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Evan Wolcott

13633 Radcliffe rd.

Arklow, Ireland

28th October 1452

The Pope
Wicklow parish, Ireland

Dear Mr. Pope,

I am going to tell you what the church is doing. Also what you are doing wrong with the
church and how to fix the problem.The church is doing indulgences which is giving money to the
church for your sins. This allowed a person to be set free of guilt and without having to go
through punishment by God for their sins. Also the church is becoming very wealthy and it has
too much power.

The church should not be doing indulgences. Also it should not be so wealthy and it
should not be so powerful as well. Another reason the church is not looking to Bible, and more
people should be involved with the church.

You could change all these problems by getting rid of indulgences and not having a lot of
money, and look to the Bible. Also allow divorces and allow people to get involved with the
church. Also get rid of some of you power. If you change all these problems the reformation will
not happen in the future.

Evan Wolcott

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