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VRLA stands for Valve Regulated Lead Acid Battery

VRLA batteries the positive plate is Lead dioxide (Pbo2) and negative plate is of
spongy lead (Pb). The Electrolyte is Sulphuric acid

The Coulombic efficiency of the charging process is less than 100% on reaching
final stage of charging

the charging energy is consumed for decomposition of water and the positive
plates generate oxygen gas and the negative plates generate hydrogen gas

VRLA works on the principle of constant voltage charging

Normally the voltage per cell is set at 2.23 V (Total float voltage is 53.5V) and boost charge volt is
set at 2.3 V per cell (55.2 V)

The rise in battery temperature increases the chemical reaction in the battery

it is 3 milli-volt per degree raise in temp

The SMPS power plant takes care of the temperature by reducing the charging

Life of VRLA battery:

Batteries upto 200AH: 4 Years
Batteries more than 200 AH: 6 years

The power plant is used to rectify the ac input supply to desired output dc (-48v)

In order to ensure equi-potential bonding, RING EARTH to be provided surrounding the building

Earth resistance should be less than 0.5 for electronic exchanges

Earth resistance is to be measured every six months.

One dry season must be included in these two occasions.

In lightning prone areas use copper instead of G.I. to form ring earth.

Bending radius of conductor should have at least 1m radius

Transformer neutral to be earthed separately from ring earth at a minimum distance of 6 m

In the first stage of energy conversion, the chemical energy of fuel is converted in to the mechanical
energy at the common shaft of Engine & Alternator. This mechanical energy is then converted into
electrical energy at alternator in the second stage of energy conversion.
The four stroke working principle of Diesel Engine is as under

Admission stroke

Compression stroke

Power stroke

Exhaust stroke

Alternator works on Faradays law of Electromagnetic induction

There are two requirements for the functioning of Alternator (1) Magnetic field & (2) Rotation.

The general condition of the Engine can be determined by the type of smoke it emits. This can be
said as The pulse of the engine. Smoke should be of brown colour (Barely visible haze).

The refrigerant has a much lower Boiling Point and changing the pressure varies this Boiling Point.
The examples of the refrigerants are Ammonia, Freon 12 & Freon-22.

Properties Of Refrigerant

Latent heat of vaporization It should be high

Condensing Pressure It should be Low

Freezing Temperature It should be below the evaporating temperature

Toxicity It should be nontoxic, nonflammable and non-corrosive

Window type air conditioners are completely self-contained units with the compressor, condenser,
evaporators, refrigerant piping and air filters, all assembled in a very compact single unit.

In split AC units, the condenser & Compressor Unit [outdoor unit] and cooling coil unit [indoor unit]
are housed in two separate enclosures and both the indoor and outdoor units are connected through
refrigerant pipe line.

The distance between Indoor and outdoor units should not be > than 30 feet

The call boxes shall be accessible to all occupants without having to travel more than 22.5 mtr and
shall be mounted at a height of 1.2 mtr from floor level. It shall be colored red.

All buildings above 15 m hight and all Digital Electronic exchanges and all the exchanges of 1K or
above shall be provided with an automatic fire detection system, in addition to manual fire alarm

Power plant comprises 3 parts

-Float Rectifier
-Battery Charger
-Switching Cubicle

The function of the Float Rectifier is to receive three phases 440 V AC and to give a constant 51.5
Volts D.C without AC ripples

Regulation is the mechanism by which the output of a float rectifier is kept constant at 51.5 _+0.5V
irrespective of input voltage variations of 12%. Output load variations of 5% to 105% and input
frequency variations of 4% or 48-52 Hz

To Initial charge a battery set:- For initial charging, the battery charger capacity should be at least
14% of AH capacity of battery set

To normal charge the battery set at 10 hour rate.

The O/P voltage of Battery charger can be varied from 44 V to 65 V with the help of Coarse,
Medium and Fine Switches in 63 steps

SMPS means Switch Mode Power Supply. This is used for D.C to D.C conversion.

Specification of SMPS Power Plant

1) Input Voltage 320 V to 480 V
Frequency 45 Hz TO 65 Hz
2) Output Voltage
in Float Mode -54.0 0.5 V. adj range -48 V to -56V
in charge mode : -55.2 V 0.5V


Menu management in FLPP shall be provided through access code of 1284#.

The customer is required to dial 1805 345 followed by destination number for making
prepaid calls. Postpaid calls can be made directly


Broad BSNL launched Data One broadband service in January 2005.

You can use your dialup sancharnet account from any place in India using the same access no
172233, the facility which no other ISP has

BSNL is providing International Roaming services in 476 Networks in 195 countries

covering nook and corner of the world.

There are about 850 GSM networks owned by 650 operators worldwide
telephone service is being provided through 32,000 electronic exchanges, 326
Digital Trunk Automatic Exchanges (TAX), Digitalized Public Switched Telephone
Network (PSTN) all interlinked by over 2.4 lakh km of Optical Fiber Cable.

Call Waiting
This facility lets you receive incoming calls even when your telephone is busy.
Procedure for activation/deactivation:
Dial 118 and get the announcement Dial 119 and get the announcement

Abbreviated Dialing
110 - register number
111 dial

Electronic Locking For STD/ISD

123 for pin
124 for locking and unlocking

Call Transfer (Call Forward)

114 Active
115 - Deactive

Automatic Wake-Up/Reminder Call Service

116 Set Alaram
117 Deactivate

PSTN dial up access prepaid 172233

Isdn dial 172225

Web co-location facility is available in all the cities where BSNL Internet node is
available. The service is available in Delhi, Calcutta, Mumbai, Chennai,
Bangalore, Pune, and Ernakulam and will be extended to other cities shortly.

The Web Hosting Services of BSNL has been launched and are being hosted
presently through web servers located at New Delhi and Bangalore


Uniform Resource Locator (URL).

A URL is comparable to an IOR in CORBA and a contact address in Globe

Most Web documents are expressed by means of a special language called

HyperText Markup Language or simply HTML

standard representation is also known as the Document Object Model or DOM (le
Hors et al., 2000). It is also often referred to as dynamic HTML.
When a document is parsed, it is internally stored as a rooted tree, called a parse
The DOM provides a standard programming interface to parsed Web documents.

Although most Web documents are still expressed in HTML, an alternative language
that also matches the DOM is XML, which stands for the Extensible Markup
Language (Bray et al., 2000).

The + sign following the author element indicates that one or more authors are

Alternatively, a separate formatting language known as the Extensible Style

Language (XSL), can be used to describe the layout of an XML document

MIME stands for Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions.

an applet is a small stand-alone application that can be sent to the client and
executed in the
browsers address space.

Like an applet, a servlet is a precompiled program that is executed in the address

space of the server.

HTTP is a relatively simple client-server protocol; a client sends a request message

to a server and waits for a response message. An important property of HTTP is that
it is stateless.

HTTP is based on TCP.

A major drawback of nonpersistent connections is that it is relatively costly to set up a TCP connection

A better approach that is followed in HTTP version 1.1 is to use a persistent connection, which can be
used to issue several requests (and their respective responses), without the need for a separate connection
per (request, response)-pair

400 (Bad Request)

403 (Forbidden)
404 (Not Found).

A plug-in is a small program that can be dynamically loaded into a browser for handling a specific
document type.

IETF stands for the Internet Engineering Task Force, which is the organization responsible for
developing Internet standards.

Client-side caching generally occurs at two places. In the first place, most browsers are equipped with a
simple caching facility.

In the second place, a clients site often runs a Web proxy.

There are two ways in which server replication in the Web generally takes place. First, as we explained
above, heavily-loaded Web sites use Web server clusters to improve response times. In general, this type
of replication is transparent to clients. Second, a nontransparent form of replication that is widely
deployed is to make an entire copy of a Web site available at a different server.

The predominant approach for setting up a secure channel in the Web is to use the Secure Socket Layer
(SSL), originally proposed by Netscape

An update of SSL has been formerly laid down in RFC 2246, now referred to as the Transport Layer
Security (TLS) protocol


In 2007, BSNL merged all individual brand names (Cellone, Bfone,

Dataone, Sancharnet etc) into unified brand BSNL

PEST (Political, Economical, Social and Technological) Situation Analysis

SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats) Analysis
Porters Five Force Model

"Pull" marketing- A type of marketing that attempts to persuade the

customer to try a
product and continue to use the product. Advertising is an example of it.

"Push" marketing- A type of marketing in which the product is "pushed"

from the seller
to the consumer. Direct sales force, contests, free trials etc. are its examples.


Sales Process:
Pre-approach & Approach
Overcoming objections
Closing and order
Follow up and maintenance

Sales Cycle term generally describes the time and/or process between first
contact with the customer to when the sale is made.

Sales funnel - describes the pattern, plan or actual achievement of conversion

of prospects into sales, pre-enquiry and then through the sales cycle

Marketing funnel has target market as its input and output as leads. Sales funnel
has leads as inputs and customers as the output.
Sales Force Automation Systems (SFA): is a system that automatically
records all the stages in a sales process

the essential elements required to achieve lasting success are: self-knowledge,

product knowledge, market knowledge, industry knowledge, and professional
selling knowledge

Contact ratio is achieved by dividing the number of contacts actually made to

total number of call attempts.

CFA and CM cater to retail selling whereas Enterprise deals with

corporate/enterprise customers.

The concept of commercial officer, CSCs and Marketing agents was expanded by
introduction of franchisees with the launch of BSNL mobile services in October

In October 2009, as part of Project Shikhar, a new sales setup has been
designed. Consumer mobility and Consumer Fixed Access verticals have
dedicated GM/DGM rank officers at Corporate as well as Circle level to plan,
manage and effect retail sales.

Minimum three months inventory has to be stocked by SSAs.

Each circle has been asked to appoint 250-300 sales teams. Each team
comprises of 4-6 Telephone mechanics, TOAs lead by JTO/SDE/Sr SDE rank
officer. 4-6 such teams have to report to an officer of AGM rank who has to be
allocated specific sales targets by SSA Head

Under Project Vijay, travel & meal allowance varying from Rs 1300-Rs 2600.

Similarly for Udaan sales team leader & sales associates Rs 1400/- per month is
allowed towards meal & travel expenses

Platinum customers: These customers are large corporate entities (with

indicative turnover greater than Rs. 500 cr p.a.).

Gold customers: These are medium-sized corporate entities (with indicative

turnover of Rs. 50-500 cr p.a.).

Silver customers: All corporate customers that are not a part of the Platinum
or Gold accounts are designated as Silver accounts (with indicative turnover
greater than Rs. 10 cr p.a.)

Primarily GM (Business Planning) at BSNL HQ deals with it with back end support
from maintenance regions
Another important segment of enterprise customers is BFSI i.e. banking,
financial services and Insurance sector companies.

Concept of National Account Manager (NAM) and Key Account Manager (KAM)
has also been introduced to provide focused attention to corporate customers.

For capturing silver customers, BSNL has started appointing Channel partners in
the circles.

Tier 1 CPs will be primarily engaged in the Sales and Marketing of BSNL Voice
and Data services to targeted Silver customers

Tier 1 CP is required to have Minimum 5 number of sales personnel and 10

number of field engineers

Tier 2 CPs will be primarily engaged in the Sales and Marketing of BSNL Voice

Tier 2 CP is required to have Minimum 5 number of sales personnel/field


Sales software in CRM module of CDR project.

Sancharsoft - ITPC Hyerabad.

Sales & Distribution Module in ERP

Wings software for Project Udaan: ITPC Pune has developed and launched a
lead management software in Jan 2010.


The International Organization introduced the OSI layer for Standardization (ISO)
in 1984.

There are five steps of Data Encapsulation : -

1. The Application, Presentation and Session layers create DATA from users' input.
2. The Transport layer converts the DATA to SEGMENTS
3. The Network layer converts the SEGMENTS to PACKETS (or datagrams)
4. The Data Link layer converts the PACKETS to FRAMES
5. The Physical layer converts the FRAMES to BITS

Application layer protocols:

i) Telnet
ii) SMTP
iii) FTP
iv) SNMP
v) NCP
vi) SMB
Presentation Layer:
examples of these formats and schemes are:
i) MPEG, QuickTime

Examples of Session layer protocols are:

i) NFS
ii) SQL
iii) RPC
iv) Zone Information Protocol (ZIP)

Examples of Transport layer protocols are:

i) TCP (connection-oriented, reliable, provides guaranteed delivery.)
ii) UDP (connectionless, unreliable, less overhead, reliability can be provided by the
Application layer)
iii) SPX

Examples of Network layer Routed protocols are:

i) IP
ii) IPX
iii) AppleTalk

Examples of Network layer Routing protocols are:

iii) RIP
iv) BGP
An MS goes into lack of coverage when the C1 criterion of the cell the MS is camping on falls
below zero for a period of time equal to or greater than 5 seconds.

EFHPLMN is either in the range 6 minutes to 8 hours in 6-minute steps or it indicates that no
periodic attempts shall be made.

If no value is stored in the SIM, a default value of 30 minutes is used.

After switch on, a period of at least 2 minutes and at most EF HPLMN minutes shall
elapse before the first attempt is made.

Basic level CSR to be located in the CSCs. These CSRs shall be under control of an
officer/official not below the rank of Group C.

Higher level CSRs to be located at the SSA HQs.

SMS message shall be sent to all customers informing them of bill dispatch and
amount of the Bill Due date for payments will be 15 th of the same month.

Second SMS shall be sent on 18th day of the month.

SMS message, as a reminder shall be given to the customer on 18 th day. In case

of non-receipt of payments by 21st day, the outgoing facility will be withdrawn,
and customer will be intimated through a SMS. If payment is not received by 26 th
day, the incoming facility will also be withdrawn.

In case of defaults in excess of Rs. 10,000, a BSNL official duly authorized must visit
the customers premises within 15 days and submit a report.

The AO (CMTS) will deal with the bill related, payment or adjustment related


National roaming is allowed and activated on a LA basis

ACCMIN (minimum received signal level for network access. This corresponds to 110 dBm

CCHPWR (maximum MS output power for network access).

CBQ (control of cell priority)

The parameter CBQ should be set to HIGH to reduce cell reselection times

CRO (Cell reselection offset)

This gives a kind of bonus to the signal strength of the cell and therefore the MSs will
camp longer on it.

Each MSC location is connected to B&CCS with E1 link & ISDN BRI backup.
The E1 link is connected to the MSC router and than connected to X.25

Mediation Device: Mediation Device in the BCCS performs three main

functions i.e. Collection of (Call Data Record- CDRs), Mediation of CDRs and
Distribution of CDRs.

B&CCM is a system for processing CDRs from Mediation Device based upon
predefined tariff structures.

Whenever a call is switched in the GSM network a CDR file is generated and
stored in the Switching System (MSC).
Types of CDRs generated are for
Mobile Terminated Call (48 - 52 %),
Mobile Originated Call (20 - 25 %),
Roaming (4-5 %),
Short Message Service (18 20 %) etc
The spectral efficiency in the LTE DownLink (DL) will be 3 to 4 times of that of Release 6 HSDPA while in
the UpLink (UL), it will be 2 to 3 times that of Release 6 HSUPA.

Peak data rate DL: 100Mbps, UL: 50Mbps, (for 20MHz spectrum)

Spectrum flexibility - 1.25, 2.5, 5, 10, 15, and 20MHz

CDMAone supported digital data transfer rates varying between

4.8-14.4 kbps while CDMAtwo or IS-95b supported data rates of around 115.2 kbps.

GPRS provides a packet switched service over GSM offering data speeds between
56-114 kbps

EDGE provides data rates of 236.8 kbps while CDMA2000 deployments limit the data rates
at 144kbps

The establishment of the International

Telecommunication Union (ITU) on 17 May
1865 (originally named International
Telegraph Union1)

Communications between the network operator and LEA are via the
Handover Interfaces
(designated HI).
Handover Interface 1 (HI1) supports the provisioning of the interception
order via the Administration Function.

Handover Interface 2 (HI2) supports the delivery of Intercept Related

Information (IRI; e.g., destination of call, source of a call, time of the call,
duration, etc.) from the network to the LEA.
Handover Interface 3 (HI3) supports the delivery of the Content of
Communications (CC) from the network to the LEA.

Up to 2007, the Vision & Mission statements of BSNL were:

Vision: To become the largest telecom Service Provider in Asia.
i. To provide world class State-of-art technology telecom services on demand at competitive prices.
ii. To Provide world class telecom infrastructure in its area of operation and to contribute to the
growth of the country's economy.

For identifying and introducing the desired Change, an international consultant M/s
BCG was appointed in 2008.

Based on SWOT analysis and after identifying various issues it was decided to launch
Aspiration Driven Transformation process in 2008 titled as Project Shikhar. This
activity was divided in two phases, Phase-I and Phase-II.

Earlier Designation New Designation

Director (Operations) Director (Consumer Fixed Access)
Director (P&NS) Director (Consumer Mobility)
Director (C&M) Director (Enterprise)
Director (HRD) Director (HR)
Director (Finance) Director (Finance)

HR (including Admin, Legal) Headed by Director

Finance Headed by Director, supported by an Executive Director

Directly reporting to CMD

ED Corporate Affairs (including Corporate IT, Corporate Planning & Monitoring, Corporate
Marketing and Public Relations, Regulation)
Company Secretary
Vigilance (CVO)
GM (Coordination & Monitoring) post has been created directly reporting to CMD

Project Sponsor: Director/Executive Director in the Corporate Office

Project Champion: CGM/PGM/GM level officer in the Corporate Office
Project Coaches: GM/DGM level officer in the Corporate Office.

A Transformation Management Office has been set up under GM (Corporate

Restructuring) at BSNL corporate office. The TMO will be the overall coordinating
node for the implementation phase.

GSM-900 uses 890915 MHz to send information from the mobile station to the base station
(uplink) and 935960 MHz for the other direction (downlink), providing 124 RF channels
(channel numbers 1 to 124) spaced at 200 kHz. Duplex spacing of 45 MHz is used. Guard bands
100 kHz wide are placed at either end of the range of frequencies.[2]


GSM-1800 uses 1,7101,785 MHz to send information from the mobile station to the base
transceiver station (uplink) and 1,8051,880 MHz for the other direction (downlink), providing
374 channels (channel numbers 512 to 885). Duplex spacing is 95 MHz. GSM-1800 is also
called DCS (Digital Cellular Service) in the United Kingdom, while being called PCS in Hong
Kong[3] to avoid confusion with GSM-1900 which is commonly called PCS in the rest of the
world. Mobile Communication Services on Aircraft (MCA) uses GSM1800.[4]

GSM-850 and GSM-1900

GSM-850 and GSM-1900 are used in Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Canada, the United States and
many other countries in the Americas.

GSM-850 uses 824849 MHz to send information from the mobile station to the base station
(uplink) and 869894 MHz for the other direction (downlink). Channel numbers are 128 to 251.

GSM-850 is also sometimes called GSM-800 because this frequency range was known as the
"800 MHz band" (for simplification) when it was first allocated for AMPS in the United States in
The term Cellular is sometimes used to describe the 850 MHz band, because the original analog
cellular mobile communication system was allocated in this spectrum.

GSM-1900 uses 1,8501,910 MHz to send information from the mobile station to the base
station (uplink) and 1,9301,990 MHz for the other direction (downlink). Channel numbers are
512 to 810

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