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other Senses CognItIon, ConSCIouSnESS, AnD lAnguAgE

Smell: detection of volatile or aerosolized

chemicals by olfactory chemoreceptors Consciousness Piagets Stages of Cognitive Development
(olfactory nerves) Sensorimotor stage: focuses on manipulating
Stage EEg Waves features
taste: detection of dissolved compounds by the environment to meet physical needs
taste buds in papillae Awake Beta and Able to perceive, process, through circular reactions; object permanence
Somatosensation: four touch modalities alpha access, and express ends this stage
(pressure, vibration, pain, and temperature) information Preoperational stage: focuses on symbolic
kinesthetic sense (proprioception): ability to 1 Theta Light sleep thinking, egocentrism (inability to imagine
tell where ones body is in space what another person thinks or feels), and
2 Theta Sleep spindles and K centration (focusing on only one aspect of a
complexes phenomenon)
object recognition
3/4 Delta Slow-wave sleep; dreams; Concrete operational stage: focuses on
Bottom-up (data-driven) processing: recognition understanding the feelings of others and
declarative memory
of objects by parallel processing and feature manipulating physical (concrete) objects
consolidation; some sleep
detection. Slower, but less prone to mistakes
disorders formal operational stage: focuses on abstract
top-down (conceptually-driven) processing: thought and problem-solving
recognition of an object by memories and rEM Mostly Appears awake
expectations, with little attention to detail. beta physiologically; dreams;
paralyzed; procedural Problem-Solving and Decision-Making
Faster, but more prone to mistakes
gestalt principles: ways that the brain can memory consolidation; some Problem-solving techniques include trial-and-
infer missing parts of an image when it is sleep disorders error, algorithms, deductive reasoning (deriving
incomplete conclusions from general rules) and inductive
Sleep disorders include dyssomnias (amount or
reasoning (deriving generalizations from evidence).
timing of sleep), such as insomnia, narcolepsy, sleep
lEArnIng AnD MEMorY apnea, and sleep deprivation; and parasomnias Heuristics (simplified principles used to make
(odd behaviors during sleep), such as night terrors decisions, rules of thumb), biases, intuition, and
learning and sleepwalking (somnambulism). emotions may assist decision-making, but may also
lead to erroneous or problematic decisions.
habituation: the process of becoming used to
a stimulus Consciousness-Altering Drugs
Dishabituation: occurs when a second Drug addiction is mediated by the mesolimbic
stimulus intervenes, causing a resensitization pathway, which includes the nucleus accumbens, Selective attention: allows one to pay
to the original stimulus medial forebrain bundle, and ventral tegmental area. attention to a particular stimulus while
observational learning: the acquisition of Dopamine is the main neurotransmitter. determining if additional stimuli require
behavior by watching others attention in the background
Associative learning: pairing together Drug group function Divided attention: uses automatic processing to
stimuli and responses, or behaviors and Depressants Sense of relaxation pay attention to multiple activities at one time
consequences (alcohol, barbiturates, and reduced anxiety
Classical conditioning: a form of associative benzodiazepines) language Areas in the Brain
learning in which a neutral stimulus becomes Wernickes area: language comprehension;
Stimulants Increased arousal
associated with an unconditioned stimulus damage results in Wernickes aphasia
(amphetamines, cocaine,
such that the neutral stimulus alone produces (fluent, nonsensical aphasia with lack of
the same response as the unconditioned comprehension)
stimulus; the neutral stimulus thus becomes a opiates/opioids Decreased reaction to
Brocas area: motor function of speech;
conditioned stimulus (heroin, morphine, pain; euphoria
damage results in Brocas aphasia (nonfluent
opium, pain pills)
aphasia in which generating each word
hallucinogens Distortions of requires great effort)
(LSD, peyote, mescaline, reality and fantasy; Arcuate fasciculus: connects Wernickes
Neutral ketamine, psilocybin- introspection and Brocas areas; damage results in
UCR (bell) No Response containing mushrooms) conduction aphasia (the inability to repeat
words despite intact speech generation and
Marijuana has some features of depressants,
stimulants, and hallucinogens (in very high doses).

Memory MotIvAtIon, EMotIon, AnD StrESS

Human Memory
CS (bell) Motivation
Sensory Short-term Working Long-term
CR (salivation)
Memory Memory Memory Memory
Motivation is the purpose or driving force behind
(< 1 sec) (< 1 min) (lifetime) our actions.
operant conditioning: a form of associative Extrinsic: based on external circumstances
learning in which the frequency of a behavior
Explicit Implicit Intrinsic: based on internal drive or perception
is modified using reinforcement (increases Memory Memory
behavior) or punishment (decreases behavior) (conscious) (unconscious)
Motivation theories
Stimulus Instinct theory: innate, fixed patterns of
Declarative Procedural
Added Removed Memory Memory behavior in response to stimuli
(facts, events) (skills, tasks) Arousal theory: the state of being awake and

reactive to stimuli; aim for optimal level of

Positive Negative arousal for a given task (YerkesDodson law)
Episodic Semantic
reinforcement reinforcement Memory Memory
Strong Optimal arousal
(events, experiences) (facts, concepts)

Optimal performance

Encoding: the process of putting new


Impaired performance
information into memory because of strong anxiety

Facts are stored via semantic networks. retrieval


Positive Negative
punishment punishment of information is often based on priming
Increasing attention
interconnected nodes of the semantic network. Weak and interest

recognition of information is stronger than recall. Low High


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Drive reduction theory: individuals act to PSYChologICAl DISorDErS
relieve internal states of tension
Maslows hierarchy of needs: prioritizes needs Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders Anxiety disorders
into five categories: physiological needs (DSM): the guide by which most psychological disorders generalized anxiety disorder: constant
(highest priority), safety and security, love and are characterized, described, and diagnosed. disproportionate and persistent worry
belonging, self-esteem, and self-actualization Specific phobias: irrational fears of specific
types of Psychological Disorders objects
(lowest priority)
Schizophrenia: psychotic disorder characterized by Social anxiety disorder: anxiety due to social
distortions of reality and disturbances in content or performance situations
and form of thought, perception, and behavior. Agoraphobia: fear of places or situations
Seven universal emotions: happiness, sadness, Positive symptoms include hallucinations, delusions, where it is hard for an individual to escape
contempt, surprise, fear, disgust, anger and disorganized thought and behavior. negative
Panic disorder: recurrent attacks of intense,
theories of emotion: symptoms include disturbance of affect and avolition.
overwhelming fear and sympathetic nervous
Depressive disorders system activity with no clear stimulus. It may
first Second
lead to agoraphobia.
theory response response Major depressive disorder: contains at least
one major depressive episode obsessivecompulsive disorder: obsessions
Jameslange Nervous Conscious
Pervasive depressive disorder: a depressed (persistent, intrusive thoughts and impulses) and
system emotion
mood (either dysthymia or major depression) compulsions (repetitive tasks that relieve tension but
for at least two years cause significant impairment)
CannonBard Nervous Action Seasonal affective disorder: the colloquial Body dysmorphic disorder: unrealistic negative

system name for major depressive disorder with evaluation of ones appearance or a specific body part
arousal and seasonal onset, with depression occurring
conscious during winter months Dissociative disorders
emotion Dissociative amnesia: inability to recall past
SchachterSinger Nervous Conscious Bipolar and related disorders experience. May involve dissociative fugue, a
system emotion Bipolar I disorder: contains at least one manic sudden change in location that can involve the
arousal and episode assumption of a new identity
cognitive Bipolar II disorder: contains at least one Dissociative identity disorder: two or more
appraisal hypomanic episode and at least one major personalities that take control of behavior
depressive episode Depersonalization/derealization disorder:
Cyclothymic disorder: contains hypomanic feelings of detachment from the mind and
Stress episodes with dysthymia body, or from the environment
Stress: the physiological and cognitive response to
challenges or life changes formation of Identity Personality
Primary appraisal: classifying a potential freuds stages of psychosexual development Psychoanalytic perspective: personality results from
stressor as irrelevant, benignpositive, or Based on tensions caused by the libido, with unconscious urges and desires
stressful failure at any given stage leading to fixation Freud: id, superego, ego
Secondary appraisal: directed at evaluating Jung: collective unconscious, archetypes
whether the organism can cope with the
humanistic perspective: emphasizes internal
stress, based on harm, threat, and challenge
feelings of healthy individuals as they strive toward
Stressor (distress or eustress): anything that leads happiness and self-realization
to a stress response; can include environmental, Maslow: hierarchy of needs
social, psychological, chemical, and biological
Rogers: unconditional positive regard
Preconscious type and trait theory: personality can be described
The three stages of the general adaptation syndrome ego
as a number of identifiable traits that carry
are alarm, resistance, and exhaustion.
superego characteristic behaviors
good health bad stress

Type theories of personality: ancient Greek
1. Alarm 3. Exhaustion humors, Sheldons somatotypes, division into
Good health stage Unconscious
stage types A and B, and the MyersBriggs type

panic zone

2. Resistance
stage Eysencks three major traits: psychoticism,
(burnout) extraversion, neuroticism
Trait theorists Big Five: openness,
Eriksons stages of psychosocial development conscientiousness, extraversion,
agreeableness, and neuroticism (OCEAN)
IDEntItY AnD PErSonAlItY Stem from conflicts that are the result of decisions
we are forced to make about ourselves and the Allports three basic types of traits: cardinal,
Self-Concept and Identity environment around us at each phase of our lives central, and secondary
Self-concept: the sum of the ways in which Stages are trust vs. mistrust, autonomy vs.
we describe ourselves: in the present, who we shame and doubt, initiative vs. guilt, industry
used to be, and who we might be in the future vs. inferiority, identity vs. role confusion,
Identities: individual components of our self- intimacy vs. isolation, generativity vs.
concept related to the groups to which we belong stagnation, integrity vs. despair
Self-esteem: our evaluation of ourselves kohlbergs theory of moral reasoning development
Self-efficacy: the degree to which we see Describes the approaches of individuals to
ourselves as being capable of a given skill in a resolving moral dilemmas
given situation
Six stages are divided into three main
locus of control: a self-evaluation that refers phases: preconventional, conventional, and
to the way we characterize the influences in postconventional
our lives. Either internal (success or failure is a
result of our own actions) or external (success vygotskys theory of cultural and biosocial
or failure is a result of outside factors) development
Describes development of language, culture,
and skills

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Somatic symptom and related disorders social interaction Cultural relativism: studying social groups and
Somatic symptom disorder: at least one cultures on their own terms
somatic symptom, which may or may not be Elements of Social Interaction Discrimination: when prejudicial attitudes
linked to an underlying medical condition, that Status: a position in society used to classify cause differences in treatment of a group
causes disproportionate concern individuals. Can be ascribed (involuntarily
Illness anxiety disorder: preoccupation with assigned), achieved (voluntarily earned), or social structure and demographics
having or coming down with a serious medical master (primary identity)
condition Role: set of beliefs, values, and norms that
Conversion disorder: unexplained symptoms define the expectations of a certain status Sociology: Theories and Institutions
affecting motor or sensory function Group: two or more individuals with similar Functionalism: focuses on the function and
characteristics who share a sense of unity relationships of each component of society
Personality disorders Network: observable pattern of social Conflict theory: focuses on how power
Patterns of inflexible, maladaptive behavior that relationships between individuals or groups differentials are created and how they
cause distress or impaired functioning Organization: group with a structure maintain order
Cluster A (odd, eccentric, weird): paranoid, and culture designed to achieve specific Symbolic interactionism: the study of
schizotypal, schizoid goals; exists outside of each individuals how individuals interact through a shared
membership within the organization understanding of words, gestures, and other
Cluster B (dramatic, emotional, erratic, wild):
antisocial, borderline, histrionic, narcissistic
Self-Presentation and Interacting with Others Social constructionism: explores how
Cluster C (anxious, fearful, worried):
individuals and groups make decisions to
avoidant, dependent, obsessivecompulsive Display rules: unspoken rules that govern the agree upon a given social reality
expression of emotion
social processes, attitudes, Impression management: maintenance of a
and behavior public image through various strategies
Dramaturgical approach: individuals create Material culture: physical items one
Group Psychology images of themselves in the same way that associates with a given group (art, clothing,
actors perform a role in front of an audience foods, buildings)
Social facilitation: tendency to perform at a
different level (better or worse) when others Symbolic culture: the ideas associated with a
are around social thinking cultural group
Deindividuation: loss of self-awareness in
Social Behavior Demographics
large groups; can lead to drastic changes in
behavior Interpersonal attraction: influenced by Demographics: the statistical arm of sociology
Bystander effect: in a group, individuals are physical, social, and psychological factors Migration refers to the movement of people into
less likely to respond to a person in need Aggression: behavior with the intention to (immigration) or out of (emigration) a geographical
Peer pressure: social influence placed on an cause harm or increase social dominance location.
individual by other individuals they consider Attachment: an emotional bond to another Demographic transition: a model used to represent
equals person; usually refers to the bond between a drops in birth and death rates as a result of
Group polarization: tendency towards making child and a caregiver industrialization
decisions in a group that are more extreme then Altruism: helping behavior in which the
the thoughts of the individual group members persons intent is to benefit someone else at a
Groupthink: tendency to make decisions personal cost
based on ideas and solutions that arise within social stratification
the group without considering outside ideas Social Perception and Behavior
Social Class
Culture Attribution Theory Social stratification is based on socioeconomic
Assimilation: one culture begins to melt into Focuses on the tendency for individuals to infer the status (SES).
another causes of other peoples behavior Class: a category of people with shared
Multiculturalism: encouragement of multiple Dispositional (internal) causes relate to the socioeconomic characteristics
cultures within a community to enhance features of the person who is being considered Power: the capacity to influence people
diversity Situational (external) causes relate to features through real or perceived rewards and
Subculture: a group that distinguishes itself of the surroundings or social context punishments
from the primary culture to which it belongs Correspondent inference theory: describes Social capital: the investment people make
attributions made by observing the intentional in society in return for economic or collective
Socialization (especially unexpected) behaviors performed rewards
Socialization: the process of developing and by another person Social reproduction: the passing on of
spreading norms, customs, and beliefs Fundamental attribution error: bias toward social inequality, especially poverty, to other
Norms: boundaries of acceptable behavior making dispositional attributions rather than generations
within society situational attributions Poverty: low SES; in the US, the poverty line is
Stigma: extreme disapproval or dislike the governments calculation of the minimum
of a person or group based on perceived Stereotypes, Prejudice, and Discrimination income requirements to acquire the minimum
differences Stereotypes: attitudes and impressions that necessities of life
Deviance: any violation of norms, rules, or are made based on limited and superficial
expectations within a society information Epidemiology
Self-fulfilling prophecy: the phenomenon new cases
Conformity: changing beliefs or behaviors in Incidence: per time
order to fit into a group or society of a stereotype creating an expectation of a population - at risk
Compliance: individuals change behavior particular group, which creates conditions that
based on the request of others; techniques lead to confirmation of this stereotype number of cases(new or old)
for gaining compliance include foot-in-the- Stereotype threat: a feeling of anxiety about Prevalence: per time
door, door-in-the-face, lowball, and thats- confirming a negative stereotype total population
not-all Prejudice: an irrationally based attitude prior Morbidity: the burden or degree of illness associated
Obedience: change in behavior based on a to actual experience with a given disease
command from someone seen as an authority Ethnocentrism: the practice of making
Mortality: deaths caused by a given disease
figure judgments about other cultures based on
the values and beliefs of ones own culture
(in-group vs. out-group)

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NH2 Centromeres are located in the middle of
Carbohydrate Classification chromosomes and hold sister chromatids together
Carbohydrates are organized by their number of N until they are separated during anaphase in mitosis.
carbon atoms and functional groups. high-energy N They also contain a high GC-content.
3-carbon sugars are trioses, 4-carbon sugars DNA Replication
are tetroses, and so on. N N
Sugars with aldehydes as their most oxidized O O O Step in Prokaryotic Eukaryotic
group are aldoses; sugars with ketones as Replication Cells Cells (Nuclei)
their most oxidized group are ketoses. CH2 O Origin of One per Multiple per
Sugars with the highest-numbered chiral carbon with
O O O replication chromosome chromosome
the OH group on the right (in a Fischer projection)
are D-sugars; those with the OH on the left are Unwinding of Helicase Helicase
L-sugars. D- and L-forms of the same sugar are
OH OH DNA double
enantiomers. ATP helix

Diastereomers differ at at least onebut not allchiral Stabilization Single- Single-

carbons. Also include: DNA Structure of unwound stranded stranded
template DNA-binding DNA-binding
Epimers differ at exactly one chiral carbon. Nucleosides contain a five-carbon sugar bound to a
strands protein protein
Anomers are a subtype of epimers that differ nitrogenous base; nucleotides are nucleosides with
at the anomeric carbon. one to three phosphate groups added. Synthesis of Primase Primase
Nucleotides in DNA contain deoxyribose; in RNA, they RNA primers
Cyclic Sugar Molecules contain ribose. Synthesis of DNA DNA
Cyclization describes the ring formation of Nucleotides are abbreviated by letter: adenine (A), DNA polymerase III polymerases
carbohydrates from their straight-chain forms. cytosine (C), guanine (G), thymine (T), and uracil (U). and
When rings form, the anomeric carbon can take on Removal of RNA DNA RNase H
either an - or -conformation. WatsonCrick Model primers polymerase I (5'3'
The anomeric carbon is the new chiral center formed The DNA backbone is composed of alternating (5'3' exonuclease)
in ring closure; it was the carbon containing the sugar and phosphate groups, and is always exonuclease)
carbonyl in the straight-chain form. read 5' to 3'. Replacement of DNA DNA
-anomers have the OH on the anomeric There are two strands with antiparallel polarity, RNA with DNA polymerase I polymerase
carbon trans to the free CH2OH group. wound into a double helix.
Joining of DNA ligase DNA ligase
-anomers have the OH on the anomeric Purines (A and G) always pair with pyrimidines
carbon cis to the free CH2OH group. (C, U, and T). In DNA, A pairs with T (via two
During mutarotation, one anomeric form shifts hydrogen bonds) and C pairs with G (via three
hydrogen bonds). In RNA, A pairs with U (via Removal DNA DNA
to another, with the straight-chain form as an
two hydrogen bonds). of positive topoisomerase topoisomerase
Chargaffs rules: purines and pyrimidines supercoils II (DNA gyrase) II (DNA gyrase)
are equal in number in a DNA molecule. The ahead of
Monosaccharides advancing
amount of A equals the amount of T, and the
amount of C equals the amount of G. replication
DNA strands can be pulled apart (denatured) and forks
brought back together (reannealed). Synthesis of Not applicable Telomerase
H OH H OH H OH H OH telomeres
CH2OH CH2OH CH2OH CH2OH Eukaryotic Chromosome Organization
D-fructose D-glucose D-galactose D-mannose
DNA replication is semiconservative: one old parent
DNA is organized into 46 chromosomes in human cells. strand and one new daughter strand is incorporated
Monosaccharides are single carbohydrate units In eukaryotes, DNA is wound around histone proteins into each of the two new DNA molecules.
and can undergo three main reactions: oxidation (H2A, H2B, H3, and H4) to form nucleosomes, which leading strand
DNA polymerase III
reduction, esterification, and glycoside formation. may be stabilized by another histone protein (H1). 5 on leading strand

Glycoside formation is the basis for building complex DNA and its associated histones make up chromatin ssDNA-binding protein

carbohydrates and requires the anomeric carbon to in the nucleus. leading strand template parent DNA
helicase 3
link to another sugar.
DNA polymerase III
Heterochromatin is dense, transcriptionally on lagging strand
Okazaki fragment 5
Sugars with a H replacing an OH group are termed silent DNA. primase
deoxy sugars. Euchromatin is less dense, transcriptionally 5

active DNA. lagging strand template

Disaccharides with H1 without H1 DNA polymerase synthesizes new DNA strands,

Common disaccharides include sucrose (glucose-- 10 nm
reading the template DNA 3' to 5' and synthesizing
30 nm
1,2-fructose), lactose (galactose--1,4-glucose), and the new strand 5' to 3'.
maltose (glucose--1,4-glucose). The leading strand requires only one primer
and can then be synthesized continuously.
Polysaccharides The lagging strand requires many primers
Cellulose: main structural component of plant H2B H3
and is synthesized in discrete sections called
cell walls; main source of fiber in the human H4 H1 H2A
Okazaki fragments.
expanded view of
diet H3 H2B
a nucleosome

Starches (amylose and amylopectin): main expanded view H4 Recombinant DNA and Biotechnology
energy storage forms for plants Recombinant DNA is DNA composed of nucleotides
Glycogen: a major energy storage form for from two different sources.
Telomeres are the ends of chromosomes. They
animals contain a high GC-content to prevent unraveling of DNA cloning introduces a fragment of DNA into a
the DNA. vector plasmid. A restriction enzyme (restriction
endonuclease) cuts both the plasmid and the fragment,
leaving them with sticky ends, which can bind.

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Once replicated, the bacterial cells can be used to Transcription BIOLOGICAL MEMBRANES
create a protein of interest, or can be lysed to allow DNA transcription
for isolation of the fragment of interest from the TATA
Membrane Transport
vector. 5'
35 10 coding region
3' Osmotic pressure, a colligative property, is the
DNA libraries are large collections of known DNA 3'
pressure applied to a pure solvent to prevent
sequences. 5' untranslated
region (UTR)
3' untranslated
region (UTR)
osmosis and is related to the concentration of
Genomic libraries contain large fragments of
transcription the solution.
transcription terminates
DNA, including both coding and noncoding = iMRT
mRNA GC-rich stem
regions of the genome. They cannot be used ShineDalgarno
AUG UGA and loop
Passive transport does not require ATP because the
coding region
to make recombinant proteins or for gene sequence
5' UUUUUU 3' molecule is moving down its concentration gradient
therapy. or from an area of higher concentration to an area of
5' UTR 3' UTR
cDNA libraries (expression libraries) contain translation lower concentration.
smaller fragments of DNA, and only include
Simple diffusion does not require a
the exons of genes expressed by the sample H2NproteinCOOH
transporter. Small, nonpolar molecules
tissue. They can be used to make recombinant
Steps:Figure I-3-4. Expression of a Prokaryotic Protein Coding Gene passively move from an area of high
proteins or for gene therapy.
Helicase and topoisomerase unwind DNA concentration to an area of low concentration
Hybridization is the joining of complementary base double helix. until equilibrium is achieved.
pair sequences. Osmosis describes the diffusion of water
RNA polymerase II binds to TATA box within
Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) is an automated promoter region of gene (25 base pairs across a selectively permeable membrane.
process by which millions of copies of a DNA upstream from first transcribed base). Facilitated diffusion uses transport proteins
sequence can be created from a very small sample hnRNA synthesized from DNA template to move impermeable solutes across the cell
by hybridization. (antisense) strand. membrane.
DNA molecules can be separated by size using Posttranscriptional modifications: Active transport requires energy in the form of
agarose gel electrophoresis. ATP (primary) or an existing favorable ion gradient
7-methylguanylate triphosphate cap added
Southern blotting can be used to detect the (secondary). Secondary active transport can be
to 5' end
presence and quantity of various DNA strands in further classified as symport or antiport.
Polyadenosyl (poly-A) tail added to 3' end
a sample. After electrophoresis, the sample is
Splicing done by spliceosome; introns
transferred to a membrane that can be probed
removed and exons ligated together.
with single-stranded DNA molecules to look for a molecules
Alternative splicing combines different exons transport
sequence of interest. proteins
to acquire different gene products.
DNA sequencing uses dideoxyribonucleotides,
which terminate the DNA chain because they lack a
3' OH group.
{ cell membrane

Occurs at the ribosome.

RNA AND THE GENETIC CODE concentration simple facilitated energy
gradient diffusion diffusion (ATP or ion gradient)

Central Dogma: DNA RNA proteins A U G C C G U A U G C U A U G C C G U A U G C U
passive transport active transport

The Genetic Code Endocytosis and exocytosis are methods of

Figure 1.5 Movement Across Memberances

Degenerate code allows multiple codons to encode Met P site A site Pro
engulfing material into cells or releasing material
for the same amino acid. to the exterior of cells, both via the cell membrane.
} anticodon
Pinocytosis is the ingestion of liquid into the cell

Initiation: AUG

incoming tRNA

Termination: UAA, UGA, UAG from vesicles formed from the cell membrane and

phagocytosis is the ingestion of solid material.

Redundancy and wobble (third base in the Three stages: initiation, elongation, termination
codon) allow mutations to occur without
Posttranslational modifications:
affecting the protein.
Point mutations can cause:
Formation of quaternary structure
Silent mutations, with no effect on protein Cleavage of proteins or signal sequences Glycolysis
synthesis Occurs in the cytoplasm of all cells, and does not
Covalent addition of other biomolecules
Nonsense (truncation) mutations, which (phosphorylation, carboxylation, glycosylation, require oxygen. Yields 2 ATP per glucose. Important
produce a premature stop codon prenylation) enzymes include:
Missense mutations, which produce a codon
Glucokinase: present in the pancreatic -islet
that codes for a different amino acid
Control of Gene Expression in Prokaryotes cells as part of the glucose sensor and is
Frameshift mutations, which result from responsive to insulin in the liver
nucleotide addition or deletion and change Operons (JacobMonod model) are inducible or
repressible clusters of genes transcribed as a single Hexokinase: traps glucose
the reading frame of subsequent codons
mRNA. Phosphofructokinase-1 (PFK-1): rate-limiting
RNA is structurally similar to DNA except: regulator promoter operator structural regulator promoter operator structural step
Substitution of a ribose sugar for deoxyribose Phosphofructokinase-2 (PFK-2): produces
Substitution of uracil for thymine RNA polymerase RNA polymerase
F2,6-BP, which activates PFK-1
Single-stranded instead of double-stranded R
Glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase:
inducer I inducerrepressor
complex binds to produces NADH
There are three major types of RNA in transcription: I complex cannot bind R C R C operator and represses
R R to operatorstructural
genes are transcribed
enzyme synthesis
3-phosphoglycerate kinase and
Messenger RNA (mRNA): carries the message
repressor cannot
bind to operator
by itself
corepressor (end product)
pyruvate kinase: perform substrate-level
from DNA in the nucleus via transcription of inducible system repressible system
the gene; travels into the cytoplasm to be
Control of Gene Expression in Eukaryotes Glucokinase/hexokinase, PFK-1, and pyruvate kinase
Transcription factors search for promoter and catalyze irreversible reactions.
Transfer RNA (tRNA): brings in amino acids;
recognizes the codon on the mRNA using its enhancer regions in the DNA. The NADH produced in glycolysis is oxidized
anticodon Promoters are within 25 base pairs of the aerobically by the mitochondrial electron transport
Ribosomal RNA (rRNA): makes up much of the transcription start site. chain and anaerobically by cytoplasmic lactate
ribosome; enzymatically active Enhancers are more than 25 base pairs away dehydrogenase.
from the transcription start site.

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Pyruvate Dehydrogenase Each NADH: 2.5 ATP; 10 NADH form 25 ATP LIPID AND AMINO ACID METABOLISM
Converts pyruvate to acetyl-CoA. Stimulated by Each FADH2: 1.5 ATP; 2 FADH2 form 3 ATP
insulin and inhibited by acetyl-CoA. GTP are converted to ATP. Lipid Transport
2 ATP from glycolysis + 2 ATP (GTP) from citric Lipids are transported via chylomicrons, VLDL, IDL,
The Citric Acid Cycle acid cycle + 25 ATP from NADH + 3 ATP from LDL, and HDL.
Takes place in mitochondrial matrix. Main purpose FADH2 = 32 ATP per molecule of glucose
is to oxidize acetyl-CoA to CO2 and generate high- (optimal). 3032 ATP per molecule of glucose TGL TGL Adipose

energy electron carriers (NADH and FADH2) and GTP. is the commonly accepted range for energy CE CE
Chylomicron Chylomicron

yield Intestine
(lymph) (blood)
Pyruvate Amino acids lipase

PDH Glycogenesis and Glycogenolysis Cholesterol TGL

Fatty acids
Glycerol 3-P
Fatty acids
Acetyl-CoA Ketones Glycogenesis (glycogen synthesis) is the building of Chylomicron
glycogen using two main enzymes: TGL
Citrate chol
synthase Glycogen synthase, which creates -1,4 Glucose VLDL
Glycerol 3-P
Oxaloacetate Citrate glycosidic links between glucose molecules. It Lipoprotein

cis-Aconitase is activated by insulin in the liver and muscles. TGL
Fatty acids
Branching enzyme, which moves a block of
dehydrogenase chol

Isocitrate IDL
Isocitrate oligoglucose from one chain and connects it
dehydrogenase as a branch using an -1,6 glycosidic link. Cholesterol Metabolism
-Ketoglutarate Glycogenolysis is the breakdown of glycogen using Cholesterol may be obtained through dietary
Fumarate NAD
-Ketoglutarate two main enzymes: sources or through synthesis in the liver.
NADH The key enzyme in cholesterol biosynthesis is
CO2 Glycogen phosphorylase, which removes
dehydrogenase FAD
HMG-CoA reductase.
(complex II)
GTP GDP + Pi Succinyl-CoA
single glucose 1-phosphate molecules by
breaking -1,4 glycosidic links. In the liver, it Palmitic acid, the only fatty acid that humans can
synthetase is activated by glucagon to prevent low blood synthesize, is produced in the cytoplasm from
sugar. In exercising skeletal muscle, it is acetyl-CoA transported out of the mitochondria.
Figure I-13-1. Citric Acid Cycle
The Electron Transport Chain activated by epinephrine and AMP to provide Fatty acid oxidation occurs in the mitochondria,
glucose for the muscle itself. following transport by the carnitine shuttle, via
Takes place on the matrix-facing surface of the inner
Debranching enzyme, which moves a block of -oxidation.
mitochondrial membrane.
oligoglucose from one branch and connects it
NADH donates electrons to the chain, which are Ketone bodies form (ketogenesis) during a
to the chain using an -1,4 glycosidic link.
passed from one complex to the next. Reduction prolonged starvation state due to excess acetyl-CoA
potentials increase down the chain, until the Gluconeogenesis in the liver. Ketolysis regenerates acetyl-CoA for use
electrons end up on oxygen, which has the highest as an energy source in peripheral tissues.
Occurs in both the cytoplasm and mitochondria,
reduction potential. predominantly in the liver. Most of gluconeogenesis
Step 1
Cyt c
Step 2
Cyt c
is just the reverse of glycolysis, using the same Protein Catabolism
(ox) 2 H+ (ox)
4 Cyt c 2 H+

1 e
Cyt c
1 e
Cyt c
(red) 4 Cyt
c 4 e
Cu enzymes. Protein digestion occurs primarily in the small

intestine. Carbon skeletons of amino acids are used

centers Q Q QH2 QH2 Fe

The three irreversible steps of glycolysis must be

QH2 Fe-S QH2 Q QH2
centers 1 e 1 e Fe
Heme Q Q +
4 H + O2 Cu

2 e 4H
+ 2H
2 H+ 2 H2O 2 H
bypassed by different enzymes: for energy, either through gluconeogenesis or ketone
body formation. Amino groups are fed into the urea

Succinate Fumarate + 2 H+
Pyruvate carboxylase and PEP carboxykinase cycle for excretion.
Complex I Complex II Complex III Complex IV
bypass pyruvate kinase
NADH cannot cross the inner mitochondrial Fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase bypasses
membrane, so must use one of two shuttle phosphofructokinase-1 Glycogen
Insulin Glucagon
mechanisms to transfer its electrons to energy Glucose-6-phosphatase bypasses hexokinase/
Cellular glucose Glycogenolysis
carriers in the mitochondrial matrix: the glycerol glucokinase Lipid uptake
3-phosphate shuttle or the malateaspartate Plasma glucose

shuttle. The Pentose Phosphate Pathway Protein

Protein Glucose catabolism
synthesis utilization
Oxidative Phosphorylation Occurs in the cytoplasm of most cells, generating Ureagenesis

NADPH and sugars for biosynthesis. Rate-limiting Glucose efflux Gluconeogenesis

The proton-motive force is the electrochemical gradient Ketogenesis
enzyme is glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase,
generated by the electron transport chain across the
which is activated by NADP+ and inhibited by NADPH
inner mitochondrial membrane. The intermembrane
space has a higher concentration of protons than the
and insulin. Tissue-Specific Metabolism
matrix; this gradient stores energy, which can be used Liver: maintains blood glucose through
to form ATP via chemiosmotic coupling. BIOENERGETICS AND REGULATION OF glycogenolysis and gluconeogenesis.
ATP synthase is the enzyme responsible for generating METABOLISM Processes lipids, cholesterol, bile, urea, and
ATP from ADP and an inorganic phosphate (Pi ).
Metabolic States Adipose: stores and releases lipids
Summary of the energy yield of the various
In the postprandial/well-fed (absorptive) Resting muscle: conserves carbohydrates as
carbohydrate metabolism processes:
state, insulin secretion is high and anabolic glycogen and uses free fatty acids for fuel
Glycolysis: 2 NADH and 2 ATP metabolism prevails. Active muscle: may use anaerobic
Pyruvate dehydrogenase: 1 NADH (2 NADH In the postabsorptive (fasting) state, insulin metabolism, oxidative phosphorylation, direct
per molecule of glucose because each glucose secretion decreases while glucagon and phosphorylation (creatine phosphate), or fatty
forms two molecules of pyruvate) catecholamine secretion increases. acid oxidation
Citric acid cycle: 3 NADH, 1 FADH2, and 1 GTP Prolonged fasting (starvation) dramatically Cardiac muscle: uses fatty acid oxidation
(6 NADH, 2 FADH2, and 2 GTP per molecule increases glucagon and catecholamine Brain: uses glucose except in prolonged
of glucose) secretion. Most tissues rely on fatty acids. starvation, when it can use ketolysis

02_MCAT_QS_Biochem.indd 8 4/10/14 12:02 PM

Ectoderm Nervous system, epidermis, lens
Attractoderm of eye, inner ear
Lining of digestive tract, lungs, SYSTEM
Endernal organs liver and pancreas
Direct hormones directly stimulate organs; tropic hormones stimulate other glands.
Muscles, skeleton, circulatory
Four Stages of Menstrual Cycle:
Mechanisms of hormone action: peptides act via second messengers and steroids act via hormone/receptor
Meansoderm system, gonads, kidney 1. Follicular: FSH causes growth of a follicle
binding to DNA. Amino acid-derivative hormones may do either.
2. Ovulation: LH causes follicle to release egg
Hormone Source Action 3. Luteal: corpus luteum forms
Follicle-stimulating (FSH) Stimulates follicle maturation; spermatogenesis 4. Menstruation: endometrial lining sheds
Luteinizing (LH) Stimulates ovulation; testosterone synthesis
day 14 ruptures-egg released
Stimulates adrenal cortex to make and secrete
Hypothalamus LH surge follicle
Adrenocorticotropic (ACTH) glucocorticoids
day 0 LH
no pregnancy corpus luteum atrophies
GnRH corpus luteum
pr e (inhibition stops, cycle
Anterior pituitary Stimulates the thyroid to produce thyroid gn
cy starts anew)
Thyroid-stimulating (TSH) Ectoderm
hormones Nervous system, epidermis, lens pituitary
pr ogesterone zygote

Stimulates milk production andofsecretion

Attractoderm eye, inner ear
early in cycle
Prolactin (prevents multiple
later in
uterine wall hCG
Endoderm Lining
Inhibits the perception of pain in of digestive tract, lungs,
the brain
egg development)
Endorphins (LH analog)

Growth hormone Stimulates bone

Endernal liver and pancreas
and muscle growth/lipolysis
organs ovary

Stimulates uterine contractionsMuscles,

Mesoderm skeleton, circulatory
during labor,
Oxytocin Hypothalamus; follicle begins to mature
milk secretion during lactation system, gonads, kidney
stored in
Antidiuretic (ADH, estrogen
posterior pituitary Stimulates water reabsorption in kidneys
Hormone Source Action
Thyroid hormones (T3, T4) Stimulates metabolic activity

Follicle-stimulating (FSH) Stimulates follicle maturation; spermatogenesis
Calcitonin Decreases (tones down) blood calcium level
Parathyroid hormone Luteinizing (LH) Increases blood calcium level
Parathyroid Stimulates ovulation; testosterone synthesis vascularization
of uterine wall

Increases blood glucose level and Stimulates adrenal cortex to make and secrete
Glucocorticoids Adrenocorticotropicprotein
Adrenal cortex synthesis; anti-inflammatory glucocorticoids
Mineralocorticoids Increases waterAnterior
reabsorption in kidneys
pituitary Stimulates the thyroid to produce thyroid
Thyroid-stimulating (TSH) hormones
Epinephrine, Norepinephrine Adrenal medulla Increases blood glucose level and heart rate
Prolactin Stimulates milk production and secretion
Stimulates conversion of glycogen toInhibits glucosethe in perception of pain in the brain
Glucagon Endorphins
the liver; increases blood glucose
Insulin Pancreas
Growth hormone Lowers blood glucose; increases glycogen Stimulates bone and muscle growth/lipolysis
Somatostatin Oxytocin Supresses secretion of glucagon andStimulates
Hypothalamus; insulin uterine contractions during labor,
Testosterone Testes Maintains male secondary milk secretion during lactation
stored insexual characteristics
Estrogen Antidiuretic (ADH, Maintains female secondary sexual characteristics
Ovary/Placenta posterior pituitary Stimulates water reabsorption in kidneys
Progesterone vasopressin) Promotes growth/maintenance of endometrium
Melatonin Thyroid
Pineal hormones (T ,
RegulatesT ) sleepwake cycles Stimulates metabolic activity
3 4 Thyroid
Atrial natriuretic peptide Calcitonin
Heart Involved in osmoregulation and vasodilation Decreases (tones down) blood calcium level
Thymosin Parathyroid
Thymus hormone Parathyroid
Stimulates T-cell development Increases blood calcium level
Increases blood glucose level and decreases
Adrenal cortex protein synthesis; anti-inflammatory
Mineralocorticoids ACTION Increases water reabsorption in kidneys MUSCULOSKELETAL SYSTEM
Rest All gates POTENTIAL
II Depolarization Na+ gates open
Epinephrine, Norepinephrine Adrenal medulla Increases blood glucose level and heart rate
The functional unit is the neuron: III Repolarization Na gates inactivate
K+ gates open Stimulates conversion of glycogen to glucose in
cell body Glucagon Contractile unit of the fibers in skeletal muscle
Schwann cells IV Hyperpolarization All gates closedPancreas the liver; increases blood glucose
nodes of
Ranvier axon Insulin Lowers blood glucose; increases glycogen stores Contains thin actin and thick myosin filaments
sheathBlood Somatostatin Supresses secretion of glucagon and insulin
RBC Antibodies
terminals Donates Receives
Testosterone Testes Maintains male secondary sexual characteristics
type antigen to: From:
Estrogen Maintains female secondary sexual characteristics
dendrites A A anti-B A, AB Ovary/Placenta
A, O
Progesterone Promotes growth/maintenance of endometrium
B B anti-A
Melatonin B, AB B, O
Pineal Regulates sleepwake cycles
AB A, B Atrial natriuretic
None peptideAB only All
Heart Involved in osmoregulation and vasodilation
O None Thymosin anti-A, B All O only
Thymus Stimulates T-cell development
Resting Potential: Contraction
3 Na+ pumped out for every 2 K+ pumped in Initiation:
Enzyme Production Site Function SiteHydrolysis
Rest Reaction All gates closed
Depolarization Na+ gates open Depolarization of a neuron leads to an action
Salivary amylase
Action Potential:
Salivary glands Mouth III
Starch maltose Na+ gates inactivate potential.
K+ gates open
Pancreatic amylase Pancreas
Stimulus acts on the neuron, depolarizing the Small intestine IV Starch maltose
Hyperpolarization All gates closed Sarcomere shortening:
membrane of the cell body Intestinal glands Small intestine Maltose 2 glucoses Sarcoplasmic reticulum releases Ca2+.
Sucrase Intestinal glands Small intestine Sucrose glucose, fructose
Lactase Intestinal glands
Small intestine
RBC Antibodies Donates Receives Ca2+ binds to troponin on the actin filament.
Lactose glucose, galactose
Impulse Propagation: type antigen to: From: Tropomyosin shifts, exposing myosin-binding sites.
+ rushing into axon) followed A A anti-B axon A, AB A, O Myosin binds, ATPase activity allows myosin to
Depolarization (Na
Enzyme Production Site Function SiteB Function
+ B anti-A B, AB B, O
by repolarization (K Gastric glands
rushing out of axon) along pull thin filaments towards the center of the
Pepsin Stomach AB HydrolyzesA, B specific None
peptide bonds AB only All
the nerve axon (chief cells) H zone, and then ATP causes dissociation.
O None anti-A, B All O only
Hydrolyzes specific peptide bonds
actin filament
Converts chymotrypsinogen to chymotrypsin tropomyosin
The Synapse:
Chymotrypsin Pancreas Enzyme Production
Hydrolyzes Site peptide
action Function
bonds Site Hydrolysis Reaction
At the synaptic knob, voltage-gated Ca2+ Small potential
Carboxypeptidases Salivary amylase
2+ into the cell. + + + + + +
channels open, sending Ca Intestine Salivary glands
Hydrolyzes terminal peptideMouth
bond at C-terminus Starch maltose
A and B (ptyalin) + + + Ca2+ calcium
Vesicles fuse with presynaptic membrane

Pancreatic amylase Hydrolyzes

Pancreas Small intestine maltose
Aminopeptidase + terminal
+ peptide
bond at N-terminus
myosin binding site

sending the neurotransmitter across the

Dipeptidases Maltase
Intestinal glands Intestinal
Hydrolyzes glands
pairs + Small
of amino acids
+ intestine
+ + + Maltose
+ 2 glucoses
cleft. Sucrase Intestinaltrypsinogen
Converts glands to trypsin
Small intestine Sucrose glucose, fructose
Neurotransmitter binds to receptors on Lactase Intestinal glands Small intestine Lactose glucose, galactose
the postsynaptic membrane, triggering
action Relaxation:
Table 1 K +
depolarization. Enzyme Production + Site + Function
+ + + + Function Ca2+ is pumped back into the sarcoplasmic
Surface Colony Growth GastricStarch
+ +
Pepsin Stomach Hydrolyzes specific peptide bonds reticulum.
A B C (chiefAcells)
B C+ +Na +

Strain 1 + + + + + + Hydrolyzes
+ + specific peptide bonds
Strain 2 +Trypsin + + K
+ +
Bone Formation and Remodeling
Converts chymotrypsinogen to chymotrypsin
key: + = growth; = no growth Osteoblast: builds bone
Chymotrypsin Pancreas Hydrolyzes specific peptide bonds
Small Osteoclast: breaks down bone
Table 2
Carboxypeptidases potential
K +

+ + +Intestine
+ Hydrolyzes
peptide bond at C-terminus
A and B Reformation: inorganic ions are absorbed from
Surface Colony Growth Deep-Agar Colony Growth
+ + + +
NaHydrolyzes terminal peptide bond at N-terminus
the blood for use in bone
+ + + +
Strain 1 Dipeptidases
+ Intestinal glands
+ + + + Hydrolyzes
of amino acids Degradation (resorption): inorganic ions are
Enteropeptidase K +
Converts trypsinogen to trypsin released into the blood
Strain 2 + +
key: + = growth; = no growth
Table 1
Surface Colony Growth Starch Digestion
03_MCAT_QS_Biology.indd 10 4/10/14 12:05 PM
Circulatory Pathway Through Heart Gas Exchange The body distinguishes between self and
nonself (antigens).
pulmonary veins Exchange
occurs across trachea
L. pulmonary artery
Humoral Immunity (Specific Defense)
aorta the thin walls
L. atrium
of alveoli. bronchus B-lymphocytes
mitral valve
R. pulmonary artery
Deoxygenated memory cells plasma cells make and
L. ventricle
blood remember antigen, release antibodies (IgG,
enters the IgA, IgM, IgD, IgE),
secondary lens
superior vena cava
R. atrium Ectoderm
pulmonary response which induce antigen
inferior vena cava
septum Attractoderm bronchioleNervous
Ectoderm of eye, inner ear epidermis, lens
capillaries phagocytosis
tricuspid Valve R. ventricle
Endoderm of eye,ofinner
Lining ear tract, lungs,
that surround
liver and Active imumunity:
pancreas tract, lungs, antibodies are produced
Endernal organs Lining of digestive
Superior and inferior vena cava right atrium the alveoli. during an immune response
Endernal organs liver and
Muscles, pancreas
skeleton, circulatory
right ventricle pulmonary arteries lungs O2 from the diaphragm Passive immunity: antibodies produced by
Meansoderm system, gonads,
Muscles, skeleton, kidney
pulmonary veins left atrium left ventricle inhaled air alveoli onekidney
organism are transferred to another
Meansoderm system, gonads,
aorta body diffuses down Hormone organism Action
Three portal systems: Blood travels through an extra its gradient
Hormone (FSH) Source Stimulates follicle maturation;
Action spermatogenesis
capillary bed before returning to the heart. into the capillaries,
Luteinizing (LH)where
Follicle-stimulating it binds with
(FSH) Stimulates ovulation;
Cell-Mediated testosterone
Immunity synthesis
(Specific Defense)
hemoglobin and returns
Luteinizing (LH) to the heart. adrenal cortex
Stimulates ovulation; to makesynthesis
testosterone and secrete
Liver (hepatic), kidney, and brain Adrenocorticotropic (ACTH)
CO2 from the tissues diffuses from the glucocorticoids
Stimulates adrenal cortex T-lymphocytes
to make and secrete
(hypophyseal) Adrenocorticotropic (ACTH)
capillaries to the alveoli, and is Anterior pituitary
exhaled. Stimulates
cytotoxic theT-cells
glucocorticoids thyroid to produce thyroid
Thyroid-stimulating (TSH) hormones
Anterior pituitary Stimulates the thyroid to produce thyroid
Fetal Circulation Thyroid-stimulating (TSH) destroy milk
Stimulates cellsproduction
directly and secretion
Prolactin hormones suppressor T-cells
Fetal Respiration
Prolactin Inhibits theT-cells
Stimulates perception
milk of pain
production andinsecretion
the brain
Foramen ovale: connects right and left atria helper regulate B- and T-cells
Fetal hemoglobin has a higher affinity for
Growth hormone
Endorphins Stimulates
Inhibits the bone and muscle
perception of paingrowth/lipolysis
in the brain
Ductus arteriosus:Nervous
Ectoderm connectssystem, epidermis,
pulmonary lens
artery activate B- and T-cells to decrease anti-antigen
oxygen than
Growth adult hemoglobin. uterine
Stimulates bone andcontractions during labor,
muscle growth/lipolysis
of eye,
to aorta. Along with
Attractoderm inner ovale,
foramen ear shunts Oxytocinhormone Hypothalamus; and macrophages by activity
Gas and Oxytocin
nutrient exchanges occur across the milk secretion
Stimulates during
uterine lactation during labor,
blood away from lungs stored in
Hypothalamus; secreting lymphokines
Endoderm Lining of digestive tract, lungs, placenta. Antidiuretic (ADH, milk secretion during lactation
Ductus venosus: connects umbilical vein posterior
in Stimulates water reabsorption in kidneys
memory cells
Endernal organs liver and pancreas vasopressin)(ADH,
to inferior vena cava, connecting Thyroid hormones (T3, T4) posterior pituitary Stimulates
Stimulates water reabsorption
metabolic activity in kidneys
Mesoderm Muscles, skeleton,umbilical
circulatory vasopressin)
circulation to central circulation
system, gonads, kidney Calcitonin
Thyroid hormones (T3, T4) Nonspecific
Decreases (tones Immune
Stimulates metabolic activity Response
blood calcium level
Meansoderm Parathyroid hormone Thyroid
Parathyroid Increases blood calcium level
Calcitonin Decreases
Includes (tones
skin, down) blood calcium
passages lined level cilia, macrophages,
Parathyroid hormone Parathyroid Increases blood
Increases blood calcium
glucose level
level and decreases
Glucocorticoids inflammatory response, and interferons (proteins that
HormoneBlood Components Source Action Adrenal cortex protein synthesis;
Increases anti-inflammatory
blood glucose level and decreases
Follicle-stimulating (FSH) Stimulates follicle maturation; spermatogenesis Glucocorticoids
Mineralocorticoids Increases water reabsorption
help synthesis;
prevent the spreadin ofkidneys
a virus)
Adrenal cortex protein anti-inflammatory
Plasma: aqueous mix of nutrients, wastes, Mineralocorticoids Increases
Luteinizing (LH) Stimulates ovulation; testosterone synthesis Epinephrine, Norepinephrine Adrenal medulla Increases water
blood reabsorption
glucose levelinand kidneys
heart rate
hormones, blood proteins, gases, and salts
Stimulates adrenal cortex to make and secrete Epinephrine, Norepinephrine Adrenal medulla Lymphatic
Increases blood System
Adrenocorticotropic (ACTH) glucocorticoids Stimulates conversion of level and heart
glycogen rate in
to glucose
Erythrocytes (red blood cells): carry oxygen Glucagon
Stimulates the thyroid to produce thyroid the liver;
Stimulates increases
Lymph blood
vessels glucose
meet toatglucose
the in
thoracic duct in the
Anterior pituitary oral cavity Glucagon
Insulin pharynx Pancreas
Thyroid-stimulating (TSH) Hemoglobin: four subunits carry O2 and CO2. Lowers
the liver;blood glucose;
upper increases
chest glucose
and glycogen
neck, stores into the left
hormones tongueInsulin Pancreas
Iron controls binding and releasing. Somatostatin Supresses
Lowers bloodsecretion
glucagon glycogen
and insulinstores
Prolactin Stimulates milk production and secretion subclavian vein of the cardiovascular system.
Oxygenhemoglobin dissociation: Testosterone trachea
Somatostatin Testes Maintains male
Supresses secondary
secretion sexualand
of glucagon characteristics
Endorphins Inhibits the perception of pain in the brain Estrogen Maintains Vessels
female carry lymph
secondary (excess
Testosterone Testes
Ovary/Placenta Maintains male secondary sexual
Growth hormone Factors leading to right 100Stimulates bone and muscle growth/lipolysis Progesterone
Maintains and lacteals
female secondary collect
of endometrium
sexual fats by absorbing
Stimulates uterine contractions during labor, Melatonin Ovary/Placenta
Pineal Regulateschylomicrons
sleepwake cycles in the small intestine.
Oxytocin shift of curve:Hypothalamus; Progesterone Promotes growth/maintenance of endometrium
% saturation of hemoglobin

milk secretion during lactation

Atrial natriuretic peptide
Melatonin Heart
Pineal Involved
Regulates in osmoregulation
Lymph nodes cycles and vasodilation
are swellings along the vessels
Temperature stored in
Antidiuretic (ADH, Thymosin
Atrial natriuretic peptide Thymus
Heart Stimulates
Involved in T-cell development
osmoregulation andcells
posterior pituitary 60Stimulates water reabsorption in kidneys with phagocytic (leukocytes); they
vasopressin) Bohr Effect Thymosin Thymus Stimulates T-cell development
Thyroid hormones (T3, T4) Stimulates metabolic activity stomach
remove foreign particles from lymph.

Calcitonin pH, PCO Decreases (tones down) blood calcium level liver
I Rest All gates closed
Parathyroid hormone 2
Parathyroid Increases blood calcium level

gallbladder III Depolarization

Rest Lipid
gates open
O2 release to Increases blood IIIII Repolarization
colon Depolarization Na++ gates
Na gates open
pH shiftsglucose level and decreases
curve shifts to the RIGHT
Glucocorticoids DOWN
K +gates When chyme is present, the duodenum secretes
enhancedcortex protein20synthesis;
40 60anti-inflammatory
80 100 duodenum III Repolarization Na gatesopen
Mineralocorticoids when H+ Increases water reabsorption in kidneys
PO (mmHg)
2 IV Hyperpolarization
small intestine theopen
KAll+ gates
gates hormone cholecystokinin (CCK) into the blood.
Epinephrine, Norepinephrine allosterically
medulla PCO leads
to Hb.Increases blood to [ H+level
glucose ]: and heart rate IV Hyperpolarization All CCK
gates stimulates the secretion of pancreatic
2 Blood RBC Antibodies Donates enzymesReceivesand bile, and promotes satiety.
anhydrase Stimulates conversion of glycogen to glucose in type rectumRBC
Blood antigen Antibodies to: Bile is made
Donates From:in the liver and emulsifies fat in
O H2CO3 H + HCO3
CO2 + H2Pancreas the liver;
+ increases
blood glucose anus
type A
antigen anti-B A, ABthe smallFrom:
to: A,intestine;
Insulin Lowers blood glucose; increases glycogen stores its not an enzyme.
AB AB anti-A
anti-B B, AB
Lipase is
B, O
enzyme made in the pancreas
Somatostatin Supresses
Leukocytes (white blood cells): function in immunity secretion of glucagon and insulin AB A, B None AB only All
Testosterone Testes Maintains male secondary sexual characteristics B B anti-A B, AB B, O
O None anti-A, B All onlythat hydrolyzes
O only lipids in the small intestine.
Estrogen Platelets: clotting Maintains female secondary sexual characteristics AB A, B None AB All
Ovary/Placenta Carbohydrate Digestion
O None anti-A, B All O only
Progesterone Platelets release thromboplastin, Promotes growth/maintenance
which (along of endometrium
Melatonin Pineal
with cofactors calcium Regulates
and vitamin sleepwake cycles
K) converts Enzyme Production Site Function Site Hydrolysis Reaction
Atrial natriuretic peptide Heart Involved in osmoregulation and vasodilation
Thymosin inactive prothrombin
Thymus toStimulates
active thrombin.
T-cell development Enzyme
Salivary amylase Production Site Function Site Hydrolysis Reaction
Salivary glands Mouth Starch maltose
Thrombin converts fibrinogen into fibrin, which (ptyalin) amylase
Pancreatic amylase Salivary
Pancreasglands Mouth
Small intestine Starch
Starch maltose
surrounds blood cells to form the clot. (ptyalin)
I Rest All gates closed Maltase amylase
Pancreatic Intestinal glands
Pancreas Small intestine Maltose maltose
2 glucoses
II Depolarization Na+ gates open Sucrase Sucrose 2glucose,
Maltase Intestinal glands Small intestine Maltose glucosesfructose
Blood Typing III Repolarization Na+ gates inactivate
Sucrase Intestinal glands Small intestine Lactose glucose,
Sucrose glucose,galactose
K+ gates open
Antigens IV are located on the surface
Hyperpolarization of red
All gates closed blood Lactase Intestinal glands Small intestine Lactose glucose, galactose
cells. Protein DigestionProduction Site Function Site
Enzyme Function
Gastric glands
Blood RBC Antibodies Donates Receives PepsiEnzyme
n Production Site Function
StomachSite Hydrolyzes specificFunction peptide bonds
(chief cells)
Gastric glands
type antigen to: From: Pepsin Stomach Hydrolyzes specific peptide bonds
(chief cells) Hydrolyzes specific peptide bonds
A A anti-B A, AB A, O Trypsin
Converts chymotrypsinogen
Hydrolyzes specific peptide bondsto chymotrypsin
B B anti-A B, AB B, O Trypsin
AB A, B None AB only All Chymotrypsin Pancreas Converts
Hydrolyzes chymotrypsinogen
specific peptide to chymotrypsin
O None anti-A, B All O only Chymotrypsin
Carboxypeptidases Pancreas Small Hydrolyzes specific peptide bonds
Small Hydrolyzes terminal peptide bond at C-terminus
A and B
Blood cells with Rh factor are Rh+; these individuals Hydrolyzes
blood cells lack Aminopeptidase
A and B Intestine Hydrolyzes terminal
terminal peptide
peptide bond
bond at at C-terminus
Enzyme produce no anti-Rh
Production Site antibody.
Function RhSite Hydrolysis Reaction Dipeptidases
Aminopeptidase Intestinal glands pairs of amino
Hydrolyzes terminal peptideacids
bond at N-terminus
the antigen; these individuals produce an antibody
Salivary amylase Enteropeptidase
Dipeptidases Intestinal glands Converts trypsinogen
Hydrolyzes pairs of aminoto trypsin
Salivary glands
if exposed. Mouth Starch maltose
(ptyalin) Enteropeptidase Converts trypsinogen to trypsin
Pancreatic amylase Pancreas Small intestine Starch maltose
Maltase Intestinal glands Small intestine
Table 1
Maltose 2 glucoses
Sucrase Intestinal glands Small intestine Sucrose glucose, fructose Surface Colony TableGrowth
1 Starch Digestion
Lactase Intestinal glands Small intestine Lactose glucose, galactose A
Surface B
Colony C
Growth A
Starch BDigestion C
03_MCAT_QS_Biology.indd 11 4/10/14 12:05 PM
Strain 1 A+ B+ +
Attractoderm of eye, inner ear Ectoderm Nervous system, epidermis, lens
Endoderm Lining of digestive tract, lungs, Attractoderm of eye, inner ear
Endernal organs liver and pancreas Endoderm Lining of digestive tract, lungs,
Mesoderm Muscles, skeleton, circulatory Endernal organs liver and pancreas
Meansoderm system, gonads, kidney Mesoderm Muscles, skeleton, circulatory
Meansoderm system, gonads, kidney
Hormone Source Action
Law of segregation: Homologous alleles Hormone Source Action
(FSH) Acids Stimulates follicle maturation; spermatogenesis Many bacteria contain plasmids, or extragenomic
Follicle-stimulating (FSH) Stimulates follicle maturation; spermatogenesis
(chromosomes) separate so that each gamete has Luteinizing (LH) Stimulates ovulation; testosterone material. Plasmids that can be integrated into the
Basic unit: nucleotide (sugar, nitrogenous Luteinizing (LH) Stimulates ovulation; testosterone synthesis
one copy of each gene. Stimulates adrenal cortex to make and secrete genome are known as episomes. Stimulates adrenal cortex to make and secrete
Adrenocorticotropic (ACTH) base, phosphate) Adrenocorticotropic (ACTH)
If both parents are Rr, the alleles separate glucocorticoids glucocorticoids
DNAs sugar: deoxyribose; RNAs sugar: ribose Transformation occurs when a bacterium
Anterior pituitary Stimulates the thyroid to produce thyroid Anterior pituitary Stimulates the thyroid to produce thyroid
to give a genotypic ratio of 1:2:1 and a Thyroid-stimulating (TSH) Thyroid-stimulating (TSH)acquires a piece of genetic material from
2 types of bases: double-ringed purines
phenotypic ratio of 3:1. Stimulates milk production and Prolactin
secretion the environment and integrates that
Stimulates milk production and secretion
Prolactin (adenine, guanine) and single-ringed
Inhibits the perception of Endorphins
pain in the brain Inhibits the perception of pain in the brain
piece of genetic material into the host
Law of independent assortment: Alleles of unlinked pyrimidines (cytosine, uracil, thymine)
Growth hormone Stimulates bone and muscle growth/lipolysis
cell genome. This is a common method
genes assort independently in meiosis. Growth hormone Stimulates bone and muscle growth/lipolysis
DNA double helix: antiparallel strands joined Stimulates uterine contractions during labor,
uterine Oxytocin
contractions during labor, by which antibiotic resistance can be
milk secretion during lactation
For two traits: AaBb parents will produce AB, by base pairs (A=T, G
Hypothalamus; C)
stored in
milk secretion during lactation Antidiuretic (ADH, acquired. stored in
Ab, aB, and ab gametes. Antidiuretic (ADH, RNA is usually single-stranded: A pairs with vasopressin)
posterior pituitary Stimulates water reabsorption in kidneys
posterior pituitary
U, not T Stimulates water reabsorption in kidneys Conjugation is the bacterial form of mating
The phenotypic ratio for this cross is 9:3:3:1. Thyroid hormones (T3, T4) Stimulates metabolic activity
(sexual reproduction). It involves two cells
Thyroid hormones (T3, T4) Stimulates metabolic activityCalcitonin Decreases (tones down) blood calcium level
Calcitonin Decreases (tones down) blood Parathyroid level forming a cytoplasmic bridge between them
calciumhormone Parathyroid Increases blood calcium level
Statistical Calculations Increases blood glucose level and decreases
that allows for the transfer of genetic material.
Parathyroid hormone Parathyroid Increases blood calcium level Glucocorticoids
Adrenal cortex protein synthesis; anti-inflammatory
Increases blood glucose level and decreases The transfer is one-way, from the donor male
Mineralocorticoids Increases water reabsorption in kidneys
The probability of producing a genotype that protein synthesis; anti-inflammatory
Adrenal cortex
requires multiple events to occur equals the
Mineralocorticoids Increases water reabsorptionEpinephrine, (+) to the recipient female (). The bridge is
in kidneysNorepinephrine Adrenal medulla Increases blood glucose level and heart rate
product of the probability of each event. made from appendages called sex
Stimulates conversion pili that
of glycogen to glucose in
Epinephrine, Norepinephrine Adrenal medulla Increases blood glucose level and heart rate
The probability of producing a genotype that are found on the donor male. To form the pili,
the liver; increases blood glucose
Insulin to glucose in Pancreas
Stimulates conversion of glycogen Lowers blood
bacteria must contain plasmids known as sex glucose; increases glycogen stores
can be the result of multiple different events Transcriptional Regulation the (Prokaryotes) Somatostatin
liver; increases blood glucose factors.
Supresses secretion of glucagon and insulin
equals the sum of each probability minus the Pancreas Testosterone Testes Maintains male secondary sexual characteristics
Regulated by the operon: Lowers blood glucose; increases glycogen stores
Estrogen Maintains female secondary sexual characteristics
probability of multiple events occurring. Somatostatin Supresses secretion of glucagon and insulin Transduction occurs when a bacteriophage
Progesterone Promotes growth/maintenance of endometrium
Testosterone Testes Maintains male secondary sexual characteristicsacquires genetic information from a host
Structural genes: have DNA that codes for protein
Melatonin Pineal Regulates sleepwake cycles
Estrogen Maintains
Operator gene: repressor binding site female secondary sexual characteristicscell. Sometimes, when the new virions are
Atrial natriuretic peptide Heart Involved in osmoregulation and vasodilation
Genetic Mapping Ovary/Placenta
Progesterone Promotes growth/maintenance of endometrium assembled in a host cell, some of the genetic
st binding site Thymus Stimulates T-cell development
Promoter gene: RNA polymerases 1
Pineal Regulates sleepwake cycles
Crossing over during meiosis I can unlink material from the host cell is packaged along
Inducible systems need an inducer for
Atrial natriuretic peptide Heart Involved in osmoregulation and vasodilation
genes (prophase I). with the viral genetic material. Then, the
I Rest All gates closed
Thymosin Thymus Stimulates T-cell development
transcription to occur. Repressible systems
Genes are most likely unlinked when far apart. II Depolarization Na+ gates open
bacteriophage infects another bacterium,
need a corepressor to inhibit transcription. III Repolarization Na+ gates inactivate
One map unit is 1% recombinant frequency resulting in transfer of bacterial genetic
K+ gates open
I Rest All gates closed
(1 centimorgan). IV
material. Hyperpolarization All gates closed
II Depolarization
Mutations Na+ gates open
Given III Repolarization Na+ gates inactivate
Blood RBC Antibodies Donates Receives
Point: One nucleotide is substituted by
K+ gates open
recombination 8
type bacterium antigen to: From:
IV Hyperpolarization All gates closed
another; they are silent if the sequence of A A anti-B A, AB A, O
frequencies release of prophage

Z X Y Z amino acids doesnt change. B

lysis of B anti-A B, AB B, O integrated prophage
X and Y: 8% Blood RBC Antibodies Donates Receives release of AB
bacterial cell,
A, B None AB only All replicates
8 Insertions or deletions shift reading bacterial cell
12 12 type antigen to: From: viral progenyO None anti-A,
viral genome B All O only
X and Z: 12% frame. Protein doesnt form, or is nonfunctional. enters bacterium

A A anti-B A, AB A, O lytic cycle lysogenic cycle

Y and Z: 4% B B anti-A B, AB B, O
Enzyme Production Site Function Site Hydrolysis Reaction
Viruses A, B None AB only All may enter
prophage integrates

8 4 O None anti-A, B All O only Salivary amylase Salivary glands

may enter
Starch maltose
Acellular structures of double- or single- (ptyalin) progeny assembly replication of
viral chromosome
lytic cycle

stranded DNA or RNA in a protein coat Pancreatic amylase Pancreas Small intestineprophage Starch maltose
Patterns of Enzyme Production Site Function Site
Lytic cycle: virus kills the host cell
Hydrolysis Reaction
Intestinal glands Small intestine Maltose 2 glucoses
Sucrase Intestinal glands Small intestine Sucrose glucose, fructose
Inheritance Salivary amylase Salivary
Lysogenic cycle: virus enters host genome Lactase Intestinal glands Small intestine Lactose glucose, galactose
glands Mouth Starch maltose
Autosomal recessive: skips generations(ptyalin)
Pancreatic amylase Pancreas Small intestine Starch maltose Enzyme Production Site Function Site Function
Autosomal dominant: appears in every Maltase Intestinal glands Small intestine MaltoseDATA
Pepsin ANALYSISGastric glands
2 glucoses Stomach Hydrolyzes specific peptide bonds
generation (chief cells)
Sucrase Intestinal glands Small intestine Sucrose glucose, fructose
X-linked (sex-linked): no male-to-male Lactase A researcher performed the following experiments in Experiment 2 Hydrolyzes specific peptide bonds
Intestinal glands Small intestine Lactose Trypsin
glucose, galactose
Converts chymotrypsinogen to chymotrypsin
transmission, and more males are affected order to investigate the metabolism of two different
The two strains were incubated in the same manner
Pancreas Hydrolyzes specific peptide bonds
Enzyme strains of bacteria, Strain 1 and Strain 2.
Production Site Function Site Function as in Experiment 1. Two 100 mL portions of agar were
Carboxypeptidases Small
Gastric glands Hydrolyzes terminal peptide bond at C-terminus
EVOLUTION Pepsin Stomach Hydrolyzes specific peptide
A and bonds
B Intestine
poured into two beakers, which were maintained at
(chief cells)
Experiment 1 Aminopeptidase Hydrolyzes terminal peptide bond at N-terminus
Hydrolyzes specific peptide bonds 43C. Next, 0.2 mL of broth culture from Strain 1 was
When frequencies are stable, the population Intestinal glands
Dipeptidases pipetted Hydrolyzes pairs of amino acids
Strains 1 and 2 were incubated Converts chymotrypsinogen
in separate broth to chymotrypsin into the first beaker, and 0.2 mL of broth
Enteropeptidase Converts trypsinogen to trypsin
is in HardyWeinberg equilibrium: no cultures for 24 hours at 37C.Hydrolyzes
Pancreas A sample of peptide
each bonds culture from Strain 2 was pipetted into the second
Chymotrypsin specific
mutations, large population, random mating, culture was streaked onto
Small three different platesA, beaker. The agar was swirled around to distribute
Carboxypeptidases Table 1
no migration, and equal reproductive success B, and Ceach containing Hydrolyzes terminal
Intestine a different peptide bond atthe
starchagar C-terminus
bacteria evenly through the media, and then
A and B Surface Colony Growth Starch Digestion
Aminopeptidase medium; the plates were then incubated for another poured
Hydrolyzes terminal peptide bond at N-terminus onto plates.
These C
p + q = 1; p2 + 2pq + q2 = 1 Dipeptidases 48 Intestinal
hours at glands
37C. The plates were then
Hydrolyzes pairs of amino acids for 48 hours at 37C and then examined for colony
examined Strain 1 + + +
Enteropeptidase for surface colony growth and Converts stained trypsinogen to trypsin growth
with iodine Strain 2 on
both + the +agar surface
+ and +lower down
p = frequency of dominant allele key: + = growth; = no growth
within the oxygen-poor agar layer.
solution to determine the extent of starch digestion.
q = frequency of recessive allele Table 1 Table 2
p2 = frequency of dominant homozygotes Surface Colony Growth Starch Digestion Surface Colony Growth Deep-Agar Colony Growth
2pq = frequency of heterozygotes Strain 1 +
Strain 1 + + +
q2 = frequency of recessive homozygotes Strain 2 + + + + Strain 2 + +
key: + = growth; = no growth key: + = growth; = no growth

Table 2
Once incubated, bacteria will grow if nutrients they can metabolize are available. Keep this in mind as you interpret the procedure and results.
Surface Colony Growth Deep-Agar Colony Growth
Experiment 1 and Table 1: What are the important aspects? Two strains (1 and 2) Experiment 2 and Table 2: Note the significant differences between the two
undergo identical incubation on 3 plates with different starch Strain 1 Look at Table 1,
agars. + experiments. This time, the strains were separately distributed within the agar
Strain 2 +
one strain at a time. The researcher observes growth and starch digestion. Strain 1 grows +
instead of jointly streaked on top of multiple agars. The researcher observes
key: + = growth;
on all plates, but doesnt digest the starch: it must be using another nutrient to grow. We = on
growth no growth
top and within, the assumption being that the top is oxygen-rich and
dont know that Strain 1 cant digest starchwe just know that its not digesting it in the within is oxygen-poor. What does it mean that Strain 1 only grows in an oxygen-rich
first 48 hours. Strain 2 uses starch to grow on plates A and B, but doesnt digest starch environment? It is an obligate aerobe that requires oxygen for metabolism. What
or grow on plate C. Again, we dont know that Strain 2 cant digest the starch in medium does it mean that Strain 2 can grow in oxygen-rich and oxygen-poor environments?
Cwe just know its not doing so in the first 48 hours. It is a facultative anaerobe.

03_MCAT_QS_Biology.indd 12 4/10/14 12:05 PM

Regions of
Geometric Arrangement
Angle between
Example of Electron Pairs around Shape
Electron Density Electron Pairs
the Central Atom
Experimental determination of rate law: The values of k,
x, and y in the rate law equation (rate = k[A]x[B]y) must be Eauncatalyzed

determined experimentally for a given reaction at a given uncatalyzed

temperature. The rate is usually measured as a function of

free energy
the initial concentrations of the reactants, A and B. Eacatalyzed

Efficiency of Reactions

reaction coordinate

Law of Mass Action

free energy
H2 + Cl2 Eareverse

 cC + dD
aA + bB 
G c d
[C] [D]
Kc = a b
Complex Ion (Coordination Compound) [A] [B]
2 HCl
A Lewis acidbase adduct with a cation bonded Kc is the equilibrium constant (c stands for
reaction coordinate
to at least one electron pair donor (including concentration).
water). Donor molecules are called ligands and use
coordinate covalent bonds. The central cation can COMPOUNDS & STOICHIOMETRY
be bonded to the same ligand multiple times in a
Properties of the Equilibrium Constant
process called chelation. A mole is the amount of a substance that contains Pure solids and liquids dont appear in expressions.
the same number of particles that are found in a
Keq is characteristic of a given system at a given
12.000 g sample of carbon-12.
The molecular or formula weight is measured in amu
If Keq >> 1, an equilibrium mixture of reactants
per molecule (or formula unit). The molar mass is
and products will contain very little of the reactants
measured in grams per mole.
compared to the products.
Combustion reactions: A fuel, such as a hydrocarbon,
If Keq << 1, an equilibrium mixture of reactants
is reacted with an oxidant, such as oxygen, to
and products will contain very little of the products
produce an oxide and water.
compared to the reactants.
CH4 (g) + 2 O2 (g) CO2 (g) + 2 H2O (g)
If Keq is close to 1, an equilibrium mixture of
Combination reactions: Two or more reactants form products and reactants will contain approximately
one product. equal amounts of the two.
Intermolecular Forces S (s) + O2 (g) SO2 (g) Le Chteliers principle is used to determine the
1. Hydrogen bonding: The partial positive charge direction in which a reaction at equilibrium will
of the hydrogen atom interacts with the partial Decomposition reactions: A compound breaks down proceed when subjected to a stress, such as a
negative charge located on the electronegative into two or more substances, usually as a result of change in concentration, pressure, volume, or
atoms (F, O, N) of nearby molecules. heating or electrolysis. temperature. The key is to remember nthat
1 a system
2 HgO (s) 2 Hg (l) + O2 (g) to which these kinds of stresses are applied tends to
change so as to relieve the applied stress.
Single-displacement reactions: An atom (or ion) of
one compound is replaced by an atom of another In a nutshell:
+ Zn (s) + CuSO4 (aq) Cu (s) + ZnSO4 (aq)
+ Double-displacement reactions: Also called
metathesis reactions; elements from two different
2. Dipoledipole interactions: Polar molecules
compounds displace each other to form two new
orient themselves such that the positive region
of one molecule is close to the negative region
of another molecule. CaCl2 (aq) + 2 AgNO3 (aq) Ca(NO3)2 (aq) + 2 AgCl (s)
Net ionic equations: These types of equations
+ H Cl + H Cl are written showing only the species that actually
participate in the reaction. Consider the following
+ H Cl Zn (s) + Cu2+ (aq) + SO24 (aq) The law of conservation of energy dictates that
Cu (s) + Zn2+ (aq) + SO24 (aq) energy can be neither created nor destroyed, but that
all thermal, chemical, potential, and kinetic energies
3. Dispersion forces: The bonding electrons in The spectator ion (SO24) does not take part in the
are interconvertible.
covalent bonds may appear to be equally overall reaction, but simply remains in solution
shared between two atoms, but at any throughout. The net ionic equation would be:
particular point in time they will be located Systems:
Zn (s) + Cu2+ (aq) Cu (s) + Zn2+ (aq)
randomly throughout the orbital. This permits Isolated: no exchange of energy/matter with the
unequal sharing of electrons, causing transient Neutralization reactions: These are a specific type environment. Bomb calorimetry creates a nearly
polarization and counterpolarization of the of double-displacement reactions that occur when isolated system.
electron clouds of neighboring molecules, an acid reacts with a base to produce a solution of a Closed: can exchange energy but not matter with the
inducing the formation of more dipoles. salt (and, usually, water): environment
symmetrical asymmetrical HCl (aq) + NaOH (aq) NaCl (aq) + H2O (l) Open: can exchange both energy and matter with
distribution distribution
Factors affecting reaction rates: reactant the environment. Human beings are open systems
concentrations, temperature, medium, catalysts because they can take in energy and matter (eat),
nucleus Catalysts are unique substances that increase release matter into the environment (respiration,
reaction rate without being consumed; they do this urination, defecation), and release energy into the
+ + environment (heat transfer from the skin and mucous
by lowering the activation energy.

04_MCAT_QS_GenChem.indd 14 4/10/14 12:06 PM

System processes: THE GAS PHASE
Isothermal: temperature of system remains constant
1 atm = 760 mmHg 760 torr = 101,325 Pa Deviations due to pressure: As the pressure of a
Adiabatic: no heat exchange occurs Do not confuse STP with standard conditionsthe gas increases, the particles are pushed closer and
Isobaric: pressure of system remains constant two standards involve different temperatures and are closer together. At moderately high pressure, a gass
used for different purposes. STP (0C or 273 K, 1 atm) volume is less than would be predicted by the ideal
Isovolumetric (isochoric): volume remains constant gas law due to intermolecular attraction.
is generally used for gas law calculations; standard
Heat: the transfer of thermal energy from one object conditions (25C or 298 K, 1 atm, 1 M concentrations) Deviations due to temperature: As the temperature
to another. is used when measuring standard enthalpy, entropy, of a gas decreases, the average velocity of the
Gibbs free energy, and electromotive force. gas molecules decreases and the attractive
Endothermic: reactions that absorb heat energy
intermolecular forces become increasingly
Exothermic: reactions that release heat energy Boyles Law significant. As the temperature of a gas is reduced,
intermolecular attraction (a) causes the gas to
PV = k or P1V1 = P2V2
endothermic exothermic have a smaller volume than would be predicted. At
extremely low temperatures, the volume of the gas
heat Charless Law particles themselves (b) causes the gas to have a
V V1 V2
heat = k or = larger volume than would be predicted.
T T1 T2
Van der Waals equation of state: accounts for the
heat Gay-Lussacs Law deviations from ideality that occur when a gas does
= k or 1 = 2 not closely follow the ideal gas law
T T1 T2
heat Avogadros Principle (P + n 2a )(V nb) = nRT
n1 n2 V
Constant-volume and constant-pressure calorimetry: = k or =
V V1 V2 1 mole of gas at STP = 22.4 L
used to indicate conditions under which the heat
changes are measured Combined Gas Law Daltons law of partial pressures: states that the
q = mcT, where q is the heat absorbed or released Integrates Boyles Law, Charless Law, and Gay- total pressure of a gaseous mixture is equal to
in a given process, m is the mass, c is the specific Lussacs Law the sum of the partial pressures of the individual
heat, and T is the change in temperature P1V1 P2V2 components
T1 T2
States and state functions: are described by the PT = PA + PB + PC +
macroscopic properties of the system. These Ideal Gas Law
properties magnitudes depend only on the initial PA = PTXA
and final states of the system, and not on the path PV = nRT
of the change. Common state functions include n A (moles of A)
Real Gases where XA =
pressure, density, temperature, volume, enthalpy, n T (total moles)
internal energy, free energy, and entropy.
Enthalpy (H): is used to express heat changes at Kinetic molecular theory of gases: an explanation of
constant pressure gaseous molecular behavior based on the motion of
individual molecules
Standard heat of formation (Hf ): the enthalpy
change that would occur if one mole of a compound Average molecular speeds
was formed directly from its elements in their 1 3
mv2 = kBT
standard states 2 2
Standard heat of reaction (Hrxn): the hypothetical Decreasing the volume of a sample of gas makes it Root-mean-square speed
enthalpy change that would occur if the reaction behave less ideally because the individual gas particles
were carried out under standard conditions n1
are in closer proximity in a smaller volume. (They are urms = (3RMT )
Hrxn = (sum of H f of products) more likely to engage in intermolecular interactions.)

(sum of H f of reactants) PHASES & PHASE CHANGES

Entropy (S): the measure of the distribution of energy
Hesss law: states that enthalpies of reactions are (randomness) throughout a system
additive Suniverse = Ssystem + Ssurroundings
The reverse of any reaction has an enthalpy of the Gibbs free energy (G): combines the two factors
same magnitude as that of the forward reaction, but that affect the spontaneity of a reactionchanges in
its sign is opposite. enthalpy, H, and changes in entropy, S

solid liquid
Bond dissociation energy: an average of the energy G = H TS
required to break a particular type of bond in one If G is negative, the reaction is spontaneous. critical
mole of gaseous molecules: If G is positive, the reaction is nonspontaneous.
If G is zero, the system is in a state of equilibrium; point
thus, G = 0 and H = TS. gas

Colligative properties: These are physical properties
derived solely from the number of particles present,
not the nature of those particles. These properties
Bond enthalpy: The standard heat of reaction are usually associated with dilute solutions. Molality
can be calculated using the values of bond (m) must be used, in addition to the van t Hoff factor
dissociation energies of particular bonds Reaction quotient (Q): Once a reaction commences,
(i) for ionic compounds.
(given in a table). the standard state conditions no longer hold. For the
reaction: Freezing point depression
Hbonds broken Hbonds formed 
 cC + dD
aA + bB  Tf = iK f m
c d Boiling point elevation
[C] [D]
Q= a b
[A] [B] Tb = iKbm

04_MCAT_QS_GenChem.indd 15 4/10/14 12:06 PM

Arrhenius definition: An acid is a species that Oxidation: loss of electrons
produces excess H+ (protons) in an aqueous
Vapor pressure lowering (Raoults law) solution, and a base is a species that produces Reduction: gain of electrons
PA = XAPA; PB = XBPB excess OH (hydroxide ions). Oxidizing agent: causes another atom to undergo
Solutions that obey Raoults Law are called ideal BrnstedLowry definition: An acid is a species oxidation, and is itself reduced
solutions. that donates protons, while a base is a species that
Reducing agent: causes another atom to be reduced,
125 accepts protons.
heating of water vapor
and is itself oxidized
Lewis definition: An acid is an electron pair acceptor,
and a base is an electron pair donor.
heat used to vaporize water to
water vapor
Galvanic Cells
temperature (C)

Properties of Acids and Bases

heating of water
pH = log[H+] = log( 1
+ )
[H ]
pOH = log[OH] = log( )
[OH ]
heat used to melt ice to water
heating of ice

 H+ (aq) + OH (aq)
H2O (l) 

heat added (each division = 4 kJ) Kw = [H+][OH] = 1014

pH + pOH = 14
Grahams law of diffusion and effusion
Diffusion: occurs when gas molecules distribute Weak Acids and Bases
through a volume by random motion 
 H O+ (aq) + A (aq)
HA (aq) + H2O (l)  3
Effusion: the flow of gas particles under pressure +
[H3O ][A ]
from one compartment to another through a small Ka = A redox reaction occurring in a galvanic cell has
opening: [HA]
a negative G and is therefore a spontaneous
[B ][OH ] reaction. Galvanic cell reactions supply energy and
Kb = are used to do work.
This energy can be harnessed by placing the
Salt formation: Acids and bases may react with each
oxidationreduction half-reactions in separate
other, forming a salt and (often, but not always)
containers called half-cells. The half-cells are then
water in a neutralization reaction.
connected by an apparatus that allows for the flow
HA + BOH BA + H2O of electrons.
Hydrolysis: This is the reverse reaction, where the salt
Both diffusion and effusion have the same formula:
ions react with water to give back the acid and base. Electrolytic Cells
r1 1 m
Amphoteric species: is one that can act either
=2 2
r2 m1 as an acid or a base, depending on its chemical
environment e
Titration and Buffers
1. All salts containing alkali metal (Group 1) or Titration is e
ammonium (NH4+) cations are water-soluble. a procedure
2. All salts containing the nitrate (NO3) or acetate used to
(CH3COO) anions are water-soluble. determine the
3. All chlorides, bromides, and iodides are water- molarity of an
soluble, with the exception of Ag+, Pb2+, and Hg2+. acid or base
4. All salts of the sulfate ion (SO42) are water- by reacting a
soluble, with the exception of Ca2+, Sr2+, Ba2+, known volume
and Pb2+. of a solution
5. All metal oxides are insoluble, with the A redox reaction occurring in an electrolytic cell has
of unknown
exception of the alkali metals and CaO, SrO, a positive G and is therefore nonspontaneous. In
BaO, all of which hydrolyze to form solutions of strong acid and strong base electrolysis, electrical energy is required to induce a
with a known
the corresponding metal hydroxides. reaction. The oxidation and reduction half-reactions
volume of
6. All hydroxides are insoluble, with the exception are usually placed in one container.
a solution
of the alkali metals and Ca2+, Sr2+, and Ba2+. of known Reduction potential of each species is defined as
7. All carbonates (CO32), phosphates (PO43), concentration. the tendency of a species to acquire electrons and
sulfides (S2), and sulfites (SO32) are insoluble, The half- be reduced. Standard reduction potential, E , is
with the exception of the alkali metals and equivalence measured under standard conditions: 25C, 1 M
ammonium. point defines concentration for each ion in the reaction, a partial
pH = pKa pressure of 1 atm for each gas and metals in their
Units of Concentration pure state.
Percent composition by mass: B A S IC Standard reduction potentials are used to calculate
weak acid and strong base ) of a
the standard electromotive force (emf or Ecell
Mass of solute
= 100%
Mass of solution HendersonHasselbalch equation: 3 reaction, the difference in potential between two
is used to estimate the pH of a half-cells.
# of molofcompound 3
Mole fraction: 100% solution in the buffer region where the
total# of molesinsystem emf = Ered, cathode Ered, anode
concentrations of the species and its
# of molofsolute conjugate are present in approximately
Molarity: Gibbs free energy, G, is the thermodynamic
literofsolution equal concentrations 2 3
criterion for determining the spontaneity of a
[conjugate base] 4
Molality: #ofmolofsolute pH = pKa + log 4
kgofsolvent [weak acid] G = nFEcell
#ofgramequivalentweightsofsolute [conjugate acid]
Normality: pOH = pKb + log
literofsolution [weak base] A C ID IC

04_MCAT_QS_GenChem.indd 16 4/10/14 12:06 PM

Step 1: Know Your Nomenclature Level 0 (no bonds to heteroatoms): alkanes The hydrogen of the hydroxyl group of a phenol is
If given compound names in a question stem or Level 1: alcohols, alkyl halides, amines particularly acidic because the oxygen-containing
passage, be able to draw them. If working with Level 2: aldehydes, ketones, imines anion is resonance-stabilized by the ring.
reaction diagrams, be able to name the compounds. Level 3: carboxylic acids, anhydrides, esters, OH O O O O
amides H+
Step 2: Identify the Functional Groups Level 4 (four bonds to heteroatoms): carbon +H+
What functional groups are in the molecule? Do dioxide

these functional groups act as acids or bases? How Oxidation = loss of electrons, fewer bonds to hydrogens, Quinones and Hydroxyquinones
oxidized is the carbon? Are there functional groups more bonds to heteroatoms (O, N, halogens)
that act as good nucleophiles, electrophiles, or Treatment of phenols with oxidizing agents produces
leaving groups? This will help define a category of Reduction = gain of electrons, more bonds to quinones.
reactions that can occur with the given functional hydrogens, fewer bonds to heteroatoms OH O

groups. Na2Cr2O7

Oxidizing Agents H2SO4

Step 3: Identify the Other Reagents Good oxidizing agents have a high affinity for OH

Are the other reagents acidic or basic? Are they electrons (such as O2, O3, and Cl2) or unusually high (hydroquinone)

specific to a particular reaction? Are they good oxidation states (like Mn7+ in permanganate, MnO4, These molecules can be further oxidized to form a
nucleophiles or a specific solvent? Are they good and Cr6+ in chromate, CrO42). class of molecules called hydroxyquinones. Many
oxidizing or reducing agents? hydroxyquinones have biological activity.
Reducing Agents O

Step 4: Identify the Most Reactive Functional Group(s) Good reducing agents include sodium, magnesium, OH

More oxidized carbons tend to be more reactive aluminum, and zinc, which have low electronegativities
to both nucleophileelectrophile reactions and and ionization energies. Metal hydrides are also good O

oxidationreduction reactions. Note the presence of reducing agents, like NaH, CaH2, LiAlH4, and NaBH4,
protecting groups that exist to prevent a particular because they contain the H ion. Ubiquinones
functional group from reacting. Ubiquinone is also called coenzyme Q and is a vital
electron carrier associated with Complexes I, II,
Step 5: Identify the First Step of the Reaction and III of the electron transport chain.
If the reaction involves an acid or a base: Ubiquinone can be reduced to ubiquinol, which can
protonation or deprotonation later be reoxidized to ubiquinone. This is sometimes
If the reaction involves a nucleophile: called the Q cycle.
nucleophile attacks electrophile, forming a bond
If the reaction involves an oxidizing or Aldehydes
reducing agent: most oxidized functional
group is oxidized or reduced, accordingly The dipole moment of aldehydes causes an elevation
of boiling point, but not as high as alcohols because
Step 6: Consider Stereoselectivity Oxidation there is no hydrogen bonding.
If there is more than one product, the major product PCC takes a primary alcohol to an aldehyde.
will generally be determined by differences in strain PCC
or stability between the two molecules. Products OH O
Oxidation of primary alcohols
with conjugation (alternating single and multiple Joness reagent, KMnO4, and alkali dichromate Ozonolysis of alkenes
bonds) are significantly more stable than those salts will convert secondary alcohols to ketones
without. Reactions
and primary alcohols to carboxylic acids.
OH O Reactions of enols (Michael additions)
Alcohols Na2Cr 2O7
+ H:Base

Higher boiling points than alkanes R R R R

Tertiary alcohols cannot be oxidized without O O

Weakly acidic hydroxyl hydrogen breaking a carboncarbon bond. O O R R
+ O + Base

Synthesis Reduction R R R R
Addition of water to double bonds
Nucleophilic addition to a carbonyl
SN1 and SN2 reactions LiAlH4
or H+
Reduction of carboxylic acids, aldehydes, NaBH4
ketones, and esters Nu
Nu Nu

Alcohols and Reactivity

Aldehydes and ketones with NaBH4 or Aldol condensation
LiAlH4 Alcohols can be converted to mesylates or tosylates
to make them better leaving groups for nucleophilic An aldehyde acts both as nucleophile (enol form)
Esters and carboxylic acids with LiAlH4
substitution reactions. and electrophile (keto form). One carbonyl forms an
enolate, which attacks the other carbonyl. After the
Reactions Mesylates (SO3CH3) are derived from
aldol is formed, a dehydration reaction results in an
methanesulfonic acid.
Substitution reactions after protonation or leaving ,-unsaturated carbonyl.
Tosylates (SO3C6H4CH3) are derived from
group conversion O (reacts in
toluenesulfonic acid. O + OH
C form)
catalytic H H R H2O

OH + HBr OH+2 + Br Alcohols can be used as protecting groups for R

carbonyls, as reaction with a dialcohol forms enol
aldol addition product aldol condensation
an unreactive acetal. After other reactions, the
Br + OH2+ Br + H2O
protecting group can be removed with aqueous acid. Decarboxylation
cat. H+ LiAIH4 cat. H O

+ O S O +

tosyl chloride


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Carboxylic Acids Carboxylic Acid Derivatives
Carboxylic acids have pKa values around 4.5 due Carboxylic acid derivatives contain three bonds to Amides
to resonance stabilization of the conjugate base. heteroatoms (O, N, halides, and so forth). As such,
Electronegative atoms increase acidity with inductive they can be interconverted through nucleophilic acyl Formation from an anhydride
effects. Boiling point is higher than alcohols because substitution by swapping leaving groups. O O O O

of the ability to form two hydrogen bonds. Carboxylic acid derivatives can be ranked based on
NH3 +
O + O
descending reactivity:
Synthesis Acyl halides are the most reactive
Oxidation of primary alcohols with KMnO4 Anhydrides O O
O Carboxylic acids and esters +
Amides are the least reactive H2N

A reaction that proceeds down the order of reactivity can

Hydrolysis of nitriles Formation from an ester
occur spontaneously by nucleophilic acyl substitution.


A reaction that proceeds up the order of reactivity requires
special catalysts and specific reaction conditions.
Reactions Hydrolysis (requires acid)
Formation of soap by reacting carboxylic acids with Synthesis via dehydration of two carboxylic acids
NaOH; arrange in micelles

ONa +

nonpolar tail polar head

Intramolecular formation of a cyclic anhydride
Nucleophilic acyl substitution O O

Ester formation OH
Reduction to an amine
O + H2O
ortho-phthalic acid phthalic anhydride


Reduction to alcohols Transesterification

Nitrogen-Containing Compounds

+ OH
H + H H

Strecker Synthesis O H2O

+ + +
Decarboxylation Reagents: aldehyde, ammonium chloride (NH4Cl), OH OH

O potassium cyanide (KCN)

O R O H NH+3
NH+3 Reduction



R R OH 2
N NH+ OH+2
H2N + O O HO

Cyclic Carboxylic Acid Derivatives R R R

O Na+
Lactams RC O RC
OH OH OH triacylglycerol soap glycerol
Cyclic amides are called lactams. These are named H2N
transfer H2N H2O H2 N
according to the carbon atom bound to the nitrogen:
NH+3 NH2 NH 2
-lactams contain a bond between the -carbon and PHOSPHORUS-CONTAINING COMPOUNDS
the nitrogen, -lactams contain a bond between the NH3

-carbon and the nitrogen, and so forth. Phosphoric acid is a phosphate group or inorganic
OH+ O phosphate (Pi). At physiologic pH, inorganic
+ H2N
OH phosphate includes both hydrogen phosphate
4 ) and dihydrogen phosphate (H2PO4).

H H H H Pyrophosphate (PPi) is P2O4 7 , which is released
-lactam -lactam -lactam -lactam Gabriel (Malonic-Ester) Synthesis during the formation of phosphodiester bonds
Reagents: potassium phthalimide, diethyl in DNA. Pyrophosphate is unstable in aqueous
Lactones bromomalonate solution, and is hydrolyzed to form two
molecules of inorganic phosphate.
Cyclic esters are called lactones. These are named CO2C2H5 CO2C2H5 CO2C2H5

O O 4
+ base
N K + Br C H N C H N C

not only based on the carbon bound to the oxygen,

but also the length of the carbon chain itself. potassium
bromomalonate P P

+ O CO2C2H5
H3O ,
O + NaOH

+ H2N C R
H2O, N C R
Nucleotides with phosphate groups, such

O ATP, GTP, and those in DNA, are referred to as
-acetolactone -propiolactone -butyrolactone -valerolactone organic phosphates.

05_MCAT_QS_OChem.indd 19 4/10/14 12:08 PM

Purification Methods Spectroscopy
Extraction separates dissolved substances based Distillation separates liquids based on boiling point, Infrared spectroscopy measures molecular vibrations
on differential solubility in aqueous vs. organic which depends on intermolecular forces. Types are of characteristic functional groups.
solvents. simple, fractional, and vacuum. Functional Group Wavenumber (cm1) Vibration

Alkanes 2800 3000 C H

thermometer 1200 C C
Alkenes 3080 3140 C H
1645 C C
vacuum adapter
Alkynes 2200 C C
3300 C H
Aromatic 2900 3100 C H
clamp to vacuum source 1475 1625 C C
water outlet clamp Alcohols 3100 3500 O H (broad)
water inlet
distilling flask Ethers 1050 1150 C O
receiving flask Aldehydes 2700 2900 (O)C H
1700 1750 C O
ice bath
heat source Ketones 1700 1750 C O
Carboxylic acids 1700 1750 C O
vacuum distillation
2800 3200 O H (broad)
Amines 3100 3500 N H (sharp)

UV spectroscopy involves passing ultraviolet

light through a chemical sample and plotting
absorbance vs. wavelength. It is most useful for
studying compounds containing double bonds and
heteroatoms with lone pairs.
Filtration separates solids from liquids.
1HNMR is a form of nuclear magnetic resonance.

Type of Proton Approximate Chemical Shift (ppm)

Downfield from TMS
RCH3 0.9
Column RCH2 1.25
R3CH 1.5
CH=CH 4.66
Column packing CCH 23
ArH 68.5
CHX 24.5
residue CHOH/CHOR 3.44
RCHO 910
filter paper RCHCO 22.5
ArOH 412
to vacuum trap COOH 10.512
glass projection to
hold up packing
NH2 15

Ha Hb
clean filter flask deshielding b Cl C O C Hb

shielding Cl Hb


vacuum filtration fractional distillation

Simple distillation can be used to separate two liquids

Chromatography uses a stationary phase and a with boiling points below 150C and at least 25C apart. 8.0 7.0 6.0 5.0 4.0 3.0 2.0 1.0 0.0

mobile phase to separate compounds based on (ppm)

Vacuum distillation should be used when a liquid to

polarity and/or size. When analyzing an NMR spectrum, look for:
be distilled has a boiling point above 150C. To prevent
degradation of the product, the incident pressure is Types of protons: corresponds to the number
solvent front
lowered, thereby lowering the boiling point. of peaks seen in the spectrum
Fractional distillation should be used when two Position of peaks: the further left-shifted
liquids have boiling points less than 25C apart. By (downfield) the peak, the more deshielded
introducing a fractionation column, the sample boils the proton. Usually this corresponds to more
Rf = X and refluxes back down over a larger surface area, electron-withdrawing groups
X improving the purity of the distillate. Integration of peaks: the larger the integration,
the more protons contained under the peak
1 2 3 1 2 3
Recrystallization separates solids based on
thin-layer chromatograms differential solubility in varying temperatures. Splitting: hydrogens on adjacent carbons will
split a peak into n + 1 subpeaks, where n is the
Electrophoresis is used to separate biological number of hydrogens on the adjacent carbon
macromolecules based on size and/or charge.

Type of
Chromatography Mobile Phase Stationary Phase Common Use
silica or alumina Thin-layer or Paper Nonpolar solvent Polar card Identify a sample
Reverse-phase Polar solvent Nonpolar card Identify a sample
Separate a sample into
sand Column Nonpolar solvent zPolar gel or powder
glass wool or cotton components
stopcock to control flow
Ion-exchange Nonpolar solvent Charged beads in column Separate components by charge
Polar, porous beads in
Size-exclusion Nonpolar solvent Separate components by size
collection flask Beads coated with antibody
Purify a molecule (usually a
Affinity Nonpolar solvent or receptor for a target
protein) of interest
column chromatography
Gas (GC) Inert gas Crushed metal or polymer Separate vaporizable compounds

High-performance Small column with Similar to column, but more

Nonpolar solvent
liquid (HPLC) concentration gradient precise

05_MCAT_QS_OChem.indd 20 4/10/14 12:08 PM

HyDroStAticS & FLUiD DynAMicS eLectroStAticS circUitS
m kg
coulombs Law current: the flow of electric charge. Current is given
Density () = [SI units: 3 ]
V m by:
subtance kg Q C
Specific gravity = [no units]; water = 103 3 I= [SI units: ampre (A) = s ]
water m t
+q1 q2
F F (The direction of current is the direction positive
Weight = gV charge would flow, or from high to low potential.)
Pressure: a scalar quantity defined as force per unit
F N kq1q2
area: P = [SI units: pascal = 2 ] F= 2 [SI units: newtons] ohms Law and resistance
A m r
For static fluids of uniform density in a sealed V = IR (can be applied to entire circuit or individual
electric Field resistors)
vessel, pressure: P = gz L
field lines
Absolute pressure in a fluid due to gravity resistance: opposition to the flow of charge. R =
somewhere below the surface is given by the (Resistance increases with increasing temperatures
equation P = Po + gz with most conductors.)
gauge pressure: Pg = P Patm [SI Units: ohm ()]
continuity equation: A1v1 = A2v2
F circuit Laws
Bernoullis equation: P + 1 v 2 + gh = constant Q
E = qe = 2 [SI units: N or V ]
2 C M Kirchhoffs laws:
Archimedes Principle A positive point charge will move in the same 1. At any junction within a circuit, the sum of
direction as the electric field vector; a negative current flowing into that point must equal the
Fbuoy = fluid gVsubmerged
charge will move in the opposite direction. sum of current leaving.
N 2. The sum of voltage sources equals the sum of
electrical Potential energy (U) voltage drops around a closed-circuit loop.
The electrical potential energy of a charge q at a point
in space is the amount of work required to move it Series circuits
N from infinity to that point.
3 5 kQq
2 6 U = qV = qEd = [SI units: J] a
1 7
r 3
electric Dipoles 5 Req = R1 + R2 + R3 +
5V VT = V1 + V2 + V3 + ...
p is the dipole moment 7 IT = I1 = I2 = I3 =
E d
(p = qd).
The dipole feels no net Fe
translational force, but Parallel circuits
experiences a torque
3 N displaced about the center causing d Ip
it to rotate so that I1 I2 I3 In
the dipole moment aligns Fe=qE
1 = 1 + 1 + 1 + ...
with the electric fi eld. Rp R 1 R2 R3 Rn Req R1 R2 R3
The buoyant force is equal to the weight of the VT = V1 = V2 = V3 = ...
displaced fluid. IT = I1 + I2 + I3 + ...
If the weight of the fluid displaced is less than electrical Potential
the objects weight, the object will sink.
The amount of work required to move a positive test Power Dissipated by resistors
If the weight of the fluid displaced is greater charge q from infinity to a particular point divided by 2
than or equal to the objects weight, then it U J P = IV = V = I2R
the test charge: V = q [SI units: volt = ] R
will float. C
Pascals Principle Potential Difference (Voltage)
capacitance: the ability to store charge per unit
A change in the pressure applied to an voltage. It is given by: C =
enclosed fluid is transmitted undiminished to A
every portion of the fluid and to the walls of C' =
the containing vessel. electron pump

Cp C1 C C3 Cn Capacitors in parallel: add

F1 Ceq = C1 + C2 + C3 +

A1 A2
d2 energy Stored by capacitors
d1 2
+V U = 1 QV = 1 CV 2 = 1
2 2 2 C
F2 W kQ J
Voltage (V) = q = [SI units: volt = ]
r C
When two oppositely charged parallel plates
are separated by a distance d, an electric field
is created, and a potential difference exists Capacitors in series: C2
between the plates, given by: V = Ed add as reciprocals, Cs
then take reciprocal
of sum C3
1 1 1 1
= + + + ...
C eq C1 C2 C3

d E C4
P = 1 = 2 and A1d1 = A2d2
A1 A2

so, W = F1d1 = F2d2

06_MCAT_QS_PhysMath.indd 22 4/10/14 12:09 PM

WAVeS oPticS
Describing Waves refraction Converging lenses
c m
n = (speed of light = 3 108 )
Longitudinal wave v S
Snells law: n1sin 1 = n2 sin 2. When n2 > n1, light
bends toward the normal; when n2 < n1, light bends
away from the normal.

Transverse wave For an object beyond the focal length, the

n image formed is real and inverted.
For an object inside the focal length, the
image formed is virtual, upright and enlarged.
There is no image formed if an object is at the
Wave formulas focal point.
T Diverging lenses
v = Diffraction
Standing Waves
Strings N N
= 2L
= 2L (n = 1, 2, 3)
n L
nv A A
= (n = 1, 2, 3) N N N
2L =L i
Magnification (m) =
A A A 0
= 2L

3 m < 1 image reduced; m > 1 image
enlarged; m = 1 image same size
The ends of the strings are always nodes. Nodes To locate dark fringes, use the formula:
Inverted image has a negative m; erect image
occur where the displacement is zero. a sin = n (n = 1, 2, 3) has a positive m
Open pipes

L = Spherical Mirrors AtoMic AnD nUcLeAr PHenoMenA
= 2L (n = 1, 2, 3) 2
optics equation: 1 + 1 = 1 = 1
n o i f r
nv L= Photoelectric effect
= (n = 1, 2, 3) Any of units of distance may be used, but all
2L 3 hc
L = units used must be the same. E = hf = K is the maximum kinetic energy of an
2 ejected electron; W is the minimum
The open ends of the pipes are always antinodes Concave mirrors energy required to eject an electron,
K = hf W
(max amplitude). called the work function.

L =
Closed pipes 4 nuclear Binding energy
= (n = 1, 3, 5) L = 3
Mass defect: the difference between the sum of the
n 4 f>0
nv masses of nucleons in the nucleus and the mass
= (n = 1, 3, 5) of the nucleus. The mass defect results from the
4L L = 5

4 conversion of matter to energy, embodied by:
The closed end of the pipe is always a node, and the E = mc2. This energy is the binding energy that holds
If an object is placed inside the focal length of
open end is always an antinode. nucleons within the nucleus.
a concave mirror instead, the image formed is
behind the mirror, enlarged and virtual.
SoUnD exponential Decay
Convex mirrors
Sound propagates through a deformable medium by Half-life
the oscillation of particles parallel to the direction of n = noet
the waves propagation.
P W f<0 Alpha decay
intensity (I ) = [SI units: 2 ]
A m 238U 234Th + 4He
I 92 90 2
Sound level () = 10 log I
0 [unit: decibel = dB]
Beta-minus decay
(Note than an increase of 10 dB is an increase in 137 Cs 137Ba + 0 e +
55 56 1
intensity by a factor of 10. An increase of 20 dB is an Regardless of the position of the object, a
increase in intensity by a factor of 100.) convex mirror forms only a virtual upright Beta-plus decay
image. 22Na 22Ne + 0 e+ + v
11 10 +1 e
Doppler effect
When a source and a detector move relative thin Spherical Lenses 100
percentage of radioactive nuclei remaining

to one another, the perceived frequency of Optics equation: 1 = 1 + 1

f 0 i
the sound received differs from the actual
frequency emitted even though the source
velocity and frequency is unchanged. observer and detector moving closer:
(v v D ) + sign in numerator
f = f sign in denominator
(v v S )
Stationary source: vs = 0 observer and detector moving apart:
Stationary detector: vD = 0 sign in numerator
+ sign in denominator 12.5
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
number of half-lives

06_MCAT_QS_PhysMath.indd 23 4/10/14 12:09 PM

estimation Finding the resultant using the component method: Measures of central tendency and Distribution
Scientific notation: A method of simplifying Resolve vectors into x- and y-components Mean: the average of the data points;
calculations by reducing numbers to a significand Sum all the vectors in the x-direction to get the impacted heavily by outliers
between one and ten and the exponent power of ten: resultant for the x-direction, and do the same Median: the central value of a data set; not
0.0000037 = 3.7 106. Allows estimation by powers for the y-components affected by outliers
of ten, which is often all that is necessary on the MCAT. The magnitude of the resultant R = R x2 + R y2 Mode: the most common data point(s); not
Multiplication: If you round one number up, round affected by outliers
the other down to compensate. right-Hand rule for Finding Direction range: the difference between the largest and
Division: If you round one number up, round the of cross-Product resultant smallest value in a set; impacted heavily by
other up to compensate. outliers
The right-hand rule is used
to fi nd the direction of a Standard deviation: a measure of how spread out
roots and Logarithms vector that is the product of values are from the mean; affected by outliers
two other vectors. If c = A B,
then c is represented by the
x x2 x x2 x x2 x x2
palm while A is represented
1 1 6 36 11 121 16 256 by the thumb and B is
represented by the fi ngers.
2 4 7 49 12 144 17 289
negatively skewed positively skewed
3 9 8 64 13 169 18 324
reSeArcH DeSign
4 16 9 81 14 196 19 361
5 25 10 100 15 225 20 400 Question Selection
Scientific method: determine whether sufficient
This table can be used to estimate even-powered
background exists and whether the question is testable
roots of numbers. When taking square roots of a
x med med x
number raised to a power, remember not to take the Finer method: determine whether a study is
square root of the exponent, but to divide it by two. Feasible, interesting, novel, ethical, and relevant
Logarithmic identities
causality Mutually exclusive: two events that cannot
log A B = log A + log B occur together
controls: experimental subjects that are maintained
= log A log B
log with similar but noninterventional treatments to independent: the probability of either event is
B establish causality. not affected by the occurrence of the other
B Hills criteria: help determine the strength of causal For independent events:
log A = B log A
relationships. Only temporality is necessary. P(A and B) = P(A) P(B)
log = log A
A P(A or B) = P(A) + P(B) P(A and B)
error Sources
converting common and natural logarithms Probability is usually expressed as a percent, but all
Small sample size: amplifies the effects of
math should be completed using decimals.
In x statistical anomalies
log x = Defects in precision and accuracy: create
2.303 random or systematic variations in the data Statistical testing
log (n 10m) m + 0.n 99.7%
null hypothesis: a hypothesis of no difference;
always the comparator
p-value: the probability that results were obtained
trigonometry 68%

by chance given that the null hypothesis is true
confidence interval: a range of values believed
45 to contain the true value with a given level of
probability (confidence)
2 1
3 0.15% 2.4% 13.5% 34% 34% 13.5% 2.4% 0.15%
Visual Data interpretation
60 45 3 2 1 x +1 +2 +3 graphs: analyze the axes first to determine
C D 1 B 1
whether the scale is linear, logarithmic, or
Bias: systematic data error. Common types
opposite semilog and what the units are. Determine
sin = include selection bias, detection bias,
hypotenuse whether relationships are direct or inverse.
and the Hawthorne effect. Minimized by
adjacent Pie charts: compare portions of data to a
proper participant selection, blinding, and
cos = whole or relative responses of a group
hypotenuse randomization.
confounding: an analysis error wherein a Bar charts and histograms: compare absolute
opposite or relative responses between groups
tan = variable that has a relationship with the other
adjacent Box plots: contain information about
two variables is overlooked
measures of central tendency and distribution;
Vector Addition and Subtraction ethics may be comparative or single
tip-to-tail method of finding resultant of two vectors: Beneficence: the requirement to do good
Q nonmaleficence: do no harm 1000
Autonomy: the right of individuals to make
minus 299,000

PQ P Q decisions for themselves

Justice: the need to consider only morally
P relevant differences between patients and to

distribute healthcare resources fairly

Speed of light

true speed

Statistical significance and causality do not make
something generalizable or a good intervention.
clinical significance and the target population must
1 2 3 4 5
also be considered.
Experiment No.

06_MCAT_QS_PhysMath.indd 24 4/10/14 12:09 PM

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