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War of 1812 Review Score:

1.What was it called when the British took American ships and made American
sailors serve on their own ships?
A Impressment

B War Hawks

C Stealing

2.Why is Francis Scott Key important?

A He was a soldier in the war

B He was an American Indian during the war

C He wrote the Star Spangled Banner

D He made the first American flag

3.The War of 1812 ended in 1812

A True

B False

4.What is true about American Indians during the war?

A They didn't know what side to choose

B They were worried about losing their land

C Most fought with the Americans

D They were not involved in the war

5.The White House burned down during the War of 1812.

A True

B False

6.Who made the flag during the battle of Fort McHenry?

A Dolly Madison

B Francis Scott Key

C George Washington

D Mary Pickersgill

7.Who won the Battle of Fort McHenry?

A The Americans

B The British

C The American Indians

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8.What did the Treaty of Ghent do?
A Agreement to never fight the British again

B Agreement to end the War of 1812

C Agreement to give the British some land

9.What is true about the Treaty of Ghent?

A It was signed in Belgium

B News didn't reach America until two months later about it

C A battle was fought after the Treaty was signed

D All of the above

10.The Monroe Doctrine stated that the US and British would remain neutral in
future conflicts.
A True

B False

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