Topic Proposal-Grant Shadduck-Comments

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Shadduck 1

Grant Shadduck

Professor Malcolm Campbell

UWRT 1104


Topic Proposal: More Money, More Power? Comment [tt1]: Catchy title!


I will be examining the affect that raising the federal minimum wage would have on the

economy, low-wage workers and low-wage employers.

In 2016, the topic of minimum wage seemed to be mentioned in every presidential debate. Per

usual, neither side could agree on what to do. One side pushed heavily to raise the minimum

wage upwards of $15. The opposing side argued that raising the minimum wage would simply

add to the nations unemployment. Even economists argue about the effects. For example, Jeff

Clemons, an assistant professor of economics at the University of California, San Diego

concludes, I'm willing to take the stand that the full set of minimum wage increases enacted

over this period is responsible for a decline of around 1 million jobs across these particularly

low-skilled worker groups.

I have done a lot of research based on news articles, as well as Opinion editorials from

economists. Knowing that there is typically a bias in news, I am trying to compensate for that

bias by finding articles that argue both sides. Comment [tt2]: Good idea! I hope you can find some.

This topic is highly complex because of its relationships with both economics and

politics. As stated previously, the two sides typically fall along the political spectrum. There are

economists like Jeff Fisher who argue that it causes job loss and hurts the economy. On the other

side, there are those who have put out studies saying that raising the minimum wage would
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benefit jobs rather than hurt them. The New York Times says that a comprehensive study

found that minimum wage increases resulted in strong earnings effects that is, higher

pay and no employment effects that is, zero job loss.

Initial Inquiry Question(s)

Will raising the minimum wage help or hurt the United States economy? Comment [tt3]: Elaborate more on this section and this
question. What other questions popped into your head as
you were researching this, talk about those and then explain
why you are choosing to focus on this question.

My Interest in this Topic

I have an interest in this topic because as a teen, the minimum wage directly affects me.

In addition, I am very interested in politics and the US economy. I believe that this topic pulls Comment [tt4]: Here would be a good place to explain why
you are very interested in politics and us economy.
together all those interests into one argument,

1. I already know that there are strong political ties with both sides of the argument,

adding to the bias.

2. I hope to find evidence that can support both sides, if not then I will use this lack

of evidence as a stronger case for the opposite side. Comment [tt5]: In his layout of the template we got, I dont
think he intended for you to list what you know and want to
know, I think he was more just listing what you should
include. So write these in paragraph form and go into more
Next Steps

I will focus on using the librarys databases to find more research. I also think it would be Comment [tt6]: What types of sources are you looking for?

beneficial to look at actual economic case studies for both sides. I will continue to use websites

and sources such as The New York Times, Business Insider, NPR, CNBC, etc. I believe the best

ways to prevent bias and understand both sides of an argument are through research.
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Overall great rough draft for your topic proposal, its a good base for when you add

more to it later. I think your topic is very interesting and you should be able to find tone of

resources on the libraries database and searching the web. Elaborate more on each section,

your introduction is good, it talks about different resources and you give a good intro to your

topic. Your inquiry question is really good, I think it will be a good inquiry project, but talk

about other things you are curious about related to this topic. Was there anything that you read

that made you curious? Include that in your Initial Inquiry Question(s) section, it will not only

help add some fluff to that section but it will show youre thinking about your topic, then discuss

why you chose to focus on your original question. I think your interest in the topic is relatable,

but go into more detail about it, explain why you are so interested in politics and US economy.

Finally, just include some examples of research you are hoping to find. Very good start!!!

----Tori Tobul

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