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We can control

Global Warming

Unidad didctica que discute aspectos y vocabulario sobre el calentamiento global,
as como otras cuestiones gramaticales y sociolingsticas.

3 de Escuela Oficial de Idiomas (nuevo Nivel Intermedio).

Sara Vergel Gonzlez
Esther Belda Hernndez
M Victoria Sala Garca
Mariano Ochoa Lorenzo




We can control Global Warming

1. GLOBAL WARMING: Walk around the class and talk to other students about
global warming. Change partners often. After you finish, sit with your original partner(s) and
share what you found out.

2. WHAT WE CAN DO: With your partner(s), rank these things which are best
to slow down / control climate change?

Walk or take public transport instead of driving.

Write to US president George W. Bush urging him to do more.
Replace your electricity supply with renewable energy, such as solar or wind power.
Use the lights in your house less.
Replace your electrical appliances with more energy efficient ones.
Plant a tree in the forest.
Recycle everything you use.
Donate money to organizations pushing for controls on global warming.

3. WARMING FUTURE: In pairs / groups, rank the following outcomes of global

warming - most serious at the top.

Polar bears and penguins will Hurricanes will be stronger

disappear Skin cancer will increase
Winters will be 10 degrees colder Drinking water will be expensive
Malaria will spread around the globe Many countries will disappear under
Cockroaches will be everywhere water
Africa will have more droughts Water wars will break out between

We can control Global Warming


1. TRUE / FALSE: Look at the articles headline and guess whether these sentences
are true (T) or false (F):

a. The UN said global warming and climate change are not problems. T/F
b. Over 120 nations met to discuss how to limit greenhouse gases. T/F
c. The UNs report said Armageddon may still happen. T/F
d. People will have to buy cars and refrigerators that use less energy. T/F
e. Tackling climate change will cost 10% of world economic output. T/F
f. The UNs report doesnt provide governments with any answers. T/F
g. Rising temperatures are not such a big problem now. T/F
h. The report stressed the need for a wide range of clean technology. T/F

2. SYNONYM MATCH: Match the following synonyms from the article:

a. committee pointed out
b. limit purchasing
c. strategies big
d. indicated solving
e. spending endangering
f. addressing plans
g. relatively panel
h. range comparatively
i. threatening cap
j. deep variety

We can control Global Warming


UN - We can control Global Warming

A United Nations committee on climate change has said we can control
global warming. The panel, made up of representatives from over 120
countries, believes we can limit the harm greenhouse gases do to the
atmosphere. Its report concluded the picture of Armageddon painted by
many scientists will not happen if we use technology and have the right
strategies to protect the ozone layer. Rajendra Pachauri, chairman of
the panel, told reporters in Bangkok that the study was a remarkable
step forward. The panel indicated that we can keep our Earth safe by
changing the way we use energy around the world. Most important is
to introduce more fuel-efficient vehicles and household goods. For this
to happen, individuals need to change their lifestyles and spending

Report co-author Pete Smith said: We can go a long way to addressing

this problem at relatively low costs with a range of options. He
calculated that it would cost less than three percent of world economic
output by 2030. He added: We've got a big problem on our hands
[but] this report provides governments with a way out." The big
problem is the damage rising temperatures are doing to the Earth.
Increased floods, droughts, rising sea levels, more violent and
destructive storms and extinctions of species are just a few things
threatening the life of our planet. The report stressed the urgent need
for introducing a wide variety of clean technologies. Harlan Watson,
head of the U.S. team, warned: If we continue to do what we are
doing, then we are in deep trouble.

We can control Global Warming


STUDENT As QUESTIONS (Do not show these to student B)
a) What do you think about global warming?
b) When did you first hear about climate change?
c) Do you agree with people who say global warming is not man made?
d) What do you think global warming will do to the Earth?
e) What is your government doing to slow down the rate of climate
f) What are you doing to help save out environment?
g) Do you think Armageddon might happen one day?
h) Do you think you need to change your lifestyles and spending?
i) What question would you like to ask the UN climate change panel?

STUDENT Bs QUESTIONS (Do not show these to student A)
a) Did you like reading this article?
b) Do you think cost is important in saving our planet?
c) Do you think 3 percent of economic activity is a little or a lot?
d) Has global warming changed the weather in your country?
e) What are the most dangerous weather phenomena that happen in your
f) What can we do to protect species from becoming extinct?
g) What clean technologies do you think your country will introduce?
h) Do you think were already in deep trouble?
i) Do you think scientists and governments can control climate change?

We can control Global Warming


Discuss with your partner(s) what he following animals think of climate change:

Animal Good things about climate Bad things about climate change








Change partners and share your ideas.

We can control Global Warming

CORRECT WORD: Put the correct words from ad below in the article.

UN - We can control Global Warming

A United Nations committee (1) ____ climate change has said we can control global
warming. The panel, made (2) ____ of representatives from over 120 countries,
believes we can limit the harm greenhouse gases do to the atmosphere. Its report
concluded the picture of Armageddon (3) ____ by many scientists will not happen if
we use technology and have the right strategies to (4) ____ the ozone layer.
Rajendra Pachauri, chairman of the panel, told reporters in Bangkok that the study
was a remarkable step forward. The panel indicated that we can keep our Earth
safe by changing the (5) ____ we use energy around the world. Most important is
to introduce more fuel-efficient vehicles and household (6) ____. For this to happen,
individuals need to change their lifestyles and spending patterns.

Report co-author Pete Smith said: We can (7) ____ a long way to addressing this
problem at relatively low costs with a range of (8) ____. He calculated that it would
cost less than three percent of world economic output by 2030. He added: We've
got a big problem on our hands [but] this report provides governments with a way
(9) ____." The big problem is the damage rising temperatures are doing to the
Earth. Increased floods, droughts, rising sea levels, more (10) ____ and destructive
storms and extinctions of species are just a (11) ____ things threatening the life of
our planet. The report stressed the urgent need for introducing a wide variety of
clean technologies. Harlan Watson, head of the U.S. team, warned: If we continue
to do what we are doing, then we are in (12) ____ trouble.

1. (a) on (b) in (c) an (d) of

2. (a) out (b) in (c) up (d) down
3. (a) paints (b) painter (c) painting (d) painted
4. (a) protective (b) protect (c) protection (d) protects
5. (a) path (b) hour (c) way (d) will
6. (a) goods (b) good (c) goodness (d) goodies
7. (a) head (b) go (c) visit (d) come
8. (a) optics (b) opinions (c) option (d) options
9. (a) over (b) in (c) out (d) under
10. (a) violent (b) violence (c) violently (d) violate
11. (a) three (b) some (c) few (d) all
12. (a) depths (b) deep (c) depth (d) deeply

We can control Global Warming


Complete the table with verbs or nouns from this lesson.

Verb Noun Verb Noun

to govern to edit

to solve correspondent

cancellation to agree

disturbance accusation

warning defence

to accept to declare

injury to criticize

Now choose the best word for each sentence. Follow the example.

If you want to know if its going to rain tomorrow, listen to the weather FORECAST /


2. The Pope was taken into hospital again yesterday because of his HOLINESS/
3. There will be no more football matches played in Scotland until further RESULTS/
4. News which comes from other countries is called the FOREIGN /ABROAD/ FAR
5. The big letters at the top of a newspaper are called the
millions of years ago.
7. Hunters kill elephants for their TEETH/ EVONY/ IVORY/ MONEY

We can control Global Warming


The following email should be in an INFORMAL style.

Read the email and choose the more INFORMAL expressions.

Hi, Maria, how are you? / I was pleased to receive your mail

Dont be silly! You dont need to thank me for helping you with your English, its my
job. Im sure Bournemouth is very different from Argentina, and you must be happy
to be back with your family, your twelve brothers and your mothers terrific cooking.

I very much appreciate your gift / Thanks a lot for the great present. Homer
Simpson is one of my favourite cartoon characters, and Ive always wanted a Homer
Simpson toothbrush. Every time I brush my teeth Ill think of you Maria. Would it be
posible to/ Can you send me a Bart Simpson T-shirt?

I think you are very attractive too, and one of the nicest students Ive ever had in
my class. Actually I do have a girlfriend. Her name is Helen, and weve been living
together for four years. It was definitely not my intention to / I didnt mean to give
you the wrong impression, and I sincerely apologise for/ I am really sorry about that
last night in the pub. I hope you werent embarrassed.

It was really kind of you to invite me to stay with you in Argentina, but it wont be
easy to save so much money on an English teachers salary. How about sending us/
I was wondering if you could send us two air tickets?

Anyway, thats all for now. Take care and good luck with the operation. I look
forward to receiving your reply / Write again soon.

Best wishes/ Yours sincerely


PS. I love the photo of you and the donkey

We can control Global Warming

Read Marias reply to Daves email. The email has many mistakes. Find
the mistakes and correct them. Write the corrected email in the space

Hola Dave:

I happy that you like the toothbrush and the foto of me up the donkey. I try find a T-
shirt of Bart Simpson for you.

I have a bad new. My dad no work now and my brothers same. They are think to
make a football team. I no can find a work either. I help my mum always to make the
housework. We not have many money so I no can send you the plane tickets. I sorry

I miss you and your sexy smile. I not know you had a girlfriend. I very sad. But dont
preocupate, I not get embarazada in the pub. I had too many beer.

I know you have 28 years and I only have 17, but if you break your girlfriend I want
be your especial girl.

Much kisses,


We can control Global Warming


1. DISASTER POSTER: Make a poster about the different disasters

happening around the world because of global warming. Show your poster to
your class in the next lesson. Vote on the best one(s).

2. LETTER: Write a formal mail to the UN. Ask them three questions about
global warming. Give them three pieces of advice about what they should do
next. Read your letter to your partner(s) in your next lesson. Your partner(s)
will answer your questions in another letter.

We can control Global Warming

a. F b. T c. F d. T e. F f. F g. F h. T

a. committee panel
b. limit cap
c. strategies plans
d. indicated pointed out
e. spending purchasing
f. addressing solving
g. relatively comparatively
h. range variety
i. threatening endangering
j. deep big

1a 2c 3d 4b 5c 6a 7b 8d 9c 10a 11c 12b

Verb Noun
to govern GOVERNMENT
to solve SOLUTION
TO CORRESPOND correspondent
TO CANCEL cancellation
to agree AGREEMENT
TO DISTURB disturbance
TO ACCUSE accusation
TO WARN warning
TO DEFEND defence
to accept ACCEPTANCE
to declare DECLARATION
TO INJURE injury
to criticize CRITICISM

1. Spain has a DEMOCRATIC government.

2. The Pope was taken into hospital again yesterday because of his ILLNESS
3. There will be no more football matches played in Scotland until further NOTICE
4. News which comes from other countries is called the FOREIGN news.
5. The big letters at the top of a newspaper are called the HEADLINES
We can control Global Warming

6. Dinosaurs became EXTINCT illions of years ago.

7. Hunters kill elephants for their IVORY



Dont be silly! You dont need to thank me for helping you with your English, its my job.
Im sure Bournemouth is very different from Argentina, and you must be happy to be
back with your family, your twelve brothers and your mothers terrific cooking.

THANKS A LOT FOR THE GREAT PRESENT. Homer Simpson is one of my favourite cartoon
characters, and Ive always wanted a Homer Simpson toothbrush. Every time I brush my
teeth Ill think of you Maria. CAN YOU send me a Bart Simpson T-shirt?

I think you are very attractive too, and one of the nicest students Ive ever had in my
class. Actually I do have a girlfriend. Her name is Helen, and weve been living together
for four years. I DIDNT MEAN TO give you the wrong impression, and IM SORRY ABOUT
that last night in the pub. I hope you werent embarrassed.

It was really kind of you to invite me to stay with you in Argentina, but it wont be easy
to save so much money on an English teachers salary. HOW ABOUT SENDING US two air

Anyway, thats all for now. Take care and good luck with the operation.

PS. I love the photo of you and the donkey


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