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To ^^^^
Better I ^H^^^^^
Translation ^
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smail Hakk Pasl ^


^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^ ^^^KULB

Keys To Better Translation



Dizgi : Ufuk ZENGN Datasis Bilgisayar

Mizanpaj : Murat KURT

Bask : Kocaeli Kitap Kulb

Cilt : Kocaeli Kitap Kulb

ISBN - 975 - 94842 -3-4

Birinci bask

MAYIS - 2000


meraa mah. Sanat Soka No: 9 ZMT
Tel:0-262-3318723 Fax : 0-262-3318723

^^^ ^^

ask. : askeri
dnz. : denizcilik
huk. :hukuk
It's : iti
k.d. : konuma dili
sb. : somebody
sth. : something
That's : That is
Won't : Will not

Bu szlkte derlenen maddeler, iki veya daha fazla szck
ierdiinden, bu maddelerin kar dildeki anlamn ararken, madde ^^
iindeki szcklerin, birer birer anlamlarn dnerek deil, o maddeyi ^^
bir btn olarak ele alp incelemek gerekmektedir. Dolaysyla, okuyucu, ^^^
aratrd maddenin, kendi tahmin ettii anlamdan farkl olabileceini ^^ ^^
gznnde bulundurmaldr.
Kullanmda Dikkat Edilecek Balca Konular:
1-Virgldensonra,yaknanlamdakiyap(l^^^^ A bag of bon
es Bir deri birkemik
"Under one's own stream" : Yardmsz, kendi bana, kendi A bit Biraz, bir para
b i t Of al1 right rgo ok iyi bir ey mkemmel bir e
gayretiyle A (a ) ' V
About the gills Hasta/korkmu vaziyette
2-Noktal virglden sonra, farkl anlamdaki yap(lar)sr^^^ About this time Bu sralar, bu sralarda
bove al1
"Up to the standard": Belirli bir standarda gre; kabul edilen A Bilhassa zellikle; her eyden
nce; hele hele; her eyden fazla
artlara gre Above all things Her eyd'en nce
3- nokta ile belirtilen yerlerde, anlatlmak istenen duygu ve Above board Aka, drste
dnceye gre szck(ler)yeralr. Above one's head Kavray dn^da
anlayamayaca dzeyde
"Both ... and...":Gerek ...gerekse..., hem ...hem de...; her ikisi Above par Normalin stnde; her
de. zamankinden daha iyi
^^ ^ Above suspicion ok drst, her trl phenin
"I saw both my mother andfather n my dream.": Ryamda hem dnda
annemi hem de babam grdm. Abreast of le yan yana, ayn hizada
4- Kesme iaretinden sonraki szck, bir ncekine alternatif olarak A cakeof Bir para
According as Gore; tpk, aynen
k ; According to e gre
"Sonraki on yl iinde/^^^ otherten years According to his version Onun deyiine gre
According to Hoyle Kurallara uygun, doru olarak
5-Madde iindeki rakamlaromekolarak verlm^^^^^ According to one's light Aklnn erdii kadar
"Sonraki on yl iinde/z^^ In otherten years A clear case Muhakkak
A clear day Btn gn
Sonrakbeylnde/za^^^ : In otherfveyears A C|ear majority Byk bir ounluk
6-Ek durumundaki yaplar kk harfle balatlm^^^^^ Across the board Her eyi ve herkesi kapsayan
Across the way Yolun te tarafnda
"ailaveten":Inadd^^^^^^^ A day after the fair Ge ka|m

"Bu konuya ilaveten". In addit^^^^ A deal too much Fazlaca

A drink of water Bir bardak su, biraz su

A drop in the ocean Devede kulak A good long time Hayli uzun zaman
A face as long as a fiddle Surat iki kar A good many Olduka, epeyce, hayli
A far amount Bir miktar; bir hayli A good way ok uzak
A far cry ok uzak; byk fark; uzun A good while Uzun bir sre
mesele A grain of common sense Bir nebze anlay
A few of dan bazlar, den birka A great deal Pek ok, bir hayli, ok
A few thousand Bir ka bin A great many Pek ok, bir hayli, ok
A few years after Bir ka yl sonra A <|ir.il c|ii.mtity of Pek ok
After a fashion yle byle, pek iyi deil Ahead of in nnde, ilerisinde; den iyi
After a sort Bir dereceye kadar; kendi tarzna Ahead of time Vaktinden nce
gre A little bit Bir para, azck
After a while Biraz sonra A little way off Biraz uzakta
After all Nihayet, sonunda; velhasl, sonu A little while ago Biraz nce
olarak; ne de olsa; hi yoktan; yine Alive and kicking (k.d) yi ve hayat dolu
de; zaten All about Her yerinde
After dark Ortalk karardktan sonra All alone Yapayalnz; kimsenin yardm
After due consideration yice dnp tandktan sonra olmakszn
After his own heart Tam istedii gibi; diledii gibi, tam All along Her zaman, daima; bandan
gnlne gre balayarak; teden beri
After hours saatlerinden sonra All along the line Sra boyunca; her noktada, her
After mature consideration Dnp tandktan sonra ite; her ynden
After meat Yemekten sonra All and sundry Herkes
After one's own heart Tam istedii gibi All around epeevre, drt taraftan
After that Bundan sonra All at once Hepsi birden, hep birden;
After the example of rnek tutarak birdenbire
After the fashion of in taklidinde, e benzeyerek, gibi All being well Her ey yolunda giderse
ayn surette, Tarznda All but Az daha; den baka; hemen
After y ears of Yllarndan sonra hemen; gibi; neredeyse
A full week Tam bir hafta All comes Kim gelirse, hergelen
Again and again Tekrar tekrar All day Btn gn
Against all Btn engellere ramen All day and every day Hibir deiiklik olmadan; devaml
Against the clock Zamana kar olarak
Against the odds Btn engellere ramen All day long Btn gn boyunca, akama kadar
Against the sun Gne karsnda olarak; sadan All done up Bitkin bir halde, ok yorulmu;
sola hepsi hazr
Ages ago Yllar nce All his grist that comes to his
A good bit Olduka, epeyce, hayli mill. Ekmeini tatan karr!
A good deal ok, bir ok, bir hayli, pek ok All hours ok erken veya ok ge, her
A good distance Uzun bir mesafe saatte
A good distance off Epeyce uzakta All in Her ey dahil; bitkin
A good few Birok; hayli kalabalk All in a sweat Ter iinde

I I l l l MVI
All in all Her eyi hesaba katarak; her ey; All the rest Kalanlarn hepsi
netice, son All the same Ne olursa olsun; hepsi bir; gene
All in good time Msait zamanda de; buna karn, gelgelelim
All in one Hepsi bir arada All the time d srece, ara vermeden, daima,
All in order Her ey yerli yerinde her zaman
All in the same boat Ayn durumda All the way Yolun sonuna kadar; mmkn
All in the same breath Ayn zamanda olduu kadar; bandan beri
All in unison Hepsi ayn zamanda; hep beraber All the world Herkes, dnya alem, elalem
All is as it should be. Her ey yolundadr! All the year round Btn yl, yl boyunca
All is up. Bitti, Tamam! All there Akl banda
All manner of Her eit All things considered Enine boyuna dnlrse
All manner of conversation Her tavr ve hareket All this is by the way imdi temel soruna gelelim!
All my hopes were dashed to All through Her vakit; tamamiyle
the ground. Btn umutlarm suya dt! All through my life Hayatm boyunca
All night long Btn gece, sabaha kadar All told Btnyle, yekun olarak, hepsi
All of in hepsi, en aa beraber
All of a size Hepsi ayn byklkte All too soon Pek erken, amansz
All of a sudden Birdenbire, ani olarak, apansz, All well and good Tamam, peki, kabul!
anszn, aniden All went well. Her ey yolunda gitti!
All of us Hepimiz Allowing for the circums-
All out Alabildiine tances Koullar hesaba katarak
All over Tamamen; bitmi; tekrar, batan; Along about Esnasnda, sularnda
her tarafta Along chalk Epey, bir hayli
All over again Yeni batan Along side Yan yana; borda bordaya
All over the place Her yerde, her tarafta Along the quay Rhtm yannda
All over the shop Karmakark; allak bullak Along time Uzun mddet, hayli zaman
All over the world Tm dnyada, dnyann her Along way off ok uzakta
yerinde Along with le birlikte, yansra, beraber
All right Pek iyi; yle byle; hay hay; A lot ok
doru, uygun Alpha and omega lk ve son; ba ve sonu; birinci ve
All rolled in one Hepsi bir arada sonuncu
All round Mkemmel, her hususta iyi Although nevertheless Her ne kadar... ise de
All sorts and condition Her eitten Although still Her ne kadar... olsa da
All such as are of my opinion Benim fikrimde olanlar Although yet Her ne kadar... olsa da
All that O kadar Always excepting den gayri, hari
All that I know Bildiim birsey A man of a few words Az konuan adam
All the better Daha iyi, ok daha iyi; iyi ya! A man of his word Sznn eri
All the more Haydi haydi; gittike, artan bir A man of the world Grm geirmi adam
ekilde A matter of meselesi
All the rage Herkesin arzusuna uygun, modaya A matter of 10 Liras 10 Liralk birsey, 10 Liraya yakn
uygun, pek moda A matter of concern Kayglanacak bir ey
A matter of life and/or death ok nemli Any number of ok sayda
A matter of opinion Herkesin deiik dnd bir Any old how Nasl olursa olsun, geliigzel
konu Any old thing Ne olursa olsun, her hangi bir ey
A mere flea Devede kulak Any time you want Ne zaman isterseniz, her ne
Among the numbers Aralarnda zaman isterseniz
A month hence Bundan bir ay sonra Anybody but he Ondan baka kim olsa
A month of Sundays ok uzun bir zaman Anything but Olmasn da ne olursa olsun!
An eye for an eye Gze gz die di Anything rather than this Bu olmasn da ne olursa olsun!
An hour or so Bir saate kadar Anywhere but there Oradan baka her yerde
An off day Kt gn A pack of lies Yalan dolan
And ali Ek olarak, bundan baka, ve de Apart from den baka, den ayr olarak, i bir
her eyi kenara brakrsak
And as well Ayn^ zamanda da Apart from the fact that den baka, den ayr olarak, i bir
And consequently Bu nedenle; neticede kenara brakrsak
And l don't know what Hemen hemen her ey; ve buna A patch of Ufak bir para
benzer eyler A pinch of Bir tutam...
And later Ve sonra, sonra, ve daha sonra A question of time Zaman meselesi
And no mistake phesiz, muhakkak A raft of ok, pek ok
And so Ve bylece, ve de; bu nedenle; ve A rule of thumb Pratik olarak, kararlama yoluyla
dahas; o halde As... as Kadar
And so forth Vesaire; bu tarzda As a basic guide Temel bir kural olarak
And so on v.b, vesaire As a beginning Balang olarak, ilk olarak
And sure enough Hakikaten de As a consequence Bunun sonucu olarak; bu nedenle
And that's an end of it ite bu kadar! As a favour Bir ba olarak
And that's flat (k.d) Ak ve kesindir; ite o kadar! As a free gift Armaan olarak
And that's that Hepsi bu kadar! As a general rule Genel bir kural olarak, genellikle,
And there is also that Ve u da var ki, bir de u var, Umumiyetle
And there is something more Ve unlar da sylemek gerekir As a general thing Genel olarak
ki... As a man Bir insan gz ile, insanlk
And therefore Bu nedenle bakmndan
And what have you (k.d) Ve bakalar; ve daha bilmem As a matter of course Doal olarak
ne... As a matter of fact Dorusu, dorusunu isterseniz,
And what is more Ve dahas, hem de, dahas hakikaten, iin dorusu
And what is worse stelik As a matter of form Adet yerini bulsun diye
And what not v.b, vesaire As a means Bir ara olarak
A new one on me (k.d) artc bir ey As a mere form Adet yerini bulsun diye
A number of Birtakm; bir ka As a result Sonu olarak, sonucu olarak
Any day (of the week) Her an As a result of in sonucu olarak, in neticesinde
Any gate Her yer As a rule ounlukla, genellikle
Any longer Artk, daha fazla As a summary zet olarak
Any more Daha fazla; baka As a token of areti olarak
8 9
As a warn to others rnek iin, ders almak iin As far as possible Elden geldiince
As a whole Genel olarak, bir btn olarak, As far as the eye could reach Gz alabildiine
tamamen As fast as he could lick Elinden geldii kadar abuk
As affairs stand imdiki halde As fit as a fiddle Turp gibi (salam); hereye hazr;
As aforesaid Evvelce denildii gibi zinde ve neeli
As against e kyasla, e oranla As follows Aadaki gibi; yle ki, aada
As and when Ne zaman gsterildii ekilde; ylece
As bad luck Aksi gibi As for e gelince, sorarsanz, derseniz
As between Aradaki As for me Bana gelince
As big as life Canls veya gerei kadar byk; As for that Buna gelince; ise; e gre
ahsen, bizzat As for the rest Dierlerine gelince
As black as coal Kirli As fresh as a daisy Canl, uyank, din, taze
As black as pitch Simsiyah, zift gibi As from den balayarak, itibaren; itibariyle
As black as soot Kirli As gentle as a lamb Yumuak huylu
As bold as brass Son derece yzsz, saygsz, As good as Kadar iyi; gibi; deerinde; hemen
kstah hemen kesin; neredeyse
As brown as a berry Gnete kararm As good as dead lm gibi, lm saylr
As busy as a bee ok megul As good as new Yeni gibi
As clean as a new pin Tertemiz, prl prl As good as one's word Sznn eri) verdii sz tutan
As clear as light Apak, belli, kolay anlalr As greedy as a pig ok obur
As compared to Nazaran, mukayese olarak As happy as a king Kaygsz, dertsiz, durumundan
As compared with Nazaran, mukayese olarak memnun
As concerns e gelince, ... Olarak As hard as nails Salam, shhatli; acmasz
As convenient Arzu olunduu gibi As hard as one can go Elinden geldiince, elinden gelenin
As convenience Uygun zamanda en iyisini yaparak
As cool as a cucumber Soukkanl As has been pointed out aret edildii gibi
A score of people Yirmi kii A sheer waste of time Bu vakit kaybetmekten baka bir
As cunning as a fox Tilki gibi kurnaz ey deil!
As different as chalk from A short cut Kestirme yol, ksa yol
cheese Arasnda dalar kadar fark var! As I see it Bence, kanmca
As distinct from Ayr olarak, farkl bir ekilde Aside from den baka
As distinguished from den ayr olarak, sekin bir ekilde As if Gibi, sanki, gya, m gibi, casna;
As dry as a bone Kupkuru tut ki...
As early as 1700 Daha 1700 ylnda As illness would have it Terslik bu ya
As easy as pie ok kolay As in the case of iin olduu gibi
As far as Kadaryla, e gre, e kadar, kadar As is imdiki durumuyla
As far as I am concerned Bana gelince, bence, bana kalrsa As is known Bilindii gibi, bilindii zere
As far as I can see Grebildiim kadar As is the custom Adet olduu zere
As far as in me lain Elimden geldiince As it is Bu durumda
As far as in me lies Elimden geldii kadar, btn As it is said Sylenildii gibi
kuvvetimle As it should be Hakl olarak, olmas gerektii gibi,
10 11
As required stenildii gibi
As it turned out As respects e gelince
Oysa sonunda
As right as nails Dosdoru
As it was Bu duruma gelmi olduu iin
As it was sometimes called As right as rain En iyi durumda
Bazen sylenildii gibi
As sharp as a needle Uyank; zeki
As it were Gibi, sanki, gya, adeta
A size too big. As so Nasl ... yle, olduu gibi, dahi,
Bir numara byk.
vehile; ek ekilde
As large as life Doal byklkte
A sleeve of Associated with le, ile birlikte
ok miktarda
As someone has it in dedii gibi
As like as not Belki de...
As soon as Derhal, mmkn olduu kadar
As like as two peas (in a pod) Bir elmann iki yars
abuk; ister istemez
As long as Srece, sresince, d srece;
As soon as possible Mmkn olduunca en ksa
madem ki; d taktirde
As long as I live mrm olduka
As sounds as a bell Sapasalam
As luck would have it ansa gre, ansl veya anssz
As steady as a rock Gvenilir; salam
olarak, ans ii
As such Gerekte; benzer; bylesi gibi, bu
A small number of Bir ka, biraz
sfatla, haddi zatnda
As matter of courtesy Nezaketen
As sure as a gn phesiz, muhakkak
As matters stand imdiki halde
As sure as l'm sitting here Kesin, doru
As meek as a lamb Kuzu gibi, uysal
As the crow flies Dmdz, dosdoru; ku uuu;
As meek as Moses Musa gibi mtevazi
dz izgi halinde
As much Kadar, ayn miktarda
As the name suggests sminden de anlalaca gibi
As much again ki kat, bir misli daha
As the saying goes Dedikleri gibi, mehur tabiriyle
As much as Kadar, ayn miktarda
As the story goes Anlattklarna gre, byle
As much as you like Ne kadar isterseniz
As mud Anlalmaz
As the time went by Zamanla, zaman getike
As near as dommit (k.d) ok yakn As the world g6es Dnya telakkisine gre
As near as I remember Hatrmda kaldna gre As therefore Nasl ... yle
As nearly as I can tell Yaklak olarak, bildiim kadaryla As thin as a lath Bir deri bir kemik
As occasions requires Duruma gre; gereinde As thin as a rake ok zayf, bir deri bir kemik
As often happens okluk olduu gibi As though Gibi, sanki, gya, m gibi
As one man ttifakla; birlikte, uyuarak As times go Bu gidile
As one might expect Pek doal olarak As to e gelince, e dair, konusunda,
As opposed to in aksine olarak hakknda; ise
As plain as the nose on your As true as steel Gvenilir, sadk
face Besbelli, apak As usual Her zamanki gibi, adet zere
As quiet as a mouse ekingen, sklgan; grlt As warm as toast Smscak
yapmayan, sessiz As we have noted before Yukarda deindiimiz gibi
As recently as yesterday Daha dn As well Dahi, de, bile; ilave olarak; makul
As regards Nazaran, hususunda; gre, ekilde; tam, doru; ayn zamanda
mnasebetle; e gelince As well as Gibi, kadar, e kadar, ilaveten; bu
As regular as clockwork Saat gibi dzenli
bir tarafa At a stretch Aralksz; bir hamlede; ara
As well as that d kadar vermeden, hi durmadan
As who should say Syler gibi, dercesine, diyormu At a stroke Birden
gibi At a tender age ok gen yata
As yet imdiye kadar, daha, henz At a venture Rasgele, baht ii
As you please stediiniz gibi . At all Hi, hi bir suretle, asla
A sum of Bir miktar At all costs Ne pahasna olursa olsun
A sure thing Elde bir At all events Her durumda, her halkarda, ne
At a blow Birden, aniden olursa olsun
At a bound Bir hamlede At all hands Hep birlikte; her taraftan
At a charge of cretle; giderle, masrafla At all hazards Btn tehlikelere ramen, ne
At a discount skonto ile, tenzilatla pahasna olursa olsun, neye mal
At a distance Uzakta, uzak bir yerde; belirli bir olursa olsun; rasgele
mesafede At all hours ok ge; geceden sabaha kadar
At a distant Uzakta At all points Her ynyle, her bakmdan;
At a drought Bir yudumda mkemmel olarak
At a fabulous price Ate pahasna At all times Her zaman, daima
At a furious pace Byk bir sratle At an early date Yaknda
At a given time Belirli bir zamanda At an end Sona ermi
At a later stage Sonraki bir aamada At an unearthly hour Uygunsuz bir zamanda
At a later time Sonraki bir zamanda; uygun bir At and from Gerek limanda ve gerekse yolda
zamanda (sigortal)
At a loose end Bolukta, gayesiz At any cost Ne pahasna olursa olsun
At a loss akn, ne yapacan bilmez At any hand Ne pahasna olursa olsun
halde; zararla At any moment Her an, neredeyse
At a low ebb ok kt halde, mkl durumda At any price Her ne pahasna olursa olsun
At a moment's notice Birdenbire, derhal, apar topar At any rate Her halde, her naslsa, her
Ata pinch Darlkta, skntda halkarda
At a premium tibari kymeti stnde At any time Ne zaman olursa
At a price Fiatla; fiatl; zveri veya kaypla At bay Emniyette
At a profit Kar ile At best Nihayet, olsa olsa, en iyimser
At a push Gerekirse, zaruret halinde, ihtiya grle; azami, en fazla
hasl olursa At bottom Aslnda, esasnda
At a rapid clip Hzla At call Talep edildiinde
At a rare bat Rzgar gibi At certain times Belirli zamanlarda
At a rattling pace Doludizgin At close quarters ok yakn, hemen hemen yan
At a rough guess Aa yukar yana
At a run Cari; devamda At cock Tetikte
At a shot Birden, derhal At cock-crow Horozlar terken, sabah
At a speed Sratle karanlnda
At a standstill Durgun, ilemez halde, duraklam At command Emre amade
14 15
At cross purposes Birbirinin maksadna aykr At home Evde, kendi evinde:
At dead of night Gece yars memleketinde; alkn
At death s door lm eiinde At intervals Aralarla, faslalarla, zaman zaman)
At discretion Herhalde, mutlaka ara sra
At dusk Akam st, hava kararrken At issue Tartlan
At ease Rahat, teklifsiz At its height Son mertebesinde, kemalde; en
At every level Her seviyede, her dzeyde yksek mevklde; tepesinde
At every turn Her defa, istisnasz, her defasnda At its zenith En yksek derecesinde, zirvesinde
At face value Grnd gibi At large Genellikle; btn ayrntlaryla
At fault Hatal, arm, yanlm At last Nihayet, sonunda, en sonunda
At feed Beside, besi halinde At least Hi olmazsa, en azndan! asgari
At first lk olarak, ilknce, ncelikle, At leisure Bo zamanda; serbest, vakti var,
evvela, nce, balangta acelesiz
At first blush lk bakta At length it dawned on me
At first hand lk sahibinden, ilk elden; dorudan that Nihayet anladm ki...
doruya, kaynaktan At length Ayrntl olarak, uzun uzadya,
At first sight lk bakta, ilk grte boylu boyunca; en nihayet, en
At free quarter stendii kadar sonunda
At full cock Tam kurulu (silah) At liberty Hr, serbest; isiz, babo
At full gallop Drtnala At little cost Az giderle
At full lick Son sratle At long last En nihayet, uzun gecikmeden
At full speed Son sratle, alabildiine koarak sonra
At full steam Tam hzla, son hzla, byk bir At loose ends Bolukta, gayesiz, isiz, ortalkta;
gle kark, intizamsz
At full stretch Tamamen uzanm vaziyette At many points Bir ok noktada, bir ok bakmdan
At grade Ayn seviyede At most En ok, en ziyade, azami; olsa
At great cost ok giderle olsa
At great length Tafsilatyla, ayrntlaryla At my time of life Benim yamda
At half cock Tetii yarm ekilmi halde At night Geceleyin
At half speed Yarm sratle At odd moments Bo vakrtlerde, vakit bulduka
At hand Yakn, yaknda; yannda, el At once Derhal, hemen, imdi; ani olarak
altnda; eli kulanda At one blow Bir vuruta
At heal Hemen arkasnda veya arkasna, At one fell swoop Mthi ani bir darbe ile, bir
peinde, ard sra hamlede, bir rpda
At heart ten, kalpten ; hakikatte, At one o'clock sharp Saat tam 1'de
iyznde, dotusu At one scoop Bir hamlede, bir vuruta, bir
A thin time Skntl bir devre darbede
At his age O yata, onun yanda At one sitting Bir oturuta, bir celsede
At his elbow Yanbanda, elinin altnda At one time Vaktiyle, eskiden
At his own charges Kendi hesabna At one's disposal Birinin emrine amade
At his own valuation Anlattna gre At one's elbow Yanbanda, yakn
16 17
At one's feet Ayann dibinde At the cost of Pahasna, bedeline
At one's leisure Vakti olduu zaman At the cost of one's life Hayat pahasna
At one's order Emre hazr At the court of in maiyetinde
At one's own expense Kendi parasyla At the disposal of Birisinin emrine amade
At one's peril Mesuliyeti altnda At the double Koar adm
At one's sweet will steine gre, keyfine gre At the drop of a hat aret verilince, hemen istekle,
At one's wit's end Pek arm halde, akl bandan tereddtsz
gitmi At the eleventh hour Ge vakitte, son dakikada
At par Resmi deerinde, baa ba At the end of one's tether Elinden artk bir ey gelmez; sabr
At peace Barta, sulh halinde; rahatta tkenmi
At play Oynamakta, oyunda At the end of the day Her eyi gz nnde tutarak
At pleasure Nasl isterse, arzusu bilir! At the expense of Pahasna; hesabna
At point Hazr At the far end of the street Caddenin br ucunda
At present imdi, halihazrda, imdiki halde, At the first shot lk azda, ilk hamlede
imdiki durumda At the full Yksekte, en yksek vaziyette;
At public cost Hkmet hesabna bedir halinde
At quiet Skunette; sulh ve asayi iinde At the hands of in yaknnda; vastasyla
At random Rastgele, geliigzel; son hzla; At the helm Banda
tesadfen At the instance of in stelemesiyle, in srar ile
At regular intervals Ara sra At the latest En ge
At rest Hareketsiz; rahatta; lm At the latter end En sonunda
A trifle Biraz At the least En az, en aa
At right angles Dikey vaziyette At the livelong night Hi bitmeyecekmi gibi gelen gece
At short notice Ksa sreyle, ksa zamanda boyunca
At sight Grnrde; grldnde, At the mercy of nin vicdanna kalm, elinde,
ibrazmda, grlr grlmez kudreti dahilinde
At sixes and sevens ntizamsz, karmakark At the moment u anda, imdi
At someone's cost nin zararna At the outset lk nce
At speed Hzla giderek At the outside Azami, olsa olsa, en ok
At standstill Durgun; ilemez At the point Tam vaktinde, kertesinde
At such a time yle bir vakitte At the point of mek zere olmak, me halinde
At sword's points Dmanlk iinde At the point of death lm halinde
At table Sofra banda At the present moment imdilik
At that Olduu gibi, haliyle; hatta, bile; At the rate of Hesabyla, nispetinde, orannda;
artk, bu durumda; ayn zamanda hzyla
At that point Tam o zaman At the ready Kullanlmaya hazr
At that rate O hesapla, o halde, bu gidile At the request of someone nin istei zerine
At the age of Yanda, yalarnda At the risk of mek pahasma , gze alarak
At the back of Dnyann teki ucunda At the same time Mamafih, bununla beraber, ayn
At the beginning Balangta zamanda
At the best of times En uygun durumda bile At the start Balangta
18 19
At the stores Dkkanlarda, arda
At the time O zaman
At the top of one's voice Avaz kt kadar

At the top of one's lungs Avaz kt kadar
At the top of the tree Mesleinde en yksek derecede
At the turn of the century Yzyln dnmnde
At the very latest En ge
At the very least En aa, en az
At the very most En ok
At the zenith of her career alma hayatnn doruunda
At this conjunction Durum byle iken
At this distance of time Bunca zaman getikten sonra Back and forth leri geri, aa yukar
At this rate Bu gidile Back to front Ters
At this stage Bu aamada, bu durumda Backwards and forwards ileri geri
At times Zaman zaman, ara sra, baz baz, Bag and baggage Her eyi ile, btn eyas ile, pl
bazen, arada bir prty toplayarak
At times like these Byle zamanlarda Bang in the face Tam yzne
At top speed Son hzla, azami sratle Bang on time Dakikas dakikasna
At various times eitli zamanlarda Be an angel and Ne olursun
At walking pace Yry hzyla Be good enough to come Ltfen geliniz!
At will istedii vakit, can istedii zaman Be that as it may Her ne olursa olsun
At work i banda Because of den dolay; ile; yznden
At worst En kt ihtimale gre Before 1890's 1890'l yllardan nce
At your convenience Uygun zamannzda, mmkn Before Christ Milattan nce
olduu kadar yakn bir zamanda Before day Gne domadan nce
At your discretion Arzunuza bal, nasl isterseniz! Before hand lk nce, her eyden nce
At your earliest convenience Mmknse bir an evvel, sizin iin Before it is too late iten gemeden
mmkn olan ilk frsatta Before long Yaknda; abuk; ok gemeden
At your peril Gnahboynuna! Before now Bundan nce
At your request isteiniz zerine Before or after the fact Olaydan nce veya sonra
At your service Emrinize amade! Before one's eyes Birinin gz nnde
Athirst for e susam Before the wind Rzgarn estii istikamette
A vast scale Byk lde Before time nce, ilk; vaktiyle
A week off Bir hafta sonra Before you can say knife Birden, soluk almadan, frsat
A whole of Hayli, pek ok, olduka bulmadan
A woman of her word Sznn eri Behind bars Hapiste
A woman of the world Grm geirmi kadn Behind closed doors Kapal kaplar ardnda
A world of ok ,bir hayli, pek ok, dnya Behind one's back Gyabnda, haberi olmadan, gizlice
kadar Behind schedule Gecikmi
Behind the front Cephe gerisinde
Behind the scenes Perde arkasnda; iin i yz, gizli
2 21
kapakl taraf her ikisi de
Behind the times Zaman gemi; khne Boys will be boys. ocuktur yapacak!
Believe it or not ster inan ister inanma! Bricks and mortar Mal mlk
Below par Normalin altnda Bright-eyed and bushy tailed ok neeli ve canl
Below the mark stenilen derecede deil. Bright and breezy Canl ve neeli
Below the salt Az tannm kimseler arasnda Bright and clearly Sabahleyin erkenden
Beside the mark Alakasz, mnasebeti oimayan Broadly speaking Genellikle
Beside the point Konu d, yersiz Business is looking up. dzeliyor.
Beside the question Mevzu dnda But (just) now Demincek, hemen imdi
Better and better Gittike daha iyi But for Olmasayd, olmasa
Better by far ok daha iyi But for that Bu olmasa, olmasa
Better still Daha iyi, ok daha iyi; iyi ya! But however Buna karn
Between now and tomorrow Yarna kadar But me no buts. tiraz etmeyin. , fakat filan yok!
Between the hammer and the But nonetheless Buna karn
anvil ki ate arasnda, ok mkl bir But there it is Btn mesele burada, durum
durumda byle gerek bu
Between the lights Tan vakti ile afak zamanlarnda But what ki, gene de, ramen
Between whiles Arada srada, bazen But yet Byle olmakla beraber
Between you and me and the By1900's 1900'l yllarda
bedpost Laf aramzda By a hair's breadth Kl pay
Betwixt and between kisi ortas, ne bu ne o By a narrow majority Az bir ounlukla
Beyond all bear Dayanlmaz, katlanlmaz By a narrow margin Az bir farkla
Beyond comparison Mukayese edilemez By a stretch of imagination Hayal gcn kullanarak
Beyond doubt phe gtrmez, su gtrmez By accident Tesadfen, kazara
Beyond exception Bahane bulunmaz By accident or design Kazaen veya kasten
Beyond measure ok fazla, sonsuz, son derece, By air Hava yolu ile, havadan
hadden ar By all accounts Herkesin dediine gre
Beyond number Saysz By all manner of means Muhakkak, her halde
Beyond one's depth Boynunu aan, bilgi ve kabiliyeti By all means Elbette, muhakkak, hay hay;
dnda phesiz; aikar olarak
Beyond price Paha biilmez By an oversight Dikkalsizlikle
Beyond question phesiz, tereddte mahal By and by lerde; yava yava
brakmayarak By and large Genellikle, genel olarak
Beyond the pale Hari braklm By any means Herhangi bir suretle, her vehile;
Beyond the reach of Eriilmez, uzak, yetiilmez ne ekilde olursa olsun; hi
Beyond the veil br dnyada By birth Doutan
Bit by bit Azar azar ,yava yava By brutal force Salt gce dayanarak, zorbalkla
Blow by blow Ayrntlaryla By cash Pein para ile , peinen
Body and soul Btn varlyla By chance Tesadfen, raslantsal olarak,
Born and bred Doma byme beklemezken, kazara
Both ... and Gerek .. gerekse, hem .. hem de; By command of in emri ile, emriyle
22 23
By land Karadan, kara yolu ile
By common consent Herkesin onayyla, herkesin kabul
By leaps and bounds artc bir sratle
ettii zere, herkesin rzas ile
By luck ans eseri
By comparison Kyasla
By main force Zorla, cebren
By course Sra ile
By me Yanmda
By courtesy Nezaketen
By means ekilde
By courtesy of Sayesinde, ltf ile, msaadesi ile
By means of Vastasyla; suretiyle; yardmyla;
By day Gndz, gndzn
By day as well as night Hem gece hem gndz
By daylight Gndz, gndzn
By mistake Yanllkla
By myfay manm hakk, iin
By degrees Yava yava, gittike, tedricen,
By my side Yanmda
derece derece
By my watch Benim saatime gre
By design Bile bile, kasten
By name smiyle, isminde; ismen; adnda
By desire of Emriyle
By nature Tabiatiyle, yaratlta, doutan,
By dint of Gcyle; araclyla; kuvvetiyle
ftri olarak
By dint of working ala ala
By necessity Gereklilikle, zorunlu olarak,
By doing that Bunu yapmak suretiyle
By dribs and drabs Ksm ksm
By night Geceleyin, karanlkta
By easy stages Derece derece
By no manner of means Hi bir ekilde, hi bir zaman,
By error Yanllkla
katiyen, asla
By fair means Hilesiz, dorulukla, drst ekilde
By no means Elbetteki hayr, asla, katiyen, hi
By fair means or foul Hangi arala olursa olsun; ne
bir suretle
pahasna olursa olsun; nasl olursa
By now imdiye kadar
By one's well-known own
By far ok daha fazla; byk bir farkla, name Adyla anyla
fersah fersah; ok, bir hayli
By oneself Yalnz, kendi bana, bir kede
By favour of in araclyla, vastasyla, eliyle By order Emre gre, emir gereince
By fits and starts Ara sra, nbet nbet, kesilerek
By order of in emriyle
By force Zorla, cebren By permission of zni ile, msaadesi ile
By force of Gerei olarak, icab olarak;
By reason of den tr, yznden, sebebiyle,
den dolay, nedeniyle; nk
By good means yilikle By reason of the fact that dndan, nedeniyle
By guess Oranlama olarak; ans ii By request Ricas zerine, rica zerine
By half ok fazla By return mail lk posta ile (cevap), hemen,
By halves Fena halde, noksan olarak
By hand Elden By return of post lk posta ile, hemen, akabinde
By heart Ezbere
By return post Gelecek posta ile, ilk posta ile,
By hook or by cook Bu veya u ekilde, bir yolunu acele
bulup, ne yapp yapp, doruluk By right Hakk olarak, hakka baklrsa
veya hile ile By right of Hakkyla; yetkisiyle
By inches Azar azar; ar ar, yava yava By rights Usulen, usule gre
By instalments Taksitle
By royal command Kraln emriyle/davetiyle By virtue of den dolay, yznden, nedeniyle;
By rule Kurala gre; kanunen sonucu olarak; yetkisiyle; binaen,
By sea Denizden, deniz yolu ile istinaden
By sea and land Hem denizden hem karadan By virtue of the fact that dndan, nedeniyle
By some means or other Herhangi bir ekilde By water Deniz yoluyla
By stealth Gizlice Byway of joke aka olsun diye
By tale Tane hesabyla By way of sth. Yoluyla, maksadyla, yerine;
By tender Eksiltme usul ile (aklamak iin) rnek Olarak;
By the aid of in yardmyla tarznda
By the arms Kucak kucak By word of mouth Szl olarak, szle, azdan
By the book Doru malumatla; drst By your leave zninizle, msaadenizle!
zihniyetle, kurallara gre; resmen
By the day Gndelikle (cret)
By the ears htilaf halinde, birbirine zt
By the end Sonuna kadar
By the end of nn sonunda
By the end of the day Uzun bir gnn sonunda
By the grace of God Tanrnn yardmyla
By the gross On ikier dzine olarak, yz krk
By the help of in yardmyla
By the look of it Grne gre
By the look of things Grne gre
By the medium of Vastasyla
By the piece Tane ile; para bana; yaplan i
miktarna gre
By the same token Ayn sebeple; bundan baka
By the scruff of the neck Ensesinden
By the sea Deniz kenarndan
By the skin of the one's teeth Kt ktna, ancak, gbela, dar
darna, kl pay
By the time e kadar, (i)nceye kadar
By the time of progress Zamanla
By the way Sras gelmiken, aklma
gelmiken, bu mnasebetle
By the week Hafta hesabna gre, haftalk
By then O zamana kadar
By this time imdiye kadar, bugne kadar
By this time tomorrow Yarn bu zamanlarda
By turns Nbetle, nbetlee, sra ile
By twos kier ikier
26 27
Caked with dirt
c Pislik iinde Dash in
Paldr kldr
Call it what your want Ne derseniz deyin! Dated from den beri
Cap in hand Tazimkar bir tavrla Day after day Gnlerce, st ste her gn
Care of Vastasyla, eliyle; in dikkatine Day and day about Birisiyle gnar nbetlee
Carry (two) Elde var (iki) Day and night Gece gndz, hi durmadan
Cheek by jowl Yan yana; teklifsizce, sk ballkla, Day by day Gnden gne, gittike
har neir Day in day out Her gn
Child's play ok kolay i, ocuk oyunca Dead - beat Bitkin bir halde
Close at hand Yaknda ) yaknnda; civarnda Dead on end Tam karsnda, dorudan doruya
Close bargaining Be aa be yukar Dead on the mark Tam karsnda, dorudan doruya
Close by Yaknda , yaknnda; civarnda Dead on time Tam vaktinde
Close to the wind Hemen hemen rzgara kar Decline of day Akam st
Come hell or high water Her ne olursa, btn zorluklara Deep into the night Gecenin ilerlemi saatlerinde
ramen Depending on e bal, e bal olarak
Come to that Bununla beraber Depends on e bal, e bal olarak
Come to think of it Aklma gelmiken Descriptive of i tasvir eden
Come what may Ne olursa olsun Despite the fact that e ramen, karn; her ne kadar
Coming eleven On bir yana kadar Deuce of a lot Hayli miktarda
Concurrently with le ayn zamanda, rastlantl Devil a bit Hi mi hi
olarak; uygun Devil a lot Bir hayli, epey
Connected with e bal; ile bantl; bal Devil a one Hi mi hi
Contrary to in tersine, hilafna olarak, in aksine Differently from den farkl olarak, den ayr olarak
Contrary to my expectation Beklediimin aksine Dirty end of the stick in kt taraf
Counter to Aksine, ramen, e kar; tersine Discounting the fact that Saymazsak; bir tarafa brakrsak
Dismissing the fact that Saymazsak; bir tarafa brakrsak
Down and out Parasz pulsuz, dknlk iinde
Down at the heels Perian bir halde
Down in the dumps Ask surat ile
Down stream Aknt ynnde
Down the river Irman aasna doru
28 29
Down the wind Rzgar istikametinde
Down to e kadar

Down to the ground Her hususta, tamamen
Down town arda; arya
Drawn up six deep 6 sra halinde
Due course of time Zaman gelince, vakti saati gelince
Due south/east etc. Tam douya/batya vb. Doru
Due to Layk , mnasip, lazm gelen;
hesabyla; in sayesinde, yznden

Each one Her biri

Each other Birbirini, yekdierini
Early and late Erken veya ge demez, vakti saati
yok; btn gn
Early enough Zamannda
Early in life Genlikte
Early in the day Erkenden
Early in the list Listenin banda
Early in the season Tam mevsiminde; turfanda olarak
Easy does it Yava
Either.. or Ya ... ya da, ya ... Veya
Either this or else that Ya bu ya u
End in smoke Faydasz, beyhude
End to end Sra ile; ucu ucuna
Enough and more than
enough Elverir, yeter
Enough and to spare Yeter ve artar bile!
Enough to try the patience of
a saint nsan ileden karr.
Equal to Ayn miktar; akran, emsal? e
Equal to the occasion Her ihtimale kar hazr.
Equal to the task in ehli
Ere long Yaknda, ok gemeden
Ere now Bundan evvel
Ere then O zamana kadar
Ere while Evvelce, nceden
Essential for iin esas, temel
Essential to Lzumlu
Ever active Durmadan ileyen
Ever after Ondan sonra daima, hep, artk
30 31
Ever and anon Arada srada
Ever and none Sk sk; ara sra
Ever at that yle olduu halde bile

Ever if Olsa bile, hatta, sa da
Ever in one Mtemadi olarak
Ever more Daima, ilelebet, ebedi olarak
Ever since Ondan beri, o tarihten beri, den
Ever so Ayn vehile, byle dahi, yle olsa
da, ramen
Ever so easy O denli kolay ki...
Ever so much Pek ok, derecesiz Face down Yzst, yzkoyun
Ever so often Sk sk Face to face Yz yze, kar karya
Ever then O zaman bile; buna karn Face to face with le kar karya
Ever though Sa da, se de; sa bile, yla beraber; Failing that Aksi takdirde
sna ramen Fair and square (k.d) Doru ve drst; tas tamam,
Every bit Tam, tamamiyle dorudan doruya
Every bit as much Tam onun kadar Fairly well Fena deil, idare eder!
Every few days Birka gnde bir Far and away Pek ok
Every few hours Birka saatte bir Far and near Her yerde
Every four days Drt gnde bir Far and wide Her yerde; uzun uzadya, geni
Every inch Tamamiyle, tepeden trnaa kadar lde, dnyann drt yannda
Every little helps. Ne kadar az olursa olsun ie yarar! Far away ok uzakta, uzaa, uzaklarda
Every man Jack Herkes, son ferde kadar Far be it from me! Allah esirgeye, bana gre deil!
Every nook and cranny Ke bucak Far between Seyrek
Every now and again Ara sra, arada bir Far from doing this Bunu yapmak yle dursun/bir
Every now and then Ara sra) arada bir yana dursun
Every once in a while Ara sra, arada bir Far from it Haa; bilakis; tersine
Every other day Gn ar, iki gnde bir Far into the night Gece ge vakte kadar
Every other person Her iki kiiden biri Far off ok uzak
Every place Her yer, her yerde Far up Ykseklerde
Every second days Gn ar, iki gnde bir Farther than den daha fazla, daha ileri, den
Every single day Allah'n her gn daha baka
Every so often Sk sk; arada srada Fast asleep Derin uykuda
Every thing went with a swing, Her ey tam yolunda gitti. Fast beside Yan banda, yan yana
Every time Herdefasnda, her zaman Fast by Yaknda, yannda
Every which way Her yne, her tarafa; dzensiz Few and far between Seyrek
Except that Fakat; makla beraber Fine as a fiddle ok gzel
Excuse me! Afedersiniz! First and above all Her eyden nce
Eyeball to eyeball Ba baa First and foremost En bata, evvela, ilk nce
Eyes swimming with tears Gzlerinden yalar boanarak First and last lk ve son, her eyi hesaba katarak
32 33
For conscience's sake Allah akna
First of all Hepsinden nce, ilk nce, ilk olarak
For dear life Btn kuvvetiyle, hayatn
First or last Er ge
kurtarmak iin
First thing Hemen, derhal
For disposal Satlk
Fit for nothing Hi bir ie yaramaz, be para
For effect Etki yapmak iin; gsteri iin
For ever lelebet, daima, ebedi olarak,
Fit time and space Doru ve uygun
Fit to be seen Grlmee deer!
For ever and a day (k.d) lelebet, daima
Food for thought Dnlecek ey, dndrc
For ever and ever lelebet; ebediyete kadar, ard
arkas kesilmeden, durmadan
Fora certain Muhakkak, kesin olarak
For ever more Ebediyen
Fora change Deiiklik olsun diye
For example Mesela, rnein
Fora consider Karlk olarak
For fear of Korkusundan
For a lark aka olsun diye
For fear that memesi iin, mein diye
Fora laugh aka olsun diye, elenmek iin
For form's sake Adet yerini bulsun diye
For a little Ksa bir zaman iin, azck
For fun aka diye
For a little while Bir sre
For good Btn btn, temelli olarak
For a long time Uzun bir zaman
For good and all Temelli olarak; velhasl, netice
Fora moment Biran
olarak; tamamiyle, gerekten
For a rainy day Kara gn iin
For good measure Fazladan, ek olarak
Fora song ok ucuza, yok pahasna
For heaven's sake Allah akna
For a space Bir sre iinde, bir mddet zarfnda
For instance rnein, mesela
For a start Balang iin
For keeps Her zaman iin, temelli olarak,
For a time Bir mddet
sonsuza kadar
Fora while Bir mddet
For lack of szlktan dolay, etkisizliinden,
For ages Yllarca, senelerdir, yllardan beri
For all (that) Sylenen/yaplan hereye karn
For laughs aka olsun diye, elenmek iin
For all he may say Ne sylerse sylesin
For love or money Bu veya u vesile ile, herhangi bir
For all his talent Tm yeteneine karn
For all I care Bana sorarsan; bana kalrsa; vz
For luck Uur getirsin diye
gelir, umurumda deil!
For many miles around Btn civarda
For all I know Kim bilir, belki de; bildiime gre
For mercy's sake Allah rzas iin
For all one is worth Btn gcyle, var gcyle
For miles and miles Kilometrelerce
For all that I know Hepsine ramen, bununla beraber;
For months Aylardan beri
hereye ramen; bana kalrsa
For my age Yama gre
For all the world Btn dnyay verecek olsalar, ne For my money (k.d) Bence, kanmca
pahasna olursa olsun, dnyada
For my part Bence, bana kalrsa; kendi
For as much as BU sebepten; madem ki
For better (or) for worse yi de olsa, kt de olsa, anca
For my sake Hatrm iin
beraber kanca beraber For my sins
For cash Peinen, pein para ile
For obvious reasons Ak nedenlerden dolay
For certain Muhakkak, phesiz
For old time's sake Gemiin hatr iin, eski gnlerin For the sake of nin uruna, hatr iin
hatrna For the sake of one's country Vatan uruna
For old's sake Gemi gnlerin hatr iin For the time being imdilik
For once Bir kez, bir kerecik, bir defack, bu For the use of in, in kullanlna zg olarak
sefer For the world Her hususta
For one thing Bir kere, nce For this once Bir kez olarak, bir kere
For over den fazla For this reason Bu nedenle
For pity's sake Allah akna For three years in succession st ste sene
For real (k.d) Gerek For two pins (k.d) En sudan bir nedenle
For sale Satlk For two weeks to come Gelecek iki hafta iinde
For short Velhasl, ksaca, ksacas For various reasons Bir ok nedenlerden dolay
For show Gsteri olsun diye For want of Yznden; bulunmad iin;
For some reason or other Her nedense sizlikten dolay
For some time Bir mddet For want of something better Daha iyisi olmad iin
For some time past Bir sreden beri, epey zamandan For weeks Haftalarca, yllarca
beri For weeks at a time st ste haftalarca
For some time to come Daha uzun bir sre For what it's worth Pek nemli deil!
For sport aka olsun diye For years after Bundan sonra yllarca
For sure Kati olarak; elbette, muhakkak Force of circumstances Durumu gerei
For that matter Ona gelince; o hususta Forgetting the fact that makla beraber
For that reason O sebepten dolay, ondan dolay Four-scores Seksen
For the attention of in dikkatine Four corners of the earth Dnyann drt bucana
For the benefit of in yararna Free and easy Merasimsiz; teklifsiz
For the best yi niyetle From ... dawn den balayarak
For the better part of the year Yln yars From ... to den ... e (kadar)
For the first time lk kez, ilk kez olarak From a boy ocukluundan beri
For the further of Kolaylatrmak iin From a child ocukluktan beri, kklkten beri
For the hell of it (k.d) Heyecan, elence iin From a distance Uzaktan
For the life Btn yaam boyunca, hayat From a sense of duty Vazife icab
boyunca From A to Z Bandan sonuna kadar; A 'dan
For the life of me Bam hakk iin, lecek olsam bile Z'ye kadar; adamakll, tam
For the love of Akna, hatr iin From above Yukardan, gkten
For the moment imdilik From all eternity Ezelden beri
For the most part ounlukla, ekseriya; esas From bonnet to heels Tepeden trnaa
itibariyle From beginning to end Batan sona kadar, batan sona
For the nonce imdilik From cover to cover Bandan sonuna kadar
For the present imdilik, u anda, hemen imdi; From day to day Gnden gne
bir mddet zarfnda From door to door Evden eve
For the purpose of Amacyla, gayesiyle From end to end Bir utan bir uca, batan baa
For the record Dikkat edilsin! From father to son Ecdattan evlada, babadan oula
For the rest tesine gelince From first to last Bandan sonuna kadar.
From the stand point of Asndan ynnden
balangtan sonuna dek
From the word go Bandan ben
From five to ten Be ila on arasnda
From this day forth Bu gnden itibaren bundan byle
From force of habit Alkanlkla
From this immemorial ok eski zamanladan ben
From generation to From thts point of Bu adan, bu ynden
generation Nesilden nesile Bundan byle bundan sonra
From this time forth
From hand to hand Elden ele, bir adamdan dierine
From time to time Ara sra. vakit vakit zaman zaman
From hand to mouth lerisi iin dnmeyerek, har
arada bir
vurup harman savurarak
From tomorrow onward Yarndan balayarak
From head to foot Tepeden trnaa kadar
From what I heard iittiime gre
From head to toe Tepeden trnaa kadar; tamamiyle
Further more Bundan baKa stelik
From morning till night Sabahtan akama kadar
From mouth to mouth Dilden dile, azdan aza
From my point of view Bence, bana gre, benim
grme gre
From nature Doal grnmden
From necessity htiyatan dolay
From now onward Bundan byle, bundan sonra
From on high Yukardan, tanrdan
From one's heart Btn kalbiyle, en samimi hisleriyle
From out den hari
From pillar to post Oradan oraya, bir yerden baka bir
From place to place Yer yer
From scratch (k.d) Bandan
From start to finish ktan bitie kadar
From stem to stern (dnz.)Batan ka; batan aa
From sun to sun Sabahtan akama kadar
From ten years of age
upward On yandan itibaren
From that day on O gnden ittibaren, o gnden beri
From that day to this O gn bu gndr, o gnden bu
From the bottom of one's
heart En kalpten, ok samimi bir ekilde
From the feel of it Dokununca, hissedince
From the first Batan; tekrar
From the look of him/her Grnne gre (bakarak)
From the off Balangtan beri
From the on rush Balangcndan
From the outset Balangtan beri
From the point of Asndan, ynnden
GenTy does it Yava! Had I known Bilseydim
Gv*; ny regards Selamlarm syieyu.' Hale and hearty Din ve salkl
Given a fair chance ans verildiinde Half - hourly Yarm saatte bir
Given that Farzedelim ki.. Half and half Yar yarya, kark
Good for e yarar Half as big again Bir buuk kat
Good for nothing Beceriksiz, ie yaram-t J*-gersiz; Hand and fast ok kesin
haylaz Hand in hand with le birlikte, el ele; elbirlii ile
Good old Canm, gzelim! Hand over fist Sratle, ok abuk
Granted that Kabul edelim ki Hand over hand Tutuna tutuna (trmanma)
Great and small Byk kk kk r.-,.yu* Hand the expense Masraf ne olursa olsun
Great numbers of Bir ok Hand to hand Yaknlarda; gs ggse; yumruk
Hand to mouth Kt kanaat geinerek, kazandn
boazna sarfederek
Hands down Parman kprdatmadan, ok
Hard by Yaknda
Hardly ever Hemen hemen hi
Have it your own way Siz bilirsiniz; ne isterseniz onu
yapn; nasl istersen yle yap!
Have the goodness to Nezaketen
He all but died. Az kald lyordu.
He has a screw loose. Aklndan zoru var!
He is a character. O bir alemdir!
He is a grand fellow. Bulunmaz adamdr!
Vie is a strict Moslem. Koyu bir mslmandr.
He is as good as his word Sznn eridir.
He is cut off for this job O bu i iin biilmi kaftandr.
He is not a man to trifle with. O hafife alnacak bir kimse deildir.
He knows ... if any man does. yi bilse bilse o bilir.
40 41
He knows his place. O iini bilir.
He little knows Bilmiyor ki...
He will have it that ddia ediyor ki...
Head and ears Tamamiyle
Help yourself Buyurunuz!
Hence forth Bu sebepten; bundan byle
Here and there Burada urada; ara sra
Here is a point that Burada bir noktaya deinmek
gerekir ki...
Here, there and everywhere Her yerde
Herein after Aada
Herein before Evvelce am afraid so, that Yazk ki...
High and dry Sudan dar, karada; kimsesiz ve am at my wit's end. Ne yapacam bilmiyorum,
aresiz kalm ardm.
High and low Her yerde am at your service, Emrinize amadeyim!
High and mighty Gururlu, azametli am built that way. Ben byleyim!
High noon Tam le vakti am dead against it. Ben bunun tamamen
His heart sank within him. Btn mitleri krld. karsndaym.
His life hangs by a thread. Hayat pamuk ipliine bal. am disappointed in him. Beklediim gibi kmad.
Hit-or-miss Rastgele, tesadfi; neticesini am free to confess Diyebilirim ki...
dnmeden, dikkatsizce am given to understand that Haber aldma gre
Hither and thither uraya buraya, bir ileri bir geri am in pocket, Kardaym.
Hour after hour Saatlerce am led to the conclusion
How much Ne kadar that u sonuca vardm ki...
How soever great it may be Ne kadar byk olursa olsun am not unaware that Bilmez deilim.
am on my legs all day. Btn gn ayaktaym, btn gn
bana dur durak yok!
am satisfied that Kansndaym, kanaatindeyim
am strange to the work. Bu ie alk deilim, bu iin
am temped to eytan diyor ki...
am under the impression
that Bana yle geliyor ki...
am up to the eyes in work ten bam kayacak vaktim yok!
am with you. Seninle hemfikirim. anlatk!
beg of you Rica ederim!
beg to Saygyla
beg to differ zninizle, bu dncede deilim!
can't call my soul my own Elim kolum bal; bam
kayacak vaktim yok; dur durak
42 43
I cant go with you in what you I knew not what Bilmem ne!
say. Sizinle hemfikir deilim! I mean what I say Bu konuda ciddiyim.
I can't help it Elimde deil I repent me Esef ederim!
I can't help thinking Bence muhakkak I saw to my sorrow zntyle grdm ki...
I can't make head or tail of it Hi birsey anlayamyorum, I say Diyorum ki...
iinden kamyorum! I seem to have heard his
I can't subscribe to that Bunu kabul edemem! name. smini duydum gibime geliyor.
I couldn't bring myself to tell I should hardly think so Pek sanmam!
him Ona sylemeye dilim varmyor. I should not like to be in his
I dare say Her halde; sanrm, zannedersem; shoes Onun yerinde olmak istemem.
diyebilirim ki... I speak with feel tenlikle sylyorum
I defy you to do so Yap da greyim! I stand by what I said. Sylediimden amam!.
I don't care Aldrmam! I take it that Sanyorum.
I don't doubt that Hi phem yok ki... I tell you straight Size aka sylyorum
I don't give a darn Bana vz gelir! I thank my stars that ok kr ki...
I don't give a rap Hi de umurumda deil! I told him what I thought of
I don't have the foggiest idea Haberim yok, hi fikrim yok. him Atm azm yumdum gzm!
I don't hold any brief for him I tried to force a smile Glmeye altm
but Onu savunmak grevim deil ama I was half afraid that diye biraz korktum.
I don't like the sound of it. Pek aklm yatmyor. I was simply delighted Bilseniz ne kadar memnun oldum!
I dont mind Aldrmam, bence hava ho, bence I was under the impression Zannediyordum ki, bana yle
mahzuru yok! geliyordu ki...
I don't think so Hi de zannetmiyorum, I was very concerned to hear Duyunca ok zldm.
zannetmem, zannetmiyorum I will go there some time. Oraya mnasip bir zamanda
I doubt whether phe ediyorum, acaba giderim.
I expect so Herhalde I will knock the daylights out
I fail to see why Nedenini anlamyorum. of you Canna okuyacam!
I gather he is ill. ittiime gre hastadr. I will take no deniable Muhakkak... melisiniz!
I have a feeling (that) imde bir his var, bana yle I wish Keke
geliyor ki... I wish to goodness Aman keke, Allah vere!
I have a good mind to Aklma koydum, tasarladm, I wonder if Acaba
yapacam! I would as soon go as not Gitsem de olur gitmesem de!
I have a hunch that yle inanyorum ki, tahminime I would have known you
gre know that unu bilmelisin ki, unu bilmi ol
I have an idea that Bana yle geliyor ki... ki...
I have come to believe that u kanaate vardm ki... I would not have the
I have heard tell that Kulama alndna gre conscience to do it Bunu yapmaya vicdanm raz olmaz,
I have no further questions Baka sorum yoktur. If... not mezse, medike
I have not a minute to spare. Kaybedecek hi vaktim yok! If... then se ... o zaman
I have struck upon an idea Aklma bir fikir geldi If ever ayet, eer, kazara
I hope his ears are burning Kulaklar nlasn If I were you Yerinizde olsam
44 45
If need be cabnda, gerekirse In a full swing En canl ve heyecanl durumunda,
If not Yoksa; aksi halde; aksi taktirde tam faaliyette
If only Keke In a fury fkeli
If only to please me Benim hatrm iin bile olsa In a gesture of command Bir kumanda iaretiyle
If the contrary proves to be In a given time Belirli bir sre iinde
the fact Aksi sabit olursa In a good cause iyilik etmek gayesiyle,
If this be so Eer bu byle ise hsnniyetle
If you care to Arzu ederseniz In a good light Uygun olan artlar altnda; iyimser
If you don't mind Sizce bir sakncas yoksa olarak
If you have no objection Saknca grmezseniz, bir itiraznz In a heat fkeyle, fke iinde, darlarak
yoksa In a high-handed manner Kibirli, marur; kstaha
If you please Eer isterseniz In a hurry Aceleyle
If you take my tip Beni dinlerseniz In a jiffy (k.d) Hemen, ok abuk
Ignoring the fact that Bir tarafa brakrsak/atarsak In a line Bir sra durumunda
I'll be shot if I sem leyim! In a manner Bir manada; muayyen bir tarzda;
I'll come in a second. imdi gelirim. olduka; hayli; gya; sanki
I'll make him dance to a In a manner of speaking Yerinde sylemek gerekirse,
different tune Ben ona gsteririm! szgelii, bir manada
I'll see him damned first Dnyada olmaz! In a measure Bir dereceye kadar
I'll tell you flat Ak syleyeceim In a minute Biranda, bir dakikada; hemen,
In (the) face of Karsnda, dikkate alarak, ramen imdi
In a bad fix Zor durumda, skntda In a moment Bir dakikada, ok gemeden,
In a bad way (k.d) Kt bir durumda; tehlikede; abucak, hemen imdi
ok hasta In a month Bir aya kadar, bir ayda, bir ay
In a big way Byk apta zarfnda
In a body Birlikte; birlemi, birleik In a month's time Bir ay sonra
In a breeze (argo) Kolayca In a nutshell Ksacas, az cmle ile, bir ka
In a brown study Baka eylere dikkat etmeyecek szle
kadar dnceye dalm In a Pickwickian sense zel manada
In a critical moment Kritik bir anda In a pinch ihtiya karsnda, icabnda
In a day or two Bir iki gn iinde In a pretty pickle Zor veya kt durumda, ba
In a false position Sahte bir vaziyette belada
In a fashion yle byle In a real sense Hakiki manada
In a fine pickle Zor veya kt durumda, ba In a rut Deimez adetlere bal
belada In a sad case Kt halde, mkl vaziyette
In a fit of aberration Dalgnlkla In a sad pickle Skntl vaziyette
In a fit of anger Hiddet annda In a scrape (k.d) G bir durumda
In a fix (k.d) G bir durumda In a sense Bir manada, bir anlamda, yani
In a flash Birden, anszn, aniden In a squeeze Zor durumda
In a flutter Telal, heyecanl In a sharp voice Keskin bir sesle
In a fog Zihni karm In a small way Gsterisiz ekilde; azck, kk
46 47
In all sincerity Tam bir itenlikle
In alphabetical order Harf srasna gre
In a split second Biranda
In an evil hour Uursuz bir saatte; maalesef
In a stew Telala, acele ile, heyecanla
In an instant Bir anda, gz ap kapayncaya
In a strange way Garip tarzda
In a sweat Endie iinde; acele ile
In an unhappy moment Uursuz bir anda
In a tight squeeze Zor durumda, skm
In and out Kah ierde kah darda
In a trice Biranda, abucak
In and out of season Olur olmaz zamanda, vakitli
In a twinkling Derhal, hemen
In a vital way nemle, hayati bir tarzda
In another ten years Bundan on yl sonra
In a way Bir bakma
In answer Yant olarak
In a welter of blood Kan revan iinde
In any case Her hakte, ne olursa olsun; zaten;
In a while Biranda, birden
buna karn
In a word Bir kelimeyle, ksaca syleyecek
In any event Buna karn, herhalde, ne olursa
olursak, ksaca
In absolute privacy Tamamen mahrem olarak, sr
In any way Herhangi bir ekilde
In any way soever Nasl olursa olsun
In accord with e uygun
In any wise Herhangi bir suretle
In accordance with Uyarnca; e gre, gereince
In appearance Grnte, eklen
In action Eylem halinde
In apple pie order ok dzenli
In addition Ek olarak Tasvip edercesine
In approval at
In addition that Bundan baka; stelik
In arms Kucak kucak; silahlanm
In addition to a ek olarak, ilaveten In as far as Kadaryla, e gre
In addition with e ilaveten
In as much as Mademki, e dayanarak, e gre;
In advance nde, ileride; pein olarak kadaryla
In advance of in nnde, den ileri
In attendance Vazifeli
In after days leride, gelecekte in arkasnda
In back of
In after life Yalandka; sonradan Kt niyetle
In bad faith
In agreement with le uygun, mutabk In bad taste Uygunsuz
In aid of Yararna (ak.) Sava dzeninde
In battle array
In all Hepsi iinde, toplam olarak, In beginning Balarken, balangta
bilcmle, hepsi, yekunu In behalf of Namna, adna
In all conscience Dorusu; pek hakl olarak; vicdanen; Mevcut
In being
mutlaka In between Arsnda, arasndaki, otasnda, ikisi
In all fairness Doruyu sylemek gerekirse arasnda, arada; aradan
In all my born days Btn mrmde In blue-print stage Hazrlk devresinde
In all my experience Btn hayatm boyunca, btn In brief Ksacas, velhasl
mrmde In broad day Gpegndz
In all probability Her ihtimale gre In broad daylight Gpegndz
In all reason Mantki olarak, hakkyla In broad terms Geni manada
dnlrse In bulk Toptan
In all respects Her hususta, her bakmdan
In business ite formunda
In camera Gizli, mahrem, ahsi In condition that art ile
In care of Vastasyla, eliyle, tedavisi altnda, In conflict with htiyatl
kontrol altnda In conformity with Gereince
In case ayet, s durumunda/halinde; se, In confuse Karmakark
eer.diye In conjunction with le birlikte, ile bir arada,
In case not memesi iin, mein diye mtereken
In case of Durumunda, takdirde In connection with Mnasebetiyle, dolaysyla
In case of emergency icabnda, acil lzum halinde, In consequence Bu nedenle
zorunluluk halinde In consequence of Neticesinde, hasebiyle,
In case of necessity Lzum halinde, gereklilik halinde, dolaysyla, sebebiyle, binaen
icabederse In consideration of Dnerek, gz nnde tutarak;
In case of need Gerekirse, icab halinde, dolaysyla; karlk olarak,
icabederse Sebebinden
In case that Olduu taktirde, ettii halde Inclusive of Dahilinde, iinde, kapsayarak
In cash Nakit olarak; pein olarak Inconsistently with le elikili, e aykr, uyumaz
In charge i banda, vazifede, idare In contact with le temas halinde
etmekte In contemplation of Dncesiyle, ihtimalini gz nne
In charge of a nurse Hemire nezareti altnda alarak
In chorus Hep birlikte ve ayn anda In contradiction to Tersine olarak
In cold blood Soukkanllkla; bile bile, mahsus, In contradistinction to in aksine olarak
merhametsizce In contrast Tersine
In conformity with e uygun olarak, mucibince In contrast to a karn, ramen, aksine, tersine
In comfort Rahat In contrast with a kyasla, a zt olarak, in aksine
In common Aleni olarak; ortaklaa, In contravention of Hilafnda, ramen
mtereken, birlikte In control Denetimde
In common with le mterek, benzer; ile ortak In countenance Lehinde, lehine
olarak In course of Devam etmekte, yaplmakta
In company Bir arada, arkada olarak In crossing the river Irmaktan geerken
In company with Refakatinde, maiyetinde, beraberinde, In current use Genel kullanmda, genellikle
eliinde kullanlan
In comparison Karlatrldnda In danger Tehlikede
In comparison to e nazaran In days to come leride, gelecek zamanlarda,
In comparison with nin aksine, tersine, e karn istikbalde
In comparative comfort Hali vakti yerinde In deadly earnest akas yok!
In compliance with e gre, mucibince, gre, e uygun In debt Borlu
olarak; gereince In deed Hakikatte, bilfiil, dorusu
In concert Hep beraber, ittifakla In deep water Zorlukta, skntda veya felakette
In conclusion Netice olarak, en nihayet, sonuta, In default of Hazr bulunmad iin; onun
sonu olarak yerine
In condition alr vaziyette; idman iin In default of payment denmedii taktirde
50 51
In defiance of Mdafaada, savunmada In essence Esas itibariyle
In defer Hrmete n In every detail Her noktada
In defiance of Ramen; hi brakmayarak; In every few days Bir ka gnde bir
zorluklara ramen, gz nne In every respect Her konuda
alarak In everyday use Her gn kullanlan
In defiance of the law Kanunu hie sayarak; kanuna In exactly the same way Aynen, tpk
ramen In excess of den fazla, onu gecen
In demand Revata, rabette In exchange for e karlk, e bedel
Independently of den bamsz olarak, mstakil In expectation of ntizaren, midi ile
In deposit Emanet olarak In fact Gerekten, aslnda, bilfiil, dorusu
In depth Derinliine, detaylca, ayrntlaryla In faith timatla; gerekten, hakikaten
In dread that Korkusuyla, diye In fault Kusur etmi, hata ilemi
In despite of e ramen, bununla beraber, yine In favor Gzde
de; kar koyarak In favour Tasdikli, kabul edilmi
In detail Detaylca, ayrntlaryla, In favours of Lehinde, e taraftar
teferruatla, yeterince, tafsilatla In fear that Korkusuyla, diye
In direct line Babadan oula In few Szn ksas, velhasl; ksaca
In dispute htilaf halinde In file Tabur halinde, dizili
Indoors and out Ev iinde ve dnda In fine Szn ksas, velhasl; ksaca
In doors erde, evde In fine fettle Keyfi yerinde; iyi kyafette; tavr
In doubt pheli, belli deil, kukulu dzgn
In due course Sras gelince, zamanla, zaman In fine style ok gzel bir biimde
gelince In flames Alevler iinde; yanmakta
In due course of Esnasnda In flesh iman, semiz
In due form Usul dairesinde, kanuni In flower iek halinde; tam gelime
formaliteye gre devrinde
In due time Vakti gelince In focus Odaklanm, iyi ayar edilmi
In duplicate ift nsha halinde In force Byk kuvvetlerle; btn
In early days Eskiden kuvvetiyle; yrrlkte
In earnest Ciddilikle; samimi olarak; ciddi In front nde
olarak In front of nnde; karsnda; n, nne
In easy circumstances Hali vakti yerinde, refah iinde In fulfillment of nin yerine getirilmesinde
In ecstasy stirak iinde In full Tam, etrafl, tamamen, tam olarak,
In effect Geri; tesir itibariyle; gerekten, tam manasyla
dorusu In full blast Btn kuvvetiyle; tam faaliyette
In either events Her iki durumda da In full career Btn hz ile, tam hzla
In embarrassed In full course Btn hzyla
circumstances Mklat iinde, darlkta, paraca in full fig Giyinmi kuanm, tam tehizatl
skntda In full retreat Tam ekilme halinde
In embryo lk devresinde; gelimemi in full view Herkesin nnde, aleni olarak,
In error Yanllkla, sehven grnrde, tam gz nnde
52 53
In fun akadan, latife olarak In its entirely Btn ile, tamamen
In further of Kolaylatrmak iin In itself Aslnda; bal bana, haddi
In general Genelde, genel olarak zatnda; bamsz olarak
In glory Ahiret sadetine mazhar In jest aka olarak
In good company yi arkadalarla In just the same way as Tpk ... gibi
In good condition yi durumda, bozulmam (olarak) In keeping with ile tutarl olarak, e uygun olarak
In good earnest Layk vehile In kind Aynen
In good faith yi niyetle In large part Geni lde
In good form iyi halde, keyfi yerinde In legal parlance Hukuk dilinde
In good order yi bir halde In less than no time Bir anda, pek az sonra
In good part Tatllkla, gnl holuuyla, iyilikle In lieu of Yerine, bedel olarak; gereince,
In good season Tam zamannda icabna gre
In good spirits Neeli, keyfi yerinde In like manner Ayn tarzda
In good taste Uygun In line with ile uyarnca, uyumlu olarak, ile ayn
In good time Erken dorultuda
In grand style Gsterili, tantanal, son modaya In little Minyatr halinde; muhtasar olarak
gre In many cases Bir ok durumda
In great detail Enine boyuna In many instances ok kez
In great quantities ok miktarda In many respects Birok bakmdan, birok hususta
In gross Toptan, btnyle In many ways Birok ynden, birok hususta
In half Yarm halde, yar yarya In memory of in ansna, hatrasna
In half shares Yar yarya In mid air Havada
In hand Elde; hazrlanmakta; kontrol In mint condition Yepyeni
altnda, gz hapsinde In more recent times ok yakn zamanlarda, yakn
In harness banda gemite
In haste Acele ile, telala; tez olarak In motion Hareket halinde
In high feather Neeli In mourning Matem halinde, siyahlara
In high terms verek, gklere kararak brnm
In his character of Sfatyla In my day Benim zamanmda
In his favour Emrine (ek); lehinde In my estimation Bence, fikrimce
In his life Yaarken In my humble opinion Benim dnceme gre
In his own good time Ne zaman can isterse In my judgement Bence, fikrimce, bana kalrsa
In his right mind Akl banda In my last letter Son mektubumda
In honour of erefine In my opinion Bana gre, bence, benim fikrime
In hopes midi ile gre
In hot water Zorluk iinde, skntda In my own conceit Benim fikrimce
In hundreds Yzlerce In my poor opinion Acizane fikrimce
In ill part Uyuamyarak In name Szde; ismen
In ink Mrekkeple In nature Kainatta, her hangi bir yerde; imkan
In its being written/seen Yazlmasnda/grlmesinde dahilinde
In its clutches Penesinde In need of htiyacnda, gereinde; muhta
In no case Hi bir zaman, hi bir suretle olarak
In no circumstances Hi bir ekilde, hi bir zaman In person Bizzat kendisi, bizzat, ahsen
In no time abucak, hemen, arabuk, kala In perspective Baka gre
gz arasnda In place Elverili; muvafk
In number Sayca, say itibariyle In place of in yerine
In obedience to e dair, uyarak, e itaat ederek In plain English Akas, ak ve sabit kelimelerle
In absolute privacy Tamamen mahrem olarak In plain terms Aka, basit szlerle
In odd corners Kyda bucakta In play aka olarak
In old times Eski zamanlarda In point sabetli, yerinde, mnasip
In one sense Bir manada, bir anlamda In point of Hususunda, bakmndan
In one's arithmetic Hesabna gre In point of numbers Sayca
In one's cups Sarho iken In point of fact Asln ararsan/sorarsan, gerekte
In one's day Vaktiyle, gemite In position Tam yerinde
In one's declining years Hayatnn sonuna doru In possession Elde etmi, elinde, tasarrufunda
In one's extreme old age Son yalarnda, ilerlemi yanda In practice Uygulamada, icraatta
In one's hands Bir kiinin kontrol altnda, In prefer Yeleyerek
mesuliyeti altnda, elinde In preference to Tercihen, ncelikle
In one's heart of hearts Kalbinin derinliklerinde In principle Kaide/kural olarak, prensip olarak
In one's own defense Nefsi mdafaada In private Mahrem olarak, zel bir ekilde
In one's stead Birinin yerinde In process of Halinde; zamannda
In one's tracks Bulunduu yerde In process of construction na halinde, yaplmakta
In one's view ne gre In process of time Zamanla
In one's way or another Ya yle ya da byle! In progress lerlemekte
In opposition to e kar olarak In progress of time Zamanla
In order Dzenli; sra ile; yolunda, usule In proportion Oranla
gre In proportion to Orannda, nispetle; e gre,
In order of priorities nem srasna gre nazaran
In order that mesi iin, sn diye, diye, ta ki In proportion as Oranla
In order to mak iin In prospect Beklenen, mitle beklenen
In other ten years Sonraki on yl iinde/zarfnda In psychological make - up Psikoljik bnye itibariyle
In other words Baka bir deyile In public Aka, alenen, herkesin nnde
In our midst imizde, aramzda In pursuance of fade ederken
In ourtime(s) Bu gnlerde, zamanmzda In pursuit of in ardndan, peinden, takiben
In outline Kabataslak In question Sz konusu
In pain Ac ile In rags and tatters Lime lime
In part Ksmen; baz hususlarda In rapid succession Sratle, birbiri arkasndan
In particular Bilhassa, zellikle In raptures about/over sth. Kendinden gemi
In parts Para para, ksm ksm In reality Gerekte
In passing Geerken In recent years Yakn zamanlarda, son yllarda,
In peril of Tehlikede son zamanlarda
In perpetuity Ebediyyen, her zaman iin, daimi In recognition of Bakmndan, e gelince,
tannmasyla In sight Gz nnde, grnrde, gzle
In record time ok ksa bir zamanda grlr, yakn
In reference to e gre, nazaran, mnasebetiyle In sight of in gz nnde
In regard to Hakknda, e gelince, e gre, In sign of aret olarak
nazaran, hususunda In simple terms Aka, basite
In relation to e dair, hususunda, konusunda In small compass Kk hacimde, kk genilikte
In remembrance of in ansna In small numbers Azar azar
In reply to Karlnda, cevaben, e cevaben, In smooth water Zorluk veya skntdan kurtulmu,
e cevap olarak refaha kavumu
In reserve ihtiya olarak saklanlm In so far as den dolay, bir dereceye kadar;
(alkonulmu) kadaryla
In respect of e gelince, hususunda In so much that O dereceye kadar, o kadar ki...
In respect to e gelince, hususunda, bakmndan In sober earnest Ciddi olarak
In return Karlnda, mukabeleten In sober fact Hakikatte
In return for e karlk, yerine, e karlk olarak In some cases Baz durumlarda
In rows Sralar halinde In some degree Birazck, bir dereceye kadar
In sack and ashes Ac ve pimanlk iinde, keder ve In some highest degree Son derece
nedamet iinde In some measure Bir dereceye kadar, ksmen
In safe Gvenle In someone's stead Birinin yerine
In sb's book Birinin dncesine gre; birinin In some respects Baz konularda
inanlarna gre In some sort Bir derecede; bir bakma
In sb's own good time Ne zaman can isterse In some way or another Her hangi bir biimde; naslsa
In sb's room Birinin yerine In some ways Bir bakma
In search of Arayarak bulmak iin, aramak In some wise Bir yolda
zere In sooth Hakikatte, gerekte
In season Kullanlabilir; bulunur; vaktinde, In spite of a karn/ramen, yla beraber
uygun zamanda In spite of the fact that Karn, her ne kadar
In season and out of season Daimi, her zaman, vakitli vakitsiz In spite of this/that Buna karn
In secret Gizli olarak In sport aka olsun diye
In series Sra halinde, arka arkaya In spots Ara sra
In seventh heaven ok mutlu In state Resmi olarak, debdebe ve
In severally (huk.) Ferdi olarak (mlkiyet) ihtiamla
In shore Kyya yakn Instead of yerine, mek yerine; maktansa
In short Ksaca, ksacas In Step (with sb,/sth.) Ayak uydurarak; uygun; ayn
In short course Ksaca ayarda
In short order abuk In store Hazr; elde mevcut; yedek olarak
In short supply Kt, yetersiz In substance Esasnda; zet olarak
Inside of in iinde, dahilinde; yerine In such a manner that Gibi, ekilde
Inside of a week Bir haftadan az In such a way that Gibi, ekilde
Inside of an hour Bir saat zarfnda In sum zetle, velhasl, szn ksas
Inside out i dna dnm In sunshine and in storm yi veya kt gnlerde
58 59
In the early days of in ilk zamanlarnda
In support of i desteklemek iin; dorulayan In the early prime of one's life Genliin ateli anda
In tears Gzyalar iinde In the employ of Maiyetinde
In terms of Tabirince, ilgili olarak, dayanarak In the end Nihayet, en sonunda, sonunda
In that u bakmdan ki; d iin, nk; In the event of Takdirinde, vukuunda, durumunda
bakmndan; madem ki; cihetiyle, In the event of (my) failure ayet muvaffak olamazsam
ynyle In the exercise of one's duties Grev srasnda
In that case O halde, yleyse In the expectation that Diye, midiyle, beklentisiyle
In that sense O manada, o anlamda In the extreme Son derece, ziyadesiyle
In that way O ekilde, o tarzda In the eye(s) of Nazarnda, indinde, hkmnce,
In the abstract Kurumsal olarak, nazari olarak dncesine gre
In the act of Halinde, halde In the face of Huzurunda, karnda; yzne
In the aggregate Bir btn olarak kar; dikkate alarak; ramen
In the air Karara balanmam, askda, kritik In the face of all men evreye kar
noktada In the face of danger Tehlike karsnda
In the background Gzden uzak In the face of day Aka
In the beginning Balangta, nceleri In the fact Gerekte
In the belief that Diye, inancyla In the field of Alannda, sahasnda
In the can (k.d) Hemen hemen elde edilmi In the first blush of youth Genliin ilk alarnda
In the case of Durumunda In the first flight n safta
In the circumstances Bu vaziyette, bu durumda, bu In the first flush of passion lk heyecanla
koullar altnda In the first flush of victory Zafer sarholuu ile
In the clear phe altnda olmayan; tehlikede In the first glow of enthusiasm lk heyecann verdii atele
olmayan In the first instance lk nce
In the contrary case Aksi bir durumda In the first place Evvel emirde, ilk nce; en nce
In the corner Kede In the flesh Dnya gzyle, bu dnyada
In the course of Srasnda, seyrinde, esnasnda In the flower of one's youth Bir insann hayatndaki en iyi
In the course of events Sonuta; zamanla devresinde
In the course of time Zamanla, vaktin gemesiyle In the foreground n planda, n tarafta, gze
In the crunch Paas sknca arpacak yerde
In the dark Bilmeyerek, malumat olmadan; In the fraction of a second Bir anda
karanlkta; habersiz In the full glare of the sun Gnein alnnda
In the days of old Eski zamanda, eskiden In the fullness of time Vadesi gelince, zaman gelince
In the deep of winter Kara kta In the future Gelecekte, ileride
In the default Muhakkak, phesiz In the garb of Kyafetinde, biiminde
In the depth of winter Kara kta In the gathering darkness Gittike basan karanlkta
In the depths of despair Tam bir umutsuzluk iinde In the glare of publicity Herkesin gz nnde
In the direction of Ynnde In the good old days Eski zamanda, eskiden
In the discharge of his duties Grevinin yerine getirilmesi In the green tree Genlik veya zindelik anda
srasnda In the groove A.B D (argo) Mkemmel bir durumda
In the distance Uzakta In the hands of Kudreti dahilinde, elinde
In the dumps Melankolik halde
In the heart of Africa/etc. Afrika'nn gbeinde In the name of Adna, namna, hakk iin
In the highest degree Son derece(de) In the name of human
In the hope of midiyle kindness nsanlk namna
In the hope that midiyle In the name of the law Kanun namna
In the house Evde, evin iinde In the nature of things Durumun gerektirdii ekilde,
In the immediate future Yakn gelecekte tabiatyla
In the interest of in yararna, menfaatine, iin In the nick of time Tam zamannda, kala gz
In the interim Aradaki zamanda arasnda, saniyesi saniyesine
In the know Gizli; vakf, haberdar In the off season Mevsimi olmad zaman
In the land of the living Yaayanlar arasnda In the offing Akta
In the last day Maher gnnde,hkm gnnde In the open Akta, meydanda
In the last resort Baka kar yol yoksa In the opposite case Aksi taktirde
In the later (tenth) century cu yzyln sonlarnda/sonlarna In the ordinary course of
doru things Normal olarak, usulen
In the latest style Son modaya gre In the past Eskiden, gemite
In the least Asla, katiyyen In the pipeline Hazrlanmakta
In the light of the facts Olaylarn gelimesine gre In the place of in yerine, bedel olarak
In the limelight Mehur, mhim, herkes tarafndan In the presence of in nnde, in huzurunda, in
bilinen karsnda
In the line of fire ki kart taraf iinde In the present case Bu durumda, bu meselede
In the long Uzun zamanda In the present instance Bu kez
In the long run Sonunda, uzun vadede, zamanla, In the press Baslmakta, baskda
en sonunda In the previous nceki(ler)de
In the long term leride, uzun vadede In the prime of life Hayatn en olgun dneminde
In the lump Toptan, gtr In the process of time Zamanla
In the main Ekseriyetle, ou In the public eye Halkn gznde, gz nnde
In the making Olmakta, yaplmakta In the public interest Halkn yararna
In the manner (that) Gibi, ekilde In the ratio of Oranda, orannda
In the mass Kle halinde In the raw Doal halde
In the matter of in konusunda,hususunda In the same camp Ayn fikirde; ayn gruptan
In the meantime Bu sre iinde; bununla birlikte In the same direction Ayn dorultuda, ayn ynde
In the middle of in ortasnda; vasati; devam In the same way Ayn ekilde
etmekte iken In the same way as Ayn ekilde
In the middle of it all Tam ortasnda In the second place kinci olarak, ondan sonra
In the midst of Orta yerinde, kuatlm halde In the secret Srra vakf
In the midst of all this Tam bu arada In the seventh heaven Saadet iinde, refah iinde
In the midst of them Ortalarnda In the short run Ksa vadede
In the minds eye Dnde, ryasnda, hayalinde; In the sight of Nazarnda
midinde In the small hours Gece yarsndan sonra, sabaha
In the money ok para kazanan kar
In the mood for e hazr In the soup Ba belada, skntya dm
62 63
In the spots Herkesin aznda Into the ground Gereinden fazla, dayanlmayacak
In the sticks Kyn uzak bir yerinde kadar
In the strictest sense of the In token of in belirtisi olarak, in iareti ya da
word Kelimenin tam anlamyla izni olarak
In the sun Kolay grlecek bir yerde/mevkide In tow Peinde
In the swim Olup bitenlerden haberi olan In transit Transit olarak
In the teeth of Kar karya; ona ramen, In trim yi durumda, formda
dorudan doruya, muhalefet In triplicate kopya olarak
ederek In trust Himayesinde, gzetiminde
In the thick of doing sth. Bir iin en civcivli annda, In truth Hakikaten, gerekten, dorusunu
ortasnda istersen
In the thick of it Bir iin en civcivli annda, In turn Srasyla
ortasnda In two minutes etc. flat (k.d) Tam iki dakikada
In the thick of the fight Mcadelenin en iddetli In two shakes (k.d) ok abuk ve kolaylkla
zamannda In under two months ki aydan az bir zamanda
In the time to come Gelecekte In unison Beraber, birlikte; bir azdan
In the twinkling of an eye Gz ap kapayncaya kadar In vain Beyhude, bouna, bo yere
In the watches of the night Geceleyin In very deed En dorusu, sahih olarak
In the way (that) Gibi, eklinde In view Grnrde
In the way of Ele geirmek zere, izinde; In view of den dolay; hesaba katnca, gz
nazaran; yolu ile;asndan, nne alnca; karsnda,
bakmndan yznden
In the word of nin dedii gibi In view of everyone Ele gne kar
In these parts Buralarda, bu taraflarda In vogue Moda halinde, itibarda
In these premises Bu duruma gre, bu artlar altnda In wake of zini takip ederek, peinde
In this connection Bu mnasebetle, bu hususta In wild disorder Byk karklk iinde
In this day and age Bugn, bu zamanda, bugnk In years Yllarca
gnde Irrespective of e bakmakszn
In this field Bu alanda It all adds up to this Bunun sonucu ... dur.
In this instance Bu sefer It all boils down to this zeti budur.
In this particular Bu konuda It all comes to this that Neticesi udur ki...
In this regard Bu konuda It all depends Belli olmaz!
In this respect Bu hususta, bu bakmdan, bu It amounts to the same thing. Ayn eydir, ayn hesaba gelir.
konuda It beats me (how, why etc.) Aklm ermez!
In this sense Bu anlamda, bu manada It boats no good. Hayra alamet deil!
In this way Bylece, bu suretle, bu ekilde, bu It can't be helped. kar yol yok, elden bir ey
yolla gelmez!
In time Vaktinde, vakitli; nihayet; uygun It dates from 1550 1550 ylndan kalma, yl tarihli
tempoda;zamanla, bir sre sonra It dawned on me Kafama dank etti!
Into in iine; biimine, ekline It does not follow that Bundan ... sonucu karlamaz!
In to the bargain stelik, acaba; bedava, karsz It does not make sense. Manas yok.
64 65
It does not signify. nemi yok, zarar yok! It is time after that ite ondan sonra (bu konuyla
It doesn't matter in the least. Hi nemi yok!
It fell to (my) lot. (bana) dt. It is to be regretted that Yazk ki...
It follows from this that Bundanda anlald gibi, It is understood that Anlalyor/grnyor ki; konulan
binaenaleyh arta gre
It follows that Bundan u sonu kar ki... It is usual to do so Byle yapmak adettir.
It goes against the grain for It is worthy of note that Dikkate deer ki...
me to do it Bunu istemeyerek yapyorum. It is your interest. Kendi iyiliiniz iindir, menfaatiniz
It goes like this Byle sylyor, bu ekilde icabdr!
It goes without saying that Sz gtrmez, sylemeye lzum It isn't worth his keep Masrafna demez!
yok, i aikar! It isn't worth while Demez!
It has come to my notice that rendiime gre It makes my flesh creep. Tylerimi rpertiyor!
It has seen better days Eskimitir! It makes no difference. Hepsi bir, farketmez, ayn ey.
It is accepted by everybody It makes no odds. (k.d) Fark etmez, nemi yok!
that Hekes tarafndan kabul It may be remarked that Dikkate deer ki...
edilmektedir ki... It may be that Olabilir ki...
It is a fact accepted by every- It means that Demek ki...
body that Herkes tarafndan kabul edilen bir It must be born in mind that Hatrlanmaldr ki...
gerektir ki... It must be noted that Dikkat etmesi gerekir ki...
It is a matter of Meselesi It promises to be a fine day. Hava iyi olacaa benziyor.
It is a matter of form Fomalite icab It repents me Esef ederim!
It is a small wonder that Hi alacak ey deil! It requires qualifications Ksmen dorudur.
It runs in my head Aklmdan kmyor, aklmda
It is all Greek to me. Buna hi aklm ermez! dnp duruyor.
It is all one to me. Benim iin hepsi bir, farketmez. It seems as if Sanki, galiba, mis gibi grnyor
It is all the same to me. Bana gre hava ho! It seems as though Gibi grnyor
It is an understanding thing It seems best En iyisi udur
that Bilinen bir eydir ki, adettir. It seems that Grnyor ki, meer, yle
It is believed that nanlmaktadr ki... grnyor ki...
It is clear that Aktr ki... It seems to me that Bana yle geliyor ki...
It is currently reported that Genellikle sylenildiine gre It serves the purpose ie yarar!
It is essential Elzemdir. It was like this yle oldu
It is generally reported that Genellikle sylendiine gre It will last for ages. ok zaman srer.
It is quite obvious that ok ak/kesindir ki... It won't suit my book. ime gelmez!
It is quite on the cards that Olabilir ki, mmkndr ki... It won't take long. Uzun srmez, vakit almaz.
It is reported that Syleniyor It would be great if Olsa ok iyi olur.
It is rumored that Sylentiye gre It would seem Gibi grnyor.
It is safe to say that Demek yerindedir. It's a bit much (k.d) Biraz fazla
It is small wonder that Hi alacak ey deil! It's a bit off (k.d) Doru deil!
It is the very breath of life It's a good job that Bereket versin ki...
to me. Canm kadar deerlidir! It's a good step to Epeyce uzaktr.

66 67
It's a home from home. Buras insann kendi evi saylr.
It's a judgement on him. Allah'tan buldu!
It's a marvel to me that Beni artyor.
It's a matter to life and death Hayat memat meselesi, lm
kalm davas
It's a race against time. Vakit ok dar.
It's a sealed book to me.
It's a simple matter.
It's a wonder (that)
Buna aklm ermez!
ten bile deil!
alacak ey, bir mucize
It's all but done Yapld (bmi) saylr.
It's all Greek to me Buna aklm ermez, hi
anlamyorum! Just a line to tell you Bir iki satrla size bildiriyorum
It's all one to me. Fark etmez, hepsi bir Just my luck Tam benim talihim veya
It's all over. Her ey bitti! talihsizliim
It's all the more reason Ayrca bir nedendir Just my size Tam benim lme gre
It's all the same to me. Bana gre hava ho!
It's anyone's guess Ne olaca tahmin edilemez!
It's as easy as anything Bundan kolay bir ey yok!
It's as good as settled Oldu bitti saylr.
It's beyond me Buna aklm ermez!
It's getting dark Ortalk kararyor, hava kararyor
It's getting on for ten Saat on'a yaklayor.
It's growing dusk Hava kararyor.
It's high time Artk zaman
It's hit or miss Ne olursa olsun diye
It's in your interest Sizin karmzadr!
It's many a long day since Ne zamandan beri
It's not as if Deil ki...
It's too bad of sb. Doru deil, bu kadar fazla!

68 69
Long afterwards Epey sonra, neden sonra
Long ago ok eskiden
Long before Neredeyse, ok nce

Long dozen On
Long forgotten oktan unutulmu
Long last En nihayet
Long since Bundan yllar nce
Look before you leap. yi dn sonra giri!
Look like a drowned rat Srlsklam
Loud and clear Ak seik

Last mentioned En son sz edilen

Left, right and centre Her yerde; ar
Less and less Gittike azalarak
Let alone ok az; bir yana, yle dursun
Let be. yle kalsn, Dokunma, Bozma!
Let it be Brak, yle olsun!
Let it be admitted that tiraf edelim ki...
Let it be so yle olsun!
Let's face it Gerei kabul edelim.
Let's say Diyelim ki...
Let's suppose Farzedelim ki...
Like a drowned rat Srlsklam
Like a shot abucak, birdenbire, hzla, ok gibi
Like a streak of lightning imek gibi
Like anything iddetle
Like former Eskisi gibi
Like fun Delicesine, hiddet ve iddetle
Like fury Hiddetle; ok hzl
Like hot cakes Kapan kapana; sratle; cretle
Like lightning imek gibi, ok abuk
Like smoke Sratle, abuk ve kolay
Like the devil eytan gibi; ok abuk, ayana
Like water of a duck's back Etkisiz, sonu vermeyen, faydasz
Like wildfire Yldrn hzyla
Lining up Sralanan
Little by little Azar azar, yava yava, tedricen
Little or nothing Hi denecek kadar; ya az ya hi
Lock, stock and barrel Batan baa, tamamen, topu
birden, tm
7 71
My flesh creeps. Tylerim rperiyor!
My hair stood on end. Tylerim rperdi!

My heart is too full for words. Hislerimi izah edemem!
My innings now imdi sra bende!
My one and only hope Tek umudum
My very own Kendi z malm

Man and boy Btn hayatnda, hayat boyunca

Man and wife Kar koca
Man to man Erkek erkee; samimi olarak,
Many atime ok kere
Many years since Bundan ok sene evvel
Matter of course Tabii bir ey, iin doal gidiine
Mend your ways! Davranlarna dikkat et!
Mere skin and bone Bir deri bir kemik
Moment of truth Kararan
More and more Gittike, arttka
More by token Munzam delil olarak
More often than not ounlukla, ou kez
More or less Aa yukar, az ok, takriben,
yaklak olarak, hemen hemen
More than enough Gereinden ok, yeterde artar!
More than once Bir ok kez
More than one den fazla
More than that Dahas var, baka bir ey daha var
Most of the time ou zaman, ekseriya
Most often ok kez, ou kez
Most people think so. ou kimse byle dnyor.
Most times ok defa, ekseriya
Much as I should like to ok isterdim ama
Much later in the history Tarihte son zamanlarda
Much of a muchness Hemen hemen ayn, pek ayn
Much the same Hemen hemen ayn, olduu gibi
Much thought of Gzde
Myall Varm youm
72 73
No end Sonsuz, pek ok
No end of Sonsuz pek ok
No laughing matter in akas yok. akaya gelmez

No less Noksansz, az deil; o kadar
No longer Artk, daha fazla
No longer ago than last week Daha geen hafta
No manner of doubt Hi kuku yok
No matter how Her nasl olursa olsun
No matter what Her ne olursa olsun
No matter when Her ne zaman olursa olsun
No more Yeter, daha fazla deil
Near - by Yakn, yannda, yaknnda No other than (you) Senden baka hi kimse
Near at hand Yannda, yakn; hazr No room for doubt pheye mahal yok!
Neck and crop Hepsi birden, tamamiyle; hep No sooner than Olur olmaz
beraber No such thing Asla, olamaz!
Neck and neck Baaba, msavi, pek yakn No thanks to me Ben bir ey yapmadm!
Neck or nothing Her eyi gze alarak None the less Buna karn
Needless to say Fazla sze gerek yok None too soon etc. Hi de abuk deil!
Neither... nor Ne ... nede Northward from dan kuzeye doru
Neither here nor there nemi yok! Not... nor Ne ... nede
Neither more or less Ne fazla ne eksik, tam yle, tam o Not a bit Hi deil, estafrullah!
kadar Not a dry stitch on Srlsklam, ok slanm
Neither of them Hi biri Not a few Az deil, birok
Never a one Hi kimse Not a little Bir hayli, ziyadesiyle
Never more Asla Not a living soul in the house Evde kimsecikler yok!
Never so Misli grlmemi miktarda Not a penny the worse Hi bir zarar grmeden
Next but one Hemen nceki, bir evvelki Not a shot in the locker Cepte metelik yok!
Next time Gelecek sefer Nota single one Hi mi hi, bir tane bile yok!
Next to Bitiiinde, hemen yantnda(ki), Not a snap Katiyen, hi
komu; hemen hemen Not a soul Kimsecikler yok!
Next to nothing Hi mesabesinde, hi bir ey, hemen Not a stick was saved. Bir p bile kurtulmad.
hemen hi Not a whit Hi
Next to one's skin Tenine Not an earth chance mkansz
Night and day Gece gndz, hi durmadan Not any too well Pek o kadar iyi deil
Nine times out of ten Umumiyetle, genel olarak, hemen Not as... as Kadar deil
hemen her zaman Not as yet Henz deil, daha deil
No better than dan daha iyi deil Not at all Hi, hi deil; bir ey deil
No doubt Kukusuz, phesiz, muhakkak, Not at my price Dnyada; katiyen
elbette Not but what Mamafih; o demek deildir ki; ve
No doubt about that Hi phe yok! fakat; ve yine
No earthly use Hi faydas yok! Not by a long chalk (k.d) Hi bir zaman, hi bir ekilde
74 75
Not by a long shot Hi, katiyen Nothing of the kind may
Not by a long sight Hi. asla. katiyen happen. Byle bir ey olamaz!
Not by a long ways Katiyen, hi Nothing short of den baka bir ey deil
Not ever Hi bir zaman Nothing to speak of Bahse demez, ehemmiyetsiz!
Not for love or money Hi bir suretle, hi bir ekilde Now and again Ara sra, bazen
Not for the world Hi bir ekilde, ne pahasna olursa Now and then Ara sra, bazen
olsun Now or never Ya imdi ya hi!
Not half bad Hi fena deil Now then u halde, yle ise
Not if I can help it Elimden gelse yaptrmam. Now this, now that Bazen biri, bazen tekisi, bir bu
Not in the least Hi. zerre kadar deil! bir o
Not just yet Daha vakti gelmedi.
Not long ago ok gemeden, biraz evvel
Not long before ok gemeden
Not long for this world lm yakn
Not one iota Hi, asla, katiyen
Not only ... but also Sadece...deil... keza. yanlzca
...deil, ayn zamanda da
Not only that stelik; bu bir tarafa; bununla
Not only this Bundan baka, yalnz bu deil
Not quite the thing Yaplmas uygun grlmeyen, adet
Not that I care Bana gre hava ho!
Not that I know of Bildiime gre (yoktur)
Not that it matters Ehemmiyeti olmamakla beraber
Not with a sou Metelik etmez!
Not worth a candle Zahmetine demez.
Not worth a cent Be para etmez!
Not worth a ground Metelik etmez, deersiz.
Not worth a rap On para etmez!
Not worth a red cent Deersiz!
Not worth while Demez!
Nothing else Ancak, sadece, yalnz
Nothing ever happens. Hi bir ey olduu yok!
Nothing for it but Hi bir vehile
Nothing for it but to do this Bunu yapmaktan baka are yok.
Nothing less den baka; den ise
Nothing more than Yalnz, sadece
Nothing of any description Hi bir ey
Nothing of the kind Katiyen, hi bir surette, hi de yle
76 77
Off the peg Hazn
Off the rails (k.dj arm ju/enss
Off the rernrd Mahrem. aklarninmaK ..H vir-
sr olarak verilen
Off the track Hattan km
Of full age Ergen, yetimi bym
Of great use ok faydal
Of high degrees Asil tabakadan
Of high standing itibarl, itibar yksek
Of importance nemli
Of late Son zamanlarda b a / t - v v H
Odd or even Tek mi ift mi (oyun) gemi
Oddly enough Tuhaf u ki... Of late years Son birka sene/artrnda son
Odds and ends Ufak tefek eyler zamanlarda
Of a different kind Baka eitten Of little moment Ehemmiyetsiz
Of a kind Ayn cinsten; sradan Of long standing oktan ben bulunan veya muleber
Of a piece with Ayn, tpks, benzer olan: eski
Of a sort Sradan; ayn trden Of low degrees Avam tabakadan
Of a truth Gerekten, dorusunu isterseniz Of mark Ehemmiyetli mebhu
Of a verity phesiz Of necessity Nazar olarak, ister isteme/
Of course Tabi, tabii ki. elbette Of no consequence nemsiz, nemi yok
Of even date Bu gnk tarihli, ayn tarihte ehemmiyetsiz
Off and on Kesintili olarak, ara sra. vakit vakit Of no effect Tesirsiz: semeresiz, beyhude
Off beam (k.d) Yanl dnen Of no standing tibarsz, ehemmiyetsiz
Off colour Keyifsiz, rahatsz Of no use Faydasz
Off duty Serbest Of note Ehemmiyetli, itibarl, dikkate deer.
Off form Formunda deil nemli
Off hand Hazrlksz, ha deyince, annda Of old Eski zamanlarda, ok nceleri
Off limits Yasak blge Of one's own accord Kendiliinden, kendi isteiyle
Off one's hands Elinden km Of oneself Kendiliinden; kendi hakknda
Off one's own bat (k.d) Kimsenin yardm olmadan. Of service Faydal
kendi gayretiyle, tek bana Of set purpose Duunlulerek. teammden, kasten
Off shore Akta, sahilden biraz uzakta Of sorts Her hangi neviden; aa maldan
Off the air Yaynda deil (radyo.t.v) sradan
Off the beated track Herkese pek bilinmeyen, sk Of the first water En halis cinsten
gidilmeyen (yer) Of the name of sminde, ismiyle namnda
Off the coast of Sahillerine yakn Of use Faydal
Off the cuff Hazrlksz, dnmeksizin Of yore Eskiden
Off the map Haritada gsterilmeyen (yer); uzak On a full stomach Yemek stne, tok karnna
veya nemsiz yer On a large scale Geni lde
Off the mark Yanl On a level with le bir dzeyde/seviyede
78 79
On a line Ayn hizada, bir srada Once for all Son olarak; ilk ve son olarak; en
On a par with Eit derecede veya kymette nihayet
On a pinch ihtiya karsnda, icabnda Once in a blue moon Krk yln ba
On a shoe string ok az para ile Once in a while Ara sra
On a small scale Kk apta Once more (again) Bir kez daha, yeniden
On a string Sermayesiz olarak; bask veya Once or twice Bir iki kere
kontrol altnda Once upon a time Bir varm bir yokmu
On a vast scale Byk apta On change Borsada
On a war foot Yolcu durumunda On cloud nine (k.d) Son derece mutlu
On account of Sebebiyle yznden, den dolay, On commission Vazife ile; vekaleten
iin: hesabna On condition that Kouluyla, art ile; se, eer
On account of the fact that dndan. nedeniyle On conservancy lines Eski usulde
On account of you Sayenizde On credit Taksitle; veresiye
On all fours Drt ayak zerinde On demand stenildiinde
On all hands Her yandan On deposit Emanette
On an average Ortalama On display Gsterimde
On an empty stomach A karnyla/karnna On distant terms Aralar ak
On an equal with ile eit olarak On door steps Kapsnda, eiinde; ok yaknda
On an equality with (a On duty Vazife banda
person) (Bnyie) eit, msavi, anlam One after another Birbiri arkasna
vaziyette One and all Hepsi, her biri
On an even keel Yatay One and the same Bsbtn ayn, tpk, tpks
On and after den balayarak One another Birbirlerini
On and again Tekrar tekrar On easy street Hali vakti yerinde, refah iinde
On and off Ara sra, kesintili olarak On easy terms Kolay bir ekilde; taksitle; uygun
On and on Ara vermeden, srekli olarak. artlarla
durmadan One by one Birer birer
On application stek olduunda One day Bir gn
On approval Onaya bal On edge Sinirli, endieli, sabrsz
On average Ortalama olarak One fine day Gnlerden bir gn
On balance Her eyi gz nnde tutarak, her One hundred add Takriben yz
eyi hesaba katarak One in a hundred Yzde bir; mstesna
On behalf of Adna, in yararna, namna, yerine; One in number Bir adet
tarafndan, birinden yana On either cheek Her yananda
On board Gemide, gemiye One might as well say Ayn ekilde,... denebilirde
On board ship Gemide, gvertede One more Bir tane daha
On business veya ticaret maksadyla On end Dik, dikine; mtemadiyen, stste;
On call Greve hazr (doktor w b) durmadan
Once again Tekrar, son olarak; itk ve son One of their numbers Onlardan biri
olarak; yalnz bir defa One of those days Her eyin ters gittii zor bir gn
Once and for all lk ve son kez. son olarak One or other day Bir gn gelecek ki; olabilir ki; bugn
80 81
yahut yarn On one's own initiation Kendi giriimiyle
One or two Bir ka tane, bir iki tane On one's own responsibility Kendiliinden
On equal footing Ayn seviyede On one's part Kendine has
One redeeming feature Bir iyi taraf On one's pin yi vaziyette (halde)
One thing is certain that uras gerektir kL On one's tod (k.d) Yalnz
One thing on top of another st ste, birbiri stne On one's toes Tetikte, hazr
One too many Fazla gelen, istenilmeyen On one's way out Yolda
One too many for stn gelen, artan On pain of death lm cezasyla
One with another Umumiyetle On parade Resmi geit halinde
One would wish that Gnl ister ki... On point duty Trafii dzenleme mevkiinde (polis)
On file ntizaml, dosyaya geirilmi On principle Prensip itibariyle
On fire Yanmakta, tutumu On promotion Bekleyici, mideden; bir kimsenin
On fire with Heyecanlanm iyi hallerine gre
On foot Yaya olarak, yryerek On public grounds Halkn menfaati bakmndan
On form Formunda On purpose Kastl olarak
On good authoritarian Gvenilir kaynaktan On record Kaydedilen, kayd olan
On guard Nbette On request Arzu zerine; istenildii zaman
On hand Hazr; elde, birikmi; mevcut On sale Satlk
On high Gkte On second thought Daha iyi dnnce
On hire Kiralk On service Vazifede
On his coattails Sayesinde On several occasions Bir ok kez
On leave zinli On shore Karada
On lip Dillerde destan On strike Grevde
On my own hook Kendi bama, kendi kendime On such an occasion Byle bir durumda
On no account Asla, katiyen On suffer Msamaha yznden
On no consider Hi bir nedenle On sure ground Salam temelle
Hi bir nedenle, hi bir suretle, On tab Burgulanm (f vs); Boaltlmaya
On no consideration
asla hazr
On occasion Bazen, ara sra, frsat dtke On tap Hazr
On one condition Bir artla On target Hedefte
On one occasion Bir kez daha, yeniden On tenterhooks Endie iinde, sabrszlkla
On one's account Hesabna On the (left) hand (Sol) Kolda
On one's day inde baarl olduu zaman, bir On the air (radyo, t.v) Yaynda
ite en iyi olduu zaman On the alert Tetikte, uyank
On one's feet Ayakta On the assumption that Varsaymyla, varsayarsak
On one's hands Mesuliyeti altnda, omuzlarnda; On the ball (k.d) Akll, uyantk
elinde On the base of something Esas itibariyle
On one's honour erefi zerine On the boil Canl
On one's mettle Gayretli, elinden gelen abay On the bottle ok iki imi
gstermeye hazr On the cards Olmas mmkn, hesapta var
On one's mind Aklnda, vicdannda On the carpet (k.d) Azarlanmakta

82 83
On the chance ansa bal On the off chance Olasl az, hazrlksz
On the chance of midiyle On the offensive Hcum halinde
On the chance that midiyle On the one hand Bir taraftan, bir yandan
On the cheap Ucuza, ucuz olarak On the one part Bir yandan
On the contrary Tersine, tam tersine On the open seas Ak denizlerde, enginlerde
On the contrary side Ters tarafta On the order of Kabilinde, tarznda
On the cross apraz veri, ters On the other hand Dier taraftan, te yandan; buna
On the decline kmekte karn; tam tersine
On the decrease Azalmakta On the other part br yandan, dier taraftan
On the dot (k.d) Dakikas dakikasna, tam On the outskirts of town Kasabann dnda
vaktinde On the part of in tarafnda
On the down grade Ktlemekte On the point of mek zere
On the Eve of Arifesinde On the premises Bina ve mtemilat dahilinde
On the excuse that Bahanesiyle, bahane ederek On the pretext of Bahanesiyle
On the face of Karsnda, grne gre On the pretext that Bahanesiyle, bahane ederek
On the face of it Grnte, grne gre On the queer Kukulu bir ekilde
On the feed Beslenmekte; otlanmakta On the quiet Gizlice
On the fly Uarken, havada iken On the rack (k.d) ok kt durumda
On the following day Ertesi gn On the rampage Pr hiddet, ok fkeli; cokun
On the front n tarafta On the razzle Zevke dalm, keyif aleminde
On the go Harekette; gittike ktlemekte On the right side Doru tarafta
On the grapevine Dedikodu yoluyla, azdan On the right side of the fence Kazanacak tarafla
On the Greek calends Balk kavaa knca On the right track Doru yolda
On the ground of Sebebiyle On the run Acele etmekte, acelede, kamakta
On the ground that leri srerek On the same plane Ayn dzeyde, ayn derecede
On the high seas Atk denizlerde, enginlerde On the score of Sfatyla; nazaran; sebepten dolay
On the hour Saat ba On the scout Keif vazifesinde
On the house Masraf patrona ait, bedava On the shady side of forty Krkn gemi
On the increase Artmakta On the shelf Bir tarafa atlm; skarta edilmi
On the job banda On the side of Tarafnda, lehinde
On the knees of the gods pheli, kararsz On the skyline Ufukta
On the level Dzlkte; doru, drst, samimi On the slightest pretense En ufak bahane ile
On the loose Serbest, kam (mahkum v.b) On the sly El altndan, sinsicesine, kurnazca,
On the march Yry halinde gizli gizli, sezdirmeden
On the mend iyilemekte, dzeliyor On the spot Hemen, derhal; olay yerinde;
On the move Hareket halinde, seyyar hemen orackta; tam yerinde
On the nail Hemen, derhal; sz konusu; On the spur of the moment irticalen, annda, evvelden hazrlk
orackta yapmadan, ha deyince
On the nature of Dolaysyla, bu vesileyle On the square Doru; gvenilir
On the never (k.d) Taksitle, veresiye On the stage Sahnede, aktrlk etmekte
On the occasion of Mnasebetiyle, dolaysyla On the stocks Hazrlanmakta; yaplmakta
84 85
On the strength of e gvenerek On tick Veresiye
On the stretch Gergin halde On time Vaktinde, tam zamannda
On the string Peinde Onto stne, zerine
On the stroke of nine Saat tam dokuzda On top of in stnde, stelik; e ilaveten
On the subject of Konusunda On top of that stelik; bununla kalmayp
On the surface Yzeyde, grnte On top of the world ok mutlu, sevinli
On the tapis Mzakere halinde On trial Muhayyer
On the telephone Telefonda, telefonla On trust Gvenle, emniyetle; veresiye
On the tick Saniyesi saniyesine Opposite to Kar, e muhalif
On the tiles Cmbte, elencede, alemde Or else Yoksa, aksi halde
On the tip of one's tongue Dilinin ucunda Or so Veya takriben o yer/miktar/derece
On the tiptoe Ayak ucu zerine; pek istekli; v.s'de
gizlice Out and about Kalkp gitmeye muktedir.
On the top stnde, stte; tepesinde Out and away Pek ok, fersah fersah; kovulan
On the top of the world (k.d) Mkemmel halde, fevkalade, Out and out Btnlkle, son derece
ala Out for a good time Elence peinde
On the track Konuyla ilgili Out for the count Baygn; derin uykuda
On the track of zinde, peinde Out in the cold Akta kalm, kasten akta
On the tramp Yerden yere dolamakta, serserilik braklm
etmekte Out of Haricinde, dnda, den/dan, den
On the trot ok megul; arka arkaya dolay
On the turn Dnm halinde; ekimek zere Out of a clear sky Birdenbire; tepeden inme
On the understand that artyla Out of all proportion Tamamiyle; nisbetsiz
On the up grade iyilemekte Out of bounds Yasak, girilmez!
On the verge of Eiinde, zere Out of breath Nefes nefese, soluu kesilmi bir
On the very spot Olduu yerde; orackta; hemen; halde
derhal Out of character Karakterine ayktr
On the voyage home Yurda dnerken Out of charity Merhameten, sadaka olarak
On the voyage out Darya yolculuk srasnda Out of condition Hamlanm, formundan dm
On the war path Kavgaya hazr Out of control Denetim d
On the watch Uyank, gz ak; nbette Out of countenance Aleyhinde, aleyhine
On the way Yolda, giderken, ilerlemekte Out of curiosity renme merakndan dolay,
On the way back Dnte meraktan dolay
On the way out Modas gemi Out of danger Tehlikesiz
On the whole Genellikle, hereyi hesaba katarak Out of date Modas gemi, eski
On the wing Umakta, hareket halinde; hzla Out of debt Borsuz
yrmekte Out of defer Riayeten, hrmeten
On the wings of the wind ok hzl Out of deference to e riayeten, e uyarak
On thin ice Telikede; mkl vaziyette, nazik Out of doors Darda, ak havada
durumda Out of fashion Modas gemi
On this wise Bu vehile Out of favour Gzden dm, kabul edilmemi,
86 87
tasvip edilmemi
Out of style Yakksz
Out of feed Otlakta Zevksiz
Out of taste
Out of focus iyi ayar edilmemi
O ut of temper Keyifsiz, fkeli
Out of form Keyfi yerinde deil
Out of the blue Damdan der gibi
Out of habit Alkanlkla
Out of the ordinary Olaan d
Out of hand Derhal, dnmeden, nemen,
Out of the question Mnakaaya demez,
ehemmiyetsiz, mevzu harici;
Out of heart Dermansz, kuvvetsiz
Out of humour Mizahtan yoksun; can skkn
Out of the running Kazanma ans yok!
Out of kindness Nezaketten
Out of the straight Eri
Out of luck anssz, talihsiz Uzakta, sapa
Out of the way
Out of one's depth Boyunu aan, bilgi ve kabiliyeti
Out of the wood(s) Artk tehlikede deil!
Out of thin air Hi yoktan, havadan
Out of one's head lgn Out of this world Harikulade, fevkalade
Out of one's wits Deli, divane
Out of time Temposuz, tempoya aykr
Out of order Bozuk, intizamsz; srasz,
Out of touch Bilgisi yok.
Out of town Krda
Out of ordinary Olaan d
Out of trim ntizamsz
Out of pain Acsz, arsz
Out of turn Sra d
Out of patience with Tahamml edemez, katlanamaz
Out of use Kullanm d, kullanlmayan
Out of pity Merhameten, acyarak
Out of way Uzakta
Out of place Yersiz, mnasebetsiz, uygunsuz
Out of work isiz
Out of play Oyundan karlm
Out on a limb Zor ve tehlikeli bir durumda
Out of pocket Sarfedilmi, cepten km
desteksiz olma
Out of position Yerinden km
Outside of A.B.D (k.d) dan baka
Out of practice dmansz Bir daha
Over again
Out of question Muhakkak, kati, phesiz, sz
Over against Karsnda
konusu olamaz!
Over age Yan geirmi
Out of reach Eriilemeyen
Over and above den baka, den fazla olarak
Out of regard for in hatr iin Bundan baka
Over and above this
Out of regard for sb. in hatr iin
Over and over Paldr kldr, yuvarlanarak; tekrar
Out of regard to Hatr iin, e riayeten
tekrar, st ste
Out of respect for e hrmeten, in hatr iin
Over and over again Tekrar tekrar
Out of respect to Hatr iin Over head and ears Tepeden trnaa kadar; tamamiyle
Out of season Mevsimsiz, yersiz, vakitsiz
Over hill and dale Dere tepe
Out of sight Grnmez, gzden kayp
Over looking a kar
Out of sorts Keyifsiz, rahatsz; shhati bozuka Over one's head nsann kavray dnda
Out of spirits Kederli, mahzun Deniz an yerlerde, yabanc
Over seas
Out of spite Nispet iin, inadna; ktlnden yerlerde
Out of square Nizamsz
Over the grapevine Dedikodu yoluyla, azdan
Out of stock Stok d, yok
Over the last five years Son be yl iinde
Over the moon ok sevinli
Over the odds Genel fiyatndan fazla
Over the top Fazladan

Over the way Kar yanda
Over there Orada, ta tede
Owing to den dolay, yznden, in
sayesinde; dan/den
Owing to the fact that dndan, nedeniyle, den dolay

Pain of Cezas ile

People at large Genellikle herkes
People say Diyorlar ki...
People such as these Bu gibiler
Per week Her hafta
Preferably to e tercihen, e ye tutarak
Preliminary to e n hazrlk, balang niteliinde
Preparatory to meden nce, hazrlk olarak
Pretty much the same Hemen hemen ayn, yine yle
Previous to den nce
Previous to this Bundan nce/evvel
Prior to den nce
Pro and con Lehte ve aleyhte olarak
Provided that art ile, kouluyla; se, eer
Providing that art ile, kouluyla; se, eer
Pure and simple Sadece, yalnz, tek
Pursuant to Uygun olarak, gereince
Putting aside the fact that Beraber; bir tarafa brakrsak
Putting forward ideas Fikirler ileri srerek

Right on end Ba aa
Root and branch Tamamiyle, kkten, toptan, hepsi

Rough and ready Pratik, ie yarar; aa yukar
Roughly speaking Kabaca sylemek gerekirse, aa
Round the corner Keyi dnnce; yakn
Rumour has it that Sylentiye gre

Quite a bit Epeyce; pek ok defa

Quite a few Bir ok
Quite a tot Epeyce; pek ok defa
Quite an event Fevkalade bir hadiseRegardless
(of) how Nasl olursa olsun
Rain or shine Hava iyi de olsa kt de olsa
Ranging between Arasnda deien
Rather a lot Olduka
Rather good Fena deil
Rather than Yerine, maktansa; dan ziyade;
Regardless (of) who Kim olursa olsun
Regardless of e bakmayarak, umursa may ara k,
dikkate almadan
Regardless of the fact that Karn
Regardless of what Ne olursa olsun
Related to e ait; bal
Relating to ile ilgili olarak, a ilikin
Relative to e ilikin, e dair, hakknda
Rest assured that nannz ki...
Right-about Sadan geri
Right after Hemen, derhal
Right along Boyuna, btn vakit
Right and left Her tarafta; sada solda; her iki el
Right as trivet Eksiksiz bir halde
Right away Hemen, derhal
Right down the line Her noktada, her ite; her ynde
Right now Hemen imdi, derhal
Right off Hemen, derhal
So-called Szde, szm ona; adl, denilen
So... that mesi iin, ...sn diye; o kadar ...ki,
yle ....ki
So and so Nitekim, keza; falan, filan; filan
adam veya ey
So as Kadar; gibi suretle, vehile; iin;
So as to mek/mak amacyla
So be it yle olsun, olsun!
So far imdiye kadar
So far as Kadaryla, e gre; bir dereceye
Safe and sound Sa salim kadar
Same here Benden de al o kadar! So far as I know Benim bildiim kadar
Scarcely any Yok denecek kadar So far forth O dereceye kadar
Scarcely ever Hemen hi, hemen hemen hi br So far from Hi, hi mi hi; bir yana, yle
zaman dursun
Scores of (people) Bir ok (insan) So far so good Her ey yolunda, imdiye kadar iyi
See you later Sonra grrz! So help me ister inann ister inanmayn!
Seeing that d iin, dna gre, e gre So it seems yle gibi
Seldom, if ever Krk ylda bir, nadiren, belki de hi So long as Srece
Set aside Saymazsak So long as ago 1880 Daha 1880'de
Short and sweet Ksa ve yerinde So much Bu kadar (ok)
Short and to the point (konuma,mektup vb) klS3, doru, So much as Ne kadar ok olursa; her hangi
ak, kesin dereceye kadar
Short end of the stick in kt taraf So much f or that Bu hususta imdilik bu kadar yeter.
Short of sth. den baka, den aa, az, dnda So much so that yle ki, yle ki, o dereceye ki...
Should the case occur Gerekince, gerektiinde So much the more Bahusus ki...
Should the occasion arise Gereinde So so yle byle, pek iyi deil
Shoulder to shoulder Omuz omuza; samimi ittifakla So that ...not memesi iin, ...mein diye
Show me the hows and the So that's that. Hepsi bu kadar!
whys of it. Bana iin sebeplerini anlatn! So then u halde, bunun iin
Side by side with Yannda, ile beraber So to say Szde, gya, sanki; tabir caizse;
Since... therefore in, bylece adeta
Since then O zamandan beri So to speak Tabir caizse
Since when O zamandan beri, ne zamandan Some day Bir gn, gnn birinde
beri Some day or other Gnn birinde, bir gn
Since you say so, it must be Some few Bazlar, birka kii
true. Madem ki siz sylyorsunuz Some fine day Allah'n bir gnnde, gnn
dorudur! birinde, bir gn
Slick in the eye Tam gzne Some gate Baz yer
So-and-so Filan, filanca Some more Biraz daha
Some sort of yle bir; her hangi Such like Bunun gibi, bylesi
Some time later Bir zaman sonra Suffice it to say that Yalnz u kadarn syliyeyim ki
Somehow or other Her nasl olsa Supposing that Diyelim ki, varsayalm ki; eer,
Something like ihtimal ki... takdirde
Something of the kind yle bir ey Sure enough Gerekten, gerek, muhakkak,
Sometime last year Geen sene iinde sahiden, hakikaten, elbette
Sometime or other leride bir gn Swift of foot Ayana tez, abuk koar
Sometime soon Yaknda
Somewhere along the line Gelimekte olan bir eyin bir
noktas veya evresinde
Soon after ok gemeden, bir mddet sonra
Sooner or later Eninde sonunda, er veya ge
Sooth to say Dorusu
Sort of (k.d) Olduka, hayli; eit
Sort of large rice
South of in gneyinde
Speaking for myself Bence
Speaking of e gelince
Spick and span Tertemiz
Starting from this Bundan balayarak
Step by step Adm adm, derece derece,
tedricen, yava yava
Straight from the shoulder Aka, dobra dobra, hi
Straight off Hemen, tereddt etmeden, derhal
Straight out Aka, dobra dobra
Strange to say Ne garip, ne tuhaf, hayret
Strangely enough Tuhaf u ki...
Stream with sweat Ter iinde
Strictly speaking Dorusunu sylemek gerekirse
Subject to Koulu ile
Subsequent to Sonraki
Such ... that Kadar ...ki, yle ...ki, ylesine ki...
Such a case yle bir durum ki...
Such a one Filan kimse, yle biri ki...
Such a thing Byle bir ey
Such and such Filan
Such as Gibi, mesela, rnein
Such as I Benim gibi, mesela ben
Such as it is Her naslsa, kt veya deersiz
olmakla beraber
That is to say Yani, demek ki...
That is where you are
mistaken. te burada yanlyorsunuz!

That makes ten Bununla on oldu.
That puts another complexion O zaman durum deiir!
That takes the biscuit (argo) Artk bu kadar da fazla!
That tells its own tale Bu yeter.
That way Ondan dolay
That will do Kafi, yetiir
That's a differ matter. O baka sorun.
That's a feather in my cap. Benim iin bir ereftir.
Taking it all in all Genel olarak That's about it. Hemen hemen hepsi bu kadar.
Taking of that Bu mnasebetle That's all he cares about. Btn dnd {nem verdii) bu.
Taking one thing with That's all there is to it. Sana sylediimden daha zor
another Sonunda; ortalama olarak deil.
Taking up Ele alarak That's all very well (and good)
Tell that to the marines Klahma anlat! but Hepsi iyi ho ama
Ten a penny ok sradan That's all. Hepsi bu kadar, ite bu kadar!
Ten minutes by the clock Tam on dakika That's beyond my compass. Bu benim gcmn dnda.
Ten to one Bire kar on That's flat. Ak ve katidir; phesiz
Than that of inkinden That's for sure Kesin olarak, kesindir
Than those of larmkinden/lerin kinden That's given him a bit of a
Thank God. Allaha kr, ok kr! shake up Bu onun akln bana getirir!
Thank to in yardmyla That's good going. yi saylr.
Thank you ever so much. Pek okteekr ederim! That's great Fevkalade, ok gzel
Thanks a lot. ok ok teekr ederim! That's it. Hepsi bu kadaf!
Thanks to in sayesinde That's my way of thinking. Ben byle sanyorum.
That alters matters. O zaman i deiir! That's no thanks to me. Birey yapmadm.
That alters the case. O zaman durum deiir! That's not in my line. Beni alakadar etmez, benim iim
That being the case Bu nedenle deildir!
That depends Belli olmaz! That's nothing to go by Buna dayanarak bir ey
That gate u yer yaplamaz.
That is Yani That's quite another story O bsbtn baka; o ayr bir ey.
That is a deal Anlatk, mutabkz. That's that. Hepsi bu kadar!
That is a matter of course Bu bahis konusu deildir. That's the (whole) point Birinin sylemek istedii en nemli
That is another story Bu baka konu! nokta
That is going too far Bu kadar da fazla! That's the sort of thing I mean. Byle bir ey demek istiyorum.
That is how I am situated. te durum budur! That's tough Gemi olsun, pek yazk!
That is not the ease. Durum byle deildir That's very kind of you. ok kibarsnz (naziksiniz)!
That is noting to me. Beni alakadar etmez! That's what it is. Nedeni bu.
That is the reason why ite bundan dolaydr ki... That's what it was. Nedeni bu.
98 99
That's why Bu nedenle, bu yzden The last straw Artk bu kadar fazla; bir bu eksikti!
The all round Drt ba mamur The less ... the less a/e daha az
The amenities of life Hayatn gzel taraf The long and the short of it Uzun lafn ksas, dorusu, hulasa,
The amusing thing about it in tuhaf velhasl
The be-all and end-all En nemli ey The minute (that) d an
The beautiful of it is in en gzel yan The moment Derhal, hemen
The best part of the year Yln en gzel mevsimi The more ... the more a/e ... daha fazla
The boot is on the other leg Durum tam tersi! The most part En byk ksm
The bottom line Gerek sonu, bir iin sonu The name of the game Asl sorun
The case in point Sz edilen sorun, sz konusu The odds are that htimali var ki...
olan sorun The on side Yakn taraf
The chances are Muhtemelen The one and only Tek
The chances are that ok olasdr ki... The only thing we can say Syleyebileceimiz/sylenecek tek
The day after the next ki gn sonra ey
The day after tomorrow br gn The other day Geenlerde: geen gn
The day before yesterday Evvelki gn The point of no return Dn olmayan nokta
The day following Ertesi gn The pros and cons of nn avantajlar ve dezavantajlar;
The day is drawing in. Akam oluyor. lehte ve aleyhte olan neriler
The day is young yet. Daha gnn bandayz! The question is that Mesete u ki ...
The days are closing in. Gnler ksalyor. The reason for this is that Sebebi udur ki...
The days are drawing in. Gnler ksalyor. The reason why Nedeni
The days are drawing out. Gnler uzuyor. The sum and the substance
The die is cast Ok yaydan kt. of it Ksacas, hlasa
The end of time Kyamet gn The sun side of the picture in gzel taraf
The ensuring year Ertesi sene/yl The thought struck me that Birdenbire aklma geldi ki...
The essence of the matter in asl The time has come round to Yine ... zaman geldi.
The fact is that Gerek udur ki... The time is up. Vakit tamam!
The fact remains that Bununla birlikte u var ki... The trouble is that in kts
The finest ever En gzeli The truth burst (in) upon me Birden gerei anladm ki...
The first is to make Yaplacak ilk i The truth is that Gerek u ki...
The first/second of these Bunlardan/onlardan ilki/ikincisi The truth of the matter is that iin asl, iin asit u ki...
The first step will be to Yaplacak i ey ... The unkindest cut of all En kts
The first thing to be done Yaplmas gereken/gerekli ilk ey The very best En iyisi
The following unlar The very day Ayn gn, ite n
The good old days Hey gidi gnler The very first Tam itki
The greater part ounluk, ekseriyet The very same Ta kendisi
The idea is that Mesele udur ki, maksat undan The way (that) Gibi, ekilde
ibarettir The while O esnada, ayn zamanda
The inside of an affair iin i yz The whole caboodle Gmbr cemaat
The instant d an The world and his rife Herkes, medeni alem
The joke of it is that Tuhaf u ki... The world over Btn dnyada, her yerde
1011 101
The worst of (ail) En kts
Then and there Hemen There is nothing else for it (k.d) Baka yaplacak bir ey yok
Then only then O zaman ite o zaman There is nothing for it but to mekten baka yapacak birey yok.
There and back Gidi geli There is nothing to choose
There and then Hemen orackta between them Aralarnda fark yoktur,
There is a bit more to it than There is nothing to it kolaydr.
that O kadar basit deil There is one more Bir de u var
There is a gain te yandan There is reason to believe that nanmak yerindedir.
There is a lot more to it than There is something to be said
that O kadar basit deil. for yararna ok ey sylenebilir.
There is a lot more to sb. than Gibi deil There is sth. afoot. Bir eyler dnyor!
There is a report that Syleniyor There is sth. up. Bir eyler oluyor!
There is enough and to spare Yeter de artar! There it is Btn mesele burada, durum byle,
There is force in what you say Hakknz var! gerek bu!
There is force what he says. Syledii bo deil! There only remains Kala kala
There is little if any Olsa bile (varsa da) pek az There or there abouts Orada veya o civarda
There is more to it than that O kadar basit deil! There the matter dropped Mesele ylece kald.
There is much more to it than There was no course open to
that O kadar basit deil. me but to Benim iin ...maktan baka
There is much more to yapacak bir ey yoktu.
sb. than gibi deil There you are mistaken Burada yanlyorsunuz!
There is no call to blush. Utanacak bir neden yok! Thick and fast Ard sra, birbirini mteakip
There is no denying that nkar edilmez birey varsa Thick on the ground ok, ok miktarda
There is no doubt that phe yoktur ki... Things are (going) all anyhow ler karma kark.
There is no harm in that Zarar yok. Things are looking blue. Durum kt grnyor.
There is no help for it Yaplacak bir ey yoktur! This and that Ivr zvr; abur cubur
There is no holding sb. Tutmann imkan yok This bears out what I said. Bu sylediimi doruluyor.
There is no knowing what Ne olaca bilinmez! This day month Gelecek ay bugn
There is no mistaking sb. Tanmamaya imkan yok! This day week Gelecek hafta bugn
There is no mistaking sth. Yanlmaya imkan yok! This is between you, me and
There is no question Sz konusu deil; hi pheniz the gate-post Laf aramzda kalsn!
olmasn! This is it nemli an geldi att.
There is no saying Bilinmez This many a day Hayli zamanlar, oktan ben
There is no saying what will This moment Hemen imdi
happen. Ne olacan kimse bilmez. This much is certain uras gerektir ki...
There is no stopping sb. yi durdurmann imkan yok. This much that u kadar ki...
There is not a shot in my This once Bu kez
locker. On param yok! This very moment Derhal, hemen, bu anda
There is not space Zaman ve zemin msait deil. This will never do Bu i byle yrmez, bu byle
There is not the shadow of a skmez!
doubt that Zerre kadar phe yok ki... This wont get you anywhere. Bu iin sonu yok!
Through all my life Hayatm boyunca
To a T Tpks; btnyle, tamamiyle
Through an oversight Dikkatsizlikle To a tee Tamam, tam
Through and through Tekrar tekrar gzden geirerek; To all intents and purposes Esas olarak
batan baa, tamamen To an extent Bir dereceye kadar
Through lack of Eksikliinden dolay To and fro leri geri, teye beriye, uraya
Through long ages Uzun yllar boyunca buraya
Through the instrument of in aracl ile, yardmyla To be sure phesiz, elbette
Through the medium of Vastasyla To be truthful Dorusunu sylemek gerekirse,
Through the year Btn yl dorusu
Through thick and thin Hem iyi hem kt gnlerde, her To begin with Evvela, ilk nce
gle katlanarak To boot laveten, fazla olarak
Throughout the season Mevsim boyunca To come nmzdeki, gelecek
Throughout the world Btn dnyada To crown all stelik en kts
Thus and so Byle byle, filan filan To date Bugne kadar, imdiye kadar
Thus far Buraya kadar To do this Bunu gerekletirmek iin
Thus much Bu kadar Together with le birlikte; ek olarak
Till all hours ok ge; geceden sabaha kadar Together with its benefits Faydalarnn yansra
Till dark Akama dek To good purpose iyi netice vererek, faydal surette
Till now imdiye kadar To hand Yannda, hazr
Till the cows come home kmaz ayn son arambasna To make a long story short Sz uzatmayaym
kadar To me Bana kalrsa, bana gre
Till the end of time Ebediyyen To my certain knowing yice biliyorum ki...
Till then O vakte kadar, o zamana kadar To my knowing Bildiime gre
Time after time Krk kez To my knowledge Bildiim kadar, bildiime gre,
Time and again Tekrar tekrar, ka kez, defaatle kanaatimce
Time is pressing. Vakit daralyor. To my mind Bana gre
Time is up. Sre bitti, vakit bitti; vakit geldi. To no effect Bouna
Time out of mind teden beri, eskiden beri To no end Bo yere, bouna
Time would fail me. Vaktim yok! Too funny for words ok komik
Times without number Sayszca, bir ok kez Too good to be true nanlmayacak kadar iyi
Tip to tip Ucuca Too late ok ge
Tit for tat Ksasa ksas Too much Pek ok
To a certain extent Belirli bir noktaya kadar Too much of a good thing Bu kadar da biraz ok
To a certainty Muhakkak To one's heart's content Doya doya, kana kana
To a day Gn gnne, belli bir dereceye To one's mind Fikrine gre
kadar To one's regret Teessrne ramen
To a degree Bir dereceye kadar, biraz; To one's secret Haberi olmadan, gizli olarak
haddinden fazla To order Siparie gre, smarlama
To a fault Arlkla, ifratla Too soon Pek fazla erken, zamanndan
To a great extent Byk apta evvel, ok erken
To a man Son ferde kadar, hepsi birden Tooth for tooth Die di
To a nice Btnlkte
To say nothing of stelik
To say the least of it En basit deyimiyle To the point Tam yerinde, isabetli
To say the truth Gerekten, dorusunu isterseniz To the purpose Mnasebetiyle; faydal olarak
To some degree Bir dereceye kadar To the tune of (k.d) Byk para karl
To start with ilk i olarak, balangta, itk olarak To the utmost Alabildiine, son dereceye kadar
To stress here unu vurgulamak istiyorum To the view Herkes tarafndan grlecei zere
To such a pitch that yle bir derecede ki... To this day Bugne kadar
To such an extent that O derece ki... To this end Bu maksatla
To sum up zetle, zetlemek gerekirse To this very day Bugn bile
To tell openly Aka, aka sylemek gerekirse To top all stelik
To tell the truth Aslnda, asln sorarsanz, To wit Yani, demek ki...
dorusunu sylemek gerekirse Top secret ok gizli, ok mahrem
To that effect Bu hususta, bu mealde True to life Gerek hayatta olduu gibi
To that end Bu maksatla Truth to say Gerekten, dorusunu isterseniz
To the best of my belief Benim bildiime gre, eer Truth to tell Gerekten, dorusunu isterseniz
yanlmyorsam Turn and turn about Sra ile; deiik bir ekilde, hep
To the best of my knowledge Benim bildiime gre, eer deien
yanlmyorsam Two a penny ok sradan
To the best of my recollection Hatrladma gre
To the bitter end En sonuna kadar
To the contrary Ramen
To the core Her ynyle, tamamiyle
To the degree Kadaryla, e gre
To the end Sonuna kadar
To the end that Amacyla, gayesiyle
To the exclusion of Hari tutarak, dnda brakarak,
mahrum ederek, meydan
To the extent Kadaryla, e gre
To the finger tips Trnaklarnn ucuna kadar,
To the fore Hazr; bariz, aikar
To the full Son haddine kadar, tamamyla, tam
To the last Sonsuza dek, nihayete kadar
To the last degree Son dereceye kadar
To the letter Harfi harfine
To the life Tpk, tamamyla asl gibi
To the manner born Sanki... iin yaratlm
To the minute Dakikas dakikasna, tam
To the order of Usulne gre
Under obligation Mecburen, mecburiyet altnda
Under obligation to Minnet altnda
Under one's belt Tecrbe ile yetimi
Under one's breath Alak sesle, fsldayarak
Under one's eyes Gznn nnde
Under one's hat Gizli, mahrem
Under one's nose Burnunun dibinde
Under one's own steam Yardmsz, kendi bana, kendi
Under one's vine and fig tree Kendi evinde rahat
Under penalty of Cezas ile
Under-handed Hileli, alttan alta Under pledge of secrecy Gizli olarak, mahrem olarak
Under a cloud phe altnda; gzden dm Under protection Himaye altnda
Under a new law Yeni yasaya gre Under repair Tamirde
Under auspices of in koruduu, himayesinde; Under sail Yelkenleri fora olarak; seyir halinde
sayesinde Under sb's eyes Birinin gz nnde
Under cloud of night Karanlktan istifade ederek Under seal Mhrlenmi, mhrl
Under cloud of suspicion Bir phe bulutu altnda Under separate cover Ayrca, ayr olarak
Under colour of Gerekesiyle, bahanesiyle Under shelter Emniyetli, barnm
Under consideration Gzden geirilmekte, tetkik Under someone Emri altnda, emrine hazr
edilmekte Under someone's thumb Birisinin hkm/nfuzu artnda
Under cover of in himayesinde, perdesi altnda, Under surveillance Nezaret altnda
bahanesiyle; kisvesi altnda Under the breath Alak sesle
Under cover of friendship Arkadalk kisvesi altnda Under the circumstance Byk trenle
Under development Gelime halinde Under the circumstances Bu artlar altnda; yle ise
Under difficult conditions Mkl vaziyette Under the command of Emrinde, emri altnda
Under difficulties Zorluk karsnda Under the count El artndan
Under discussion Mzakerede Under the counter El altndan
Under escort Himaye altnda Under the cover rts altnda
Under existing circumstances imdiki duruma gre, bugne gre Under the date of May 9th 9 Mays tarihinde
Under favorable Under the delude Vehminde
circumstances Msait bir durumda, elverili bir Under the guardianships
durumda ofsb. Birinin nezareti altnda
Under favorable conditions Msait artlar altnda Under the harrow Felaket veya yoksulluk iinde,
Under favour of Yardmyla, sayesinde; strap iinde
mnasebetiyle Under the hat Sr olarak, gizlice
Under feet Ayak artnda Under the head of Bal altnda, maddesinde
Under fire (Ak.) Ate altnda, dman ateine Under the heel of Hkmnde, boyunduruunda
maruz Under the influence of in etkisi artnda
Under lock and key Kilit altnda Under the knife Ameliyatta
Under no circumstances Hi bir suretle Under the mask of Perdesi altnda, kisvesi attnda
108 109
Up in the air Karar verilmemi, neticeye
Under the nose of Gznn nnde, burnunun balanmam
dibinde: kala gz arasnda Up stream Akntya kar
Under the open sky Ak havada, gk kubbe altnda Up the creek (k.d) Tmyle yanl -
Under the pretense of Bahanesiyle Up the pole (k.d) Akln karm
Under the pretext of Bahanesiyle Up the spout (k.d) Boa gitmi, kaybolmu
Under the rose Gizlice, el altndan Up to e kadar; e bal; yksekliine
Under the seal of secrecy Gizli kalmak art ile kadar
Under the shadow of Up to date Eksiksiz; gne uygun olarak;
something Yk altnda zamane
Under the skin Aslnda, temelinde Up to grade stenilen nitelikte
Under the sun Dnyada, yeryznde Up to me Bana gre, bana kalrsa, benim
Under the survey of someone Birinin nezaretinde dnceme gre
Under the thumb of Tesiri altnda, etinde Up to no good yilik beklenmez, hayrsz, faydasz
Under the weather Rahatsz, keyifsiz Up to now Bu zamana kadar, imdiye kadar
Under the yoke Boyunduruk altnda Up to par Yeterli, normal
Under these circumstances Bu artlar altnda , bu durum Up to sample Numunesine uygun
karsnda Up to scratch yi halde, beklenen veya istenilen
Under way Yolda; hareket halinde; sefer durumda
halinde Up to snuff Umulduu kadar
Under way on Devam edip giden Up to standard Belirli bir standarda gre; kabul
Under wraps Gizlilik iinde edilen artlara gre
Unless otherwise specified Aksi sabit olmadka Up to that point O noktaya kadar
Unless the contrary has been Up to that time O zamana kadar
proved Aksi sabit olmadka Up to the elbows ok megul, ii bandan am
Until further notice Yeni bir bildiriye kadar Up to the end Sonuna kadar
Until mid-way through the Up to the eyes in work i bandan akn, ok megul
century Yzyln ortalanna kadar Up to the hilt Btnlkle, tamamen, btn btn
Until quite recently ok yakn zamana kadar Up to the mark En ince noktasna kadar
Until such time as inceye kadar Up to the minute Son derece modern
Until this time Bu zamana kadar Up to the present imdiye kadar, bugne kadar
Until when O zamana kadar, ne zamana Upon my honour Namusum zerine
kadar Upon one's honour erefi/namusu zerine
Until all hours ok ge; geceden sabaha kadar Upon the right scent Tam iz zerinde
Up-to-the-minute En son, en yeni Ups and downs ni yoku; hayatn cilvelen,
Up a tree Zor bir durumda, tereddtte, hayattaki ini ve klar
kararszlk iinde Upwards of den daha fazla, den yukar, in
Up against e kar, ile mcadele halinde stnde
Up and down Bir aa bir yukar, teye beriye;
batan aa, tepeden trnaa
Up hill and down dale Dere tepe
Up his alley Tam onun ii, biilmi kaftan 111
Varying between
Very definitely
Arasnda deien
ok kesin olarak Warts and all
w Olduu gibi, btn ayrntlaryla;
Very evidently Apak, apaikar gzel olmayan taraflarn
Very late ok ge saklamadan
Very well ok iyi Way above ok yukarda
Very well then yi o halde, tamam! Way ahead ok nde
Way behind ok arkada
Way below ok aada
Way out (k.d) zgn; ileri
Ways and means Bir ii baar ile yapmann yollar
We must also think more unu da dnmeliyiz ki, unu da
gznne atmalyz ki...
We need hardly mention that Sylemee gerek yoktur ki...
We understand that rendiimize gre
We were speaking of you. Sizden bahsediyorduk!
We/they etc. each Her birimiz
Week in week out Aralksz; haftalarca
Weeks ago Haftalar(ca) nce
Well enough Olduka iyi, iyice
Well in to Hatta, bile
Well made Biimli, iyi yapnrl
We'll manage it somehow. Elbette biryofunu buluruz!
Well nigh Hemen hemen, takriben
Well on in life Ya hayli ilerlemi
Well past Hayli gemi
Well to be sure Olur ey deil; eh olabilir!
Well, as t was saying Ha, diyordum ki...
Well-known Herkese malum, maruf
West of in batsnda
Wet to the skin Srlsklam
What about na ne dersiniz?
Wife and children oluk ocuk
What if Farzedelim Will the utmost will Can ve gnlden
What is more Dahas: bundan baka; stelik With a clear conscience Vicdan rahat olarak
What is more important Daha nemlisi With a concern Endie ile
What is more to the point Daha nemlisi With a good or bad grace steyerek veya istemeyerek
What not Daha sair eyler: v.s With a grain of salt phe ile
What sauce Ne yzszlk, ne pikinlik With a heavy hand Sknt verir surette
What time ken With a high hand Zorbalkla, kaba gle, kstaha
What troubles me is Beni zen/skan udur ki... With all due defer to you Hatrnz kalmasn!
Hesaba kattktan sonra, dnerek, With all due modesty vnmek gibi olmasn ama
What with
den dolay With all my heart Btn kalbimle, samimi olarak
Whatever happens Ne olursa olsun With all my soul Candan, btn kalbimle
Whatever shall be Ksmet neyse With all possible dispatch En son hzla
Her ne zaman ..olsa, o zaman With all reserve Doruluundan emin olmayarak
When ... then
When ... there Her nerede ... olsa, orada With all speed Btn hzyla
When all is said and done En son With an eye to (doing) sth. Dnecek, niyetiyle, maksadyla;
When convenient Uygun zamanda hesaba katarak
When I choose stediim zaman With a run Telala, acele ile
When it comes to the push Sorun ciddileirse With a rush Birdenbire
When it said Sylenildiinde With a strong hand Gayretle, iddetle
Gereinde; frsat dnce With a sweep of the arm Bir kot hareketi ile
When occasion serves
When one thinks Dnld zaman With a vengeance iddetli bir halde; alabildiine; son
When required Gereinde derecede
When you please Ne zaman isterseniz With a view Bir bakmdan
With a view to Amacyla, nedeniyle, maksadyla,
Whence we can understand
that ite bundan anlyoruz ki... umuduyla
Whenever necessary Ne zaman gerekirse, gerektiinde With a whole skin Sapasalam
Where ... then Her nerede ... olsa, orada With a wide sweep of the arm Geni bir kol hareketi ile
Oysa bu yzden With bated breath Soluu kesilerek, mkilatla
Whereas ... therefore
Whether... or Olup olmad With clear conscience Vicdan msterih olarak, huzuru
sa da ... masada kalple
Whether... or... not
Hatr mdayken With colours flying Bayraklar dalgalanarak
While I think of
Aklmdayken With costs Mahkeme masraflar ile beraber
While I'm thinking of it
Durum uygun iken With deep concern Derin endie ile
While the going is good
iten gemeden, henz frsat With difficulty Glkle
While there is bet time
varken With ease Kolaylkla, kolayca
Hazr bu i zerinde iken With every stitch of canvas set Btn yelkenler fora
While we are at it
With expedition abucak, sratle
Whip and spur En yksek hzla
sa ... sn, se ... Sin With felon intent Su ilemek amacyla
Who cares if
Btn gn, sabahtan akama With flying colours Byk baaryla
Whole day
kadar With God's help Allah'n yardmyla
Why on earth Aman ya rabbi; neden, niin 115
With great difficulty Dara dar With one's eyes open Gz gre gre
With halfan eye Kolay bir tahminle, ilk bakta With one's head in the air Burnu havada
With heart and soul Canla bala With one's tongue in one's
Within striking distance Vurulacak mesafede cheek Ciddi olmayarak, yarm azla
Within a hair's breadth Kl pay With open arms Candan ve cokuyla
Within an inch of one's life lmne ramak kalm With or without Olarak ya da olmakszn
Within cry arnca duyabilecek uzaklkta Without a doubt Kukusuz
Within doors erde, evde Without a hitch Przsz
Within ear itebilecek uzaklkta Without a sou Meteliksiz
Within hail Seslenebilecek uzaklkta, yakn Without a stain on his
Within my province htisasm dahilinde character Alnnn akyla
Within one's means Gelirine uygun bir ekilde Without a stitch of clothing rlplak
Within reach Yeti ile bil ir, ulalabilir Without a tremor Kl bile kprdamadan
Within reach of in yaknnda, yetiilir Without a wince Gz krpmadan
Within reach of easy Kolaylkla eriilebilir Without bothering Dikkate almadan
Within reason Akla yakn, mantkl, makul Without cause or reason Sebepsiz, nedensiz
Within striking distance Darbe indirecek mesafede Without cease Durmadan, ara vermeden,
Within the bounds of mul dahilinde faslasz
Within the compass of Dahilinde Without ceremony Trensiz
Within the earshot of Burnunun dibinde Without committing myself Ne olur ne olmaz dncesiyle
Within the law Yasal olarak Without consulting my
Within the means Kudreti dahilinde pleasure Bana danmadan
Within the pale Hudut dahilinde Without delay Gecikmeden, gecikmesiz
Within the range Arasnda Without demur Tereddt etmeden
Within the preseribte time Belirtilen sre iinde Without distinction Ayrm gzetmeden, fark
Within your discretion Arzunuza bal, nasl isterseniz! gzetmeden
With kind regards from den selamlarla Without doubt phesiz, phe etmeden
With lightning speed Yldrm hz ile Without effect Tesirsiz, beyhude
With malice afore nceden tasarlanm Without end Sonsuz
With malice aforethought Bile bile Without example Ei grlmemi, misalsiz
With might and main Var kuvvetle, elden geldii kadar Without exception istisnasz
With my compliments Selamlarmla; parasz, hediye Without fail Elbette, mutlaka, muhakkak olarak
olarak Without fear or favour Kimseden korkmadan ve kimseye
With my whole heart Btn kalbimle boyun emeden
With no regard to Bakmadan, ehemmiyet vermeden Without firing a shot Kurun harcamadan
With one accord Hep birlikte Without implicating anyone Kimseyi kartrmadan
With one another Birbiriyle Without incident Hadisesiz
With one consent Hep birden Without interruption Durmadan, kesintisiz
With one fell swoop Bir hamlede, bir rpda Without let or hindrance Hi bir engelle karlamadan
With one voice Hep bir azdan Without measure Hadsiz
With one's back to the wall Son mit ve son gle Without mincing matters Dobra dobra, saknmadan, aka
116 117
Without my knowing Haberim olmadan
Without number Saysz With the intent of Amacyla
Without pose ten With the intention of mek niyetiyle
Without prejudice nyargsz With the lapse of time Zamanla
Without reason Sebepsizce With the object of Ho karlamadan, Itirazyla;
Without reference to Geerek, danmadan amacyla
Without regard to Bakmadan, ehemmiyet With the purpose of Niyetiyle, maksadyla
vermeyerek With the result that Netice itibariyle
Without reservation Uluorta; koulsuz; hi bir snrlama With the stream Aknt ite
olmakszn With the style of Biimi/ekli ile
Without reserve ekinmeyerek; tamamen With the sun Gne arkasnda olarak; soldan
Without resort to force Zora bavurmadan saa
Without rhyme or reason Anlamsz, sama, ipe sapa gelmez With the unaided eye plak gzle, drbn vb.
Without shame Utanmadan kullanmadan
Without stint Bol bol, esigemeyerek With the utmost composure Hi kendini bozmadan, teleszca
Without the slightest With the view of Maksadyla, niyetiyle, umuduyla
hesitancy Hi duraksamayarak With this Hemen ardndan; bu durum
Without thinking Dnmeden, dnmeksizin karsnda, hal byle iken
Without wincing Gz krpmadan With this design Bu amala
Without wishing to boast vnmek gibi olmasn ama With this object in my mind Bu niyetle, bu amala
Without wishing to lay down With your favour Sayenizde!
the law Haddim olmayarak Word for word Kelimesi kelimesine
With pomp and circumstances Byk trenle Words fail me. Syleyecek sz bulamyorum!
With reason Hakk olarak, hakkyla World without end Ebediyen, sonsuza dek
With reference to e dair. e ilikin, e gre, nazaran, Worth while Zahmet veya masrafa deer
mnasebetiyle, dolaysyla Worthy of note Kayda deer
With regard to le ilgili olarak; e gelince, Wrong end of the stick in kt taraf
hususunda, e dair, nazaran,
With reluctance stemeyerek
With respect to Konusunda, ile ilgili olarak,
hususunda, nazaran, gre; e
With sinking heart Gittike skntya girerek
With that courtesy which is
his alone Kendine zg nitelikle
With the consent of Rzas ile, muvafakatiyle
With the difference of Farkl olarak
With the except of Dnda
With the exception Dnda, den baka, mstesna
olarak, den hari
Keys To Better Translation


Year-round Btn yl boyunca

Year after year Her yl
Year by year out Btn yl boyunca
Years ago Yllar nce, seneler nce
Yesterday week Geen hafta dnk gn
Yet already Yine de, halihazrda
Yet more Hatta bundan daha fazla
You are welcome to it. Buyurunuz!
You are welcome to try.
You are welcome.
Bir deneyin isterseniz!
Bir ey deil, rica ederim, TRKE - NGLZCE
You may well say that. Bunu sylemekte haklsnz!
You see Yani, ite, imdi, efendim
You will learn in good time. Sras gelince renirsin(iz).
Young and old Herkes
Your favour of the 12th
of June 12 Haziran tarihli mektubunuz

Abur cubur This and that
Acaba Into the bargain; I wonder if
Acele (posta ile) By return post
Acelede On the run
Acele etmekte On the run
Acele ile In haste, with a run, in a stew,
in a hurry, in a sweat
Ac ile In pain
Acsz Out of pain
Ac ve pimanlk iinde In sack and ashes
Acyarak Out of pity
Acil lzum halinde In case of emergency
Acizane fikrimce In my poor opinion
Aka To tell openly, in plain terms,
In simple terms; in public
Akas In plain English
Aka sylemek gerekirse In plain terms, to tell openly,
frankly speaking
Ak denizlerde On the high seas
Ak havada Under the open sky
Aklanmamak artyla Off the record
Ak nedenlerden dolay For obvious reasons
Ak syleyeceim... I'll tell you flat
Akta In the offing; offshore
Ak ve katidir. Thai's flat.
Ak ve sabit kelimelerle In plain English
Asndan From the point of, from the stand
point of
Adet olduu zere As is the custom
Adet olsun diye As a mere form
Adet zere As usual unless the contrary has been
Adet yerini bulsun diye As a matter of form, for form's proved
sake Aksi sabit olursa If the contrary proves to be the
Adm adm Step by step fact
Adna On behalf of; in the name of Aksi takdirde Failing that, in the opposite
Adnda By name Case, if not
Adyla sanyla By one's well-known own name Akama kadar Till dark
Adl So- called Akam oluyor The day is drawing in.
a ek olarak In addition to Akam st Decline of day; at dusk
Afedersiniz! Excuse me! Alabildiine All out, to the utmost
Afrika'nn gbeinde In the heart of Africa Alabildiine koarak At full lick
Ar ar By inches Alakasz Beside the mark
Azdan Byword of mouth Alannda In the field of
Azdan aza From mouth to mouth Alak sesle fsldayarak Under one's breath
Arsz Out of pain Alak sesle Under the breath
Ahiret sadetine mazhar In glory Aldrmam! I don't care
a ilaveten In addition to Alenen In public
a ilikin Relating to Aleni olarak In common, in full view
Akabinde By return of post, by return mail Alevler iinde In flames
a karn In spite of, in contrast to Aleyhine Out of countenance
Aknt ile With the stream Alkanlkla From force of habit; out of habit
Akntya kar Up stream Alkn At home
Aknt ynnde Down stream Allah akna For heaven's/pity's/conscience
Akla yakn Within reason sake
Akl banda All there, in his right mind Allah'n bir gnnde Some fine day
Akl bandan gitmi At one's wit's end Allah'n her gn Every single day
Aklma bir fikir geldi! I have struck upon an idea Allah rzas iin For mercy's sake
Aklma gelmiken Come to think of it, by the way Allah'tan buldu! It's a judgement on him
Aklma koydum! I have a good mind to Allak bullak All over the shop
Aklmda dnp duruyor! It runs in my head Alnnn akyla Without a stain on his character
Aklmdan kmyor! It runs in my head Alt sra halinde Drawn up six deep
Aklmdayken While I'm thinking of it Alttan atta Under-handed
Aklnda On one's mind Amacyla With the intent of, with a view to,
Aklndan zoru var! He has a screw loose for the purpose of
Aklnn erdii kadar According to one's light Aman keke I wish to goodness
Aksi bir durumda In the contrary case Amansz Alt too soon
Aksi gibi As bad luck Anca beraber kanca beraber! For better (or) for worse
Aksi halde Or else, if not Ancak By the skin of one's teeth;
Aksine In contrast to, counter to, in Nothing else
contrast with Aniden All of a sudden
Aksi sabit olmadka Unless otherwise specified, Annda On the spur of the moment
124 125
Ani olarak This very moment, all of a
sudden Arefesinde On the Eve of
Anlalyor ki... It is understood that Arkadalk kisvesi altnda Under cover of friendship
Anlalmaz As mud Arkada olarak In company
Anlam vaziyette On an equality with (a person) Armaan olarak As a free gift
Anlatk! That is a deal. Arsz Without shame
Anlattna gre At his own valuation Artan bir ekilde All the more
Anlattklarna gre As the story goes Artk Ever after, at that; any longer
Anszn In a flash Artk bu kadar da fazla! That takes the biscuit!
Apak Very evidently Artk zaman It's high time
Apansz All of a sudden Arttka More and more
Araclyla By dint of Arzu ederseniz If you care to
Arada In between Arzulu On edge
Arada bir Every now and again, every now Arzunuza bal At your discretion, within your
and then, every once in a while discretion
Aradaki As between Arzu olunduu gibi As convenient
Aradaki zamanda In the interim Arzusu bilir At pleasure
Aradan In between Arzu zerine On request
Arada srada Ever and anon, between whiles Asgari At least
a ramen In spite of Ask surat ile Down in the dumps
Aralar ak On distant terms Asl sorun The name of the game
Aralarnda Among the numbers Asil tabakadan Of high degrees
Aralarnda fark yoktur. There is nothing to choose Asla On no consideration, in no
between them circumstances, nevermore, no
Aralarla At intervals such thing
Aralksz Week in week out Aslnda Under the skin, at bottom; in
Aramak zere In search of itself, in fact
Aramzda In our midst Asln ararsan In point of fact
Arasnda Within the range Asln sorarsanz To tell the truth, in point of fact
Arasnda dalar kadar fark var! As different as chalk from Aada Herein after
cheese Aada gsterildii ekilde As follows
Arasnda deien Ranging between, varying Aadaki gibi As follows
between Aa maldan Of sorts
Arasndaki In between Aa yukan Backwards and forwards, back
Ara sra At regular intervals, by fits and and forth, at a rough guess
starts, in spots, on and off Aikar Very evidently, to the fore
Ara vermeden All the time, at a stretch, on and Arlkla To a fault
on Akna For the love of
Arayarak bulmak iin In search of Ate artnda Under fire
Ard arkas kesilmeden For ever and ever Ate pahasna At a fabulous price
Ard sra Thick and fast, at heal Avam tabakadan Of low degrees
Avaz kt kadar At the top of one's voice.
at the top of one's lungs distinct from
Ayana tez Swift of foot, like the devil Azalmakta On the decrease
Ayann dibinde At one's feet Azametli High and mighty
Ayak altnda Under feet Azami At the outside; at most, at best
Ayakta On one's feet Azami sratle At top speed
Ayak ucu zerine On the tiptoe Azar azar Bit by bit, in small numbers, little
Ayak uydurarak In step by little, by inches
Aylardan beri For months Az bir ounluk la By a narrow majority
Aynen According as; in kind Az bir farkla By a narrow margin
Ayn Of a piece with Az ok More or less, at a rough guess
Ayn ayarda In step (with sb.) Az daha All but
Ayn cinsten Of a kind Az deil Not a few, no less
Ayn derecede On the same plane Az giderle At little cost
Ayn dorultuda In the same direction Azck In a small way; for a little
Ayn durumda All in the same boat Az kald lyordu! He all but died.
Ayn dzeyde On the same plane Az konuan adam A man of a few words
Ayn farzda In like manner Az tannm kimseler arasnda Below the salt
Ayn fikirde In the same camp
Ayn gruptan In the same group
Ayn gn The very day
Ayn hesaba gelir! It amounts to the same thing.
Ayn hizada On a line
Ayn miktar Equal to
Ayn miktarda As ... as, as much
Ayn sebeple By the same token
Ayn seviyede At grade, on equal footing
Ayn ekilde In the same way, in the same
way as
Ayn ey. It makes no difference.
Ayn eydir. It amounts to the same thing.
Ayn tarihte Of even date
Ayn vehile Ever so
Ayn ynde In the same direction
Ayn zamanda All in the same breath; at the
same time; the while; as well
Ayn zamanda da And as well
Ayrca bir nedendir. It's all the more reason
Ayrm gzetmeden Without distinction
Ayrntlaryla In depth, in detail
Ayrntl olarak At length
Ayr olarak Under separate cover, as
128 129
I'm under the impression that
Bana yle geliyordu ki... I was under the impression that
Bana sorarsan For all I care
Bana vz gelir! I don't give a darn.

Barnm Under shelter
Barta At peace
Bariz To the fore
Baslmakta In the press
Basite In simple terms
Basit szlerle In plain terms
Baskda In the press
Bask veya kontrol altnda On a string
Babadan oula From father to son, in direct line Baa ba Neck and neck
Bamsz olarak In itself Ba aa Right on end
Bal olarak Related to Ba belada In the soup
Bahane bulunmaz Beyond exception Babo At liberty
Bahane ederek On the excuse that, on the Bam hakk iin For the life of me
pretext of Bam kayacak vaktim yok! I can't call my soul my own.
Bahanesiyle On the pretext of, under the Bandan balayarak All along
pretense of, under the pretext of Bandan beri All the way
Bahse demez! Nothing to speak of Bandan sonuna kadar From first to last, from A to Z
Bahusus ki.. So much the more Ba ve sonu Alpha and omega
Bakmndan In respect to, in the way of, in Baka bir deyile In other words
point of Baka bir ey daha var More than that
Baka gre In perspective Baka bir ey deildir. It is nothing but
Bakmadan With no regard to, without Baka eitten Of a different kind
regard to Baka kar yol yoksa In the last resort
Balk kavaa knca On the Greek calends Baka sorum yoktur. I have no further questions.
Bana danmadan Without consulting my pleasure Balangcndan From the onrush
Bana gelince As for me, as far as I am Balang iin For a start
concerned Balang niteliinde Preliminary to
Bana gre To my mind, for all that I know, Balang olarak As a beginning
to me Balangta At the beginning, at the start,
Bana gre deil! Far be it from me in the beginning; to start with
Bana gre hava ho! It is all the same to me, not that Balangtan beri From the off, from the outset
care Balangtan sonuna dek From first to last, from A to
Bana iin sebeplerini anlatn. Show me the hows and the izzard
whys of it. Balarken In beginning
Bana kalrsa As far as I am concerned, up to Bal bana In itself
me, to me Bal altnda Under the head of
Bana yle geliyor ki... I have an idea that, it seems to Batan From the first; all over
me that, 131
Batan aa From stem to stern speaking for myself
Batan baa Lock, stock and barrel Beni alakadar etmez! That's not in my line, That is
Batan sona From beginning to end nothing to me.
Batan sona kadar From beginning to end Beni dinlerseniz If you take my tip
Bayraklar dalgalanarak With colours flying Beni ilgilendirmez! It is no concern of mine.
Bazen Between whiles, now and then, Benim bildiim kadar So far as I know
at times Benim bildiime gre To the best of my belief
Bazen sylenildii gibi As it was sometimes called Benim dnceme gre To the best of my knowledge,
Baz baz At times in my humble opinion, up to me
Baz durumlarda In some cases Benim fikrimce In my own conceit
Baz hususlarda In part Benim fikrimde olanlar All such as are of my opinion
Baz konularda In some respects Benim gibi Such as I
Bazlar Some few Benim hatrm iin bile olsa If only to please me
Bedava Into the bargain Benim iin ... Maktan
Bedeline At the cost of baka yapacak bir ey yoktu. There was no course open to
Bedel olarak In the place of, in lieu of me but to
Bedir halinde (ay) At the full Benim iin bir ereftir! That's a feather in my cap.
Beklediim gibi kmad. I am disappointed in him. Benim iin hepsi bir. It is all one to me
Beklediimin aksine Contrary to my expectation Benim saatime gre By my watch
Beklemeden By easy stages Benm yamda In my day
Beklemezken By chance Benim zamanmda At my time of life
Beklenen In prospect Beni artyor. It's a marvel to me that
Beklentisiyle In the expectation that Beni zen/skan udur ki... What troubles me is
Belirli bir mesafede At a distance Beraber Along with; in unison
Belirli bir noktaya kadar To a certain extent Bereket versin ki... It's a good job that
Belirli bir standarda gre Up to standard Beside At feed
Belirli bir sre iinde In a given time Besi halinde At feed
Belirli bir zamanda At a given time Beslenmekte On the feed
Belirli zamanlarda At certain times Be aa be yukar Close bargaining
Belki de As like as not, like enough; for Be ila on arasnda From five to ten
all I know Be para etmez! It is not worthy a farthing, not
Belki de hi Seldom if ever worth a cent
Belli bir dereceye kadar To a day Beyhude End in smoke, in vain, of no
Belli deil. In doubt effect, without effect
Belli olmaz! It all depends, That depends. Biilmi kaftan Up his alley
Ben bir ey yapmadm! No thanks to me Biimi ile With the style of
Ben byle sanyorum! That's my way of thinking Biiminde In the garb of
Ben byleyim! I am built that way Biimli Well made
Ben bunun tamamen Bilakis Fa r f rom it
karsndaym! I am dead against ft Bilcmle In all
Bence In my opinion, up to mt. Bildiim bir ey All that I know
132 133
Bildiime gre To my Knowing, for all I know
Bildiime gre (yoktur) Not that I know of Biraz nce A little while ago
Bildiim kadar To my Knowledge, to my Biraz sonra After a while
knowing Biraz su A drink of water
Bildiim kadaryla As nearly as I can tell Biraz uzakta A little way off
Bile As well, as that Bir ba olarak As a favour
Bile bile With malice aforethought; in cold Bir bakma In some sort
blood Bir bakmdan With a view
Bilgi ve kabiliyeti dnda Beyond one's depth Bir bardak su A drink of water
Bilhassa In particular Birbiri arkasna One after another
Bilinen bir eydir ki... It is an understanding thing Birbiri arkasndan In rapid succession
Bilinmez There is no saying Birbirine zt By the ears
Bilmem ne! I knew not what Birbirini Each other
Bilmeyerek In the dark Birbirini mteakip Thick and fast
Bilmez deilim! f am not unaware that Birbirinin maksadna aykr At cross purposes
Bilmiyor ki... He little knows Birbiri stne One thing on top of another
Bilseniz ne kadar memnun Birbiriyle With one another
oldum! I was simply delighted Birbirlerini One another
Bilseydim Had I known Bir buuk kat Half as big again
Binaen In consequence, by virtue of Bir btn olarak As a whole, in the aggregate
Binaenaleyh It follows from this that Bir celsede At one sitting
Bina ve mtemilat dahilinde On the premises Bir rpda At a bound
Bir haftadan az Inside of a week Birok Quite a few, great numbers of, a
Bir adamdan dierine From hand to hand good few
Bir adet One in number Birok (insan) Scores Of (people)
Brak yle olsun! Let it be Birok bakmdan In many respects
Bir an For a moment Birok durumda In many cases
Bir anda In the fraction of a second, in a Birok hususta In many respects
split second Birok kez Times without number, on
Bir anlamda In a sense, in one sense several occasions, more than
Bir ara olarak As a means once
Bir arada In company Birok nedenlerden dolay For various reasons
Bir aa bir yukar Up and down Birok noktada At many points
Biraya kadar In a month Birok ynden In many ways
Bir ayda In a month Bir p bile kurtulmad! Not a stick was saved.
Br ay sonra In a month's time Bir daha Once more (again), over again
Bir ay zarfnda In a month Bir dakikada In a minute, in a while
Biraz A trifle Bir darbede With one fell swoop
Birazck In some degree Bir defack For once
Biraz daha Some more Birden At a stroke, At a blow, in a split
Biraz evvel Not long ago, of late second
Birdenbire At a moment's notice, with a
Bir iyi taraf One redeeming feature
rush, out of a clear sky Biriyle eit On an equality with a person
Birdenbire aklma geldi ki... The thought struck me that Birka A small number of, a few
Birden gerei anladm ki... The truth burst (in) upon me Birka bin A few thousand
Bir deneyin isterseniz! You are welcome to try Birka gnde bir In every few days
Bir derecede In some sort Birka saatte bir Every few hours
Bir dereceye kadar In so far as, to an extent, in a Birka szle In a nutshell
measure, to some degree Birka tane One or two
Bir deri bir kemik As thin as a lath, mere skin and Birka yl sonra A few years after
bone Bir kere For this once
Bir de u var And there is also that, there is Bir kerecik For once
one more Bir kez For once
Bire kar on Ten to one Bir kez daha On one occasion, once more
Birer birer One by one (again)
Bir evvelki Next but one Bir kez olarak For this once
Bir gn One day, some fine day, some Bir kol hareketi ile With a sweep of the arm
day or other Bir kede (yalnz) By oneself
Bir gn gelecek ki... One or other day Bir kumanda iaretiyle In a gesture of command
Bir haftadan az Inside of a week Birlemi In a body
Bir hafta sonra A week off Birlikte In common; as one man
Bir hamlede At a stretch, at a bound, with one Bir manada In a manner of speaking, in one
fell swoop sense, in a sense
Bir hayli A world of, by far, a long chalk, a Bir miktar A sum of, a far amount
far amount, a great deal Bir misli daha As much again
Bir iki gn iinde In a day or two Bir mddet For some time
Bir iki kere Once or twice Bir mddet sonra Soon after
Bir iki satrla size bildiriyorum Just a line to tell you Bir mddet zarfnda For the present; for a space
Bir iki tane One or two Bir nebze anlay A grain of common sense
Birikmi In hand Bir numara byk. A size too big.
Bir ileri bir geri Hither and thither Bir oturuta At one sitting
Birinci ve sonuncu Alpha and omega Bir para A cake of, a little bit, a bit
Birinin emrine amade At one's disposal Bir saate kadar An hour or so
Birinin nezareti altnda Under the guardianship of sb. Bir saat zarfnda Inside of an hour
Birinin nezaretinde Under the survey of sb. Bir srada In a line
Birinin yerinde In one's stead Bir sra durumunda On a line
Birinin yerine In sb's room Bir sre For a little while
Bir insan gz ile As a man Bir sreden beri For some time past
Birisinin emrine amade At the disposal of Bir sre iinde For a space
Birisinin hkm/nfuzu altnda Under sb's thumb Bir artla On one condition
Birisiyle gnar nbetlee Day and day about Bir ey deil! It is no bother, not at all
Bir ite en iyi olduu zaman On one's day Bir eyler dnyor! There is sth. Afoot.
Bir itiraznz yoksa If you have no objection
Bir eyler oluyor. There is sth. Up.
Bozuk Out of order
Bir ey yapmadm! That's no thanks to me.
Bir phe bulutu altnda Under cloud of suspicion Bozulmam olarak In good condition
Byle bir durumda On such an occasion
Bir takm A number of
Byle bir ey Such a thing
Bir tane bile yokl Not a single one
Byle bir ey demek istiyorum That's the sort of thing I mean.
Br tane daha One more
Byle bir ey olamaz! Nothing of the kind may happen
Bir tarafa atarsak Ignoring the fact that
Byle byle Ever so
Bir tarafa atlm On the shelf
Bylece In this way
Bir tarafa brakrsak Set aside, dismissing the fact
Byle dahi Thus and so
that, putting aside the fact that
Byle olmakla beraber But yet
Bir taraftan On the one hand
Bylesi Such like
Bir tutam A pinch of
Bylesi gibi As such
Bir utan bir uca From end to end
Byle sylyor. It goes like this
Bir varm bir yokmu Once upon a time
Byle sylyorlar. As the story goes
Bir vuruta At one scoop, at one blow
Bir yana Byle yapmak adettir. It is usual to do so.
So far from, let alone
Byle zamanlarda At times like these
Bir yandan On the one part, on the one
Bu adan From this point of view
Bu alanda In this field
Bir yolda In some wise
Bu amala With this design
Bir yolunu bulup By hook or by cook
Bu anda In a twinkling
Bir yudumda At a drought
Bu bahis konusu deildir! That is a matter of course
Bir zaman sonra Some time later
Bu bakmdan In this respect
Bitiiinde Next to
Bu baka konu! That is another story.
Bitkin bir halde Dead - beat
Bu beni ilgilendirmez! It is no concern of mine.
Bitmi All over
Bu benim gcmn dnda That's beyond my compass.
Bizzat kendisi In person
Bol bol Bu bir tarafa Not only that, as well as
Without stint
Bu byle olmaz! This will never do.
Borlu In debt
Bu duruma gre In these premises
Borsuz Out of debt
Bu durumda In the present case; at that
Borda bordaya Along side
Bu durum karsnda Under these circumstances
Borsada On change
Bu dnyada In the flesh
Boaltlmaya hazr On tab
Bu gibiler People such as these
Bouna To no effect
Bu gidile As times go
Bo vakitlerde At odd moments
Bugn bile To this very day
Bo yere In vain, to no end
Bugnden itibaren From this day forth
Bo zamanda At leisure
Bugne gre Under existing circumstances
Boylu boyunca At length
Bugne kadar So far, up to the present, to this
Boynunu aan Beyond one's depth
Boyuna Right along
Bugnk tarihli Of even date
Boyunduruunda Under the heel of
Bugnk gnde In this day and age
Boyunduruk altnda Under the yoke
Bugnlerde In ourtime
Bundan byle From this day forth
Bugn veya yarn One or other day Bundan ok sene evvel Many years since
Bu hususta To that effect Bundan da anlald gibi It follows from this that
Bu hususta imdilik Bundan evvel Ere now, previous to this
bu kadar yeter. So much for that Bundan kolay bir ey yok! It's as easy as anything
Bu i byle yrmez! This will never do. Bundan on yl sonra In another ten years
Bu ie alk deilim! I am strange to the work. Bundan nce Before now; previous to this
Bu iin acemisiyim! I am strange to the work. Bundan sonra From now onward. From this
Bu iin sonu yok! This won't get you anywhere. time forth, after that
Bu kadar Thus much Bundan sonra yllarca For years after
Bu kadar (ok) So much Bundan ... sonucu
Bu kadar da fazla! That is going too far. karlamaz! It does not follow that
Bu kez This once Bundan u sonu kar ki... It follows that
Bu konuda In the present instance, in this Bu nedenle For this reason, in consequence,
particular, in this regard that being the case
Bu konuda ciddiyim. I mean what I say Bu niyetle With this object in my mind
Bu koullar altnda In the circumstances Bunlardan/onlardan ilki The first of these/those
Bulunduu yerde In one's tracks Bunu istemeyerek yapyorum. It goes against the grain for me
Bulunmad iin For want of to do it.
Bulunmaz adamdr! He is a grand fellow. Bunu kabul edemem! I can't subscribe to that.
Bulunur In season Bunun gibi Such like
Bu maksatla To that end, to this end Bunun iin So then
Bu mealde To that effect Bununla on oldu. That makes ten.
Bu meselede In the present case Bununla beraber For all that I know; in despite of;
Bu mnasebetle Taking of that, in this connection; at the same time
by the way Bununla birlikte In the meantime
Buna aklm ermezi It's a sealed book to me. It's Bununla birlikte u var ki... The fact remains that
beyond me. Bununla kalmayp On top of that, not only that
Buna can dayanmaz! It is more than flesh and blood Bunun sonucu... dur. It all adds up to this
can stand. Bunun sonucu olarak As a consequence
Buna dayanarak Bunu sylemekte haklsnz. You may well say that.
bir ey yaplamaz! That's nothing to go by. Bunu yapmak suretiyle By doing that
Buna gelince As for that Bunu yapmak yle dursun Far from doing this
Buna hi aklm ermez! It's all Greek to me. Bunu yapmaktan
Buna karn But however, but none the less; baka are yok. Nothing for it but to do this
in spite of this; all the same Bu olmasa But for that
Buna vicdanm raz olmaz. I would not have the conscience Bu olmasn da ne olursa
to do it. olsun! Anything rather than this
Bunca zaman getikten sonra At this distance of time Bu onun akln bana getirir! That's given him a bit of a shake
Bundan baka Over and above this, in addition -up
that, What is more Burada una deinmek
Bundan bir ay sonra A month hence
gerekir ki Here is a point that
Burada urada Here and there Btn btn For good
Burada yanlyorsunuz! There you are mistaken Btn civarda For many miles around
Buralarda In these parts Btn dnyada Throughout the world
Buras insann kendi evi Btn dnyay verecek olsalar For all the world
saylr. It's a home from home Btn dnd bu. That's all he cares about.
Buraya kadar Thus far Btn gece All night long
Burgulanm (f vb.) On tab Btn gn A clear day. all day, all day long,
Burnu havada With one's head in the air early and late
Burnunun dibinde Under one's nose, with the Btn gn ayaktaym. I am on my legs all day.
earshot of, under the nose of Btn gn bana dur durak
Bu sebepten For as much as yok. I am on my legs all day.
Bu sefer In this instance, for once Btn gn boyunca All day long
Bu sfatla As such Btn hayatm boyunca In all my experience
Bu sralar About this time Btn hayatnda Man and boy
Bu sralarda About this time Btn hz ile In full career, in full course, with
Bu sylediimi doruluyor. This bears out what I said. all speed
Bu suretle In this way Btn kalbimle With my whole heart, with all my
Bu sre iinde In the meantime heart
Bu artlar altnda In these premises, in these Btn kalbiyle From one's heart
circumstances Btn kuvvetimle As far as in me lies
Bu ekilde It goes like this, in this way Btn kuvvetiyle For dear life; in force
Bu taraflarda In these parts Btn kuvvetiyle alarak In full blast
Bu tarzda And so forth Btnlkle Out and out, up to the hilt
Bu vakit kaybetmekten baka Btn mrmde In all my born days, in all my
bir ey deil! A sheer waste of time experience
Bu vaziyette In the circumstances Btn nem verdii bu That's all he cares about
Bu vehile On this wise Btn tehlikelere ramen At all hazards
Bu vesileyle On the nature of Btn umutlarm suya dt! All my hopes were dashed to the
Bu veya u ekilde By hook or by cook ground,
Bu veya u vesile ile For love or money Btn mitleri krld! His heart sank within him.
Bu yeter! That tells its own tale. Btnyle In its entirely: all told; to a T, in
Bu yolla In this way gross
Bu ynden From this point of view Btn vakit Right along
Buyurunuz! Help yourself, You are welcome Btn varlyla Body and soul
tort Btn yaam boyunca For the life
Bu yzden And consequently, that's why Btn yelkenler fora With every stitch of canvas set
Bu zamana kadar Until this time, up to now Btn yeteneine karn For all his talent
Bu zamanda In this day and age Btn yl Through the year, year by year
Bsbtn ayn One and the same out
Btn ayrntlaryla Warts and all, at large Btn yl boyunca Year-round
Btn zorluklara ramen Come hell or high water
Byk baaryla With flying colours
A clear majority

Byk bir ounluk
Byk bir ihtimalle It is more than probable
Byk bir sratle At a furious pace
Byk apta On a vast scale, to a great
Byk fark A far cry
Byk karklk iinde In wild disorder
Byk kuvvetlerle In force
Byk kk Great and small
Byk lde A vast scale Caddenin br ucunda At the far end of the Street
Byk trenle With pomp and circumstances, Candan With all my soul
under the circumstance Can istedii zaman At will
Bym (yaa) Of full age Canm kadar deerlidir! ft is the very breath of life to me
Canna okuyacam! (argo) I will knock the daylights out of
Can skkn Out of humour
Canla bala With heart and soul
Canls veya gerei kadar
byk As big as life
Can ve gnlden With the utmost will
casna As if, as though
Cebren By force, by main force
ek ekilde As so
Cephe gerisinde Behind the front
Cepte metelik yok! Not a shot in the locker
Cepten km Out of pocket
Cevaben In reply to
ceye kadar Up to, by the time
Cezas ile Under penalty of
Ciddilikle In earnest
Ciddi olarak In sober earnest
Ciddi olmayarak With one's tongue in one's
Civarnda Close at hand, close by
cu yzyln sonlarnda/
sonlarna doru In the later (tenth) century
Cmbr cemaat The whole caboodle
Cretle Like hot cakes

ou In the main
ou kez More often than that
ou kez olduu zere As often happens
ou kimse byle dnyor. Most people think so
ounluk The greater part
ounlukla More often than not
ok A great deal, a great many, a lot
ok aktr ki. . It's quite obvious that
ok abuk Like the devil, tike lightning
ok daha fazla By far
a ... daha az The less ... the less ok daha iyi Better by far. all the better, better
a ... daha fazla The more ... the more still
abucak In a moment ok defa Most times
abuk With expedition, in short order; ok drst Above suspicion
before long ok dzenli In apple pie order
abuk ve kolay Like smoke ok eski Of long standing
arnca duyabilecek ok eskiden Long ago
uzaklkta Within cry ok eski zamanlardan beri From this immemorial
ala ala By dint of working ok faydal Of great use
alr vaziyette In condition ok fazla By half
alma hayatnn doruunda At the zenith of his/her career ok ge Too late, very late
apraz veri On the cross ok gemeden In a moment, not long before,
arda At the stores, down town ere long, before long
arya Down town ok giderle At great cost
ekinmeyerek Without reserve ok gizli Top secret
epeevre All around ok gzel Fine as a fiddle
eitli zamanlarda At various times ok gzel bir biimde In fine style
evreye kar In the face of all men ok hzl On the wings of the wind, like a
kar yol yok! It can't be helped. fury
ktan bitie kadar From start to finish ok slanm Not a dry stitch on
kmaz ayn son ok isterdim ama Much as I should like to
arambasna kadar Till the cows come home. ok kere Many a time
lgn Out of one's head ok kesin Hand and fast
plak gzle With the unaided eye ok kesindir ki... It's quite obvious that
rlplak Without a stitch of clothing ok kesin olarak Very definitely
iek halinde In flower ok kez In many instances
ift nsha halinde In duplicate ok ksa bir zamanda In record time
ocukluundan beri From a boy ok kolay As easy as pie
ocukluktan beri From a child ok kolaylkla Hands down
ocuktur yapacak! Boys will be boys. ok kt halde At a low ebb
ok mahrem Top secret
ok megul Up to the eyes in work, up to the

ok miktarda A sleeve of, in great quantities
ok olasdr ki... The chances are that
ok fkeli On the rampage
ok nce Long before
ok nceleri Of old
ok samimi bir ekilde From the bottom of one's heart
ok sayda Any number of
ok kr Thank God
ok kr ki... I thank my stars that Daha As yet
oktan beri This many a day, long since Daha 1700 ylnda As early as 1700
oktan beri bulunan veya Daha1880'de So long as ago 1880
Daha deil Not as yet
muteber olan Of long standing Daha dn As recently as yesterday
oktan unutulmu Long forgotten Daha fazla No longer, any longer, any more
ok teekkr ederim! Thanks a lot Daha fazla deil No more
ok ucuza For a song Daha geen hafta No longer ago than last week
ok uzak Far off Daha gnn bandayz! The day is young yet.
ok uzakta A long way off Daha ileri Farther than
ok uzun bir zaman A month of Sundays Daha iyi All the better
ok yaknda On door steps Daha iyi dnnce On second thought
ok yakn zamana kadar Daha iyisi olmad iin For want of something better
Until quite recently What is more important
Daha nemlisi
ok yakn zamanlarda In more recent times Daha sair eyler What not
ok zaman srer! It will last for ages. Dahas And what is more, what is more
oluk ocuk Wife and children Dahas var More than that
kmekte On the decline Daha uzun bir sre For some time to come
Daha vakti gelmedi! Not just yet
Dahi As well
Dahilinde Within the compass of. inside of
Daima For ever and a day, ever more,
at all times, all along
Daimi olarak In perpetuity
Dakikas dakikasna On the dot, bang on time
Dalgnlkla In a fit of aberration
Damdan der gibi Out of the blue
Danmadan Without reference to
dan ziyade Rather than
Dara dar With great difficulty
Darbe indirecek mesafede Within striking distance
Darlarak In a heat
Darlkta In embarrassed circumstances;

at a pinch
Davranlarna dikkat et! Mend your ways. den hari Always excepting
Dayanarak In terms of Denilen So - called
Dayanlmayacak kadar Into the ground den ileri In advance of
Dayanlmaz Beyond all bear den ise Rather than, nothing less
Dedikleri gibi As the saying goes den iyi A head of, better than
Defaatle Time and again Denizar yerlerde Overseas
Deerinde As good as Denizden By sea
Deersiz Not worth a red cent, not worth a Deniz kenarndan By the sea
ground Deniz yoluyla By water
Deiik bir ekilde Turn and turn about den kuzeye/gneye v.b doru Northward/southward etc. From
Deiiklik olsun diye Fora change den nce Previous to, prior to
Demez Not worth while den tr By reason of
Deli divane Out of one's wits den selamlarla With kind regards from
Demek ki... That is to say, to wit, It is safe to den yukar Upwards of
say that den ziyade Rather than
Demek yerindedir It means that... Dercesine As who should say
Demincek Just now Derece derece Step by step, by degrees
den aa Short of Derecesiz Ever so much
den ayr olarak As distinguished from, apart Dere tepe Over hill and dale, up hill and
from, differently from down dale
den baka Short of, nothing less, Derhal This very moment, right
independently of, all but, aside now, straight off, at a shot
from Derin endie ile With deep concern
den balayarak As from; from ... dawn, on and Derinliine In depth
after Derin uykuda Fast asleep
den bazlar A few of Dermansz Out of heart
den beri Dated from; ever since Ders almak iin As a warn to others
den birka A few of Detaylca In depth, in detail
den daha baka Farther than Devamda In course of
den daha fazla Upwards of Devam edip giden Underway on
den daha iyi deil No better than
Devam etmekte At a run
den dolay Because of, in so far as, out of;
Devam etmekte iken In the middle of
what with
Devede kulak A mere flea
den ... e kadar From ... To
denebilir de One might as well say d an The instant, the minute
Denetimde In control d iin Seeing that
Denetim d Out of control dna gre Seeing that
den farkl olarak Differently from dgndan By virtue of the fact that, owing to
den fazla More than one the fact that
den fazla olarak Over and above d srece As long as. so long as
den gayri In excess of d taktirde As long as. so long as
Dierlerine gelince As for the rest
Doru olarak According to Hoyle; as well
Dorusu Sooth to say. sure enough, in
Dier ta raftan On the other hand
deed, at heart
Dik On end Dorusunu istersen In truth
Dikey vaziyette At right angles Dorusunu isterseniz As a matter of fact
Dikine On end Dorusunu sylemek gerekirse To be truthful, in all fairness, strictly
Dikkate alarak In the face of speaking
Dikkate almadan Regardless of, without bothering Doru tarafta On the right side
Dikkate deer Of note, of mark Doru ve uygun Fit time and space
Dikkate deer ki... It is worthy of note that, it may Doru yolda On the right track
be remarked that Doutan By nature, by birth
Dikkat edilmesi gerekir ki... It must be noted that Dokununca From the feel of it
Dikkatsizlikle By an oversight, through an Dokuz Mays tarihinde Under the date of May 9th, on the
oversight 9th of May
Dolaysyla On the occasion of,; in
Dilden dile From mouth to mouth
connection with,; on the nature
Diledii gibi After his own heart
Dilinin ucunda On the tip of one's tongue Doludizgin At a rattling pace
Dillerde destan On lip Dosdoru As right as nails; as the crow
Darda Out of doors flies
Darya yolculuk srasnda On the voyage out Dosyaya geirilmi On file
Die di Tooth for tooth Doya doya To one's heart's content
Dnda With the except of; out of Dnm halinde On the turn
Dnda brakarak To the exclusion of Dnte On the way back
Diye In the belief that, in dread that; Drt ayak zerinde On all fours
in case Drt ba mamur The all round
Diyebilirim ki... I am free to confess, I dare say Drt gnde bir Every four days
Diye biraz korktum! I was half afraid that Drtnala At full gallop
Diyelim ki... Supposing that Drt taraftan All around
Diyorlar ki... People say d kadar As well as that
Diyormu gibi As who should say Dur durak yok! I can't call my soul my own.
Diyorum ki... I say (that) Durgun At standstill
Dizili In file Durmadan On and on
Dobra dobra Straight out, straight from the Durmadan ileyen Ever active
shoulder Duruma gre As occasions requires
Doal byklkte As large as life That is not the ease
Durum byle deildir!
Doal grnmden From nature
Doal olarak As a matter of course Durum byle iken At this conjunction
Doru On the square; as well Durum gerei Force of circumstances
Dorudan doruya Dead on the mark; at first hand; Durum kt grnyor! Things are looking blue
in the teeth of Durum tam tersi! The boot is on the other leg.
Doruluundan emin Durumu gerei Force of circumstances
olmayarak With all reserve Durumunda In the event of, in the case of
Dorulukla By fair means Durumun gerektirdii ekilde In the nature of things
Doruluk veya hile le By hook or by cook
Doru malumatla By the book 153
Durum uygun iken While the going s good
Duyunca ok zldm! I was very concerned to hear
Dkkanlarda At the stores

Dmdz As the crow flies
Dnya alem All the world
Dnyada Not at my price
Dnyada olmaz! I'll see him damned first
Dnya gzyle In the flesh
Dnya kadar A world of
Dnyann drt bucana Four corners of the earth
Dnyann drt yannda Far and wide
Dnyann her yerinde All over the world
Dnyann teki ucunda At the back of e ait Related to; belonging to
e aykr Inconsistently with, contrary to
Dnya telakkisine gre As the world goes
e bal Related to, connected with
Drbn vb. kullanmadan With an unaided eye
Drste Above board e bal olarak Connected with, depending on
e bakmakszn Irrespective of
Drst ekilde By fair means
e bakmayarak Regardless of
Drst zihniyetle By the book
Dknlk iinde e bedel In exchange for
Down and out
Dman ateine maruz Ebedi olarak For ever and a day, for ever
Under fire
Ebediyen For ever more, till the end of
Dmanlk iinde At sword's points
Dncesine gre In the eye{s) of
Dncesiyle Ebediyete kadar For ever and a day
In contemplation of
Dnde e benzeyerek After the fashion of
In the minds eye
Ecdattan evlada From father to son
Dnerek In consideration of; what with
Dnmeden e cevaben In reply to
Without thinking
Dnmeksizin e dair In relation to, in respect to, with
Without thinking
Dnld zaman reference to
When one thinks
Dnlerek e dayanarak In as much as
Ofset purpose
Dnp tandktan sonra Efendim! You see
After mature consideration
e gelince In recognition of, speaking of, in
Dz izgi halinde As the crow flies
respect of, as to, in regard to
Dzeliyor. On the mend
e gre Seeing that, with reference to.
Dzenli In order
as for, according to
Dzensiz Every which way
e gvenerek On the strength of
Dzlkte On the level
Eer If ever, in case: supposing that,
on condition that
Eer bu byle ise If this be so
Eer isterseniz If you please
Elence peinde Out for a good time
Eri Out of the straight
e hazr In the mood for
Ehemmiyeti olmamakla Elde mevcut In store
beraber Not that it matters Elden By hand
Ehemmiyetli Of note, of mark Elden brey gelmez! It can't be helped
Ehemmiyetsiz Nothing to speak of, of no Elden ele From hand to hand
consequence, out of the Elden geldii kadar With might and main
question Elden geldiince As far as possible
Ehemmiyet vermeden With no regard to, without Elde var iki! Carry two
regard to Ele alarak Taking up
Eh olabilir! Well, to be sure Ele geirmek zere In the way of
e hrmete n Out of respect for Ele gne kar In view of everyone
e ilaveten Addition to Elete Hand in hand with
e ilikin With reference to, relative to Eli kulanda At hand
e itaat ederek In obedience to Elimde deil! I can't help it.
e kadar In addition with; down to Elimden geldii kadar As far as in me lies
e kar Counter to, over looking Elimden geldiince As far as in me lain
e karlk In return for; in exchange for Elim kolum bal! I can't call my soul my own-
e karlk olarak In return for Elinde In the hands of, in possession;
e kar olarak In opposition to underthe thumb of
e kyasla In contrast wrth Elinden artk bir ey gelmez! At the end of one's tether
Ekmeini tatan karr! All his grist that comes to his Elinden km Off one's hands
mill. Elinden geldii kadar abuk As fast as he could lick
Ek olarak For good measure, in addition, Elinden geldiince As hard as one can go
together with Elinden gelenin en iyisini
Ekseriyetle In the main yaparak As hard as one can go
Eksikliinden dolay Through lack of Elinin altnda At his elbow
Eksiksiz Up to date Eliyle In care of, care of
Eksiksiz bir halde Right as trivet Elverir. Enough and more than enough
Eksiltme usul ile By tender Elverili In place
Ekimek zere On the turn Elverili bir durumda Under favorable circumstances
Elalem All the world Elzemdir! It is essential
El altnda At hand Emanet olarak In deposit
El altndan Under the count; on the sly, by Emanette On deposit
stealth Emir gereince By order
Elbette To be sure, without doubt, Emniyetle On trust
without fail; of course, for sure Emniyetli Under shelter
Elbette bir yolunu buluruz! We'll manage it somehow. Emniyette At bay
Elbetteki hayr! By no means Emre amade At command
Elbirlii ile Hand in hand with Emre gre By order
Elde In hand Emre hazr At one's order
Elde bir! A sure thing Emri altnda Underthe command of
Elde etmi In possession Emrinde Underthe command of
156 157
Emrine (ek) In his favour En sonuna kadar To the bitter end
Emrine hazr Under the command of En sonunda At length, at the latter end, in the
Emrinize amade At your service end, at last
Emrinize amadeyim! t am at your service. En ufak bahane ile On the slightest pretense
Emriyle By desire of, by order of En yksek derecesinde At its zenith
e muhalif Opposite to En yksek hzla Whip and spur
En aa At the very least En yksek mevkide At its height
En az At the very least, at the least En yksek vaziyette At the full
e nazaran In comparison to En ziyade At most
En azndan At least e oranla As against
En basit deyimiyle To say the least of it e n hazrlk Preliminary to
En bata First and foremost Epey A long chalk, devil a lot
En batan From the beginning Epeyce A good bit, a good many, quite a
En byk ksm The most part bit, quite a bit
En ok At the very most, at most Epeyce uzakta A good distance off
Endie iinde In a sweat Epeyce uzaktr! It's a good step to
Endie ile With a concern Epey sonra Long afterwards
Endieli On edge Epey zamandr Long since
En dorusu In very deed Er ge First or last
En fazla At best Ergen Of full age
En ge At the latest e riayete n Out of deference to, out of
En gzeli The finest ever regard to
En halis cinsten Of the first water Eriilemeyen Out of reach
En ince noktasna kadar Up to the mark Eriilmez Beyond the reach of
Eninde sonunda Sooner or later Erkek erkee Manto man
Enine boyuna In great detail Erkenden Early in the day
Enine boyuna dnlrse All things considered Erken veya ge demez Early and late
En iyimser grle At best Ertesi gn On the following day
En iyisi The very best Ertesi sene The ensuring year
En iyisi udur ki... It seems best that Er veya ge First or last, sooner or fater
En kalpten From the bottom of one's heart Esasnda At bottom, in substance
En kt ihtimale gre At worst Esas itibariyle For the most part, in essence
En kts The unkindest cut of all, the Esas olarak To all intents and purposes
worst of (all) Esirgemeyerek Without stint
En nihayet At length, long last; once for all Eski zamanlarda Of old
En nce In the first place Eskiden In early days, in the days of old,
En samimi hislerle From one's heart of yore, in the past, at one time
Ensesinden By the scruff of the neck Eskiden beri Time out of mind
En son When all is said and done Eskisi gibi Like former
En son hzla Wfth all possible dispatch Eski usulde On conservancy lines
En son sz edilen Last mentioned Eski zamanda In the good old days, in the days
158 159
of old
Eski zamanlarda In old times

Esnasnda In due course of. in the course
of, along about
e susam Athirst for
Ei grlmemi Without example
Eiinde On the verge of, on door steps
Eit derecede veya kymette On a par with
Eliinde In company with
e taraftar In favours of
Etkisizliinden For lack of
Etki yapmak iin For effect Fakat Except (that)
In full Falan So and so
Falan filan yok! But me no buts.
ettii halde In case that Fark gzetmeden Without distinction
e uyarak Out of defiance to Farkl bir ekilde As distinct from
e uygun In accord with Farkl olarak With the difference of
e uygun olarak In compliance with, in conform Farzedelim What if
with, in keeping with Farzedelim ki... Let's suppose, given that
Evde Within doors, at home Faslalarla At intervals
Evde kimsecikler yok! Not a living soul in the house Faslasz Without cease
Ev iinde ve dnda Indoors and out Faydalarnn yansra Together with its benefits
Evvela First and foremost, to begin with Faydal Of use, of service
Evvelce Herein before, ere while Faydal olarak To the purpose
Evvelce denildii gibi As aforesaid Faydal surette To good purpose
Evvel emirde In the first place Faydasz Of no use, end in smoke, up to
Evvelki gn The day before (yesterday) no good
e yarar Good for Fazlaca A deal too much
Fazladan Over the top
Eylem halinde In action
Fazla gelmeyen One too many
Ezbere By heart To boot
Fazla olarak
Ezelden beri From all eternity Fazla sze gerek yok Needless to say
e zt olarak In contrast with Felaket veya yoksulluk iinde Under the harrow
Fena deil Rather good; fairly well
Ferdi olarak (hukuk) In severally
Fersah fersah Out and away
Fevkalade On the top of the world
Fevkalade bir hadise Quite an event
Frsat dtke On occasion
Frsat dnce When occasion serves
Ftri olarak By nature
Fiatla At a price
Fikirler Heri srerek Putting forward ideas
Fikrimce For my part, in my estimation,

160 161
in my judgement
Fikrine gre To one's mind
Filan Such and such, so-and-so

Filanca Such and such
Filan kimse Such a one
Formalite icab It is a matter of form

Galiba It seems as if
Garip tarzda In a strange way
Gayesiyle For the purpose of; to the end
Gayretle With a strong hand
Gece ge vakte kadar Far into the night
Gece gndz Day and night, night and day
Geceleyin At night, in the watches of the
night, by night
Gecenin ilerlemi saatlerinde Deep into the night
Gece yans At dead of night
Gece yarsndan sonra In the small hours
Gecikmeden Without delay
Gecikmesiz Without delay
Geen gn The other day
Geen hafta dnk gn Yesterday week
Geenlerde The other day
Geen sene iinde Sometime last year
Geerek Without reference to
Geerken In passing
Ge kalm A d a y after the fair
Gemi Of late
Gemi gnlerin hatr iin For old time's sake
Gemiin hatr iin For old's sake, for old time's
Gemite In one's day, of yore
Ge vakitte At the eleventh hour
Gelecek To come
Gelecek zamanlarda In days to come
Gelecek ay bugn This day month
162 16 J
Gereinde As occasions require should the
Gelecek hafta bugn This day week occasion arise when required
Gelecek iki hafta iinde For two weeks to come Gereinden ok More than enough
Gelecek posta ile By return post Gereinden fazla Into the ground
Gelecek sefer Next time Gerek ... gerekse Both .... And
Gelecekte In the time to come, in the Gerekesiyle Under colour of
future, in after days Gerekince Should the case occur
Gelgelelim All the same Gerekirse In case of need, if need be
Geliigzel At random Gereklilik halinde In case of necessity
Gelime halinde Under development Gereklilikle By necessity
Gelimemi In embryo Gerektiinde Should the case occur
Gemide On board ship, on board Gergin halde On the stretch
Gemiye On board Gibi In such a manner that, in the
Genliin ateli anda In the early prime of one's life manner that, in such a way that
Genliin ilk alarnda In the first blush of youth Gibi ayn surette After the fashion of
Genlikte Early in life Gibi grnyor. It seems as though, it would seem
Genlik veya zindelik anda In the green tree Gibi suretle So as
Gene de All the same; but what Giderken On the way
Genel bir kural olarak As a general rule Giderle At a charge of
Genelde As a rule, as a whole Gidi - geli There and back
Genel kullanmda In current use Gitsem de olur gitmesem de! I would as soon go as not
Genellikle In general, as a general rule, Gittike More and more, all the more, by
broadly speaking degrees
Genellikle herkes People at large Gittike artmakta On the increase
Genellikle kullanlan In current use Gittike azalarak Less and less
Genellikle sylendiine gre It is generally reported that Gittike basan karanlkta In the gathering darkness
Genellikle sylenildiine gre It is currently reported that Gittike daha iyi Better and better
Genel olarak As a general thing, taking it all in Gittike skntya girerek With sinking heart
all, as a whole; by and large Gyabnda Behind one's back
Geni bir kol hareketi ile With a wide sweep of the arm Giyinmi kuanm In full fig
Geni manada In broad terms Gizli On the sly
Geni lde In large part, on a large scale, far Gizlice By stealth, under the rose, on
and wide the tiptoe, under the hat
Gerek hayatta olduu gibi True to life Gizli gizli Under one's hat
Gerek udur ki... The fact is that Gizli kalmak art ile Under the seal of secrecy
Gerek u ki... The truth is that Gizli olarak To one's secret, in secret
Gerekte In point of fact, in reality; as such Gizli tutmak artyla Under the seal of secrecy
Gerekten Of a truth, in fact, to say the Gk kubbe altnda Under the open sky
truth, truth to say, truth to tell Gklere kararak In high terms
Geri In effect Gkte On high
Gereince In conform with, pursuant to, in Gkten From above
lieu of
Gnl holuuyla In good part
Gnl ister ki... One would wish that Gznnde In sight
Gre According as, as regards, with Gznnde tutarak In consideration of
respect to Gznne alarak In defiance of
Grebildiim kadar As far as I can see Gznne alnca In view of
Grevinin yerine getirilmesi Gz ak On the watch
srasnda In the discharge of his duties Gznn nnde Under one's eyes
Grev srasnda In the exercise of one's duties Gz yalar iinde In tears
Grldnde At sight Grevde On strike
Grlmee deer! Fit to be seen Gururlu High and mighty
Grlr grlmez At sight Gcyle By dint of
Grnmez Out of sight G bela By the skin of one's teeth
Grnrde In view, at sight, in sight, in full Glkle With difficulty
view Glmeye altm. I tried to force a smile.
Grne gre On the face of it Glnecek ey deil! It is no laughing matter.
Grnte On the face of it Gnah boynuna At your peril
Grnne gre bakarak From the look of him/her Gn ar Every other day, every second
Grnyor ki... It seems that days
Gsterimde On display Gndelikle (cret) By the day
Gsteri iin For effect Gnden gne Day by day, from day to day
Gsterili In grand style Gndz By day , by daylight
Gsteri olsun diye For show Gndzn By day. by daylight
Gsterisiz ekilde In a small way Gne arkasnda olarak With the sun
Gtr In the lump Gne domadan nce Before day
Gz ap kapayncaya kadar In a trice, in an instant, in the Gnein alnnda In the full glare of the sun
twinkling of an eye Gne karsnda olarak Against the sun
Gz alabildiine As far as the eye could reach Gne uygun olarak Up to date
Gzde In favour, much thought of Gnlerce Day after day
Gzden dm Out of favour Gnler ksalyor. The days are closing in.
Gzden geirilmekte Under consideration Gnler uzuyor. The days are drawing in, the
Gzden kayp Out of sight days are drawing out.
Gzden uzak In the background Gn gnne To a day
Gze alarak At the risk of Gnn birinde One day, some fine day; one of
Gze arpacak yerde In the foreground these days
Gze gz die di An eye foran eye Gpegndz In broad daylight, in broad day
Gzetiminde In trust Gvenilir On the square
Gz gre gre With one's eyes open Gvenilir kaynaktan On good authoritarian
Gz hapsinde In hand Gvenle In safe
Gz krpmadan Without a wince, without wincing Gvertede On board ship
Gzle grlr In sight Gya As though, as if, as it were
Gzlerinden yalar boanarak Eyes swimming with tears Gzel olmayan taraflarn
166 saklamadan Warts and all
Hal byle iken With this
Halde In the act of
Halihazrda Yet already; at present

Halinde In process of
Hali vakti yerinde In easy circumstances, on easy
street, in comparative comfort
Haliyle At that
Halkn gznde in the public eye
Halkn gz nnde In the public eye
Halkn menfaati bakmndan On public grounds
Halkn yararna In the public interest
Haber aldma gre I am given to understand that Hangi arala olursa olsun By fair means or foul
Haberdar In the know Hangi gnahm iinse For my sins
Haberim olmadan Without my knowing Hareket halinde On the move, in motion, under
I don't have the foggiest idea. way
Haberim yok.
Behind one's back, to one's Hareket halinde (havada) On the wing
Haberi olmadan
secret Hareketsiz At rest
Hadden ar Beyond measure Harekette On the go
Without wishing to lay down the Harfi harfine To the letter
Haddim olmayarak
law Harf srasna gre In alphabetical order
Ha, diyordum ki... Well, as I was saying Haricinde Out of
Haddi zatnda In Itself Hari braklm Beyond the pale
Hari tutarak To the exclusion of
Hadisesiz Without incident
Hadsiz Without measure Har vurup harman savurarak From hand to mouth
Hasebiyle In consequence of
Hafta hesabna gre By the week
Haftatar/ca nce Weeks ago Hasta vaziyette About the gills
Haftalarca Week in week out, for weeks Haa Fa r f rom it
Har neir Cheek by jowl
Haftalk By the week
Hakikaten Hata ilemi In fault
As a matter of fact, in faith
Hatal At fault
Hakikaten de And sure enough
Hakikatte In sober fact, in sooth, at heart Hatrasna In memory of
Hakiki manada In a real sense
Hatr iin Out of respect to, out of regard
Hakka baklrsa By right to; for the love of, for the sake of
Hakk iin In the name of Hatrmda kaldna gre As near as I remember
Hakknda Relative to, as concerns, in Hatrm day ken While I think of
H at n m iin For my sake
regard to
Hakknz var! There is force in what you say. Hatrnz kalmasn With all due defer to you
Hakk olarak By right, with reason Hatrladma gre To the best of my recollection
Hakkyla Hatrlanmaldr ki... It must be born in mind that
By right of
Hatta Well in to; ever if
Hakkyla dnlrse In all reason
Hatta bundan daha fazla Yet more
Hakl olarak As it should be
Hana n km Off the track Hazr bu i zerinde iken While we are at it
Havada In mid air Hazr bulunmad iin In default of
Havada iken On the fly Hazrlanmakta On hand, on the stocks
Havadan Out of thin air; by air Hazrlk devresinde In blue-print stage
Hava iyi de olsa kt de olsa Rain or shine Herkes tarafndan kabul
Hava iyi olacaa benziyor. It promises to be a fine day. edilmektedir ki... It is accepted by everyone that
Hava kararrken At dusk Hele hele Above all
Hava kararyor. It's growing dusk. Hem ... hem de Both ....And
Hava yolu ile By air Hem de And what is more, and so
Hayal gcn kullanarak By a stretch of imagination Hem denizden hem karadan By sea and land
Hayalinde In the minds eye Hemen Out of hand, like a shot, in a jiffy,
Hayasz Without shame the moment, then and there
Hayat boyunca For the life Hemen ardndan With this
Hayati bir tarzda In a vital way Hemen arkasnda veya
Hayat boyunca Man and boy arkasna At heal
Hayatm boyunca All through my life, through all Hemen hemen Next to; all but
my life Hemen hemen ayn Much the same, much of a
Hayatn cilveleri Dps and downs muchness
Hayatn en iyi evresinde In the flower of one's youth/age Hemen hemen hi Next to nothing, hardly ever
Hayatn en olgun dneminde In the prime of life Hemen hemen hi bir zaman Scarcely ever
Hayatn gzel taraf The amenities of life Hemen hemen rzgara kar Close to the wind
Hayatn kurtarmak iin For dear life Hemen hemen yan yana At close quarters
Hayatnn sonuna doru In one's declining years Hemen hi Scarcely ever
Hayat pahasna At the cost of one's life Hemen istekle At the drop of a hat
Hayat pamuk ipliine bal! His life hangs by a thread. Hemen orackta On the spot
Hayat memat meselesi It's a matter to life and death. Hemen nceki Next but one
Hayattaki ini ve klar Ups and downs Hemen imdi In a nrc>men1, this very moment,
Haydi haydi! All the more this moment, right now
Hay hay By all means Hemen yannda(ki) Next to
Hayrsz Up to no good Hem gece hem gndz By day as well as night
Hayli A good bit, a good many, sort of Hemire nezareti altnda In chaigeof a nurse
Hayli gemi Well past Henz As yet
Hayli kalabalk A good few Henz deil Not as yet
Hayli miktarda Deuce of a lot Hep Ever after
Hayli uzun zaman A good longtime Hep beraber In unison, neck and crop
Hayli zaman A long time Hep bir azdan In concert, with one voice
Hayli zaman nce A great while ago Hep birden In unison
Hayli zamanlar This many a day Hep birlikte With oie accord, neck and crop
Hayret Strange to say Hep birlikte ve ayn anda In chorus
Hazr On one's toes; near at hand; at Hep deien Turn aid turn about
point Hepimiz All of us
170 171
Hepsi In all, one and all, root and Her ihtimale kar hazr Equal to the occasion
branch Her iki durumda da In either events
Hepsi iinde In all Her iki el ile Right and left
Hepsi ayn byklkte All of a size Her iki kiiden biri Both ... And
Hepsi ayn zamanda All in unison Her ikisi de Every other person
Hepsi beraber To a nice Herkes All and sundry, young and old
Hepsi bir It makes no difference, all the Herkese malum Well-known
same Herkesin aznda In the spots
Hepsi birden All at once; to a man Herkesin arzusuna uygun All the rage
Hepsi bu kadar That's all. Herkesin dediine gre By all accounts
Hepsi hazr (paket v.b) All done up. Herkesin gz nnde In the glare of publicity
Hepsi iyi ho ama That's all very well (and good) Herkesin kabul enii zere By common consent
but Herkesin onayyla By common consent
Hepsinden nce First of all Herkesin nnde In public
Hepsine ramen For all that I know Herkesin rzas ile By common consent
Her hafta Per week Herkes tarafndan grlecei
Her bakmdan In all respects, at all points zere To the view
Her biri One and all, each one Herkes tarafndan kabul edilen
Her birimiz We each bir gerektir ki... It is a fact accepted by
Her eit All manner of everybody that
Her eitten All sorts and condition Her konuda In every respect
Her defa At every turn Her nasl olsa Somehow or other
Her defasnda Every time Her nasl olursa olsun No matter how
Her durumda At all events Her naslsa Such as it is; at any rate
Her dzeyde At every level Her nedense For some reason or other
Her gelen All comes Her ne kadar In spite of the fact that, despite the
Her gn kullanlan In everyday use fact that
Her halde By all manner of means, in any Her ne kadar... ise de Although nevertheless
event Her ne kadar... olsa da Although still, although yet
Her halkarda At all events, at any rate Her ne olursa Come hell or high water
Her hangi Some sort of Her ne olursa olsun Be that as it may, no matter
Her hangi bir biimde In some way or another what
Her hangi bir suretle For love or money, in any wise Her ne pahasna olursa olsun At any price
Herhangi bir ekilde By some means or other Her nerede ... olsa, orada Where ... Then
Herhangi bir ey Any old thing Her ne zaman ... olsa, o zaman When ... Then
Her hangi bir yerde In nature Her ne zaman isterseniz Any time you want
Her hangi dereceye kadar So much as Her ne zaman olursa olsun No matter when
Her hangi neviden Of sorts Her noktada In every detail
Her hususta For the work! Her sene Year after year
Her hususta iyi All round Her seviyede At every level
Her ihtimale gre In all probability Her ey All in all

172 173
Her ey bitti! It's all over.
Hzla giderek At speed
Her eyden fazla Above all Hzla yrmekte On the wing
Her eyden nce Above all things, first and above
Hi Not a whit, not by a long sight,
all. first of all
not one iota
Her eye ramen For all that I know
Hi anlamyorum! It's beyond me. It's all Greek to
Her eyi gze alarak Neck or nothing me.
Her eyi hesaba katarak First and last, on the whole
Hi brakmayarak In defiance of
Her eyi ile Bag and baggage
Hi bir engelle karlamadan Without let or hindrance
Her ey tam yolunda gitti!. Everything went with a swing.
Hi biri Neither of them
Her ey yerli yerinde. All in order Hi bir ie yaramaz! Fit for nothing
Her ey yolunda gitti. All went well.
Hi bir nedenle On no consideration, on no
Her ey yolunda! So far so good. consider
Her ey yolundadr! All is as it should be. Hi bir snrlama olmakszn Without reservation
Her tarafa Every which way Not for love or money, on no
Hi bir suretle
Her tarafta Right and left, all over consideration; nothing of the
Her taraftan At all hands kind.
Her tavr ve hareket All manner of conversation Under no circumstances, in no
Hi bir ekilde
Her vakit All through Circumstances
Her vehile By any means
Hi bir ey Nothing of any description
Her yananda On either cheek I can't make head or tail of it.
Hi bir ey anlayamyorum!
Her yandan On all hands Good for nothing
Hi bir eye yaramaz.
Her yer Any gate, every place Hi bir ey olduu yok! Nothing ever happens.
Her yerde Far and near, every place, high Hi bir vehile Nothing for it but
and low, far and wide Hi bir zaman In no circumstances, in no case.
Her yerinde All about not ever
Her yne Every which way
Hi bir zarar grmeden Not a penny the worse
Her ynyle At all points Hi bitmeyecekmi gibi gelen
Her zaman In season and out of season, all gece boyunca At the livelong night
the time, every time Hi deil Not at all, not a bit
Her zaman iin In perpetuity Little or nothing
Hi denecek kadar
Her zamanki gibi As usual Hi de yle deil! Nothing of the kind,
Hesaba katnca In view of Hi de umurumda deil! I don't give a rap.
Hesaba kattktan sonra What with I don't think so.
Hi de zannetmiyorum!
Hesabna On one's account Without the slightest hesitancy
Hi duraksama y arak
Hesabna gre In one's arithmetic Hi durmadan Day and night
Hesabyla At the rate of, due to Hi faydas yok! No earthly use
Heyecanla In a stew Not half bad
Hi fena deil!
Heyecanlanm On fire with Hi fikrim yok! I don't have the foggiest idea.
Hey gidi gnler! The good old days Hi kanmadan Straight from the shoulder
Hzyla At the rate of Hi kendini bozmadan With the utmost composure
Hzla Like a shot, at a rapid clip Hi kimse Never a one
174 175
Hi kuku yok! No manner of doubt
Hi mesabesinde Next to nothing

Hi mi hi Devil a bit, devil a one; so far
Hi olmazsa At least
Hi nemi yok! It doesn't matter in the least.
Hi alacak ey deil! It is a small wonder that
Hi phem yok ki... I don't doubt that
Hi phe yok! No doubt about that
Hite yle deil! It is nothing of the sort.
Hi yoktan Out of thin air; after all
Hiddet annda In a fit of anger Irman aasna doru Down the river
Hiddetle Like fury Irmaktan geerken In crossing the (river)
Hilafna olarak Contrary to Istrap iinde Under the harrow
Hilafnda In contravention of Ivr zvr This and that
Hileli Under-handed i bir kenara brakrsak Apart from the fact that
Hilesiz By fair means jbraznda At sight
cabe derse In case of necessity
Himaye altnda Under escort, under protection
Himayesinde Under auspices of cab halinde In case of need
Hislerimi izah edemem! My heart is too full for words. cabna gre tn lieu of
Hissedince From the feel of it cabnda In case of need, on a pinch
Ho karlamadan With the object of cab olarak By force of
Hudut dahilinde Within the pale craatta In practice
Hukuk dilinde In legal parlance erde In doors, within doors
Hususta In this respect i dna dnm Inside out
Hususunda In respect of, in relation to, in imde bir his var. I have a feeling (that)
respect to, in the matter of imizde In our midst
Huzuru kalple With clear conscience inden kamyorum. I can't make head or tail of it.
Huzurunda In the face of iin esas Essential for
Hcum halinde On the offensive iin olduu gibi As in the case of
Hkmnce In the eye(s) of iin temel Essential for
Hkmnde Under the heel of jten Without pose
Hkmet hesabna At public cost jtenlikle sylyorum I speak with feel
Hkm gnnde In the last day jyznde At heart
Hlasa The sum and the substance of it, dare eder. Fairly well
in brief dare etmekte In harness
Hr At liberty
ddia ediyor ki... He will have it that
Hrmeten Out of defer i desteklemek iin In support of
Hsnniyetle In a good cause dman iin formunda In condition
dmansz Out of practice
i dorulayan In support of
fade ederken In pursuance of
le mcadele halinde Up against
htilaf halinde In dispute
le mterek In common with
htimalini gz nne alarak In contemplation of
leride In the time to come, in the
htimali var ki... The odds are that
future, in days to come, in
htimal ki... Something like
htisasm dahilinde Within my province
Meride bir gn Sometime or other
jhtiyacnda In need of
leri geri Backwards and forwards, back
htiya hasl olursa At a push
and forth
htiya karsnda On a pinch, in a pinch
Merisi iin dnmeyerek From hand to mouth
htiya olarak saklanlm In reserve
lerisinde Ahead of
jhtiyatan dolay From necessity
leri srerek On the ground that
ihtiyatl In conflict with
Merlemekte On the way; in progress
ken What time
lerlemi yanda In one's extreme old age
ki ate arasnda Between the hammer and the
le temas halinde In contact with
le tutarl olarak In keeping with
j k i aydan az bir zamanda In under two months le uyarnca In line with
ki gnde bir Every other day, every second
le uygun In agreement with
le uyumlu olarak In line with
jki gn sonra The day after the next
le yan yana Abreast of
jki kat As much again
lgili olarak In terms of
kinci olarak In the second place
lgisi olmayan Beside the mark
kisi arasnda In between
lk azda At the first shot
jkisi ortas Betwixt and between
lk bakta At first blush, at first sight
kier ikier By twos
lk devresinde In embryo
lave olarak As well
lk elden At first hand
laveten To boot lk grte At first sight
le ayn dorultuda In line with
jlk hamlede At the first shot
le ayn hizada Abreast of
jlk heyecann verdii atele In the first glow of enthusiasm
le ayn zamanda Concurrently with
lk heyecanla In the first flush of passion
le bantl Related to
lk i olarak To start with
|le beraber Side by side with
lk kez As a beginning
le birarada In conjunction with
lk kez olarak As a beginning
ile bir dzeyde On a level with
lk olarak First of all
le birlikte Together with ; hand in hand lk nce In the first place, to begin with,
at first, first of all
le elikili Inconsistently with lk posta ile By return post, By return mail
le eit olarak On an equal with
lk sahibinden At first hand
le ilgili olarak Relating to, with respect to
lk ve son Alpha and omega, first and last
le kar karya Face to face with lk ve son olarak Once for all
lelebet For ever and a day, ever more,
manm hakk iin By my fay
for ever, for ever and ever
mkan dahilinde In nature
in kullanlna zg olarak For the use of
imkansz Not an earth chance, out of the in maiyetinde At the court of
question in neticesinde As a result of
nadna Out of spite in ortasnda In the middle of
in aksine Contrary to in nnde In advance of, ahead of, in the
in aksine olarak In contradistinction to, as presence of
opposed to nsan ileden karr! Enough to try the patience of a
nancyla In the belief that saint
inanlmaktadr ki... It is believed that, It is held that nsann kavray dnda Over one's head
nannz ki... Rest assured that nsanlk bakmndan As a man
in ansna In memory of, in remembrance of nsanlk namna In the name of human kindness
nanmak yerindedir, There is reason to believe that in sayesinde Thanks to, owing to, due to
in aracl ile Through the instrument of, by in sonucu olarak As a result of
favour of na halinde In process of construction
in ardndan In pursuit of in taklidinde After the fashion of
in arkasnda In back of in tarafnda On the part of
in batsnda West of in tersine Contrary to
in belirtisi olarak In token of j nt i zaml On file
inceye kadar Until such time as ntizamsz At loose ends, out of order out
in dedii gibi As someone has it of trim
inden Than that of ntizaren In expectation of
in dikkatine For the attention of in stelemesiyle At the instance of
ndinde In the eye(s) of in stnde On top of; upwards of
in emri ile By command of, by order of in yaknnda Within reach of, at the hands of
in etkisi altnda Under the influence of in yararna On behalf of, in the interest of,
in gz nnde In sight of for the benefit of
in gneyinde South of in yardmyla Thank to, by the aid of, by the
in hatr iin Out of regard for help of
in hepsi All of in yerine In place of. in the place of
in himayesinde Under cover of j rice Sort of large
in huzurunda In the presence of rticalen On the spur of the moment
in srar ile At the instance of sabetti To the point, in point
in iinde Inside of jse ... o zaman If... Then
in ilk zamanlarnda In the early days of Iskonto ile At a discount
in iareti olarak In token of smen By name, in name
ni yoku Ups and downs sminde Of the name of
in izi olarak In token of sminden de anlalaca gibi As the name suggests
nkar edilmez bir ey varsa There is no denying that smini duydum gibime geliyor. I seem to have heard his name.
in karsnda In the presence of smiyle Of the name of, by name
inki Than that of stediim zaman When I choose
in konusunda In the matter of stediiniz gibi As you please
in koruduu Under auspices of 181
stedii vakit At will
steine gre At one's sweet will in kt taraf Short end of the stick, dirty end ot
steiniz zerine At your request the stick
stek olduunda On application in akas yok No laughing matter
jstemeyerek With reluctance in tuhaf The amusing thing about il
stendii kadar At free quarter j iten gemeden Before it is too late
jstenildii gibi As required iitebilecek uzaklkta Within ear
istenildiinde On demand jitir gibi oluyorum. I seem to hear
{stenildii zaman On request jittiime gre From what I heard
stenilen derecede deil Below the mark iittiime gre hastadr. I gather he is ill.
stenilen nitelikte Up to grade |lemez vaziyette At standstill
istenilmeyen One too many ler karmakark. Things are (going) all anyhow.
ster inann ister inanmayn So help me j saatlerinden sonra After hours
ster istemez Of necessity; as soon as siz Out of work
isteyerek veya istemeyerek With a good or bad grace te In business ; you see
istikbalde In days to come jte bu kadar And that's an end of it
istinaden By virtue of te bundan anlyoruz ki... Whence we can understand that
istisnasz Without exception jte bundan dolaydr ki... That is the reason why
bana dt It fell to my lot te burada yanlyorsunuz That is where you are mistaken.
|aret edildii gibi As has been pointed out te durum budur That is how I am situated.
iareti olarak As a token of ten bam kayacak vaktim
|aret olarak In sign of yok. I am up to the eyes in work.
|aret verilince At the drop of a hat iten bile deil! It is no trouble at all to, It is mere
aikar. It goes without saying that child, It's a simple matter.
banda At work, in harness te o gn The very day
dzeliyor. Business is looking up. stirak iinde In ecstasy
e yarar It serves the purpose veya ticaret maksadyla On business
i bandan akn, Up to the eyes in work i tasvir eden Descriptive of
ji bandan am. Up to the elbows i tercihen Preferably to
ime gelmezi It won't suit my book. kibarda In vogue
in asl The essence of the matter tibari kymeti stnde At a premium
in asl u ki- The truth of the matter is that kibariyle As from
lsinde baarl olduu zaman On one's day kibar yksek Of high standing
in doal gidiine gre Matter of course tibarl Of high standing
in dorusu As a matter of fact tibarsz Of no standing
jin ehli Equal to the task timatla In faith
jin en gzel yan The beautiful of it is tiraf edelim ki... Let it be admitted that
in gzel taraf The sun side of the picture kiraz etmeyin. But me no buts.
jin i yz The inside of an affair, behind kirazyla With the object of
the scenes ttifakla In unison, as one man
in kts The trouble is that i ye tutarak Preferably to
182 yi arkadalarla In good company
yi ayar edilmemi Out of focus
jyi ayar edilmi In focus
jyi bir halde In good order

jyice Well enough
yice biliyorum ki... To my certain knowing
yice dnp tandktan
sonra After due consideration
jyi de olsa kt de olsa For better (or) for worse
yi durumda In good condition
jyi dn sonra giri. Look before you leap.
yi halde Up to scratch; in good form
jyi kyafette In fine fettle Kabaca sylemek gerekirse Roughly speaking
yilemekte On the up grade, on the mend Kaba gle With a high hand, by main force
yilik beklenmez Up to no good Kabataslak In outline
yilik etmek gayesiyle In a good cause Kabilinde On the order of
yilikle By good means, in good part Kabul edelim ki... Granted that
jyimser olarak In a good light Kabul edilen artlara gre Up to standard
jyi netice vererek To good purpose Kabul edilmektedir ki... It is held that
yi niyetle In good faith Kabul edilmemi Out of favour
jyi o halde Very well then Ka kez Time and again
jyi saylrl That's good going. Kadar As much as, as well as, in so far
jyi vaziyette On one's pin as, so as
jyi veya kt gnlerde In sunshine and in storm Kadar... ki Such ... That
yi ya All the better Kadar deil Not as ... As
jyi yapml Well made Kadar iyi As good as
jzinde In the way of Kadaryla In as far as, to the degree, to the
jzini takip ederek In wake of extent, in so far as
zinli On leave Kafama dank etti! It dawned on me.
jzni ile By permission of Kafi That will do
zninizle! By your leave Kah ierde kah darda In and out
zninizle bu dncede deilim! I beg to differ Kaide/kural olarak In principle
Kainatta In nature
Kala kala There only remains
Kalanlarn hepsi All the rest
Kalkp gitmeye muktedir Out and about
Kalpten At heart
Kanaatindeyim. I am satisfied that
Kana kana To one's heart's content
Kansndaym. I am satisfied that
Kan revan iinde In a welter of blood
Kanuna ramen In defiance of the law
184 185
Kanunen By the book Kati Out of question
Kanuni formaliteye gre In due form Kati olarak For su re
Kanun namna In the name of the law Katiyen On no account; in the least, not
Kanunu hie sayarak In defiance of the law at my price, not by a long ways
Kapsnda On door steps Katlanamaz Out of patience with
Kapan kapana! Like hot cakes Katlanlmaz Beyond all bear
Kapsayarak Inclusive of Kavray dnda Above one's head
Karada High and dry; on the shore Kaybedecek hi vaktim yoktur! I have not a minute to spare.
Karadan By land Kayda deer Worthy of note
Kara kta In the deep of winter, in the depth Kaydedilen On record
of winter Kayd olan On record
Karanlkta By night Kazaen veya kasten By accident or design
Karanlktan istifade ederek Under cloud of night Kazanacak tarafta On the right side of the fence
Karar an Moment of truth Kazandn boazna
Kararsz On the knees of the gods sarf ederek Hand to mouth
Kararszlk iinde Up a tree Kazara If ever; accidentally, by accident
Karar verilmemi Up in the air Kederli Out of spirits
Kara yolu ile By land Keder ve nedamet iinde In sack and ashes
Kardaym! I am in pocket. Kelimenin tam anlamyla In the strictest sense of the word
Kan koca Man and wife Kelimesi kelimesine Word for word
Kar ile At a profit Kemalde At its zenith
Kark Half and half Kendi bama On my own hook
Karmakark Out of trim, at sixes and sevens, Kendi bana By oneself
out of order, in confuse Kendi evinde At home
Karsz Into the bargain Kendi evinde rahat Under one's vine and fig tree
Kar Opposite to Kendi gayretiyle Under one's own stream
Kar karya In the teeth of; face to face Kendi giriimiyle On one's own initiation
Kar koyarak In despite of Kendi hakknda Of oneself
Karlatrldnda In comparison Kendi hesabma From my point of view
Karlnda In reply to Kendi hesabna At his own charges
Karlk olarak For a consider Kendi iyiliiniz iindir! It is your interest.
Karn Regardless of the fact that, in Kendi kendime On my own hook
spite of the fact that Kendiliinden Of one's own accord, on one's
Karsnda Over against, in the face of, on own responsibility
the face of, in view of Kendine has On one's part
Kar yanda Over the way Kendine zg nitelikle With that courtesy which is his
Kasabann dnda On the outskirts of town alone
Kastl olarak On purpose Kendi z malm My very own
Kasten Ofset purpose, by design Kendi tarzna gre After a sort
Kala gz arasnda In the nick of time, under the Kertesinde At the point
nose of Kesilerek By fits and starts
186 187
Kesin olarak For a certain
Kesintili olarak Off and on
Kim olursa olsun Regardless (of) who
Kesintisiz Without interruption
Kimsecikler yok! Not a soul
Keskin bir sesle In a sharp voice
Kimseden korkmadan ve
Keif vazifesinde On the scout
kimseye boyun emeden Without fear or favour
Keke If only
Kimsenin yardm olmakszn All alone
Keyfine gre At one's sweet will
Kimseyi kartrmadan Without implicating anyone
Keyfi yerinde! In good spirits, in good form
Kiralk On hire
Keyfi yerinde deill Out of form
Kisvesi altnda Under the mask of. under cover
Keyif aleminde On the razzle
Keyifsiz Out of temper Kolay bir ekilde On easy terms
Keza So and so
Kolay bir tahminle With halfan eye
Kl bile kprdamadan Without a tremor Kolayca (argo) In a breeze
Krda Out of town
Kolay grlecek bir mevkide In the sun
Krkn gemi On the shady side of forty
Kolaylatrmak iin In further of, for the further of
Krk kez Time after time
Kolaylkla With ease
Krk ylda bir Seldom, if ever
Kolaylkla eriilebilir Within reach of easy
Krk yln ba Once in a blue moon
Komu Next to
Ksa bir zaman iin For a little
Kontrol altnda In hand
Ksaca In short, in short course, for
Kontrol altnda In care of
short, in brief, in few, in fine
Konu d Beside the point
Ksacas In a nutshell, the sum and the
Konusunda As concerns, in relation to, on the
substance of it
subject of
Ksasa ksas Tit for tat Konuyla ilgili On the track
Ksa sreyle At short notice
Korkmu vaziyette About the gills
Ksa vadede In the short run Korkusundan In dread that, in fear that
Ksm ksm In parts
Korkusuyla For fear of
Ksmen In some measure
Koar adm At the double
Ksmen dorudur. It requires qualifications
Koullar hesaba katarak Allowing for the circumstances
Ksmet neyse Whatever shall be Koulsuz Without reservation
Ktt ktna By the skin of one's teeth
Kouluyla Provided that, providing that
Kt kanaat geinerek Hand to mouth
Koyu bir mslmandr! He is a strict Muslim.
Kyafetinde In the garb of
Khne Behind the times
Kyamet gn The end of time
Kkten Root and branch
Kyasla By comparison Kede In the corner
Kyda bucakta In odd corners
Keyi dnce Round the corner
Kyya yakn In shore Kt halde In a sad case
Kilit altnda Under lock and key Ktlemekte On the down grade
Kilometrelerce For miles and miles Ktlnden Out of spite
Kim bilir! For all I know
Kt niyetle In bad faith
Kim gelirse All comes
Kraln emriyle/davetiyle By royal command
188 Kritik bir anda In a critical moment
Kucak kucak By the arms

Kudreti dahilinde Within the means, in the hands
Kulama alndna gre I have heard tell that
Kulaklar nlasn! I hope his ears are burning
Kullanlabilir In use
Kullanlmayan Out of use
Kullanm d Out of use
Kurala gre By the book
Kurallara gre By rule Laf aramzda kalsn! This is between you, me and the
Kurallara uygun According to Hoyle gate-post!
Kuramsal olarak In the abstract larnkinden Than those of
Kurnazca On the sly Latife olarak In fun
Kurun harcamadan Without firing a shot Layk Due to
Kusur etmi In fault Layk vehile In good earnest
Kuatlm halde In the midst of Laykyla As it should be
Kukulu In doubt Lazm gelen Due to
Kukulu bir ekilde On the queer Lehinde In his favour
Kukusuz Without a doubt Lehine In countenance
Ku uuu As the crow flies Lehte ve aleyhte olarak Pro and con
Kuvvetiyle By dint of Lime lime In rags and tatters
Kuvvetsiz Out of heart Listenin banda Early in the list
Kuzu gibi As meek as a lamb Ltfen gelinizl Be good enough to come
Kk byk Great and small Ltf ile By courtesy of
Kk apta On a small scale Lzum halinde In case of necessity
Kk genilikte In small compass Lzumlu Essential to
Kk hacimde In small compass
Kklkten beri From a child
Kk lde In a small way
Klahma anlat! Tell that to the marines
Kle halinde In the mass
Kstaha With a high hand


Matem halinde In mourning
Mecburen Under obligation
Mecburiyet altnda Under obligation

Medeni alem The world and his wife
meden nce Preparatory to
medike If... Not
Meer It is understood that, it seems
me halinde At the point of
mek amacyla So as to
mek iin In order to
Maddesinde Under the head of mek niyetiyle With the intention of
Madem ki For as much as, in as much as, mek pahasna At the risk of
as long as, so long as mekten baka yapacak bir ey
Madem ki siz sylyorsunuz yok! There is nothing for it but to
dorudur! Since you say so. it must be mek zere olmak On the point of, at the point of
true. mek yerine Instead of
Mahkeme masraflar ile Melankolik halde In the dumps
beraber With costs memesi iin So that ...not; for fear that
Mahrem Off the record Memleketinde At home
Mahrem olarak Under pledge of secrecy Menfaatine In the interest of
Mahrum ederek To the exclusion of Menfaatiniz icabdr! It is your interest
Mahsus In cold blood Meraktan dolay Out of curiosity
Maher gnnde In the last day Merasimsiz Free and easy
Mahzun Out of spirits Merhamete n Out of charity, out of pity
Maiyetinde In the employ of Merhametsizce In cold blood
mak bir yana dursun Far from doing this Mesela Such as; for example, for
makla beraber Except (that), forgetting the fact instance
that Mesele ylece kald. There the matter dropped.
Maksadyla With a view to, with the view of, Meselesi It is a matter of, a matter of
with the purpose of, by way of Mesele udur ki... The idea is that
Maksat undan ibarettir The idea is that Mesele u ki... The question is that
maktansa Rather than mesi iin So ... that, in order that
Makul ekilde As welt mein diye For fear that, in case not
Mamafih Not but what, at the same time Mesleinde en yksek
Manas yok! It does not make sense. derecede At the top of the tree
Mantki olarak In all reason Mesuliyeti altnda At one's peril
Masrafna demezi It isn't worth his keep Mehur In the limelight
Masraf patrona art On the house Mehur tabiriyle As the saying goes
Masrafla At a charge of Metelik etmez! Not with a sou, not worth a
Masraf ne olursa olsun Hand the expense ground
192 193
Meteliksiz Without a sou
Mevcut In hand in being without fail
Mevsim boyunca Throughout the season Muvafa katyla With the consent of
Mevsimi olmad zaman In the offseason Mcadelenin en iddetli
Mevsimsiz Out of season zamannda In the thick of the fight
Mevzu bahis In question Mdafaada In defense of
Mevzu dnda Beside the question Mhim In the limelight
Mevzu harici Out of the question Mhrlenmi Under seal
Meydan vermeyerek To the exclusion of Mhrl Under seal
mezse If... Not Mkemmel All round
m gibi As though, as if Mkemmel halde On the top of the world
Milattan nce Before Christ Mkemmel olarak At all point
Minnet altnda Under obligation to Mmkndr ki... It's quite on the cards that
Minyatr halinde In little Mmkn olduu kadar All the way
Misalsiz Without example Mmkn olduu kadar abuk As soon as possible
Misli grlmemi miktarda Never so Mmkn olduu kadar yakn
Mizahtan yoksun Out of humour bir zamanda At your convenience
Moda halinde In vogue Mmkn olduunca en ksa
Modas gemi Out of fashion, out of date zamanda As soon as possible
Modaya uygun All the rage Mmknse bir an evvel At your earliest convenience
Muayyen bir tarzda In a manner Mnakaaya demez! Out of the question
Mucibince In compliance with, in accord Mnasebeti olmayan Beside the mark
with Mnasebetiyle In reference to, with reference
Muhakkak A clear case, by all means, to a to, on the occasion of
certainty, for certain, and no Mnasebetle As regards
mistake Mnasebetsiz Out of place
Muhakkak ... metisiniz I will take no deniable Mnasip In point, due to
Muhakkak olarak Without fail Mrekkeple In ink
Muhalefet ederek In the teeth of Msaadenizle By your leave
Muhayyer On trial Msaadesi ile By permission of, by courtesy of
Muhtasar olarak In little Msait bir durumda Under favorable circumstances
Muhtemelen The chances are Msait artlar altnda Under favorable conditions
Mukabeleten In return Msait zamanda All in good time
Mukayese edilemez! Beyond comparison Msamaha yznden On suffer
Mukayese olarak As compared to, as compared Mstesna One in a hundred
with Mstesna olarak With the exception
Munzam delil olarak More by token Mkilatla With bated breath
Musa gibi mtevazi As meek as Moses Mklat iinde In embarrassed circumstances
Mutabk In agreement with Mklat karsnda Under difficulties
Mutabkz That is a deal Mkl durumda At a low ebb
Mutlaka At discretion, in ati conscience, Mkl vaziyette Under difficult conditions, in a
sad case, on thin ice
Mtereken In conjunction with, in common
Mtemadi olarak On end

Mtemadiyen Ever in one
Mthi ani bir darbe ite At one fell swoop
Mzakerede Under discussion

Nadiren Seldom if ever

Nakit olarak In cash
Namna On behalf of, in the name of, in
behalf of
Namnda Of the name of, by name
Namusum zerine Upon my honour
Nasl... yle As therefore, as so
Nasl isterse At pleasure
Nasl isterseniz Within your discretion, at your
Nasl istersen yle yap! Have it your own way!
Nasl olursa olsun By fair means or foul, in any way
soever, regardless (of) how
Naslsa In some way or another
Nazaran With reference to, in reference
to, in regard to, in the way of
Nazarnda In the sight of
Nazari olarak Of necessity
Nazik durumda On thin ice
Ne ... ne de Neither... nor, not... Nor
Nedeni The reason why
Nedenini anlamyorum! I fail to see why
Nedeniyle By virtue of the fact that, by
reason of the fact that
Neden sonra Long afterwards
Ne de olsa After alt
Ne derseniz deyin! Call it what your want!
Ne fazla ne eksik Neither more or less
Nefes nefese Out of breath
Nefsi mdafaada In one's own defense
196 197
Ne garip Strange to say courtesy, have the goodness to
ne gre In one's view Nezaketten Out of kindness
Ne isterseniz onu yapn! Have it your own way! Ne zamana kadar Until when
Ne kadar How much Ne zaman can isterse In his own good time
Ne kadar az olursa olsun ie Ne zamandan beri It's many a long day since; since
yarar! Every little helps when; since then
Ne kadar byk olursa olsun Howsoever great it may be Ne zaman isterseniz When you please
Ne kadar ok olursa So much as Ne zaman olursa At any time
Ne kadar isterseniz As much as you like Nezaret altnda Under surveillance
Ne olacan kimse bilmez! There is no saying what will Nihayet In the end, at last, after all
happen. Nihayet anladm ki... At length it dawned on me that
Ne olur ne olmaz dncesiyle Without committing myself Nihayete kadar To the last
Ne olursa Whatever happens nin dedii gibi In the word of
Ne olursa olsun At all events, in any case, come nin hatr iin Out of regard for sb., out of
what may, regardless of what respect for
Ne olursa olsun diye It's hit or miss nin istei zerine At the request of someone
Ne olursun Be an angel and nin uruna For the sake of
Ne o ne bu Betwixt and between nin vicdanna kalm At the mercy of
Ne pahasna olursa olsun At all costs, at any cost, by fair nin yerine getirilmesinde In fulfillment of
means or foul, for all the world nin zaman It is high time
Ne pikinlik! What sauce nin zararna At sb's cost
Neredeyse Long before Nisbetsiz Out of all proportion
Nesilden nesile From generation to generation Nispet iin Out of spite
Ne sylerse sylesin For all he may say Nispetinde At the rate of
Ne ekilde olursa olsun By any means Nispetle In proportion to
Neeli In high feather, in good spirits Nitekim So and so
Neticede In conclusion Niyetiyle With the view of; with the
Netice itibariyle With the result that purpose of
Netice olarak And consequently, for good and Nizamsz By halves
all Noksan olarak Out of square
Neticesinde In consequence of Noksansz No less
Neticesini dnmeden Hit-or-miss Normal Up to par
Neticesi udur ki... It all comes to this that Normal olarak In the ordinary course of things
Neticeye balanmam Up in the air Nbetle By turns
Ne tuhaf Strange to say Nbetlee By turns
Ne yapacam bilmiyorum! I am at my wit's end. Nbet nbet By fits and starts
Ne yapacan bilmez halde At a loss Nbette On the watch, on guard
Ne yapp yapp By hook or by cook Numunesine uygun Up to sample
Neye mal olursa olsun At all hazards nn sonunda By the end of
Ne yzszlk! What sauce
Nezakete n As matter of courtesy, by
198 199
Olamaz! No such thing
Olarak ya da olmayarak With or Without
Olaydan nce veya sonra Before or after the fact
Olaylarn gelimesine gre In the light of the facts
Olay yerinde On the spot
Oldu bitti saylr! It's as good as settled.
Olduu gibi Much the same; as so
Olduu taktirde In case that
Olduu yerde On the very spot
Olduka A whole of; sort of: rather a lot, a
O anlamda In that case good bit, a good many
O ayr bir ey! That's quite another story. Olduka iyi Well enough
O baka sorun! That's a differ matter. Olmakta In the making
O bir alemdir! He is a character. Olmasa But for
O bu i iin biilmi kaftandr! He is cut off for this job. Olmasayd But for
O bsbtn baka That's quite another story. Olmas gerektii gibi As it should be
Odaklanm In focus Olmasn da ne olursa olsun! Anything but
O demek deildir ki... Not but what Olsa bile (varsa da) pek az There is little if any; ever if
O denli kolay ki... Ever so easy Olsa ok iyi olur! It would be great if
O derece ki... To such an extent that Olsa olsa At the outside, at most, at best
O dereceye kadar So far forth Olup olmad Whether.... Or
O esnada The while Olur olmaz No sooner than
O gn bu gndr From that day to this Olur olmaz zamanda In and out of season
O gnden beri From that day on Olur ey deil! Well to be sure
O gnden bugne From that day to this O manada In that sense
O gnden itibaren From that day on Omuzlarnda On one's hands
O hafife alnacak biri deildir! He is not a man to trifle with. Omuz omuza Shoulder to shoulder
O halde In that case; and so Ona gelince For that matter
O hesapla At that rate Ona ramen In the teeth of
O hususta For that matter Ona sylemeye dilim varmyor! I couldn't bring myself to tell him.
O iini bilir! He knows his place. Onaya bal On approval
O kadar No less; all that Ondan baka kim olsa Anybody but he/she
O kadar ki... In so much as, in so much that Ondan beri Ever since
O kadar... ki... So ... That Ondan dolay For that reason
Ok gibi Like a shot Ondan sonra In the second place
Ok yaydan kt! The die is cast. Ondan sonra daima Ever after
Olabilir ki... It is quite on the cards that, H Oniki Haziran tarihli
may be that mektubunuz Your favour of the 12th of June
Olacak i deill It is no go! Onikier dzine olarak By the gross
Olaan d Out of the ordinary Onlardan biri One of their numbers
On liralk bir ey A matter of 10 Liras
Oysa bu yzden Whereas Therefore
On liraya yakn A matter of 10 Liras As it turned out
Oysa sonunda
O noktaya kadar Up to that point Oyundan karlm Out of play
On para etmez! Not worth a rap Ever then
O zaman bile
On param yok! There is not a shot in my locker That alters the case
O zaman durum deiiri
Onu geen For over
O zaman i deiiri That puts another complexion on
Onun deyiine gre According to his version
the matter
Onun yanda At his age Then only then
O zaman, ite o zaman
Onun yerinde olmak istemem! I should not like to be in his
O zamana kadar By then, ere then, up to that
time, till then
Onun yerine In default of
O zamandan beri Since then
Onu savunmak grevim deil
ama I don't hold any brief for him but
On yandan itibaren From ten years of age upward
Orackta On the very spot, on the nail
Orada Over there
Oradan baka her yerde Anywhere but there
Orada veya o civarda There or there abouts
Oranda In proportion, in the ratio of
Orannda In proportion to, in the ratio of, at
the rate of
Oranla In proportion, in proportion as
Oranlama olarak By guess
Oraya mnasip bir zamanda
giderim. I will go there some time.
Ortaklaa In common
Ortalama On an average
Ortalama olarak Taking one thing with another
on average
Ortalarnda In the midst of them
Ortalk karardktan sonra After dark
Ortalk kararyor. It's getting dark.
Ortasnda In between
Orta yerinde In the midst of
O sebepten dolay For that reason
O ekilde In that way
O tarihten beri Ever since
O tarzda In that way
Otlakta Out of feed
O vakte kadar Till then
O yata At his age
Oynamakta At play
signify, of little moment

nemle tn a vital way
nemli Of importance
nem srasna gre In order of priorities
nemsiz Of little moment, of no
On planda In the foreground
n safta In the first night
n tarafta In the foreground, on the front
nmzdeki To come
nnde In front of
nyargsz Without prejudice
br dnyada Beyond the veil rnein For instance, for example
br gn The day after tomorrow rnek iin As a warn to others
br yandan On the other part rnek olarak By way of
denmedii taktirde In default of payment rnek tutarak After the example of
fke iinde In a heat rts altnda Under the cover
fkeli Out of temper, in a fury teden beri All along, time out of mind
fkeyle In a heat tesine gelince For the rest
rendiime gre It has come to my notice that te yandan On the other hand
rendiimize gre We understand that teye beriye To and fro, up and down
renme merakndan dolay Out of curiosity verek In high terms
lecek olsam bile For the life of me vnmek gibi olmasn ama With all due modesty, without
lm gibi As good as dead wishing to boast
lm saylrl As good as dead yle ... ki... Such ... that, so ... That
lm cezasyla On pain of death yle bir derecede ki... To such a pitch that
lm eiinde At death's door yle bir durum ki... Such a case
lm halinde At the point of death yle biri ki... Such a one
lm kalm davas A matter of life and death yle bir ey Something of the kind
lmne ramak kalm Within one inch of one's life yle br vakitte At such atime
lm yakn Not long for this world yle gibi So it seems
mrm olduka As long as I live yle grnyor ki... tt seems that, It is understood
nce Ere while that
nceden Before time yle inanyorum ki... I have a hunch that
nceden hazrlk yapmadan On the spur of the moment yle ise Now then
nceden tasarlanm With malice afore yle kalsn! Let be.
nceki... lerde In the previous yle ki... So much so that
nceleri In the beginning yle olduu halde bile Ever at that
ncelikle For the first time; in preference to yle olsa da Ever so
nde In front, in advance yle olsun! So be it, let it be so.
nemi yok! It is of no consequence, It does ylesine ki... Such ...That
not 205
yleyse In that case
zel bir ekilde In private
zellikle In particular, above all

zel manada In a Pickwickian sense
zel olarak In private
zeti budur! It all boils down to this.
zetle To sum up, in sum
zetlemek gerekirse To sum up
zet olarak In substance

Paas sknca In the crunch

Paha biilmez Beyond price
Pahasna At the cost of, at the expense of
Paldr kldr Over and over; dash in
Paraca skntda In embarrassed circumstances
Parasz pulsuz Down and out
Para bana By the piece
Para para In parts
Parman kprdatmadan Hands down
Pek aklm yatmyor! I don't like the sound of it.
Pek ayn Much of a muchness
Pek az sonra In less than no time
Pek ok A raft of, a whole, a great
quantity of, too much, far and
Pek ok defa Quite a lot, quite a bit
Pek ok teekkr ederim! Thank you ever so much.
Pek doal olarak As one might expect
Pek erken All too soon
Pek fazla erken Too soon
Pek hakl olarak In all conscience
Pek istekli On the tiptoe
Pek iyi l All right
Pek yi deil! After a fashion
Pek o kadar iyi deil! Not any too well
Pek sanmaml I should hardly think so,
Pek arm halde At one's wit's end
Pek yakn Neck and neck
Penesinde In its clutches
Perde arkasnda Behind the scenes
206 207
Perdesi altnda Under the mask of. under cover
Perian bir halde Down at the heels
Peinde At heal, on the track of, on the

string, in wake of
Peinden In pursuit of
Peinen For cash, by cash
Pein olarak In cash
Pein para ile For cash, by cash
Pislik iinde Caked with dirt
Prensip itibariyle On principle
Prensip olarak In principle
Psikolojik bnye itibariyle In psychological make - up Ramen Counter to, to the contrary; in
Pr hiddet On the rampage defiance of, but what
Przsz Without a hitch Rahat In comfort
Rahatsz Out of sorts
Rahatta At rest
Rasgele At a venture, at random
Rastlantl olarak Concurrently with
Rastlantsal olarak By chance
Refah iinde In easy circumstances, on easy
street, in the seventh heaven
Refakatinde In company with
Resmen By the book
Resmi deerinde At par
Resmi geit halinde On parade
Resmi olarak In state
Revata In demand
R i ayete n Out of defer
Rica ederim! I beg of you
Ricas zerine By request
Rica zerine By request
Rhtm yannda Along the quay
Rzas ile With the consent of
Ryasnda In the minds eye
Rzgar gibi At a rare bat
Rzgarn estii istikamette Before the wind
Rzgar istikametinde Down the wind

Saknca grmezseniz If you have no objection
Saknmadan Without mincing matters
art gce dayanarak By brutal force
Samimi ittifakla Shoulder to shoulder
Samimi olarak With all one's heart; man to man
Saniyesi saniyesine In the nick of time, on the tick
Sanyorum I take it that
Sanki As rt were, It seems as if
Sapa Out of the way
Sapasalam As sounds as a bell; with a
whole skin
Saadet iinde In the seventh heaven Sarfedilmi Out of pocket
Saat on'a yaklayor. It's getting on for ten. Sarfolunan zaman Worth while
Saat ba On the hour Sarho iken In one's cups
Saatlerce For hours, hour after hour Satlk For disposal, for sale, on sale
Saat tam dokuz'da On the stroke of nine, at nine Sava dzeninde In battle array
o'clock sharp Savunmada In defense of
Sabaha kadar All night long Sayenizde On account of you, with your
Sabaha kar In the small hours favour
Sabah karanlnda At cock crow Sayesinde On his coattails, under favour of,
Sabahtan akama kadar All day long, whole day, from by courtesy of
morning till night Sayglarmla Yours truly
sa bile Ever though Sayg olarak Out of deference
Sabrsz On edge Saygyla I beg to
sa da Ever though Sayca In number
Sadaka olarak Out of charity Say itibariyle In point of numbers
Sadece Nothing more than; nothing else Saysz Beyond number, without number
Sadece ... deil Not only ... but also Sayszca Times without number
Sadk arkadan iz Yours faithfully Saymazsak Discounting the fact that
Sadan geri Right-about se ... sin Who cares if
Sadan sola Against the sun Sebebinden In consideration of
Sa kolda On the right hand Sebebi udur ki... The reason for this is that
Salam temelle On sure ground Sebebiyle In consequence of, on the
Sa salim Safe and sound ground of; on account of
Sahasnda In the field of Sebepsiz Without cause or reason
Sahiden Truth to tell Sebepsizce Without reason
Sahih olarak In very deed Sebepten dolay On the score of
Sahilden biraz uzakta Offshore Sekin bir ekilde As distinguished from
Sahillerine yakn Off the coast of se de ... mee de Whether...or ...not
Sahnede On the stage Sefer halinde Underway
Sahte bir vaziyette In a false position Sehven By mistake, in error
210 211
Sralanan Lining up
Seksen Four - scores Sralar halinde In rows
Selamlarm syleyin! Give my regards! Sras gelince renirsiniz! You will learn in good time.
Selamlarmla! With my compliments! Sras gelmiken By the way
Semeresiz Of no effect Srasnda In the course of
Semiz In flesh Srasyla In turn
sem leyim! I'll be shot if I Srasz Out of order
Senden baka hi kimse No other than (you ) Srlsklam Like a drowned rat, wet to the
Senelerce nce Years ago, ages ago skin, nota dry stitch on
Senelerdir In years Sr olarak In absolute privacy; under the
Seninle hemfikirim! I am with you. hat
Serbest At liberty, off duty Srra vakf In the secret
Sermayesiz olarak On a string Siyahlara brnm In mourning
Serserilik etmekte On the tramp Sz bilirsiniz! Have it your own way!
Seslenebilecek uzaklkta Within hail Sizce bir sakncas yoksa if you don't mind
Seyir halinde Under sail Sizden bahsediyorduk! We were speaking of you.
Seyrek Far between Size aka sylyorum I tell you straight
Seyrinde In the course of Sizin karnzadr! It's in your interest.
Seyyar On the move Sizin iin mmkn olan ilk
Sezdirmeden On the sly frsatta At your earliest convenience
Sfatyla In his character of Sizinle hemfikir deilim! I can't go with you in what you
Shhati bozuka Out of sorts say.
Sk ballkla Cheek by jowl szlktan For lack of
Skntda At a pinch, in hot water, in a bad sizliktan dolay For want of
fix Sofra banda At table
Skntda veya felakette In deep water Soukkanllkla In cold blood
Skntl vaziyette In a sad pickfe Soluu kesilerek With bated breath
Sknt verir surette With a heavy hand Soluu kesilmi bir halde Out of breath
Skntya dm fn the soup Soluk almadan Before you can say knife
Sk sk Ever so often Sona ermi At an end
si durumunda In case Son be yit iinde Over the last five years
Silahlanm In arms Son bir ka sene zarfnda Of late years
Simsiyah As black as pitch Son dakikada At the eleventh hour
sin diye In the expectation that, in order Son derece Beyond measure; out and out; in
that, so ... that some highest degree
sine ramen Ever though Son derecede In the highest degree, with a
Sinsicesine On the sly vengeance
Siparie gre To order Son derece modern Up to the minute
Sra boyunca All along the line Son derece mhimdir! It is of the last important.
Sra dt Out of turn Son dereceye kadar To the utmost, to the last degree
Sra halinde In series, by turns Son ferde kadar Every man Jack
Sra ile In series, in order, by course
Son haddine kadar To the full Sz bulamyorum! Words fail me.
Son hzla At top speed, at full steam Szde So to say
Son mektubumda In my last letter Sz gelii In a manner of speaking
Son mertebesinde At its height Sz gtrmez! It goes without saying that
Son modaya gre In grand style, in the latest style Sz konusu On the nail, in question
Son olarak Once for all, once again Sz konusu olan sorun The case in point
Sonradan In after life Szle By word of mouth
Sonra grrz! See you later. Szl olarak By word of mouth
Sonraki Subsequent to Sz edilen sorun The case in point
Sonraki on yl iinde/zarfnda In other ten years Szm ona So-called
Sonsuz Beyond measure, no end of, Szn ksas In sum. to sum up, in few. in fine
without end Szn etmeye demez! It is not worthy considering.
Sonsuza dek World without end. to the last Sznn eridir! He is as good as his word.
Son sratle At full speed, at full lick Sz uzatmayaym To make a long story short
Sonucu olarak By virtue of; as a result Stok d Out of stock
Sonu olarak After all, as a result Su ilemek amacyla With felon intent
Sonuta In the course of events Sudan dar High and dry
Sonuna kadar By the end, to the end, up to the Su gtrmez! Beyond doubt
end Sularnda In due course of, along about
Sonunda At last, after all, in the long run Sulh halinde At peace
Son mit ve son gle With one's back to the wall Sulh ve asayi iinde At quiet
Son yalarnda In one's extreme old age Surat iki kar A face as long as a fiddle
Son yllarda In recent years, of late years Suretiyle By means of
Son zamanlarda Of late years Skunette At quiet
Sorun ciddileirse When it comes to the push Sratle In no time, with expedition, like
Syledii bo deil! There is force what he says. hot cakes; at a speed
Sylediimden amam! I stand by what I said. Sre bitti. Time is up.
Sylemee gerek yoktur ki... We need hardly mention that Srece So long as
Sylemee lzum yok. It goes without saying that Srekli olarak On and on
Sylenecek tek ey var... The only thing we can say Sresince As long as, so long as
Sylenen her eye karn For all (that)
Sylenildii gibi As it is said
Sylenildiinde When it is said
Syleniyor There is a report that, it is
reported that
Sylentiye gre Rumour has it that, It is
rumoured that
Syler gibi As who should say
Syleyebileceimiz tek ey The only thing we can say
Sz aramzda Between you and me and the
214 215
eytan diyor ki... I am tamped to
eytan gibi Like the devil
iddetle With a strong hand, like anything
iddetli bir halde With a vengeance
imdi At present; you see
imdi gelirim! I'll come in a second.
imdiki duruma gre Under existing circumstances
imdiki durumda At present
imdiki durumuyla As affairs stand
imdiki halde As is, as matters stand
ahsi In camera imdilik At the present moment, for the
akadan In fun
nonce, for the time being
aka diye For fun
imdi sra bende! My innings now
aka olarak In jest, b y w a y of joke imdi temel soruna gelelim! All this is by the way
aka olsun diye For a lark, for sport, in sport, in imdiye kadar By this time, by now, so far, up
to the present, to date, to this
akas yok! No laughing matter
akaya gelmez! In deadly earnest imdiye kadar iyi! So far so good.
ansa bal On the chance
imek gibi Like a streak of lightning
ansa gre As fuck would have it
iman In flesh
ans eseri By luck yle bir Some sort of
ans ii As luck would have it, by guess
yle byle So so; in a fashion
ansl veya ansstz olarak As luck would have it
ylece As follows
anssz Out of luck yle dursun So far from, let alone
ans verildiinde Given a fair chance
yle ki... As follows
art ile Provided that, providing that, u anda For the present, at the moment
on condition that u bakmdan In that
artyla On the understand that, in u halde So then
condition that u kadar ki... This much that
arm At fault u kanaate vardm ki... I have come to believe that
artan One too many for mul dahilinde Within the bounds of
artc bir sratle By leaps and bounds unlar The following
akn At a loss unu bilmelisin ki... I would have known you know
ayet If ever, in case
ayet muvaffak olamazsam In the event of (my) failure unu bilmi ol ki... I would have known you know
ekilde By means
eklen In appearance, on the face of it
unu da dnmeliyiz ki. We must also think more
eklinde The way (that), in the way (that) unu da gz nne
erefine In honour of almalyz ki... We must also think more
erefi zerine Upon one's honour, on one's uras gerektir ki... One thing is certain that, this
much is certain

uraya buraya To and fro
u sonuca vardm ki... I am led to the conclusion that
u yer That gate
phe ediyorum, acaba. I doubt whether
phe etmeden Without doubt
phe gtrmez! Beyond doubt
phe ile With a grain of salt
pheli In doubt
phesiz Out of question, for certain, in
Tabi Of course
the default, by all means
Tabiatiyle In the nature of things, by nature
pheye mahal yok! No room for doubt
Tabii bir ey Matter of course
phe yoktur ki... There is no doubt that
Tabiiki Of course
Tabir caizse So to speak
Ta birince In terms of
Tabur halinde In file
Tafsilatyla In detail
Tafsilatla At great length
Tahamml edemez! Out of patience with
Tahminime gre I have a hunch that
Takdirde In case of
Takdirinde In the event of
Ta kendisi The very same
Ta ki... In order that
Takiben In pursuit of
Takriben At a rough guess, more or less
Takriben yz One hundred add
Taksitle On easy terms, by instalments,
on credit
Talep edildiinde At call
Talihsiz Out of luck
Tam In full
Tamam! Very well then.
Tamamen Down to the ground, lock stock
and barrel, out and out
Tamamen mahrem olarak In absolute privacy
Tamamen uzanm vaziyette At full stretch
Tamamiyle Every bit. as a whole, neck and
crop, head and ears, to the full

Tamamiyle asl gibi To the life Tane hesabyla By tale
Tam benim lme gre! Just my size Tane ile By the piece
Tam benim talihim veya Tannmasyla In recognition of
talihsizliim! Just my luck Tanrdan From on high
Tam bir hafta A full week Tanrnn yardmyla With God's help, by the grace of
Tam bir itenlikle In all sincerity God
Tam bir umutsuzluk iinde In the depths of despair Tantanal In grand style
Tam bu arada In the midst of all this Tan vakti ile afak zamanlarnda Between the lights
Tam ekilme halinde In full retreat Ta tede Over there
Tam douya/batya vb. doru Due south/east etc. Tarafnda On the side of
Tam faaliyette In full blast Tarihte son zamanlarda Much later in the history
Tam gelime devrinde In flower Tarznda After the fashion of, on the order
Tam gz nnde In full view of, by way of
Tam gzne Slick in the eye Tasarladm. I have a good mind to
Tam hzla In full career Tasarrufunda In possession
Tam ilki The very first Tasdikli In favour
Tamirde Under repair Tasvip edercesine In approval at
Tam istedii gibi After one's own heart Tasvip edilmemi Out of favour
Tam iz zerinde Upon the right scent Tatllkla In good part
Tam karsnda Dead on end, dead on the mark Tavr dzgn In fine fettle
Tam kurulu (silah) At full cock Tazimkar bir tavrla Cap in hand
Tam manasyla To the full Teamden Of set purpose
Tam mevsiminde Early in the season Tedavisi altnda In care of
Tam o kadar Neither more or less Tedricen Step by step, by degrees
Tam on dakika Ten minutes by the clock Teessrne ramen To one's regret
Tam onun ii Up his alley Teferruatla In detail
Tam onun kadar Every bit as much Tehlikede In danger, in peril of, on thin ice
Tam ortasnda In the middle of it all Tehlike karsnda In the face of danger
Tam o zaman At that point Tehlikesiz Out of danger
Tam le vakti High noon Teklifsiz Free and easy, at ease
Tam yle Neither more or less Teklifsizce Cheek by jowl
Tam tehizatt In full fig Tek mi ift mi (oyun) Odd or even
Tam tersine On the other hand; on the Tekrar All over, once again
contrary Tekrar tekrar Over and over, on and again, time
Tam vaktinde Dead on time, on the dot, at the and again
point Tekrar tekrar gzden geirerek Through and through
Tam yerinde On the spot, in position, to the Tek umudum My one and only hope
point Telala In haste, with a run, in a stew
Tam yzne Bang in the face Telaszca With the utmost composure
Tam zamannda In good season, in the nick of Telefonda On the telephone
time Temel bir kural olarak As a basic guide
220 221
Temelinde Under the skin Trafii dzenleme mevkiinde
Temelli olarak For good, for good and all (Polis) On point duty
Temposuz Out of time Transit olarak In transit
Tempoya aykr Out of time Tuhaf u ki... Strangely enough, oddly
Tenine Next to one's skin enough, the joke of it is that
Tenzilatla At a discount Turp gibi (salam) As fit as a fiddle
Tepeden inme Out of a clear sky Tut ki... As if. as though
Tepeden trnaa Every inch, up and down Tutuna tutuna (trmanma) Hand over hand
to heels, from head to foot Tutumu On fire
Tepeden trnaa kadar Over head and ears, every inch Tm dnyada All over the world
Tepesinde At its zenith, on the top Tylerimi rpertiyor! It makes my flesh creep,
Tercihen In preference to Tylerim perdi! My hair stood on end.
Tereddte mahal brakmayarak Beyond question Tylerim rperiyor! My flesh creeps.
Tereddt etmeden Straight off, without demur
Tereddtte Up a tree
Ter iinde Stream with sweat, all in a sweat
Tersine Counter to, far from it, in
contrast to, in contrast
Tersine olarak In contradiction to
Terslik bu ya As illness would have it
Ters tarafta On the contrary side
Tertemiz As clean as a new pin
Tesadfen By accident, by chance
Tesiri altnda Under the thumb of
Tesir itibaryla In effect
Tesirsiz Of no effect
Tetii yarm ekilmi halde At half cock
Tetikte At cock; on one's toes, on the
Tetkik edilmekte Under consideration
Tez olarak In haste
Tpk According as, in exactly the
same way, one and the same
Tpk... gibi In just the same way as
Tpks Of a piece with; to a T
Trnaklarnn ucuna kadar To the fingertips
Tok karnna On a full stomach
Toplam olarak In all
Toptan In bulk, in gross, in the lump,
root and branch
Trensiz Without ceremony
222 223
Uygun olan artlar altnda In a good light
Uygun olarak Pursuant to

Uygunsuz Out of place; in bad taste
Uygun artlarla On easy terms
Uygun tempoda In time
Uygun zamanda As convenience, when convenient:
in season
Uygun zamannzda At your convenience
Uysal As meek as a lamb
Uyuamyarak In ill part
Uyuarak As one man
Uyumaz Inconsistently with
Uzaa Faraway
Ucu ucuna End to end
Uzak Beyond the reach of
Ucuza On the cheap Uzak bir yerde At a distance
Ucuz olarak On the cheap Uzaklarda Faraway
Uarken On the fly Uzakta At a distant, in the distance
Umakta On the wing
Uzaktan From a distance
U uca Tip to tip Uzun bir gnn sonunda By the end of the day
Ufak bir para A patch of Uzun bir mesafe A good distance
Ufak tefek eyler Odds and ends Uzun bir sre A good while
Ufukta On the skyline Uzun bir zaman Fora long time
Uur getirsin diye For luck Uzun gecikmeden sonra Long last, at long last
Uursuz biranda In an unhappy moment Uzun lafn ksas The long and the short of it
Uursuz bir saatte In an evil hour Uzun mesele A far cry
Ulalabilir Within reach of Uzun mddet A long time
Uluorta Without reservation Uzun srmez! It won't take long.
Umuduyla With the view of, with a view to Uzun uzad ya At length, far and wide
Umulduu kadar Up to snuff Uzun vadede In the long run
Umumiyetle As a general rule, one with Uzun yllar boyunca Through long ages
another, nine times out of ten Uzun zamanda In the long
Umursamayarak Regardless of
Usule gre In order; by rights
Usulen In the ordinary course of things
Usul dairesinde In due form
Usulne gre To the order of
Utanacak bir neden yok! There is no call to blush.
Utanmadan Without shame
Uyank On the watch, on the alert
Uyarak In obedience to
Uyarnca In accordance with
Uygulamada In practice
Uygun Concurrently with; in good taste 225
u V

cretle At a charge of Vadesi gelince l n the fullness of time

kopya olarak In triplicate Vakf In the know
midinde In the minds eye Vakit almaz! It won't take long
midiyle In the hope of, in the hope that, Vakit bini! Time is up.
on the chance of, on the chance Vakit bulduka At odd moments
that, in expectation of, in hopes Vakit ok darl It's a race against time.
mitle beklenen In prospect Vakit daralyor. Time is pressing.
stelik And what is worse, further more, Vakit geldi! Time is up.
on top of, to top all, to say Vakitli In time
nothing of Vakitli vakitsiz In season and out of season, in
stelik en kts To crown all and out of season
stte On the top Vakitsiz Out of season
stnde On the top Vakit tamam! The time is up.
stne Onto Vakit vakit From time to time
stn gelen One too many for Vakti gelince In due time
st ste On end, one thing on top of Vaktim yok. Time would fail me.
another Vaktinde In season, on time
st ste haftalarca For weeks at a time Vaktinden nce Ahead of time
st ste sene For three years in succession Vaktin gemesiyle With the lapse of time
zere On the verge of Vakti olduu zaman At one's leisure
zerine Onto Vakti saati gelince Due course of time
zntyle grdm ki. I saw to my sorrow Vakti saati yok! Early and late
Vakti var At leisure
Vaktiyle At one time, in one's day, ere
Varm youm Myall
Var kuvvetle With might and main
Varsayalm ki... Let's say
Varsayarsak On the assumption that
Varsaymyla On the assumption that
226 227
Vasati In the middle of
Vastasyla By the medium of. by favour of.
through the medium of, by

means of
Vatan uruna For the sake of one's country
Vazife banda On duty
Vazifede In charge, on service
Vazife icab From a sense of duty
Vazife ile On commission
Vazifeli In attendance
V.b And so on, and what not
Ve bylece And so Ya... veya Either Or
Vehile So as Ya az ya hi Little or nothing
Ve dahas And so Yabanc yerlerde Overseas
Ve de And so Ya bu ya u Either this or that
Ve fakat Not but what Yakn Within hail, in sight; at hand,
Vehminde Under the delude at one's elbow, near at hand
Vekaleten On commission Yaknda At an early date, sometime
Velhasl In brief, the long and the short of soon, ere long; hard by; (konum
it, for good and all, in sum, in olarak) at hand
fine Yakn gemite In more recent times
Veresiye On trust, on tick, on credit Yakn gelecekte In the immediate future
Ve saire And so on, and what not, and so Yaknnda Close by, close at hand, near-by
forth Yaknlarda Hand to hand
Ve u da var ki And there is also that Yakn taraf The on side
Ve unlar da sylersek... And there is something more Yakn zamanlarda In recent years
Veya takriben o yer/miktar/ Yakksz Out of style
derece v.s'de Or so Yaklak olarak As nearly as I can tell
Ve yine Not but what Yalan dolan A pack of lies
Vicdan msterih olarak With clear conscience Yalnz Nothing else, nothing more than;
Vicdannda On one's mind by oneself; pure and simple
Vicdan rahat olarak With a clear conscience Yalnz bir defa Once again
Vukuunda In the event of Yalnz bu deil Not only this
Vurulacak mesafede Within striking distance Yalnzca ... deil Not only ... but also
Yalnz u kadarn syleyeyim k Suffice it to say that
Yani That is, that is to say, to wit
Yan banda At his elbow, fast beside
Yanlm At fault
Yanmda By my side, by me
Yannda Side by side with, near at hand,
fast by: at hand
228 229
Yan geirmi Over age
Yan sra Along with Yalandka In afterlife
Yant olarak In answer Yalarnda At the age of
Yanllkla By error, by mistake Yava yava Little by little, by inches, by
Yanmakta On fire degrees
Yan yana Fast beside, along side ; cheek Ya ... ya da Either... Or
by jowl Yaya olarak On foot
Ya yle ya da byle! In one's way or another Yazk ki... It is to be regretted that, I am
Yapacam! I have a good mind to afraid so that
Yapayalnz All alone Yazlmasnda/grlmesinde In its being written/seen
Yap da greyim! I defy you to do so Yedek olarak In store
Yaplacak bir ey yoktur! There is no help for it. Yeleyerek In prefer
Yaplacak ilk i The first is to make Yekunu In all
Yaplacak ilk ey ... dr. The first step will be to Yelkenleri fora olarak Under sail
Yaplan her eye ramen For all (that) Yemekten sonra After meal
Yaplan i miktarna gre By the piece Yemek stne On a full stomach
Yapld (bitti) saylr! It's all but done. Yeni batan All over again
Yaplmakta In process of construction, on Yeni bir bildiriye kadar Until further notice
the stocks; at a run Yeniden On one occasion
Yaplmas gereken/gerekli ilk Yeni gibi As good as new
ey The first thing to be done Yeni yasaya gre Under a new law
Yararna In aid of Yepyeni In mint condition
Yaratlta By nature Yerden yere dolamakta On the tramp
Yardmyla Through the instrument of, under Yerinde In point
favour of Yerinden km Out of position
Yardmsz Under one's own stream Yerinde sylemek gerekirse In a manner of speaking
Yarm azla With one's tongue in one's Yerine On behalf of; in return for; in lieu
cheek of
Yarm halde In half Yerinizde olsam If I were you
Yarm saatte bir Half- hourly Yersiz Beside the point, out of season,
Yarm sratle At half speed out of place
Yarna kadar Between now and tomorrow Yer yer From place to place
Yarn bu zamanlarda By this time (tomorrow) Yeter Enough and more than enough;
Yarndan balayarak From tomorrow onward no more
Yar yarya Half and half, in half shares Yeter de artar! More than enough
Yasal olarak Within the law Yeterli Up to par
Yaarken In one's life Yeter ve artar bilel There is enough and to spare,
Yaayanlar arasnda In the land of the living enough and to spare
Ya hayli ilerlemi Well on in life Yetiilebilir Within reach of
Yama gre For my age Yetiilir Within reach of
Ya imdi ya hi! Now or never Yetiilmez Beyond the reach of
Yanda At the age of
Yetiir! That will do Ykseklerde Far up
Yetimi (yaa) Of full age Yksekliine kadar Up to
Yetkisiyle By virtue of Yksekte Al the full
Yl boyunca Year by year out, all the round Yk altnda Under the shadow of something
Yldrm hz ile With lightning speed Yrrlkte In force
Ylndan kalma It dates from Yryerek On foot
Yln en gzel mevsimi The best part of the year Yry halinde On the march
Yln yars For the better part of the year Yry hzyla At walking pace
Yllarca For years, in years, for ages Yzde bir One in a hundred
Yllardan beri In years Yzeyde On the surface
Yllarndan sonra After years of Yz krk drder By the gross
Yl tarihli It dates from Yzlerce In hundreds
Yllar nce Ages ago, years ago Yz koyun Face down
yi bilse bilse o biliri He knows ... if any man does Yznden Because of; for want of, on
Yine ... zaman geldi! The time has come round to account of, due to
Yine de In despite of; after all, yet Yzne kar In the face of
already Yzst Face down
Yine yle Pretty much the same Yzyln dnmnde At the turn of the century
Yirmi kii A score of people Yzyln ortalarna kadar Until mid-way through the
Yok (mevcut deil) Out of stock century
Yok canm yle deme! You don't say so! Yz yze Face to face
Yok denecek kadar Scarcely any
Yokluundan For lack of
Yok pahasna For a song
Yoksa Or else, if not
Yolcu durumunda On a war foot
Yolda On one's way out, underway, on
the way
Yolu ile In the way of
Yolunda In order
Yolun te tarafnda Across the way
Yolun sonuna kadar All the way
Yoluyla By means of: by way of
Ynnde In the direction of
Ynnden From the stand point of, from the
point of
Yukarda deindiimiz gibi As we have noted before
Yukardan From above, from on high
Yumruk yumrua Hand to hand
Yurda dnerken On the voyage home
Yuvarlanarak Over and over
232 233
Zevksiz Out of taste
Zift gibi As black as pitch
Zirvesinde At its zenith
Ziyadesiyle Devil a lot, in the extreme
Zora bavurmadan Without resort to force
Zorbalkla By force, by main force, by
brutal force
Zor bir durumda Up a tree
Zor durumda In a squeeze, in a bad fix
Zorla By force, by main force
Zorluk iinde In hot water
Zorluklara ramen In defiance of
Zafer sarholuu ile In the first flush of victory Zorlukta In deep water
Zahmetine demez! Not worth a candle Zorluk ve skntdan kurtulmu In smooth water
Zahmet veya masrafa deer Worth while Zorunluluk halinde In case of emergency
Zamane Up to date Zorunlulukla By necessity
Zaman getike As the time went by Zorunlu olarak By necessity
Zaman gemi Behind the times
Zaman gelince In the fullness of time, due
course of time
Zamanmzda In our time
Zamannda In process of; early enough
Zamanndan evvel Too soon
Zamanla By the time of progress, in
process of time, in progress of
Zaman meselesi A question of time
Zaman ve zemin msait deil! There is not space
Zaman zaman At intervals, at times
Zannediyordum ki... I was under impression that
Zannetmem! I don't think so.
Zannetmiyorum! I don't think so.
Zarar yok! It does not signify.
Zararla At a loss
Zarar yok! There is no harm in that
Zaruret halinde In case of need, in case of
Zaten After all
Zerre kadar deill Not in the least
Zerre phe yok k... There is not the shadow of a
doubt that
Zevke dalm On the razzte
Keys To Better Translation - PRATK EVR SZL
zellikle eviri almalarnda, bilinen aratrma
yntemlerinden farkl olarak, tek szckl yaplara nazaran
bulunmas zor veya imkansz olan, zaman kaybettiren karmak
yaplar alfabetik olarak okuyucuya sunmaktadr. Bir dier
nemli zellii ise, aratrlan yap veya yaplara alternatif
bulmada byk kolaylk salamasdr. Bunlara ek olarak,
ngilizce ve Trke'de sk kullanlan baz cmle aclar da yine
alfabetik sra ierisinde verilmektedir. Pratik eviri Szl,
byk lde eviri almalarnda faydal olmasnn yansra,
dier ngilizce-Trke, Trke-ngilizce dil almalarnda
(Okuma, Dinleme, Konuma, Yazm vb.) da kullanlabilir.

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