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Sigma Tau Chapter of Kappa Delta

at Washington State University

Date: February 17, 2017

To: Sigma Tau Chapter of Kappa Delta
at Washington State University
From: Samantha Jose
Member of Sigma Tau Chapter of Kappa Delta
Subject: Proposal to Rid of Miscommunication


The purpose of this proposal is to review the miscommunication between Washington

State Universitys Kappa Deltas council their their members as well as determining the best way
to solve the communication issues.


Kappa Delta sorority was founded on October 23, 1897 at State Female Normal School
(now Longwood University), Farmville, Virginia. Sigma Tau Chapter of Kappa Delta at
Washington State University was founded in 1923. Kappa Delta sorority is about confidence and
inspiring. Joining a sorority in college can be scary yet exciting too. Gaining hundred of friends,
which you call sisters, then you begin networking. Networking for the future. Beginning
networking within the sorority then begin to make more connections with other sororities and
even fraternities at the university.

As Sigma Tau Chapter of Kappa Delta at Washington State University is almost 100
years old, the sorority does not want their values to diminish. Being confident, honorable, and
inspiring. The Sigma Tau Chapter of Kappa Delta council will need to work with their members
on communicating to gain better participation along with more pride in the Kappa Delta letters.

With the miscommunication within the house, women in the sorority are beginning to
lose their opportunities to network since they do not have dates for events, workshops, or other
outside activities. With that said, there needs to be a better system set in play. As Sigma Tau
Chapter of Kappa Delta has about 100+ members, it is like the game telephone, not all
communication to one another will be clearly interpreted. It will get lost along the way.
By recognizing their is communication that will need to be worked on, members in the
house will be able to initiate ideas on how they believe this issue can be solved. As there are new
members that have joined the sorority this year, there are members that are ready to graduate
college that have been in the sorority since they were freshmen, they will be able to provide ideas
on what have worked in the past. Or even what has not worked too. With new members, they
will be able to voice themselves, which will be able to give them the chance to really use Kappa
Deltas value, confidence.

The opportunity to create this into a workshop or even a bonding for the whole house. As
Kappa Delta is not the only sorority at Washington State University, I have heard
miscommunication is common. Especially in houses with so many women. It is okay. The
councils for every house have each others contacts and are able to reach out. By reaching out to
other sorority houses, council can ask what works for other houses for communication and what
does too. Kappa Delta council can implement ideas throughout workshops throughout the year
and analyze if there is more participation and/or pride coming from members.

Sigma Tau Chapter of Kappa Delta at Washington State University has

miscommunication issues between council members (for example president of the sorority, VP
of finance of the sorority, etc.) and regular members (members of the sorority that do not hold a


Every year sororities and fraternities recruit new members which occurs on Washington
State University campus a week before the school year begins. As members graduate every year,
new members are recruited to join a huge group of people who share common values. As more
members join, the sorority and/or fraternity grow in numbers, especially when a lot of people
decide to sign up to be recruited. As more people join, miscommunication is inevitable. I
understand as members join any sorority they are new to the school and, of course, the sorority,
which means a huge adjustment. While new members are learning the ropes, older members are
well adapted to the school and the sorority norms. It takes some time to get to know members
within a sorority of 80 plus members.

As I have observed, miscommunication can occur when people do not ask questions
when necessary, lack of guidance, and lack of dedication. Being a part of a university is a
privilege just like being a member in a sorority. Members, if confused, should be more than
comfortable to ask questions when they do not know what is going on. Another obstacle I have
seen is lack of guidance. Guidance through school is a huge deal and even bigger when joining a
sorority and values a sorority may withhold. Older members get busy with getting ready to
graduate, however hosting sisterhoods would really benefit to get to understand older members
and younger members too. Another is, some members join just for social reasons rather than
what a sorority really offers to members. Sororities are not meant for just parties at school or the
letters to wear around campus, a sorority has values for members to uphold to represent how
powerful women really are. It is about womanhood.
Proposed Tasks

With Sigma Tau Chapter of Kappa Deltas council members approval, these tasks will be
implemented for the success of better communication between council and members.

Task 1. Analyze Current Ways of Communication Between Council and Members

Council would gather together and talk amongst themselves about the ways they relay
information to the chapter, how it is distributed among members, and if the information is easily
accessible. Analyze the process of delivering urgent information, date changes, and/or short
notice events/meetings.

Task 2. Ask Members How They Feel About the Miscommunication (Survey)

After Task 1 is handled, council should initiate a survey to be sent to each member and
filled out anonymously within a week. After survey is filled out by ALL members, organize the
surveys accordingly. The survey should have similar questions and/or look like this:

KD Survey

1. What Pledge Class are you?

PC16 PC15 PC14 PC13

2. Do you believe there are miscommunication

issues between council and members?

3. If No, Do you believe there is

miscommunication in the house?

4. If Yes, then where do you believe the

miscommunication lies?
a. Between Pledge Classes
b. Between your own Pledge Class
c. Other? (Explain)

5. Other Comments/Concerns:
Task 3. Ask Other Sororities if Miscommunication is an Issue in Other Houses too

While Task 2 is being completed, council members have contacts with other sorority and
fraternity councils at Washington State University. By contacting other houses it will give Kappa
Deltas council a better understanding is miscommunication is a common issue amongst chapter

If houses do say it is common, council members can ask for advice from other chapters to
see how they diminish communication problems within their own chapters. By discussing what
works and does not work with each houses will give a better understanding of where
communication may occur within the house.

Task 4. Implement a Plan

With given advice from other chapters, council will be able to discuss different plans how
to initiate a plan to better communication within the sorority. Every single plan for bettering
communication within the chapter, the council will be able to create pros and cons list for each
strategy. One necessary event that should take place is a communication workshop before
implementing a plan for breaking broken communication.

Task 5. Create a Communication Workshop

To create this workshop, communication is key to make this successful. Sending out
another survey to figure out when is a good time for members to take at least an hour out of their
busy college schedules to reinforce good communication.

Task 6. Evaluate for About a Month if Communication is Better

Council will implement there discussed plan to create successful communication.

Evaluate and survey members if they feel if the broken communication is better. If not, follow
steps all over again, take an alternative route.


A schedule of possible dates will be released and voted on, to get the best attendance for
this communication workshop. Possible dates will be released through a survey format. Then
scheduled events to keep great communication.


Communication @ Kappa Delta N/A N/A


Sisterhood @ Kappa Delta N/A N/A

Chapter @ Kappa Delta N/A N/A


As a member of Sigma Tau Chapter of Kappa Delta at Washington State University, I

want to be able to help Kappa Deltas reputation and pride alive. With simple miscommunication
within the sorority it can bring a whole entire house down. Kappa Delta has brought a lot of
people in to my life that have shaped me for who I am, which I want others to experience too.
People that have helped me become who I am now are from events that Kappa Delta has hosted
along with other chapters, and Washington State University events as well. However, I had
received information on these events to network through Kappa Deltas council whom is
supposed to relay messages anyways.

If dates are not relayed, members will not be able go out at network. Council has dates
written down, they are what keep Kappa Delta functioning. However, if messages are not relayed
properly or given to members disposable appropriately, members are fined, given a penalty, or
put on some sort of probation. There is a large amount of fines, penalties, and members on
probation because of missed events. If there was better communication, members would not miss
important dates and less people would be penalized.

Kappa Delta Norman Shield (Vol. 5). (n.d.).

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