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Paragraph Checklist

Re-state and answer the CHQ.
Evidence + Explanation #1
Write a quote or paraphrase from a document. Dont
forget to cite! Then, In your own words, explain how
your quote or paraphrase answers our CHQ.
Evidence + Explanation #2
Write a quote or paraphrase from a different document.
Dont forget to cite! Then, in your own words, explain
how your quote or paraphrase answers our CHQ.
Evidence + Explanation #3
Write a quote from the survey or interview you
conducted. Then, in your own words, explain how your
quote answers our CHQ.
So What?
Wrap up your paragraph by telling your reader why
they should care about what youve written. How does
it connect to a larger issue or theme in the world today?

Example Paragraph

A good citizen of the Hewitt School is both passionate and

compassionate. According to Hewitts mission statement, the goal of the
school is for girls to discover their full intellectual and creative abilities, to
pursue their passions and personal best, (Document #2). Every good citizen
of the Hewitt school is dedicated to finding and working hard at an activity
that is truly meaningful to her, whether that be science, soccer, singing, or
student council. Furthermore, as Head of School Dr. Kinsey has stated,
students at Hewitt achieve great things not just for achievements sake, but
rather, because she is discovering how her achievements might make the
world better than she found it, (Document #5). In addition to showing
passion for their own interests, therefore, good Hewitt citizens show
compassion for their classmates, the community, and the world by helping
others. Finally, as Ms. Shields stated during an interview, students are
always joking, laughing, and making each other smilethey just enjoy
being with each other, and I enjoy being with them, too! (Interview).
Teachers like Ms. Shields regularly see the compassion that Hewitt citizens
demonstrate for each other through their laughter and sense of joy at
school. Equipped with both with passion for their own interests and
compassion for well-being of others, citizens of the Hewitt community are
truly a positive force in the world today.

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