Minutes of Board Meeting March 2017

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Regular Meeting of the Board of Trustees

March 15, 2017

Members Present: Marie Black, Chairman

Marian Jenkins
Dr. Imogene Mixson
Beverly Raley
Also Present: Sandra Holmes, Library Director
Janet Shinaberry, Admin Assistant
Chris Wisham, President of Friends of the Library

Ms. Black called the meeting to order at 9:00.

Remarks by Chairman. Ms. Black stated that a Site Committee meeting had been held on
March 14, 2017. A list of possible sites to either build or renovate was discussed and more
information is being gathered at this point. All questions regarding this matter are to be directed
to the Chairman.

Marian Jenkins noted that the Economic Development website and Facebook page were good
sources of information and a good way to let people know what was going on with the project.

It was noted that the Site Committee needed to come up with a size for the lot as well as a
size for the building to set the standard. Dr. Mixson and Ms. Jenkins brought up the need for
adequate parking and accessibility for traffic flow.

Dr. Mixson moved to have the minutes approved; motion was seconded by Ms. Raley and
minutes were approved.

Ms. Black stated that the Board had to make the decision about the $25,500 project fee as
stated in the December memo with guidelines. Dr. Mixson stated that Phase 3 was to get us to the
crux of the matter stage. Ms. Jenkins asked about the benefits of the expenditures and if the
$5,000 was due up front. Dr. Mixson said that these were tasks to be completed and asked for a
special meeting to develop tasks and a timeline for an action plan.
Ms. Black proposed a weekend meeting to accommodate work schedules. Dr. Mixson stated
the importance of all five Board members being on the same page with this project. Ms. Raley
suggested Sunday afternoon. Marian said that conference calls and Skype could be used to
facilitate meetings among all five members. Ms. Black and Sandra will get together this week to
work on the list of things that need to be done prior to the meeting. Ms. Jenkins moved that the
$5,000 payment come from the FOL Book Account with their knowledge, and we can move
forward. This was seconded by Ms. Raley. All voted in favor and the motion passed. The
question are we getting our moneys worth was answered by Ms. Black stating that having a
consultants expertise was a requirement of the Wiregrass Foundation. Dr. Mixson stated we
need to have a plan to show that we are serious about a new/renovated Library. Ms. Jenkins
pointed out that we need to stay in front of the parade and not be pushed by it. Stay steady!
Everything is not public knowledge. Information is a courtesy not a requirement. Keep a steady
line. Conference calls can be used as things become more time sensitive. Keep all responses
general and refer to the Chairman.

Dr. Mixson moved that Ms. Black and Sandra meet to prepare tasks from the consultant then
a special meeting of the Board should be called to develop an action plan with timeline to
accomplish the goals set forth by the consultant. Ms. Jenkins seconded the motion, and it was

Circulation/Financial Reports. Per the Directors reports, circulation is down. Web usage is
good, electronic books are down. T. Rowe Price and Vanguard accounts both show increases this

State of the library is good right now. The Library has received a slight increase in State Aid.
The LSTA grant for $10,000 has been submitted. It is a good grant and is in place. Ms. Black
said that Sandra had done a good job on the grant. March 16, 2017 will be the last of the
Dialogues on the Experiences of War. Lou Hennies and Earl Hyers have done an excellent job
with this program.
The Library is partnering with Fort Rucker to bring Dolores Hydock back to the Library on April
13, 2017. Ruth Rosentrater is in the hospital. The Library is shorthanded at the moment.

Ms. Jenkins said that Web usage was good, almost 2,000 on the ODCPL site and over 400
on the FOL site. Traffic is good. The Library gets much support from Denise Ellis at the
Everything Ozark site. The upcoming book sale is posted there as well.

Friends of the Library Fundraisers will be discussed at a later date after due diligence has
been done to make sure that the fundraiser does not violate any state guidelines regarding silent
auctions or other types of fundraisers.

The Meeting was adjourned at 10:19 by the Chairman.

Respectfully submitted by __________________________

Approved by Secretary ____________________________

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