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Georgia: Developing a Geospatial Urban Water Supply and Sanitation Utility

Management System
Project Name Developing a Geospatial Urban Water Supply and Sanitation Utility Management System
Project Number 43531-012
Country Georgia
Project Status Closed
Project Type / Modality Technical Assistance
of Assistance
Source of Funding / TA 7551-GEO: Developing a Geospatial Urban Water Supply and Sanitation Utility
Amount Management System
Spanish Cooperation Fund for Technical Assistance US$ 800,000.00
TA 7551-GEO: Developing a Geospatial Urban Water Supply and Sanitation Utility
Management System (Supplementary)
Spanish Cooperation Fund for Technical Assistance US$ 600,000.00

Strategic Agendas Environmentally sustainable growth

Inclusive economic growth
Drivers of Change Governance and capacity development
Sector / Subsector Water and other urban infrastructure and services - Urban policy, institutional and capacity
development - Urban water supply
Gender Equity and
Description The capacity development TA will produce geospatial management systems for Water Supply and Sanitation
(WSS) and Urban Transport (UT) in selected cities.
The GIS based database and management system for WSS utility will facilitate infrastructure design,
improve service delivery and enhance UWSCG's revenues in the long-term. It will provide a geospatial (or
GIS) interface for decision makers, which links an asset and consumer database created through extensive
ground surveys with digital maps generated from aerial photographs and satellite imagery. It will allow
United Water Supply Company of Georgia (UWSCG) to: (i) analyze asset condition in Georgia's urban centers
and plan capital improvement and rehabilitation work; (ii) develop an asset maintenance and management
regime to ensure quality and continuity of services; and (iii) analyze service coverage, create revenue
demand, and mobilize resources to improve revenue collection. Mapping of WSS assets and consumers
using a geospatial (or GIS) domain will (i) prolong asset life through regular preventive maintenance; (ii)
optimize asset replacement; (iii) reduce non-revenue water loss by identifying and rectifying system
defects; (iv) enhance eciencies in WSS management; (v) reduce operation and maintenance costs; (vi)
improve cost recovery, and eventually recover full service costs; and (vii) safeguard resources through
better water conservation and management practices. The maps will form the base for integrating WSS
asset and consumer information for the towns of Anaklia, Kutaisi, Marneuli, Mestia, Poti, and Zugdidi. The
outcome of the TA is that the Ministry of Regional Development and Infrastructure (MORDI) and UWSCG use
the geospatial WSS utility management system for WSS asset planning, maintenance and management, as
well as revenue management. The outputs include: i) georeferenced cadastral maps; ii) integrated asset
and consumer database; iii) WSS Utility management system; iv) sta trained on database management.
Creating a GIS based database and management system for Urban Transport infrastructure assets will help
building a comprehensive urban planning and maintenance management tool to be used by MORDI and the
selected municipalities in Georgia including Anaklia, Kutaisi, Marneuli, Mestia Mtskheta, Poti, Rustavi and
Zugdidi (the outcome of the project). The tool will include layers of exhaustive information on transport
infrastructure. The outputs include: (i) georeferenced cadastral maps for project cities with thematic layers;
(ii) database on urban transport (UT) assets including the condition and layout (superimposed as a thematic
layer); (iii)database on public transport routes and road trac superimposed as a thematic layer; (iv)
desktop application UT management system on a geographic information system (GIS) domain at the
MORDI for decision making; and v) sta trained on database management.
Project Rationale and The CDTA addresses two sub-sectors Water Supply and Sanitation (WSS) and Urban Transport (UT).
Linkage to Outdated infrastructure and policy and regulatory framework, weak institutional capacity including absence
Country/Regional of up to date management tools, and the lack of sustainable nancing constitute the set of problems that
Strategy government addresses with the support of IFIs and bilateral donors including ADB. Addressing these needs
in a systemic manner provides the opportunity to improve the access to and quality of urban services in
WSS and UT sub sectors with multiple social, economic and environmental benets.
The Asian Development Bank (ADB) Interim Operational Strategy for Georgia (2008-2009) was developed in
line with the government's agenda, and identied development of the country's municipal infrastructure as
a key contributor to sustainable economic growth, with the crosscutting themes of governance, regional
cooperation, and environmental sustainability. Through improving capacity of the beneciary agencies
(UWSCG and MORDI) in taking informed decisions in planning, and operation and maintenance of the WSS
and UT infrastructure assets the CDTA contributes to signicant improvement in the thematic area of
governance. Improving services through better planning and operation and maintenance using the GIS-
based management systems enables socio-economic benets to the utility customers and users of urban
transport infrastructure. Utilizing potential of energy savings in operating WSS assets and reduction of
emissions - the benets that can be derived through relevant application of the products created through
CDTA - will contribute to maximizing environmental benets of the project.
The CDTA provides a valuable contribution to implementing the vision and objectives of current WSS and UT
sector development strategies and road maps. In particular:
1). For WSS sub sector - an advanced planning tool as the output of the CDTA contributes to:
- Addressing the technical sustainability challenge as a part of the vision and objectives of the Urban WSS
Sector Development Plan (the sector development strategy document adopted by the government). This
will be achieved through ensuring implementation of asset management and strengthening programs for
better operation and maintenance of WSS infrastructure leading to ecient service delivery (task under
Objective (i) Technical Sustainability and Environmental Protection).
- Improving sector governance through ecient nancial management, operational and commercial
eciency of service utilities (task under Objective (ii) Institutional and Financial Sustainability).
2). For UT sub sector - an advanced planning tool as the output of the CDTA contributes to:
- improving access to businesses and communities, attract investments, and enable citizens to tap
economic and social opportunities (the vision of the Road Map document).
- Completing the road network in urban areas. A coherent, ecient time saving road network, decreasing
congestion and urban barrier eects, and sustaining economic and tourism development (Goal 1 of the
Road Map objectives).
- Promoting a sustainable development of road network operation. Improvement in trac management,
quality of service and organization of its maintenance, will allow for maintaining proper quality of road
networks (Goal 2 of the Road Map objectives).
- Improving public transport quality of service including an easy to use strategy for public transport and
solutions to promote intermodality and maximize the benets of an integrated transport network (Goal 4 of
the Road Map objectives).
- Improving quality of life in urban areas through promoting non-motorized transport uses (Goal 5 of the
Road Map objectives).
Through creating a modern technical tool broadly used internationally, the CDTA addresses in full the
technological gap in managing, budgeting, operation and maintenance of WSS and UT infrastructure and
services. GIS-based asset management systems for WSS and UT and government sta trained to apply the
system in daily practice - created as the outcome of the project - provides an up to date technical and
professional capacity to take informed decisions in planning, managing, and operation and maintenance of
the assets in the most ecient and economical way.
Impact Capital and operational budget for water and sanitation planning, maintenance and management linked to
the geospatial WSS utility management system

Project Outcome

Description of Outcome MORDI and UWSCG use the geospatial WSS utility management system for capital improvement
and rehabilitation planning, and revenue management
Progress Toward Outcome Implementation progresses according to work plan.

Implementation Progress

Description of Project Outputs Output 1: Georeferenced cadastral maps with thematic layers generated on a GIS domain
Output 2: Integrated water supply and sanitation asset and consumer database
Output 3: WSS utility management system
Output 4: Sta trained on database management
Status of Implementation Progress All outputs for WSS management system are completed. No issues.
(Outputs, Activities, and Issues) The outputs for UT management system are under development. Project implementation follows
the agreed work plan. No major issues.
Geographical Location 4. Mestia / Samegrelo - Upper Svaneti Region,7. Rustavi / Kvemo Kartli Region,8. Zugdidi /
Samegrelo - Upper Svaneti Region,6. Poti / Samegrelo - Upper Svaneti Region,2. Kutaisi / Imereti
Region,1. Anaklia / Samegrelo - Upper Svaneti Region,5. Mtskheta / Mtskheta-Mtianeti Region,3.
Marneuli / Kvemo Kartli Region
Summary of Environmental and Social Aspects

Environmental Aspects
Involuntary Resettlement
Indigenous Peoples

Stakeholder Communication, Participation, and Consultation

During Project Design UWSCG management and technical sta were extensively consulted in order to allign project design after
particular needs, constrains and existing capacity of the UWSCG, and subsequently, to ensure maximum
benets through providing ssutainable project outputs. The availability of GIS maps for the project towns
was checked in advance to ensure proper budgeting. The IT department sta of UWSCG was inetrviewed
to check the degree of its competence in GIS software application and to inventorize the IT hardware
base of the company. This allowed for tailoring the training component of the project according to
particular needs and deriving the optimal list of hardware to be procured.
Several rounds of consultations were held with MRDI management and GIS department sta to assess
and inentorize the collection of maps, IT hardware base and competence of the staers for the same
purpose as with UWSCG.
During Project Relevant representatives of UWSG and MRDI participate in project implementation through providing
Implementation inputs and absorbing training. In particular, MRDI provides its assistance in ensuring valuable support by
the municipalities of the project towns to project eld work teams working on the current UT GIS
component (support includes providing necessary information inputs on assets and their components).
UWSCG utility service center sta assisted eld survey teams in collecting asset-specic information (e.g.
records, maps, equipment specications, age of assets etc.) on a daily basis through the entire length of
eld survey works, as well as through arranging trac safety during eld survey by involving local trac

Business Opportunities

Consulting A rm is engaged to develop the system in accordance with the Guidelines on the Use of Consultants (2007, as
Services amended from time to time) through a Quality and Cost Based Selection (QCBS) method. The existing rm's
(Eptisa) contract is extended to deliver additional requirements for the TA.

Responsible Sta

Responsible ADB Ocer Goalou, Bertrand

Responsible ADB Department Central and West Asia Department
Responsible ADB Division Urban Development and Water Division, CWRD
Executing Agencies Ministry of Regional Development and Infrastructure of Georgia
Mr. Lasha Gotsiridze
7, Ingorokva Str. 0134, Tbilisi Georgia


Concept Clearance 10 Mar 2010

Fact Finding 01 Mar 2010 to 10 Mar 2010
Approval 23 Jun 2010
Last Review Mission -
PDS Creation Date 25 Mar 2010
Last PDS Update 27 Mar 2013

TA 7551-GEO

Approval Signing Date Eectivity Date
Original Revised Actual
23 Jun 2010 16 Jul 2010 16 Jul 2010 30 Apr 2011 31 Mar 2014 -

Financing Plan/TA Utilization Cumulative Disbursements

ADB Conancing Counterpart Total Date Amount
Gov Beneciaries Project Sponsor Others
0.00 1,400,000.00 50,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,450,000.00 23 Jun 2010 1,272,457.51

Project Page

Request for Information
Date Generated 24 January 2017

ADB provides the information contained in this project data sheet (PDS) solely as a resource for its users without any form of
assurance. Whilst ADB tries to provide high quality content, the information are provided "as is" without warranty of any kind, either
express or implied, including without limitation warranties of merchantability, tness for a particular purpose, and non-infringement.
ADB specically does not make any warranties or representations as to the accuracy or completeness of any such information.

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