Est 2010 Paper Two Objective

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Section A ( 25 marks)

You are advised to spend about 50 minutes on this section

Questions 1 25 are based on the given stimuli. Study the information carefully and choose
the best answer.

A planes shape of wings and the size of its engine determine how fast it can go.
Straight wings give enough lift for low speed flying with little drag or friction. Swept back wings reduce
drag at great speeds and are needed for large sized planes. Delta shaped wings enable an aircraft to
fly at supersonic speeds.

1. The fastest planes in the world use

A. straight wings
B. large sized wings
C. swept-back wings
D. delta shaped wings

Antiseptics are applied to skin surfaces or mucous membranes for their anti-infective effects.
They are used to clean skin and wound surfaces after injury or prepare skin surfaces prior to
injections or surgical procedures. They are also used daily to disinfect the oral cavity. Antiseptics are also used to
disinfect objects, including instruments and furniture surfaces.

2. What is the main function of antiseptics?

A. To kill bacteria or prevent bacteria from growing
B. To heal the injured part of the skin
C. To ensure the mouth smells fresh
D. To make inanimate objects shine

Wood pulp can he made using the soda process wood. It involves chemical processes. In the
soda process, the logs are cut into suitable sections and thrown into a chipping machine. The
chips are then introduced into tanks containing a strong solution of caustic soda, which is then boiled under
pressure. The chemicals employed in this process compel a separation of the resinous matters from
the cell tissues or cellulose. The product is then treated in the manufacturing of paper.

3. Why must the chips be boiled under high pressure in a solution of caustic soda?
A. To separate the resinous matters from the cellulose
B. To produce papers of different quality
C. To ensure the pulp is smooth
D. To soften the chips

An abnormally low body temperature (hypothermia) can be serious, even life-threatening. Low body
temperature may occur from cold exposure, shock, alcohol or drug use, or certain metabolic disorders, such as
diabetes. A low body temperature may also be present with an infection, particularly in newborns, older adults, or
people who are frail.

4. The following are causes of low body temperature except

A. exposure to extreme cold
B. metabolic disorders
C. eating disorder
D. infection

Questions 5 and 6 are based on the following text.

Reptiles cannot generate sufficient internal heat to maintain a constant body temperature and
need to regulate their own temperature. When it is cold outside and they need to warm up, they often
bask in the sun to raise their body temperature. When it is too cold to even bask, reptiles may brumate;
living in hibernation-like state ,but may have periods of wakefulness and even drink when necessary.
Some reptiles spend much of the time burrowing during the day, becoming active only at night.

5. The word generate can be best replaced with

A. add
B. make
C. produce
D. change

6. Why do some reptiles burrow during the day?

A. To avoid heat
B. To save energy
C. To avoid sunburn
D. To avoid drinking water

Types of Oil Pollution Millions of Gallons (%) of World Total

Offshore Drilling 13 2.12
Large Oil Spills 37 5.24
Natural Seeps 62 8.78
Up in Smoke 92 13.03
Routine Maintenance 137 19.0
Down the Drain 363 51.42
Total World oil Pollution 706 100
Types of Oil Pollution in the World

7. From the table we can conclude that

A. almost a third of the oil seeps naturally into the ocean
B. offshore drilling contributes the least to oil spills
C. routine maintenance causes the most oil spills
D. major oil spills wastes the most oil

A cataract is a clouding of the natural lens, the part of the eye responsible for focusing light and
producing clear, sharp images. The lens is contained in a sealed bag or capsule. As old cells die they
become trapped within the capsule. Over time. the cells accumulate causing the lens to cloud, making
images look blurred or fuzzy. For most people, cataracts are a natural result of aging.

8. Clouding on the lens of the eye is due to

A. accumulation of dead cells in the lens
B. the lens being contained in a capsule
C. accumulation of fungus on the lens
D. old cells attacking the lens

Smart phone is an electronic handheld device that integrates the functions of a mobile
phone, personal digital assistant (PDA) or other information appliances. This is often
achieved by adding telephone functions to an existing PDA (PDA Phone) or putting "smart"
capabilities, such as PDA functions, into a mobile phone. A key feature of a smart phone is
that additional native applications can be installed on the device. "Smart - functionality
includes any additional interface like a touch screen.

9. How is a smart phone built?

A. By adding telephone functions to an existing PDA (PDA phone) or putting "smart" capabilities into the
cell phone.
B. By installing additional native applications to the cell phone.
C. By adding any compatible appliance into the cell phone.
D. By adding a touch screen on the cell phone.

. Momentum increases as either the mass or speed increases. A truck has more momentum
than a car moving at the same speed. The larger mass of the truck gives it more momentum. For
this reason, it will do more damage if it collides with something.

10. If there is a collision, a truck causes more damage than a car travelling at the same speed because
A. the truck is bigger
B. the car absorbs more impact
C. the car can avoid collision better
D. the truck has more momentum due to its mass

A sandstorm is strong wind carrying sand through the air. The sand particles are mostly
confined to the lowest 3.5 met re, above the ground and rarely rise more than 15 metres above it. The
particles proceed mainly in a series of leaps. Sandstorms are best developed in desert regions where there is
loose sand, often in dunes, without much dust. Sandstorms are due to strong winds caused or enhanced by
surface heating and tend to form during the clay and die out at night.

11. Which of the following statements is true?

A. Sandstorms blow mainly at night.
B. The sand particles move in a series of twirls.
C. The particles in a sandstorm consist mainly of dust and sand.
D. The particles in a sandstorm are blown very near to the ground.

Genetically modified crops arc engineered to tolerate herbicides and/or resist pests. By planting
crops carrying herbicide-tolerant genes, farmers could spray their fields to eliminate weeds without
damaging the crop. Pest-resistant crops have also been engineered to contain a gene for a protein from
the soil bacterium, Bacillus thurigiensis (Bt), which is toxic to certain pests. This protein, referred to as
Bt, is produced by the plant, thereby nuking it resistant to insert pests like the European Corn
Borer or Cotton Boll Worm.

12. What is the advantage of planting genetically engineered cotton?

A. The cotton becomes whiter.
B. The cotton becomes fluffier.
C. The cotton plants will be free from weeds.

D. The cotton plant will not be attacked by cotton pests.

Fibre optic technology uses glass (or plastic) threads (fibre) to transmit data. A fibre optic
cable consists of a bundle of glass threads, each of which is capable of transmitting messages
modulated onto light waves. With greater bandwidth, fibre optic cables can carry more data.
However, the cables are expensive to install. In addition, they are more fragile than wire and are
difficult to splice.

13. The disadvantages of fibre optic technology include the following except
A. The glass threads cannot be easily joined at the ends.
B. The messages are sent on modulated waves.
C. They are costly to install.
D. They break easily.

14. Which of the following statements is true?

A. Geothermal energy is very popular in fish farming.
B. Geothermal energy melts a large percentage of snow
C. Geothermal energy is widely used in resorts and spas.
D. Industries use more geothermal energy than space and district heating.

Questions 15 and 16 are based on the following text.

The swim bladder in a fish is a sac which is situated behind the stomach. It contains
oxygen, nitrogen and carbon dioxide. The volume of this bladder can increase or decrease and
the contain of the gasses in it allows fish to vary their specific gravity. Hence, they are able to
move in a vertical direction in the water.

15. The main function of the swim bladder in fishes is to

A. help fishes to accelerate in water.
B. aid the stomach in the act of digestion.
C. store gases like oxygen, nitrogen and carbon dioxide.
D. vary their specific gravity for effective vertical motion.

16. The bladder and sac can be categorized as being part of the _____________ system.
A. digestion C. respiratory
B. locomotion D. excretory

Questions 17 and 18 are based on the following text.

The local rice industry which depended on imports to cover almost 40% of the country's needs
may be on its way towards self-sufficiency. The first hybrid padi species named Siraj, which was recently
introduced, was developed using technology from China. It is a cross-breed between an Indian Basmati and a
Japanese padi species. This hybrid is capable of bearing about four times more yield than normal padi types.

17. Siraj, the first hybrid padi species in Malaysia

A. was developed in China
B. is popular among the Japanese
C will make Malaysia less dependent on imported rice
D. will be four times more expensive than normal padi species

18. Yield as used in the extract means

A. earning
B. p roduce
C. imports
D. breed

Questions 19 and 20 are based on the following text and pictures.

T he human spleen is located in the upper left part of the

abdomen behind the stomach and just below the diaphragm. It
weighs about 150g. The spleen is the largest lymphoid
organ. It holds an emergency store of red blood cells and also white blood
cells which destroy foreign bodies, such as bacteria and old blood cells.

19. Based on the diagram, which spot best marks the position of the
human spleen?
A. W C. Y
B. X D. Z

20. The spleen's function is to

A. trap foreign bodies
B. stock red and white blood cells.
C. destroy white blood cells
D. kill bacteria and old blood cells

Questions 21 and 22 are based on the following text and pictures.

Thailand launched the first of the twenty-two US-made, tsunami-detection buoys in December 2006. The
satellite-link, deep-sea buoy will float midway between Thailand and Sri Lanka. It will allow a one-hour warning to
most of the countries in the northern part of the basin. Thailand will be responsible for its upkeep. Thailand has also
erected around ninety tsunami warning towers along its Andaman Sea coast.

21. The tsunami-detection buoys in Thailand

A. is Thailand's first effort to warn people of tsunamis
B. is a Thailand Sri Lanka collaborative effort
C. will be placed along the Andaman Sea coast
D. will be maintained by the local government

22. It refers to
A. the tsunami
B. the satellite
C. the buoy
D. Thailand

Our genes affect our tendency to gain weight. A tendency to gain weight is increased when
food is plentiful and when we use equipment and vehicles to save time and energy. Increased food intake and
labour-saving devices can make it very difficult to avoid weight gain, but it is possible to manage your weight
through your choice of food and physical activity.

23. What are the factors that affect weight gain?

A. Genes, food, equipment and devices.
B. Genes, plentiful food and labour saving devices.
C. Genes, food, environment and physical activities.
D. Genes, plentiful food, labour saving devices and physical activities.

Regardless of how vaccines for infectious diseases are delivered, they all have the same aim:
priming the immune system to swiftly destroy the pathogens before they multiply enough to cause
symptoms. On detecting the presence of a foreign organism in a vaccine, the immune system quickly
mobilizes its various forces to root out and destroy the targeting invader.

24. From the text we can conclude that

A. vaccines are delivered for all infectious diseases
B. the targeting invader destroys our immune system
C. the immune system mobilizes the pathogens in the body
D. the immune system protects our body from harmful pathogens before they do further harm

Ground-level ozone is formed through a complex reaction involving hydrocarbons, nitrogen oxides
and sunlight. Ground-level ozone is especially harmful for seniors, children, asthmatics. and people with
heart and lung conditions. It aggravates respiratory symptoms and can inflame breathing passages. It
can cause eye and nose irritation and dry out the protective membranes of the nose and throat.
- -
25. From the text it can be concluded that ground level ozone affects
A. the heart and lungs
B. the nose and throat only
C. only the respiratory tract
D. the eyes, nose, throat and lungs

Questions 26 30 are based on the following passage.

The immediate impact of forest fires can be devastating to human communities and (26)
__________________ ecosystems alike. Fires can alter the structure and (27)________________ of forests.
The area is opened to invasion (28) ________________ fast-colonizing alien species. This will affect the
biological diversity of the affected areas. For the human communities, buildings, crops and plantations (29)
_______________ and lives can be lost. Forest fires can also lead to environmental degradation through
(30) on water cycles, soil fertility and biodiversity.

26. A. forest B. tree C. river D. biological
27 A. content B. composition C. plants D. animals
28. A. on B. from C. for D. by
29. A. were destroyed B. is destroyed C. are destroyed D. was destroyed


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