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Antti Salonen


KPP227 Antti Salonen 1

What is layout?

Layout refers to the configuration of The need for layout planning arises in
departments, work centers and the process of designing new facilities
equipment with particular emphasis on and redesigning existing facilities.
movement of work (customers or
materials) through the system.

Layout decisions:
Require substantial investments
(money and effort)
Involve long-term commitments
Impact the cost and efficiency of
short-term operations

KPP227 Antti Salonen 2

Layout types
Layout requirements are determined by the type of operation.
Less customization and higher volume
(1) (2) (3) (4)
Low-volume Multiple products with low Few major High volume, high
products, made to moderate volume products, standardization,
Process to customer higher commodity
Characteristics order volume products
Less complexity, less divergence, and more line flows

Customized process, Job
with flexible and unique process
sequence of tasks

Small batch
Disconnected line flows,
moderately complex Batch processes
Large batch
Connected line, highly
repetitive work Line

Continuous flows Continuous

KPP227 Antti Salonen 3

Layout strategy

Fixed position (Project)

Extremely low volumes (one of a kind), e.g. bridge, airplane.
Process oriented (Job shop)
Low volumes, high variety, least efficient, e.g. customized
Product oriented (Line flow/batch production)
High volumes, most efficient, e.g. books, furniture.
Continuous flow
Extremely high volumes, standard products, e.g. paper, milk.

Hybrid layouts
Service layout

KPP227 Antti Salonen 4

Production and Inventory Strategies
Make-to-Stock Strategy
Used by manufacturers that hold items in stock
for immediate delivery, thereby minimizing
customer delivery times.
Supply Demand
Assemble-to-Order Strategy
Prognosis Driven (PD)
Used by manufacturers that produce a wide MTS: PD DD Consume
variety of products from relatively few OP

subassemblies and components after the ATO: PD DD Consume

customer orders are received. OP

MTO: PD DD Consume
Make-to-Order Strategy OP
Demand Driven (DD)
Used by manufacturers that make
products to customer specifications in low

KPP227 Antti Salonen 5

Layout strategy

Job shop process

A process with the flexibility to produce a wide variety of products in
significant quantities, with considerable complexity and divergence in the
steps performed => Resources allocated around the process

Line Process
A process with high volumes and standardized products => Resources
organized around the product

Hybrid layout
Create flow lines in parts of the workshop to increase efficiency, e.g. One
worker multiple machines, Cell/Group technology.

KPP227 Antti Salonen 6

Process vs product focus

KPP227 Antti Salonen 7

Reasons for redesign

Inefficient operations (e.g. bottlenecks)

Accidents or safety hazards
Changes in the design of products/services
Introduction of new products/services
Changes in volume (output or mix)
Changes in methods or equipment
Changes in environmental or other legal requirements
Morale problems (e.g. lack of face-to face contact)

KPP227 Antti Salonen 8

Designing Process Layouts

Layout planning involves decisions about the physical

arrangement of economic activity centers within a facility.

An economic activity center could be anything that

consumes space (e.g. a machine or a cafeteria)

The goal is to allow workers and equipment to operate most


KPP227 Antti Salonen 9

Designing Process Layouts

1. What centers to include?

2. How much space does each center need?

3. How should each center be configurated?

4. Where should each center be located?

KPP227 Antti Salonen 10

Designing Process Layouts
Gather information
Space requirements of each center
Available space in the facility Closeness Factors

Closeness factor indicates which centers Department 1 2 3 4 5 6

need to be located next to each other 1. Administration 3 6 5 6 10

2. Social services 8 1 1

1. Develop current block plan (allocates space 3. Institutions 3 9

and indicates placement of each department by trial 4. Accounting 2

5. Education 1
and error)
6. Internal audit

2. Develop proposed block plan

3. Compare the two (e.g. using load-distance
method) and make choice!

KPP227 Antti Salonen 11

Designing process layouts
(Block plan)

KPP227 Antti Salonen 12

Salonen machining is a machine shop that produces a variety of small metal products on general-purpose equipment. A
full shift of 26 workers and a second shift of 6 workers operate its 32 machines. Three types of information are needed
to begin designing a revised layout for Salonen machining: Space requirements for each center, available space and
closeness factors. Departments 3 and 4 can not be moved because of constraints in the building design.
Space requirements for each center: Salonen machining has grouped its processes into six different departments: burr
and grind, NC equipment, shipping and receiving, lathes and drills, tool crib, and inspection. The exact space
requirements of each department, in square meters, are listed below.

Department Area needed m2

1. Burr and grind 100
2. NC equipment 95
3. Shipping and receiving 75
4. Lathes and drills 120
5. Tool crib 80
6. Inspection 70
TOTAL: 540

The layout designer must tie space requirements to capacity plans, calculate the specific equipment and space needs
for each center, and allow circulation space such as aisles and the like.

KPP227 Antti Salonen 13

Available space:
A block plan allocates space and indicates placement of each department. When
describing a new facility layout, the plan need only provide the facilitys dimensions and
space allocations. When an existing facility layout is being modified, the current block
plan also is needed. Salonen machinings available space is 36 meters by 15 meters,
or 540 square meters. The designer could begin the design by dividing the total
amount of space into six equal blocks (90 square meters each), even though
inspection needs only 70 square meters. The equal space approximation shown in the
figure below is good enough until the detailed layout stage, when larger departments
(such as lathes and drills) are assigned more block space than smaller departments.

Current Block Plan

2 4 3

6 5 1


KPP227 Antti Salonen 14

Closeness factors:
The layout designer must also know which centers need to be located close to one
another. Location is based on the number of trips between centers and qualitative

Below is Salonen machinings trip matrix, which gives the number of trips (or some
other measure of materials movement) between each pair of departments per day.

Trips between departments

Department 1 2 3 4 5 6

1. Burr and grind

- 20 20 80
2. NC equipment
- 10 75
3 Shipping and receiving
- 15 90
4 Lathes and drills
- 70
5 Tool crib
6 Inspection

KPP227 Antti Salonen 15

Develop an acceptable block plan for Salonen machining, using trial and error. The
goal is to minimize materials handling costs.

A good place to start is with the largest closeness ratings in the trip matrix (say, 70 and
above). Beginning with the largest number of trips and working down the list, you might Proposed Block Plan
plan to locate the departments as follows:
5 4 3
Departments 3 and 6 close together
Departments 1 and 6 close together 15m
Departments 2 and 5 close together 2 1 6
Departments 4 and 5 close together

Departments 3 and 4 should remain at their current locations because of the other 36m
If after several attempts you cannot meet all five requirements, drop one or more and
try again. If you can meet all five easily, add more (such as for interactions below 70).
The block plan in the figure shows a trial-and-error solutoion that satisfies all five
requirements. We started by keeping departments 3 and 4 at their current locaitons. As
the first requirement is to locate departments 3 and 6 close to each other, we put 6 in
the southeast corner of the layout. The second requirement is to have departments 1
and 6 close together, so we place 1 in the space just to the left of 6, and so on.

KPP227 Antti Salonen 16

Improvement analysis:
The table below includes all department pairs that have some load in between them. The Distance figures are
based on recti-linear movements.

Current plan Proposed plan

Proposed Block Plan
Load Distance Load-Distance Distance Load-Distance

1-2 20 3 60 1 20 5 4 3

1-4 20 2 40 1 20 15m
1-6 80 2 160 1 80 2 1 6
2-3 10 2 20 3 30

2-5 75 2 150 1 75 36m

3-4 15 1 15 1 15

3-6 90 3 270 1 90

4-5 70 1 70 1 70
Current Block Plan
Tot: 785 400

2 4 3

6 5 1


KPP227 Antti Salonen 17

Technical considerations
Requirements of different tasks
If these are quite different, it may not be feasible to place the tasks in the
same workstation.
If these are incompatible, it may not even be feasible to put the work
stations near each other.
Human factors
When humans are involved, tasks may take different amount of time to
Equipment limitations
Space limitations

KPP227 Antti Salonen 18

Designing Product Layouts
Line balancing is the assignment of
work elements to stations in a line.
The goal is to achieve the desired
output rate with the smallest number of
Arranging stations in a sequence (line)
for the product to move from one station
to the next until its completion at the
end of the line.
The slowest station sets the output rate,
e.g. 500/week.

KPP227 Antti Salonen 19

Designing Product Layouts
The goal is to match the output rate to the
production plan. Work
A Bolt leg frame to hopper 40 None

1. The work is separated into work elements (the smallest B Insert impeller shaft 30 A
C Attach axle 50 A
units of work that can be performed independently) D Attach agitator 40 B
E Attach drive wheel 6 B
2. A precedence diagram is constructed, which shows F Attach free wheel 25 C

which work elements that must be performed before the G

Mount lower post
Attach controls
D, E
next can begin. I Mount nameplate 18 F, G
Total 244
3. Determine the desired output rate.

4. Calculate the cycle time (the maximum time allowed for B 40


work on a unit at each station) = 1/output rate 30 E


5. Assign work elements to stations. 40 C

50 I
Balancing the line gives the minimum amount of stations for a G
determined output rate, still satisfying all precedence requirements

KPP227 Antti Salonen 20

Designing product layouts
(Line balancing)

KPP227 Antti Salonen 21

Green Grass, Inc., a manufacturer of lawn and garden equipment, is designing
an assembly line to produce a new fertilizer spreader, the Big Broadcaster.
Using the following information on the production process, construct a
precedence diagram for the Big Broadcaster.

Work Time Immediate

Element Description (sec) Predecessor(s)
A Bolt leg frame to hopper 40 None
B Insert impeller shaft 30 A
C Attach axle 50 A
D Attach agitator 40 B
E Attach drive wheel 6 B
F Attach free wheel 25 C
G Mount lower post 15 C
H Attach controls 20 D, E
I Mount nameplate 18 F, G
Total 244

KPP227 Antti Salonen 22

The figure shows the complete diagram. We begin with work element A, which
has no immediate predecessors. Next, we add elements B and C, for which
element A is the only immediate predecessor. After entering time standards and
arrows showing precedence, we add elements D and E,
and so on. The diagram simplifies interpretation.
Work element F, for example, can be done
anywhere on the line after element C is completed. H
However, element I must await completion of B
elements F and G. 30 E
40 C

KPP227 Antti Salonen 23

Designing Product Layouts
Theoretical minimum no. of stations:
TM = t/c [pc]
t = total time required to assemble each unit
c = cycle time

Idle time (total unproductive time for all stations)

IT= nc - t [min]
n = no. of stations

Efficiency (ratio of productive time to total time)

E =(t/nc)*100 [%]

Balance delay (amount by )

BD = 100 E [%]

KPP227 Antti Salonen 24

Designing product layouts
(Line balancing)

KPP227 Antti Salonen 25

Green Grasss plant manager just received marketings latest
forecasts of Big Broadcaster sales for the next year. She
wants its production line to be designed to make 2,400
spreaders per week for at least the next 3 months. The plant
will operate 40 hours per week.

a. What should be the lines cycle time?

b. What is the smallest number of workstations that she could
hope for in designing the line for this cycle time?
c. Suppose that she finds a solution that requires only five
stations. What would be the lines efficiency?

KPP227 Antti Salonen 26

a. First convert the desired output rate (2,400 units per week) to an
hourly rate by dividing the weekly output rate by 40 hours per
week to get units per hour. Then the cycle time is
c = 1/r = 1/60 (hr/unit) = 1 minute/unit = 60 seconds/unit

b. Now calculate the theoretical minimum for the number of

stations by dividing the total time, t, by the cycle time,
c = 60 seconds. Assuming perfect balance, we have
t 244 seconds
TM = = = 4.067 or 5 stations
c 60 seconds

c. Now calculate the efficiency of a five-station solution, assuming

for now that one can be found:
t 244
Efficiency = (100) = = 81.3%
nc 5(60)

KPP227 Antti Salonen 27

Designing Product Layouts

How to assign work elements to stations then

Ranked Positional Weight Technique (RPWT)

The rationale for the RPWT is that the positional weight is a measure of
the tasks importance. Tasks with a high positional weight imply much
subsequent work and tasks depending on them.

Longest work element first
Shortest work element first

KPP227 Antti Salonen 28

Designing Product Layouts

Ranked Positional Weight Technique (RPWT)

1. Construct a diagram of precedence relationships among the tasks (arrows indicate
which tasks must proceed others)
2. For each task, add up the task times for that task and ALL tasks that must follow it
directly and indirectly. This value is called positional weight for the task.
3. Select the task with the largest positional weight and assign it to the first work
4. Select the task with the next largest positional weight and assign it to the earliest
possible work station that exists, as long as:
The maximum cycle time is not exceeded
All the tasks predecessors must be assign to the same or earlier work stations

KPP227 Antti Salonen 29

Largest work-element time rule

Same procedure as RPWT, but instead of choosing the work-element

with the highest RPW, choose the work-element with the largest time
(as long as the precedence requirements are fulfilled).

KPP227 Antti Salonen 30

Designing product layouts
(Line balancing)

KPP227 Antti Salonen 31

Find a line balancing solution for Green Grass Inc.
using the RPWT technique

Work Immediate
Element Description Time (sec) Predecessor(s) D
A Bolt leg frame to hopper 40 None
B 40
B Insert impeller shaft 30 A 20
C Attach axle 50 A 30 E
D Attach agitator 40 B
E Attach drive wheel 6 B A
F Attach free wheel 25 C
40 C
G Mount lower post 15 C 25
H Attach controls 20 D, E 50
I Mount nameplate 18 F, G

Total 244 18
Theoretical minimum no of stations = 5
Cycle time = 60 sec

KPP227 Antti Salonen 32

Find a line balancing solution for Green Grass Inc.
using the RPWT technique
Work Immediate
Element Description Time (sec) Predecessor(s)
A Bolt leg frame to hopper 40 None
B Insert impeller shaft 30 A
C Attach axle 50 A
D Attach agitator 40 B
E Attach drive wheel 6 B
F Attach free wheel 25 C
G Mount lower post 15 C
H Attach controls 20 D, E
I Mount nameplate 18 F, G

Total 244

B 40
30 E
40 C 25 Theoretical minimum no of stations = 5
50 I Cycle time = 60 sec
KPP227 Antti Salonen 33
KPP227 Antti Salonen 34
Station Candidates Choice Cumulative Idle time
S1 A A 40 20
S2 B,C C 50 10
S3 B, F, G B 30 30
E, F, G F 55 5
S4 D, E, G D 40 20
E, G G 55 5
S5 E, I I 18 42
E E 24 36
H H 44 16

When implementing this solution, we must observe precedence requirements within each station.
For example, the worker at station S5 can do element I at any time but cannot start element H until
element E is finnished.

KPP227 Antti Salonen 35

B 40
30 E
40 C

KPP227 Antti Salonen 36

KPP227 Antti Salonen 37
The manager of a computer assembly line plans to produce 100 assembled computers per 10-hour
workday. Work element data for the assembly is shown in the table below.

Work Time Immediate

element (minutes) predecessors
A 2 None
a) Draw a precedence diagram.
B 3 A
b) What cycle time (in minutes) results in the
C 1 B desired output rate?
D 5 B c) What is the theoretical minimum number of
work stations?
E 5 C, D
d) Using trial and error, balance the line as best
F 4 E as you can.
G 1 D, E e) What is the efficiency of your solution?
H 2 F
I 6 G
J 4 H
K 2 I, J
L 6 K

KPP227 Antti Salonen 38




KPP227 Antti Salonen 39



Work Time RPW
element (minutes)
WS Candidates CT
A 2 41
B 3 39 1 A, B, C 6
C 1 31
2 D 5
D 5 35
E 5 30 3 E, G 6
F 4 18
4 F, H 6
G 1 15
H 2 14 5 I 6
I 6 14
6 J, K 6
J 4 12
K 2 8 7 L 6
L 6 6

KPP227 Antti Salonen 40




KPP227 Antti Salonen 41

Improving line efficiency

KPP227 Antti Salonen 42

Parallel workstations
Bottlenecks may be the result of difficult or very long tasks and
may disrupt the flow of products down the line.

In these situations, parallel workstations increase the work flow

and provide flexibility.

KPP227 Antti Salonen 43

Mixed model lines
Still another approach is to design the line to handle multiple
products, often referred to as mixed model lines. This implies that
the products have to be similar with similar work elements.

This approach offers great flexibility in varying the amount of output

of the products.

One example is found in the automotive industry where cars are

often made on the same platform.

KPP227 Antti Salonen 44

Another approach to achieving a balanced line is to cross train
workers to be able to perform multiple tasks.

This implies that a worker with temporarily increased idle time can
assist other workers to maintain the flow of the line, so called
dynamic line balancing.

KPP227 Antti Salonen 45

Improving job shop efficiency

A job shop has the least efficiency

Creating a line flow in parts of the job shop will increase efficiency!

One worker multiple machines

Cell/Group technology

These are called hybrid layouts!

KPP227 Antti Salonen 46

One worker multiple machines

One worker operates several machines

simultaneously to achieve line flow (moves
from one machine to the next)

The machine set-up can be changed to

produce different products or parts

KPP227 Antti Salonen 47

Cell/Group technology
This manufacturing technique groups parts or products with similar
characteristics into families and sets aside groups of machines for
their production => A line within the job shop.
Based on shape, size, manufacturing requirements etc.
Goal: efficient production with minimal change-over and set-up times

KPP227 Antti Salonen 48

Cell/Group technology

KPP227 Antti Salonen 49

KPP227 Antti Salonen 50
Lathing Milling Drilling





L L Assembly

Receiving and A A G G

(a) Jumbled flows in a job shop without GT cells

KPP227 Antti Salonen 51

L L M D G Assembly
Cell 1 Cell 2 A A

Receiving L M G G

Cell 3


(b) Line flows in a job shop with three GT cells

KPP227 Antti Salonen 52

Volvo CE, CS-09

Before: After:

KPP227 Antti Salonen 53

Storage layouts
The design of storage facilities present a different set of factors
than the design of factory layouts.

Frequency of order is an important consideration:

Items that are ordered frequently should be placed near the entrance of
the facility
Items that are ordered infrequently should be placed in the rear of the

The goal is to minimize picking time and transportation (distance of

movement and travel time)!

KPP227 Antti Salonen 54

Storage layouts
If items are ordered/sold together it is beneficial to store them
close to each other.

Other considerations:

Width and length of aisles

Height of storage racks
Need to periodically make a physical count of stored items
Modes of internal transport
Level of automation

KPP227 Antti Salonen 55

Storage Layout

KPP227 Antti Salonen 56

KPP227 Antti Salonen 57
KPP227 Antti Salonen 58
Office layouts
Office layouts are undergoing transformations
as the flow of paperwork is replaced by
electronic communications.

This implies that there is less need to place

office workers in a layout that optimizes a
physical flow.

However, providing efficient use of space and

possibilities for cooperation between
colleagues are of course important issues.

KPP227 Antti Salonen 59

Relevant book chapters
Chapter: Developing a process strategy

Chapter: Managing process constraints

Chapter: Designing lean systems

Designing lean systems layouts

KPP227 Antti Salonen 60


Next lecture on Tuesday 2015-12-01

Aggregate planning
KPP227 Antti Salonen 61

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