Reaction Paper

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As expected, the beginning has a brief prologue with the countrys political c
before jetting off to deal with the Seventies in a year-by-year basis, mostly revolving
around a rotation of drama between a married couples five growing boys,
and their growing involvement in the countrys politics. I really cant imagine
myself and my family facing the same problems that the Bartolome
family faced back in the movie. I think I cannot handle such situations like that. If I will
be in the situation of Amanda, I think that I cannot stand every word Julian will be saying
to me. Amanda is torn between the problems in the country, her family, her sons and
her husband. I do salute her for being strong. As for being a child, into that kind of
situation, I think t
hat it isnt very good to see what the government has been doing back

those bloodshed, wars and tears.
Suddenly, I realized how lucky I am that I dont have to face those problems
But I am really hoping that what happened in the martial law regime back then will
happen again in the future because I simply wont know what to do when the
comes. Martial law really gives so much power to the government and they exercise
much of their police power. There is no equality, no respect, no human dignity, and no
such things as rights. Everything that the government will do, will eventually become all
the laws. It is merely not fair for all of us. In Martial Law, everyone needs to be very
vigilant since unexpected things might happen and your
good fate might turn into hell. Theres
no blame on the president, though. There are touches of seventies style Filipino humor
that foreign audiences might miss; they effectively establish that this is a real, average
Filipino family trying to navigate through the eye of the political storm. The acting is
generally impressive, most especially that of lead actress Santos, who gives a luminous,
sensitive performance. Santos essays the transformation of Amanda so effectively that
we do see clearly at the end of the film that there has been a fundamental change in
her character.


Article II Section 14: The State recognizes the role of women in nation building,and
shall ensure the fundamental equality before the law of women and men.

Article III Section 1: No person shall be deprived of life, liberty, or propertywithout due
process of law, nor shall any person shall be denied to equalprotection of the laws.

Article III Section 4: No law shall be passed abridging the freedom of speech,
ofexpression, or of the press, or the right of the people peaceably to assemble
andpetition the government for redress of grievances.

Article III Section 12 (2): No torture, force, violence, threat, intimidation, or anyother
means which vitiate the free will shall be used against him. Secretdetention places,
solitary, incommunicado, or other similar forms of detention areprohibited.

Article III Section 18 (1): No person shall be detained solely by reason of hispolitical
beliefs and aspirations.VIOLATIONS OF THE LAWS

Julian doesnt want Amanda to work. Julian uses his authority by not letting
Amanda work and just stay at home, without her having self-achievement.
doesnt give Amanda her right and she is being discriminated by Julian,
he thinks he is superior and what he does, which is working, is enough for theirfamily.
Though Amanda just wants her self-
fulfillment, Julian still doesnt want her
to work.

Jason was put into prison and the reason is that he possessed drugs illegally.
Jason shouldnt be put

in jail instantly, nor killed, because he still doesnt get his

right to have due process of law to prove that he really does such acts like whatthe
police said about him.

Jules friend, Willy, was killed because hes a member of the Kapatiran, their
association against the government. Jules was also brought to prison because ofthe
same reason. Both of them were deprived from their rights.

Jules was totally tortured and brought to such places where he was detained. Hewas
being forced to say things against himself and it is not lawful.

Jules was put into jail because of his political beliefs, and the constitution
allow that.

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