20-14 Iste Standards-C PDF

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International Society for

Technology in Education

ISTE Standards
learning experiences using a variety of research-
1. Visionary leadership based, learner-centered instructional strategies
Technology Coaches inspire and participate and assessment tools to address the diverse
in the development and implementation of a needs and interests of all students
shared vision for the comprehensive integration
c. Coach teachers in and model engagement of
of technology to promote excellence and
students in local and global interdisciplinary
support transformational change throughout the
units in which technology helps students assume
instructional environment.
professional roles, research real-world problems,
a. Contribute to the development, communication, collaborate with others, and produce products
and implementation of a shared vision for the that are meaningful and useful to a wide audience
comprehensive use of technology to support a
d. Coach teachers in and model design and
digital-age education for all students
implementation of technology-enhanced
b. Contribute to the planning, development, learning experiences emphasizing creativity,
communication, implementation, and evaluation higher-order thinking skills and processes, and
of technology-infused strategic plans at the mental habits of mind (e.g., critical thinking,
district and school levels metacognition, and self-regulation)
c. Advocate for policies, procedures, programs, and e. Coach teachers in and model design and
funding strategies to support implementation of implementation of technology-enhanced
the shared vision represented in the school and learning experiences using differentiation,
district technology plans and guidelines including adjusting content, process, product,
d. Implement strategies for initiating and and learning environment based upon student
sustaining technology innovations and manage readiness levels, learning styles, interests, and
the change process in schools and classrooms personal goals
f. Coach teachers in and model incorporation of
research-based best practices in instructional
design when planning technology-enhanced
2. Teaching, learning, and assessments learning experiences
Technology Coaches assist teachers in using g. Coach teachers in and model effective use of
technology effectively for assessing student technology tools and resources to continuously
learning, differentiating instruction, and providing assess student learning and technology literacy
rigorous, relevant, and engaging learning by applying a rich variety of formative and
experiences for all students. summative assessments aligned with content
a. Coach teachers in and model design and and student technology standards
implementation of technology-enhanced h. Coach teachers in and model effective use of
learning experiences addressing content technology tools and resources to systematically
standards and student technology standards collect and analyze student achievement data,
b. Coach teachers in and model design and interpret results, and communicate findings to
implementation of technology-enhanced improve instructional practice and maximize
student learning
c. Evaluate results of professional learning
3. Digital age learning environments programs to determine the effectiveness
Technology coaches create and support effective on deepening teacher content knowledge,
digital age learning environments to maximize the improving teacher pedagogical skills and/or
learning of all students. increasing student learning
a. Model effective classroom management and
collaborative learning strategies to maximize
teacher and student use of digital tools and
resources and access to technology-rich 5. Digital citizenship
learning environments Technology coaches model and promote digital
b. Maintain and manage a variety of digital tools citizenship.
and resources for teacher and student use in a. Model and promote strategies for achieving
technology-rich learning environments equitable access to digital tools and resources
c. Coach teachers in and model use of online and technology-related best practices for all
and blended learning, digital content, and students and teachers
collaborative learning networks to support b. Model and facilitate safe, healthy, legal, and ethical
and extend student learning as well as expand uses of digital information and technologies
opportunities and choices for online professional
development for teachers and administrators c. Model and promote diversity, cultural
understanding, and global awareness by using
d. Select, evaluate, and facilitate the use of digital age communication and collaboration
adaptive and assistive technologies to support tools to interact locally and globally with students,
student learning peers, parents, and the larger community
e. Troubleshoot basic software, hardware, and
connectivity problems common in digital
learning environments
f. Collaborate with teachers and administrators to 6. Content knowledge and
select and evaluate digital tools and resources professional growth
that enhance teaching and learning and
Technology coaches demonstrate professional
are compatible with the school technology
knowledge, skills, and dispositions in content,
pedagogical, and technological areas as well as
g. Use digital communication and collaboration tools adult learning and leadership and are continuously
to communicate locally and globally with students, deepening their knowledge and expertise.
parents, peers, and the larger community
a. Engage in continual learning to deepen content
and pedagogical knowledge in technology
integration and current and emerging
technologies necessary to effectively implement
4. Professional development and the StandardsS and StandardsT
program evaluation b. Engage in continuous learning to deepen
Technology coaches conduct needs assessments, professional knowledge, skills, and dispositions
develop technology-related professional learning in organizational change and leadership, project
programs, and evaluate the impact on instructional management, and adult learning to improve
practice and student learning. professional practice
a. Conduct needs assessments to inform the c. Regularly evaluate and reflect on their
content and delivery of technology-related professional practice and dispositions to
professional learning programs that result in a improve and strengthen their ability to
positive impact on student learning effectively model and facilitate technology-
enhanced learning experiences
b. Design, develop, and implement technology-
rich professional learning programs that model
principles of adult learning and promote digital StandardsC 2011 International Society for Technology in Education.
age best practices in teaching, learning, and ISTE is a registered trademark of the International Society for
assessment Technology in Education.
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