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Total Chit Amount

No. Of Chit members

No.of EMIs (once per every member i.e. 1 x no.of members)
EMI (Total Chit Amount/No.of Members or EMIs)
Chit Organizer commission (5% of Chit amount every month)
Current Bank Interest Rate for Regular FD (Annual)

Overall EMI Till that

Month Number EMI
1 5000 5000
2 5000 10027
3 5000 15081
4 5000 20163
5 5000 25272
6 5000 30409
7 5000 35574
8 5000 40767
9 5000 45987
10 5000 51237
11 5000 56514
12 5000 61820
13 5000 67155
14 5000 72519
15 5000 77912
16 5000 83334
17 5000 88785
18 5000 94266
19 5000 99777
20 5000 105317

Totals 18 100000

Utilizing Chit fund to make more earnings

You take the chit fund in the Fourth month
In the Fourth month you take chit at bid amount of
Amount you get on second month
Monthly Interest if you deposit the amount in bank
No. of Months left in your Chit
Overall Bank interest you earn on the deposit you made of chit amount
Your overall returns from Chits
Say you have two commission chits occurred in overall chit cycle
Worth of benefit you earn from commission chits
Chit organizer commission to be removed
Overall benefit returns from chit
Overall benefit returns from chit (without organizer commission)
Overall benefit
Overall % benefit
of members) 20
EMIs) 5000
every month) 2500
Annual) 6.5

Bank interest Overall EMI with interest

Till Date Till that Month
27 5027
54 10081
82 15163
109 20272
137 25409
165 30574
193 35767
221 40987
249 46237
278 51514
306 56820
335 62155
364 67519
393 72912
422 78334
451 83785
481 89266
511 94777
540 100317
570 105887


make more earnings

t amount 8407
cle 2
on) 115407
Total Chit Amount
No. Of Chit members
No.of EMIs (once per every member i.e. 1 x no.of members)
EMI (Total Chit Amount/No.of Members or EMIs)
Chit Organizer commission (5% of Chit amount every month)
Current Bank Interest Rate for Regular FD (Annual)

Month Overall EMI Till that

Number Month
1 15000 15000
2 15000 30116
3 15000 45348
4 15000 60697
5 15000 76165
6 15000 91752
7 15000 107460
8 15000 123288
9 15000 139238
10 15000 155312
11 15000 171509
12 15000 187831
13 15000 204279
14 15000 220853
15 15000 237556
16 15000 254387
17 15000 271348
18 15000 288439
19 15000 305663
20 15000 323019

Totals 18 300000

Utilizing Chit fund to make more earnings

You take the chit fund in the second month
In the second month you take chit at bid amount of
Amount you get on second month
Monthly Interest if you deposit the amount in bank
No. of Months left in your Chit
Overall Bank interest you earn on the deposit you made of chit amount
Your overall returns from Chits
Say you have two commission chits occurred in overall chit cycle
Worth of benefit you earn from commission chits
Chit organizer commission to be removed
Overall benefit returns from chit
Overall benefit returns from chit (without organizer commission)
Overall benefit
Overall % benefit
unt 300000
bers 20
i.e. 1 x no.of members) 20
Members or EMIs) 15000
hit amount every month) 15000
Regular FD (Annual) 9.25

Overall EMI with

Bank interest Till
interest Till that
116 15116
232 30348
350 45697
468 61165
587 76752
707 92460
828 108288
950 124238
1073 140312
1197 156509
1322 172831
1448 189279
1575 205853
1702 222556
1831 239387
1961 256348
2092 273439
2223 290663
2356 308019
2490 325509


und to make more earnings

unt of 20000
bank 2158
you made of chit amount 34533
n overall chit cycle 2
its 30000
nizer commission) 344533
fit 44533
efit 14.8%

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