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Coal is one of the most important sources of energy for mankind providing an easy way to
generate energy in a cheap manner. The relative abundance and low costs of using Coal has
made it the the first choice of Fuel for building Power Plants in the world. Coal has huge
importance as an Energy source and forms the most important raw material for Cement
and Steel. Coal is also used in a variety of other industries like Paper, Aluminum, Chemical,
Transportation and Pharma. However Coal also has huge negative consequences as it is the
largest source of Carbon Emissions which happen during Coal Combustion.
Coal Mining despite two hundred years remain as hazardous as ever resulting in thousands
of deaths in India and China. Mercury, Arsenic and pollution of other harmful substances
into the environment causes diseases and many deaths as well. However for countries like
India and China there are little other alternatives and there is no conviction amongst
policymakers to change their energy strategies as well. So the advantages of Coal are
currently overpowering those of the Cons of Coal. This despite Coal being the dirtiest form
of Energy and causing many deaths globally. The main reason for the cheapness of Coal is
that the societal costs are not added on explicitly to the Price of Coal making it seem
artificially cheap.

Advantages of Coal
1) Abundance Coal is located almost universally, it can be found on every continent in
over 70 countries, with the biggest reserves in the USA, Russia, China and India.
2) Continuous,Predictable,Reliable Source of Power Coal Based Energy can be
generated almost 247 unlike other forms of renewable energy like wind and solar that are
intermittent in nature.
3) Low Capital Investment The capital investment required for Coal based Power
plants is relatively less at $1-2/watt of Thermal Capacity. Note wind energy is slightly
higher while Solar is even higher. Coal Mines are also quite cheap to build and Mine with
Open Cast Mines providing Coal at a very Low Cost.
4) Low Cost Coal is one of the cheapest forms of energy making it the energy of choice
in developing countries like India and China. In India its possible to get cheap coal at just
$20/ton while international prices of coal range in the region of $100/ton. Note Coal based
electricity can be produced at 2-4c/Kwh making it the cheapest electricity source.
5) High Load Factor Thermal Power Plants have very high load factors in excess of
80%. They can generate power almost 24/7 and only require shutdown for periodic
maintenance. Coal Based Plants which have become too old or have been shutdown due to
environmental concerns can still be used for backup power.
6) Large Potential compared to Oil Coal Energy Potential is quite large compared to
other Fossil Fuels like Oil and Gas. Coal Reserves globally are estimated to be around 1
trillion tons which implies that Coal can be consumed at the current rates for another 200
7) Big Industrial Base Coal Energy has been present since the start of the Industrial
Revolution with the development of the Steam Engine based on Coal. The technology and
industry of the Coal Industry and Thermal Power Plants is well developed and mature. This
allows a rapid deployment of Coal Power in most places in the world.
8) Coal to Liquids and Coal to Gases Coal is now being looked upon as source of
Transportation Fuels as Oil becomes scarce and increasingly costly. Coal to Liquid Plants
are being constructed in India and China though the Technology is quite immature and the
use of the technology is still questionable on environmental grounds.
Disadvantages of Coal
1) Greenhouse Gas Emissions One of the biggest cons of Coal Energy is that it
releases Carbon Dioxide which has been sequestered for millions of years in the dead bodies
of plant and animals. This transfer the Carbon from the Earth to the Environment leading to
the Global Warming Effect. Global Treaties have failed in putting a Cost on this, though
individual countries are tying to account for this through Carbon Taxes and Cap and Trade.
2) Coal Mining Deaths Coal Mining has resulted in thousands of deaths each year ever
since man discovered coal. Note Coal Deaths happen not only in countries which dont have
good safety regulations like China but also in developed countries like USA and New
3) Devastation of Earth and Scenery Near Coal Mines Open Cast Mining of Coal
has resulted in destruction of the habitat and destruction of the scenery. It leads to removal
of trees and pollution of air and water in areas surrounding the mines. Coal Mine Fires have
burned for hundreds of year underground and make living in those areas hazardous. Those
burning underground can be difficult to locate and many cannot be extinguished. Fires can
cause the ground above to subside, their combustion gases are dangerous to life, and
breaking out to the surface can initiate surface fires as well.
4) Displacement of Humans due to Mining Destruction In West Bengal,India
people are being displaced in huge numbers as the hollowing of the earth due to
underground coal mining has made those places unsafe as the Land Caves in without
5) Emission of Harmful Substances like Sulfur Dioxide,Carbon Monoxide,
Mercury, Selenium, Arsenic, Acid Rain Thermal Plants emit harmful substances
such as Mercury and Sulfur Dioxide which cause health hazards among the surrounding
population and Acid Rain. While modern equipment has reduced the emission of these
harmful substances, it is still very harmful to humans.

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