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Psychological Analysis of Evan Taylors Struggle As the main Character in Agust

Rust Movie by Kirten Sheridan

(Conducted to students at semester six of English Department)

Nurlan Abd Karim.2013. Nim 321408076, Skripsi Psychological Analysis of Evan
Taylors struggle as the main character in August Rush movie by Kirsten Sheridan.
English Department. Letters And Culture Faculty, Gorontalo State University.
This research is aimed to explore psychological of the main character in August Rush
movie by Kirten Sheridan. The research used descriptive qualitative method. And also used a
psychological approach. The problem statement of this research is concentrated on Struggle
of Evan Taylor that seen through Id, Ego, SuperEgo Aspects, from sigmund Freud Theory.
This research found all of these aspects included Id,Ego,SuperEgo. Id is an aspect which
more dominant than other aspects in the personality of Evan Taylor. Because Evan Taylor
was illustrated as character who has desire to the presence of his parents in his life. He was so
convinced that his parents were still alive. And than Evan Ego is always tries to fulfill his
desire so that he can show his music talent to everyone who hears and loves music, although
the only reason of Evan to play music is just found his parents. And the last aspects SuperEgo
from Evan when he to run away from the restraints of the Wizard and continue his journey to
find his parents by followed a concert in central park where he finally meets his parents.
Keywords : Psychological Analysis, Of Evan Taylor struggle.

Literature is strongly influenced by human life because it appears from an author who lives as
human being. Hjelle (1992:1) states that literature represents some of directions taken to
understand the complexity of human behavior and of human nature. Literary work reflects a
description of this human life with its various problems, expressing of the authors problem
and give more knowledge to understand the value of life.
There is a relationship between literature and psychology. In most cases, literature referred to
as entirely written expression, with the restriction that not every written document can be
categorized as literature in the most exact sense of the world (Kraler, 1991:1). As Ratna
(2002:62) states that a literary work known as a result of the authors activity which is always
related with humans psychological symptoms; such as an obsession, contemplation,
compensation, sublimation, even as a neuros activity.
Meanwhile, psychology is the scientific study of behavior and the mind (Passer and Smith,
2004:3). Therefore, human being is the one of research object of literature and psychology,
and this mixture is found in the individual psychology theory.
Pschological analysis is a science theory of personality proposed by Sigmund Freud.
Psychological analysis is a specific term in a psychological literary research (Endraswara,
2008:196). It means that, the psychological analysis is mostly used in every literary research
which is using a psychological approach. Generally, in the process of using this analysis
approach in a literary reasearch, it took a fluencial and an appropriate parts only, especially
the parts which are related with humans behavior. The discussion about humans attitude and
behavior sometimes become more complex because humans always expressed the difference
soul conditions.
Everyone has their own way to construct a reality which is performed in a movie. To
construct how the interpretation process in humans self through a movie, Sigmund Freud
theory could be a basic asumption to find out the relationship between the reality which is
presented in a movie with the humans behavior.
For human being, life without destination is useless. Life should have meaning and life must
believe. Believe what will fight for would be there. Believe in the power of fate. Anything
that blocks should be face even someone else might think crazy. Just a few people who dare
to take a risk and struggle to run their dreams and find the joy in life.
The example is August Rush tremendous movie by Kirsten Sheridan. This story tells about
a boy namely Evan Taylor grows up in a home for boys that believes his parents are still
alive. He can hear music in every single thing around him. He believes that he can hear the
music from his parents. He believes that they always wanted him and would come and get
him someday.
Evan has a very strong faith that if he could learn to play the music, he will have a chance to
be found by his parents. He believes that they will hear him. So he runs away to New York
City. In his journey, he meets a child street guitarist, playing in Washington Square Park. He
follows that boy home and is taken in house full of various orphans and runaways. Evan
immediately proves to be a musical child prodigy that bring him into Central Park Concert
and meet his parents.
This movie teachs us about a new motivation in life. As described in the character of Evan
Taylor who lives in the way of a limitation and poorless. But he still has hope and faith in his
heart. His struggle to find his parents make him knew who exactly he is. There is a lot of
story of Evan in discovering himself shows in this movie, and all of that stories are
collaborated with the magical of music. Besides, as we know that many drama musical are
tell about the happiness in life, but in August Rush movie the author try to describe a sadness
and a compassion story, and it is combined by the beautiful of music. Although the story of
the movie is easy to guess, but there is a touching story about a small family as described in
the character of Evan Taylor as the main character in this movie and it contains a
psychological aspect of Evan who has a great faith in finding his parents. That is why this
movie is interest to discuss, because this movie is full with the struggle in life as described in
a piece of dialogue below:
Sometimes the world tries to knock it out of you.(00:05:25)
But I believe in music...(00:05:26)
... the way that some people believe in fairy tales.(00:05:27)
I like to imagine that what I hear came from my mother and father.(00:05:29)
The dialogue above shows that Evans struggle is starting and it caused by his psychological
aspect. Although many people try to stop his journey in finding his parents but Evan
absolutely has a strong confidence and faith to find his parents until he find them.
Based on the explains about, researcher can concluded the theme from the movie is about the
Struggle. August Rush is one of the musical movie directed by Kirten Sheridan and written
by Paul Castro. This movie Tell the sad story about the struggle of a young boy to find his
parents. It is important to understand how the director creates the meaning of a story.
Therefore, the researcher interested in analyzing this movie by using a Psychological
Approach and takes a title for my research: Psychological Analysis of Evan Taylors
Struggle as The Main Character in August Rush Movie by Kirsten Sheridan

Research Method
This research used descriptive qualitative method. The method use to describe the
psychology of Evan Taylors struggle (as the main character) in August Rush movie by
Kirsten Sheridan.

Research Approach
This research used a psychological approach. This approach is used to analyze the main
character (in this case is Evan Taylor) in finding his parents. A psychological approach which
is used is Sigmund Freuds theory which is consisted of three aspects, namely Id, Ego, and
Super Ego. This approach is used as a guide in describing Evan Taylors struggle in August
Rush movie by Kirsten Sheridan.

Technique of the Data Collection

The data collecting technique used in the research are as follows:
a)Watching the movie for several times
The first step in collecting the data because I need to watch the movie for getting more
understanding about the movie in general.
b)Reading the script of the movie
This step has purpose to find the points that probably I missed when I watch the movie.
c)Taking note of the important part in primary and secondary data
After watching the movie researcher need to taking note of the important part of the story in
the movie and also the relevances data that related with the discussion of my topic.
d)Determining the character that analyzed
Determining the character is an important thing in collecting the data because this step
support the discussion of the research. This research take Evan Taylor (August Rush) as the
main character that analyze by using psychological approach.
e)Classifying the data into several parts
After determining the main character, I also need to classify the data into several parts based
on the concept that discussed in theoretical base. It help me in the process of analyzing data.
F)Summarizing based on the analyzed data.
After classifying the data into several parts, the last step is to make summarizing about the
data. The summarizing has function to make general underlying concept of the data that will
be analyzed.
Technique of the Data Analysis
The data analyzing technique used in the research are as follows:
1)Analyze the struggle of Evan Taylor as the main character in August Rush movie by
Kirsten Sheridan through the concept of Sigmund Freuds psychological theory.
2. I also analyzed the events and conflicts that are related to the psychological theory based
on the characterization of Evan/August Ruh
3. After analyzed the psychological aspects and characterization of the movie, I concluded
my research to get conclusion about the general description of Evan Taylors struggle which
is reflected in August Rush Kirsten Sheridans Movie.

Personality is a behaviour or attitude that absolutely occurs in every human self. It can called
as an identity of ourselves. This is supported by Sigmund Freud (2006:61-67). He proposed
three aspects which refers to the personality of character. It consists of Id, Ego, and
SuperEgo.(1) Id or primitives encouragement which are related with satisfaction, (2) Ego,
which has responsibility to control Id. And (3) SuperEgo which contains the word, or
SuperEgo containes moral and ethic of behavior. In this case, the researcher use Freuds
theory to analyze the psychological of Evan Taylors struggle. He was ilustrated as main
character in August Rust movie by Kristen Sheridan. By using this theory, the researcher
found all of these aspects included Id, Ego, and SuperEgo. However, Id is an aspect which
more dominant than other aspects in the personality of Evan Taylor. It is because Evan
Taylor was illustrated as character who has desire to the presence of his parents in his life. He
was so convinced that his parents were still alive. Nevertheless, he used to be stayed on
orphanage until eleven years; without his mother and father, but he was keep believe that his
parents were still alive. Thus, he decided to run away from the orphanage and looked for his
In research findings here, the researcher found twelve data. There are five data which refers
to Id, Ego is one data, and SuperEgo are six data.
4.1. Id
Here, the researcher reveal five data which indicate as id aspect in Evan Taylor personality.
Data 01
they tried to stop me from hearing the music.(00:05:57)
But when I'm alone...(00:05:01)
... it builds up from inside me.(00:05:02)
And I think if I could learn how to play it...(00:05:03)
... they might hear me.(00:05:05)
They would know I was theirs...(00:05:05)
... and find me.(00:05:06)

From the data above can be seen disire Evan to play music, he really wanted it. Because if he
will learn. And can play music, his parents would be easy to find him.
Data 02
Your long-lost mommy and daddy.(00:05:08)
Can you hear them?(00:05:11)
No, you can't.(00:05:13)
I can.(00:05:17)
You don't have no family.(00:05:20)
You can't hear anything.(00:05:20)

His friends know that Evan desire to meet with his parents, therefore many of his friends
considers him crazy, and always jeering him. But that did not prevent him to continue to
believe that his parents are still alive.
Data 03
You see, theres a lot of children who are scared that if they leave their first home. Their
parents would never be able to find them.(00:07:45)
But see, my job is to make sure that nothing like that will ever happen to you.(00:07:53)
So there's nothing to be scared of.(00:07:58)
This is my number.(00:08:11)
If you ever need to talk to me, about anything..., you call.(00:08:16)
Think about what I said too.(00:08:30)
Theres a whole world out there with millions of wind chimes(00:08:34)

Desire is so great that he went to meet with child services for the sate of New York, went to
make sure that if his parents are still alive.
Data 04
Hardly remember what my mom looks like, you know?(00:09:19)
Well, if they don't find us, we'll just have to go find them.(00:09:21)

His desire seems to be more obvious when he does not know what his mother face. But it will
prevent him to try find them.
Data 05
Sometimes the world tries to knock it out of you.(00:05:25)
But I believe in music...(00:05:26)
... the way that some people believe in fairy tales.(00:05:27)
I like to imagine that what I hear came from my mother and father.(00:05:29)
Maybe the notes I hear...(00:05:30)
... are the same ones they heard the night they met.(00:05:31)
Maybe that's how they found each other.(00:05:33)
Maybe that's how they'll find me.(00:05:34)
From the dialog above appears his struggle when he want to meet his parents alhough many
will be prevented

4.2. Ego
In this research, the researcher found one data which indicate as Ego based on the reality
principle of Evan Taylor Personality.
Data 06
You gotta love music more than you love food.(00:41:16)
More than life. More than yourself.(00:41:19)
You feel it?(00:41:23)
Then show me.(00:41:26)
Play it for your parents.(00:41:29)
You're flying, kid.(00:41:33)

Based on the dialog above appears that he has been able to showed learning and playing
music a well.

4.3. SuperEgo
There are six following data which refer to Super Ego personality of Evan taylor, based on
the containes moral and ethic of a behavior or following the heart voice.
Data 07
Listen, you cant let the cops catch you.(00:56:12)
If they do, you don't tell them your real name...(00:56:17)
...because theyll send you right back where you came from, you got that?(00:56:19)
I dont wanna lose you...(00:56:45)
...but if we get separated, we meet at the arch.(00:56:46)
Do not tell them your name.(00:56:48)

From the dialog above, Evan to escape from police because if he caught it would stop him to
meet with his parents.

Data 08
Im his father, all right? I have every right.(01:18:24)
Ill take you home now. Come on.(01:18:26)
But I have a concert. I like it here.(01:18:28)
You should be with family. Come on.(01:18:31)
You gotta tell me right now, is this man really your father?(01:18:36)
You can tell me the truth.(01:18:45)
I know your real name. Evan.(01:18:53)

From the dialog above, Wizard does not want Evan to attend the concert, because it will
hinder him to take advantage of Evan to find money.
Data 09
Youre pretty good.(01:21:41)
How long you been playing?(01:22:25)
Six months.(01:22:40)
Six months?(01:22:43)
Howd you learn how to play like that in six months?(01:22:53)
Yes, sir. I have my own concert tonight.(01:23:15)
With his diligence learn music, so that he can play music very well. So that makes people
admire him.
Data 10
Do you reckon I should believe you?(01:24:40)
Yeah. But I cant go.(01:24:58)
Whys that?(01:25:09)
Its kind of a long story.(01:25:20)
Well, if I went to Juilliard and I had a concert tonight...(01:25:41)
...I wouldnt miss it for the world.(01:25:45)
But what if something bad would happen if you did it?(01:26:05)
You never quit on your music. No matter what happens.(01:26:20)
Because anytime something bad happens to you...(01:26:57)
...its the one place you can escape to and just let it go.(01:27:01)
And anyway, look at me. Nothing bad's gonna happen. You gotta have a little

Based on the dialog above, Evan getting encouragement and support, so he can continue to
play the music, because the opportunity will be able to bring him with his parents.
Data 11
You play when I say play.(00:50:22)
You breathe when I say breathe.(00:50:25)
You got that, boy?(00:50:30)
But I have to play.(00:50:48)
Wizard, I need them to hear.(00:51:03)
You forget about your parents!(00:51:12)
They were pretty quick to forget about you(00:51:17)
You don't know how it could be for you.(00:51:21)
You do not know how precious your gift is.(00:51:42)
Motivation and encouragement he gets, making Evan to get out of the wizard, and continued
his journey to find his parents.
Data 12
I have to go now.(01:30:12)
Im not coming back this time.(01:30:17)
Hes just kidding, Wizard. Me and August have a understanding. Dont we?(01:30:21)
Aug, you can't leave me, man.(01:30:26)
Yes, I can.(01:30:30)
Because you have to find your parents, right?(01:30:42)
Yeah. My concerts starting.(01:30:47)

From the dialog above, resistance Evan to Wizard can not controlled because desire to meet
with his parents so obvious, and following cencert held in central park
Futhermore, the word struggle defines as fight or thing needing great effort (Oxford
Dictionary, 1995:412). In this part, Evan Taylors struggle as the main character in the movie
is described by using Sigmund Freuds psychology theory. He divides the personality theory
into three categories: (1) Id, or the primitives encouragements which are related with
satisfaction, (2) Ego, which has responsibilty to control Id, and (3) Super Ego, which contains
the heart word (Freud in Ratna, 2002:62-63).
4.2. Data Analysis
This chapter is presented the discussion of the psychological analysis of Evan Taylors
struggle as the main character in August Rush movie by Kirten Sheridan. The Analysis is
completely presented in the following explanations.
4.2.1 Evans Id
August, introduced as Evan Taylor, has absolute faith that music will mystically reunite him
with his parents, who he is certain must be somewhere out there, although he has no clues to
their identity.
Data 01
they tried to stop me from hearing the music.(00:05:57)
But when I'm alone...(00:05:01)
... it builds up from inside me.(00:05:02)
And I think if I could learn how to play it...(00:05:03)
... they might hear me.(00:05:05)
They would know I was theirs...(00:05:05)
... and find me.(00:05:06)
The dialogue above describes the Id of Evan Taylor, he talks to himself that he really wants
to be with his parents in his life. Although many people try to prevent him from hearing the
music, but he believes that music can make him meet his parents.
As I learn early in the movie, those parents; Louis Connelly, an Irish rock singer with a
musical sweet tooth, and Lyla Novacek, a classical cellist fell in love at first sight and
conceived him on a rooftop overlooking Washington Square but were kept apart by her
conniving, ambitious father.
August grown up in an orphanage for eleven years. Some of his friends always bothered and
made him uncomfortable.
Data 02
Your long-lost mommy and daddy.(00:05:08)
Can you hear them?(00:05:11)
No, you can't.(00:05:13)
I can.(00:05:17)
You don't have no family.(00:05:20)
You can't hear anything.(00:05:20)

The dialogue above is clearly described that Evans friends did not believe about his faith that
someday he can find his parents. They always try to break it,but Evans faith is too strong, so
he does not care about his friends jokes. He always try to convince himself that his parents
are still alive and waiting for him in the outside world. It makes him can face the hard things
in his life.
Someday, Evan meets Mr. Jeffries, Child Services for the state of New York and had a
simple talk with him. Mr. Jeffries said to Evan:
Data 03
You see, theres a lot of children who are scared that if they leave their first home. Their
parents would never be able to find them.(00:07:45)
But see, my job is to make sure that nothing like that will ever happen to you.(00:07:53)
So there's nothing to be scared of.(00:07:58)
This is my number.(00:08:11)
If you ever need to talk to me, about anything..., you call.(00:08:16)
Think about what I said too.(00:08:30)
Theres a whole world out there with millions of wind chimes(00:08:34)

The dialogue above descibes the Id of Evan is so strong. Mr. Jeffries offers him to live with
the other family as his parents as the common children want, but Evan still believe and wait
for his time to be with his real family. Until finally he went to meet Mr Jeffries child services
for the state of New York for asking help to know where his parents are. But Mr Jeffries can
not help him, because he does not find Indentity from Evans Taylors parents. But the
confidence of Evan to know his parents are still alive without stopping, he continues to
looking for them. Mr. Jeffries story have became a motivation for Evan to find his parents.
So, he decided to run away to New York city. Mr. Jeffries story have became a motivation
for Evan to find his parents. So, he decided to run away to New York city.
Data 04
Hardly remember what my mom looks like, you know?(00:09:19)
Well, if they don't find us, we'll just have to go find them.(00:09:21)
Seen from the dialogue of Evan Taylor above, it directly describes that Evan could not hide
his sadness and his strong desire to his friends. The Id of Evan is obviously can be seen in
this dialogue, the desire which is save in his heart from a long time is come to the surface. He
really wants to be with his parents as the other children who have a great life with their
As explained before that Id is the most basic structure of personality, so the entirely
unconscious work according to the principle of pleasure, satisfaction with the immediate goal
fulfillment. At the point of personality which is not realize by the people there is a psychic
territory called id. Judging from the development, id is the oldest part of the personality. At
first, everything was id. Because id is a very primitive part of the personality that has been in
operation before the baby is related to the outside world, then it contains all the intrinsic
motivations which are not learned, in the psychoanalyst theory it is called instincts. It
operates entirely on the unconscious level and it is not governed by considerations of time,
space and logic. Id is closely related to physical processes where it gets its energy. Freud also
called it a true psychic reality because it represents the inner world of subjective experience
without considerates the objective reality.
The motivation which is come from Evan Taylors self to meet with his parents affected by
the psychological aspect. Id is an aspect that is inside of Evan Taylors self to form a psychic
energy which is increase because of the stimulation of in himself. These stimulations cause
the tension and create a sense of discomfort, but the function of Id itself can not reduce the
bad feelings. The tensions and emotions can not be controlled, so it pushed human to try the
variety of ways to stop the tensions. Evan Taylors way to stop the tensions and emotions is
as soon as possible to go from the orphanage and looking for his parents, although he is only
holding on the instinct of music as his guide.
Data 05
Sometimes the world tries to knock it out of you.(00:05:25)
But I believe in music...(00:05:26)
... the way that some people believe in fairy tales.(00:05:27)
I like to imagine that what I hear came from my mother and father.(00:05:29)
Maybe the notes I hear...(00:05:30)
... are the same ones they heard the night they met.(00:05:31)
Maybe that's how they found each other.(00:05:33)
Maybe that's how they'll find me.(00:05:34)

From the dialogue above Evan believe that every tone and music which are he heard are
come from his parents. He has a strong faith that music can lead him to meet his parents.
Although he lost the address of Mr. Jeffries, the one who can help him in finding his parents
but he does not afraid to continue his journey alone.
4.2.2 Evans Ego
Evan Taylors ego describes through the behavior and expectations of the sadness experience
when his desire to meet his parents he can not accomplish, it because he is confronted by the
various problems.
The ego develops from the id, which controls the personality structure and take decisions on
human behavior. The ego is the I or self which grew from id in infancy and it become a
source for communicating with the outside world. With the ego, the individual can
differentiated himself from the surrounding environment and formed the integrates
In Evans journey to find his parents reunited him with Wizard which led him to become a
street musician. Wizard even change Evans name become August Rush. Evan feels so happy
because he can meet someone who absolutely has the same interest with him. He tries so hard
to make everyone proud with his music talent, especially Wizard. In this case, Evans ego is
always tries to fulfill his desire so that he can show his music talent to everyone who hears
and loves music, although the only reason of Evan to play music is just for his parents, so his
parents can find him. At the time, Evans ego stays at the high position, so the function of id
and super ego could not block the ego. Consequently, he plays music all the time, in the street
and in the place where Wizard asked him to play. This is shown in the following dialogue:
Data 06
You gotta love music more than you love food.(00:41:16)
More than life. More than yourself.(00:41:19)
You feel it?(00:41:23)
Then show me.(00:41:26)
Play it for your parents.(00:41:29)
You're flying, kid.(00:41:33)

The dialogue above illustrates the Ego of Evan is shown with happines because he can can
play music well and can make more money in every his performance. But actually, the only
reason of Evan to play music is because he wants his parents hear him, so they can take him
with them, live together as a family. That was his long dream. Thus, he get to love music
more than anything in his life. He always believe that maybe by his way to learn music will
reunite him with parents.
4.2.3 Evans Super ego
Evans struggle to find his parents still continue when he lives with Wizard. He becomes a
street guitarist performer and gives many benefit for Wizard. Wizard confesses Evan as his
child as long as he can make more money for Wizard because of his performance. Until one
day, the place where Wizard and the children are living in is raided by the police. Wizard
does not want to lose Evan, so he asked Evan to run away. It is shown by the following
Data 07
Listen, you cant let the cops catch you.(00:56:12)
If they do, you don't tell them your real name...(00:56:17)
...because theyll send you right back where you came from, you got that?(00:56:19)
I dont wanna lose you...(00:56:45)
...but if we get separated, we meet at the arch.(00:56:46)
Do not tell them your name.(00:56:48)

On the dialogue above shows that Evans personality is influenced by the character of Wizard
who always claims that Evan should play music all the time whenever he asked to. So at the
time when the police raided Wizards place, Evan prefer to run away, he prevents himself
from the police because he does not want to capture by the police. He thinks that if the police
capture him, he could not continue his journey looking for his parents, he would never find
his parents forever. He never let this thing is happen to him.
Futhermore, after evading the police, Evan run away to a Church where he hears there is a
group of people get singing practice. Then he meets Hope, a young girl who introduces him
to the piano and to written notes. Hope get shocks discovered Evan is quickly learn all the
written notes, she directly told parish pastor about Evan. Finally, parish pastor enrolls Evan
(August) at the Juilliard School where Evan creates rhapsody in his own version. Evan
success impresses all the Juilliard staff, especially the Dean. He is selected to perform the
rhapsody which he is been composing at the same concert as Lyla, his mother. But Wizard
suddenly come and ruin the practice program. Wizard claims him self as Augusts father and
take August back to the Washington Square with him. He even forbids Evan to attend the
Data 08
Im his father, all right? I have every right.(01:18:24)
Ill take you home now. Come on.(01:18:26)
But I have a concert. I like it here.(01:18:28)
You should be with family. Come on.(01:18:31)
You gotta tell me right now, is this man really your father?(01:18:36)
You can tell me the truth.(01:18:45)
I know your real name. Evan.(01:18:53)

The dialogue above illustrates that Evan can show his efforts in learning to play music is
indeed his talent, but it distracted by Wizard. Wizard does not allow Evan follow the show,
because it will prevent him to use Evan to make more a lot of money.
Wizard finally success to bring Evan back with him. Whereas Evan does not have any
choices, he does not want every one knows about his real name, it is because he does not
want to sent back to the orphanage.
Furthemore, when Evan get back to the Washington Square, he meets Louis, his father. But
both of them did not realize that. They even play guitars together. Louis get impressed seeing
Evan performance in playing a guitar.
Data 09
Youre pretty good.(01:21:41)
How long you been playing?(01:22:25)
Six months.(01:22:40)
Six months?(01:22:43)
Howd you learn how to play like that in six months?(01:22:53)
Yes, sir. I have my own concert tonight.(01:23:15)
It clearly illustrated in the dialogue above that Louis admires and praises about Evans talent
in playing music. Louis also feels a little bit unbelieve hearing Evans story, because he he
never think that there is a child like Evan who can play music well and properly like an adult.
But finally, he gives Evan spirit to play music anytime with free.
Data 10
Do you reckon I should believe you?(01:24:40)
Yeah. But I cant go.(01:24:58)
Whys that?(01:25:09)
Its kind of a long story.(01:25:20)
Well, if I went to Juilliard and I had a concert tonight...(01:25:41)
...I wouldnt miss it for the world.(01:25:45)
But what if something bad would happen if you did it?(01:26:05)
You never quit on your music. No matter what happens.(01:26:20)
Because anytime something bad happens to you...(01:26:57)
...its the one place you can escape to and just let it go.(01:27:01)
And anyway, look at me. Nothing bad's gonna happen. You gotta have a little

The dialogue above notices that Louis gives encouragement to Evan. Evan has to follow his
heart words, the show is really usefull for Evan to follow.
Evan finally he realized that he only used by Wizard.
Data 11
You play when I say play.(00:50:22)
You breathe when I say breathe.(00:50:25)
You got that, boy?(00:50:30)
But I have to play.(00:50:48)
Wizard, I need them to hear.(00:51:03)
You forget about your parents!(00:51:12)
They were pretty quick to forget about you(00:51:17)
You don't know how it could be for you.(00:51:21)
You do not know how precious your gift is.(00:51:42)

Here Evan comes to the contradictions within himself. The opposition is a psychological
motivation of ego arising from the needs of the organism requires transactions in accordance
with the objective reality. Super ego develops from ego when humans understand the good
and bad moral values.In this case Evan require a conviction to himself that the fact is not
appropriate with his original purpose, namely the desire to meet with the both parents.Finally
there were some resistances of Evan on Wizard. The form of resistance is the mechanism of
the super ego, so it has ordered the defense ego to act.
Data 12
I have to go now.(01:30:12)
Im not coming back this time.(01:30:17)
Hes just kidding, Wizard. Me and August have a understanding. Dont we?(01:30:21)
Aug, you can't leave me, man.(01:30:26)
Yes, I can.(01:30:30)
Because you have to find your parents, right?(01:30:42)
Yeah. My concerts starting.(01:30:47)

At the end of the story, super ego is dominated Evans character. It drives Evan to act. The
actions that must be done by Evan is to run away from the restraints of the Wizard and
continue his journey to find his parents by following a concert held in Central Park where he
finally meets his parents.
Based on the result of the psychological analysis of Evan Taylors struggle to find his parents
in August Rush movie by Kirsten Sheridan, it can be concluded that:
First, the word struggle defines as fight or thing needing great effort (Oxford Dictionary,
1995:412). In this reserach, the analysis of evan Taylors struggle is describe through a
psychological approach. Spesifically, it used the theory of sigmund Freud (Id, Ego, and Super
Second, the discussion shows that Evan as the main character in this movie describes as a boy
who has strong faith that his parents are still alive, although he does not know where they are.
His strong faith lead him to run away from the orphanage, and this action is affected by
psychological aspect (Id). Id is an aspect that is inside of Evan Taylors self to form a psychic
energy which is increase because of the stimulation of in himself.
After escaped from the orphanage, his struggle become more complicated. He met Wizard
whom finally use Evans musical talent for his own benefit. At the first time, Evan did not
know that Wizard just pretending to be a kind man. Evan was so happy and always try to
make Wizard become proud. It was affected by his psycological aspect (ego). His ego drives
him to play music all the time, even to make everyone get proud to his musical talent.
Finally Evan realizes that and try to escape from Wizard. The form of resistance is the
mechanism of the super ego, it is dominated Evans character so it has ordered the defense
ego to act. The act is Evan run away from the restraints of the Wizard and attending his
concert in Central Park where he meets his parents.
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