Essay Outline

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Alomar Taylor


Academic Writing I

Essay Outline

Research Topic: Genetics

Narrowed Topic: The causes and effects of sickle cell disease in Jamaica.

Purpose: To apprise the readers about the causes, symptoms, and possible treatments

of the incurable sickle cell disease.

Thesis: The sickle cell disease is inheritable by autosomal recessive genes with severe

complications, and possible treatments.

I. Sickle cell disease is present at birth with inherited autosomal recessive genes from

both parents.
A. Sickle cell disease is inherited by two altered haemoglobin genes (HbS), one from

each parent (Brown-Daley, 2013).

B. A person with one of the altered genes is a carrier of the Sickle Cell Trait (Brown-

Daley, 2013).
C. Mutations in the haemoglobin subunit beta (HBB) gene cause sickle cell disease

(Genetics Home References, 2016).

II. Patients with sickle cell disease experience severe complications.
A. A major complication of the sickle cell disease is Acute Pain Crisis which is

caused by a blockage of blood flow by the sickled cells (National Heart, Lung,

and Blood Institute, 2015).

B. Another complication a patient experience is Acute Chest Syndrome which occurs

when sickling blood vessels cause areas of lung tissue to become damaged and
cannot exchange oxygen properly. (National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute,

C. Sickle cell disease complications also involve severe Anaemia (National Heart,

Lung, and Blood Institute, 2015).

III. There are possible available treatments for the disease which can help a patient to

remain healthy.
A. Routine health care such as regular check-ups are need for patients with sickle

cell disease (American Sickle Cell Anemia Association, 2013).

B. Regular vaccinations and antibiotics are used to help treat and prevent infections

(American Sickle Cell Anemia Association, 2013).

C. Blood transfusions are commonly needed for persons with sickle cell disease

(American Sickle Cell Anemia Association, 2013).


American Sickle Cell Anemia Association, (2013). Sickle cell treatment: Annual Report 2013.

Retrieved from

Brown-Daley, V. (2013). Sickle cell disease. Sickle Cell Trait: To Be Or Not To Be. pp.11-12 &


Genetics Home Reference, (2016). Sickle cell disease. Sickle Cell Anemia. Retrieved from

National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, (2015). What are the signs and symptoms of sickle

cell disease? Retrieved from www.nhlbi.nih.gove/health/health-topics/topics/sca/signs

Wright, J. (2016). Sickle Cell Disease. Tropical Medicine Research Institute

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