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Fill out ONLY the shaded cells: all other cells are calculated automatically!


Enter the Grade, Max Grade Possible and "official" IB % Coefficient for each component (if no grade: leave blank)

Component Grade Max Grade Possible % Coefficient Scaling Factor Scaled Grade Component Grade
Paper 1 0 calculated automatically calc. autom.
Paper 2 0 calculated automatically calc. autom.
Fieldwork 0 calculated automatically calc. autom.
Total Scaled Grade calculated automatically
FINAL GRADE Info is missing to compute

Overall Grade Boundary used to convert the "Scaled Grade"

From To Grade
calculated automatically 100 7
calculated automatically calculated automatically 6
calculated automatically calculated automatically 5
calculated automatically calculated automatically 4
calculated automatically calculated automatically 3
calculated automatically calculated automatically 2
0 calculated automatically 1

NOTE the Overall Grade Boundary is adjusted automatically

in case you leave any of the components blank
(e.g. if you are not using a p3 and/or IA grade)
Paper 1 Grade Boundary
From To Grade
46 60 7
40 45 6
33 39 5
27 32 4
20 26 3
10 19 2
0 9 1

Paper 2 Grade Boundary

From To Grade
28 40 7
24 27 6
19 23 5
15 18 4
10 14 3
5 9 2
0 4 1

Fieldwork Grade Boundary

From To Grade
25 30 7
21 24 6
17 20 5
13 16 4
8 12 3
4 7 2
0 3 1

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