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Driggers Class Newsletter

Mrs. Diggers Class 3/1/2017 Volume I

Upcoming Projects
Unit Standards

Storyboard: In this project Students will be doing a Acquire and use
storyboard over a story of their choice read in class. accurately general
academic and domain-
This project is for students with a B or higher currently specific words and
in the class. phrases, sufficient for
reading, writing,
speaking, and listening
at the college and
Plot Diagram: In this project Students will be making a career readiness level;
Plot Diagram over the story of their choice read in demonstrate
independence in
class. This project is for Students currently with a C
gathering vocabulary
average. knowledge when
considering a word or
phrase important to
comprehension or
Ironic Skit: In this project Students will be creating a expression. (L.6)
skit that pertains to a store of their choice read in class.
This Project is for students with a B+ or higher. Initiate and participate
effectively in a range of
Quote of the month: discussions (one-on-
one, in groups, and
teacher-led) with
diverse partners on
grades 910 topics,
texts, and issues,
building on others
ideas and expressing
their own clearly and
persuasively. (SL.1)
Unit Standards Contact information
Determine or clarify Email:
the meaning of
unknown and
multiple-meaning 478-946-2441
words and phrases
based on grades 9 Website:
10 reading and
content, choosing
flexibly from a range
of strategies. (L.4)

Analyze how an
authors choices
concerning how to
structure a text, order
events within it (e.g.,
parallel plots), and
manipulate time (e.g.,
pacing, flashbacks)
create such effects
as mystery, tension,
or surprise. (RL.5)

Arryanna McDuffie
Mrs. Diggers Class
Wilkinson County High School

2nd Semester schedule

1st: Adv. NGLC
2nd: planning
3rd: Advanced Studies
4th: NGLC
5th: NGLC

For Remind 101

Text 81010 message @9cbg63

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