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DO NOT OPEN THIS TEST BOOKLET UNTIL. YOU ARE ASKED TO DO SO T.B.C. : O-OEBA-J-HB TEST BOOKLET SERIES Serial 19 460 5 TEST BOOKLET GENERAL ABILITY TEST Time Allowed : Two Hours and Thirty Minutes Maximum Marks : 600 1 2 3. 10. INSTRUCTIONS IMMEDIATELY AFTER THE COMMENCEMENT OF THE EXAMINATION, YOU SHOULD CHECK THAT THIS TEST BOOKLET DOES NOT HAVE ANY UNPRINTED OR TORN OR MISSING PAGES OR ITEMS, ETC. IF SO, GET IT REPLACED BY A COMPLETE TEST BOOKLET. ENCODE CLEARLY THE TEST BOOKLET SERIES A, B, C OR D AS THE CASE MAY BE IN THE APPROPRIATE PLACE IN THE ANSWER SHEET, ‘You have to enter your Roll Number on the Test Booklet in the Box provided alongside. DO NOT write anything else on the Test Booklet. ‘This Test Booklet contains 150 items (questions) in two parts : Part A and Part B. Each item in Part B is printed both in Hindi and English. Each item comprises four responses (answers). You will select the response which you want to mark on the Answer Sheet. In case you feel that there is more than one correct response, mark the response which you consider the best. In any case, choose ONLY ONE rosponse for each item. You have to mark all your responses ONLY on the separate Answer Sheet. provided. See directions in the Answer Sheet. All items carry equal marks. Before you proceed to mark in the Answer Shect the response to various items in the Test Booklet, you have to fill in some particulars in the Answer Sheet. as per instructions sent to you with ‘your Admission Certificate After you have completed filling in all your responses on the Answer Sheet and the examination has ‘concluded, you should hand over to the Invigilator only the Answer Sheet. You are permitted to take away with you the Test Booklet. ‘Sheets for rough work are apponded in the Test Booklet at the end. Penalty for wrong answers : THERE WILL BE PENALTY FOR WRONG ANSWERS MARKED BY A CANDIDATE IN THE OBJECTIVE TYPE QUESTION PAPERS. {]) Thre are four alternatives far the answer to every question. For each question for which a wrong. answer has been given by the candidate, one-third (0-93) of the marks assigned to that question will be deducted as penalty. (i) If a candidate gives more than one answer, it will be treated as a wrong answer even if one of the given answers happens to be correct and there will be same penalty as above to that question, (i) Ife question is left blank, i.e, no answer is given by the candidate, there will be no penalty for at question, DO NOT OPEN THIS TEST BOOKLET UNTIL YOU ARE ASKED TO DO SO car &: age or fet women ga yRaer & fied gs we wae | PART A SYNONYMS Directions (For the 8 items which follow) : Each of the following 8 items consists of a word or group of words in capital letters, followed by four words. Select the word that is most similar in meaning to the word or group of words in capital letters, 1, ABSURD (a) Senseless (>): Clean (©) Abrupt (a) Candid 2. PHILANTHROPY (a) Generosity (b) Perversity (©) Perjury (@) Flaunting 8. INSCRUTABLE (a) Strange (b) Mysterious (c) Marvellous (a) Sublime EXACTLY ALIKE (a) United (b) Identical (c) Comparable (@) Regular O-OEBA-J-HB (2-A) MUTUAL (a) Reciprocal (b) Agreed (© Common (@) Conjugal IMBECILE (a) Astute (>) Cunning (© Stupid (a) Ludicrous WEIRD (a) Beastly (b) Unpleasant (©) Frightening (a) Unnatural AVARICIOUS (a) Greedy {b) Jealous (c) Angry (d) Wicked ANTONYMS Directions (For the 8 items which follow) : Each of the following 8 items consists of a word in capital letters, followed by four words, Select the word that is furthest in meaning to the word in capital letters. EXPLOIT 13. RELUCTANT (a) Utilize (a) Avoiding (b) Alert. (b) Anxious (© Support (© > Refuse (d) Noegleet (d) Eager "10. DETRIMENTAL 14, INTRICATE (a) Demolition (a) Complicated (b) Aversion: (b) Simple (c) Beneficial (c) Colourful (d) Bad (d) Good 11, SHARP 15. PENURY (a) Bleak . (a) Pompous (b) Blunt (b) Laxury (oy Bright (©) Poverty (d) Blond (da) Punitive 12, CONDEMN 16. EXPOSTULATE (a) Censure (a) Protest (b) Approve (b) Agree (c) Recommend (ce) Follow (d)_ Praise (d) | Argue O-OfBAJ-HB (3-A) SPOTTING ERRORS Directions (For the 11 items which follow) : (In this Section a number of sentences are given. The sentences are underlined in three separate parts and each one is labelled (a), (b) and (c), Read each sentence to find out whether there is an error in any underlined part. No sentence has more than one error. When you find an error in any one of the underlined parts (a), (b) or (c), indicate your response on the separate Answer Sheet at the appropriate space. You may feel that there is no error in a sentence. In that case letter (d) will signify a ‘No error response. (i) You are to indicate only one response for each item in your Answer Sheet. (If you indicate more than one response, your answer will be considered wrong.) Errors may be in grammar, word usage or idioms. There may be a word missing or there may be a word which should be removed. (ii) You are not required to correct the error. You are required only to indicate your response on the Answer Sheet. Examples ‘P’ and ‘Q’ have been solved for you P, The young child singed - a very sweet song. No error. (@) ) rc) @ Q Weworked very hard throughout the season. No error. (a) (by ) @ Explanation : In item P, the word ‘singed’ is wrong. The letter under this part is (b);-so'(b) is the correct answer. Similarly, for item Q, (d) is the correct answer, as the sentence does not contain any error. 17. He hesitated to accopt the post _as he did not think (@) (b) that the salary would be enough for a man with a family of three. No error. © (a) 18. Have you gone through either of these three chapters @ () that have been included in this volume ? No error. () @ O-OEBA-J-HE, (4-A) 19. Lam learning English for ten years without much effect. No error. fay (b) © a) 20. Ramesh has agreed to marry with the girl of his parent's choice, No error. (a) > © @ 21. The pity is that no sooner he had left the place than the fire broke out. No error. fa) (b) () @) 22. When he was arriving the party was in full swing. _No error. @) () "© @) 23. The Dean wrote he constituted a committee of experts comprising of five members @ (b) before the next meeting took place. No error. © @ 24. Ican't help to sneeze I got drenched yesterday and have a bad cold. No error. (a) ) © @) 25. Ihave lived from the hand to the mouth : (a) (b) for all these fifty years though nobody knows it. No error. (ec) @ 26. “Both he as well as his friend worked in close harmony . (a) ® on the same project. No error. (co) @ 27, The Monk loved riding and hunting and refused to conform by rules and regulations (a) (b) of the ancient monastic order. No error. ©) «@ O-0EBA-J-HB . (5-A) COMPREHENSION Directions (For the 9 items which follow) : In this Section you have three short passages. After each passage, you will find several questions based on the passage. First, read a passage and then answer the questions based on it. ‘You are required to select your answers based on the contents of the passage and opinion of the author only. Examples T’ and ‘J’ have been solved for you. PASSAGE (EXAMPLE) In our approach to life, be it pragmatic or otherwise, a basic fact that confronts us squarely and unmistakably is the desire for peace, security and happiness. Different forms of life at different levels. of existence make up the teeming denizens of this earth of ours. And, no matter whether they belong to the higher. groups such as human beings or to the lower groups such as animals, all beings primarily seek peace, comfort and security. Life is as dear to a mute creature as it is to a man. Even the lowliest insect strives for protection against dangers that threaten its life. Just as each one of us wants to live and not to die, so do all other creatures. I. The author's main point is that J. Which one of the following assumptions or steps is essential in, developing the (a) different forms of life are found on author's position ? earth (a) All forms of life have a’ single (b) different levels of existence are overriding goal Possible in nature (b) The will to survive of a creature is (© peace and security are the chief goals identified with a desire for peace of all living beings (e) All beings are divided into higher and lower groups, A parallel is drawn between happiness and life, and pain and death (d) even the weakest creature struggles to @ preserve its life Explanation ; L ‘The idea which represents the author's main point is “peace and security are the chief goals of all living beings”, which is response (c). So (c) is the correct answer. J. ‘The best assumption underlying the passage is “The will to survive of a creature is. identified with a desire for peaée”, which is response (b). So (b) is the correct answer. O-OEBA-J-HB (6-A) , PASSAGE I ‘There are eccentric people who enjoy saving money for no other reason than the pleasure of saving money. It is a passion like drinking, and a hobby like collecting of china. Does it usually bogin with a money-box ? Imagine a painter drawing the Miser’s Progress in a number of scenes, with the first scene showing a benevolent grandfather holding out a harmless looking tin money-box to an infant scarcely able to walk. The gift should altays be accompanied by a box of tools. As a young man the infant has grown into a miser. By the age of forty he has a substantial bank account. But he persuades himself that he is so poor that he never goes to the theatre, never invites a friend to dinner. By sixty he is a rich man and is convinced that he is all but a pauper. 28. Some poople enjoy saving money because (a) they are able to live a happy life (b) saving is a passion with them (©) they are able to enjoy the pleasures of life ‘ (a) . they can entertain others 29. If a money-box is given to a child, what should accompany it? (a) Tips on the advaritages of saving money . (>) Guidelines to preserve it (©) Instructions on when and how to open it ()_A box of tools to open it 80. A miserly man of forty does not go to the theatre because . (a) he has no liking for plays (b) he does not want to waste his valuable time (©) he persuades himself that he is very poor (a) he is frightened by the darkness of the theatre hall O-OEBA-J-HB (7-A) PASSAGE It In the fete, for a ticket costing eight annas you stood a chance of acquiring a variety of articles — pin-cushions, sewing machines, cameras or even a road engine. One evening they drew ticket number 1005, and I happened to own the other half of the ticket. They declared that I became the owner of a road engine ! Don’t ask me how a road engine came tobe included among the prizes. It is more thant I can tell you. I looked stunned. People gathered round and gazed at me as if I were some curious animal. ‘Fancy anyone becoming the owner of a road engine !" some persons muttered and giggled. 31. The writer purchased a ticket (a) to win a prize (b) to enter the fete (©) to buy some eatables in the fete (a) to play some games ‘ 32, ‘they’ in the paragraph stands for (a) the writer's friends (b) the organisers of the fete (c) the stall owners in the fete * (a) the onlookers 33. ‘The writer was stunned because (a) he did got win a prize : (©) he was at a loss as to what to do with the prize (c) people giggled (a) the fote organisers were rude to him O-OEBA-J-HB (B-A) PASSAGE UI A holiday in Uttarakhand is about supporting the economy and ecology of this fledgling state with your heart, mind and muscle. Being at the camp with your family is a great bonding experience combined with a grand taste of wild life and adventure. | First’ comes the walle from the lakeside to the camp. It's one of the best indicators here to ‘figure’ out how in or out of shape you are, Anything upwards of 15 minutes means it is time to start taking your body and fitness levels more seriously. To cool off there is always the lake where you can swim or learn how to kayak. 34. The word which is used with a double meaning is (a) figure (b) fitness (©) shape (@) indicators 35. ‘It’ in the second paragraph refers to (a) camp (o) lake (©) holiday (a) walk ’ 36. If you take about twenty minutes to walk from the lakeside to the camp it means that you {a) are not healthy enough () walle too slowly (c) need practice in walking ‘ (d) must got used to the exercise O-OEBA-J-HB- (9-A) ORDERING OF SENTENCES Directions (For the 7 items which follow) : In the following items, each passage consists of six sentences, The first sentence (S,) and the final sentence (Sg) are given in the beginning. The middle four sentences in cach have been removed and jumbled up. These are labelled P, Q, R and S. You are required to find out the proper sequence of the four sentences and mark accordingly on the Answer Sheet. Example ‘X' has been solved for you. XS, : ‘There was a boy named Jack. Sg: At last she turned him out of the house. So the mother asked him to find work. ‘They were very poor. He lived with his mother. But Jack refused to work. ‘The proper sequence should be fa) R-Q-P-S () P-Q-R-S fe) Q-P-R+S (a) R-P-s-Q Explanation : ‘The proper sequence in this example is R-Q-P-S which is marked by (a). ‘Therefore, (a) is the correct answer. O-OEBA-J-HB (10-A) a7. 0-OEBA-J-HB 81: I last visited Kandy almost 10 years ago. Sg: Set around low, forested hills, with the Mahavelli the river flowing nearby, Jandseape has an intense yet tranquil beauty, P: ‘The bomb blasts and ugly face of ethnic conflict have not robbed the place of its gracious pace of life, Q: The artificial lake, which dominates the landscape of the city, was built by its last kking in 1806. R: Located in central Sri Lanka, at an elevation of about 1,600 ft, Kandy was the last Sinhala outpost of autonomy, resisting both Portuguese and Dutch rule before it succumbed to the British in 1818, Most famous for its Temple of the ‘Tooth, a golden pagoda housing a sacred relic of the Buddha, Kandy is a gentle, elegant, and impetturbable city. ‘The proper sequence should be (a) R-P-Q-S (b) S-P-R-Q @) Q-P-S-R (d) P-S-Q-R 38. 39, (11-A) S,: The status of women in our country is, on the whole, far from high. Sg: Education can lift these women out of the depths of misery and ignorance into which they have sunk. P: But the plight of women in villages is still miserable. @: The educated women in cities enjoy equality with the men folk. R: The Movement for the Freedom and Rights of Women has certainly been steadily gaining momentum, S: Their education has been thoroughly neglected: The proper sequence should be (a) R-P-Q-S (b) R-Q-P-S () S-Q-P @) S-P-Q- S,: Edison was an inventor of great ability. Sg: In the other he pinned the bills owed to him. P: But he had two big books in his office. Q: In one of them he stuck the bills he owed. . R: He did not keep account books. S: But he was businessman. not a very good ‘The proper sequence should be (a) P-Q-R-S (b) S-R-Q-P (©) S-R-P-Q (@) R-P-Q-s S,: I never knew my father or my mother. ‘There were no children nearby, and so I wandered around in a lonely way. P: Twas brought up by my sister, much older than I. Q: They died when I was very young. R: When Gul Mohammad was working at his forge, I used to spend as much time as possible out‘of doors, S: She married the village blacksmith, Gul Mohammad, and I must say that he was Kinder to me than she was, The proper sequence should be (@) Q-P-S-R “@) S-R-Q-P (@ Q-S-R-P (@) P-Q-R-S 41. S,:- We voyaged for many months, stopping at islands to barter our goods. * Sg: Presently I rested under a shady tree, had my meal and fell asleep by a murmuring brook, P: My companions and I went ashore surprised by the abundance of fruit and water on the land Q: But I strolled on leaving them behind R: One day winds guided our ships to: an uninhabited island. S: The men wandered around enjoying the delights of the place. ‘The proper sequence should be (a) P-R-S-Q (b) R-P-S-Q (© P-R-Q-s (@) R-P-Q-8 O-OEBAL-HB 42. 43. (12-A) S,: Ashoka became an ardent Buddhist and tried his utmost to spread the Dharma. Buddhism thus introduced the-elements of peace and tolerance in many societies. P: It ‘was only by winning men’s hearté that he sought to make converts. Q: The Buddhists attracted followers by their own example of peace and non-violence. But there was no force or compulsion. Thus Ashoka helped in spreading Buddhism far and wide in the world. s: ‘The proper sequence should be fa) R-P-Q-S (b) Q-P-R-S (©) R-P-S-Q . (@) P-S-Q-R Some people prefer country life to city life. Sg: For these reasons more and more people are leaving the country to live in the city. P: Country people live longer and generally seem to be healthier and happier. And a chance to meet more and more people. Life in the country is quieter, cleaner and less hectic. S: However, the city offers. more excitement and job opportuiiities. ‘The proper sequence should be (a) P-R-Q-S8 (b) R-P-Q-S (© P-Q-R-S (a) R-P-S-Q ORDERING OF WORDS IN A SENTENCE Directions (For the 7 items which follow) : In the following items, some parts of the sentence have been jumbled up. You are required to rearrange these parts which are labelled P, @, R and S to produce the correct sentence. Choose the proper sequence and mark in your Answer Sheet accordingly. Example ‘Z’ has been solved for you. Z, Some people believe that the effect is very bad on children —_of cinema PB Q R s Which one of the following is the correct sequence ? (a) P-S-R-@ (b) S-P-Q-R (@® S-R-P-Q @ Q-S-R-P |, Explanation = ‘The proper way of writing the sentence is “Some people believe that the effect of cinema on children is very bad.” This is indicated by the sequence P-S—R-Q and so (a) is the correct answer. 44, in estimating the size of the earth P but they were hampered by the lack of instruments of precision ancient astronomers Q R used methods which were theoretically valid s Which one of the following is the correct sequence ? (a) R-P-Q-S () P-R-Q-8 (©) R=8-Q-P (d@) R-P=S-Q 0-OEBA-J-HB (13 -A) 45. 46. 41. it is a pity that by offering a handsome dowry a number of parents think that P Q R they will be’ able to ensure the happiness of their daughters s Which one of the following is the correct sequence ? (a) S-Q-R-P @) P-R-S-Q @ .P-S-R-Q (@) P-R-Q-8 ‘The common man in nurturing a more active role communal harmony should play P Q R s Which one of the following is the correct sequence ? (a) P-R-S-q (b) S-Q-P-R (©) S-Q-R-P (@ P-R-Q-S . ‘The doctor ‘able to find out what had caused the food poisoning had not been P Q R s Which one of the following is the correct sequence ? (a) S-P=R-Q ‘ (b) P-R-Q-S () P-R-S-Q @) S-P-Q-R 0-O8BA-J-HB (14-A) 48. 50, was suspended the officer being corrupt before P Q Which one of the following is the correct sequence ? (a) Q-P-S-R ) Q-P-R-S (©) R-S-Q-P (@) R-S-P-Q With an unsteady hand on my desk from his pocket he took an envelope and threw it P Q R s Which one of the following is the correct sequence ? (a) Q-R-P-S (b) Q-R-S-P () R-Q-P-s (d) R-Q-S-P she gave her old coat to a beggar the one with the brown fur on it shivering with cold P - Q R Ss Which one of the following is the correct sequence ? (a) S-Q-R-P (b) S-P-R-Q () P-R-Q-S (@ P-S-Q-R O-OEBA-J-HB (15-A) PART B Bl. Crocodiles store fats in 54, Match List I with List If and select the correct answer using the code given below the (a) head line (b) stomach List I List It (© tail (Exponent) (Dance form) (@) arteries A. Surendranath Jena. 1. Kathakali Pushpa Bhuyan 2. Kathak 52. In which one of the following is a great dark C. Birju Maharaj 5 Rhea plain called “Maria” found ? we . D. Sankaran 4. Odissi (a) Earth Embranthiri (b), Mars Code : (© Jupiter : A B Cc oD (@) Moon @ 1 2 8 4 m4 8 2 4 58. Match List I with List Il and select: the @ 1 3 2 4 correct answer using the code given below the @ 42 3 1 lists List I List 11 Winner of Wovet) 55. Match List I with List II ‘and select the Booker Prize). correct answer using the code given below the A. Arundhati Roy 1. Ina Free State lists : List 1 List IT B. Kiran Desai 2 Tent of Smoll Person) Gndustrial Unit) ©. Salman Rushdie 8. ‘The White Tiger A, Indira Nooyi 1. Airtel D. VS. Naipaul 4. The Inheritance B. Mukesh Ambani 2. Wipro of Loss C. Sunil Mittal 3. Pepsi 5. Midnight's D. Azim Premji 4, Reliance Code : Code : A B C D A B CGC D @ 1 5 38 2 @ 3 1 4 2 ) 1 8 4 2 m2 1 4 38, 2 5 38 1 @2 4 1 3 @2 4 68 4 @ 3 4 1 2 O-O£BA-J-HB (16-A) 51. 52, 53. 0-OEBA-J-HB HIRES Sar BE tet SA E 7 @ fia ) a © wea (@) cara Proferfiad 4 & fora ves a mnfen” are geq ret ‘Fer ora set BP (a) gar (bo) Her Co) aerate, @ a gh iat qh a gir Bie ate afte at ae me Ge a sen ax BE TR Ye: wr qo (gore geen & Piston) (Sra) AW” arent eter 1 sem ee B. flee aang 2, aie its eater fire Cc. wan wd 3. Rega D., arene 4. RB RaeRAAW site afer 5. freagce fg A B Cc »D @ 1 5 38 2 ) 2 3 4 2, © 2 5 3 1 (a) 2 4 5 1 (17-A) gis ah a gies afr site afer & ANY Re ae ge an wed we we gee BRE = qj a) AQ ee st 1 waa B. ot wit 2 oI Cc. fay AERTS 3. FE Dom gah 4. str z- A B Cc »D @ 1 2 38 4 ) 4 8 2 2 @ 1 a 2 4 @ 4 2 8 1 gird at 18 gir dite ole aid & he ee ne ge ar weir aX TE TK ge = Em wid AL. shea git 1. vata B. ° yer srart 2, fest Cc. ata freer 3. ah D. oisit iri 4. Reems Bc ob (a) 8 1. 4 2 ) 2 rn @ 2 4 1 3 @ 3 4 1 2 56. Match List I with List IT and select the correct answer using the code given below the liste : List I List It Anstitute) ‘ocation) A. National 1. Pune Institute of Immunology B. National 2. Manesar Centre for Cell Science ©. Centre for DNA 3. Hyderabad Fingerprinting and Diagnostics D. National Brain 4, Now Dethi Research Centre Code : A BC D (2 8. 1 4 ) 4 1 38 2 @ 4 3 1 2 @ 2 1 3 4 . 57. Who among the following is the winner of the Wimbledon Men’s Singles title 2008 ? (a) Roger Federer (b) Rafael Nadal (©) Novak Djokovic‘ (d) Andy Roddick ' O-OEBA-J-HB 58. 59. 61. (1B - A) Consider the following statements 1, Lamba in Gujarat is famous for wind power plant, 2. Manikaran in Himachal Pradesh is famous for geothermal energy plant, Which of the statements given above is/are correct ? (a) 1only >) 2 only (ec) Both 1,and 2 (@) Neither 1 nor 2 ‘The metal compound commonly found in Sindhoor or Kumkum is based 6n (a) Tin (b) Lead (© Copper . (@) Zine Alum is used as (a) an analgesic (b) a fertilizer fc) a disinfectant «) @ purifier for water Which among the following elements (metals) pollutes the air of a city having large number of automobiles ? (a) Cadmium (b) Lead (© Chromium (a) Nickel 56, Gh a ah a wea Ae ok eet 57. 0-OEBA-J-HB aa Ree me Be a ax wa HR @PAe = qa au (ae) (orate) A. Fart PRE, Lo ties Sapte B, Aerie RX OR 2. ARR aa aT Cc. ae BR ere. 3. dara fomefifén ws, . serie D. aera da Red dex 4. af Ret f@ 2 38 1 4 tb) 4 1 3 2 @ 4 3 1 2 @ 2 1 3 4 frofaftar 3 a ate facet gee coe Re 2008 wr fesar & 7 (a) Wor tex (b) Shei Fert (©) Aare shaw @ wa tea 61. (19-A) Prefect werd) ux fare aire = Lapeer & amar gor ais icin fee fire #1 2, Reererer ster of anteater ayer aif weiss fee wire & | sade 4 8 oe wet wert we ae? (a) bard . (by baer 2 () Late 2a @ acdiskade fige a gagE A amcor en a are eg citres fire ow smenfta #2 @ Rea (b) Wht (ce) dia (d@) eT feeot or gate few wT A aa a > (a) Serer tb) sdee (© tpn (a) Set gers ara aes ween aa wee Bt ay BT afte aoeh aren Pree # & ater are (orgy & ? (a) Seem () tr Co Ber id Fb 62. Oxygen and ozone are (a) allotropes (b) isomers. (©) isotopes (@)_isobars 63. When applied to the affected area, which one of the following will relieve the pain due to ant-bite or bee-sting ? (a) Lemon juice . (b) Vinegar (c) Baking soda (@) Caustic soda 64, Which among the following is a chemical change ? (a) A wet towel dries in the sun (b) Lemon juice added to tea causing its colour to change (c) Hot air rises over a radiator (d) “Coffee is brewed by passing. steam through ground coffee 65. Which among the following is an element ? = (a) Alumina (b) Brass (c) Graphite (d) Silica 66. Consider the following equation for the formation of ammonia from nitrogen and hydrogen N, + 3H, = 2NH, How many hydrogen molecules are required to react with 100 molecules of nitrogen ? (a) 100 (b) 200 © 300 (@) 400 : O-OEBAU-HB 87. 68. (20-A) Which one among the following is used as a moderator in nuclear reactors ? (a) Ozone (b) Heavy hydrogen (© Heavy water (a) Hydrogen peroxide Which one of the following contains ‘maximum percentage of nitrogen by mass ? (a) Urea (b) Ammonium cyanide (c), Ammonium carbonate (d@) Ammonium nitrate Match List I with List IX and select the correct answer using the code given below the lists List I List 1 Substance) (Raw Material) A. Glass 1. Fat and caustic alkali B. Soap 2. Cellulose fibre and gelatin ©. Paper 3. Silicates of calcium and aluminium D. Cement "4. Silica Code : A B Cc D @ 3 2 41 4 oo) 4 2 1 8 @ 38 1 2 4 @4 1 2 38 0-OEBA-J-HB siteeiiora a tsi Pra'S & een & 2 OME &) -waeat (wrens (a) wares eRe 67. dd ot awe dy 8 wafia da a oA we Praftiiiad 4 8 ahr was, af Praror oe ? @ tqaw (bo) Rear (©) afer ater (@) Ges ter Prafetiad 4 & ater wrerahies aera & ? (a) ee then after ga 4 age ore (oy rer she, ce ster B gee eH aeet stTAT () Wes HR we ay wets @) Wr eiet Ye SAS wie Pras ate Prafafear 48 otra ca aes 8? (a) tafe (by Serer © tere @) Per Srey a egg B amtien wa & Prefer swttaror Rear wae : N, + SH, = 2NH, ARGS & 100 ompsit B aifirfivar eA & fore ery BRR Spt a Sree Sit 2 (a) 100 (b) 200 © _ 300 (a) 400 121 -A) afta Reet a Paes 8 aha vss, Rize a ae secant eat & ? ais () wrt eg at wt (a) © @) Bygor Waiirags: Prefered # a fowl, coma aft gfe 8 strc oftrerer areghort wren srren & 2 @ aa (b) sthPremt TEARS (©) sehen onic (@) shia age ghia qt 1a @ta Bie ate eet a fe me ge an wei ox we aOR GAA: Bathe A ofa 1, TH a aS aR Bae 2, Sepia ag a Bees Cc. arr 3, ker a tafiian & D. are 4, Referesr we A Bc »D f) 8 2 1 4 4 2 1 3 @ 3 1 2 4 @ 4 1 2 3 70. ‘Two elements gallium and oxygen combine to form a compound Ga,0,. Which among the following is the valency of gallium ? fa) 1 (b) 2 © 3 @) 4 71, Vinegar is the trade name of (a) Acetic acid (b) Chloroform (©) Carbon tetrachloride (a) Ethyl aleohol 72. Consider the following statements regarding diamond : 1. It is an allotrope of silicon. 2 It is a bad ‘conductor of heat and olectricity, 3. It is the hardest substance 4, It burns to produce carbon dioxide, Which of the statements given above are correct ? (a) 1,2,3and4 () 2,8 and 4 only (©) Land 2 only (@) 1,8 and 4 only 73. Which one of the following chemicals is used in Beauty Parlours for hair-setting ? (a) Sulphur based. (b) Phosphorus based (c) Silicon based (d) Iren based O-OEBA-J-HB, 74. 1. 76. a7. (22-A) Non-conductors, whose polarization is caused by an‘electric field, are known as (a) Semi-conductors (b) Super-conductors (c) Dielectrics (d)_ Resistive conductors The resistance of a wire that must be placed paralicl with a 12 Q resistance to obtain a combined resistance of 4 9 is @) 22 b) 42 © 62 @) 8a One light year is equal to (a) 9-46 x 107 m (b) 9-46 x 10" m (© 946x107 m (a) 9-46 x 10! m Which among the following thermometers is preferred for measuring temperature around 1250°C ? (a) Mercury thermometer (b) Constant volume gas thermometer (c) Optical pyrometer (d) Platinum resistance thermometer 70. n. 73. 0-OEBA-J-HE ‘fre @ sited 2 ara Pea Ga,0, aif are & 1 Prete Akram ot dehotee aer a? fa) 1 tb) 2 © 3 @) 4 fercent feserar sommes ary & ? (a) whee ane (bo) ath () ards tgraciags (a) ofr beater ad at 4 Prefataa wert ow fax sife 1. e Paferes a orEeRT e | 2. ae Am a fag or Gas eI 3. Te Ras GOR vers S| 4. Te sera ods sigallewigs Teues Hea & | ee ot a ata wa B (@) 1233R 4 (b) Bae 2,3 oe + (© dam 1 stk 2 (@) dat 1, 3 ake 4 a oe Fo Serficors & Pre Prafefisr Fa ahrer cares setae emf? (@) wows area RRS arene (© Referees arent ‘the oneniter B. 76. 77. (23-A) 3 sree, Bran qaor gear & wrt ae 2, ‘ee weer BP (a) referers (by rans (©) Tae (a) sferreres aera: apo wfete 40 ok & fee Rom ater sh ae we 12 Quits a warren & or ae 2 (a) 29 () 42 @ 6a @ 82 Prefer 4 & atten vw were af & ewer & ? (@) 9-46 x 1075 m ) 9-46 x 1075 m (© 9-46 x 10-8 m (a) 9-46 x 10! m TMAAT 1250°C aA ATA & fare Prefect 3 ‘atrer amen getaiet eat 2? ort armani (b) Fee greet the ore (o) werefta serena watftaa sfader ara @ @ 78. 79. 80. 81. 82. 0-O8BA.J-HE ‘What is the mass of one litre of cottonseed oil |83. of density 926 kg/m? ? (a) 926 kg (b) 926 ke ° (©) 0926 kg (4) 9260 kg ‘The wavelength of X-rays is of the order of (a) 1mm (b) Lom (© 1 micron (dL angstrom In vacuum, the speed of light (a) depends on its wavelength () depends on its frequency sa, (©) depenids on its intensity “(@) “neither depends on its wavelength, frequency nor intensity Which one’ of the following statements correctly defines power ? (a) Energy supplied per unit time (b) Bnergy of an object due to its motion (c) Energy of an object due to its position (@) Note of the above 85. The electric charge is stored in a device called (a) Inductor (b) Capacitor (©) Resistor (@) Transformer (24-A) Consider the following parts of spectra : 1 2, 3. 4, Visible Infrared Ultraviolet Microwave Which one of the following is the correct sequence in which their wavelengths increase ? (a) 4-3-1-2 (b) 4-1-2-3 () 8-2-1-4 (@) 3-1-2-4 Propagation of light quanta may be described by (a) Photons (b) Protons (©) Neutrons (@) Electrons Which one of the following is not electromagnetic in nature ? (a) Cathode-rays () X-rays (© Gamma-rays (€)Infrared-rays 78, 79. 81. 82. 0-OEBA-J-HB 926 kg/m? waet are festa ada & cw fer ar weer feserar ete 8? @) 926 ke (b) 92-6 kg (o) 0-926 kg (a) 9260 kg X-fexolh Hy ainda Ht ah gar & ? (2) 1mm (b) Lem (1 TRB @ 1 Prefer # seorer at ret (a) sadt mated 1 Pak ot & (b) gad) sgh we Pak wet e (o) ach rar ow Fa ax & (@) wea a etal, ong ate a deen Fak att & x Pratafad 4 a are ce am afs a wee aRenfte were ? (a) sara Ht mg ait wer garg BAT (>) ve fog oft sect af & ore Sait () ee fos HL aa wae & ore Satf (a) safe 4 8 OE ae fae afte 8 faga ander infer oer aren & seat ‘war BES? (ay ee (b) tena Co) fertveres (a) Renita « }85. (25-A) Regal 8s Preafrrer nti wx fare Bre « 1. ow 2. sre 3. ae 4. YerTtT wb wanted & aga we on 8 Prater Fa SH BIG Be sa BP (a) 4-3-1-2 (b) 4-1-2-3 () 3-2-1-4 (@) 3-1-2-4 wert warct & va a area fae aRI BH andl & ? @) Sth (by Beta © =r @ wer Reais 3 o ahah Brel Ryegate we a adh caidh & > (a) ets fare (b) X-fat (TAF (@) see fat 86. R,=20 Which one of the following is the value of, current I in the cireuit shown above ? (@) 5A (b) 10A (c) IBA (a) 204 87. The force experienced by a unit positive test charge placed at a point is called (a) Magnetic field at that point (b) Gravitational field at that point (©) Electrical field at that point (d) Nuclear field at that point 88. A long jumper runs before jumping because he (a) covers a greater distance (>) maintains momentum conservation (©) gains energy by running @ gains momentum O-OEBAU-HB 89. 90, 91. (26-A) Which among the following is the necessary condition for simple harmonic motion ? (@) Constant period (b) Constant acceleration (©) Displacement and acceleration _are proportional » (@) Displacement and torque are proportional Consider the following four particles 1. “Alpha particle 2. Proton 8. Blectron 4, Neutron Which of the following is the correct sequence in which their rest-masses increase ? (a) 3-4-2-1 (by 4-2-3-1 ( 3-2-4-1 (@) 2-3-1-4 If an a-particle is projected normally through 8 uniform magnetic field, then the path of the o-particle inside the field will be (@) circular (b) parabolic (c) elliptic (a) a straight line 86, 87. 88. 0-OEBA-J-HB R,=22 gar ceig me oR a are Tar ar Protea 2 a ataet & ? (@) 5A (b) 104, © 164 (@) 204 ew fig OK ee Be, GOT ares oNaTT sree sigue fisar war eer ae aecrran & 7 (a) sa fy w Gada oo aa fig we gees oT () 3a fre we fata a @ 34 fry naa aa awed ge GR are, BEB vee ae alga & ? Ca) aes ae serar gh aa ox ae (>) wai ae HT Reem sae Tae (o) wife tga B 3a sat ofr ate (a) wees Sa aa oofeer eect & 89. (27- A) wa stad nf & fee Prefer 4 8 ate saver wieder & 2 (a) sTeR oreRoTeT () eora aRT Ce) Regen a eaROT aT @)) rene 2 weraneet aarp a Profan ox olf ox Pra afar : 1 ter oo 2. we 3. Baap 4h sate Rarm-cecrat Bs agit ge aon Preafeta #S wire co wet ara ? fa) 3-4-2-1 (b) 4-2-3-1 () 3-2-4-1 (@) 2+3-1-4 a we oom Sh coer acter da A reat woe Reem ser 8, Aa eM wT oT Saw shay en em? (@) aha () rae © aigta (a) ae Ree 92. How far must a girl stand in front of al94. concave spherical mirror of radius 120 em to see an erect image of her face four times its natural size ? (a) 40 em from the mirror () 45 cm from the mirror (©) 50 cm from the mirror (@) 55 cm from the mirror 93, Match List I with List II and select the correct answer using the code given below the lists : List I List (ype of (Approximate electromagnetic wavelength — | a, radiation) in metres) A. Infrared radiation 1. 10°? B. X-rays 2. 10° C. Ultraviolet radiation 3. 10°19 D. Gamma rays 4.10% Code : Bc D an 96. fa) 2 8-4 4 ) 1 4 38 2 @ 1 8 4 2 @ 2 4 8 1 O-OEBAJ-HB (28 A) <——— 60 em ——_—_> The standing wave pattern along a string of length 60 em is shown in the above diagram If the speed of the transverse waves on this string is 300 m/s, in which one of the following modes is the string vibrating ? (a) Fundamental (b) First overtone (©) Second overtone (a) Third overtone A sonometer wire having a length of 50 cm is vibrating in the fundamental mode with a frequency of 100 Hz. Which of the following is the type of propagating wave and its speed ? (a) Longitudinal, 50 m/s (b) Transverse, 50 m/s (c) Longitudinal, 100 m/s (a) Transverse, 100 m/s Which one of the following is the amount of heat given up when 20g of steam at 100°C is condensed and cooled to 20°C? g (a) 10000 cal (b) 11400 eal (©) 12400 cal (a) 13600 cab 92. we agdt ah, and orgies det & sme A aR pr sma or hen fea tet & fe w 120 om sefearet are ramet Tica aio & aT, feet gO oe wg Ber aT? (a) zi B40 om (b) afer 8 45 cm () wir B50 cm (a) wher 8 55 cm gta qh 1a qin ate ok gal Fife we ami ox a owe ge af olaa eit Sn ein 1 ER) AL sree Rafter 2 107? B. Xfiret 2 10% Creda Rift 3. 10710 D. mr fart 4. 108 we: A B Cc D @ 2 8 4 a ) 1 4 38 2 1 38 4 2 @2 4 38 1 0-OEBA-J-HB . 95. (29-A) <—_— 60cm ——_——_> sadn fra # 60 em ararg arch am wR orm aT sfereu aeifar wen & | af ga AK UX 300 mis BH um ot agra mt &, aa ax Prefer 4 a otra fae Hoos we WE? (@) ¥ ) RF afi () feta afte (@ ata aire WS. 50 cm Trg meth wR aR, 100 Hz Bt orafr Bt yet fer a oerax We | ta Sey ae cre oor GeO Sie rer Preaferfaer FS eer BP (a) aytef, 50 m/s (b) SBrRr, 50 mis (©) 3rtet 100 ms Seger, 100 m/s ‘Ba 100°C we 20 g arg at dua sit 20°C 7H és for onm @, wa Prefer 4 8 for ww cataror @t sro Prefer ehh (a) 10000 cal (b) 11400 eal (©) 12400 cal (@ 13600 cal 98, Consider the following statements 1. Different plant species grow together. 2. Light cannot penetrate into the lower strata full of undergrowth. Which of the following types of vegetation is characterized by the above ? (a) Equatorial moist evergreen (b) Tropical deciduous (©) Mediterrancan (d@) Warm temperate broad —_leaved deciduous 99. From which one of’ the following is the percentage of reflected amount of radiation highest? (a) Wet ground (b) Thick cloud (©) Forest (Snow cover 100. On planet Earth, there is no centrifugal force atthe * fa) Equator : (b) Tropic of Cancer (© Tropic of Capricorn (@), Poles O-OFBAU-HB (30 - Which one of the following is the mode of, heat transfer in which warm material is transported material ? (a) () ro) @), so as to displace a cooler Conduction only Convection only Radiation Both conduction and convection 101. 102. 103. A) Which one of the following sets of states does not receive most of its rainfall from SW monsoon during the months of June to September ? (a) Arunachal-Pradesh and Gujarat (b) Assam and Karnataka (c) Himachal Pradesh and Rajasthan (a) Tamil Nadu and Jammu & Kashmir In which one among the following states is the percentage of Scheduled Tribes, population to its total population highest ? @ CO) «© (a) Rajasthan Chhattisgarh Madhya Pradesh Mizoram Match List I with List Il and select the correct answer using the code given below ‘the lists : “6 List I List A Dodabetta 1. Maharashtra B. Guru Shikhar 2. Madhya Pradesh c. Kalsubai 3. Tamil Nadu D. Dhupgarh 4. Rajasthan A B Cc D (a) 3 1 4 2 (b) 2 1 4 3 (c) 3 4 1 2 (d) 2 4 1 3 ‘fret meq vere, artengpa 33 gered a pfereenida Bx ofimfia & var @, sat Prafafecd 4-8 ett se earrenor Bt fea & ? (a) Bact ae (by © @ ‘bac Waet after arent a tae att ‘Praftrttac wert ox fra afin 1, fe wad orf eee ot & 2, wore sags oReyot Pree we A weer et _ RST PrefeRec HS ake ware Ht aseaht sh sades fae & 2 ate tak a Aha areata sorafterter woah sgremrartter hor etehon ohSh oft arc ota f@) tb) © @ Frafifiar 2 a for ce @ fale & owt oftarer oh afererrar walftres etch & ? sa wy ae 99, @ (b) © @ 7 Aerasrest 100. pat ag UK wel OK aE aT ae ef let? @) wae (bo) oh Ta (©) Fata @ gin O-OEBA-J-HB 101, Rrefifes oot & eget tS Se wa rae oe & ahr SW APR & oh atria ast omer ae oT? @) (b) (o) @ reurraet ata a yore ore att atom eoraer wer she career caffer ag otk omy a oe 102. Prafifaa eve #8 fiw ew ti seh ge ore 3 aggfia seonfeeh A oeeier Bt feta siftresan & 2 (a) otteig (b) me wer © fis (@) WSR 103. ah Tal ah La gitar ae atte ara & fee ae ge a ra OX BA TER OPE AL Sigmar 1. FeRTR B. RE 2. Ata weer Cc. aaa 3. after ag D. agng 4. wR Re: A B c D (a) 3 1 4 2 ® 2 1 4 8 @ 3 4 4. 2 (a) 2 4 1 3 (31-Ay 104. The mass of water vapour per unit volume of air is known as (a) (b) fe) (@) Relative humidity: Specific humidity Absolute humidity Variable humidity 105. What is the term used to denote the critical temperature at which the air becomes saturated with vapour and below which the condensation is likely to begin ? (a) (b) te) (a) Condensation point Evaporation point Dew point Point of critical temperature 106. Match List I with List IT and select the correct answer using the code given below the lists List I List IT (Fishing Bank) (Coast) A. Dogger Bank 1. Newfoundland Coast B. Grand Bank 2. Australia Coast ©. Great Barrier 3. North Sea Reef D. Tonga Trench 4, East of Fiji Island Code . @ 3 1 2 4 2 4 @ 3 2 2 @4 1 2 aan] O-OEBA-J-HB 107. 108. 109. (32-A) Dry point settlements are common in (a) Deserts (b) Plateaus (©) Mountain regions (a) Deltas Match List I with List II and select the correct answer using the code given below the liste : List I List IT (Himalayan (States) Peaks) A. Nanga Parbat 1, Jammu & Kashmir B. Nanda Devi 2. Sikkim C. Kanchanjunga 3. Uttarakhand Code : A B c f@ 1 2 3 ) 1 38 2 @ 2 3 1 @ 3 1 2 | Which one of the following instruments is used for measuring the humidity of the air ? (a) Wind vane (b) Aneroid barometer (©) Wet and dry bulb thermometer (a) Maximum and minimum thermometer hoa. arg at oft gam sees rer anor amr Ze ga ‘weer e ? (a) stféres srg fare saga Freter anger aRacasiter sider (b) © @ sa wee am a hfe oy aren stra ge & rr om ary are Bigs a ae otk fares A AT sree rat eis Bran > 105. @) dor fy (b) aretha fey (©) sities (a) aaa are fry 106. Ga eG Ua eit Hise sk act & Ate fe me ae ar sehr aK A Se GPE = cats ty ee A aie te 1. posses ae B tea 2. wefeen ae Cc. tae ee 3. ata D. dmga 4. fibohh dhe ar gt er A B oc D @ 8 1 2 4 4 2 1 3 © 3 2 1 4 (a) O-OEBA-J-HB 107. ag ) Phenolphthalein (©) Methyl orange (@) Curcumin 110. FR @ ony ox afer BH she & om FH afta or Prafifad a 8 etre ow argarr wel 8? (a) ther - aad - arin - Geet (b) steal = decir = geregr - si () Sim ~ sera - ser - er (@) Stim - str - aad - Ger 1, Frafefsa + 8 ohare ae & fre oarigte | aIqant Ugar fire (ister yn) & > | (a) aT (b) vr ook @ vx raz, ahr at ea 1a gate Ae otk eft a eer eae + tg AL FG RAT 1 aR B. feftrrory 2. wow ws aaRoT "c. weme 3. aie D. &asngtos 4. ech we A B ec »D @ i 38 2 4 ) 4 2 8 1 @ 1 2 8 4 @ 4 3 2 1 0-OEBA-J-HB . (35-A) 114, 115. 117. . Prater aRtat HS Roa oo ft fee, gered sofa were feel & 2 (a) art &) gna (ary @ gen Pratas fe strat ve gest At ater grow Ber b P (a) Fe &) © of @ wa Prafettaa 9 & stra wal @attra ae 3 > (a) HIE one o (>) araeiggta fafer ar 180° (© séto a osi°N @ wear zaaes 5: Pract a ase was 165 ye ik 165° of we Ras wart & Fea, wera wee wr SAR BP (a) 0 wer (b) 12 we ( 22a (ad) 24 We ‘eed 4 Reo apes Sores ger EMT & ? (a) (b) (co) (a)

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