Mid Revision Past Simple

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Mid-course test revision - Grammar

Verb to be

Positive Negative Question

___________ I / he / she / it
(be) ___________ interested in
I / he / she / it I / he / she / it (be) in Rome
a famous actor (be) sport at
30 years ago. school?
___________ ___________ we / you / they
we / you / they we / you / they (be) (be) happy
very happy
sad yesterday. yesterday?

Past Simple Match

1. become a) caught
2. buy b) ate
3. catch c) became
4. come d) read 11 d
5. drink e) thought
6. eat f) wore
7. get g) came
8. go h) bought
9. have i) drank
10. know j) wrote
11. read k) swam
12. say l) knew
13. see m) took
14. sit n) understood
15. swim o) went
16. take p) said
17. think q) saw
18. understand r) got
19. wear s) sat
20. write t) had
21.Word Order

1. Positive 2. Negative 3. Question

8. ________________ I / he /
4. I / he / she / it / we / 6. I / he / she / it / we / she / it / we / you / they
you / they you / they ________________ (catch)
5. ________________ (catch) 7. ________________ (catch) the bus at 9 oclock this
the bus at 9 oclock this the bus at 9 oclock this
morning. morning?

23.Question Words (not to be)

27. infiniti 28.

24. 25. did 26. subject
43. yester
36. I / he /
she / it
44. last
29. What / we /
38. do? _______
30. Which you /
39. eat ___?
31. When they
35. did 40. see 45. last
32. Where 37. your
41. go _______
33. Why sister /
42. buy ___?
34. How your
46. two


48.Answer the following questions.

49. Did you go to school yesterday?


50. Did you stay at home yesterday?


51. What did you do yesterday?


52. _________________________________________________________________________________________________

53. How did your classmate come to school?


54. What did your friend eat for breakfast yesterday?


55. _________________________________________________________________________________________________

56.Write three questions to ask your classmate.

57. 1)
58. 2)

59. 3)

60. Make notes and tell the class.







10. 11. 12. 19. 20. 21.

13. 14. 15. 22. 23. 24.

16. 17. 18. 25. 26. 27.

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