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Start - define tc-item structure

Typedef enum _Type_e {
Create manifest file from manifest structure variable STRING = 0,
Is there manifest file ? No
that has default- setting INTEGER,
Yes } Type_e
typedef struct __tc_parameter__ {
Loading to manifest structure variable Type_e eDataType;
(Overwrite default setting) char argName[64];
char szValue[256];
char szDesc[256]; // mean, param_range
} stTc_parameter_t;
Runing TC based on ex:
manifest-structure variable typedef struct __tc_item__ {
char szTcDesc[256];
int nRunCount;
int nCategoryCnt;
char szCategory[64];
int nNumbParam;
for (int i = 0; i < nNumbParam; i++)
stTc_parameter_t param_(#i);
Type_e nExpectedResult;
char szResultDesc[256];
char szResultValue[256];
} stTc_Item_t;

- define manifest structure

struct __manifest_for_tc__ {
bool bRunAll;
char szRunCategory[64];
int nRunTcCount
int nNumbTC;
for (int i = 0; i < nNumbTC; i++)
stTc_Item_t TC_(#i);
} stTc_Manifest_t;

- Make manifest import/export function or library

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