Hot Zone Part 1

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Hot Zone General Questions

Question 5-

One of the most common and safe ways to disrupt the epidemiological triangle is to
create a vaccine, creating a barrier between the host and the agent, but this cannot be
used as there is no vaccine for Ebola. For the situation concerning the Reston Monkey
House, I think that one of the best ways to disrupt the triangle is the remove the
connection between the monkeys and the environment that Ebola thrives in. The way to
go about this would be to move those monkeys that are thought to be clean to a
quarantine, while euthanizing the infected individuals. By causing the carriers to die and
the conditions the virus thrives in to disappear, the infection of healthy individuals would
be drastically reduced, and with special attention, completely eradicated.
Question 6- In The Hot Zone, there are many outstanding individuals who acted quickly
and handled the situation very well when faced with a possible pandemic. All though
many of them could be considered for a Nobel Prize, I would personally award one to
Eugene Gene Johnson for his long lasting dedication to the filovirus type. A civilian
biohazard expert, his works spans decades toward the discovery, containment, and
eradication of multiple types of filovirus. He is largely responsible for the speediness of
USAMRIIDs response to the Ebola outbreak in Virginia because of gear he had stowed
away from an expedition to Kitum Cave. Preston, author of The Hot Zone, wrote the
knowledge and experience he gained inside the cave in Africa, and the space suits and
biohazard gear he carried back with him to Fort Detrick, might serve him well at another
time and in another place(150). While also reviewing the other expansive
achievements of his career, and his actions during the outbreak, it would be safe to
assume that Eugene Gene Johnson is an outstanding man deserving of the Nobel

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