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The OVOP and OTOP concepts are very much in line with that proposed in
economicdevelopment literature. Friedman (1987) and Mackenzie (1992) state that
one of the primarymeasures to boost economic development and hence
economic well-being in rural areas isby enhancing rural entrepreneurship. Wortman
(1990) defines rural entrepreneurship as the
creation of a new organization that introduces a new product, serves or creates a
newmarket, or utilizes a new technology in a rural
However, the craft-based manufacturing sector was identified as a source
of competitive advantage that was not being properly valued and did not transform
into either price premium or customer loyalty because the topic of Trustworthy

(Takano, 2007)Unfortunately, so far in international development practice it appears

that the OVOPmovement is being promoted as a quick fix for community
development by focusing on

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