge among the member states on the must be considered when structuring
lion (USD 560 million) were award- worth KD 147.7 million (USD 483 non-OAPEC, focusing on four pivots of the OAPEC seeks to realize its major various technical and economic international sukuk transactions, the
ed in the oil sector, compared to 38 million). the industry, technical, economic, media targets, namely boosting cooperation aspects of the oil and gas industry. law firm said.


Schaeuble wants EBA to move to Frankfurt debt relief is a condition for more austerity: Tsipras
German Finance Minister Wolf- states. A spokeswoman for Schaeuble Greece will implement additional could unlock bailout funds for the ures that will cut government
gang Schaeuble wants the Euro- Frankfurt, Germanys nancial conrmed the paper existed and austerity measures agreed with country to help it repay maturing spending on pensions by 1.0
pean Banking Authority (EBA) to capital, already has many private said a cabinet committee on Brex- its ofcial creditors on condition debt in July. percent of economic output in
move to Frankfurt from London, banks, its main stock exchange, it would discuss it next Wednes- of further debt relief that will en- Medium-term debt relief 2019, a year after its current 86
German magazine Der Spiegel re- the German nancial watchdog day. But she declined to comment able the country to be included in measures, able to include us in billion euro bailout programme
ported on Friday, as Britain gears Ban, the Bundesbank national on any details. the ECBs bond buying scheme, (the ECBs) quantitative easing, expires.
up to leave the European Union. bank and the European Central Several attractive properties in Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras and a scal path that will not be It also committed to tax re-
The EBA, whose 159 London Bank. This amounts to a unique a central location are available for said on Sunday. unattainable, is the condition for forms in 2020 to generate addi-
employees write and coordinate selling point compared to other immediate use in Frankfurt, said Athens struck a deal with its us to implement the measures tional revenue equal to another
banking rules across the bloc, nancial centres, the magazine the paper, which also pointed to international creditors at Fridays we decided, Tsipras told his left- 1 percent of gross domestic
needs to be relocated after Britain cited a paper that Schaeuble has advantageous transport connec- meeting of euro zone nance ist Syriza partys central commit- product, mainly by lowering the
voted to quit the EU because EU sent to his colleagues in the cabi- tions and a skilled workforce in ministers in Malta on key ele- tee. current income tax exemption
agencies are all based in member net as saying. Frankfurt. (RTRS) ments of a reform package that Athens agreed to take meas- threshold. (RTRS)

Critics warn subsidizing N-power could chill investment in lower-cost energy sources

Nuclear plant owners expand search for rescue to more states

HARRISBURG, Pa, April 9, (AP): Atlantic power grid that stretches
The natural gas boom that has ham- from New Jersey to Illinois.
mered coal mines and driven down
utility bills is hitting nuclear power
plants, sending multi-billion-dollar
energy companies in search of a -
The owners of the 11 nuclear
plants in Connecticut, New Jersey,
Ohio and Pennsylvania are no small
potatoes: Exelon, PSEG, FirstEnergy
HK leaders affordable home plan
nancial rescue in states where com- and Dominion, among them.
petitive electricity markets have
compounded the effect.
Fresh off victories in Illinois and
New York, the nuclear power in-
dustry is now pressing lawmakers in
The plant owners strategy is simi-
lar to that in Illinois and New York:
give nuclear power megawatts the
kind of preferential treatment and
premium payments that are given to
up against wall of Chinese capital
Connecticut, New Jersey, Ohio and renewable energies, such as wind and
Pennsylvania for action. Lobbying solar. Home prices up 364% since 2003, incomes up just 61%
efforts are bubbling up into propos- The industrys pitch is part eco-
als, even as court battles in Illinois nomic, part environmental. A plant HONG KONG, April 9, seventh straight year. Second-placed firms paid more on land deals than International, said he had become
and New York crank up over the shutting down would devastate a Sydney was a long way behind on their Hong Kong competitors, taking increasingly disheartened after see-
billions of dollars that ratepayers local economy, they say. And, nu- (RTRS): A pledge by Hong 12.2. up 55 percent of the value and nearly ing his companys auction bids fall
will otherwise foot in the coming clear waste and water consumption Kongs incoming leader Anything over a multiple of 5.1 is half of the land sold. below the average.
decade to keep nuclear plants open issues aside, zero-carbon nuclear Carrie Lam to make the usually deemed as being severely Mainland developer KWG In the past there were 20 develop-
longer. plants are better suited than natural citys vertiginous proper- unaffordable, said Denis Ma, JLLs Property, which won a plot of resi- ers fighting for land, but now with
Perhaps nuclear powers biggest gas or coal to ght climate change, Head of Research in Hong Kong. dential land for a record price co- Chinese developers joining, it means
nemesis is the cheap natural gas they say. ty prices more affordable
With most of the citys more than bidding with Logan Property, said another 20 more, he told a confer-
ooding the market from the north- The claim to environmental cre- could founder on the bot- 7 million citizens living in cramped lower lending rates and taxes make ence in February, adding that he was
easts Marcellus Shale reservoir, dentials has drawn jeers from nuclear tomless pockets of main- apartments some no bigger than a development in Hong Kong more glad his company had already invest-
the nations most prolic gas eld. powers traditional critics. land Chinese developers, parking space Lam, who takes profitable than in China. ed elsewhere and had plans to expand
Meanwhile, electricity consumption When did highly carcinogenic over as chief executive on July 1, is Theres still a gap between flour in the UK and Australia.
hit a wall after the recession, while toxic waste become green? said Eric who are bidding up the
aiming to tackle the problem by and bread prices in Hong Kong, but I think itll be very difficult for
states have emphasized renewable Epstein, a longtime nuclear power price of land. increasing housing and land supply. in China the prices are basically the Hong Kongs small and medium
energies and efciency. watchdog in Pennsylvania. Home prices in Hong Kong have But Alice Mak, head of the Hong same, so I boldly predict that more developers to win a tender; it
You put all of this together and The most vulnerable nuclear plants jumped 364 percent since 2003, Kong legislatures housing panel, and more Chinese developers will wouldnt surprise me if Hong Kong
its a perfect storm, said John are those with just one unit such while the median monthly house- said the influx of capital from main- come to Hong Kong to buy land in developers became landlords relying
Keeley, a spokesman for the Nuclear as Exelons Three Mile Island in hold income has risen just 61 per- land developers will make Lams job the future, KWG chairman Kong only on rental income (from com-
Energy Institute, an industry group. Pennsylvania, where a second unit cent, pushing home ownership out very difficult. Jian Min told an earnings conference mercial properties) after 10 years,
Opposition to a so-called nuclear was destroyed in a partial meltdown of reach for many. When theres overseas capital last month. he said. Lam has already conceded in
bailout is uniting rivals and the natu- in 1979 or those in need of expen- While the mass protests that para- investment in Hong Kong, it will The direct impact of this influx on an interview with the Hong Kong
ral gas exploration industry. The po- sive upgrades, analysts say. lysed parts of Hong Kong for 79 days stimulate the local property market. home prices is stark in the Kai Tak Economic Journal there is nothing
tential for a hit to utility bills is draw- FirstEnergy says it could decide in 2014 were primarily about If the government wants the housing district, overlooking Victoria she can do to stop outside capital
ing pushback from the AARP and next year to sell or close its three demands for full democracy from market to grow at a stable rate, this Harbour. Prices there rose as much as competing in the land bids.
manufacturers. nuclear plants Davis-Besse and Beijing, many were also motivated will be a very big challenge for 50 percent in less than a year, consul- Even established professionals say
Subsidizing nuclear power could Perry in Ohio and Beaver Valley in by the rising cost of living in the city, them, Mak said. tancy JLL said, after Chinese con- buying a home is an increasingly
chill investment in lower-cost energy Pennsylvania unless states make and the cost of accommodation in Chinese companies successfully glomerate HNA Group bought four daunting prospect and doubt that
sources and erode competitive mar- them more competitive. particular.
kets, critics say, and, with natural gas bid for six out of 27 plots of land sold land parcels in the past five months at government will succeed in holding
Exelon is warning that it could A typical Hong Kong apartment
prices expected to stay low for some close Three Mile Island and PSEG by the government in the fiscal year eye-popping prices. Hong Kongs down prices.
costs 18.1 times gross annual median starting April 2016, Lands homegrown property companies are They wont be able to help us,
time, shutting down nuclear plants says it wont operate nuclear plants
may have no impact on electricity income, according to research group Department data shows, but in being edged out of their own market said 30-year-old accountant Mok
it owns all or parts of all three in
bills. New Jersey and part of Peach Bot- Demographia, and the city topped its money terms they accounted for 44 and are looking overseas to do busi- Ho-man. Buying a flat is not an
For steel companies, paper com- tom station in Pennsylvania that survey of the worlds most expensive percent of total transactions. ness. Local developer David Chiu, impossible dream ... but it will only
panies, food processors and pharma- are long-term money losers. places for accommodation for the In the previous fiscal year, Chinese chairman of Far East Consortium get more and more difficult.
ceutical makers whose electric bill Should nuclear power disappear, it
might be their biggest expense, a can be replaced. ural gas power projects comprising Service analyst, said he did not fore- operations and markets. zens Utility Board estimated it would
mil of an increase in a kilowatt hour The question is, at what cost roughly 59,000 megawatts are being see it having a noticeable impact on In Illinois, where consumer advo- shave $15 a year from the average
turns into a lot of money, said David and whether or not you can nd studied or built, according to PJM In- electric bills. cates feared a jump in utility bills, residential electric bill, executive di-
Kleppinger of the Industrial Energy other resources that have the same terconnection, the grid operator. That But propping up more expensive Exelon won billions of dollars in rector David Kolata said.
Consumers of Pennsylvania. emission characteristics, said Joe dwarfs the grids nuclear capacity. sources of energy, like nuclear, could subsidies to prop up two unprotable Our advice for other states is you
In Pennsylvania, the nations No. Dominguez, an Exelon executive The closure of nuclear plants discourage the entry of lower-cost nuclear plants in a heavily negotiated have to get into the details, Kolata
2 nuclear power state after Illinois, it vice president. would not necessarily drive up costs power sources into the competitive package that included money for en- said. Energy issues are holistic, and
could mean propping up ve nuclear In the mid-Atlantic grid, it likely in the mid-Atlantic grid and Swami market, said Stu Bresler, PJM Inter- ergy efciency measures. you have to make sure that what you
plants to help feed the sprawling mid- would be natural gas. Some 190 nat- Venkataraman, a Moodys Investors connections senior vice president of The Chicago-based nonprot Citi- do is best for consumers.

New offers on rooms and restaurants

Marriott Hotels in Kuwait launch array of promotions

KUWAIT CITY, April 9: Marriott
Hotels in Kuwait are offering their
guests exclusive deals and benets
on rooms and restaurants. The ex-
citing array of promotions include
the perfect weekend escape which
offers GCC nationals and residents
discounts of up to 30 percent on
rooms and suites at JW Marriott
Kuwait City, Courtyard by Marriott
Kuwait and Residence Inn by Mar-
riott Kuwait City. In addition, the
package also includes complimen-
tary buffet breakfast, free WIFI,
and free meals for children under 6
years old.
To add to the exclusive benets,
guests can enjoy free access to the
swimming pool and health club.
Free valet parking and shared air-
port transfers will also be available
along with early check-in and late
check-out, subject to availability. It
is also worthy to note that JW Mar-
riott Hotel Kuwait and Courtyard
by Marriott Kuwait have a direct Courtyard suite Crossroads restaurant
exclusive entrance to Salhia and
Arraya Shopping Malls, where
guests can shop between an array
of world-class retail brands.
A superb dining experience can
be enjoyed at the Terrace Grill
Restaurant at JW Marriott Kuwait.
The restaurant offers certied US
Angus beef and dishes like let mi-
gnon, rib-eye steak and other pre-
mium cuts. In addition, guests can
also enjoy a wide range of seafood
dishes such as grilled gulf shrimps,
fresh salmon and a lot more.
Furthermore, guests can celebrate
Easter in style with a relaxed Sun- Residence Inn Steak Salmon dish
day Easter feast, with a menu of tra-
ditional treats and mouth-watering
oriental and international favorites,
at Crossroads Restaurant at JW
Marriott Kuwait and Atrium Res-
taurant at Courtyard Kuwait. The
Easter Sunday Lunch is on April 16,
from 12:30 pm to 4:00 pm.
George Aoun, Cluster General
Manager at Kuwait Marriott Hotels
said, With everything from the n-
est dining to value-oriented hotels
and ultimate shopping experiences,
our goal is to offer great value for
money deals and the highest level of
customer service to our guests. Easter greeting Dessert Easter eggs


IMF delegation in Tunisia for reform talks official Wonga warns customers of personal data hack
A delegation from the Interna- and state banks, Finance Min- celerate the stalled reforms, a British lender Wonga has gating illegal and unauthorised We are working closely with
tional Monetary Fund arrived ister Lamia Zribi said earlier government ofcial, who asked warned customers in Britain access to the personal data of authorities and we are in the
in Tunisia on Friday for talks on this year. not to be named, told Reuters. and Poland that their personal some of its customers in the UK process of informing affected
accelerating the North African Six years after its 2011 pro- The source said the IMF del- data may have been stolen in and Poland, the rm, which of- customers. We sincerely apol-
countrys economic reforms, after democracy uprising, Tunisia is egation would meet UGTT union the latest major corporate secu- fers short-term unsecured con- ogise for the inconvenience
postponing payment of a second seeking to revive its economy leaders to discuss their reserva- rity breach. sumer loans, said in a state- caused, Wonga said.
tranche of $350 million from a but is struggling in the aftermath tions about some reforms, in- Cyber attacks have recently ment on Sunday. The source said a hack was
$2.8 billion loan. of the deadly attacks in 2015 by cluding the possibility of selling affected other British banks, A source close to Wonga detected on Tuesday, but that
The IMF put back the pay- Islamist militants that hit the tour- shares in public banks. businesses and institutions, said the data could include the the rm was not aware person-
ment scheduled last December ism industry, a major source of Tunisia expects that the IMF including Tesco Bank, Lloyds, addresses and bank account al data had been compromised
citing a lack of progress in re- jobs and revenue. will release the second payment Talk-Talk, and the National numbers of up to 270,000 past until Friday and it began noti-
forms, including the public sec- The IMF delegation started a after this visit, the government of- Health Service and present customers, includ- fying customers on Saturday.
tor wage bill, public finances visit today to urge Tunisia to ac- cial said. (RTRS) Wonga is urgently investi- ing 245,000 in Britain. (RTRS)

MRC announces its financial results for 2016

Company achieves significantly enhanced earnings performance across various sectors
9: Metals and Recycling
Company (MRC) Ku-
waits leading eco indus-
trial company and its
subsidiaries, exhibited sig-
nicantly enhanced earn-
ings performance across
various sectors during the
nancial year (FY) ended
31 December 2016 in com-
parison to the nancial
year ended 31 December
Core Businesses: Optimiza-
tion and Operational Efciency
The plastics and waste manage-
ment business units contribution
to the results came from strategic
streamlining aimed at maximizing
capacity, raising the efciency of
were also major contributors to the ensuring that its earnings perfor- as a result of successfully bidding
processes, cost optimization, and
intelligent materials sourcing. In results. mance will remain strong. UES is a for new cleaning contracts across
the metals and steel division, com- Subsidiaries leading provider of HVAC, mainte- various clients and customers.
petitive sourcing and participation United Engineering Services nance and other related services in Kawoosh has positioned itself
in more auctions to maximize ca- (UES) continues to exhibit solid the State of Kuwait. as a reputable player in the medi-
pacity as well as an increased utili- earnings performance as a result Silver Ocean continues its cal waste incineration industry as
zation of existing assets. Improved of its large base of ongoing gov- growth as a provider of cleaning it seeks to bid for new contracts
cash ow management and better ernment contracts, and successful services for the public and private for medical waste incineration in
streamlining of the sales cycle bids for new government contracts, sectors, with strong performance Kuwait.

Bank boosts its real estate portfolio

Warba acquires a facility

of KIA Motors in Britain
KUWAIT CITY, April 9: In-line with
its development strategy to position
the bank as the Islamic Corporate &
Investment Banking champion in Ku-
wait while providing top-notch Islam-
ic banking and investments services,
Warba Bank is proud to announce
that it has recently purchased a newly
constructed sole UK vehicle imports
/ exports facility strategically located
on Kiln Lane Industrial Estate, just
one and a half miles from the docks
at nearby Immingham, which receives
imported vehicles from Korea to UK,
and also from other manufacturing
plants in Europe.
The Ports of Immingham and Shaheen Hamed Al Ghanem,
Grimsby combined are the UKs larg- Warba Bank CEO.
est ports by tonnage, handling up to
60 million tonnes, including nearly 20 refuelling, ofces and gatehouses. The
million tonnes of oil and 10 million site receives on average c.1,200 vehi-
tonnes of coal per annum. cles a week. KIA anticipate 100,000
Commenting on the new acquisi- UK car sales target by 2020. Howev-
Mazin Al-Nahedh with Rawd AlSaleheen Bilingual School delegation led by Dr Abdulrahman AlElayan, RSS GM and Hamad AlElayan, Deputy GM. tion, Shaheen Hamed Al Ghanem, er, its largest operation lies in Bristol,
Warba Banks CEO said: we see in where around 400,000 vehicles are
Bank sponsors Rawd Alsaleheen participation in UN program this acquisition the start of the banks processed each year.
vigorous international real estate in- Al Ghanem further added: This ac-
vestment program in order to ensure quisition is one of the best risks miti-

KFH supports youth to develop their country: CEO steady and secured returns for the
investors and depositors. The Invest-
ment Banking Group is fully commit-
gated real estate investment of the bank
generating a steady and secured return
beneting from unbreakable long lease
KUWAIT CITY, April 9: Group Chief Executive great interest in this signicant segment by empow- of the students in the program is a plaque students in ted to make risk mitigated investments to one of the largest car manufacturer
Ofcer at Kuwait Finance House (KFH) Mazin Saad ering them and equipping them with all the tools they Kuwait wear proudly upon their chests. strictly following the investment poli- of Asia that would set standards for our
Al-Nahedh stressed the importance of boosting con- need to overcome challenges and beat the odds. The students demonstrated their experience that cy and procedures with a target to gen- future investment program.
dence in the Kuwaiti youth, while endowing them He raised the importance of honing their skills had been crowned with success. Two female students erate secured long term returns for the He elaborated that for 2017, the
with the core skills that enable them to contribute in and qualifying them to shoulder responsibility and from the delegation were honored in recognition of bank and its investors. investment plan is very robust and
the development of their country. take part in the development process of the country, their distinguished participation in the UN program. The property is leased to KIA Mo- highly ambitious and we are seriously
Al-Nahedh statement was made on the sidelines indicating KFH sponsored the United Nations Pro- tors UK Limited for unbreakable lease looking for more international real es-
of receiving a delegation of students from Rawd Al- gram for Rawad Alsaleheen High-school Students Meanwhile, Dr AlElayan expressed his thanks
and appreciation to KFH for the sponsorship and the term of 20 years, expiring in 2037 on tate investment opportunities in USA,
saleheen Bilingual School chaired by School GM Dr as part of its endeavors to support students and the full repairing and insuring terms. The UK and other continental European
Abdulrahman AlElayan, and DGM Hamad AlElayan youth. support, indicating this motivated students for fur-
site is the sole import/export facility countries, but without compromising
at KFH Headquarters. He expressed his pride that Rawd Alsaleheen Bi- ther hard work and dedication, while reiterates KFH quality and security on fully compli-
keenness to prioritize the role of education and sci- for KIA Motors UK Ltds business op-
Al-Nahedh added that the youth and students are lingual School is the only school in Kuwait to partic- erations. This includes the import of ant basis with banks policy and risk
the main pillar of society. This calls for attaching ipate in the UN program, noting that the achievement ence in the society and development. standards.
C.100, 000 new vehicles into the port
of Immingham each year as well as the Recently, Warba bank has recorded
refurbishment and administration of re- a tremendous success in the under-
Agency upgrades and withdraws FGBs deposit rtgs turn vehicles for KIA Lease eet. writing of its $250 million Sukuk,
It comprises a substantial new sole which have attracted investors form

Moodys affirms deposit ratings of NBAD UK vehicle import/export facility Kuwait, MENA region and beyond.
with a capacity of over 15,550 cars Warba Sukuk achieved 5 more times
and totalling 86.68 acres (35.08 hec- the issuance value with approx. 1.3$
tares) of land. In addition, on site also billion; they have been recently listed
LONDON, April 9: Moodys Inves- cy (P)Aa3 long-term and denitive support improved protability go- for the combined entity). includes a warehouse space of 63,515 in Nasdaq Dubai and are scheduled
tors Service has afrmed the long local and foreign currency Prime -1 ing forward. The merged entitys Moodys afrmation of NBADs ft. (5,901 m), facilitating distribu- for listing in the Irish stock exchange
and short term foreign and local cur- short-term ratings to NBADs USD net income to tangible assets will Aa3 deposit rating is based on very tion, refurbishment, valet, inspection, soon.
rency deposit and debt ratings of Na- 1 billion Negotiable Certicate of also improve to around 1.6%, from high government support assump-
tional Bank of Abu Dhabi (NBAD) Deposits (NCD) programme acting NBADs current 1.2%, putting it in tions for the bank, which translate
at Aa3/P-1, upgraded the long-term through its Singapore Branch. line with the UAE average of around into three notches of uplift from
local and foreign-currency deposit
and foreign-currency debt ratings of
First Gulf Bank (FGB) to Aa3 from
Rating action follows the ofcial
public announcement on 30 March
2017 (Effective Merger Date) that
1.7%. At the same time, NBADs
capitalisation is expected to ben-
et as a result of this merger from
the banks a3 BCA. Although
government ownership (through
the Abu Dhabi Investment Coun-
Saudi min says no income
taxes for Saudi citizens
A2 and afrmed the short-term lo- NBAD and FGB have completed FGBs higher capitalisation. On a cil -- ADIC) had been reduced
cal and foreign-currency deposit their merger. Following the merger, pro-forma basis as of December to 33.5% from 70% as a result of
rating of First Gulf Bank (FGB) at NBAD has assumed all of FGBs li- 2016, the TCE ratio of the combined this merger, Moodys continues to
P-1. At the same time, Moodys has abilities and assets in exchange for entity is around 15.6% (up from assign a very high likelihood of
also afrmed their baseline credit new NBAD shares issued to FGBs NBADs current 14.5%). government support for NBADs DOHA, April 9, (RTRS): Saudi Ara- income tax, nor are Saudi companies
assessments (BCA) at a3 and baa2, shareholders. The BCA, however, also captures deposit ratings. bias nance minister said on Sunday taxed on their prots.
respectively. Ratings Rationale risks related to still very high lev- This is based on: (1) NBADs D- that citizens would not pay taxes on in- He also said a value-added tax
The outlook on NBADs long- Moodys afrmation of NBADs els of related-party exposures and SIB status (Domestic Systemically come and Saudi companies would not planned for 2018 would not be raised
term deposit and debt ratings re- a3 BCA reects our view that fol- signicant borrower concentrations Important Bank) in the UAE, given see their prots taxed under sweeping above 5 percent before 2020.
mains negative, in line with the lowing the merger, the banks nan- two factors that are common to its market share of around 27% of economic reforms being introduced in The six Arab monarchies of the Gulf
outlook for the Aa2 long term is- cial fundamentals remain compatible many banks in the GCC. Although system assets; (2) the key role of the oil-rich kingdom. Cooperation Council are aiming to intro-
suer rating of the Government of with the a3 BCA, although over time asset quality remains strong, with the bank in the nancial operations The collapse in oil prices after mid- duce a 5 percent value-added tax at the
the United Arab Emirates (UAE) the merger has the potential to en- gross NPLs standing at 3% of gross of the Abu Dhabi government; (3) 2014 has pushed Saudi Arabia to con- start of next year to raise non-oil rev-
. The outlook on FGBs long- hance the banks domestic franchise. loans for the combined entity, it re- the position of the Abu Dhabi gov- template a radical overhaul of all parts enues. But economists and ofcials in
term deposit and debt ratings was The combination creates one of the mains below the 1.2% global median ernment as the single largest share- of its economy, including new taxes, some countries have said privately that
changed to negative from positive, largest banks in the GCC region, for banks with a3 BCA. Additional- holder through both the Abu Dhabi privatisations, a changed investment simultaneous introduction in all coun-
in line with the outlook for NBAD. which will support organic growth ly, NBAD has strong liquidity and a Investment Council (around 33.5% strategy and sharp cuts in government tries may not be feasible.
Subsequent to the action, Moodys opportunities and moderate NBADs diversied funding prole, although ownership) and Mubadala Develop- spending. That is because of the complexity of
also said that it will withdraw the very high borrower concentrations. this remains counterbalanced with ment Company PJSC (3.7%); and Mohammed al-Jadaan sought in a creating the administrative infrastruc-
ratings of FGB. We expect the stronger retail a relatively high reliance on market (4) the signicant ownership by statement carried by state news agency ture to collect the tax and the difculty
Moodys has today also assigned a franchise of the merged entity to funding (market funds to tangible members of the Abu Dhabi ruling SPA to allay concern that people would of training companies to comply with
provisional local and foreign curren- drive solid margins, which will assets is estimated at around 25% family. be taxed as part of the ambitious reform it in a region where taxation is mini-
plan. Saudis currently do not pay any mal.


Intesa opens ME branches Name: Kuwait Sharia Bloomberg Todays Todays closing Prev closing % 1-week 3-month YTD 12-month 24-month
Index name ticker value as of value value change change change change change change
Compatible Indices Kuwait Sharia Compatible Index - Composite AMIC April 9, 2017 180.98 180.21 0.43% 1.19% 6.48% 8.45% 18.43% -2.35%
Intesa Sanpaolo, Italys biggest bank by market value, Kuwait Sharia Compatible Index - Kuwait Only AMIC April 9, 2017 172.04 171.25 0.46% 1.21% 5.64% 7.66% 15.95% -5.15%
said on Sunday that it had set up new branches in Abu Providers: Al Madar Finance & Kuwait Sharia Compatible Index - Active
Kuwait Sharia Compatible Index - Banking Sector
April 9, 2017
April 9, 2017
Dhabi and Doha as part of plans to expand its corporate Kuwait Sharia Compatible Index - Investment Sector AMIC April 9, 2017 58.78 58.06 1.24% 3.66% 8.57% 25.12% 35.37% -10.04%
and investment banking and trade finance business. Investment Co. Kuwait Sharia Compatible Index - Insurance Sector AMIC April 9, 2017 22.49 22.30 0.85% 0.00% 35.45% 42.63% 33.09% -14.16%
The bank, which already operates a regional hub in Kuwait Sharia Compatible Index - Real Estate Sector AMIC April 9, 2017 52.80 53.32 -0.96% 0.60% 2.68% 8.32% 12.29% -6.40%
Dubai, will focus on structured export finance services as Description: Index of Sharia Kuwait Sharia Compatible Index - Industrial Sector AMIC April 9, 2017 151.34 151.04 0.20% 1.68% 23.17% 24.86% 24.63% 7.90%
Kuwait Sharia Compatible Index - Services Sector AMIC April 9, 2017 210.79 210.20 0.28% 0.50% 5.14% 6.77% 22.01% -0.45%
well as oil and gas, fashion and luxury and infrastructure Kuwait Sharia Compatible Index - Food Sector AMIC April 9, 2017 366.20 366.30 -0.03% -2.23% -3.51% -3.67% -1.48% -4.94%
and transport, it said.
compatible companies traded on Kuwait Sharia Compatible Index - Islamic Sector AMIC April 9, 2017 141.86 140.68 0.84% 2.24% 8.02% 9.96% 21.40% -3.35%
Kuwait Sharia Compatible Index - Non Kuwaiti Sector AMIC April 9, 2017 548.31 548.84 -0.10% 0.88% 22.86% 23.67% 85.36% 111.85%
Intesa Sanpaolo has had a presence in the Gulf since the KSE Kuwait Stock Exchange Index - Price KWSEIDX April 9, 2017 7,015.30 7,029.80 -0.21% -0.09% 17.87% 22.05% 34.12% 11.75%
2008 and last year was involved in a $4 billion syndicated S&P 500 SPX April 8, 2017 2,355.54 2,355.54 0.00% -0.30% 3.45% 5.21% 15.04% 13.14%
loan for Petroleum Development Oman (PDO). (RTRS) Website: DJ Islamic Index. DJIM April 8, 2017 3,116.34 3,117.75 -0.05% -0.45% 5.52% 7.22% 11.36% 4.85%

weekly report on FX markets

Swiss International Financial Brokerage Co

Geopolitics clouds risk appetite trends

Report prepared by Ahmed facturing industries that still heavily
Shibley depend on exports, and in turn, will
help to stabilize the economic growth

T he US dollar rose for a second

week as Fed rate hike expectations
continued to recover. An encouraging
when a slowdown is already seen.
Another Chinese indicator at a key
resistance level is Shanghai Composite
jobs report and US President Donald Index. The introduction of a new Spe-
Trumps seemingly cordial meeting cial Economic Zone (SEZ) in Xiongan
with his Chinese counterpart Xi Jin- may not have directly impacted the
ping stood out as catalysts. exchange rate, but has driven Chinese
March employment gures fell short equities as well as local property prices
of expectations on the headline pay- soaring for the past week. Shanghai
rolls reading but the jobless rate de- Composite Index extended gains on
clined even as labor force participation Friday, with multiple Xiongan-related
held steady and wage ination held shares hitting the daily limit-up for
near eight-year highs. That suggests the third day. The stock index closed
the smallish payrolls gain speaks to above 3483 on Friday, the November
nearing full employment rather than high day close. However, whether it
something ominous. can hold above this level is a question.
As for the Trump/Xi sit-down, the On one hand, a couple of compa-
US head of state called their budding nies have published ofcial announce-
relationship outstanding and senior ments Friday evening in response to
cabinet ofcials echoed similar senti- the extreme moves seen in their shares.
ments after meetings with their Chi- BBMG and eight other rms claried
nese counterparts. That appeared to that the setup of Xiongan SEZ will
ease worries about a globally destabi- have no or little impact to the com-
lizing rift, removing a potential barrier panies performance in the near fu-
to Fed tightening. ture. This will likely stop speculators
Next week, a speech from Fed Chair scrambling for their shares next week.
Janet Yellen is likely to reiterate an On the other hand, Chinese investors,
intent to press on with stimulus with- especially retail investors, are eager to
drawal and CPI data is expected to take advantage of this new theme. Al-
show a pickup in core ination. That most immediately after the release of
may keep the greenback marching the SEZ, many investors rushed into
higher as traders weigh the US policy Trader Michael Milano (right), works on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange. The US dollar rose for a second week as Fed rate hike expectations
Xiongan to purchase local properties.
path against standstill elsewhere in the continued to recover. (AP) After Xiongans local government
G10. imposed tight restrictions on real es-
Geopolitical jitters may yet over- core U.K. Consumer Price Index (CPI) just the balance sheet later this year, over the coming months. Friday, the USD/CNH remained con-
are expected to narrow in March, while and the data prints on tap for the week The failed attempt to test the Fibo- solidating, around 6.8980, the 61.8% tate purchases to avoid chaos, equi-
shadow macro fundamentals however. ties become the most available tool
The full ramications of last weeks Average Hourly Earnings are pro- ahead may put increased pressure on nacci overlap around 1.2630 (38.2% retracement of March high to low.
jected to slow to an annualized 2.1% the committee to raise the benchmark expansion) to 1.2680 (50% retrace- Next week, China will have a packed to investors. BBMC and other rms
surprise US missile strike on Syria will clarication may ease the heat in their
take time to emerge. Escalating ten- from 2.2% in January. Even though the interest rate sooner rather than later as ment) keeps the broader outlook for economic calendar, with monetary
Bank of England (BoE) warns there the core U.S. Consumer Price Index GBP/USD tilted to the downside, supply, New Yuan Loans, Consumer shares, but Chinese investors could
sions may undermine market-wide risk nd another batch of equities that they
appetite. Since the Fed is not keen to are limits to the extent that above- (CPI) is anticipated to rise an annual- with the pair at risk of facing further Price Index and trade data for March.
target ination can be tolerated, signs ized 2.3% following a 2.2% expansion losses as it comes off of trend line As the USD/CNH is at a major resist- see a possibility to benet from this
hike rates gains such a backdrop, this new theme. Under Chinas current
may hurt the US unit. of easing ination may encourage the in February. Even though the FOMC support. Indeed, the Relative Strength ance level, a better-than-expected Chi-
central bank to retain the current poli- argues recent increases in consumer Index (RSI) appears to be highlight a nese print may lead to a reversal in the not-fully-developed capital markets,
Performance may be disparate in a stocks and properties remain the most
risk-off scenario given the benchmark cy at the next meeting on May 11, and energy prices could cause ination to similar dynamic as it breaks the bull- pair.
Governor Mark Carney and Co. may temporarily reach or even rise a bit ish formation carried over from the Among all the event risks, exports widely-used investment vehicles. As a
currencys haven asset status how- result, the volatility in Chinese stocks
ever. It may track lower against the boost their efforts to buy more time as above 2 percent in the near term, a previous month, with a break/close and imports reads could have a greater
Brexit clouds the long-term outlook pickup in underlying price growth may below 1.2370 (50% expansion) opens direct impact to the Dollar/Yuan than could elevate signicantly next week.
Japanese Yen but stands to gain versus US crude oil continues its push
sentiment-geared alternatives like the for growth and ination. With that push the committee to adopt a more up the next downside region of inter- others. China has been shifting from
said, the Monetary Policy Committee hawkish tone at the next meeting on est around 1.2270 (23.6% retracement) an export-driven economy to domes- higher, hitting a one-month high, as
Australian and New Zealand Dollars if traders fear that supply may be af-
the markets mood sours. (MPC) may continue to tame interest- May 3, and the dollar may continue followed by 1.2100 (61.8% expan- tic-consumption-driven. However, this
rate expectations for the foreseeable fected after the recent US air strikes
The broader outlook for GBP/USD to benet from the deviating paths sion). will need to take a long process; so far,
on Syria. But further upside may prove
remains tilted to the downside amid future as ofcials warn monetary pol- for monetary policy as Fed ofcials What happened over the past 24 Chinese producers still largely rely tricky as crude enters a congested trad-
the deviating paths for monetary poli- icy can respond, in either direction, continue to forecast three to four rate- hours have led to the most dramatic on international demand. In the U.S.- ing zone between $52 and $55 a barrel.
cy, and the British Pound may struggle and GBP/USD may continue to track hikes for 2017. With that said, market moves in the USD/CNH this week. China leaders meeting, Trump told that The upwards channel in crude re-
to preserve the advance from March as the downward trend carried over from participants may put increased empha- U.S. striking Syria sent the pair higher the U.S. has made progress in the mains intact as long as crude closes
the economic docket is anticipated to late-2016 as the Federal Reserve ap- sis on the fresh rhetoric coming out as investors sought for safe haven; a relationship with China and lots of above $51.20/brl Friday. On the up-
show a downtick in U.K. price & wage pears to be on course to implement ad- of the FOMC with Chair Janet Yellen disappointing Non-Farm Payroll print very potentially bad problems will be side, bulls will be looking at the March
growth. ditional rate-hikes in 2017. scheduled speak next week, and the led to selling in the Dollar, though it going away. The bilateral trade issue 7 high of $54.08/brl.
Despite the mixed market reaction Fed Fund Futures are now highlight- greenback may stage a larger advance was quickly eased and reversed. The is considered to be one of those bad
to the U.S. Non-Farm Payrolls (NFP) ing a greater than 60% probability for over the days ahead should the central highly-anticipated summit between problems. For China, avoiding major
report, GBP/USD stands at risk of fac- a June rate-hike as the FOMC Minutes bank head show a greater willingness Trump and Xi, on the other hand, did conict with its U.S. counterpart will For more information please visit
ing further losses as the headline and showed a growing discussion to ad- to implement higher borrowing-costs not reveal many details. As of 4pm ET give it more time to upgrade the manu-

investment funds
Funds Fund Manager Valuation Valued date Currency Net Asset Prev NAV Prev NAV Dated Funds Fund Manager Valuation Valued date Currency Net Asset Prev NAV Prev NAV Dated
Value (NAV) Value (NAV)

National Bank of Kuwait Index Funds GCC Large Cap Index Fund Global Weekly March 23, 2017 KD 1.202 1.183 March 9, 2017
Equity Funds Al-Mamoun Fund A Global Weekly March 23, 2017 KD 0.655 0.647 March 9, 2017
Money Market Funds
Watani KD Money Market Fund II NBK Capital Weekly March 28, 2017 KD 1.024 1.022 Jan 17, 2017 Al-Mamoun Fund B Global Weekly March 23, 2017 KD 0.655 0.647 March 9, 2017
Watani USD Money Market Fund NBK Global Asset Management Co. Ltd. Weekly March 28, 2017 USD 10.190 10.182 Jan 17, 2017 GCC Large Cap Fund Global Bi-weekly March 21, 2017 USD 144.580 144.080 March 7, 2017
Watani KD Money Market Fund (Acc Al-Noor Fund Global Bi-weekly Jan 31, 2017 SAR 197.090 197.090 Jan 24, 2017
to Islamic Shariah principles) II NBK Global Asset Management Co. Ltd. Weekly March 28, 2017 KD 1.022 1.020 Jan 17, 2017 Global Saudi Equity Fund Global Bi-weekly March 21, 2017 SAR 203.290 206.020 March 7, 2017
Watani USD Money Market Fund (Acc Money Market Funds Global Money Market Fund Global Weekly Nov 20, 2016 USD 1.160
to Islamic Shariah principles) II NBK Global Asset Management Co. Ltd. Weekly March 28, 2017 USD 10.069 Sectoral Funds EPADI Fund Global Weekly March 21, 2017 USD 107.050 107.850 March 7, 2017
NBK Kuwait Equity Fund Watani Investment Co. Weekly March 23, 2017 KD 0.670 Islamic Funds Global GCC Islamic Fund Global Weekly March 21, 2017 USD 99.020 98.670 March 7, 2017
Gulf Equity Investment Fund Watani Investment Co. Weekly March 23, 2017 USD 10.105 Al-Durra Islamic Fund Global Monthly March 23, 2017 KD 1.202 1.182 March 9, 2017

Gulf Bank Kuwait Finance & Investment Co (KFIC)
Al Bashaer GCC Equity Fund Kwt. Fin. & Inv. Co. & Gulf Fin. House Monthly March 28, 2017 USD 7.037 7.070 Feb 28, 2017 Al Wasm Fund KFIC Weekly March 16, 2017 KD 0.420 0.421 Feb 15, 2017
Coast Fund Coast Investment & Dev. Co. Monthly March 28, 2017 KD 0.666 0.672 Feb 28, 2017 Al Bashaer GCC Equity Fund KFIC Monthly Feb 28, 2017 USD 7.073 6.853 Dec 31, 2016
Sanaya Dow Jones Kuwait Index Fund Industrial & Financial Investment Co. Weekly Jan 26, 2017 KD 0.561 0.561 Dec 30, 2016
Markaz Capital Preservation Program 1 Monthly Feb 28, 2017 KD 0.912 0.917 Dec 31, 2016
Markaz Capital Preservation Program 2 Monthly Feb 28, 2017 KD 0.942 0.940 Dec 31, 2016
KAMCO Investment Fund KAMCO Monthly Jan 31, 2017 KD 1.065 0.889 Nov 30, 2016
Markaz Gulf Real Estate Fund Bi-annual Feb 28, 2017 KD 1.417 1.418 Jan 31, 2017
KAMCO GCC Opportunities Fund KAMCO Monthly July 31, 2016 USD 115.890 114.380 Feb 29, 2016

KAMCO MENA Plus Fixed Income Fund KAMCO Jan 31, 2017 USD 12.551 10.260 Dec 31, 2016
Al Ahli Bank KAMCO Real Estate Yield Fund KAMCO Jan 31, 2017 USD 10.220 10.270 Dec 30, 2016
Al Ahli Gulf Fund Al Ahli Bank Monthly March 31, 2017 KD 0.894 0.893 Feb 28, 2017 Kuwait Education Fund KAMCO Quartely Sept 30, 2016 KD 1.457
Al Ahli Kuwaiti Fund Al Ahli Bank Monthly Feb 28, 2017 KD 0.818 0.824 Jan 31, 2017

Wafra International Investment Co.

Burgan Bank Wafra Equity Fund Wafra Co. Monthly Feb 28, 2017 KD 0.902 0.911 Jan 31, 2017
Burgan Equity Fund Burgan Bank Monthly March 26, 2017 KD 1.809 1.794 Feb 26, 2017 Wafra Bond Fund Wafra Co. Monthly Feb 28, 2017 KD 1.034 1.032 Jan 31, 2017
Masaref Investment Fund ISKAN Weekly Feb 28, 2017 KD 0.816 0.817 Jan 31, 2017
Fajir Islamic Fund Wafra Co. Monthly Feb 28, 2017 KD 0.675 0.695 Jan 31, 2017
Boubyan Bank
Boubyan KD Money Market Fund Boubyan Bank Weekly March 28, 2017 KD 1.062 1.061 Feb 28, 2017
Boubyan KD Money Market Fund II Boubyan Bank Weekly March 28, 2017 KD 1.009 1.006 Feb 28, 2017 Shuaa Capital Co.
Emirates Gateway Fund Shuaa Capital Weekly Feb 7, 2017 AED 15.110 15.070 Jan 31, 2017
The Arab Gateway Fund Shuaa Capital Weekly Feb 7, 2017 USD 28.160 29.040 Jan 31, 2017
Boubyan Capital Investment Co.
Boubyan USD Liquidity Fund Boubyan Capital Investment Co March 28, 2017 USD 10.190 10.180 Feb 28, 2017
Boubyan Multi-Asset Holding Fund Boubyan Bank Feb 28, 2017 USD 10.250 10.125 Jan 31, 2017 Al Aman Investment
Al Aman Islamic Fund Al Aman Investment Weekly Dec 31, 2016 KD 0.342 0.322 Nov 1, 2016

Kuwait Investment Co.
Local Fund Al Raed Fund Kuwait Investment Co Weekly March 31, 2017 KD 0.992 1.014 March 23, 2017 Tharwa Investment Co.
Kuwait Investment Fund Kuwait Investment Co Weekly March 30, 2017 KD 0.694 0.695 Feb 28, 2017 Tharwa Investment Fund Tharwa Investment Co Weekly March 13, 2017 KD 1.379 1.406 Dec 31, 2016
Al Hilal Fund Kuwait Investment Co Monthly March 31, 2017 KD 0.541 0.541 Feb 28, 2017 Tharwa Arab Investment Fund Tharwa Investment Co Bi-weekly July 31, 2016 USD 1.977 2.251 June 30, 2016
Al Atheer Fund Kuwait Investment Co Weekly March 31, 2017 KD 1.095 1.089 Feb 28, 2017 Tharwa World Fund Tharwa Investment Co Monthly March 31, 2016 USD 1.024 0.986 March 15, 2016
International Global Bond Fund Kuwait Investment Co Weekly March 22, 2017 USD 24.510 24.210 March 15, 2017 Tharwa Islamic Fund Tharwa Investment Co Monthly March 13, 2017 KD 0.571 0.590 Dec 31, 2016
Diversified Fund Kuwait Investment Co Weekly March 29, 2017 USD 18.680 18.550 March 22, 2017
European Fund Kuwait Investment Co Weekly Feb 28, 2017 Euro 20.330 19.890 Jan 31, 2017 Bank Al-Bilad
Pacific Equity Fund Kuwait Investment Co Weekly March 29, 2017 USD 29.880 29.430 March 22, 2017 Al Seef Fund Bank Al-Bilad Daily March 15, 2017 KD 0.422 0.415 March 1, 2017
North American Equity Fund Kuwait Investment Co Tw. Monthly Feb 28, 2017 USD 18.100 17.570 Jan 31, 2017

Commercial International Bank

National Investment Co. (NIC) CIB Money Market Fund (Osoul) CI Asset Management Weekly March 6, 2017 EGP 286.620 286.450 April 4, 2017
Al-Wataniya Fund NIC Monthly Feb 28, 2017 KD 0.613 0.630 Jan 31, 2017
CIB II Equity (Isthethmar) CI Asset Management Weekly March 6, 2017 EGP 144.440 143.730 April 4, 2017
Al-Darij Fund NIC Monthly Feb 28, 2017 KD 0.355 0.361 Jan 31, 2017
CIB and Faisal Islamic Al Aman CI Asset Management Weekly March 6, 2017 EGP 81.610 8.830 April 4, 2017
Mawarid Fund NIC Monthly Feb 28, 2017 KD 0.513 0.515 Jan 31, 2017
Hemaya CI Asset Management Weekly April 2, 2017 EGP 172.460 169.020 March 1, 2017
Zajil Fund NIC Monthly Feb 28, 2017 KD 0.744 0.749 Jan 31, 2017
Thabat CI Asset Management Weekly March 6, 2017 EGP 168.810 168.760 April 4, 2017
Al Mada Investment Fund NIC Weekly Feb 28, 2017 USD 0.773 0.779 Jan 31, 2017
Takamol CI Asset Management Weekly March 6, 2017 EGP 138.910 138.240 April 4, 2017

Misr El Mostakbel CI Asset Management Weekly April 2, 2017 EGP 24.850 24.880 March 27, 2017
Kuwait Financial Centre (Markaz)
Mumtaz Fund Kuwait Financial Center Weekly March 16, 2017 KD 4.036 4.023 March 9, 2017
MIDAF Kuwait Financial Center Weekly March 16, 2017 KD 3.083 3.075 March 9, 2017
Noor Financial Investment Co.
Noor Islamic Fund Noor Financial Investment Co Monthly Feb 29, 2016 KD 0.613 0.645 Dec 31, 2015
Islamic Fund Kuwait Financial Center Weekly March 16, 2017 KD 1.572 1.565 March 9, 2017

Markaz Arabian Fund Kuwait Financial Center Weekly Nov 10, 2016 KD 2.990 2.920 Nov 3, 2016
FORSA Financial Fund Kuwait Financial Center Monthly Feb 28, 2017 KD 0.972 0.996 Jan 31, 2017 Al Zumorroda Investment Co.
Real Estate Fund Kuwait Financial Center Monthly Feb 28, 2017 KD 1.412 1.419 Jan 31, 2017 Zumorroda GCC Fund Al Zumorroda Investment Co Monthly Jan 31, 2016 KD 0.481 0.543 Dec 31, 2015
Markaz Fixed Income Fund Kuwait Financial Center Monthly March 31, 2017 USD 11.520 11.490 March 16, 2017
Mawazeen International Fund Kuwait Financial Center Weekly March 19, 2017 USD 9.140 9.070 March 12, 2017 KFH Capital Investment Co.
Markaz MENA Islamic Fund Kuwait Financial Center Weekly March 16, 2017 USD 10.640 10.720 Feb 28, 2017 Muthanna Islamic Index Fund (MUDX) KFH Capital Investment Company Daily Feb 28, 2017 KD 0.357 0.354 Jan 31, 2017
Muthanna GCC Islamic Banks Fund KFH Capital Investment Company Daily Feb 28, 2017 KD 0.683 0.673 Jan 31, 2017
Kuwait & Middle East Financial & Inv. Co. Baitak GCC Fund KFH Capital Investment Company Weekly Feb 28, 2017 KD 0.916 0.957 Jan 31, 2017
Al Rouyah Fund KMEFIC Monthly March 31, 2017 KD 1.386 1.414 Feb 28, 2017
Gulf Gate Fund KMEFIC Monthly Oct 31, 2016 KD 0.944 0.918 Sept 30, 2016 CapCorp Investment Co.
CapCorp Local Fund CapCorp Investment Company Weekly Feb 28, 2017 KD 0.941 0.962 Jan 31, 2017
Global Investment House


France to lend Tunisia 135 million euros

France has agreed to lend Tu- Agency (AFD) will nance a pro- launched courageous economic
nisia 135 million euros ($143 ject to expand the potable water reforms and called on foreign
million) to nance two infrastruc- network and will fund a metro tourists to visit Tunisia to help re-
ture projects, Tunisias prime project. vive an economy struggling after
minister said. France, one of Tunisias big- deadly attacks on tourists in 2015
France will nance two pro- gest economic partners, will also by Islamist militants.
jects, the rst worth 60 million convert 35 million euros of debt The North African country has
euros and another with 75 million into investment after an opera- been lauded as the only political
euros, Prime Minister Youssef tion last year to convert Tunisian success story of the Arab Spring
Chahed said at a news confer- debt worth 60 million euros, the for its democratic transition. But
ence with French Prime Minister French Prime Minister said. it has made slow progress on
Bernard Cazeneuve in Tunis. Cazeneuve said France would economic reform to curb public
The French Development continue to support Tunisia after it spending and decits. (RTRS)

Kuwaits index gives up

early gains, ends down
KIPCO drops 15 fils; Zain gains
By John Mathews million shares. Bayan Investment Co rallied 4
Arab Times Staff Despite the days fall, the mar- ls on back of 13.8 million shares
ket spread was skewed towards while Osoul Investment Co and
KUWAIT CITY, April the winners. 60 stocks advanced Al Deera Holding 65 ls and 36.5
9: Kuwait stocks headed whereas 39 closed lower. Of the ls respectively. Sokouk Holding
south on Sunday after 137 counters active on Sunday, 38 added 2,5 ls with brisk trading
closed at. 6,397 deals worth KD whereas Tamdeen Investment Co
seesawing in the previous 23.2 million were transacted a slipped 5 ls.
week. The bourse dropped 34 pct dip in value from the day KAMCO fell 2 ls to 88 ls and
14.5 pts in choppy trade to before. KFIC was up 1.5 ls at 46.5 ls.
7,015.3 points weighed by National Industries Group rose Ektittab Holding inched 0.5 l
last minute selling in select 2 ls to 128 ls and Gulf Cable whereas Al Deera Holding closed
climbed 15 ls to 480 ls. Heavy at.
counters even as heavy- Engineering Industries and Ship- Mabanee Co tripped 10 fils
weights diverged. building Co gained 10 ls while and National Real Estate Co was
The KSX 15 benchmark rose Contracting and Marines Services up 4 fils at 106 fils. Kuwait Real
1.86 pts to 959.88 points taking Co gave up 4 ls. NCCI slipped 7 Estate Co eased 1 fil to 67 fils
the months gains to 25 points ls to 97 ls. and ERESCO inched 1 fil higher
while weighted index was up Kuwait Cement Co jumped 25 on back of 6.8 million shares.
1.59 points. The volume turno- ls whereas Kuwait Portland Ce- United Real Estate Co clipped
ver meanwhile receded after ment Co was down 10 ls at 990 2 fils.
hitting months highest level ls. Boubyan Petrochemical Co The market was mixed during last
on Thursday. 354.8 million shed 10 ls and Al Qurain Petro- week. The price index closed lower
chemical Co followed suit. Equip- in three of the ve sessions and
shares changed hands a 27.8 ment Holding Co inched 1l into
percent drop from previous was unchanged week-on-week. It
green. had has shed 14 points during from
session. Kuwait National Cinema Co dived
The sectors closed mixed. Paral- start of the month and is trading 22
40 ls to KD 1.460 while KPPC and pct higher year-to-date. KSE, with
lel market outshone the rest with OSOS dialed up 2 ls each. Jazeera
1.25 pct gain whereas real estate 208 listed companies, is the second
Airways slipped 10 ls to 560 ls and largest bourse in the region.
shed 2.26 percent, the worst per- ALAFCO added 4 ls . Burgan Well
former of the day. In terms of vol- In the bourse related news,
Drilling Co inched 1 ls higher to set- Al Mazaya Holding net profits
ume, nancial services notched the tle at 94 ls.
highest market share of 47.3 per- soared 31.7 pct to KD 2.59 mil-
cent while real estate trailed with Bounced lion in last quarter of 2016 while
34.6 pct contribution. Humansoft Holding bounced profits rose 10 pct to KD 10.25
In the individual shares, Burgan 40 ls to KD 3.120 and Napesco million during the fiscal year
Bank reversed last sessions gains closed at. Zimah Holding gave up of 2016. The board has recom-
with a 5 ls drop to 350 ls and 1 l and Mezzan Holding stood pat mended an annual cash dividend
Gulf Bank followed suit to wind up at KD 1.020. of 8% or 8 fils per share.
at 250 ls. Investment conglomer- Yiaco rose 10 ls to 240 ls and Gulf Glass Manufacturing Cos
ate KIPCO shed 15 ls with a vol- Automated Systems Co dropped 20 fourth quarter net prot dipped o
ume of 1.6 million shares. ls. The company has posted a 41.3 64% in KD 14,000 from KD 39,000
Zain rose 10 ls to 465 ls on pct drop in prots to KD 333,000 in same period last year. During
back of 2.9 million shares and during the fourth quarter of 2016 the scal year of 2016, prots was
Ooredoo gained 20 ls with thin while in the full year period, prots down 48 percent to KD 1.21 mil-
trading. Kuwait Telecommunica- grew by 22.8 percent to KD 1.67 lion from KD 2.34 mln in the previ-
tions Co (VIVA) was unchanged million. ous year.
at 920 ls and Agility was down 10 Kuwait and Gulf Link Transport Al Mowasat Health Care has
ls at 640 ls. Co inched 1 l up to 68 ls while posted KD 1.8 million prots dur-
Kuwait Finance House climbed KGL Logistics Co eased 1 l. AWJ ing the fourth quarter of 2016 and
10 fils to 550 fils and Gulf Bank Holding clipped 2 ls after trading for the scal year of 2016, earnings
of Kuwait gave up 5 fils. The 2.3 million shares and Al Rai Me- rose 35.3 pct to KD 4.52 million
banks Q4 net profit rose 7.8% to dia Group paused at 176 ls. from the year before. The board of
KD 10.14 m and during the fiscal In the banking sector, National directors has recommended a divi-
year 2016. Bank of Kuwait was unchanged at dend payout of 20% or 20 ls per
The market opened weak and 700 ls off early lows while Al share.
moved sideways in early trade. Ahli Bank and Ahli United Bank Injazzat Real Estate Develop-
The main index slipped to days rose 5ls each to end at 310 ls and ment has posted a net prot of KD
lowest level of 7,006.27 and re- 455 ls respectively. 550,000 in the last quarter of 2016
bounded thereafter as sentiment Kuwait International Bank was and during the scal year of 2016,
turned slightly positive. It con- up 5 ls at 255 ls and Boubyan the bank earned KD 3.2 million.
tinued to rise in choppy trade Bank stood pat at 415 ls. Warba The board has recommended a cash
and peaked at 7,050.95 pts in Bank stalled at 265 ls and Com- dividend of 5% or 5 ls per share
the final minutes before pulling mercial Bank of Kuwait was not for FY 2016.
sharply lower to close in the red traded during the session. Ajial Real Estate Entertainment
territory. Kuwait Investment Co was Company (AREEC) net losses nar-
Top gainer of the day, KBMMC flat at 102 fils while Coast In- rowed by 22.7 pct to KD 888,620
jumped 8.62 pct to 126 ls and vestment Co and Noor Financial from KD 1.15 million in Q4 of
Bayan Investment Co rallied 7.8 Investment Co dialed up 2 fils 2115. The annual prots in 2016
percent to stand next. REAM slid each. Securities House Co took clocked KD 1.5 million and the
25 pct, the steepest decliner of the in 1 fil whereas Securities Group board has recommended the distri-
day and Al Mal Investment Co and KMEFIC paused at 99 fils bution of cash dividends at 5% of
topped the volume with over 40 and 32 fils. capital.

Mideast stocks

Egypt dips on bomb blasts

Most regional markets close lower

DUBAI, April 9, (RTRS): Egyptian months, but he added prospects for on for a while and is unlikely to
stocks fell on Sunday, hurt by bomb the market are brighter due to a sta- end soon and markets have already
blasts in the country, while most ble currency, increasing ow of tour- absorbed this risk, said Nishit Lak-
other Middle East stock markets also ists and ination that is expected to hotia, head of research at Manama-
ended lower as geopolitical tensions peak. based Securities & Investment Com-
weighed on investor sentiment. At the macro level things are pany BSC.
Some of the Middle East markets looking okay, slightly improving,
started the day in positive territory as he said. Saudi Arabia
higher oil prices briey offset con- Egyptian stocks are still up nearly The index fell 0.24 percent to
cerns about a US missile strike on a 4.5 percent this year as condence 7,058.58 points.
Syrian air base, but lost momentum has returned to the market after the Dubai
as the day progressed. country let the currency oat freely
The Egyptian index closed 1.55 last year. In 2016, Egyptian stocks The index fell 0.32 percent to
percent lower with Commercial In- surged 76 percent. 3,554.96 points.
ternational Bank Egypt down 1.5 In other markets, Abu Dhabis Abu Dhabi
percent and Egyptian Iron and Steel index fell 0.5 percent with con-
losing 4.4 percent. sumer cyclicals and nancials lead- The index dropped 0.52 percent
This was an immediate (mar- ing among losers. In neighbouring to 4,591.41 points.
ket) reaction to the terrorist at- Dubai, the benchmark index dipped Qatar
tack, Ahmed Abu Taleb, head of 0.3 percent. The index gained 0.52 percent
sales at Pharos Securities in Cairo, In Saudi Arabia, the main index to 10,509 points.
said. was 0.2 percent lower with nan-
At least 36 people were killed cials and consumer cyclicals trend- Kuwait
and more than 100 injured in bomb ing lower. The index fell 0.2 percent to
attacks on two Coptic churches on In neighbouring Bahrain, the stock 7,015.30 points.
Palm Sunday in Alexandria and index rose 1.6 percent, helped by
the Nile Delta city of Tanta, in the gains in nancial stocks such as Ahli Egypt
latest assault on a religious minor- United Bank BSC, which added 4.86 The index fell 1.55 percent to
ity increasingly targeted by Islamist percent. 12,895 points.
militants. Markets are looking at more fun-
Abu Taleb said the Egyptian stock damental triggers such as forthcom- Bahrain
index has traded between 12,800 ing earnings, rather than politics, as The index rose 1.58 percent to
and 13,400 points for the past three the Syrian conict has been going 1,374.7 points.


WH split clouds trade banks future: EXIM chief digital media startup Mic raises $21 mln
An internal White House conflict push to boost US exports and on EXIM Bank. I would character- Mic, a digital news and lifestyle an ad-tech startup formed by ex- its content. The company last
over the future of the US Export- manufacturing jobs. ize that debate in its simplest form media startup targeting (whom Havas CEO David Jones. Mics week in a move mimicking Vice
Import Bank is keeping the gov- He said there also were state- as between pragmatists and ideo- else?) millennials, announced other backers have included Medias strategy announced
ernment trade lender hobbled in ments from several lawmakers logues, Hall said. that it has raised $21 million in Axel Springer, Advancit Capital plans to launch nine new channels
the face of Chinas massive that Trump himself supports Conservative Republicans, Series C financing from inves- and Lerer Hippeau Ventures. covering different audience seg-
state export finance offensive, EXIMs mission, but the same including House Speaker Paul tors including Time Warner. The funding brings the New ments. The company claims to
EXIMs acting chairman said. conservative Republican ideo- Ryan, have fought for years to The round was led by previous York startup, founded in 2011, to already reach two-thirds of U.S.
Charles CJ Hall told Reuters logues who tried to close the revoke EXIMs charter, charging investor Lightspeed Venture a total of $52 million raised to millennials each month. That audi-
in an interview late on Thursday bank in 2015 are standing in the that it provides unnecessary Partners, which led Mics Series date. With the funding, Time ence reach, combined with its
that Commerce Secretary Wilbur way of nominating new board corporate welfare to giant cor- B round of funding in June 2015, Warner Investments SVP Allison credibility, positions Mic to win on
Ross supports restoring the members. porations such as Boeing Co, with participation from Time Goldberg is joining Mics board. tvOS, just as it has on social,
banks full lending powers as There is a debate in the admin- General Electric Co and Warner Investments, Kyu Mic says more than 66 million Lightspeed partner Jeremy Liew,
part of President Donald Trumps istration between differing views Caterpillar Inc. (RTRS) Collective and You & Mr. Jones, unique monthly users read or view said in a statement. (RTRS)

Dollar gains momentum on Fed hike hopes

Sterling pound drops amid negative reports; yen trims losses
By National Bank of Kuwait for the future relationship. The Eu- too early to discuss an exit strategy
ropean Council has insisted that a from the central banks current mon-
United States nal trade deal would have to be con- etary policy. Kuroda also said the
cluded with the UK as a third coun- BoJs equities purchases were aimed
P resident Trumps failure to gather
sufcient support in Congress to
pass changes to the Obamacare pro-
try; i.e. after it has left the EU.
On the economic front, the UK
at meeting the 2% ination target and
dont distort the price mechanism for
gram has raised concerns over his economic data continues to falter stocks.
ability to deliver other scal stimulus with the construction sector expand- On the economic side, operating
promises that he had made during the ing at a slower pace once again in conditions in most private service
presidential campaign, such as cut- the month of March. The construc- companies expanded at a slower
ting taxes and increasing spending on tion PMI declined by 0.3 points to pace for a third consecutive month
infrastructure projects. 52.2, below expectations of 52.5. in March. The survey indicated costs
The latest FOMC minutes state- The slower growth is attributed to a incurred by service companies inat-
ment echoed those concerns as some weaker trend for residential work as ed at the fastest pace since February
members have continued to under- rising ination has started eating into 2013. Hence, businesses transferred
score the considerable uncertainty consumers demand and businesses. the higher costs on to their clients
about the timing and nature of po- Since the Brexit vote, Britains causing business activities and new
tential changes to scal policies as economy outperformed all European orders to grow at a slower rate.
well as the size of the effects of such Group of Seven in 2016; however, The Chinese Composite PMI re-
changes on economic activity. Ac- growth is expected to slow down this leased earlier came at 52.2 in March,
cordingly, several members expected year as rising ination starts to take falling from Februarys 52.6 record-
that scal stimulus will not com- its toll on the economy. ing the slowest increase in Chinese
mence this year and, accordingly, did Other economic data were also business activity in six months.
not alter their economic projections. under pressure with UKs manufac- Weaker increases in new business
The minutes statement also showed turing PMI declining for a third con- have clouded the economic outlook
that equity prices remain high relative secutive month in March. High ina- as the service industry has become
to standard valuations measures, and tionary pressures in Britain caused an increasingly important part of the
that prices of other risky assets, such export orders to expand at a slower Chinese economy, reecting its shift
as emerging market stocks, high yield rate and demand for consumer goods away from traditional heavy-industry
corporate bonds, and commercial real to lose momentum. Looking at the manufacturing and exports.
estate, have increased considerably data, manufacturing PMI slipped for The rst meeting between Presi-
recently. barrels last week. ports the Federal Reserve decision to seem to allocate much risk premium the month of March by 0.3 points to dent Trump and Chinese President Xi
The FOMC minutes statement also On Friday morning, demand for tighten its loose monetary policy. to the election result any more. Al- 54.2. However, the index is above the kicked off last week, with the main
showed that there seems to be a disa- safe haven assets increased after po- Looking at the non-farm payroll, though currency markets are still long run average of 51.6. issues likely to be centered on North
greement amongst the policy mem- litical tensions between the US and employers hired fewer workers than favoring the USD over the lower The service sector on the other Korea and trade agreements. The out-
bers as to the direction of ination Russia escalated following the US expected in March as 29,750 employ- yielders, investors are pricing in a hand held up and reversed two months come of the meeting will set the polit-
in 2017. Some members cautioned airstrike on Syria. The yield on the 10- ees left the retail sector and winter much smoother path through the two of declining PMI readings in March ical agenda for the two largest econo-
that the progress on ination should year US Treasury fell below 2.29% rounds than they did few weeks ago. and reached three months high. The mies for at least the next four years.
storms weighed on economic activ-
not be overstated given that it had for the rst time since November 30th With the underperformance of index climbed by 1.7 points settling Trump may try to convince Xi to
ity. The economy added only 98,000
run persistently below 2% during the while the yield on Germanys 10-year populists in Europe, especially during at 55 against a consensus of 53.5. If tighten economic sanctions on North
jobs versus expectations of 180,000. the combination of resilient economic Korea. China is by far North Koreas
expansion and that core ination was government bonds declined by 2.5 ba- On the other hand, the unemployment the latest French presidential debate
little changed in recent months. sis points to a one-month low. alongside the market focusing on po- data and higher inationary pressures largest trading partner. However, the
rate fell sharply to a 10-year low at continue, interest rate expectations two countries have very different
On the currencies front, the Dol- The minutes of the latest FOMC 4.5%. Moreover, average hourly tential ECB rate hikes, markets seem
lar index gained positive momentum meeting showed that the committee to have priced out the possibility of a could change, with the market cur- views of their preferred outcome.
earnings rose by 5 cents or 0.2%, rently only pricing in a 50% probabil- The Reserve Bank of Australia held
at the start of the week, supported by discussed the size of the Feds bal- after a 0.3% increase in the previous Le Pen win.
expectations of higher interest rates. ance sheet and how to reduce it. Most Although our base case scenario ity of rate hike by December 2018. rates at 1.5% this week. The accom-
month. Year on year, average hourly panying statement was slightly dov-
The index reached a 20-day high of participants saw changes in the rein- earnings eased to 2.7%. remains that the French elections re- Asia
100.95 ahead of the US nonfarm pay- vestment policy happening later in the sult will not yield a Le pen victory, ish, with the central bank noting the
The soft payrolls data could raise According to a survey released softening of labor market indicators
roll report, boosted by robust private year, but views were mixed on how concerns about the economys health volatility could easily return, at least by the Bank of Japan, business con-
sector job gains. The DXY opened and when the changes would occur. for the rst round of the election. and the modest pace of employment
especially given signs that gross do- dence improved in the rst quarter growth. The RBA also mentioned the
the week at 100.39 and closed the On monetary policy, nearly all Fed mestic product may have slowed to German factory orders rebounded of 2017. The Tankan Manufacturing
weekly session at 101.130. ofcials thought the US was at full sharply in February from Januarys desire of the board to reinforce strong
around 1.0% in the rst quarter of Index rose to 12 points, up from 10 in lending standards in the country.
It was a tough week for the Ster- employment, but there were no clear 2017. With rising ination, moder- 6.8% contraction. The increase was Q4 and non-manufacturing sector im-
ling Pound as the majority of reports indications that policymakers were mainly due to an 8.1% jump in do- These measures are likely to slow the
ate job growth and gradual wage proved by 2 points to 20. Across all housing sector and potentially delay
released last week came in negative ready to pull the tightening trigger gains, the Federal Reserve may stay mestic demand, while demand for industries, conditions also improved
and missed market expectations. The again as soon as next month. Overall producer goods surged 8.5%. Foreign the date of the rst rate hike.
on course to raise interest rates again by 2 points to 16. On the economic front, Australias
GBP/USD started the week at 1.2550 economic risks were generally por- in June. orders were mainly at and new or- As mentioned last week, the latest
and descended to a low of 1.2380. trayed as balanced, although the risks ders to the Eurozone fell by 2.4%. trade surplus came larger than expect-
On the manufacturing front, the Japanese economic data continue to ed in February, rebounding to a near
The pair ended Fridays session at were biased as to what to expect from sector still remains in expansionary The data suggests that the private show an expansion in the rst quar-
1.2372. the potential scal policies from the sector is likely to continue to accel- record AUD 3.6 billion offsetting the
mode with the PMI slightly falling by ter of 2017, mainly led by solid ex- surprising drop to AUD1.5bn in Janu-
The USD/JPY began on a negative new administration. 0.5% to 57.2 in March. New orders erate due to a stronger domestic de- ports and rmer capital expenditure.
tone last week after the bearish reac- Philadelphia Fed President Harker mand in a period of high optimism in ary. Total export values surged by a
fell by 0.6% and the production index Moreover, the latest Japanese trade 30% on a yearly basis, driven by high-
tion towards the ISM Manufacturing also spoke this week mentioning declined by 5.3%, while the employ- business condence. data showed a surplus rebounding in
PMI data. However, the pair revered that the Fed could begin to reduce its Despite the positive gures, Euro- er commodity prices. It is important to
ment and price index increased by February as Japanese exports rose for note that the large percentage in com-
some of its losses after the release of bond portfolio as early as this year. 4.7% and 2.5% respectively. Overall, pean political risks continue to over- the third straight month by 11.3%.
the US private sector job growth g- Possibly by the end of this year or shadow the optimism towards Ger- modities prices from a year ago were
the continuous increase in consumer Replying to speculation that the the main driver of such an increase.
ure. The USD/JPY opened the week the beginning of next year would be demand and the turnaround in energy many as uncertainty over US trade BoJ might be looking at options for
at 111.32 and ended the weekly ses- an appropriate time to stop reinvest- production accompanied by a weaker policies, Brexit negotiations and Sep- reducing its extraordinary monetary Kuwait
sion at 111.05. ing maturing assets, but thats all de- US Dollar continue to support the in- tembers federal election continue to stimulus program, Bank of Japan The USD/KWD opened at 0.30525
In the commodities space, the price pendent on how the economy evolves dex. pressure future prospects and invest- Governor Kuroda mentioned it was on Sunday morning.
of oil was on a ve- day gaining between now and then. ments.
streak last week as speculators con- The latest ADP gures showed that Europe & UK According to the UK Prime Min-
tinue to bet on the prospect of market US businesses added the most jobs in The ECB president said last week ister, Britain may not nalize a new Rates
tightening. Brent hit its highest level more than two years in March. The that a pick-up in ination across the trade deal with the EU until after Previous Week Levels This Weeks 3-Month
in one month after the US airstrike private sector added 263,000 jobs up Euro area isnt yet strong enough and Brexit is complete in 2019. These Expected Range
on Syria, despite of the US Energy by 18,000 from the previous month, that a reassessment of the current comments have brought the UK more Currencies Open Low High Close Minimum Maximum Forward
Information Administration report versus a forecast of 184,000. The data monetary policy stance is not war- closely in line with the EUs Brexit EUR 1.0658 1.0578 1.0689 1.0588 1.0360 1.0660 1.0650
which showed that crude oil invento- continues to provide further evidence ranted at this stage. negotiating draft, which says that the GBP 1.2539 1.2361 1.2555 1.2372 1.2195 1.2450 1.2410
ries have increased by 7.4% year on that the US labor market nished the Less than a month to the French two-year talks between the UK and JPY 111.38 110.11 111.58 111.05 109.10 112.60 110.65
year to a record high of 535.5 million rst quarter on a strong note and sup- election, it seems that investors dont EU might include only a framework CHF 1.0021 1.0005 1.0096 1.0088 0.9960 1.0300 1.0035

exchange rates April 9

US dollar Sterling pound Euro Japanese yen Swiss franc Canadian dollar Swedish krona Saudi riyal UAE dirham Bahraini dinar Omani riyal
Cash Draft Transfer Cash Draft Transfer Cash Draft Transfer Cash Draft Transfer Cash Draft Transfer Cash Draft Transfer Cash Draft Transfer Cash Draft Transfer Cash Draft Transfer Cash Draft Transfer Cash Draft Transfer
BEC Buy .301750 .303500 .303500 .378489 .377489 .377489 .321205 .321205 .321205 .002734 .002734 .002734 .301657 .302657 .302657 .221161 .219161 .219161 .029458 .029458 .029458 .079993 .080493 .080493 .081357 .081300 .081300 .799929 .799428 .799428 .783320 .777819 .777819
Sell .306150 .305850 .305850 .388489 .387089 .387089 .330205 .328305 .328305 .002914 .002914 .002914 .312657 .309657 .309657 .230161 .229161 .229161 .034458 .034458 .034458 .081293 .081133 .081133 .083057 .082750 .082750 .808429 .807928 .807928 .789000 .788819 .788819
Muzaini Sell .304650 .305850 .305850 .385980 .385980 .327870 .327870 .002697 .002697 .302970 .302970 .230510 .230510 .081654 .081654 .083356 .083356 .813070 .813070 .795218 .795218
Dollarco Sell .306000 .305500 .305500 .386000 .384717 .384717 .330000 .327087 .327087 .003500 .003690 .003690 .310000 .309220 .309220 .235000 .233480 .233480 .083000 .082500 .082500 .084000 .083680 .083680 .813000 .810915 .810915
Commercial Bank Buy .301000 .304450 .304450 .381000 .382191 .382191 .323000 .324300 .324300 .002837 .002837 .306000 .306109 .306109 .224000 .225454 .225454 .033372 .033372 .077000 .080741 .080741 .082149 .082421 .082421 .800355 .803169 .803169 .784615 .786308 .786308
Sell .306800 .306550 .306550 .389000 .384828 .384828 .333000 .326537 .326537 .002871 .002871 .315000 .308233 .308233 .235000 .227019 .227019 .033603 .033603 .083000 .081301 .081301 .082975 .082993 .082993 .808399 .808742 .808742 .792501 .791764 .791764
Gulf Bank Buy .304450 .304450 .304450 .378070 .378070 .378070 .320830 .320830 .320830 .002810 .002810 .002810 .308020 .308020 .308020 .222680 .222680 .222680 .033320 .033320 .033320 .080170 .080170 .080170 .081890 .081890 .081890 .797750 .797750 .797750 .781220 .781220 .781220
Sell .306550 .306550 .306550 .389790 .389790 .389790 .330720 .330720 .330720 .002890 .002890 .002890 .317690 .317690 .317690 .229520 .229520 .229520 .034340 .034340 .034340 .081890 .081890 .081890 .083600 .083600 .083600 .814380 .814380 .814380 .797480 .797480 .797480
NBK Buy .303700 .303700 .375890 .375890 .323290 .323290 .002863 .002863 .307200 .307200 .225290 .225290 .033320 .033320 .080610 .080610 .082340 .082340 .801620 .801620 .785390 .785390
Sell .306800 .306800 .386170 .386170 .333030 .333030 .002895 .002895 .310750 .310750 .227610 .227610 .033630 .033630 .081310 .081310 .083030 .083030 .808570 .808570 .791970 .791970
Burgan Bank Buy .303200 .303200 .372069 .372069 .320585 .320585 .002792 .002792 .307446 .307446 .225799 .225799 .033837 .033837 .080340 .080340 .082054 .082054 .799406 .799406 .782777 .782777
Sell .307300 .307300 .392484 .392484 .338196 .338196 .002946 .002946 .309736 .309736 .227450 .227450 .034084 .034084 .081115 .081115 .082850 .082850 .807107 .807107 .790274 .790274
ABK Buy .301950 .304450 .304450 .377740 .381110 .381110 .321580 .324450 .324450 .002729 .002729 .303430 .303430 .228110 .228110 .338800 .338800 .079750 .080460 .080460 .082637 .082420 .082420 .800590 .800590 .786930 .786930
Sell .308050 .306550 .306550 .387830 .385630 .385630 .330540 .328650 .328650 .002761 .002761 .307680 .307680 .230820 .230820 .346200 .346200 .082480 .082000 .082000 .083467 .083800 .083800 .815750 .815750 .799850 .799850
KFH Buy .302490 .303200 .303200 .362625 .368024 .368024 .312805 .318087 .318087 .002776 .002776 .305609 .305609 .224967 .224967 .033368 .033368 .080090 .080518 .080518 .081786 .082223 .082223 .794037 .801697 .801697 .777623 .785047 .785047
Sell .308020 .306300 .306300 .398639 .390287 .390287 .346368 .336777 .336777 .002933 .002933 .311255 .311255 .228483 .228483 .033799 .033799 .081861 .081369 .081369 .083591 .083088 .083088 .816600 .808785 .808785 .799556 .791970 .791970
KBE Sell .306250 .306250 .380900 .380900 .332100 .332100 .082810 .082810 .806500 .806500
Danish krone Indian rupee Pakistani rupee Sri Lanka rupee Bangladesh taka Philippine peso Australian dollar Hong Kong dollar Singapore dollar Jordanian dinar Egyptian pound
Cash Draft Transfer Cash Draft Transfer Cash Draft Transfer Cash Draft Transfer Cash Draft Transfer Cash Draft Transfer Cash Draft Transfer Cash Draft Transfer Cash Draft Transfer Cash Draft Transfer Cash Draft Transfer
BEC Buy .040530 .040529 .040529 .000030 .004461 .004461 .002697 .002869 .002869 .001651 .002020 .002020 .003383 .003827 .003827 .006142 .005800 .005800 .224322 .222322 .222322 .037033 .036532 .036532 .213951 .214951 .214951 .423775 .422147 .422147 .017442 .021482 .021482
Sell .045530 .045529 .045529 .004184 .004537 .004537 .002987 .002901 .002901 .002231 .002062 .002062 .003967 .003871 .003871 .006442 .006267 .006267 .236322 .235322 .235322 .039783 .039632 .039632 .223951 .220951 .220951 .432775 .429647 .429647 .024695 .022251 .022251
Muzaini Sell .004578 .004578 .002917 .002917 .002062 .002062 .003853 .003853 .006156 .006156 .039456 .039456 .215040 .215040 .431200 .431200 .023900 .017300 .017300
Dollarco Sell .004650 .004568 .004568 .003100 .002917 .002917 .002300 .002022 .002022 .004150 .003854 .003854 .006350 .006082 .006082 .435000 .432620 .432620 .023000 .019476 .019476
Commercial Bank Buy .044221 .044221 .004000 .002000 .005000 .229000 .228750 .228750 .038936 .038936 .216649 .216649 .420000 .016000
Sell .044749 .044749 .006500 .004547 .004547 .002923 .002923 .003500 .002065 .002065 .003897 .003897 .007900 .006315 .006315 .235000 .231477 .231477 .039400 .039400 .219232 .219232 .434000 .432199 .432199 .024000 .034598 .034598
Gulf Bank Buy .043920 .043920 .043920 .230110 .230110 .230110 .038790 .038790 .038790 .214770 .214770 .214770
Sell .045260 .045260 .045260 .004660 .004660 .004660 .002960 .002960 .002960 .002090 .002090 .002090 .003940 .003940 .003940 .006370 .006370 .006370 .234790 .234790 .234790 .039570 .039570 .039570 .221340 .221340 .221340 .435960 .435960 .435960 .034920 .034920 .034920
NBK Buy .044130 .044130 .004470 .004470 .002010 .002010 .006090 .006090 .232450 .232450 .216640 .216640 .424370 .424370 .033890 .033890
Sell .045080 .045080 .004650 .004650 .002950 .002950 .002080 .002080 .006260 .006260 .235440 .235440 .219340 .219340 .431750 .431750 .034430 .034430
Burgan Bank Buy .043536 .043536 .004399 .004399 .002829 .002829 .002044 .002044 .003838 .003838 .006239 .006239 .228040 .228040 .218767 .218767 .424741 .424741 .033796 .033796
Sell .045929 .045929 .004667 .004667 .003003 .003003 .002066 .002066 .003894 .003894 .006321 .006321 .229778 .229778 .220417 .220417 .428904 .428904 .034417 .034417
ABK Buy .043540 .043540 .004652 .004652 .231160 .231160 .039110 .039110 .217710 .217710 .428480 .428480
Sell .044650 .044650 .004763 .004763 .003003 .003003 .002132 .002132 .006683 .006683 .234220 .234220 .039560 .039560 .220280 .220280 .435740 .435740 .018290 .018290
KFH Buy .044029 .044029 .004492 .004492 .002868 .002868 .002033 .002033 .003802 .003802 .006148 .006148 .231898 .231898 .216405 .216405 .424743 .424743 .017393 .017393
Sell .044901 .044901 .004632 .004632 .002934 .002934 .002078 .002078 .003914 .003914 .006328 .006328 .235376 .235376 .219743 .219743 .429924 .429924 .017702 .017702
KBE Sell .004594 .004594 .002901 .002901 .002057 .002057 .003873 .003873 .006211 .006211 .017995 .017995
Cyprus pound Yemeni riyal Thai baht South African rand Korean won Syrian pound Iranian Riyal Lebanese pound Malaysian ringgit Indonesian rupiah New Zealand dollar
Cash Draft Transfer Cash Draft Transfer Cash Draft Transfer Cash Draft Transfer Cash Draft Transfer Cash Draft Transfer Cash Draft Transfer Cash Draft Transfer Cash Draft Transfer Cash Draft Transfer Cash Draft Transfer
BEC Buy .001374 .001364 .001364 .008291 .008230 .008230 .016426 .000255 .001286 .001285 .001285 .000084 .000147 .000181 .000181 .068677 .067416 .067416 .000019 .000018 .000018 .215304 .213304 .213304
Sell .001454 .001464 .001464 .008841 .008645 .008645 .024926 .000270 .001506 .001505 .001505 .000085 .000247 .000201 .000201 .074677 .074416 .074416 .000025 .000025 .000025 .224804 .224304 .224304
Muzaini Sell .001229 .001229 .008601 .008601 .002182 .002182 .002040 .002040 .068841 .068841
Dollarco Sell .695000 .167990 .167990 .009000 .009715 .009715 .000980 .002425 .002425 .076000 .069500 .069500
Gulf Bank Buy .215310 .215310 .215310
Sell .022540 .022540 .022540 .000020 .000020 .000020 .219690 .219690 .219690
ABK Buy .212340 .212340
Sell .216090 .216090
KFH Buy .001199 .001199 .008485 .008485 .000197 .000197 .070853 .070853
Sell .001229 .001229 .008803 .008803 .000206 .000206 .071672 .071672
KBE Sell .001550 .001550 .002377 .002377

travellers cheques US dollar Sterling Euro local gold Gold 999 kg Gold 999 10 tola Gold ounce Gold gm 22k Gold gm 21k Gold gm 18k 100 gm 999 10 gm 999
BEC .3058500 .3870890 .3283054 BEC All rates in KD per unit of
Commercial Bank .3065500 .3848280 .3265370 Muzaini Exchange 12,431.890 1,469.720 397.125 11.410 10.890 9.330 131.145
.3065500 .3897900 .3307200
foreign currency
Gulf Bank
Al-Ahli Bank .3065500 .3856300 .3286500

Left: In videos made available by Egyptian Interior Ministry, a suicide bomber (bottom of screen), tries to walk into St Marks Coptic Cathedral, but security guards force him to pass through the metal detector, then he detonated a
bomb, in Alexandria, Egypt on April 9. Center: A man sits at right as a suicide bomber detonates at the front gates into St Marks Coptic Cathedral in Alexandria, Egypt on Sunday. Right: A man sitting at right is engulfed by the blast
as suicide bomber detonates at the front gates into St Marks Coptic Cathedral in Alexandria, Egypt on April 9. (AP)

cable to Coptic Pope Tawadros II, the

Panel firm
Assad allies say US attack
head of the Coptic Church in Egypt
expressing condolences and sympathy
Continued from Page 1 over the victims of the terrorist at-
The committee said before lifting His Highness the Crown Prince
the subsidy, the Government should Sheikh Nawaf Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber
have rst implemented other reform Al-Sabah and His Highness the Prime

on Syria crosses red lines

programs, either the one contained Minister Sheikh Jaber Mubarak Al-
in the economic document or the one Hamad Al-Sabah sent similar cables.
submitted by the Central Bank. Thousands gathered outside the
In its report, the committee recom- Tanta church shortly after the blast,
mended, among others, the need to di- some weeping and wearing black.
versify sources of income by promot- They described a scene of carnage.
ing the vital and effective role of the There was blood all over the oor and
private sector in economic activity and
labor market reform and encouraging Iraqi Shiite leader urges Assad to step down body parts scattered, said a Christian
woman who was inside the church at
job creation suitable for citizens in the the time of the attack.
private sector. There was a huge explosion in the
It also recommended addressing im- AMMAN, April 9, (RTRS): hall. Fire and smoke lled the room
balances in the general budget and its
structural decits and the need to nd A joint command centre US president not moored to any coherent ideology and the injuries were extremely se-
made up of the forces of vere, another Christian woman, Viv-
alternatives to nance the budget de- ian Fareeg, said.
cit; because the overall economic and Russia, Iran and militias Islamic States branch in Egypt ap-
nancial reform is due even in the case
of higher oil prices and further delay
would raise the reform costs for the
supporting Syrian Presi-
dent Bashar al-Assad said
Trumps emerging doctrine is flexibility pears to be stepping up attacks and
threats against Christians, who com-
PALM BEACH, Florida, April 9, Trump ran for ofce as a Re-
prise about 10 percent of Egypts 90
country and future generations. the US strike on a Syrian Bashar Assads military after view-
million people and amount to the big-
Meanwhile, the Legislative and (AP): In the aftermath of President ing images of young children killed publican but has few ties to the
Legal Affairs Committee of the Na- air base on Friday crossed Donald Trumps surprise strikes on in the chemical attacks. Yet they did partys traditionally conservative gest Christian minority in the Middle
red lines and it would Syria, his allies and adversaries so without any clear guidance from philosophy. He often has relied on East.
tional Assembly has approved during In February, scores of Christian
its meeting Sunday two government respond to any new aggres- have searched for some broader Washington on the next steps in his exibility as a way to reassure
draft laws and a parliamentary bill set- meaning in his decision. Syria. Americans that some of his more families and students ed Egypts
ting 40 days as the appeal period at the sion and increase its sup- Is Trump now a humanitarian in- Trumps ambassador to the Unit- unconventional and controversial North Sinai province after a spate of
Court of Cassation and also approved port for its ally. terventionist, willing to wield Ameri- ed Nations, Nikki Haley, said the proposals were merely sugges- targeted killings.
another bill on amnesty and postponed The United States red dozens can military power when foreign United States was willing to take tions. Those attacks followed one of the
governments threaten their own citi- more action against Assad, while Yet on some issues, he has deadliest on Egypts Christian minor-
the discussion of another bill concern- of cruise missiles at a Syrian air zens? Is he a commander in chief shown a willingness to follow
White House ofcials cautioned that ity, when a suicide bomber hit its larg-
ing ghting corruption and conicts of base on Friday from which it said who once warned against interven- the strikes did not signal a broader through. He has ordered construc-
interest. est Coptic cathedral, killing at least
a deadly chemical weapons attack tion in Syria but is now prepared to shift in US policy. tion of a wall along the US-Mexico 25 people. Islamic State later claimed
The committee Rapporteur MP Al- had been launched earlier in the plunge the United States deeper border and signed executive orders
Humaidi Al-Subaie explained to re- Policy responsibility for that attack.
week, escalating the US role in into the conict? Is he turning on banning entry to the US for people Islamic State has waged a low-lev-
porters that the committee endorsed Russia, one of Syrias most impor- Mark Feierstein, who served in the from some majority Muslim coun-
the government draft law to allow ap- Syria and drawing criticism from tant patrons, after months of irting National Security Council under pres- tries, including Syria. Those travel
el war against soldiers and police in
peal on rulings of the Cassation Court Assads allies including Russia with closer US ties with Moscow? ident Barack Obama, said its difcult orders have so far been blocked by
Egypts Sinai Peninsula for years. It
in offences issued by the Criminal and Iran. Trump would say hes simply to glean a direction for US policy from the courts. now seems to be changing tactics, tar-
Court after the appeal was limited to What America waged in an aggres- exible, an emerging foreign policy Trumps actions in Syria because The angry reaction to the Syria geting Christian civilians and broaden-
the rulings issued by the Court of Mis- sion on Syria is a crossing of red lines. doctrine that leaves room for evolu- Trump is not moored to any coher- strikes from some of his strongest ing its reach into Egypts mainland.
demeanors only, indicating that the From now on we will respond with tion and uncertainty. ent ideology or set of ideas. campaign supporters showed that That is a potential turning point in a
period of the appeal has also been in- force to any aggressor or any breach I dont have to have one specic But for some of Trumps support- they expected him to fulll promises country trying to prevent a provincial
crease to forty days. of red lines from whoever it is and way, and if the world changes, I ers, ideological elasticity is a virtue to stay out of Syria. insurgency from spiralling into wider
He added the committee also ap- America knows our ability to respond go the same way, I dont change, for a president who took ofce with Those who wanted us meddling sectarian bloodshed.
proved another draft law to allow ap- well, said the statement published Trump said Wednesday, a day af- no practical foreign policy experi- in the Middle East voted for other Though Copts have in the past faced
peals on rejection by the Consultation by the group on media outlet Ilam al ter the chemical weapons attack in ence. They say it gives the former candidates, Ann Coulter, the con- attacks by Muslim neighbours, who
Chambers of the Cassation lawsuits Harbi (War Media). Syria that compelled him to order real estate mogul breathing room to servative commentator, wrote on have burnt their homes and churches
within 30 days of the decision of re- US Secretary of State Rex Tiller- airstrikes against a government air learn on the job and accept advice Twitter. in poor rural areas, the Christian com-
son, meanwhile, blamed Russian in- base. Well, I do change and I am from more seasoned advisers. As a candidate and private citi- munity has felt increasingly insecure
jecting the lawsuit, asserting that these exible, and Im proud of that ex- I think as time goes on, every zen, Trump cast Syrias civil war
are important laws for lawyers. action for helping fuel the chemical since Islamic State spread through Iraq
ibility. day that has passed, he more and as a quagmire from which the and Syria in 2014 and ruthlessly going
He noted the committee also ad- weapons attack it had reacted to, say- Allies in the Middle East and Eu- more has understood the gravity of United States should steer clear.
opted by a majority of 5-to-1 a bill on ing Moscow had failed to carry out a after religious minorities.
rope who panned Trumps efforts US leadership, said GOP Sen Bob Until the chemical weapons at- Of course we feel targeted, there
amnesty for offences specied in the 2013 agreement to secure and destroy to ban Syrian refugees from the Corker of Tennessee, the chairman tack, Trump mainly saw Syria as
parliamentary proposals submitted for chemical weapons in Syria. United States cheered his decision of the Senate Foreign Relations a hotbed for terrorists seeking to was a bomb here about a week ago
the period from the beginning of the He said the United States expected to strike against Syrian President Committee. attack the US. but it was dismantled. Theres no se-
year 2011 to Sept 2016, explaining that Russia to take a tougher stance against curity, said another Christian woman
the committee excluded from the Am- Syria by rethinking its alliance with in Tanta. She was referring to an attack
nesty complaints made by individuals Assad because every time one of Islamic State was illegal and that insurgency. sion before it is too late, Sadr said in earlier this month near a police train-
in private institutions. these horric attacks occurs, it draws Washington had a long-term plan to Elsewhere, Iraqs inuential Shiite a statement. ing centre that killed one policeman
Al-Subaie added the committee Russia closer into some level of re- occupy the area. cleric Moqtada al-Sadr called on Syr- The Shiite-led Iraqi government and injured 15.
discussed the amendment on anti-Cor- sponsibility. The regional alliance said the US ian President Bashar al-Assad to take issued a statement on Friday that re- Wahby Lamie, who had one nephew
ruption and conict of interest law and cruise missile strikes on a Syrian base a historic heroic decision and step ected the difcult balancing act it killed and another nephew injured in
Aggressive which Washington said was involved down, to spare his country further maintains between its alliance with the the Tanta blast, expressed exaspera-
decide to complete the discussion at a
future meeting. Russian President Vladimir Putin in a chemical attack that killed dozens bloodshed. Sadr, who commands a United States and with Shiite Iran. It tion at the growing number of attacks.
Moreover, the Interior and Defense and Irans Hassan Rouhani said in a of civilians would not deter their forces large following among the urban poor condemned the chemical attack, with- How much longer are we going to be
Committee of the National Assembly phone call that aggressive US actions from liberating all of Syrian territory. of Baghdad and the southern cities, is out naming Assad, calling instead for this divided? Anyone whos different
postponed until Monday to vote on against Syria were not permissible and In Iran, Supreme Leader Ayatol- the rst Iraqi Shiite political leader to an international investigation to iden- from them now is an indel, whether
proposals of specifying the number of violated international law, the Kremlin lah Ali Khamenei said the US missile urge Assad to step down. tify the perpetrator. theyre Muslim or Christian. They see
persons to be granted Kuwaiti nation- said on Sunday. strike was a a strategic error, and a But his call was wrapped in kind The statement also criticized the them as indels, he said.
ality in 2017. The two leaders also called for an repeat of the mistakes of the past, the words about the Syrian president and hasty interventions that followed the How much longer are these peo-
Committee Chairman MP Askar objective investigation into an inci- state news agency IRNA reported. condemnation of the US strikes car- chemical attack, in an apparent refer- ple going to exist? And how much
Al-Enezi said the Interior Ministry hs dent involving chemical weapons in The Islamic Republic has shown ried out on a Syrian airbase on Friday, ence to the US strikes. longer will security be this incompe-
expressed its reservation on the pro- Syrias Idlib and said they were ready that.. it does not back off and its people in retaliation for a chemical attack on A US-led coalition has been pro- tent?
posal which stipulates that the number to deepen cooperation to ght terror- and ofcials ... do not retreat in the face civilians in a rebel-held area of Syria. viding air and ground support to Iraqi
of naturalized persons should not be ism, the Kremlin said in a statement on of threats, said Khamenei. Sadr said the US strikes would drag forces battling Islamic State, allowing
less than 4,000, while it agreed on the its website. Many Syrians opposed to Assads rule the region to war and could help the them to recapture most of the cities
proposal that states the number should Syrian army forces had been losing consider Lebanons Hezbollah and Irani- expansion of Daesh, the militant Is- they had overrun in 2014 in Sunni areas Newswatch
not exceed 4,000. ground across the country until Rus- an-backed troops as occupiers seeking to lamic State group, which controls parts of northern and western Iraq.
He added the committee has in- sia intervened militarily in September drive out mainly Sunni Syrians from the of Iraq and Syria. Meanwhile, Islamic State militants
formed the Ministry that a guarantee is 2015, propping up Assad and protect- areas they live in. They hold Iran and its Iraqs Shiite-led governments have launched two suicide attacks on US-
needed from the government to apply ing its own interests in the region. allies responsible for the displacement of maintained good relations with the Syr- backed Syrian rebels near the border Continued from Page 1
the law after a compromise is reached, Assad has also drawn heavily on millions outside the country. ian government throughout the six-year with Iraq, leaving at least 12 dead in that experts said might identify
noting that the last list of naturaliza- foreign Shiite militias sponsored by They also see Russia as a foreign Syrian civil war. Sadr is the only Iraqi the ghting and many wounded, rebels computers used to obscure US
tion was issued ten years ago which Iran, led by Lebanons Hezbollah occupier whose relentless aerial Shiite leader to keep some distance sources said on Sunday. electronic eavesdropping. (AP)
was very long. group, for his most important gains bombardment of rebel-held areas from Iran, a main backer of Assad They said eight Islamic State ghters
He stressed, We want an unequivo- since the Russian intervention. has led to thousands of civilian ca- along with Russia. and four of their own men died.
cal promise from the government to The joint command centre also said sualties. Some accuse Moscow of I think it would be fair for President An attack at midnight on a heavily PALM BEACH, Fla: Presi-
enforce the law concerning people the presence of U.S troops in northern applying a scorched-earth policy Bashar al-Assad to offer his resigna- defended base near the al Tanf border dent Donald Trumps deputy
Syria where Washington has hundreds that targets hospitals, schools and tion and step down in love for Syria, crossing involved at least one explo- national security adviser, K.T.
who have sacriced their lives for this McFarland, is expected to step
country. of special forces helping the Syr- residential areas more than frontlines to spare it the woes of war and terror- sive-laden vehicle that rammed an en-
ian Democratic Forces (SDF) to oust to break the resolve of the anti-Assad ism ...and take a historic, heroic deci- trance to the base. down and has been offered the
position of US ambassador to
Singapore, a US ofcial said on
Security stepped lamic State. On the outlook for the petrochemi- nessed the lurking danger. the only way to escape from such pre- Sunday.
Philippines Justice Secretary was cals industry, he said it is going to be This is the main task of any leader dicament which could lead to the fall The move comes as Trumps
quoted as saying, We are going to volatile in the short-term but is ex- who strives to protect his country national security adviser, H.R.
Continued from Page 1 of the state. When that happens, there McMaster, retools the national
continue in partnership with our intel- pected to stabilise beyond 2019. and avoid chaos. It is when the lead- will neither be democracy nor freedom
upon his arrival yesterday from the ligence units to verify if there are other The company announced $679 er does not turn towards slogans or security team he inherited from
Philippines. of expression or even the Constitution retired General Michael Flynn,
persons involved. million in total net prot for the scal reports. Such a leader does not un- to talk about because of those who are who resigned as Trumps rst
He criticized what he called the abuse He added the Philippine Bureau of year ending Dec 31, 2016. derestimate any kind of aggression
of power by the security services, the striving to throw the country into the national security adviser in Feb-
Immigration (BI) is readying deporta- Speaking at the same event, Mo- because the ultimate goal of the lat- pit. ruary. (RTRS)
manner in which the raid was conducted tion proceedings against Al-Dhufairi hammad Al Mulla, chief executive ter is to take over all state domains
and the arbitrary arrest of seven members
and Zina. With the arrest of the couple, ofcer and managing director of Qa- and control them; in fact, to get hold
of his family without charge.
On the other hand, reliable sourc- presidential spokesman Ernesto Abel- tar Petrochemical Company (Qapco), of the rule. Blasts kill 43, LONDON: The body of a police
ofcer killed in last months at-
la called on the public to be vigilant said the petrochemical industry in In the past decades, some of the
es told the daily, security has been tack in London has been brought
stepped up following additional infor- against possible terror acts and crimi- the GCC (Gulf Cooperation Council) Arab countries paid huge prices for
nality. grew by ve per cent last year reach- holding on to the outer democratic Continued from Page 1 to lie in a chapel at Parliament,
mation from the Gulf security agencies an honor usually reserved for
on the terrorist sleeper cells which are ing a production capacity of 27 mil- faade while the pillars of the house and the unity of the Egyptian people, senior politicians.
lion tonnes. were silently crumbling. There was
prone to carry out terrorist operations
as the holy month of Ramadan ap-
Equate builds The governments in the region division, killing, chaos and economic
running contrary to all heavenly faiths
and human values.
Constable Keith Palmer
was stabbed to death by Khalid
proaches. beneted from the growth of pet- crisis which ended up in civil wars, His Highness the Amir reafrmed Masood inside the gates of Par-
The sources said the State Security Continued from Page 1 rochemical industry in diversifying just like in Lebanon, Iraq, Syria, Libya Kuwaits support to Egypt and what- liament on March 22. Moments
authorities have circulated the names their portfolios and in creating more and Somalia. ever measures Cairo might take to earlier, Masood had plowed a
Company and the Dow Chemicals. value added solutions, said Al Mulla. Today, the GCC countries are wit- counter such acts of terrorism that tar- rented SUV into pedestrians
and pictures of suspicious elements at The company produced more than
all border crossing points in anticipa- nessing storms all around your house, get the countrys security and stability. on Westminster Bridge, killing
ve million tonnes of petrochemicals thanks to some who are waiting for four. (AP)
tion of their entry into Kuwait.
The Kuwait General Administration
last year and another 250,000 tonnes O head of an opportunity to pounce on the rule.
His Highness the Amir reafrmed
Kuwaits unwavering stance rejecting
of Customs, the sources said, has been is expected to be added to the produc- Therefore, if some GCC leaders have all forms of terrorism, renewing the
tion capacity in 2017. already taken drastic measures to pro-
QARAQOSH, Iraq: Hundreds
alerted after receiving information Continued from Page 1 countrys support to the international of Christians ocked to the Iraqi
from the Ministry of Interior to tighten We will look at increasing the ca- tect their countries, then completing community to ght terror and dry up
For instance, in Turkey, its presi- town of Qaraqosh on Sunday to
measures and conscate any forbidden pacity further in coordination with that protection process necessitates its nancing resources. celebrate Palm Sunday for the
items that may be smuggled into the our shareholders, he said. dent Recep Tayyip Erdogan did not them to be more aware of the lurking Offering condolences to families rst time in three years, packing
country. Asia is a major market and most of wait for the outcome of parliamen- dangers. of the blast victims, His Highness the into a church torched by Islamic
The administration has been asked our exports are in that direction. We tary discussions when he felt danger This is because experience has Amir wished those wounded in the at- State to take communion at its
to report any suspicious activity to the also export to Europe, Africa and the coming from within in the form of a proven that betting more on de- tack speedy recovery. ruined altar.
State Security police. United States. More than 90 per cent military coup which was threatening mocracy under the hope of ending His Highness the Crown Prince In October, Iraqi forces ex-
In the meantime, the Al-Rai daily of our production is exported. his country. Because the president tribulations will result in a loss, es- Sheikh Nawaf Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber pelled the Sunni Muslim mili-
said the Philippines authorities are The company recently did a sukuk exercised all his powers relentlessly, pecially when the culprits are hiding Al-Sabah and His Highness the Prime tants from Qaraqosh as part of a
checking on the possibility of other and raised $500 million, he said. Turkey regained stability despite all evil agendas. Minister Sheikh Jaber Mubarak Al- campaign to retake nearby Mo-
foreign terrorists operating in the It [the money raised from sukuk the campaigns organized by coun- The head of the authorities in any Hamad Al-Sabah sent two similar sul, the countrys second-largest
was used for renancing and to build nation has the power to use all his/ city seized by the group in June
country following the arrest of the Ku- tries and human rights organizations cables of condolences to the Egyptian 2014. (RTRS)
waiti and his Syrian wife suspected our portfolio. The company has no against him, which immediately her authorities which are completely President.
of being members of terror group Is- further sukuk plans this year. were pushed aside after they wit- guaranteed by the Constitution. That is His Highness the Amir also sent a


Shermans Lagoon By J.P. Toomey


Mutts By Patrick McDonnell

Cinco de Mayo

Hagar The Horrible By Chris Browne

Beetle Bailey By Mort Walker

Scratch pad

odds n ends
DALLAS: Hackers struck the
sirens Dallas uses to alert resi-
dents to take shelter from in-
clement weather, triggering in-
termittent false alarms for about
an hour and a half until ofcials
deactivated the system early
Garfield By Jim Davis Saturday morning.
The person or people re-
sponsible were able to hack
into a part of the system that
was communicating with all 156
of the citys sirens, Rocky Vaz,
who heads the citys Ofce of
Emergency Management, said
at a news conference.
Technicians were trying to de-
termine how to bring the system
back online without the risk of it
being hacked again, he said. In
the meantime, the public has ac-
cess to other alert systems. Vaz
said he hoped to have the siren
system back up by Sunday.
The sirens began sounding
at 11:42 pm, Friday. Ofcials
deactivated the entire system
Baby Blues By Rick Kirkman & Jerry Scott by 1:17 am Saturday. Vaz said
the sirens went through about
15 cycles of a 90-second siren
We shut it down as quickly
as we could, taking into con-
sideration all of the precautions
and protocols we had to take
to make sure that we were not
compromising our 156-siren
system, he said.
City spokeswoman Sana
Syed said ofcials believe the
hack came from the Dallas
area. Vaz said city ofcials have
asked the Federal Communica-
tions Commission for help in
determining who was behind
the hack. He said police were
not involved yet.
Conceptis Sudoku Challenger We cant talk a whole lot
about the hack itself, because
obviously we dont want this to
A dog with a cherry blossom-shaped pin, is seen in the cherry blossom festival in happen again, Syed said.
The grid must be so completed that every row, column Seoul, South Korea on April 9. (AP) Syed said that there was a
and 3x3 box has every digit from 1 to 9 inclusive surge in calls to 911 during the
time the sirens were sounding.
Fill each square contract bridge She said that they had about
4,400 calls from about 11:30
pm Friday to about 3 am Satur-
day. (AP)
with a number, one By Steve Becker
through nine.
Horizontal TOLEDO, Ohio: A north-
squares should west Ohio zoo is welcoming a
add to totals on 130-pound (59-kilogram) bun-
right. dle of joy that stands 5-feet,
Vertical squares 7-inches (171 centimeters) tall.
The Toledo Zoo says a Masai
should add to giraffe has given birth to a female
totals on bottom. calf named Kipenzi (kee-PEHN-
Diagonal zee). That means beloved or
squares through precious one in Swahili.
center should add The zoo says the calf born
Yesterdays solution Monday and her mother, Elli,
to total in upper
wont be on public display until
and lower right. cleared by the zoos veterinary
staff. That could be sometime
THERE MAY BE around Memorial Day.
MORE THAN ONE Much attention has been
SOLUTION. generated lately by a New York
animal park that has had lives-
tream video of its pregnant gi-
Todays Challenge raffe waiting to give birth.
Time 5 Minutes But Toledo Zoo ofcials say
Answer to yesterdays puzzle 37 Seconds they wont livestream births or
Your Working similar events. A zoo spokes-
Time __ Minutes woman tells The Blade news-
paper that too many things can
__ Seconds possibly go wrong. (AP)

Word by Word

Safe Salama
It is better to be safe than sorry.
Al salama khair men al nadama.


7526 Seven thousand five hundred

twenty six
Sabat alaf wa khamso maah
wa seta wa eshroun


White Sox hand Twins first loss of season

Os still perfect
CHICAGO, April 9, (AP):
Avisail Garcia went 3 for 4
with three RBIs and Geo-
vany Soto homered as the
Chicago White Sox hand-
ed the Minnesota Twins
their rst loss of the Ma-
jor League Baseball season
with a 6-2 victory on Satur-
Sotos homer
was his third in
four games.
Garcia fell a
double shy of
the cycle. He
had a two-run
triple in the
second inning
Garcia against Minne-
sota starter Adalberto Mejia (0-1).
Garcia and Soto hit back-to-back
home runs in the sixth.
The Twins (4-1) were looking to start
5-0 for the rst time since 1968.
Orioles 5, Yankees 4
In Baltimore, Hyun Soo Kim hit a tie-
breaking RBI single off Dellin Betances
in the seventh inning after a rare stolen St Louis Cardinals third baseman Greg Garcia knocks down a ground ball off the bat of Cincinnati Reds Patrick Kivlehan during the eighth inning of a baseball game on April 8, at Busch Stadium
base by slugger Mark Trumbo, and Bal- in St Louis. Kivlehan was out at rst. (AP)
timore remained the only unbeaten team
in the majors by rallying past New York. was initially called safe before video
replay revealed what the naked eye
BASEBALL couldnt process. Trout connected for Atlanta United extend unbeaten streak to four
a two-run shot off Evan Scribner (0-1).
One day after making up a four-run J.C. Ramirez (2-0) got the win after
decit, the Orioles came back from be-
ing down 4-1 and improved this season
blowing a lead, and Cam Bedrosian got
ve outs for his second save.
Adi breaks Timbers career goals mark
to 4-0. Diamondbacks 11, Indians 2
Yankees catcher Gary Sanchez left in CHESTER, Pennsylvania, April 9, (AP): Fanendo Adi Neither team had a shot on goal in the rst half, but
In Phoenix, David Peralta hit a go-
the fth after straining his right biceps ahead solo homer in the sixth inning and
became Portlands career goals leader with 46, scoring to in the 52nd minute, Lee Nguyen nudged the ball past a
during his follow-through on a swing. Arizona came from behind again before close out the MLS-leading Timbers 3-1 victory over the couple of defenders through to Kamara for a breakaway
New York placed him on the 10-day pulling away late. winless Philadelphia Union on Saturday. score. Goalkeeper Tyler Deric blocked the initial shot but
disabled list after the game. Peraltas second home run of the sea- Elsewhere, expansion club Atlanta United had a 2-2 the rebound came back to Karama for his second goal of
The Orioles trailed 4-3 in the seventh son pinged off the right eld foul pole draw at undefeated Toronto to extend its unbeaten streak the season for New England.
when Chris Davis doubled with one out. with one out to give the Diamondbacks to four and New England cruised to a victory at home to Agudelo, who had sent a close-in header over the
Trumbo followed with an RBI single, a 2-1 lead against starter Trevor Bauer. Houston, while San Jose scored an injury-time equalizer charging Deric and the bar during extra time in the
and the major leagues defending home The Diamondbacks (5-1) scored four to share the spoils with Seattle. rst half, doubled the lead off a rebound in the 72nd
run champ promptly stole second off runs in the sixth and six more in the Roy Miller had put Western Con- minute after Deric had punched out a cross by Kelyn
Betances (0-1), against whom runners eighth, and theyve come from behind ference-leading Portland on top with Rowe.
were 21 for 21 last year in attempted for all ve of their wins this season. his rst goal in the 66th minute. Di- New England improved to seven points and Houston
steals. Kim then safely popped is hit into ego Valeri had a great service off a In this April 8, 2017 photo, Japa-
Zack Greinke (1-0) pitched 6 2/3 nese baseball player Shohei Otani
the outeld for Trumbo to score. solid innings, allowing a run and ve free kick from the left wing that was SOCCER
headed in by Miller. of the Nippon Ham Fighters dashes
It was the 23rd career stolen base for hits while striking out six. Bauer (0-1) to the rst base after hitting a third
Trumbo in 553 games. It was also the made his rst start of the season and was The ball was curving left and remained on nine points and third in the Western Confer- base grounder in the rst inning of
second steal of the day for Baltimore, charged with four runs and seven hits Miller had just enough of a touch to a game against the Orix BlueWave
send it the other way. ence. Hector Villalba scored twice and Atlanta survived
which had only 19 all last year. with seven strikeouts in 5 2/3 innings. being a man down for the last 15 minutes to take a 2-2 in Osaka, western Japan. Otani will
Mychal Givens (1-0) pitched a score- Phillies 17, Nationals 3 Adis goal, on a penalty kick in be sidelined for about six weeks be-
less seventh and Zach Britton got his the 88th minute, moved him past John Adi draw at Toronto FC, to extend its unbeaten run to four
In Philadelphia, Howie Kendrick had games. cause of a left-thigh muscle strain,
third save. New York has lost four of a bases-loaded triple while Philadelphia Bain (1978-82). He started the season in third place with his team said on Sunday. Otani,
ve. 41 goals, one behind Byron Alvarez (2003-06). Philadel- Atlantas Yamil Asad was sent off in the 75th minute who is expected to move to Major
scored 12 runs for the biggest rst in- after referee David Gantar ruled that he used an elbow to
Angels 5, Mariners 4 ning in team history, and the Phillies phia opened the scoring in the 26th minute on a perfectly League Baseball in 2018, hurt his
In Anaheim, California, Mike Trout timed header by Richie Marquez off of a corner kick by oor Eriq Zavaleta. Atlanta assistant coach Jorge Theiler left leg trying to beat out an ineld
routed Washington 17-3.
hit a tiebreaking homer in the seventh Philadelphia piled up nine hits and Haris Medunjanin. also was dismissed. single in the Fighters loss to the
inning and Andrelton Simmons made The Timbers got the equalizer in the 32nd minute when Sebastian Giovinco and Justin Morrow scored for To- BlueWave on Saturday. (AP)
four walks off Jeremy Guthrie (0-1) and
a spectacular tag at third base to com- Enny Romero in the rst. The Phillies Darlington Nagbe intercepted a pass and put a shot from ronto, which has seven points after its fourth draw in ve
plete a double play during Los Angeles didnt hit any homers in the inning, but outside the box just inside the left post. games. a six-run eighth inning, helping Kansas
fourth victory in ve games. did have three doubles. Maikel Franco, Kei Kamara and Juan Agudelo scored second-half At San Jose, Chris Wondolowski scored from Marco City rally over Houston.
Simmons made the latest jaw-drop- Michael Saunders and Tommy Joseph goals to help New England to a 2-0 home win over Hous- Urenas deep cross in the 90th minute to rescue a 1-1 The Royals trailed 2-1 and managed
ping defensive play in a week full of each had two RBIs while Washington ton. draw for the Earthquakes against Seattle. just two hits off Dallas Keuchel before
gems by the Angels, who have standout set a team mark for runs allowed in an Luke Gregerson (0-1) took over for the
elders at most positions this season. inning. Kendrick had three hits and four eighth. Alex Gordon put Kansas City
When Jean Segura tried to advance RBIs for the game, Saunders had three ahead with a two-run double, Lorenzo
from rst to third on Mitch Hanigers Guthrie turned 38 on Saturday and runner before Napoli sent a drive into Greg Holland pitched a perfect ninth for
hits and two RBIs and Cameron Rupp was pitching in the majors for the rst Oaklands bullpen in left-center for his his fourth save. Cain hit an RBI single and then Hos-
grounder in the third inning, Sim- homered and drove in three. mers rst homer this season extended
mons covered third base. The shortstop time since 2015. rst home run of the season. Nolan Arenado lined a hanging
Phillies starter Aaron Nola (1-0) Cubs 11, Brewers 6 A pair of As relievers nished the curveball from Kershaw in the rst to the lead to 6-2. Two pitches later, Perez
snagged Jefry Martes off-target throw pitched six solid innings, allowing three sent an 88 mph fastball into the seats in
and twisted in midair to apply a behind- In Milwaukee, NL MVP Kris Bryant combined two-hitter. deep center. He has two homers after ty-
runs, seven hits and two walks while broke out of his early slump by driving Yu Darvish (0-1) allowed one run in ing for the NL lead with 41 last season. left eld to chase Gregerson.
the-back tag to the sliding Segura, who Danny Duffy (1-0) allowed eight hits
striking out seven. in his rst three runs of the season and six innings on four hits and three walks, Padres 2, Giants 1
Chicago overcame a shaky start by Kyle striking out ve. His 3-10 career record In San Diego, Rookie Manuel Margot and two runs over seven innings for the
Hendricks to beat Milwaukee. against Oakland is his worst against any doubled twice off Madison Bumgarner, win, and the Royals took their second
Bryant had managed a mere single in big league opponent. Jhoulys Chacin and two relieves held straight from Houston after being swept
16 at-bats this year before going 3 for Rockies 4, Dodgers 2 San Francisco to ve hits and San Diego in a three-game series at Minnesota to
6. He hit a two-run double in the third In Denver, Clayton Kershaw surren- beat the Giants. open the season.
inning and an RBI single in the fourth. dered back-to-back homers for the rst Margot stayed hot a day after hitting Marlins 8, Mets 1
The World Series champions got a time in his career, with Mark Reynolds his rst two big league home runs in a In New York, Marcell Ozuna hit a
season-high 17 hits. An ineld single and Gerardo Parra going deep in the home-opening win against the Giants. mammoth home run and Adam Conley
by Hendricks put the Cubs ahead to stay sixth to help Colorado beat Los Angeles. He hustled for a double on a grounder allowed one hit through ve innings to
5-4 in the fth off reliever Jhan Marinez Reynolds lined a two-run homer to left leading off the rst and scored on lead Miami over New York.
(0-2). Hendricks (1-0), who led the ma- off Kershaw (1-1). Three pitches later, Hunter Renfroes double. He doubled Christian Yelich crashed into the
jors with a 2.13 ERA last year, made his Parra followed with a solo shot to help with one out in the second to bring in outeld fence for a fantastic catch that
rst start of the season and gave up four the Rockies improve to 5-1 for the third rookie Allen Cordoba, who hit a leadoff robbed Yoenis Cespedes of extra bases
runs in the rst inning. time in franchise history. single to left for his rst big league hit. in the eighth. Otherwise, the Marlins
Athletics 6, Rangers 1 This was only the third time Kershaw Chacin (1-1) rebounded nicely from breezed to their third consecutive win on
In Arlington, Texas, Kendall Grave- has allowed multiple homers in an in- being roughed up in a 14-3 loss to the another windy night at Citi Field.
man held Texas hitless until Mike Nap- ning over his career. The Dodgers ace Dodgers on opening day. After outhitting the Mets 13-3 in this
oli homered with two outs in the seventh went six innings and gave up four runs, Bumgarner (0-1) allowed two runs one and outscoring them 15-3 during the
inning, and Oakland beat the Rangers. including three homers, in his rst loss and six hits in eight innings, struck out rst two games of the series, the Mar-
Graveman (2-0) gave up two hits to the Rockies since July 12, 2013. ve and walked two. lins will go for a sweep Sunday night on
in seven innings, striking out ve and Jon Gray turned in a strong outing Royals 7, Astros 3 national television. Miami had lost its
Texas Rangers starting pitcher Yu Darvish, of Japan, throws to the Oak- walking one. He won on opening day, during a no-decision, allowing one run In Houston, Cheslor Cuthbert hit a previous ve series against the Mets, si-
land Athletics during the rst inning of a baseball game on April 8, in Arling- too, starting in place of injured Sonny over 5-1/3 innings. Mike Dunn (2-0) got solo homer early and Eric Hosmer and lenced at the plate by Conley (1-0) once
ton, Texas. (AP) Gray. Graveman had allowed only one two outs in the sixth to earn the win and Salvador Perez both went deep during again.

MLB Scoreboard

WASHINGTON, April 9, (Agencies): Results from the MLB games on Saturday.

San Diego 2 San Francisco 1 W L PCT GB Texas, Napoli. Ottavino (7), McGee (8), Holland (9) and Garneau. W_Dunn Hernandez, Philadelphia, 6; Lamb, Arizona, 6; Realmuto, Mi-
Colorado 4 LA Dodgers 2 Chicago Cubs 3 2 .600 - Seattle 200 000 1104 8 1 2-0. L_Kershaw 1-1. Sv_Holland (4). HRs_Los Angeles, Toles. ami, 6; 10 tied at 5.
Oakland 6 Texas 1 Cincinnati 3 2 .600 - Los Angeles 011 010 20x5 13 0 Colorado, Arenado, Reynolds, Parra. RBI: Belt, San Francisco, 7; Solarte, San Diego, 7; Lamb,
Chicago Cubs 11 Milwaukee 6 Pittsburgh 2 2 .500 0-1/2 F.Hernandez, Scribner (7), Pazos (8) and Zunino; Nolasco, MLB Leaders Arizona, 6; Ozuna, Miami, 6; Realmuto, Miami, 6; Reynolds,
Kansas City 7 Houston 3 St Louis 2 3 .400 1 J..Ramirez (7), Bedrosian (8) and Maldonado. W_J..Ramirez American League Colorado, 6; Shaw, Milwaukee, 6; Werth, Washington, 6; 9
Miami 8 NY Mets 1 Milwaukee 2 4 .333 1-1/2 2-0. L_Scribner 0-1. Sv_Bedrosian (2). HRs_Seattle, Haniger. BATTING: Garcia, Chicago, .500; Mazara, Texas, .476; tied at 5.
Pittsburgh 6 Atlanta 4 Western Division Los Angeles, Trout, Escobar. Simmons, Los Angeles, .421; Leon, Boston, .417; Headley, HITS: Murphy, Washington, 11; Realmuto, Miami, 10; Ozu-
Philadelphia 17 Washington 3 W L PCT GB Interleague New York, .412; Souza Jr, Tampa Bay, .409; Castro, Minne- na, Miami, 9; Cozart, Cincinnati, 8; Kemp, Atlanta, 8; Kendrick,
Tampa Bay 3 Toronto (11 Innings) 2 Arizona 5 1 .833 - Cleveland 000 100 001 27 0 sota, .400; Morrison, Tampa Bay, .400; Alonso, Oakland, .389; Philadelphia, 8; Nunez, San Francisco, 8; Pollock, Arizona, 8;
Baltimore 5 NY Yankees 4 Colorado 5 1 .833 - Arizona 000 014 06x11 15 0 Odor, Texas, .389; 1 tied at .385. JTurner, Los Angeles, 8; 12 tied at 7.
St Louis 10 Cincinnati 4 LA Dodgers 3 3 .500 2 Bauer, B.Shaw (6), Logan (8), Armstrong (8) and R.Perez; RUNS: Sano, Minnesota, 6; Castro, Minnesota, 5; KDavis, DOUBLES: Shaw, Milwaukee, 5; Kemp, Atlanta, 4; JTurn-
Chicago White Sox 6 Minnesota 2 San Diego 3 3 .500 2 Greinke, Hoover (7), De La Rosa (9) and Mathis. W_Greinke Oakland, 5; Haniger, Seattle, 5; Lindor, Cleveland, 5; Longoria, er, Los Angeles, 4; Murphy, Washington, 3; Panik, San Fran-
LA Angels 5 Seattle 4 San Francisco 1 5 .167 4 1-0. L_Bauer 0-1. HRs_Arizona, Peralta. Tampa Bay, 5; Lowrie, Oakland, 5; Mazara, Texas, 5; Santana, cisco, 3; Pollock, Arizona, 3; Reynolds, Colorado, 3; Russell,
Arizona II 11 Indians 2 MLB Linescores National League Cleveland, 5; 12 tied at 4. Chicago, 3; Tomas, Arizona, 3; 16 tied at 2.
Detroit 4 Boston 1 American League Cincinnati 000 100 021 47 0 RBI: Mazara, Texas, 9; Lindor, Cleveland, 7; Springer, TRIPLES: Arcia, Milwaukee, 1; Belt, San Francisco, 1; Co-
MLB Standings Boston 010 000 0001 6 0 St Louis 200 403 01x10 10 0 Houston, 7; Morales, Toronto, 6; Odor, Texas, 6; Sano, Min- zart, Cincinnati, 1; Dietrich, Miami, 1; Drury, Arizona, 1; Free-
Detroit 001 030 00x4 5 0 Arroyo, Stephenson (5), W.Peralta (6), Storen (8) and Barn- nesota, 6; Santana, Cleveland, 6; 10 tied at 5. man, Atlanta, 1; Hamilton, Cincinnati, 1; Hellickson, Philadel-
American League HITS: Mazara, Texas, 10; Souza Jr, Tampa Bay, 9; Dick- phia, 1; Hernandez, Philadelphia, 1; Kendrick, Philadelphia, 1;
Rodriguez, Taylor (6), Ramirez (7) and Vazquez; Zimmer- hart; Wacha, Bowman (7), J.Broxton (8), Tuivailala (9) and
Eastern Division mann, Greene (7), Ryan (8), Wilson (9) and J.McCann. W_ Molina, Fryer. W_Wacha 1-0. L_Arroyo 0-1. HRs_Cincinnati, erson, Tampa Bay, 8; Garcia, Chicago, 8; Lowrie, Oakland, 8; Markakis, Atlanta, 1; Mathis, Arizona, 1; Panik, San Francisco,
W L PCT GB Zimmermann 1-0. L_Rodriguez 0-1. Sv_Wilson (1). HRs_De- Schebler, Suarez. St Louis, Diaz 2. Morrison, Tampa Bay, 8; Simmons, Los Angeles, 8; 12 tied at 7. 1; Pence, San Francisco, 1; Peterson, Atlanta, 1; Realmuto,
Baltimore 4 0 1.000 - troit, McCann, Iglesias. Atlanta 021 000 0104 11 2 DOUBLES: Cabrera, Chicago, 3; Santana, Cleveland, 3; Miami, 1; Saunders, Philadelphia, 1.
Tampa Bay 4 2 .667 1 Minnesota 000 002 0002 9 2 Pittsburgh 022 002 00x6 10 1 Souza Jr, Tampa Bay, 3; 16 tied at 2. HOME RUNS: Belt, San Francisco, 3; Puig, Los Angeles,
Boston 2 2 .500 2 Chicago 120 003 00x6 8 0 Dickey, Krol (6), Jose Ramirez (8) and K.Suzuki; Kuhl, Nicasio TRIPLES: Andrus, Texas, 1; Bradley Jr, Boston, 1; Castel- 3; 16 tied at 2.
NY Yankees 1 4 .200 3-1/2 Mejia, Haley (2), Tonkin (6) and J.Castro; M.Gonzalez, Putnam (6), Rivero (7), Hudson (8), Watson (9) and Cervelli. W_Kuhl lanos, Detroit, 1; Davidson, Chicago, 1; RDavis, Oakland, 1; STOLEN BASES: Nunez, San Francisco, 3; TTurner,
Toronto 1 4 .200 3-1/2 (7), Jennings (9) and Soto. W_M.Gonzalez 1-0. L_Mejia 0-1. 1-0. L_Dickey 0-1. Sv_Watson (2). Garcia, Chicago, 1; Sano, Minnesota, 1; Trout, Los Angeles, 1. Washington, 3; Diaz, St Louis, 2; Eaton, Washington, 2; Gor-
Central Division HRs_Minnesota, Castro. Chicago, Garcia, Soto. Washington 000 102 000 310 2 HOME RUNS: KDavis, Oakland, 3; Lindor, Cleveland, don, Miami, 2; Hamilton, Cincinnati, 2; Owings, Arizona, 2; 18
W L PCT GB New York 020 020 0004 9 0 Philadelphia 1210 001 21x17 15 0 3; Odor, Texas, 3; Perez, Kansas City, 3; Soto, Chicago, 3; tied at 1.
Minnesota 4 1 .800 - Baltimore 000 120 20x5 10 1 Guthrie, Romero (1), Blanton (3), O.Perez (6), Kelley (8) and Springer, Houston, 3; 7 tied at 2. PITCHING: Anderson, Colorado, 1-0; Arrieta, Chicago, 1-0;
Detroit 3 1 .750 0-1/2 Tanaka, Warren (6), Layne (7), Betances (7), Holder (8) and Wieters; Nola, Neshek (7), Ramos (8) and Rupp. W_Nola 1-0. STOLEN BASES: Dozier, Minnesota, 3; Gardner, New Chen, Miami, 1-0; Conley, Miami, 1-0; Cueto, San Francisco,
Cleveland 3 2 .600 1 G.Sanchez, Romine; Gausman, Drake (5), Givens (7), Brach L_Guthrie 0-1. HRs_Philadelphia, Blanco, Rupp. York, 3; Mondesi, Kansas City, 3; Semien, Oakland, 3; Smith, 1-0; De La Rosa, Arizona, 1-0; Dunn, Colorado, 1-0; Garrett, Cin-
Chicago White Sox 2 2 .500 1-1/2 (8), Britton (9) and Castillo. W_Givens 1-0. L_Betances 0-1. Miami 111 000 1228 13 0 Tampa Bay, 3; Bogaerts, Boston, 2; Cain, Kansas City, 2; Kier- cinnati, 1-0; Harvey, New York, 1-0; Hellickson, Philadelphia, 1-0;
Kansas City 2 3 .400 2 Sv_Britton (3). New York 000 010 0001 3 1 maier, Tampa Bay, 2; Segura, Seattle, 2; 16 tied at 1. Johnson, Atlanta, 1-0; Kershaw, Los Angeles, 1-0; Kuhl, Pitts-
Western Division Kansas City 000 010 0607 7 0 Conley, Ziegler (6), Barraclough (7), Phelps (8), Urena (9) PITCHING: Graveman, Oakland, 2-0; 24 tied at 1-0. burgh, 1-0; Lackey, Chicago, 1-0; McCarthy, Los Angeles, 1-0;
W L PCT GB Houston 001 100 0013 9 1 and Realmuto; Gsellman, Smoker (6), Robles (7), Sewald (8), ERA: Brach, Baltimore, 0.00; Britton, Baltimore, 0.00; Nova, Pittsburgh, 1-0; Peralta, Milwaukee, 1-0; Reed, Cincinnati,
LA Angels 4 2 .667 - Duffy, Moylan (8), Minor (9) and Butera; Keuchel, Gregerson Blevins (8), Montero (9), Salas (9) and T.dArnaud. W_Conley Claudio, Texas, 0.00; Fulmer, Detroit, 0.00; Paxton, Seattle, 1-0; Roark, Washington, 1-0; Robles, New York, 1-0; Rodney,
Houston 3 3 .500 1 (8), Peacock (8) and B.McCann. W_Duffy 1-0. L_Gregerson 1-0. L_Gsellman 0-1. HRs_Miami, Ozuna. New York, Duda. 0.00; Putnam, Chicago, 0.00; Sabathia, New York, 0.00; Sale, Arizona, 1-0; Scherzer, Washington, 1-0; Strasburg, Washing-
Oakland 3 3 .500 1 0-1. HRs_Kansas City, Hosmer, Cuthbert, Perez. Houston, Chicago 003 120 14011 17 0 Boston, 0.00; Triggs, Oakland, 0.00; Warren, New York, 0.00; ton, 1-0; Torres, San Diego, 1-0; Walker, Arizona, 1-0.
Texas 1 4 .200 2-1/2 McCann. Milwaukee 200 200 002 67 0 Ynoa, Chicago, 0.00; 1 tied at 0.64. ERA: Arrieta, Chicago, 0.00; Finnegan, Cincinnati, 0.00;
Seattle 1 5 .167 3 Toronto 000 000 110 002 5 1 Hendricks, Strop (7), Grimm (8) and Contreras; Milone, Marin- STRIKEOUTS: Archer, Tampa Bay, 13; Graveman, Garrett, Cincinnati, 0.00; Gonzalez, Washington, 0.00; Iglesias,
National League Tampa Bay 000 010 010 013 8 0 ez (5), Suter (7), Hughes (8), Knebel (9) and Bandy. W_Hen- Oakland, 12; Duffy, Kansas City, 11; Verlander, Detroit, 10; Cincinnati, 0.00; Martinez, St Louis, 0.00; Nova, Pittsburgh,
(11 innings) dricks 1-0. L_Marinez 0-2. HRs_Milwaukee, Villar, Franklin, Darvish, Texas, 9; Happ, Toronto, 9; Salazar, Cleveland, 9; 0.00; Peralta, Milwaukee, 0.00; Richard, San Diego, 0.00; Riv-
Eastern Division A.Sanchez, Biagini (8), Grilli (10), Lawrence (11) and Martin; Bandy. 5 tied at 8. ero, Pittsburgh, 0.00; Senzatela, Colorado, 0.00; Syndergaard,
W L PCT GB Archer, Hunter (8), Colome (9), Cedeno (10), E.Ramirez (10) San Francisco 000 000 0011 5 1 National League New York, 0.00; Taillon, Pittsburgh, 0.00; Teheran, Atlanta, 0.00;
Miami 3 2 .600 - and Norris, Sucre. W_E.Ramirez 1-0. L_Lawrence 0-1. San Diego 110 000 00x2 6 0 BATTING: Realmuto, Miami, .556; Murphy, Washington, Volquez, Miami, 0.00; deGrom, New York, 0.00; 1 tied at 1.13.
Washington 3 2 .600 - Oakland 000 001 1316 10 1 Bumgarner and Posey; Chacin, Hand (7), Buchter (9) and .524; Cozart, Cincinnati, .500; Kemp, Atlanta, .500; JTurner, STRIKEOUTS: Bumgarner, San Francisco, 11; Martinez, St
NY Mets 2 3 .400 1 Texas 000 000 1001 2 1 Hedges. W_Chacin 1-1. L_Bumgarner 0-1. Sv_Buchter (1). Los Angeles, .471; Kendrick, Philadelphia, .444; Ozuna, Mi- Louis, 10; Velasquez, Philadelphia, 10; Finnegan, Cincinnati,
Philadelphia 2 3 .400 1 Graveman, Casilla (8), Madson (9) and Vogt; Darvish, Bar- Los Angeles 000 010 0102 7 0 ami, .429; Panik, San Francisco, .412; Nunez, San Francisco, 9; Samardzija, San Francisco, 9; Anderson, Colorado, 8; Gsell-
Atlanta 1 4 .200 2 nette (7), Jeffress (8), Alvarez (8), Hauschild (9) and Lucroy. Colorado 100 003 00x4 9 0 .400; 2 tied at .389. man, New York, 8; Kershaw, Los Angeles, 8; Nelson, Milwau-
Central Division W_Graveman 2-0. L_Darvish 0-1. HRs_Oakland, Alonso. Kershaw, Dayton (7), Hatcher (8) and Grandal; Gray, Dunn (6), RUNS: Goldschmidt, Arizona, 7; Eaton, Washington, 6; kee, 8; 12 tied at 7.


Verstappen 3rd after starting 16th

Hamilton beats Vettel for Chinese Grand Prix win

SHANGHAI, April 9, (RTRS):
Lewis Hamilton mastered Shang-
hais changing conditions and stayed Formula One Driver and Constructor Standings
clear of squabbling rivals to win the
Chinese Formula One Grand Prix on
Sunday. SHANGHAI, April 9, (RTRS): Driver and Constructor Stand- 14. Romain Grosjean (France) Haas..................................... 0
The Briton eased his Mercedes ings after the Formula One Chinese Grand Prix at Shanghai 15. Antonio Giovinazzi (Italy) Sauber .................................... 0
across the line 6.2 seconds ahead of International Circuit on Sunday 16. Stoffel Vandoorne (Belgium) McLaren ............................ 0
Drivers Points 16. Jolyon Palmer (Britain) Renault ....................................... 0
Ferraris Sebastian Vettel. Max Ver- 1. Lewis Hamilton (Britain) Mercedes .................................. 43 18. Marcus Ericsson (Sweden) Sauber ................................. 0
stappen, who started 16th, nished a 1. Sebastian Vettel (Germany) Ferrari................................. 43
3. Max Verstappen (Netherlands) Red Bull ......................... 25 Constructors Points
surprise third to hand his Red Bull 1. Mercedes ......................................................................... 66
4. Valtteri Bottas (Finland) Mercedes .................................. 23
team their 100th podium. 5. Kimi Raikkonen (Finland) Ferrari ..................................... 22 2. Ferrari .............................................................................. 65
6. Daniel Ricciardo (Australia) Red Bull .............................. 12 3. Red Bull TAG Heuer ................................................... 37
7. Carlos Sainz Jr (Spain) Toro Rosso ................................ 10 4. Toro Rosso Renault .................................................... 12
MOTOR RACING 8. Felipe Massa (Brazil) Williams .......................................... 8
9. Sergio Perez (Mexico) Force India .................................... 8
5. Force India Mercedes ................................................. 10
6. Williams-Mercedes ............................................................ 8
10. Kevin Magnussen (Denmark) Haas................................. 4 7. Haas Ferrari .................................................................. 4
It was Hamiltons 54th career win 11. Daniil Kvyat (Russia) Toro Rosso.................................... 2 8. Renault .............................................................................. 0
12. Esteban Ocon (France) Force India ................................ 2 9. Sauber Ferrari ............................................................... 0
and a record fth in Shanghai. But 13. Nico Huelkenberg (Germany) Renault ............................ 0 10. McLaren........................................................................... 0
it was the triple champions rst this
season and returned Mercedes to the Mercedes driver Lewis Hamilton of Britain leads the eld at the start of the
top of the podium after Vettel won next race in Bahrain in a weeks time the other Mercedes, who had started The four-times world champion
tied on points with the German. third. found himself bottled up behind Ric- Chinese Formula One Grand Prix at the Shanghai International Circuit in
last months season-opening race for Shanghai, China on April 9. (AP)
a resurgent Ferrari. Mercedes, meanwhile, lead the Lance Stroll, the 18-year-old ciardo and his slower team-mate Kimi
Im so happy with my rst win constructors standings by one point rookie, spun off the track on the rst Raikkonen, costing him valuable time. tions. hind the safety car.
of the year and I cant believe it if Im over Ferrari. lap after making contact with Force As the trio squabbled for position, But then I had a very exciting Fifteen cars nished Sunays race,
honest, said Hamilton after the race, Hamilton started from pole posi- Indias Sergio Perez. The Canadian Hamilton pulled clear at the front. race. with neither McLaren making it to
which also handed him his 106th po- tion, but the conditions were a bit beached his Williams in the gravel, By the time Vettel managed to get Ricciardo nished fourth for Red the ag.
dium, putting him joint second with of a lottery for all the drivers with bringing out the virtual safety car. past, with a series of spectacular over- Bull, crossing the line just 0.8 sec- Fernando Alonso, who pushed
Alain Prost on the list of drivers with the track damp in patches but dry- Vettel took the opportunity to dive taking moves that included banging onds behind Verstappen after has- like an animal on Saturday to qual-
most rostrum results. ing quickly. into the pits to change to dry weather wheels with his former team-mate, sling the Dutchman in the closing ify 13th, had gone into the race aim-
What I said to Sebastian as I left He kept the lead off the line ahead tyres. Hamilton was too far ahead. stages of the 56-lap race. Raikkonen ing to capitalise on the mixed condi-
the last race I said Im coming back of Vettel, who came under investiga- His gamble backred when An- The safety car came just when I crossed the line a frustrated fth. tions to score his rst points of the
in the next one. When I got on the tion for lining up out of position on tonio Giovinazzi standing in for was about to start to feel that the dry Bottas nished sixth. The Finn, year, but his hopes were dashed by
podium it was like I told you. his grid slot. Pascal Wehrlein at Sauber crashed, tyre was a lot quicker, Vettel said. who has replaced retired champion a driveshaft failure. Team-mate Stof-
Hamilton, who nished second to The German, though, stayed sec- bringing out the actual safety car two So I couldnt use the momentum, Nico Rosberg at Mercedes, dropped fel Vandoorne was sidelined with
Vettel in Melbourne, heads into the ond, fending off Valtteri Bottas in laps later. the advantage and I lost a lot of posi- him down the eld after spinning be- fuel pressure problems.

Capitals defeat Bruins 3-1

in possible playoff preview
Maple Leafs clinch last playoff spot
BOSTON, April 9, (AP): The NHL-lead- the fth time in six seasons since relocating from Atlanta,
but ended the season in record-breaking form for the Jets/
ing Washington Capitals sent Boston to a Thrashers franchise.
season-ending 3-1 loss on Saturday that Kyle Connor, playing in his rst NHL game since Nov
set up a potential NHL rst-round playoff 29, also scored for Winnipeg. Ryan Ellis had a short-handed
goal for Nashville.
matchup between them.
Kings 3, Blackhawks 2, OT
Backup Philipp Grubauer made 21 saves for the In Los Angeles, Drew Doughty scored 27 seconds into
Capitals, who won for the 10th time in their last 11 overtime, leading Los Angeles over Chicago.
games. Dustin Brown scored with 55 seconds remaining to send
Bruins No. 2 goalie Anton Khudobin stopped 21 of 24 shots it to overtime and Tyler Toffoli added a power-play goal for
he faced in the rst two periods before he was replaced by starter the Kings. Jonathan Quick made 25 saves.
Tuukka Rask. The team said Khudobin wasnt feeling well. Artemi Panarin and Jonathan Toews scored and Corey
Rask stopped all eight shots he faced in the third period. Crawford made 23 saves for the Blackhawks, who will head
Earlier, Ottawa beat the New York Rangers to reach 98 into the playoffs on a four-game losing streak. However,
points with one game remaining and eliminate the possibil- Chicago had already locked up home-ice advantage through-
ity Boston could nish second in the Atlantic Division. That out the Western Conference playoffs.
means the Bruins will start on the road, but they still have a Canadiens 3, Red Wings 2, OT
chance to avoid Washington in the rst round if they can stay In Detroit, Alex Galchenyuk scored 1:42 into overtime,
ahead of Toronto. giving Montreal the victory over Detroit.
The Maple Leafs were to host Pittsburgh on Saturday and Co- The Atlantic Division-champion Canadiens, with nothing at
lumbus on Sunday. If they get three points out of their last two stake, rested many players in their nal game of the regular sea-
games, they would pass Boston and nish third in the Atlantic. son. Carey Price, Max Pacioretty and Alexander Radulov were
Columbus Blue Jackets Scott Hartnell (left), controls the puck as Philadelphia Flyers Nick Schultz pursues during Washington has already clinched home ice throughout the among their healthy scratches. A few Montreal players, includ-
the rst period of an NHL hockey game on April 8, in Philadelphia. (AP) playoffs. ing Shea Weber, are allowing injuries to heal before facing the
Maple Leafs 5, Penguins 3 New York Rangers in the rst round of the playoffs.
In Toronto, Connor Brown broke a tie with 2:48 left and Detroits Frans Nielsen and Dylan Larkin scored tiebreaking
NHL Results/Standings the Toronto Maple Leafs beat the Pittsburgh Penguins to
wrap up their rst playoff spot since 2013.
goals in the rst and second periods. Montreals Nathan Beaulieu
and Artturi Lehkonen scored game-tying goals in the second.
James van Riemsdyk, Tyler Bozak, Kasperi Kapanen and Blues 5, Hurricanes 4, SO
Auston Matthews also scored for Toronto, and Curtis McElhin- In Raleigh, North Carolina, Vladimir Tarasenko scored in
WASHINGTON, April 9, (RTRS): Results and standings from the NHL games on Saturday: ney stepped in for an injured Frederik Andersen with 12 saves. the fourth round of the shootout, and St. Louis beat Carolina.
Edmonton 3 Vancouver 2 Florida 3 Buffalo 0 Phil Kessel, Sidney Crosby and Jake Guentzel scored for Pitts- Scottie Upshall scored a short-handed goal, Alexander
San Jose 3 Calgary 1 St Louis 5 Carolina (SO) 4 burgh, and Marc-Andre Fleury gave up four goals on 30 shots. Steen, Ryan Reaves and Ivan Barbashev added goals and
Minnesota 3 Arizona 1 NY Islanders 4 New Jersey 2
Dallas 4 Colorado (SO) 3 Los Angeles 3 Chicago (OT) 2 Senators 3, Rangers 1 Alex Pietrangelo and Tarasenko had two assists apiece. The
Winnipeg 2 Nashville 1 Washington 3 Boston 1 In Ottawa, Ontario, the Ottawa Senators wrapped up sec- Blues clinched the No. 3 seed in the Central Division after
Toronto 5 Pittsburgh 3 Ottawa 3 NY Rangers 1 ond place in the Atlantic Division and home-ice advantage earning at least a point for the 16th time in 18 games.
Montreal 3 Detroit (OT) 2 Philadelphia 4 Columbus 2 in the rst round of the playoffs. Jeff Skinner scored twice, giving him an NHL-leading 17
Western Conference Eastern Conference goals since March 1, and Joakim Nordstrom and Klas Dahl-
Central Division Atlantic Division beck also had goals for Carolina.
W L OTL GF GA PTS Montreal
9 226
ICE HOCKEY Panthers 3, Sabres 0
Chicago 50 23 9 244 213 109 Ottawa 44 27 10 210 210 98 In Sunrise, Florida, Jonathan Huberdeau scored twice and
Minnesota 49 25 8 266 208 106 Toronto 40 26 15 249 239 95 The Senators postseason opponent remains unknown at this
St Louis 45 29 7 232 216 97 Boston 44 31 7 234 212 95 James Reimer made saves to help Florida beat the Buffalo
Tampa Bay 41 30 10 230 225 92 point, but they have the luxury of resting players for Sundays Sabres in the Panthers home nale.
Nashville 41 29 12 240 224 94
Winnipeg 40 35 7 249 256 87 Florida 34 36 11 208 237 79 nal regular-season game against the New York Islanders. Nick Bjugstad also scored, and Jaromir Jagr had two assists,
Dallas 34 37 11 223 262 79 Buffalo 33 36 12 199 233 78 Craig Anderson made 18 saves for the Senators. The shutout was the second this season for Reimer, who
Colorado 22 55 4 164 275 48 Detroit 32 36 13 203 243 77 Henrik Lundqvist stopped 30 shots for the Rangers, who
Metropolitan Division also blanked the Chicago Blackhawks in a 7-0 home victory
Pacic Division W L OTL GF GA PTS have lost back-to-back games. They have earned the top two weeks ago. Robin Lehner had 34 saves for the Sabres.
W L OTL GF GA PTS Washington 55 18 8 263 180 118 wild-card spot and will face Montreal in the playoffs.
Anaheim 45 23 13 219 197 103 Pittsburgh 50 20 11 280 231 111 Wild 3, Coyotes 1
Edmonton 46 26 9 242 210 101 Columbus 49 24 8 246 193 106 Islanders 4, Devils 2 In Glendale, Arizona, Darcy Kuemper stopped 20 shots,
San Jose 46 29 7 221 201 99 NY Rangers 47 28 6 253 218 100 In Newark, New Jersey, Jaroslav Halak made 37 saves Martin Hanzal scored in his return to the desert and the Min-
Calgary 45 33 4 226 221 94 NY Islanders 40 29 12 237 240 92 and Anders Lee scored twice, but the New York Islanders
Los Angeles 39 35 7 198 201 85 Philadelphia 39 33 9 216 232 87 nesota Wild set a franchise record with their 49th win.
Arizona 30 42 10 197 260 70 Carolina 35 31 15 211 233 85 were eliminated from playoff contention despite running The Wild already clinched home-ice advantage for the
Vancouver 30 42 9 180 238 69 New Jersey 28 39 14 182 240 70 their winning streak to ve games. rst round of the playoffs and the victory over the Coyotes
Note: Overtime losses (OTL) are worth one point in the standings and are not included in the loss column (L) Roughly an hour after beating the New Jersey Devils 4-2 gave them a franchise-record 105 points. Erik Haula and
on Saturday night, the Islanders playoff hopes were dashed Eric Staal scored in the rst period. Hanzal scored in the
when Toronto clinched the nal playoff spot in the Eastern third in his rst game in Arizona since being traded with
Conference by rallying for a 5-3 win over Pittsburgh. Ryan White to Minnesota on Feb 26.
Only nine drivers finished on lead lap Adam Pelech and Jason Chimera also scored for the Is- Brendon Perlini scored for the Coyotes and captain Shane
landers, who put their nal run together with Halak in goal. Doan had an assist in what may be the nal game of his 21-
He is 6-1-0 since being recalled from Bridgeport of the AHL
Erik Jones gets 7th Xfinity victory on March 23.
Beau Bennett scored twice for the Devils, who have three
wins in their last 23 games (3-16-4). Keith Kinkaid had 16
year NHL career. Mike Smith stopped 41 shots his 312th
game with the Coyotes, passing Bob Essensa for most in
franchise history.
FORT WORTH, Texas, April 9, (AP): ty decent right there, Blaney said. who nished seventh and got points saves. Stars 4, Avalanche 3, SO
Erik Jones skipped his high school We didnt come out with the lead in the rst two stages, was trimmed In Dallas, Tyler Seguin scored the only goal in the shoot-
Flyers 4, Blue Jackets 2 out, and the Dallas Stars beat the Colorado Avalanche.
graduation ceremony three years ago to and that hurt us. I think if we would from 17 to six points. In Philadelphia, Steve Mason made 20 saves to help Phil- Seguin beat Colorados Jeremy Smith on Dallas rst
run in a NASCAR truck race at Texas, have come out with the lead, I dont Still only 20, and now a full-time adelphia beat reeling Columbus. shootout attempt. Kari Lehtonen stopped all three attempts
where he was presented his actual di- know if I could have held him off. driver in the upper-level Monster The Flyers will miss the playoffs for the third time in ve years. by the Avalanche.
ploma before the event. Only nine drivers nished on the Energy NASCAR Cup Series for Columbus has lost six straight. Seguin had tied the game at 3 with 6:16 remaining in regu-
Two years ago, he went to Victory lead lap. Furniture Row Racing, Jones got his Jets 2, Predators 1 lation. An apparent goal by John Klingberg with 1:08 left in
Lane at Texas Motor Speedway for Kevin Harvick, the polesitter for fth top-ve nish in his ve Xn- In Winnipeg, Manitoba, Blake Wheeler scored a short-hand- overtime was disallowed when a video review showed that
the rst time in the NASCAR Xn- Sundays Cup race, nished third ity races at Texas in the No. 20 Joe ed goal with 45 seconds left in regulation to lift the Winnipeg Dallas was offside.
ity Series. more than 21 seconds off the lead, Gibbs Racing Toyota. Jets to their franchise-record seventh straight victory. Devin Shore and Jamie Benn also scored for Dallas. Col-
On Saturday, he won again at the ahead of Austin Pretty stout, Gibbs said. Winnipeg was already eliminated from the playoffs for orado got goals from Mikko Rantanen, Gabriel Landeskog
1-1/2-mile track that has since been Dillon and Cole and Tyson Barrie.
completely repaved and recong- Custer. CAR RACING Oilers 3, Canucks 2
ured in Turns 1 and 2. Darrell Wal- In Vancouver, British Columbia, Mark Letestu scored the
Yeah, its been a good track for lace Jr. overcame winning goal on a power play in the third period and the Edmon-
me, Jones said. The rst time I a spin 67 laps I always felt really comfortable ton Oilers clinched at least second place in the Pacic Division.
came here, its funny, it really wasnt into the race to on the old track here, I knew what Jordan Eberle and Iiro Pakarinen also scored for the Oil-
that good to me, but after that it just nish sixth, the I needed the car to do, Jones said. ers, who can still nish rst in the division if they beat the
kind of clicked and I felt really good fth consecutive Honestly, the new surface here, Canucks in Sundays regular-season nale in Edmonton and
here ever since. race in that posi- I felt like I was able to get back to the Anaheim Ducks lose to the Los Angeles Kings in regula-
Jones led 112 of 200 laps for his tion. That is the what the car needed. Denitely more tion. Cam Talbot made 29 saves in his sixth straight start.
Brock Boeser and Alexander Edler had goals for the Ca-
seventh career Xnity victory, four Jones second-longest challenging too on this surface than nucks, and Ryan Miller made 32 stops.
of them coming on 1-1/2-mile tracks. streak in the se- the old surface. A good day of learn-
Jones nished a half-second ahead ries with the same top-10 nish, one ing. Sharks 3, Flames 1
of Ryan Blaney, another full-time behind Jack Ingrams string of six con- Jones will be in a backup Cup car In San Jose, California, Chris Tierney scored one goal and
Monster Energy NASCAR Cup Series secutive runner-up nishes in 1983. after his crash in practice Friday, and set up Mikkel Boedker for another in the second period to
help the banged-up San Jose Sharks nish the regular season
driver and the second-place qualier Wallace also won stage two, after will start 36th in the 40-car eld. by beating the Calgary Flames.
for Sundays race. Blaney led 43 laps Harvick won the rst stage of the The repave was really treacher- The Sharks played a mostly meaningless nale without
and went into his nal pit stop still race. ous to start the weekend and this is a six regular starters and a backup goalie, but still managed to
with the lead before Jones went back in Elliott Sadler kept the Xnity sea- nice way to bounce back for myself Ottawa Senators Kyle Turris (7) attempts to move the win. Danny ORegan added his rst career goal and Aaron
front for good on lap 156. son points lead after a 10th-place n- after going to a backup the other day puck as New York Rangers Brady Skjei (76) tries to Dell made 19 saves.
We passed him before the last pit ish, the rst driver off the lead lap. in the Cup car, he said. Hopefully reach it during the third period of an NHL hockey game Curtis Lazar scored his rst goal of the season and Brian
stop and I thought our car was pret- But his gap over William Byron, this is a good start for tomorrow. in Ottawa on April 8. (AP) Elliott made 15 saves in the rst two periods for Calgary.


Fiji rugby team celebrate on the podium after winning the final match against South Africa, at the Hong Kong Rugby Sevens tournament in Hong Kong on April 9. (AP)

Fiji win Hong Kong Sevens title for 17th time

Fiji won the Hong Kong Rugby Sevens for Pacific Islanders ended their lean run this Mesulame Kunavula then put the result The relief was evident too for new coach try and pick up that baton and move it on.
a record-extending 17th time on Sunday, season in spectacular fashion by claiming the beyond doubt when Kalione Nasoko Gareth Baber, though the Welshman said And even though weve got Olympians
beating South Africa 22-0 in a lopsided final most prestigious event on the World Series crossed twice more in the second half. the result would not reduce the expecta- in there, theyre still humble enough to
to win their first tournament since the Rio circuit for the third year in a row. Theres been a lot of pressure, said Fiji tions on Fiji to keep winning. know they can still add to their skill set.
Olympics. Running their opponents ragged with a captain Oseo Kolinisau. At the start of this Theres always huge expectations on. For South Africa, the current World
Still rebuilding after several senior players combination of power, pace and improvisa- tournament, I told the boys lets not think The are the world champions and the Series leaders, the long wait for their first
and their former coach Ben Ryan left after tion, Fiji opened up a 10-0 at halftime after about the three-peat, lets chase it like Olympic champions for a reason, he said. Hong Kong title goes on after the Blitzboks
winning the Olympic gold medal, the South tries from Sevuloni Mocenacagi and were gunning for our first Hong Kong title. Ben did a fantastic job and now I have to finished runners-up for the fourth time. (AP)

NBA Results/Standings

WASHINGTON, April 9, (RTRS): Results and standings

Brooklyn Nets beat Bulls 107-106
from the NBA games on Saturday.
Golden State
123 New Orleans
101 Utah
Durant returns as Warriors rout Pelicans
LA Clippers 98 San Antonio 87
Milwaukee 90 Philadelphia 82
Miami 106 Washington 103 NEW YORK, April 9, (AP): eighth in the Eastern Conference. scored a franchise-record 59 points and and Los Angeles beat San Antonio for its
Boston 121 Charlotte 114 Wade started and played 25 minutes, matched his career high with nine 3-point- fifth straight victory.
Indiana 127 Orlando 112 Dwyane Wade returned but scoring 14 points. He had been expected to ers to help Portland beat Utah. DeAndre Jordan added 17 points and 17
Brooklyn 107 Chicago 106 the Chicago Bulls sustained a miss the remainder of the regular season Lillard surpassed Damon Stoudamires rebounds to help Los Angeles preserve its
Eastern Conference
potentially costly loss when the when he sprained his right elbow on March previous record of 54 points with a step-back hopes of hosting a first-round playoff
Atlantic Division 3-pointer. The crowd on its feet, he raised his
15. series.
W L PCT GB Brooklyn Nets beat them 107- But the Bulls allowed 32 points in the arms in celebration then pounded his chest. Doc Rivers tied Mike Dunleavy for the
Boston 51 29 .638 -
Toronto 49 31 .613 2 106 on Saturday. fourth quarter, with Dinwiddie snapping a The win kept the Blazers ahead of the Clippers franchise record with his 215th
NY Knicks 30 50 .375 21 Spencer Dinwiddie made four free 103-all with two free throws with 13.6 sec- Denver Nuggets for the eighth and final regular-season victory.
Philadelphia 28 52 .350 23 throws in the final 13.6 seconds for the onds to play. Butler missed a jumper and playoff spot in the Western Conference Kawhi Leonard had 28 points, and
Brooklyn 20 60 .250 31 Dinwiddie put it away with another pair with just two games left. LaMarcus Aldridge added 18 points for San
Nets in their home finale. He scored 19 It was Lillards 27th game with 30 or
Central Division with 2.4 to play. Antonio. The Spurs closed out their home
points, as did rookie Caris LeVert. more points this season, a franchise high. schedule with just their 10th loss at the
W L PCT GB Trail Blazers 101, Jazz 86
Cleveland 51 28 .646 - Jimmy Butler scored 33 points for the Stoudamire set the previous franchise AT&T Center.
Milwaukee 41 39 .513 10-1/2 Bulls, who fell into a tie with Miami for In Portland, Oregon, Damian Lillard record for points on Jan. 14, 2005, at New San Antonio is playing out the regular
Indiana 40 40 .500 11-1/2 Orleans.
Chicago 39 41 .488 12-1/2 Gordon Hayward had 21 points for the
Detroit 36 43 .456 15
Southeast Division
Jazz, battling with the Los Angeles Clippers BASKETBALL
for the fourth spot in the West and home
W L PCT GB court advantage.
Washington 48 32 .600 -
Atlanta 41 38 .519 6-1/2 Warriors 123, Pelicans 101 season after securing the No. 2 seed and
Miami 39 41 .488 9 In Oakland, California, Kevin Durants first-round matchup against seventh-seeded
Charlotte 36 44 .450 12 Memphis.
Orlando 28 52 .350 20 first touch after missing 19 games with a
Western Conference knee injury? Just a driving baseline reverse Celtics 121, Hornets 114
Northwest Division and emphatic one-handed slam, and KD In Charlotte, North Carolina, Isaiah
triumphantly returned to finish with 16 Thomas scored 32 points, and Boston
Utah 49 31 .613 - points, 10 rebounds and six assists in help- remained in contention for the No. 1 seed in
Oklahoma 45 34 .570 3-1/2 ing Golden State rout New Orleans. the Eastern Conference playoffs with a vic-
Portland 40 40 .500 9 With two-time reigning MVP Stephen tory over Charlotte.
Denver 38 41 .481 10-1/2 Curry sidelined by a bruised left knee,
Minnesota 31 48 .392 17-1/2 Al Horford added 16 points and Kelly
Durant shined in 31 minutes and the bal- Olynyk had 13 points and 11 rebounds for
Pacific Division anced Warriors won their 14th straight his first double-double of the season as the
W L PCT GB game the longest unbeaten run in the NBA Celtics swept the four-game series and
Golden State 66 14 .825 - this season. He hadnt played since getting
LA Clippers 49 31 .613 17 pulled within a half-game of the Cleveland
Sacramento 31 48 .392 34-1/2
hurt Feb. 28 at Washington, then resumed Cavaliers.
LA Lakers 24 55 .304 41-1/2 full practice Friday.
Klay Thompson scored 20 points, The Cavaliers (51-28) have road games
Phoenix 23 57 .288 43 remaining against Atlanta and Miami
Southwest Division Draymond Green had 13 points and eight
rebounds, and the do-everything Warriors before closing at home against Toronto.
W L PCT GB The Celtics (51-29) have two home games
San Antonio 61 19 .763 - sure look poised for another deep playoff
run. left, against Brooklyn and Milwaukee.
Houston 53 26 .671 7-1/2 Washington Wizards forward Kelly Oubre Jr (12) and Miami Heat guard Wayne
Memphis 43 37 .538 18 Nicolas Batum had 31 points and Kemba
New Orleans 33 47 .413 28 Ellington (2) scramble for a loose ball during the second half of an NBA basketball Clippers 98, Spurs 87 Walker added 23 for the Hornets, who were
Dallas 32 47 .405 28-1/2 game in Washington on April 8. Miami won 106-103. (AP) In San Antonio, Chris Paul had 19 points eliminated from postseason contention.

New Zealand to retain all 5 teams Force edge Kings in Perth try-fest

S. Rugby to cut from 18 to 15 teams Stormers end Chiefs perfect start

WELLINGTON, New Zealand, April its member nations decided in London next-best performed teams will contest CAPE TOWN, April 9, (Agencies): The Stormers main- was the Sunwolves first of the season and only their second
9, (AP): Super Rugby organizer a month ago that the tournament the playoffs. tained their unbeaten start to Super Rugby and inflicted the since they entered Super Rugby last year.
SANZAAR has confirmed the south- should be reduced in size to improve Broadcasters have agreed not to Chiefs first defeat with a 34-26 win in Cape Town on Travis Ismaiel scored a try in the 64th, converted by Tiaan
ern hemisphere rugby tournament will the quality of the competition and sim- reduce rights payments despite the Saturday. Schoeman to give the Bulls a 20-11 lead. But the hosts
be cut from 18 to 15 teams next season plify its structure. Now several teams downsizing of the tournament. The Chiefs beat the Stormers 60-21 in the first stage of responded six minutes later on a try by Takaaki Nakazuru
with the removal of two sides from remain in limbo. The decision to revert to a 15-team last seasons playoffs but memories of that defeat were that was converted by Tamura to cut the lead to 20-18.
South Africa and one from Australia. SANZAAR has confirmed Super format reflects a consensus view of the partly expunged as the Chiefs became the first New Zealand Argentinas Jaguares came to the end of a three-match
But in a statement Sunday Rugby will have three five-team con- mandated SANZAAR executive com- team to lose this year to a team from another conference. winning streak when they were beaten by the Sharks 18-13
SANZAAR left open the question of ferences in 2018. mittee that met in London recently, Tries to Sikhumbuzo Notshe, Siya Kolisi, and Robert du in Durban.
which ones will go, saying the teams New Zealand will SANZAAR chairman Brent Impey said. Preez put the Stormers ahead 24-18 after a first half in which Curwin Bosch kicked a late penalty to clinch the win in a
from Australia and South Africa that retain all five of It was not the determination of any one close fought match which saw the Sharks lead 8-6 at half-
will compete in Super Rugby will be its current teams union or stakeholder and follows a thor- time.
confirmed in due course by the respec- while Australias ough assessment and review of the tour- RUGBY The Western Force edged the Port Elizabeth-based Kings
tive national unions. four remaining nament over the last nine months. 46-41 for their second win of the season as the two teams
SANZAAR was expected to teams will be Impey said SANZAARs major most likely to be cut from Super Rugby for next year played
announce that the Perth-based Western joined by Japans broadcast partners had endorsed the they dominated possession. out a 12-try thriller at Perth Oval on Sunday.
Force would be removed from the Sunwolves in the new structure after due consider- The Chiefs stayed in the match with several examples of Fullback Malcolm Jaer grabbed a hat-trick as the visitors,
Australian conference and the Port Australian confer- ation. backline brilliance, including a 95-meter attack which led to marshalled superbly by flyhalf Lionel Cronje, gave a mas-
Elizabeth-based Kings and ence. South This decision has not been an easy the first of two tries to winger Toni Pulu. terclass in counter-attacking rugby in a thrill-a-minute sec-
Bloemfontein-based Cheetahs from Africas four one and we recognize the difficulty asso- The Stormers produced a brilliant moment of their own to ond half.
South Africa. Impey teams will play in ciated with reducing the number of create a try for SP Marais, who also kicked two long-range The Force always had the edge up front, however, and a
Instead, it stopped short of naming a conference teams in Australia and South Africa, penalties on either side of halftime. penalty try as well as a late score from loose forward Ben
the teams, heaping more anxiety on including Argentinas Jaguares. Impey said. Naturally we understand The Chiefs struck back with a try to James Lowe but McCalman allowed the hosts to get back in front in the final
players from Australia and South Teams will play each team in their that there will be some very disappoint- couldnt break down the Stormers defense in the final quar- quarter.
Africa who fear their livelihoods are in conference twice and will play eight ed franchises but the tournaments long- ter. The match between the two teams that finished bottom of
jeopardy. matches against teams from other con- term future and the economic reality of The seventh round also saw Japans Sunwolves achieve last years standings was played out against the backdrop of
The absence of detail around the ferences during the regular season. the business at present is something that an historic 21-20 win in Tokyo over South Africas Bulls. the restructuring of Super Rugby for next year, which was
plan has plagued Super Rugby since The conference winners and the five had to be addressed. The win, clinched by a 74th-minute penalty to Yu Tamura, announced soon after the final whistle.


Kohli, De Villiers miss out for second successive game

IPL victories for Royal Challengers, King XI

BANGALORE, India, April 9, (AP): get the partnerships going, Dare-
Injury-depleted Royal Challengers devils captain Zaheer Khan said.
Bangalore hung on to beat Delhi Earlier, after stand-in captain
Daredevils by 15 runs for their rst Shane Watson won the toss and
win in the Indian Premier League opted to bat, Royal Challengers to-
and Kings XI Punjab strolled past tal revolved around Kedar Jadhavs
Rising Pune Supergiant by six wick- brilliant 69 off 37 balls against his
ets on Saturday. former team.
Without the injured Virat Kohli, Chris Gayle opped for the sec-
and AB de Villiers missing out for
the second successive game, Royal ond successive time in the absence
Challengers posted a modest 157-8 of Kohli and de Villiers, and fell for
and restricted Daredevils to 142-9. just 6, while Watson could manage
The 19-year-old Rishabh Pant only a run-a-ball 24.
(57 off 36 balls) kept Daredevils in Jhadav smashed legspinner Amit
the hunt, but with 19 needed off the Mishra for 24 runs in one over, but
last over the left-hander was bowled his dismissal in the 17th over after
round his legs by left-arm spinner
Pawan Negi (2-3) off the rst ball. CRICKET
Pant smashed three fours and four
sixes, but wickets tumbled around
him. hitting ve sixes and as many fours
Billy Stanlake (2-29) and spinner stymied Royal Challengers.
Iqbal Abdulla (2-36) were the main Chris Morris and Pat Cummins
wicket-takers. leaked only 15 runs in the last three
Eight out of 10 times we would overs, and Morris claimed two wick-
Winners holding their trophies on the podium. have got this total, but we could not ets in the last over to nish with
Meanwhile, Glenn Maxwell led
Kuwaits Jet Ski team win 9 trophies Kings XI Punjab to a commanding
Kuwaits Jet Ski team collected Georgi Kaza who won the title of victory over Supergiant with an over
to spare at their new home in Indore. Action from a volleyball match
nine trophies in the seventh nal the championship. World champion
round race of the UAE International Mohammed Jassem Al Baz came Supergiant lost all of their seven Kazema team to play Al-Arabi on April 10
Jet Ski Championship organized by third in the same category. matches while batting rst in last
Dubai International Marine Club. In the Expert Runabout Stock years IPL, but won their opener
The Kuwait team also took top category, the world champion Ab- In the ongoing Super Cup of Vol- In case Al-Arabi and Al-Qadsiya
against Mumbai Indians on Thurs- leyball Tournament, Kazema team teams win, there will be a match on
positions in the general standings. dulrahman Ghazi Al-Omar took day.
The outstanding champion Salem the trophy of the third position, and will meet Al-Arabi team in the return April 17.
Al-Mutawa won the trophy of the so did Abdulaziz Matar in the Free Maxwell won the toss and man- match to be held at 5:00 pm on April Kuwait team are seeking to reach
Ski Expert category, and came sec- Style Category. aged to restrict Supergiant to 163-6 10, and Kuwait team will meet Qad- the nals in order to accomplish an
ond in the general standings. Bader Al-Shatti came fth in the in his debut match as skipper. siya team at 7:00 pm. The matches unrecorded historical achievement
The internationally classied general standings of the Ski Junior Supergiant captain Steve Smith will be held at Yousef Shaheen Al- represented in winning the Super
Zaid Al-Zaidi took rst place in Ski Stock category. Nawaf Al Farhan (26) and Mahendra Singh Dhoni (5) Ghanem Hall. Cup after it won the Premier League
Junior Stock category and second managed to grab the fourth place in left their team in trouble at 71-4 by The away matches were held on and the Etihad Cup earlier. However,
place in the general standings. The Pro Ski category and fourth in the the 12th over. April 5 during which the Kazema Al-Qadsiya team have nothing to
defending champion of last three general standings. team easily defeated Al-Arabi team lose but the players presented an ex-
years in Pro Ski GP category and The nal round held at Umm Englands Ben Stokes took charge with a score set of 3-0 and Kuwait ceptional season and performed very
the world champion Mohammed Suqeim Beach in Dubai saw a wide with 50 off 32 balls and gave the in- defeated Al-Qadsiya by a score set well. In the other match, Kazema
Burabea came second in the race international attendance and of- nings some respectability by adding of 3-2. If Kazema and Kuwait team team seem closer to winning than Al-
and second in the general stand- cial presence of media and fans. Team captain Lleyton Hewitt (top), 61 runs off 37 deliveries with Manoj win the matches of Monday, they will Arabi team which had lost much of
ings, following a hot chase with the The Kuwaiti national team showed celebrates with Nick Kyrgios of Aus- Tiwary, who remained unbeaten on face each other in the nal match its previous high-level despite having
world champion jet skier Hungarian class by their performance. tralia after he won his match against 40 off 23 balls. which will be held on April 22. experienced players.
Sam Querrey of the US. (AP)

France win 4-1 vs Britain

Kyrgios sends Australia into semifinals of Davis Cup

SYDNEY, April 9, (Agencies): initially looked like succeeding in Sam Querrey.
Nick Kyrgios overcame a shaky unsettling Kyrgios. France sealed victory over Brit-
start to down Sam Querrey 7-6(4),
6-3, 6-4 and send Australia into the
The 21-year-old Australian, who
has been in the form of his life over
Basketball panel awaiting approval from LOC ain on Saturday and will face No-
vak Djokovics Serbia who also
Davis Cup semi-nals with a 3-1 the last month, gave up an early KUWAIT CITY, April 9: The Basketball Transition players to form the team. saw off Spain in two days.
victory over the United States in service break on the back of a cou- Committee is awaiting a letter from the Local Olym- The Kuwait Olympic Committee received an invi- Belgium, beaten by Britain in
Brisbane on Sunday. ple of double faults. pic Committee (LOC) to guarantee participation in the tation from its counterpart in Azerbaijan to partici- the 2015 nal, had been one point
The world number 16 roared in A whipped forehand return got Fourth Islamic Solidarity Games to be held in Baku, pate alongside over 50 other Islamic countries in the away from beating Italy on Sat-
the set back on serve at 4-3 but Azerbaijan on May 12-22, during which the national 10-day long games to be held in Baku. urday only for Joris de Loore and
delight and was mobbed by his team will participate in the three competitions. About 20 different types of sports have been ap-
team mates after sealing the vic- Kyrgios needed an ace to save a set Expectations are high that the technical and admin- proved for the games. They include football, hand- Rubens Bemelmans to lose their
tory with an ace after just over two point and force the tiebreak. istrative crew which will lead the team to the champi- ball, basketball, volleyball, athletics, Paralympics, doubles against Simone Bolelli
hours on Pat Rafter Arena to set up Roared on by a partisan crowd, onship will be selected after completing the FA Cup swimming, diving, table tennis, judo, blind judo, and Andreas Seppi having had a
a last four meeting with Belgium Kyrgios won the tiebreak 7-4 by end of this month. This is when preparation for Greek wrestling, freestyle wrestling, tennis, shooting, matchpoint.
or Italy. when Querrey went long with a re- the championship will take off alongside selection of boxing, karate, taekwondo and weight lifting. Any hope of an Italy comeback
I couldnt be prouder of my were snuffed out by Gofn though
boys, said Australia captain Lley- TENNIS who was ruthless against Lorenzi
ton Hewitt. patch at the start of the third set times. a breakpoint chance against the as he took his record to 13 wins in
Theyve put so much effort into but Lleyton told me to compete for Earlier, Dan Evans salvaged 44th-ranked Evans. 14 Davis Cup singles matches.
turn and 33 minutes later was two every point and its easy to get up some pride by thrashing Julien France hosts Serbia in Septem-
this campaign and they deserve sets up after the American erred in I am very happy, I knew David
this. out here, Kyrgios said. Benneteau 6-1, 6-2 in the fourth ber. They have not met since the had the level but you have to de-
almost identical fashion. Australia have not won the Da- rubber to make it 3-1. 2010 nal, which Serbia won 3-2 liver and he did. He played a very
Australia led 2-0 after Fridays Querrey rustled up two break
opening singles with world num- vis Cup since they bagged their With France safely through to at home. professional match, handling the
points on the Australians rst ser- 28th crown in 2003. Belgium led the seminals after winning Satur- Furthermore, David Gofn sent nerves, Belgium skipper Johan
ber 79 Jordan Thompson stunning
Jack Sock 6-3, 3-6, 7-6(4), 6-4 and vice game in the third set and al- Italy 2-1 going into Sundays re- days doubles for an unassailable Belgium into the their second Da- van Herck said.
Kyrgios easing past John Isner 7-5, though Kyrgios saved them both, verse singles matches in Charleroi. 3-0 lead, France captain Yannick vis Cup seminal in three years I think we have a really good
7-6(5), 7-6(5). the American converted a third Meanwhile, Jeremy Chardy beat Noah rested 17th-ranked Lucas on Sunday with a decisive victory team. Australia do too ... we have
Sock replaced Querrey in Satur- two games later for a 3-1 lead. Kyle Edmund 6-4, 6-4 in reverse Pouille and replaced him with over Italys Paolo Lorenzi in Char- the home advantage. We have a
days doubles and paired up with Kyrgios, whose 2016 season singles to give France a compre- Benneteau. leroi. chance to beat them.
Steve Johnson to beat Sam Groth ended with an ATP ban for not hensive 4-1 win against Britain in Benneteau, who played in Sat- Gofns 6-3 6-3 6-2 triumph in This doesnt have to end here.
and John Peers 3-6, 6-3, 6-2, 2-6, trying at the Shanghai Masters, their Davis Cup quarter-nal on urdays doubles triumph, strug- front of a boisterous home crowd We are going to go into the semi-
6-3 to keep the visitors alive at 2-1. rallied to win ve of the next six Sunday. gled to compete against Evans in gave Belgium a 3-1 lead and sent nal with a lot of ambition and try
Visiting captain Jim Courier games, sealing the victory with a Both players had seven aces a one-sided match lasting just 43 them into a home seminal against to reach our second nal in three
continued to mix things up on Sun- thunderbolt of an ace - his 21st of on indoor clay at the Kindarea in minutes. The 35-year-old Ben- Australia who also wrapped up years.
day and sent Querrey in for world the contest. Rouen. Chardy dropped his serve neteau, ranked 113, dropped his victory over the United States The semi-nals will take place
number 15 Sock, a gambit that I knew that I hit a bit of a at once and broke Edmund three serve ve times and failed to force thanks to Nick Kyrgioss defeat of in September.


Felipe Scolari
raises doubt
HONG KONG, April 9,
(RTRS): Luiz Felipe Scolari
Roma keep up dogged pursuit
questioned the form of his
Guangzhou Evergrande play- Inters European hopes suffer setback
ers after Gao Lins late header
salvaged a 2-2 draw against MILAN, April 9, (Agen-
cross-city rivals Guangzhou
R&F, who moved a point clear cies): AS Roma maintained
at the summit of the Chinese their dogged pursuit of Se-
Super League. rie A leaders Juventus with
Evergrande, six-time win-
ners of the league title, took the a 3-0 win at Bologna on
lead after just nine minutes Sunday while Inter Milans
through Brazilian striker Alan European hopes suffered a
Carvalho before an Eran
Zahavi penalty and a curling setback as they slumped to
free kick from Renato looked a 2-1 defeat at lowly Cro-
set to secure all three points for tone.
Dragan Stojkovics team. Crotones win was only their
But Gaos late header earned fth of the season and by far the
a point for Evergrande, who sit most impressive scalp for the team
in fifth place in the standings
with seven points, three points from Calabria who are playing in
behind new leaders R&F. the top ight for the rst time.
Im very Roma stayed six points behind
worried Juventus who beat Chievo 2-0 on
about their Saturday. Both teams have seven
form, said matches to play, including a meeting
Scolari of at the Stadio Olimpico on May 14.
his players. Federico Fazio put Roma ahead
The fact is from close range in the 26th minute
the whole and Mohamed Salah added another
team seemed before halftime when he latched onto
very low and
Scolari I need to SOCCER
know what
has happened to this team. I Edin Dzekos pass and cleverly lobbed
have a feeling that something the ball over Antonio Mirante.
weird must have happened, at Dzeko completed the scoring in the
least five, six or seven players 75th minute when he tapped in Diego
were not in form. Perottis cross for his 24th goal of the
I think there is one reason season, making him the leagues joint
the team seem to make trouble topscorer.
for themselves. Normally, if Crotone oored Inter with two goals
we seize the opportunities, we from forward Diego Falcinelli in four
can make the game very easy minutes midway through the rst half.
because we are very strong. Falcinelli converted a penalty,
But everyone knows if you awarded for handball by Gary Medel,
dont seize the opportunities, in the 19th minute and then beat the
you will pay the price. I think offside trap to run onto Marcelo Trot-
were still on the right track tas pass and lob the ball over Samir
and we can still defend the Handanovic.
championship. Danilo DAmbrosio pulled one back
Shanghai SIPG bounced for Inter in the second half but Crotone
back from last weeks defeat held out for an historic win which in-
by Evergrande to beat creased their hopes of pulling off a
Shandong Luneng 2-1 to move great escape.
into second place, level on nine They remain in the drop zone but are Udineses Gabriel Da Silva (right), and Genoas Oliver Ntcham vie for the ball during a Serie A soccer match between Udinese and Genoa, at the Friuli
points with Felix Magaths just three points adrift of Empoli and Stadium in Udine, Italy on April 9. (AP)
side, who led the standings at safety.
the start of the round. Inter, meanwhile, dropped to sev- ready over but it now faces the pros- relegation as it moved to within three It was almost 3-0 shortly before half- scored an early free kick, before setting
Hulk gave SIPG the lead enth and outside the Europa League pect of failing to qualify for the Europa points of 17th-placed Empoli with a time but Joao Miranda stopped Marcus up Mario Pasalic for Milans second.
before going off with a knee places, increasing the pressure on League following a rst-half double second successive victory. Rohdens goalbound effort with his Carlos Bacca headed in a third before
injury that looks set to keep coach Stefano Pioli. from Diego Falcinelli. We have a very demanding calen- chest near the line. halftime and Gerard Deulofeu scored
him out of Tuesdays Asian AC Milan moved above their neigh- Inter has picked up just one point in dar, but ... we want to be competitive Inter got back into the match in the after the break.
Champions League meeting bours into sixth with a comfortable 4-0 its three matches since thrashing Ata- right until the end, with a dream in our 65th. Ever Banegas corner was nodded Palermo defender Giancarlo Gon-
with Japans Kawasaki win over Palermo, who are one off the lanta 7-1 and dropped to seventh, two hearts, said Crotone coach Davide on by Geoffrey Kondogbia for Danilo zalez was sent off following a second
Frontale while Wei Shihao bottom with 15 points and look almost points behind AC Milan and the last Nicola, who has promised to cycle the DAmbrosio to volley in from close booking seven minutes from time.
scored the winner after Papiss certain to go down. qualifying spot for the Europa League. 1,300 kilometers (808 miles) from Cro- range. Fiorentina moved to within ve
Cisse had levelled for Fiorentina twice came from behind The two Milan teams face off in a der- tone to Turin if his side avoids the drop. The visitors almost leveled seven points of a European spot as a last-
Shandong. to draw 2-2 at Sampdoria and Torinos by on Saturday. Crotone took a deserved lead in the minutes later but Eders effort rebound- minute goal saw it snatch a 2-2 draw
Manuel Pellegrinis Hebei Andrea Belotti scored his 24th goal of We should have looked at this 18th minute when Gary Medel han- ed off the inside of an upright. at Sampdoria.
CFFC handed Shanghai the season in the 3-2 win at Cagliari to match with a different mentality, and dled in the area and Falcinelli drilled Inter poured forward but Crotone Elsewhere, Torino came from be-
Shenhua a 4-2 thrashing - with stay neck-and-neck with Dzeko at the instead we had the wrong approach, the resulting penalty into the bottom held on through a tense seven minutes hind to win 3-2 at Cagliari. Han
Brazilian striker Aloisio scor- top of the scoring charts. Inter coach Stefano Pioli said. The left corner. Inter goalkeeper Samir of stoppage time before the nal whis- Kwang-Song had become the rst
ing twice - to claim their sec- Inter Milans hopes of qualifying for season is still long and the chances are Handanovic guessed the right way but tle sparked scenes of celebration at the North Korean to play in Serie A when
ond win in a row and move up Europe were dented on Sunday when not nished. We shouldnt apologize, could not make the save. Stadio Scida. he came on for the nal four minutes
to fourth in the standings with it slipped to a shock 2-1 defeat at rele- we just need to react immediately to Falcinelli doubled his tally four min- AC Milan leapfrogged above bitter against Palermo last weekend and the
eight points due to their gation-threatened Crotone in Serie A. this awful defeat. If Crotone was an utes later as he narrowly avoided being rivals Inter with a comfortable 4-0 vic- 18-year-old netted Cagliaris second in
unbeaten start to the season. Inters dreams of Champions exam, Inter failed. caught offside, sprinted forward and tory over Palermo. stoppage time.
League football next season were al- Crotone gave itself hope of escaping lifted the ball over Handanovic. Suso came back from injury and Udinese beat Genoa 3-0.

Valencia turn season around with 3rd straight win

Barcelona fall to shock Malaga defeat

MADRID, April 9, (Agencies): Ney-
mar was sent off as Barcelona suffered Stybar leapfrogged on the final straight
a shock 2-0 defeat at Malaga on Sat-
urday that scuppered their hopes of
going top of La Liga and handed con-
trol of the title race to leaders to Real
Ice-cool Van Avermaet claims Paris-Roubaix title
Madrid. ROUBAIX, France, April 9, (RTRS): Belgiums Olympic leading pack down to three.
champion Greg Van Avermaet claimed his rst Monument Van Avermaet, Langeveld and Stybar played mind games in
Zinedine Zidanes Real were held to title in the Paris-Roubaix classic, battling through early set- the nal lap in the Roubaux velodrome, so much that chasers
a 1-1 draw with Atletico Madrid in the backs and keeping his cool in the velodrome nale to win a Gianni Moscon of Italy (Team Sky) and Belgian Jasper Stuyven
capital derby earlier in the day, giving ve-man sprint on Sunday. (Trek Segafredo) caught them with about 200 metres left.
Barcelona the chance to go top on goal BMC rider Van Avermaet leapfrogged Czech Zdenek Stybar launched the sprint a tad too early, allowing Van
difference, but Luis Enriques side Stybar (Quick Step Floors) on the nal straight in the famed Avermaet, who nished last weekends Tour of Flanders in
squandered the opportunity and now outdoor velodrome in Roubaix after 257km featuring 55km of second position, to win with seeming ease.
sit three points behind Los Blancos, cobbled sections. Stybar started the race, also known as the Queen of the
who have played a game less. Dutchman Sebastian Langeveld (Cannondale Drapac) n- Classics, as one of former world champion Boonens lieuten-
Fiorentinas Gonzalo Rodriguez (left), celebrates with his teammate Da- ished third. ants but he eventually proved the main challenger in his team.
Former Barcelona striker San- Belgiums four-time champion Tom Boonen, chasing a Its disappointing because we did everything for Tom,
vide Astori after scoring, during a Serie A soccer match between Samp-
doria and Fiorentina, at the Luigi Ferraris Stadium in Genoa, Italy on April record-breaking fth title, ended his glittering career in his be- said Stybar.
9. (AP) SOCCER loved race in 13th after being in contention for most of the At the end of the day I was in a position to win the race
afternoon as the peloton rode through clouds of dust in north- but we worked very early in the race with all these groups
dro Ramirez opened the scoring for ern France. riding away.
Malaga with a breakaway goal in the I suffered a lot but when you win you forget everything.
Best of the Rest 32nd minute before Jony added a 90th- Stybar did not work with us in the nale but I felt strong, said
Van Avermaet, his face covered in dust and sweat.
minute second for the hosts. It had been a hell of a day for Van Avermaet in the race Boonen, the 2005, 2008, 2009 and 2012 champiion, as
Neymar was shown his second famed as The Hell of the North as he came close to dropping well as world champion Peter Sagan, of Slovakia, and 2014
yellow card and dismissed midway out of contention early on and looked far from likely to better champion John Degenkolb of Germany, were not able to fol-
Vissel Kobe keep lead: Yuya Na- the side a penalty in the second half through the second half. his fourth place of 2013 and third place in 2015. low when Van Avermaet and others jumped away from the
kasaka and Takuya Iwanami scored of its 1-1 draw with the Wellington Luis Enrique was angry with sever- He was caught up behind a crash just ahead of the de- main group.
goals in each half as Vissel Kobe Phoenix in the New Zealand capital al of referee Gil Manzanos decisions, manding Trouee dArenberg cobbled section 95km from the Sagan, who suffered two punctures, dropped out of con-
defeated winless Omiya Ardija 2-0 to on Saturday. including the award of a free kick rath- line and had to change bikes but he fought his way back to tention when he cracked 30km from the nish.
With 20 minutes remaining in a er than a penalty after Charles fouled the main pack. Dutchman Niki Terpstra, the 2014 champion, abandoned
maintain its lead in the J-league. He then beneted from precious help from Italian team 106km from the line shortly after suffering a heavy tumble.
Nakasaka put the visitors ahead in scoreless match, Sydney fullback Sergi Roberto in the box.
Michael Zullo swung a corner into mate Daniel Oss, who rode himself into the ground as his Paris-Roubaix is the third of ve Monument one-day
the 37th minute and Iwanami doubled Its curious that a team like us that leader and others broke clear some 35km from the nish. races on the calendar after Milan-San Remo and the Tour
the lead eight minutes after the break the box, which was deected off Wel- doesnt usually kick people gets so Van Avermaet accelerated in the much feared Carrefour de of Flanders, before Liege-Bastogne-Liege and the Tour of
as Kobe improved to 15 points, two lington defender Marco Rossi before many yellow cards in such an incom- lArbre cobbled sector, 14.5km from the nish line, to skim the Lombardy.
ahead of Urawa Reds which thrashed being cleared away.
Immediately, Sydney players told prehensible manner, he said.
Vegalta Sendai 7-0 on Friday. There was some very ugly tackles win on Sunday as it aims to nish a coach of the season at the end of De- Its an important step to have won
Kashima Antlers are in third place referee Shaun Evans that the Phoenix
player used his hand to knock the from behind from their team which poor Spanish League season on a high cember. all three matches we played over the
on 12 points after a 1-0 loss to Cerezo didnt see them get booked and oth- note. Valencias longest winning streak past week, and to do so playing well
Osaka. cross down. (AP)
ers committed by us which were given Valencias commanding 3-1 win of the campaign caps a strong run over and improving with each match, Voro
In other games on Saturday, Kawa- yellows. over Granada extends a run of form the last 10 rounds of six victories in- said. We know we have had our dif-
saki Frontale and Ventforet Kofu Russia accuses FIFA: Host Russia The rules are there to be interpret- under interim coach Salvador Voro cluding one over leader Real Madrid, a culties and have to remember that no
nished in a 1-1 draw while Sagan has accused FIFA of overcharging for ed, but equally for everyone. I dont Gonzalez, who became the teams third draw and three losses. team is too small and that we have to
Tosu beat Albirex Niigata 3-0. TV rights for next years World Cup work for each victory.
Also, Quenten Martinus and understand how the foul on Sergi Rob-
to cover nancial difculties. erto was given outside the area, but we Valencia, the last team to win La
Takashi Kanai scored goals as Deputy Prime Minister Vitaly
Yokohama F Marinos edged Jubilo are used to it. Liga other than Barcelona, Madrid
Mutko said Saturday that FIFA has and Atletico Madrid, in 2004, stayed
Iwata 2-1, and Shimizu S-Pulse beat asked for $120 million from Russian After the Madrid derby ended in a
Kashiwa Reysol 2-0. (AP) TV channels, up from $32 million draw a victory at La Rosaleda would in 12th place, still far off the European
have sent Barcelona level with Madrid berths for next season.
paid by Russia for the 2014 World
Zaza, who joined Valencia in the
Cup, in comments reported by state on 72 points.
Newcastle miss chance: New- news agency Tass. (AP) Barcelona started well but Juankars winter transfer window, opened the
castle United missed the chance to long ball caught the visitors off guard scoring in the 19th minute with a pow-
return to the top of the Championship
and Sandro beat Jeremy Mathieu for erful header after muscling past Sverrir
after they were beaten 2-1 by play-off US, Mexico, Canada joint bid: pace before nishing past Marc-Andre Ingason to thump home Martin Mon-
hopefuls Shefeld Wednesday on The United States, Mexico and ter Stegen with aplomb. toyas cross.
Saturday. Canada are going to announce a Neymar was booked in the rst half Zara beat the Iceland centerback
Newcastles defeat means leaders joint bid for the 2026 World Cup on for tying his laces in front of a Malaga again two minutes later when he
Brighton & Hove Albion, who had Monday, a person familiar with the slipped behind him to tap in a cross by
decision said. player trying to take a free kick and re-
beaten Queens Park Rangers 2-1 on Santi Mina.
Friday, remain two points clear at the The Confederation of North and ceived his marching orders for a late
Central America and Caribbean As- tackle on Diego Llorente in the 65th Mina added a third goal in the 55th
top of Englands second-tier league at Los Carmenes Stadium when Carlos
with ve games remaining. (RTRS) sociation Football is moving ahead minute.
with the bid that was widely expected Adalberto Penaranda put the ball in Soler found him alone in the area, as
the net for Malaga but his effort was Granadas defenders showed a puz-
before Donald Trump was elected
Sydney takes advantage: The A- president. There has been concern the incorrectly ruled out for offside. zling lack of pace.
League says Sydney FC became the plan was unworkable under Trumps Malaga grabbed a second at the Ten minutes later Ezequiel Ponce
rst side in world domestic football anti-immigrant policies, but even if death, however, with the excellent Pa- FC Barcelonas Lionel Messi from Argentina (center), duels for the ball pulled one back for the hosts, but he
to benet from the use of new video he serves a second term Trump would blo Fornals unselshly teeing up Jony. against CF Malagas Recio (left), and Ignacio Camacho, during a Spanish spoiled the celebration when he put a
review rules after the system granted not be president in 2026. (AP) Simone Zaza scored two early goals La Liga soccer match between Malaga and Barcelona in Malaga, Spain on nger to his mouth as if silencing the
to lead Valencia to a third consecutive April 8. (AP) home crowd.
monday (all times are kuwait local)


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09:15 epl legend-dicanio .................... bein sports 2hd
10:30 oakland vs houston super bowl... bein sports 8hd
12:30 f1 china-gp race ........................ bein sports 1hd
13:30 cavs vs hawks/basketball ......... bein sports 8hd
15:00 auto mundial ........................... bein sports 7hd
16:00 fifa world ............................... bein sports 8hd
17:00 marathon de paris ................... bein sports 1hd

Latest sports scores at

Man Utd boost top-four hopes

Everton win
LONDON, April 9,
(RTRS): Manchester
United put a spate of re-
cent draws behind them to
boost their top-four hopes
with a routine 3-0 victory
at bottom club Sunderland
to move fth in the Premier
League on Sunday.
Once again it was veteran Swede
Zlatan Ibrahimovic who provided
the inspira-
tion for Jose
side, scoring
the opener
and setting up
a late goal for
Marcus Rash-
Mkhitaryan was
Lukaku also on target
while Sunder-
land had Seb Larsson sent off shortly
before halftime.
Six draws in their last nine league
games had eroded Uniteds hopes of a
top-four finish and victory over Sun-
derland was imperative if they were to
stay in touch.
Sunderland have gone seven league
games without scoring and with seven
games remaining they are 10 points
adrift of safety and seemingly doomed
to relegation.
United took the lead at a sun-
drenched Stadium of Light when Ibrahi-
movic, receiving the ball with his back to
KUNA photo
SOCCER The Kuwaiti athletes display their medals as they celebrate.

goal, shook off his marker and buried a

low 20-metre shot past Jordan Pickford. Kuwaiti athletes win 35 medals
Any Sunderland hope disappeared
with Larssons red card and 46 seconds A team of Kuwait athletes has won countries.
after the break Mkhitaryan fired past a total of 35 medals in the world Taqi said he was proud of his
Pickford. martial arts championship, cur- team having achieved these med-
In the 89th minute Ibrahimovic rently held in Portugal, the teams als and hoisted the ag of Kuwait in
combined with substitute Rashford manager said Sunday. this tournament.
who beat Pickford with a cross-shot for Abdullah Taqi, in a phone call He said his ghters were admired
his first league goal since September. with KUNA, said the athletes suc- by the other teams due to their pro-
ceeded in winning 11 gold, 14 silver fessionalism and skills.
Everton 4, Leicester City 2 and 10 bronze medals in the Shao- Taqi said the Kempo Karate is
Romelu Lukaku scored twice as lin Kempo Karate. a powerful martial art technique,
Everton defeated champions Leicester He said the April 7-10 cham- which did not only depend on
City 4-2 at Goodison Park in a game pionship, featured participation strength but speed and accurate
which saw four goals inside the open- of around 6,000 ghters from 20 observation. (KUNA)
ing 23 minutes.
Leicester, who face Atletico Madrid on Claudio Ranieri as manager. and Marc Albrighton beating a poorly
Wednesday in the first leg of their Cham- Everton took the lead after 30 sec- positioned Joel Robles with a curling
pions League quarter-final, made five onds through Tom Davies but the free kick.
changes ahead of their trip to Spain and visitors struck back with two goals in The home side got back on level
the defeat ended the run of five straight nine minutes Islam Slimani finish- terms with a 23rd-minute Lukaku
wins since Craig Shakespeare replaced ing off a Demarai Gray counter-attack glancing header from a brilliant Ross
Barkley cross from the right and skip-
per Phil Jagielka headed in a corner
four minutes before the break.
Lukaku struck again, with his 23rd
league goal of the season, in the 57th
minute, firing home at the back post
after Leicester failed to clear a corner.
Chelsea 31 24 3 4 65 25 75
Tottenham 31 20 8 3 64 22 68
Liverpool 32 18 9 5 68 40 63
Man City 31 18 7 6 60 35 61
Man United 30 15 12 3 46 24 57
Arsenal 29 16 6 7 61 36 54
Everton 32 15 9 8 57 36 54
West Brom 32 12 8 12 39 41 44
Southampton 30 11 7 12 37 37 40
Watford 31 10 7 14 36 52 37
Leicester 31 10 6 15 39 51 36
Burnley 32 10 6 16 32 44 36
Stoke 32 9 9 14 34 47 36
West Ham 32 10 6 16 42 57 36
Bournemouth 32 9 8 15 45 59 35
Palace 30 9 4 17 39 50 31
Hull 32 8 6 18 33 64 30
Swansea 32 8 4 20 37 67 28
Manchester Uniteds Zlatan Ibrahimovic (left), and Sunderlands Jason De- Middlesbrough 31 4 12 15 22 37 24
Sunderland 31 5 5 21 24 56 20
nayer battle for the ball during their English Premier League soccer match Note: Standings read as played, won, drawn, lost,
at the Stadium of Light, Sunderland, England on April 9. (AP) goals for, goals against and points.

Hertha halt
3-game skid
BERLIN, April 9, (AP):
Hertha Berlin capitalized on
its strong record at home to
defeat Augsburg 2-0 on Sun-
day, ending its three-game
losing run while leaving the
visitors in the Bundesligas
relegation zone.
With 11 wins from 14
games at home compared to
seven straight defeats away,
Hertha would doubtless gladly
play all of its games at the
Olympiastadion, though it re-
cently announced plans for a
new purpose-built stadium.
American defender John
Anthony Brooks headed the
home side into an early lead
when he stretched to deect
Valentin Stockers shot past
Augsburg keeper Marwin
Stocker made it 2-0 be-
fore the break thanks to good
work from Vedad Ibisevic.


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