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Bernard Grob Charles E. Herndon Tulsa Technology Center Tulsa, Oklahoma am Glencoe Hike! McGraw-Hill ew York, NeW YAK. “coldmbts, Ohio. Woodland Mls CalfoMja Peoria, Ilinols 1 2. Television broadcasting, ype recorders, 12. Cable tele- jon (CCTV), 19. Facsimile snters, 24. Computer moni- Ba Hoxizo pietetbinkine T , 51. The 6-MHz plevision systems, 128. Picture picture tubes, 133. Liquid- Sblor purity, 150. Convergence 206 IRE scale of video sig- 211. Vertical blanking = * f picture elements, 225. DC video signal, 227. Gamma and contrast in the pic- Jlor information in the video signal, 230. : Pe Circuits and Signals 236 , and blue video signals, 237. Color addition, 240. lof color television terms, 243. Encoding the picture infor 45. Chrominance mod lation, 249. Decoding the picture in- , 253, ¥ signal for luminance, 257. Types of color video sig- ‘syne burst, 263. Hue phase angles, 264. Colorplexed signal, 266, Desaturated colors with white, 268 Color Tpandlwidth, 269, Color subcarrier frequency; 272, Color "Video Test Signals 281 test pattern, 282. Resoluti vn wedges in the test pattern, 284. Tests ‘streaking or smear in the picture, 286. Tests for ringing in the pi 287. Broadcast test pattern signals, 388, Ball chart for checking era linearity, 289. EIA sta) jard color-bar signal, 292. Window sig- 296, Sine-squared test si is, 298, Stairstep test signals, 302 308 other signals, 311 al reference S contents vil ay cording ‘and ack, jonah 382, Colorunder sys. i Control tragk and capstan servo: 5, 361. Pat B ogee) 268. Videotape cording systems, 371 ic jcodisk (DVD), 380. ‘receiver block diay ram Dae Functional blocks § FunetionsAl blocks for ts 474, Other video ; and Syne i 530 tion of the syne, 531. Syne separation, r . Vertical deflection, 539. Troubles in pntal syne and deflection, 544. How loss 547. Troubleshooting syne and deflection, and Remote Operation 558 fers, 563, VHF and UHF tuners, 568, , Remote-epntrolled tuners, 575. Satellite tuners, leshooting tuners, $79. able for CATV, 590. Character 1, Cable distribution system, 598. The jins, 602, Distortion in the cable signal, @ traps and scrambling methods, 608, 1, Wireless cable systems, 613. C and Ku satellite sys- tennas ant : ansmission Lines 621 fant Jength of an antenna, 622, Definition of antenna ‘ern 623. ‘multipathing, 626. Dipole antennas, 627, Parasitic ar Transmission lines, (0, Impedance matching, 631. Antenna ,, 633, Signal amplifiers, 635. Video Servicing 639 Bromperfimmance testipg, 644. Service literair™, 644, Three Frecrive troubleshooting: A short guide, 644. Observe and pit ur theory with signal tracing and s'&° testing: ent parts, 656. Removal and replace , 657, Final adjustments and perfor tterns in the picture,'659. contents IX a ———«<\s : 668 Production tools, 677, TV, 680, iers, 689. 0 kHz to 300,000 MHz, 693, ssignations, 696, CHAPTER ision means “to see at a distance.” This broadcast eda can eanieremeceeteet "by a camera to corresponding electrical changes, or variations. These OBJECTIVES changes in voltage and current make up a video signal. The scene, in the form of that video signal, is transmitted to a receiver. At the re- ceiver, the video signal becomes a reassembled image on the screen of the television's picture tube, The picture can be either black-and- Modulation types required Romrevcrenicolomisure 11 Mustratés the parts ofa common color _‘‘r Picture and sound. How picture tube. signal compression works. The use of Ku band birds in digital satellite systems. (On completing ths chapter you will know about sight" and its ex The technology of television 3, How charge-coupled de- vices are advantageous in ods How to connect a home enter- tainment system. 4, How computer monitors are like TV receivers 5. Why television stations employ format-indepen- dent video computer networks 6. The working systems be hind videotape recorders (including digital), cable TV, closed-circuit TV, and fax. —_ Sak a eee Figure 191 : cent scree Image reproduced on the fluorescent scree 0 picture tube. Three electron beams are used for red Green, and blue stripes on the screen. (RCA) n of a color This chapter will cover TaN aos jion (CATV) 441 Video, audio, television, and iz ee] ee CAT) cy) 4-10 Deve fon radio signals oe Recon 1-2 Television broadcasting 1-7 Facsimile 1-3 Television studio ‘operations 1-8 Video home-entertainment 1-4 Videotape recorders centers ; ks, Home Theatre, these examples use and radio signals, that it ‘of each. Video is a Latin reassembled form, it can break es thesereen, Only when the eri . ee a complete, stable picture, HOW VIDEO DIFFERS Fr UI i ichet EE DIFERS rao) AUDIO. In video, alightimage is con- dt ly one small area at a time, Then th signal produced by the camera tube consists of sequential vari. jons in time for the different areas. For this reason, a scanning wo dure is necessary to cover the entire picture, dot by foe oe ym left to right and line by in, from top to bottom. The scanning is i "very fast; one horizontal line takes only 63.5 microseconds ni y Because of the rapid variations, the video signal has high fre ities eu to Epprapioately 4 megahertz (MHz). eo jurthermore, the scanning procedure requires 1! Me es vicdMeteral yonder io me tte samming the camera tube and at the picture tube. At the picture tube, the small areas of light or shade and of color, when used, are reassembled in the correct position to'create the whole image. VIDEO AND AUDIO BASEBAND SIGNALS Foreitheravideooran jadi vonn rio) etenall (ieirangs of frequenciesiin the variations is called the (1889-1922), en baseband, These frequencies actually correspond to the desired visual 1929 witha friend. His career or aural information, without any extra compl ns (such as en: ‘coding for special functions; or for the modulation needed for broad- casting the signal). Tn audio systems, the baseband frequencies 20 to 20,000 Hertz (Hz); although 50 to 15,000 Hzis used for broadcast audio. Tn video systems, the baseband frequencies range from 0 Hz for di rect current, up to 4 MHz. ihe audio baseband signal can be connected to a loudspeaker tore produce the desired sound. Likewise, the video baseband signal can be fed to a picture tube to reproduce the desired picture The jeason for converting sound and visual information to base band electric signals is that audio and video signals can be amplified by almost any amount, Furthermore, signal processing by electronic Gai is easy and convenient for various uses. The reason for modu- Iation is to broadcast the baseband signal. RADIO BROADCASTING SIGNALS In wireless radio transmission, the audio baseband signal is used to modulate a radio-frequency car Hier wave (RF). Modulation is necessary because the audio frequencies are too low for efficient radiation. Furthermore, different carrier nad quencies are used for different stations: The receiver can be tuned e each carrier frequency. At the receiver, the modulated RF signal is de- tected to recover the original audio information. TELEVISION BROADCAST SIGNALS The same signal idea Oe fh television as in radio broadcasting. The video baseband signal mod- lates a high-frequency carrier wave to provide rele atte re ignal it the receiver, the video deteetor recovers the original video sien © fiion broadcasting is very similar to radio broadcasting An early television pioneer, tronic scanning oscope, and Video, Audio, Television, and Radio Signals a eee . Answers at the end of the chapter that video modulation is used for the pletute signal, The associated sound signal also is transmitted on a separate carrier wave. All these systems require electromagnetic radio waves for trans. mission. In television broadcasting, amplitude modulation (AM) is used for the picture signal, but frequency Modulation (FM) is used for the associated sound signal. Fe ae Incidentally, the transmitting antenna for TV broadcasting is hori- zontal. The antenna at the TV receiver, therefore, should also be hori- zontal for maximum received signal strength. i 101 ANd a. Is a picture tube more similar to a microphone, Or to a loud- | speaker? | b. Name two baseband signals. | . Which has higher frequencies, audio or video signals? d. What type of modulation is used for the picture? 4 we Applications of Television €. What type of modulation is used for the sound? | | Television broadcasting The term broadcast means “to send out in all directions.” As shown in Figure 1-3, the transmitting antenna radiates electromagnetic radio waves that can be picked up by the receiving antenna. The television transmitter has two functions: visual and aural transmission. Both the AM picture signal and the FM sound signal are emitted from the com- mon radiating antenna. The service area is about 75 mi [121 km] in all directions from the transmitter. This range is due to the propagation characteristics of VHF and UHF radio waves. (Communications satel- lites greatly extend this range, as will be discussed in a later section.) In visual transmission, the camera tube converts the light image to a video signal. The camera tube is a cathode-ray tube (CRT), with a photoelectric image plate and an electron gun enclosed in a vacuum glass envelope. A common type is the vidicon shown in Figure 1-4a. Basically, the camera tube takes an optical image of the scene on its photoelectric plate, which is scanned in horizontal lines by the elec- tron beam. The scanning goes from left to right and top to bottom, as viewed by the camera, It takes % second to scan the entire picture frame, comprising a total of 525 scanning lines. In this case, as with most other applications, a solid-state replace- ment device has replaced the camera tube. The solid-state transducer now being used in camcorders and studio cameras is known as @ charge-coupled device (CCD). These devices operate at low voltages, weigh little, perform well, and are extremely small, A transducer has hundreds of thousands of pixels (the picture elements); meaning @ a ignal—that cor~ is amplified, and a picture and the sound nd then detected to recover itput includes the video enough to drive the grid- nin Figure 1-5, the picture {nan oscilloscope. The glass f t coating onits inside surface. The nar gun, When the electron beam strikes the s emitted, In the case of a color tube, there are producemed, green, and blue ight. Waltaze makes the control grid to cathode . beam current increases, making the am light output is peak white in the beam b negative voltage decreases the grid voltage is negative ‘enough to Shis value corre- Loudspeaker: 6 igure (6) Chara -oupled devices replace tube pickup devices. (Sony) iu Figure 1*5 ‘Atypical projection CRT; the @lectron gun isi the narrow neck. Three CRIS a quired: RG, and 8. (Sony) The block diagram in Figure 1-3 illu: chrome. In colortelevision, a color camer used. The color cameta provides videosignals for the red, green, and blue picture information. Similarly, thé color picture tube reprod the image inred, green, ahd blue with all their color mixtures, includ ing white TELEVISION BROADCAST CHANNELS The band of frequencies usec for video and audio signal transmission is cal Fach TV station is assigned a 6-MHy. wi frequency by the Federal Communicati in Table 1-1, the broadcast television ¢ rates the system for monc and a color pict led a television chant ide channel with a specific cartier ios Commission (FCC), As shown Aannels fall within three bands: Applications of Television ide. This bandwidth frequencies up for color television. al. The FM ier frequencies are al- nnels. The value of 4:5 Je I-1, When television first Y MHz; but now this band vices, acludin, i raviga\ . oadeast band of 88 to 108 MHz:is just above ervice is not related to tele- ded to create more tel igh 83 are no longer av is situation will be discussed der televisions and video” A3.58-Mbz crystal in its housing, used for the color ‘oxcillator in television receivers. (Hevelit) Television Broadcasting = jannels, 70 through 83 Bat the back of this boo} propagated by line-of-sigh ina to the receiving antenn, BW the curvature of the earth; josphere, such as occurs for pEsight transmission makes fo get good coverage of TV eassette recorders will tune these Al ‘TV channels are listed in appendices In the VHF and UHF bands, sign transmissions from the transmitting AN! ally fol and there are no rel radio signals at lower frequencies the antenna height important in orde broadcast signals. The FCC assigns television channels standards, Each station must meet FC needs of the community, Licenses are Inndithe public is invited to partierpategn the renewal process. Line-of:sight is an important service area is limited {© about 50-100 mies for VIE ind maintains strict technical } specifications and serve the viewed at regular intervals, tonin television broadcasting. T aR Mee cau 25-40 miles for UHI channeleThe distanse depends on trans The Because theymemeat, owen antenna heightyand distance tothe vptical horizon the same speed we do, GEOs However, there are two important exceptions to these line-ol-sizl f hover” lke atall tower over limitations, First, cable television system, without | thesamepointon Earth, broadcasting to the home. Also, by using se\llite communicat | sending TV showstocable transmitter hasan extensive line-of-sight, ki) »wn as the “footpri i} moe eT extends for thousands of miles. This metho:' -equires that t ter be in a geosynchronous orbit, about 22.900 miles above equator: The power requirements are typic ily 15 to 75 v | very low compared to conventional broadest transmitte Sey) TEST POINT QUESTIONS. | a. Is the vidicon a camera tube, or a piciure tube? | , What is the chroma subcarrier signal frequency? c. What frequencies are used for TV channel 2? \ d. Is the maximum beam current in the picture tube uscd! for | Dee check white or black? | | of the chapter e, Is TV channel 14 a VHF or UHE channel? Television studio operations ———_ In the early days of television, most pros station used studio cate 21 Network “feed out the countr The major networks today are ey ae today _arélthe Columbia Broadcastin Company (CBS), the American Broagcssting hte ABC), the i National Broadeasting Company (NBG), and the Fox (FOX) Network ! (along with many special interest andieuble services) ices) ams Were “live,” and eact ras TO gelferate its own programming C Belierate its own programm providedprograms t@cover different areas throug! 8 Applications of Tele ion irces are provided by the use of on film camera converts the op- ae device, are produced and stored on tape, DR) does for video programs what for audio programs. The main iped at one time and stored for commercials are stored on programs delivered by mi- rete ck ing off-peak hours and then upon feeos 4 (Hevelin) * sually the studio where the 1 re the tape machines are ya area convenient to the people pro- ogram may originate outside the stu- trans is at a remote location, usually at lable, or on a tower that may be more than times towers will be located on a mountaintop area, a from high-rise buildings and air- 2 ideo and audio signals are delivered to the trans- ‘wideband cable systems provided by the STL. The transmitter uses mi udio and transmitter sites, The mi tower in Figure 1~7 serves this purpose. of 2and 12 gigahertz (GHz), which station by the FCC. IEWS-GATHERING (ENG) When the video cassette ‘was upgrad ‘meet minimum broadcast require- ynic news-gathering system developed. It includes a order (TV camera and VCR). The camera is designed for smpactness. The camera operates from a storage battery e n wey this system takes the place of portable film cameras. The signa NG unitis available immediately. The tape can be delivered sband video and audio sig~ for later playback, or the baseband vi pe corer | by a microwave link o cmsthe-soene; lve corer tems in use work with a PC (personal co! ae che a. to the studio. In the near future, field ‘tapeless” digital units. Television Studio Operations 9 ——————————— Figure 1*7 Microw-ve antenna dishes u television studio-transmitter tower has a height of sever feet. ELECTRONIC FIELD PRODUCTION (EFP! The EFP sys same type of compact, portable video equipment as the ENG «pplica tion. However, the purpose of EFP is to generate an entertainmcr gram at different locations away from the studio. Two exarnples be a documentary program or an interview at someone's hom SWITCHING AND MIXING All the cameras and videotape ma chines are locked in by a master synchronizing generator, so that the scanning is the same for all the sources. This method pe tronic switching among WIR programs, line feeds, and the special c: sette machines that Store the commeréials. There is no disturbance as you view the picture, because the switching is done in the vertical blanking interval, The scfeen is black during this time, while the elec tron scanning beam retraces from theottom to the top of the frame The vertical blanking time is relativelylong, approximately 1300 js. nee Ree Sietching is done manually at a central control console. 1k operations, athe switching is entirely computer-contrdlled, even for the so ee clic totsed Reteek nace sap” Of commercials. It is com mon air of machines Playing identical tapes for the on the-air feed. Ifone VIR fails, the other arc pe vitches in automatically ELECTRONIC EDITING Motion-picture filrm ; ae iy catting thaiea at 4 pictiire film is edited mechanicall and splicing the two ends at the frame junction Videotape, however is edited electronically. The tap ae oa : 40 Applications of Television + | Figure | A videotape editing machine. (Sony) x : ‘eally; itis edited electronically by erasing and then recording over a ‘particular segment. A VCR machine for editing videotape is shown in Figure 1-8. The control console can be located elsewhere in the build ing, but the two recorders are controlled from the editing console. One "tape machine is the playe-—the feeder, or source. 7 he other is the ‘recorder that makes the electronic splice. Electronic editing enables a " complete program on tajc to be made from a number of separate pieces of tape. "Special graphic effects, such as fading and switching between signal ‘Sources, canbe accomplished either by separate pieces of equipment called speciabeffects generators (SEG) or by computer-based controls. ‘Another special effect, cliroma keying, is handled by computerized ‘systems. The computer allows you to superimpose one person on the top of another scene. For example, assume that you want a musician ina éornfield instead of in the studio. The performer stands in front of a highily saturated blue background. The blue video signal from the camera tube has a switching pattern atall points where the image bor- ders on the blue background. So you could use the switching pattern to key the image into another scene. Acommon use of this technique is to superimpose a person giving a stormy weather forecast onto a satellite picture showing clouds over the country. Video servers are rapidly thanging studio operations If you've Worked in an office, you know'that in most office computer networ there dre two types of computers used: the nodes (the client computer terminals) and the server. The nodes are the various computers Sol" tered throughout the office area, usually on people's desks. These odes are connected to the setver, which is a powerful compu'e that not only holds the eomputer files shared by everyone on the neta but also controls the switching and signal transmission between the computers connected to the network, A class at York High School uses titles, ch y Itasca, fects, Television Studio Operations ———————— 11 Fane: 's the eontrolin “0 (and audio) signals fers, ges; Comparable to » special-effects genera- at digital server is. k, a television stati, nple, they could putacse. Players, character genera. types of equipment? No there would be no tapes is that these machines re- ‘machines. because the networks are fith equal ease, will handle dard, digital TV, or HDTV). ent that will become ob- o servers provide an e entirely, but they dio videotape. A station Jio andl video in th will be able to sto iting features m: n. The video ca back to the st tic tape, just as an audio ‘system is illustrated in Figure i fine particles of iron oxide izes the tape. induces a sig- ies are higher, e in octaves. C videotape recorders have . Type C originated as a ;designs, and standards of Engineers (SMPTE). The eads to record the picture using high-quality broad- as shown in Figure 1-12 es that perform well. ‘much smaller when Videotape Recorders 13 lle Figure 1911 ‘Older type © videotape ecorder, using two Fo: tating heads and tein tape. The width of the unit is 19 in, (482.6 mml. (Sony) Figure 1*12 Studio-type videocassette recorder, (Panasonic) compared to the original in. tape on Gpen veels. (AU type videotape recorders Provide muc ie type VCR.) : Like the home VCR, TWpe C machities use two rotatin produce slanted tracks actas the tape. Two (a cares Bey ACH. BROEARIIRC tidhys HA nsage, but every ning line forms ane of theltiyo fields inf television frame.) 1! Han with @ nonbeameliedibicture, is Wry useful for cc because each A6ld cate Wevwcd iA sla rnotion or as a still pictus ® Catype of videotape recérdeh is shown fi Risure 1-11 Co 14 Applications of Television fany studios are using digital Yin. tape, and some, 19-mm such as digital separators, ection. (Time-base correction is 9 have improved tape-handling el The obvious benefit to that VFR shine wear. nology is signal compression. In com- ings are used to record a given signal on a fe video signal data from a 1,090-foct be compressed into a 500-foot (or shorter) ‘nly is a more economical use of tape that usable cassett: i ital VIRs when their older analog ‘costs Of the units are similar, As you can see, tes and computer tape drives is be- data storedion videotapes is more like the old-style video signals. ven studio tape recorders can cause vibrations, Shock waves can be cre~ ess into the tape that is passing the for the tape and recording heads is encies around 5 MHz, not only for yyback on another machine, The tim- sffect, jitter in the picture, and color tor (TBC), sig- jitten the digital time-base correc di First, the TBC converts the analog ‘output is converted back into gnal, The time-base correction is use playback feed line for on-the-ait Se the newer digital video technolOsy: ary in the time-base 15 Videotape Recorders Bas ree tS Pe ee ee oo Tris here that the picture canbe charged for spe“! lino ba Pi ¥ -d _ Pe: - beuse gat i be Aine & a SS Sac een Tt Ne ‘ doo oe ee f subscribers, The line for to the line loss for the le is 40 decibels (dB), oF « does not involve radiation ments to prevent acciden rating standards. In many is dedicated to a special sig ‘The channel chosen is 08 MHz; so a simple FM els increases, cables are re ordingly, cable “losses” are anging over to fiber optic Is. Although these opi tall than coaxial cab! amount of signal. Thus | bles, the TV provider re artiplific:s, with far more cay» on only allow for me ef ible for cable comp: . ter mo Fi bi i sas required to p TV teceiver: The int or heterodynes all cable cha Syband VHF channel, usual! this channel only. All channe ‘an be rs that id for a ira requirement to convert th nels, This cable converte! led to unscramble the sie eady receiver is 10! ambled channels 4 motel, or an oflic¢ have their own satellite ea''" elevision (CCTV) Nut a television “eye” almost anywhere has created busi- ell TV cameras to “sce” without the need for a human ob- erator, TV cameras are used in traffic control, banks, eillance, the teaching of multiple classes, group business a exploration, the monitoring of dangerous indus and remote guidance of military Weapons. These ap- lial {use baseband video, without a modullated carries closed-circuit cable system, The picture can be in monochrome or wr Without needing to be broadcast cuality, the video equipment is latively inexpensive and very compact, especially for « black-and- main components of a surveillance systen nd a monitor to show the picture, connected by a 75: “igure 1-17 illustrates a typical surveillance camera, It ;pact and can be mounted anywhere. fa long focal length is used to make distant objects look fuch like a telephoto lens, The lens screws into aC mount, which isa standardmount for opticalleameras, Thesame lenses as those in film cameras are generally used. Fonremote control, special lenses are fitted i With a motor to control both optical focusing and the iris opening. aperture, OF f number, can be controlled automatically in some ras, To prevent overload distortion, a higher level of video s mal ‘causes the iris to close when necessary. ther remote-control accessory is the pan-and-til in Figure 1-18, It has two motors. One can be controlled ‘position to “pan” the camera, or to sweep the view acros €. The other motor, for tilt, swings the camera up or down, _ Anadditional accessory forsurveillance cameras is a weatherproof housing, equipped with a remote-control window wiper Also ed housing for underwater cameras can be used. i t It mount, from s the : Closed-Circuit Television (CCTV) Answers at the end of the chapter Figure 1°18 A pan-and-tilt camera mounting. (Panasonic) 19 — ee grouped so that they can tems, an automatic sequence IS Us: several cameras to a single monitor at fecord a single view and to ignore the other chosen value. Since the tape ™0' TIME-LAPSE VIDEOTAPE RECORDER made of the surveillance operations. Lm pulled at a fraction of its normal speed. a wee S< Inframetncs ThermaCAM fits record up to 200 hours ona standard videos pe in your palm and is cordless. It ‘Accharacter generator may be used fos eS ea Seen timeontothe picture. Inaddition, the mach ment, industry, science, medi the picture rate, giving more detailed cover ‘Ging, and the military. is iggered. z Caeene ‘Another device deteets motion in the sc paring new images with the preeeciing Sign: intruder moving through an aigle or gorrid: is detected by the video comparator; whic seal : i INFRARED TELEVISION The in‘raved sp Its long wavelengths cannot be seen | Frequencies for infrared are jist below 2 ; forred light, Heat énergy procuces infrarec , a Special camera tube is uged that has an i spectrum of light. In addition. the optical s infrared to pass but block vis:ble Ii When the camera signal is use ht, Such cameras are used for surveil duced in différent colors.7 mately + MHz, in a o-MHg for a still picture, howeveg roadecast such as documents and drawings, over narrowband radio frequengies. plication of the slow-sean BV principl tail in section 1-7. SPACE-PROBE TELEVISION Perna, Welcome to Jupiters 9rooty F Scie Ganymede, courtesy of | scan telcvision technologigs is the tra D) space, back to éarth. All df the ta 20 Applications of Television 2 Video fieq erably. Asa result, slow-sean TV can bes. Fax (facsimile) system are the mag are the mat tore swhite parts of the signal are « function of ange w ‘not wanted. Another application is in hea: at loss show u pms, the tempe SLOW-SCAN TELEVISION It is the mm that requires fast scanning and high videc ch: PS Bibi Miss: A\ es, and weather satellite ‘Generally, slow-scan images nory and then sent back to us iting space station. They hold news and experiments using “real- —_—$——— e Bsn 00 tp jomis the most widespread use of slow-scan | ielevision. Every day people use faxes to send docamens pho- zy tographs, id art all around the globe. Faxes are commonplace in business. Pt to about 1983, however, fax machines (larger and more 7 expensive than today’s machines) were used primarily to transmit 4 ‘er maps for the U.S. Weather Service, and for a few important ‘and business applications, such as newspaper wire services quired pictures to go along with the text fen the machines became less expensive and people became that they could send documents instantly over thelr existing ‘one lines, sales skyrocketed. Due to the popularity of fax m > telephotte companies have created new area codes to acco date all oftlie new telephone lines that have been requested! A com> mon type of fax machine is shown in Figure 1-19 OPERATION. The pickup device ina fox machine scans exch tn of the docuument to be sent and generates an electrical signal for eae of the line, Initially, the encoded signal generated by the pickup de 48 digital, Iv is then changed into an analog signal and is, ansmitted tothe receiving fax machine. ‘Typi transmission rate is 14:4 kilobatid (a bavd is one bit per second), anentire document Scanning in fax machines is ‘The circuitry of the fax machine is able to send ble by the system's aster-type pattern. in 15 seconds or less. This speediness is made possi x ; Facsimile (FAX) 21 22 Figure 1°19 Atypical facsimile (fax) machine. (Panasonic) ignoring of the white areason the docume) The mac! rectly to the part of the document thatisd or shad compression is called redandaney reduetior "At the other end of the facsimile trans: ission, th re chine decodes the analog system and prin' the corre-)or on paper: Most fax machines use the equiv: ent of a comp for luser printer'to reproduce the image o» plain paper: F chines required a special thermal (heat-act vated) paper ‘The individual steps in faxing are as fol! ws 1. The document is fed ito the machine. The scanner c electronic representation of the document. It describes age by the "blackness" of each pixel, The scanning pate to right, top to bottom (a raster-type pattern) 2. The signal from the Scammer is compressed! by a special p' Because most of thedaia from an avéfage document is w the outlines of the Blackareas are sh6wn by this process 3, A modulator converts the digital signals into an which can be transmitted over common telephone line FSK (Frequeney-Shift Keying) signal 4. The second machine is Gontacted. The modulated signal §, The receiving machine demodulate lemodulateg the signal. It turn nal back into a digital format. i rey s thi a sentation of the image. -—_— 6. A fax of the Original image is printed on paper Applications of Television the machine, from each line of 2 stor via an op- “on” signal for every jite area. Special cir- log signal for trans- the signals to print the nds ‘on how finely the doc- jachine breaks the entire doc- he best resolution quality de- dots used, Fax machines are rated by ipi), or number of lines per inch. Yor refers to a scanned pixel that is up 3” fax machines is 300 or more « lines per inch vertically. The stan- set by the CCITY (Consultive sphone and Telegraphy). Almost all tible (often abbreviated G3). A Group approximately 3.7 million dots! Know now out of date, and that Group 4 y with computernetworks and European Teltex. re digital-grade phone lines, which ate in ‘To properly reprodiice photographs or other fax machine must be able to produce varying ost ss can produce 32 different gray tons up ‘strength of the signal from the scan- area will be reproduced as white, black, viously, in order to fax, two machines ther. Working together is called a “handshake. 7 age o machines (A and B) goes something Facsimile (FAX) 23 —————t 7 i _ i ng BEB bee es ‘popular—they brin ing room. Almost all screen television: — SOR 58 Gos ound and an improved ‘view @7in. or larger, ize, 40 in. to 80 in); projects the image jounts from the ceil- to 10 ft. ormore. fichanel television sound) OTGorarBiw) jack . These receivers may be ovie-style format. These re- , usually in excess of 700 lines: necessary to make the ts to increase the total jacks for both audio and jo from a television, video- a ideo game, audiocas” | receivers include an AM/FM tuner and jepth and realism). Most receiver will Video Home-Entertainment Centers 26 Figure 1°21 Home entertainment equipment. (a) Block dia gram of a home theater set-up. (b) Home theater system, (Toshiba) have DSP (di 7 delay effects. Television receivers with MTS (st6) However, the sound " evett be cted AV S sound placed speakers cone’ theater-quality sound, five speakers €@ channel, and two rear speakers. ( cente! ing dialogue.) Some systems will i bass effects, Figure 1-21a shows & Applications of Television Center channel h will allow for differen deliver much improv al Large-serean para es ‘television a speaker } speake View from this are Tm his area tear speaker (a) T with external, proper! ound Sound receiver fe used: left and right fron fe center channel is for hea: neludesub-woofers for outstanding iplock|diagram of a home theate modulator uni as the one pictured in Figure 1-216, ky xt the movies. The cost? It jount to thousands of dollars. a system will be using baseband video, along nel audio. These interconnection cables are {CA-type connectors. However, video signal distribu- ple as audio, due to its bandwidth. Therefore, a mod. ¢ the system work from room to room, as well as sf the older or lower-end video products. The modu- al out putwill usually be on either channel 3 or 4 ‘ows a typical modulator unit from a videocassette fhe modulator is like amniniature TV transmitter, except that jected to the input on the receiver. A switch on the rreither channel 3 or 4. Then therreceiver can be set mnel for the modulator output signal fistribution level of RF signals is typically 1 103 millivolts (mV) srminals, When a baseband video signal is used, is 1 V, peak-to-peak, with negative sync polarity RADIATION The modulator is a potential source of sauuse it generates RF outputon channel 3 or 4. The RF fate from the antenna connections, producing interfer- eceivers, To minimize this interference, the modulator to a maximum of 3 mV across a 75-0 Joad such as Sav acrOss a 300-0 load for twin-lead antenna : FCC rules apply for al class | television devices, which in- PeVER, videodisc player, satelite receivers, video games and wwerters. RGANIZER When there is receiver/monitor, 01 more than one video accessory xr multiple receivers, there can mnt in and out from one unit to Is are radio frequencies oP fo organizeall the accessory ea Ye 1-23. This unit has six inputs serrv receiver, and the second is for 9 its are provided for antenna im ment an put or 27 Video Home-Entertainment Centers ee the antenna input cept the video game « VER. As a result the TV receiver while u record the prog am b thevone position as she ; { terminal, Remembe ireuit with very low resis } cireuit, has high resi tion disconnects the diodes the anode of D1 throus witht the cathode $forward-biased, with low re signal to the output. (In the e, to prevent short-circuiting the 24-V de supply is applie , and at the cathode of / jathodes of D1 and D2 is mo" ‘Answers at the end of the chapter a but without the tun- ceiver has an RF tuner for the antenna signal, It (GE) amplifier, Its video detector recti- al to provide the video baseband signal. k jignal directly. w a monitor is similar to a TV receiver: Ibe to reproduce the picture, This cathode-ray tube screen size from 14-17 in. fers to produce enough video signal for the CRT: its to deflect the electron beam in the CRT hori- Vertically to fill the screen with horizontal lines. ies, including dehigh voltage for the CRT anode. The ye determines the brightness. characteristics apply to large computer monitors. Some and wall-hung/TV sereens use a solid-state flat S10 ‘gad of aliquideerystal display (LCD). Examples of" Figure 1425 ortable, battery-operated laptop or note- B able, battery-operated laptop or Two kinds of computer é monitors. (a) A 14-in. CRT monitor types; photo (a) uses a Lin ae ba wath sep video card inthe PC (personal com rate processor unit. placed on the CPU or next to it. The (Hewlett-Packard) (6) A notebook computer in color witha flat-screen LCD monitor. (Casio) ly, the monitor “LED computer in Photo (b) is self-contained. picture ttibes, such as used nsive monochrome CRTs. Computer Monitors 29 Sead > is in black-and-white. In q play can be in blac all, like this text black-and-white i ‘stmated in F gure | 26 laced scanning; but it is i$ Feliance on lower vide ies. Television re monitors using that method With higher resolutions iver has all of its contro! Btrast, all of a monitors co card is a small circuit bos! not in the monitor. It is mputer, along with the co ir microprocessor), meme"’ lecoding computer codes 8). iver were the flyback Janes circuit; and the au- ne tization of the horizontal supply at the anode of the pic~ unless the horizontal defl | In modern receivers, the hori low-voltage supplies that goon to other x; tuner, and vertical stages. The efficiency. lization would cause the picture to dient ‘the picture and prevents ‘diagonal bars. The main advantage of lly immune to noise interference. yroadcasting developed from ntages of a me- lards, and 00 ms were created by CBS and RCA. The olor wheel, with scanning frequencies tem was Se” ES oa th mae Seer fp oe oo rough 83 (broadc broadcast statior splied additional c lessening the dem ae cellular telephone igned only to cha: reo ee! 5 ae s limited to about 100 , linking ground trans- zen satellites are in cur- and cable companies, ‘own satellite receiver— als, Owners have to aim the jledgeable about where the Urbanites who want a wider e them. Properly designed systems can ith a 7: variety of programming AST (DSB) Digital satellite systems ‘are becoming very popular, These an- positioning devices because they cation in the “Clarke Belt” (so named in iction writer). All services must eral options of programming choice. The ser- audio, along with excellent digital ‘The satellites supplying the signals are high- whieh operate in the 10-GH Frequency range, Answers at the end of the chapter Development of Television Broadcasting 33 learners Poa koe ee of programs for the A large TV screen with d Sound” speaker sys. style pictures and frequency contro! jonizes the horizontal ciure, Uses invisible in. + an image from tem | 10 the diff ni sound RE ‘TV channe cess of sca | even line jave systems, An RF carrier wave 0 2 by the base dots; the higher the num image. A satellite orbiting the felay link between trans: ng earth stations. ers the entire picture } of horizontal lines. Provides narrowband res. of the right with the numbers at theleft. (Right and left columns continue on the io from one piece of a ‘Baseband signal of elec- tions that can reproduce visual tape recorder (VIR) Recorder, ly with open reels, that can record { play back both picture and sound. ting speed For videotape recorders, relative speed between the video heads RF picture carrier signal 54 to 60 MHz Brightness 8 bits 50 Video signal RF sound carrier signal 4.5 MHz 3,58 MHz VCR RF output Camera tube 30 525 Head end Heat energy re FR mo RO oe ep Bore nary telephone lives can chines, but not ier cable Sevited. and a disadvantage of red With television broad 4 ference be produced by the inels for cable television? organizer used asa ments for home theater: lio and two video sources nected to an A/V receiver steps in a fax transm's is, in the context Withobehift appedrs to us that TM pietires move, TV actual di sill picture. Successive pieturesare shown fast enough OBJECTIVES us the illusion of motion. Moviegune 0 concen On completing this chapter, ich picture isa group of small areas of Pht or s! hade. Figu SIE YF is agnified" to show the cltalls of tie still ture in Figur 1, How the picture detail is, \leasting, varying light and dark spots c espond to the vi rade of pos or sending picture information. 2. How the television picture is created by sequentially scanning horizontal lines 3. Synchronization, necessary for scanning picture infor- mation. 4. How voltage and current ‘amplitude changes create video signals. 5. How closed-circuit televi- sion uses baseband video. 6. How color video signals ‘are converted into lumi- nance and chrominance signals. 7. How an increased number | of transmitted lines results, inhigherresolition | displays. Figure 2+1 (a) Still picture; ius trates picture informas tion, (b) Magnified view; shalws individual picture elements (ony 2-1 Picture elements 2-6 Horizontal and vertical 2-9 S aipal 2-2 Horizontal and vertical scanning scanning frequencies b-10 e 3,58-MHz color signal 2-3 Video signal infornfation 2-7 Horizontal ant vertical 3-44 cs cic, 2-4 Motion pictures 7 ayonienia pe 6 Mt teleison ld forizontal and vertca f el Beh ame soe eh rapa Donia a Neteal 2-4 BB tandards of transmission “as of the scene, ‘TY; but know that a |, many small datk and light he film, provide the differ- , there are many small, black, e. Looking at the magnified view in ‘printed picture is composed of small, ght. This basic structure is evident in . Ifthe page is examined closely, the dots will ture elements are relatively large. flight or shade is called a pixel, ora pel, short for the elements together contain the visual infor- ‘these elements are transmitted and reproduced of light or shade as the original and in proper po- isreproduced. ppose that we want to transmit an image of a Gkground (Figure 2-2). The background is white ‘the cross are dark. When each picture element d to theright side of the figure and reproduced in the orig- thiits shade of dark or white, the image is duplicated % z “Reproduction Figure 22 Reproducing a picture by duplicating its picture elements. “Answers at the end re eleme it is not important in the : of the chapter erlay on a monochrome picture: = Picture Elements 39 : ee different the: Picture is re. the picture is re time factor ex jay as you would read a tex. nc all the lines on the Hl the picture elements are ghi and from top io bottom zontal limear scanr ing. \\ te: to divide the imag~ in ine. The rete: | formation is scanned tubeand the picture tub: Po 8 So oe cmgeaaahaiiealela eee sl i mtmammammaamal oo mplete iber of pic- ae ¥ a= Answers at the end of the chapter ¢ or current amplitude changes with re- jignal), but the video signal variations al is shown in Figure 2-4. Im: sult of the scanning shown in Figure Video Signal information 41 ht information for one hor. Foss. At the left side, the in dark for a longer time at white again for the end of signal is produced for the for positive polarity and olarities can be reversed white picture information 0 signal. AIL525 lines are scann ated at the rete of 30 Hz. ef equency of se frequencies «>| y sipple ¢ excessive disturb: white up” for positive po x, or with oppo ‘way, the main ef'ec i solid-state devices know" | jater in natior dleo signal. The camer ¢ conversion of light the image plate to sca re 2-4 is for ® os is able to reconstruct the P* Isignal varies the beam in!” ation. Maximum beam to zero beam current Bags 3 format nd video. Other methods have and audio output signal. The puter and sent by a modem Jwo closed-circuit TVs. Top, a covert “clock” by GBC y Below it, a unit for extreme ; cold by Silent Witness 4 (Richardson Electronics) Abe: date at ting uses scanning, you can imagine that it is neces- the picture to the eye in such a way that any motion in ‘onthe screen as a smooth, continuous change. In this the television system is very similar to motion-picture practice. ure 2-5 shows a strip of motion-picture film, Each still picture from the preceding one. Each frame is projected indi- 2 still picture. However, because the frames are shown one other in rapid succession, the viewer has the illusion of con- 4 ndard cc jal motion-picture practice, 24 frames are thescreen forevery second during which the film is projected. in the projector rotates in front of the light source ‘The shutter light to be projected on the screen when the film frame is still, nks out any light while the next film frame is being moved into ‘Asa result, a rapid succession of still film frames is seen 0" the ‘only time you see the film is when it is not moving. 4 t Motion Pictures EEE 43 — PP made by any light BOF a second after the it Many views during perate them and you the impressior ing all 4 sistence effect that makes it Pos ise one basic picture at a time. When the elementaf™ appear, in your vision, ‘as acomplegpicture Pin dadiffon, to exeate gi ilusiggge! spetion, enough com; Pee diusiie shot dumgge each wrote: This effect can be ‘by having a picture repetition rate ‘elition rate of 24 pictures per see ‘is sufficient to produce the illusig anned rapidly eno. eater than 16 per secon | uged in motion-pict. ‘of motion on the scree The rate of 24 frames pe low the br blend smoothly into the next wifen thescree: ‘The result is a definite flicker oflight as the + ‘cen bright and dark This flicker igWorse at high.» illuininaw In motion-picturefilms, thpproblem of 1) ker is solved the film through the proje 24 frames per second ing each frame twice, Thus 48 picttires are | shec ing each second. A shutter if used/to blank out livlit fr not only when cach framejs being changc.| but «ls: Then each frame is projectédl twice on the s ver Although there are still the same 24 p there are 48 views of the sfene during eac! blanked out 48 times pergtcond, As a resuli of the inc rate, flicker is eliminated, 2-4 ENS Figure a> Answer trué or false.” | ss of oF k betw Picture frames in a strip of g i motion-pictute film. a. Motion is shown bya rapid suceessioy) of sti eee 3 ; on of still pictur b, Flicker results Whe the blanking rate is too {as Answers at the end ¢. Motion picture films are proje hi of the chapter per séeond Project@diat the rate of 60 f Z : ? ee) Frame and field frequencies Like in cinema, it teleyisio M not only i i jis many individhal getup ngs on tapact picture bro} & ire clements, Isc 1 rapidly enough to provide enough an. : p the scene lete pictures or fram ond to give the fllusidit of: , ¢ mM of Motior sf second used in films, hovwever, the rage the fate ot . . Tale repetition rate is 3 Be repetition rat 44 The Television Picture {

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