Lesson Plan 2

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Teacher Education Lesson Plan Template

Teacher Candidate Tracie Coyne School Long Cane Primary School Date February 27, 2017

Subject/Grade Level SSCA/ First Grade Start and End Time of Lesson 10 am- 10:20 am

Description of Lesson: Before you speak, think and be smart. Its hard to fix a wrinkled heart.

Lesson Title or Essential Question: Wrinkled Heart

Curriculum Standards Addressed:

SC Curriculum Standard(s): Standard 5: Reflect throughout the inquiry process to assess

metacognition, broaden understanding, and guide actions, both individually and collaboratively.

SC Academic Indicator(s):
5.1 Recognize the value of individual and collective thinking.
5.2 Monitor and assess learning to guide inquiry.
5.3 Articulate the thinking process.

Indicate how at least one the following are incorporated into the lesson:
SSCA: This lesson is about how saying hurtful words can leave scars on peoples heart even if you
Fine or Performing Arts:

Accommodations required in this class:

There are no students with IEPs or 504 Plans in this class.

Instructional Objective(s) Criteria: Assessment(s) of the

After turning and talking about what bullying is the Before: Students will take turns
students will learn the effects of what bullying and explaining what they know about
saying or doing hurtful things can do to someone else bullying and listening to their peers
and understand why they should not do those things answers.
with 100% accuracy.
During: Students will give an
example of bullying/ saying mean
and hurtful things and then an
example of what we can do to make
it better. Students will turn and talk
throughout the activity, actively
listening to their partners.

After: Students will take turns

giving examples how we can
prevent bullying.

Revised 10.3.16

Red Paper Heart

Small paper heart
Glue stick

Procedures Differentiation
To begin, students will sit on the carpet
The teacher will set the tone of the lesson by
o Today we will be learning about what
bullying and hurtful things can do to
The teacher will ask:
o What is bullying?
Students will turn and talk, actively listening to
their partners, for a couple of minutes in groups of
2 or 3 and then give their answers.
The teacher will explain the difference between
bullying and being mean.
o Mean = Purposefully saying or doing
something to hurt someone once (or maybe
Calling someone fat/ugly/stupid
o Bullying = Intentionally aggressive
behavior, repeated over time, that involves
an imbalance of power.
Physical aggression- hitting,
punching, kicking, spitting, tripping,
hair pulling, slamming into objects.
Verbal aggression- threats
Relational aggression- threatening
to not be friends with you if you do
not do something, social exclusion,
spreading rumors
Cyberbullying- it is the willful and
repeated harm inflicted through the
use of computers, cell phones, and
other electronic devices. (Hinduja
and Patchin of the Cyberbullying
Research Center)

The teacher will explain the heart and ask: Verbal and visual directions will be
o How does this heart look? given for the whole class before,
during and after completing the
The teacher will model what to do for the activity
Wrinkled Heart Activity
by giving an example of something hurtful and

Revised 10.3.16
fold the heart
The teacher will then pass the heart on to the Students will be given a
students who will give an example and fold the manipulative (the heart) to use and
heart (one fold per student) allowing them to restate information
When it gets back to the teacher the teacher will in their own words.
ask and then explain:
o First asking How does the heart look now?
What have our hurtful words done to this
o Being a bully and saying mean things to
others can really hurt them. We took turns
saying hurtful things to the heart and look
what happened. We treated this heart so
poorly that it shriveled up. This is what
happens when you bully and say mean
things to others.
The teacher will then have the students say
something to fix what they have done and as they
give examples, the students will unfold the heart
(one unfold per student).
o Is there anything we can say to fix this
heart? Students will answer. I want you to
take this heart and say something to fix it
and unfold it one time.
When it gets back to the teacher, the teacher will
make the final unfold and ask students:
o How does the heart look now?
o Did we fix this heart?
o The students might answer yes, but this is
not entirely correct
The teacher will explain:
o We did not fix this heart completely
because this heart is still wrinkled.
The students will turn and talk, actively listening
to their partner, in groups of 2 or 3 to discuss this.
(i.e. Why do you think this is?)
Coming back a couple of groups will give answers
and then the teacher will explain:
o Even though we apologize for being mean
or even if we apologize for being bullies we
cannot take back the hurtful things weve
said. Sometimes those hurtful things leave
scars on our hearts. In this case we were
mean and bullies to this heart. Even though
we all apologized for what we said the heart
is still wrinkled, it still has scars.
The teacher will ask students:
o Is it okay for people to do this to others?
Why not?
Explain to students:
o Sometimes people make mistakes and say
Revised 10.3.16
things or do things that they dont mean.
However, we need to think and be smart
because once you say something you cannot
take it back.
The teacher will then ask students to turn and talk,
actively listening to their partners, again (using the
same groups)
o What can we do to try and prevent
bullying from happening?
The teacher will glue on a smaller white heart that
says Before you speak, think and be smart. Its
hard to fix a wrinkled heart.
Students will read what the small heart says with
the teacher.
Students will take a Band-Aid with their name on
it and stick it to the heart in a reminder and
promise to not say hurtful things to others and to
not be bullies.
o Repeat after me I promise, to try my best
to not say hurtful things to others, to not do
hurtful things to others and to not bully
To end the lesson the teacher will remind
o Remember, if you believe someone is
bullying you please report it to someone.
You can report it to me, Ms. Donaldson or
even other teachers in the school.


Whitson, S. (2012, November 26). Rude Vs. Mean Vs. Bullying: Defining The Differences. Retrieved
February 14, 2017, from http://www.huffingtonpost.com/signe-whitson/bullying_b_2188819.html

Revised 10.3.16

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