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Ana Lcia Nunes de Sousa

Spain: Beat Almat, 10B, Barcelona, Spain, 08023, Mobile: +0034691743634

Brasil: Santa Paula, 102, Niquelandia, Gois, Brasil, 76420-000, +00556233543263


2017- 2018. Clacso, Post graduation in Epistemologies of South.

2013 2017. Autonomous University of Barcelona (Spain)/ Federal University of Rio

de Janeiro, PhD Communication and Journalism.

2014. University of Valle (Colombia), Post graduation in Creative Documentary.

Title: Corumbiara: this land is ours Documentary Project.

2010 2013. University of Buenos Aires (Argentina). Master's degree in

Communications and Culture.
Title: Community communication and audio-visual production methodologies in

2012. Jos Mart International Journalism Institute (Cuba), Post graduation in

Hypermedia Communication in local scope.
Title: Umbrella project to hypermedia community communication.

2005 2009. University Federal de Gois (Brazil). Degree in Social Communication.

Title: Multimedia platform to preserve the collective memory of the Trombas and
Formoso struggle.


2017- 2018. Clacso. Maria Letcia Lula da Silva Scholarship for Scholarship for Post
graduation in Epistemologies of South. US$750.

2013 2016. Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel. Brazilian
Education Ministry. PhD Scholarship.

2015. Crowdfunding for the documentary project Free. Awarded US$16.000.

2014. Brazilian Culture Ministry. Diversity Communications Prize for the documentary project
Ogan Bangbala: stories of our faith. Awarded US$ 2.600.

2014. Ibero-american Audiovisual Fund. Scholarship for Post graduation in Creative


2012. United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). Scholarship
for Post graduation Hypermedia Communication in local scope.

2010 2012. Robert Carri fund of Argentina Education Ministry. Scholarship for Master's degree in
Communications and Culture.

2010. Brazilian Society for Interdisciplinary Studies in Communication. Best

Degree Final Project. Category: Digital Communication.

2010. International Festival of Cine and Video of Rosario, Argentina. Honourable Mention for the
documentary Trombas e Formoso: memrias de uma luta./Trombas and Formoso: Memories of a

2010. International Festival of Cine of Environmental Film and Video (Fica) Gois, Brazil.
Honourable Mention for the documentary Trombas e Formoso: memrias de uma luta./Trombas
and Formoso: Memories of a Struggle.

2009. Brazilian Culture Ministry. Grant of US$8.000 to do the Degrees Final Project.


Peer-reviewed Article in Journals

Video activismo y prcticas sociales en Ro de Janeiro. Revista Redes.Com (Sevilla),12 (2), 2016.

Law and community television: Brazil and Argentina . EPTIC Journalv(UFS). Vol. 18, no 3, set-
dez 2016 ISSN 1518-2487

Social networking analysis: a guide to theoretical and practical initiation. Revista Matrizes (USP),
V. 10 (2), mai-ag, So Paulo, 2016.

Esto va a estar en YouTube: video, redes sociales y protestas en Brasil. Revista Internacional del
Pensamiento Poltico, v.10, p.135-155, 2015.

No fico e ativismo poltico: o vdeo como testemunho e prova jurdica no Rio de Janeiro.
Culturas Midiaticas Journal (UFPB), Ano IX, 16, jan-junho, 2016.

Articles (forthcoming)

Video activism: digital practices to narrate social movements during the FIFA world cup (2014).
Journal of Brazilian Journalism Society. Expected Publication: Spring 2017.

Video activism in the Brazilian riots: genres, narratives and political participation. Article
accepted to Northern Lights Journal, vol.15. Expected Publication: Spring 2017.

Video activism and participation. Television and New Media. Expected Publication: Winter

Chapter in books (forthcoming)

#OcupaEscola: media activism and the movement for public education in Brazil. Chapter with
Marcela Canavarro, accepted to the Book Networks, Movements & Technopolitics in Latin
America: Critical Analysis and Current Challenges, organized by Francisco Sierra Caballero and
Tommaso Gravante. The book will be published by CIESPAL in 2017.

Metodologas participativas para un cine indgena, popular y comunitario. IN: El studio de las
comunidades indgenas. Book organized by Amparo Huertas Bailn and Maria Luna. Published by
InCom-UAB Servei de Publicacions. Expected Publication: Winter 2017/2018.
Chapter in Books
Audiovisual y redes sociales y participacion en las protestas de junio de 2013 em Brasil. In:
Gutirrez, Francisco Javier Herrero et al (Ed). Cuadernos Artesanos de la Comunicacin. La
Pantalla Insome. Universidad de la Laguna, 2016. ISBN-13: 978-84-15698-98-2.

Dilogos entre a megalpole e o cerrado: construindo metodologias para o audiovisual

comunitrio. In: SOARES, R. P. A; TUZZO, S. A. (Org.). Comunidade, mdia e cidade:
possibilidades comunitrias na cidade de hoje. 1ed.Goinia: FIC/UFG, 2014, v. 02, p. 253-271.

Brasil em Nmeros: dados para pesquisas de comunicao e cultura em contextos regionais.

(2014). JACKS, N. A; TOALDO, M. (Org.); 1. ed. Florianpolis: Insular, 2014. v. 1. 280p .

Experiencias de comunicacin popular en Brasil: la formacin de videastas y cineastas del

pueblo. In: Natalia Vinelli. (Org.). Comunicacin y televisin popular: escenarios actuales,
problemas y potencialidades. Buenos Aires: Editorial Cooperativa El Ro Suena, 2012, v. 02, p.

Magnfica Mundi, onde muita coisa se inicia. In: Juarez Ferraz de Maia. (Org.). Jornalismo UFG.
Goinia: Funape/Facomb, 2010 , p. 133-143. With MARQUES, G. G.; Dourado, M.; ROCHA, N. J.

Trombas e Formoso: de mito narrativa histrica. In: Juarez Ferraz de Maia. (Org.). Jornalismo
UFG. Goinia: Funape/Facomb, 2010 , p. 157-163. With MARQUES, G. G. ; Dourado, M. ;

Sem pernas e sem voto. In: Silvana Monteiro. (Org.). Reflexos do cotidiano. Goinia: CEGRAF,
2008, v. 01, p. 22-28.


2013 - 2017: From the street to the social networking sites and from the social networking sites to
the street: video activism online in the Brazilian contemporary movements of protest. (PhD

2014 - 2015: Acercndonos a las realidades socioculturales, luchas y resistencias de las

Comunidades Indgenas de Amrica Latina. Communication Institute University Autonomous of
Barcelona. Financed by Fundaci Autnoma Solidaria (FAS). (Research and extension)


2013: Brasil em Nmeros: dados para pesquisas de comunicao e cultura em contextos

regionais. Directed by Professor Nilda Jacks.

2005 2010: WebTV y Community Communication. Universidade Federal de Gois.

Directed by the Profesor Nilton Jos dos Reis Rocha. (Research and extension)

2005 2010: Journalism without borders. Universidade Federal de Gois. Directed by

the Profesor Nilton Jos dos Reis Rocha. (Research and extension)

2009 2010: Historical Memory of the University Radio. Universidade Federal de

Gois. Directed by the Profesor Nilton Jos dos Reis Rocha. (Extension)

2011- 2012: Faro Community Television. Instructor of Audiovisual Producer.

2005 2010: Magnfica Mundi WebTV Universidade Federal de Gois. Instructor in audiovisual
and communication workshops to students, schools and social movements.


De Barcelona a Rio: Las luchas urbanas como expresin de cultura popular (screening and
talking), presented at Jornadas Memria Histrica, lutas urbanas e mudana social s margens da
cidade neoliberal on 11 december, 2015, Barcelona, Spain.

La lota per il transporto in Brasile at Libreria Calusca on 7 january, 2014, Milano, Italy.


PhD Course Discourse Studies and Methods in Sweeden (2017)

Winter School in Participatory Communication IAMCR in China (2016)
Producer course by Mercosur Audiovisual in Paraguay (2013)
Undergraduate studies in Bolivia (2008)


07-2005 to this date - Editor Aimber. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Freelancer Journalist, Cultural
Producer and Audiovisual Producer

2014 to this date - Movement for the land. La Paz, Bolvia. Freelancer researcher and journalist.

2014 to this date NGO XminY. Amsterdam, Holland. Volunteer consulter to Latin American

2012 Marcelo Iniarra Consulting. Buenos Ares, Argentina Communication Consulter to Projects
with Amnesty International and Doctors without borders.

03-2011 to 12-2012 - Faro TV (Buenos Aires, Argentina) Audio-visual Producer

December 2012. Serrana Television, Sierra Maestra, Cuba.

Agua de pozo/Water from the Well. Documentary. Bolivia, 2008.
As cores do sonho/The Colours of Dreams. Documentary. Brazil, 2009.
Trombas e Formoso: memrias de uma luta./Trombas and Formoso: Memories of a Struggle.
Documentary. Brazil, 2010.
Enquanto a resistncia no vem/ While there's no Resistance. Documentary. Brazil, 2012.
Various videos for the YouTube channel of Jornal A Nova Democracia.
Corumbiara: this land is ours. Director and producer. Documentary. Brazil. (Participation in
BoliviaLab, DocBuenosAires, DocsBarcelona and Ibermedia course in Colombia. Selected in
Free. Documentary. Producer. Documentary. Brazil.
Riot. Documentary. Director and producer. Documentary. Brazil.
Rio de Janeiro: State of Exception. Director and producer. Documentary. Brazil.
Ogan Bangbala: stories of our faith. Producer. Documentary. Brazil.

Portuguese: Native
Spanish: Proficient
English: Advanced
Catal: Intermediate (Reading and understanding)

Nvivo, Netvizz, Gephi, SPSS, Transana, FinalCut, AdobePremiere, etc.

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