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13°05 | Finding an Unknown Side For the triangle given, stat c ae 1 the bypotensse j 2 the side opposite the market angle § 35 the side adjacent othe marked angle ‘Write tru or false for these triangles: e ‘ 5 6 ¥ cy ‘ sin @= £ co 8 = cos = & Oi fas Piemanaes ig pant Wonisoy 9 un2s'sE yotunara! then x= then x= Pythagoras’ theorem suse to find an unkown side na rightangled lange when te other two sides are known. Trigonometry isused when oly one side and one of the acute angles ae known, 1 ind a in these engl, correct o 1 decimal place, 2 Aladder that is @ metres long leans against a wall and makes an angle of 21° withthe wall How far does the ladder reach up the wal, othe nearest centimetre? 3, Find the length ofa guy rope that must be wwe to secure pole 125 m high f he angle ‘the guy rope makes withthe ground is 56" Solutions (Wat oe von cin ‘Use the rig, bution on your eseulator. create ara va Ssin 20" i Jar Gn29 x56 BBs B Soa =73 (to | decimal place) continue 44 coumancanourre 391 & Scone - 2, a= (cos 389 x96 + @ 38 (B96 (H] fev eed meer? 7964903 2 2 = 76 (1 1 decimal place) (ote that isthe ce asin 26° ean denominator of the An Fraction, not the S27 aI tumentor) Pon @»On® 1956 to 1 decimal place) 2 From the information inthe question, a diagram like the one 1 the ight ean be drawn, Let the height up the wall be hm b so B=coe2ie 3 heexcert 89 @21@ = 7468604 = 7 othe nears centimetre) «The ladder reaches 747m up the wal 5 Let the length ofthe rope be x mee. Then: ¥ ‘The rope 6 1500 mewves tong (eo the weatest cence 92) reroucuaisas (CBeraise THOS [EI Find the value of the pronumeral in each tangle, cortect to 1 decimal place, vanes an ae See ‘cw ntmcovouert 393) Fr questions 3 to 7 the diagrams relat othe questions below them 3 4 5 Find out everything you can about the langle ‘A ladder leans against a wall so thatthe angle it makes withthe ground is 52° and ns base is 41 from the wall, How far does the ladder reach up the wall (othe nearest centimetre)? ‘A ladder leaning against a wall reaches 53 m up the wall when the ange betwen the ground and the ladder 73" How long, tothe nearest centlmeuc, sth lade? = ea WY IED The diagonal ofa rectangle i 163 em long and makes an angle with the longest side of 37 Find the length ofthe rectangle, othe neaest centimetre, ‘A ship ou at sea observes lighthouse on the tp ofa 70 m elif at an angle of 3. How far out to sea s the ship (Lo the nearest metre)? ‘A boat is anchored ina sve that is 3.2m deep Ifthe anchor rope males an angle of 52° wil the surface ofthe water, hov long is the rope from the surface of the water? (Answer tothe nearest centimetre) B94) wmumnowvaraues ° rs 7 [ED The equa sides ofan lsosceles tangle are 16 metres long and the apex ange is 80° Find, to the nearest centimetre, the length of the base ID) The base ofan isosceles langle 96 cm long and each of the base angles 36°42 Find the length ofeach ofthe eqval sides. (Answer correct to 3 significant figures.) [I] tebe length ofa child's stipperdip i 34 m and one end males an angle of 3°42" withthe sr0und, how high above the ground is the other end? (Answer tothe nearest centimetre) For questions 121020, draw a diagram fist, Bi» masse, 2a= 90%, 20 = 655 and In XYZ, 22 = 90%, 2X= 42°H" and AZ = 9-2 m, Find YZ, corcect to the nearest cenumete Im ABC, 28= 90", ZA= 52" and All = 2-7 em. Find AG to 1 decimal place. Im ANYZ, 2X = 90", ZY = 31°%0' and X2 =103 em, Find XY, tol decimal place. 1m. Find AC, correct tothe nearest centimetre [By The igonal ofa square is 21-2 em. Find the length ofeach side (othe nearest miler). Find the length of the diagonal ofa recange if the length ofthe rectangle ts 75 em and the st i a Aiagonal makes an angle of 25° wh each ofthe longer sides. (Answer correct to the neatst rallies) BB Find the length ofa rectangle if ts agonal 5 34 em long andthe angle the diagonal makes sth the lenght 9780" (Anew ennrect to the nore centimetre) [Find the base ofan isosceles triangle ifthe height is 82.em and the base angles ar cach 39° (answer corres tothe neatestmilimetre) IH Whe he te fhe un 147 erie sek css shadow $5 em ng, How igh [BA painting is hung symmerically by means of string passing over nll with sends atached to the upper corners ofthe paintig Ihe distance between the comers is 35cm and the angle between the two halves ofthe string is 105%, find the length ofthe string, correct tothe nearest rallimeve, The vercal rise fom the bottom othe top of a rack that slope uniformly at 6°54” withthe horizontal e 36 m. Find, to 1 decimal place, the length of the tack, cunamcowourm 395) 9) BD) A road rises stealiy at an angle of 6457. What wil be the vertical se ofthe road for ‘horizon distance of 300 m? (Answer correct o the nearest metre) I) At noon a facory chimney casts a shadow wien the sun's alirude 1 85°24" Ifthe chimney s 65 m high, whats the length of the Shadow, co the nearest centimete? a Calculate the sloping ares ofthis roof that needs o be tie, sven that the width of the roofs 54m and is length is 2m ‘2m Each ool secon spiched aan angle of 23 (Answer eorcect. to the nearest squate metre) FB 4 plane is lying at an altude (height?) of 750 mews ‘boy on the ground first observes the plane when iti “Sa rei overhead. Thirty seconds Inter, the angle of| tlevation of the plane from the boy is 2414. 4 Through what distance dd the plane fly n 30 seconds, to the nearest mete? > Caleulate the sped ofthe plane in kav, core 03 significant igues oa 750m Calculate the area of ight-angledtrange that has a hypotenuse 6 cm long and an angle of 50, A regular hexagon of side @ units is made by joining sie ‘quilteral tangles together, as shown in the dagram. We want to finda formula fo the area of the hexagon in terms ofits sie length, a Consider the area of one ofthe equilateral ranges Using she exact wi, ratlos on page 469, find the exact length of DC, What isthe area of ABC? 4 \ ‘© What ithe area ofa hexagon of side @ unis? 4. Fi the area ofa hexagon with aside length of item 3m i 10 em 13:06 Finding an Unknown Angle ‘Complete the ratios below fer each triangle os e = ; ee ee ‘We have alesdy seen tn 13:04 that calculator can be used to find the sze ofan angle fhe value ofthe trigonometric rato is krown. 1 Finduhe size of angle @ Anew o the nearest degree length, the dimension ofthe rectangle { bs ste 12.6 em by 89cm? 2 What angle, o the nearest minute, does tkediagonal ofa retangle make with is Fenenber “nk F aay Seeded SUPT on Solitions 1 Inthe wrangle ano-2 015 BIG os ® 20221401 409" so 0=22 (1 the nearest degre) 2 Let the required angle be 8. The: 280n Boon ‘cure ytacoouen 397 (CBeereise 13:06 2 IT Find the sz ofthe angle marked @in ech tangle Give your answers core othe nearest dere 12cm ang Dispersed ipa A pie Unc an tna sn d= habia. shaban, Im ABCD, sin B= 1 ARC, sn (180° -B) = heasind.... Equaing () and (i) from ether triangle gives: asin B=brin "Gna * Hin Similarly, ican be shown that rae Seb "ane Ath e “Thus, we obu Bs To finda sade se the fat form + Tofind an ane use the second fom Find the value of inthis wiangle X= 32501 = 15.6 em,y #97 em. “Answer correct to one decimal place Find ZY correct w the nearest minute 3, Town Bis 20 km due est ofA. Ifthe bearing of town C is N 35° from A and N 65° W from B find the distance from Ato Cand rom B ta C. ‘ourmn mercer 337 Solutions 1 Here, wo angles and two sides ae involved. As we ae finding aside itis best ws the First form ofthe sine ral ; 2 Alvays draw a dlagram ifone isnot given with the question. When finding an angle, the second Form ofthe sine re is ease o sn sax yous sin. sa3250" a7 "56 sin y= 272850" 03371354 2 aslo 1 ZCAB 290° 35 Sn A ane ZAcD = 180" — 55" + AC Bc___™ = 100" Bn as "Te low | ins ~ a 100" | = “sin 100° 165 km So. the distance AC € 86 km and the distance BC 166 km (given correct tone derinal plac) ( Bem hee east one angle and he side oppose must be known. 338, renmnon wars Neate eaperes c a =f 2 23 » ante = anda when’ eaemu aed ete al meas ae eRe Sean ae ees EI or each rangle, part of the sine ale hasbeen writen yr Via Copy and complete the rule, then find xcorect 10 (Cerereise 2203 = wae toe dca jee . ; Saas - > teem S- be ie + Zeb ae BL Fin th lowing sagas, cont ion inal plc 1 b 105 on = yori e trek he tong, find the va of "cones he nee ere ieee ee 2 nocoris © sa 8 ost64 «< sin 202 4 sing= Hans g sin at im [Ei For each range, part of the sine rule has Been writen. Copy and complete he rule and then Find the angle 8, corect tothe nearest degree a 6 : eel > aly, | SOR. ‘Nireronumericoutuem 339) Ii Pind the value of 6 othe nearest minute wan Ey Find 0 the nearest deyee, noting that in each langle Bis abuse, 18a er i Dy Answer the fllowing by first drawing diagram. 2 INAABC, ZA 30, 1 ‘mind b (vo one decimal place). 10.2 em: find p (o one decimal pace). 157 em: find ZX (10 the nearest minut). mind (to the nearest rinute) 1 PORS is parallelogram, where PQ = Bem, OR= 5 em, and. 2PRQ ae Find: 2 'ZRPO (tothe nearest degrs) 1b ZPQR (othe nearest degree) f a © ingonal PR (io ene decimal place) Dy fe “Three towns are situated so tat the distance from Ato Cs 27 km, Near the ditanet rom I 40 Ce 19 km and the Besng of (for Ate f \yonm SOP E TFB Is duc east of A, find \ 12 ZABC (othe nearest degre) 8 1 ZACB (othe nees degree) © AlistanceofB from A (o wo significant figures) TD) Three poss X, Yand Zae stuated so hat 2X s 32°17" y and 22 le 62°57" Mahe disance between Vand Z is 22m, find the distance between X and ¥ to the nearest mete her ee, 5 ‘A man at Pobserves plane 1 the south at an angle of elevation of 42°25", whl a second man at Q observes the same plane othe noth at anangleof elevation of 27°10 If the distance berween the ‘observers 12 km, ind the diances ofeach observe rom the plane tothe eaten mete 340. wren avers 12:04 | The Sine Rule: The Ambiguous Case “We have een that when an equation like sin 8 05 i solved, there is an acute and an obuuse “+ Hone. when the ane rl fe aed ond an angle, epi for there tae stone When this occurs, we have what called the ambiguous case + While the acute ange wl always be 2 solution, the obtuse angle wil ony be a solution i sn angle sam lee then 180" when added to the other angle in he triangle Both the one solution and two soltion cass are shown in the examples below. res 1 Use te sine ral vo find the sie of angle C e Solution sn. dn fi are ‘ . 15m om 746° is also equa 1 0964 14:8" oF 1054 ‘As 105-4° +40" < 180% then 1054 gals Solution ‘The dingram shows the wo possible soations waste 4 2 Find the size of angle 2. R sin zZ _ sin 70° Now y 88 45mm Basin 70 sin z = Bn sor 7 7 zea sin (180 — 47° is also equal 0 073, 2 = 47 or 133° (io the nearest depres) Because 70° +133" ie greater than 160, tis imporsble for Z o be 1338, ‘We therefore reject this answer 2224 arenanamanreconcurn 341 (CHrercises2:04 reer I Fld ie awe nd cise ngs ee thax are salon tthe equations Pees Pacsape ame 4 sino ni 5 4 i, ae In both the angles above sin @= 478925". rind Qin both ranges. ‘Give answers wo the nearest degree, IED Triangles ABC and DBC both have A sides em and 29 cm in length 4 nd anon-incuded angle of 4° \ 3 Show that sin and in” ¥ a rh equal 1045" VN sea 5) 8 © 1 ind x andy" to the nearest dares IED Find Go the nearest mint the angle sured in cml of dre falling 3 mn AXYZ, 2X = 30%, 50m,» =D cm; lind 2. b InAPOR, 20 = 1970", q=29em, T em: find 2 © In QABC, 28 = 32°17", b= 10.7 em, Naming ses and anges in angle 21 em: nd ZA oppose 2,9 is opposite 2) 4 In aKa, 2M = 2751',m =87 em, tn ieopposte hi, is opposite 2 ems find 2K Find the possible values of in each of the fllowing 2 7 “ “ eX »/ \e fod 42, wnamnouewnanress 12:05 | The Cosine Rule Like the sine rule, the cosine rle can be used to find unknown sides oranges i ranges. applied io situations where thre sides and one angle ate involve, Inthe triangles below: + CDs perpendicular to AB, + LeLAD be equal 1 x * Initiale A, BD =~ x. ag a a Using Pythagoras theorem, From ABCD, @e Oe Fen tote se "Now fom AACD, B= soa? ct= 2eet Pt sogiecs ect le Paya a tex o Gabe carr ww, Now, in AACD, £ =co8 A Now, in AACD, F = cos 180" =<) cabo A {= Bon (190"— a) Substituting i (D gles Deo A Pade a -2hecos A Subsuting in (U) gles: aa bh4 2 2c C08 A ‘Thus for any angle ABC: ‘ameyrumer cov 343) coin 8 2 Evaluate 6, coret to the nearest minute. : ® om sem A8en, 790m 03am Tem Solutions Pen eB +e Besos b weber 2he cosa Applying this formula gives That Dn 1+ 982 129 eos 37° #2612 49:7)-2%61 97 cos BE 144481 ~ 216 con 37" 7.21 + 0409 ~ 11838 coe 132° 5494 729 10484 91 x= SERETB x= ATT =72 (001 dee.) 145 (oI de. pl) Beene be Bee abe Applying this formula gives That: cos ou S478 con 6m 26247910537 Dx46xT9 = 1.164 62551 = 105.08 72.68 =-030831¢ 7531 (othe nearest mite) (9% 108° (o the nearest minus) ‘The cosine re ca be used, im any lange (0 Bad the hed side, given the othe sides ned their Inclded angle any angle gen the ther sles. (Ciriercise 12805 I Find a(corect to dec. pl) sf ae C= he con Aad: a b= 10,cw12, A= 60" 9 ae: cae ni iin b ba 68, cn94,4= 120° igi hin are eet eeee ZS er ED, A= Tx6x10 4 cosa= 44 sormuronn manors EL Fd the vale ofthe pronamerl inthe allowing (coret 6 dp). a bam Candace tn cee ee ag ol on son Ng Yo ja sw2ey/ i530 pe IE tose the flowing by ia drang» dagen, at zi nen ae ere wale dw oposite (correct to 1 de. pl). 2 | b InabEr, ZF =61", Ao; ed f Zp (orrect to 1 dee. pi. Ae | aL 2 = 163 (Gonect 01 dp. 4 In aPOR p=9 mg =7 m,r=8 mind 2P (comet tothe nese dears) f InATUV,{ 223 cm n= 19 om, = 17 om nd 2 Gore the net mint) 2 em: find m Thre towns, P,Q and, are connected by stright rds. ‘The distance from Pw Q i 15 km and the distance from ? to Ris 23 km, If he roads mest al Pat an angle of 30" how far is town @ rom town R othe nearest llomete? zai) arte numearicsoiem 345 a Wa soccer goal I 8 m wide and a player shoot for goal when he 1m from one post and 22m rom the ether, within what angle must the sion be ade wo core the goal? (Give your answer corel = eee raceeret cere) tne prateopom 490 48159 cm, 8 15 em, o Ds tnd ZABC 6 130 die eng ofthe agonal a 16 creche ert mtn 2 i Cates ncaa a Se era ie fll « tower fis overt km due sou of oer A? y As a Zz To find the length of a pond, a surveyor walks > 350 metres from point X to point Z, then turns to" an as 90 meso pom Fd he SE peli pend oth ct mee TH tn gure mond hie of re a aa os care i as Sees How far ist from the centro the pitcher's aa CME tap towed rd se ie our ane! cect to one decimal place. > Heme [Bi The section of railway track shown is a circular ee eee c8Y Suen angle 40 ent fhe cle sof econ Find the dus of the crear ar andthe da length of thet ae 46, wremnounamuncss

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