Illustrated Fact Poster Biography

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Biography Book Report: The Illustrated Fact Poster

Assignment Sheet

For the Illustrated Fact Poster, you will present the life of your person
from their birth until death (unless they are still alive). Then, you will
give a 3 minute presentation to the class that describes this person.

Illustrated Fact Poster Components : (All of these MUST be included)

1. One sheet of poster board. Colors may vary, but I recommend black or
colored poster board so the information stands out more.
2. One LARGE (5 inches by 7 inches) picture of the person. This may be
hand-drawn, photocopied, or printed from the internet.
3. Two or three SMALL pictures of the person. Again, they may be hand-
drawn, photocopied, or printed form the internet.
4. A TYPED LIST of the important things this person did and the YEAR in
which they happened. This will tell us if they found a cure, were elected
to President, made a scientific discovery, won an Olympic Gold metal or
event, gave a speech supporting a cause, or were the first person to do
something. Depending on the person this may range from AT LEAST 4
facts (maximum of 8 please).
5. Write and TYPE THREE PARAGRAPHS describing this persons life in
detail. These paragraphs are to summarize this persons WHOLE life,
from their birth until death (or until where they are today). They should
be broken down as follows:
Paragraph 1: Describe when and where they were born.
Then, describe their CHILDHOOD.
Paragraph 2: Describe their life events, education, and
profession. This is most likely their
ADOLESCENT to ADULT years (15 to
Paragraph 3: Describe WHAT made them famous, the
IMPACT of what they did/still do, and WHY it is
important today.

6. A TIMELINE of the persons life from birth until death (or today). We
learned about timelines at the beginning of the year and will be refreshing
our memories in class (Hint: Make your timeline the length of a ruler,
then the years are easier to organize). You must TYPE or write (in your
very BEST handwriting) the information on the timeline. It needs to be
planned, organized, well spaced, and neat.
7. Finally, you need to make an eye-catching TITLE to go on your fact
poster. Make sure to write the persons name in LARGE print that can be
read across the room. Underneath, in smaller print, dont forget to write,
By: Your Name so I know who created this wonderful project.

Possible Template for the Illustrated Fact Poster:

Famous Persons Name

By: Your Name

5in. x 7in.
illustration 3 Paragraphs
describing the
persons life

List of Important Facts:

2. Small
3. Picture
Imp Small
orta Picture
s: Life Events
Timeline of


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