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Programa de Formacin:

Aprendiz: Actividad de
aprendizaje No. 4
Resultados de Aprendizaje: Competencia:
24020150013 Identificar las oportunidades 240201500 Promover la interaccin idnea
que el SENA ofrece en el marco de la consigo mismo con los dems y
formacin profesional de acuerdo con el la naturaleza en los contextos laboral y
contexto nacional e internacional. social

Reading Section
1. Look at the image and the title of the text below. Brainstorm some ideas in a separate
piece of paper.

2. Read the following text carefully. Highlight the key words. Underline the new vocabulary.

What Is Electricity?
Electricity has its origin in the atom. Atoms have protons,
electrons and neutrons. Electrons have negative charge,
and protons have positive charge, and neutrons have no
Electricity is a flow of electrons through a material. In
many materials, the electrons are tightly bound to the
atoms. Because these atoms are so reluctant to share
electrons, these materials can't conduct electricity very
well, if at all. These materials are electrical insulators.
Most metals, however, have electrons that can detach
from their atoms and zip around. These are called free electrons. The loose electrons make it
easy for electricity to flow through these materials, so they're known as electrical conductors.
They conduct electricity. The moving electrons transmit electrical energy from one point to

Post Reading
3. In a separate piece of paper, make a mind map by using the key words you highlighted.
4. Write true or false, according to the text.
a. Electrons have negative charge. _______
b. Insulators conduct electricity very well _______
c. Electricity is a flow of protons. _______
d. A conductor is a material that permits the flow of electrons. _______
5. Classify the materials provided into conductors or insulators.

Some examples of conductors are:

Some examples of insulators are:

6. Speaking

In pairs, take turns to make questions and answers about conductors and insulators..
A: Is gold an insulator? B: No, it is not. Gold is a conductor.

7. Fill in the crossword puzzle


4. Have no charge

1. Have a negative charge

2. Is the flow of electrons through a
3. Have a positive charge

8. Organize the provided pieces to make the definitions of the terms below.




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