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National Strength & Conditioning Association

SPORT-SPECIFIC CONDITIONING Volume 24, Number 3, pages 7374

Strength and
Conditioning for Soccer II:
A Specific Metabolic Approach
Juan Carlos Santana, MEd, CSCS, *D
Optimum Performance Systems, Inc.
Boca Raton, Florida Juan Carlos Santana
Column Editor

THE CONCEPT OF SPECIFIC played in possession of the ball; Take a video of a typical game
metabolic conditioning (SMC) is 98% of the time is spent trying to your athletes play and actually
centered on the established theo- get in position to touch the ball. dissect it to get the information
ry of training specificity. Specifici- There are about 1,0001,200 provided above. All it takes is a
ty of training dictates that the bouts of action per game, occur- video of your game, a VCR, a
adaptation to a training stimulus ring every 56 seconds. These in- watch, paper and pencil, and lots
occurs in direct response to that clude rapid and frequent changes of time! At this point, you can
training stimulusyou get what of pace and direction in addition to focus on the specifics of each po-
you train for. Since we are at the execution of game skills. Believe it sition/player if you like. To cut
beginning of the soccer season, or not, 17% of the game is spent some time you dont have to ana-
this article will address how speci- standing, with another 40% walk- lyze the whole game; you can do
ficity of training affects the SMC ing! Jogging and low-speed run- stats on a quarter of the game and
for the sport of soccer. ning take up 35% of the game, then multiply appropriate num-
In order to design a soccer while 8% is spent executing high- bers by 4. With this data at hand,
SMC program, it is necessary to intensity running. Sprinting all now we can begin to address some
look at some of the general de- out is less than 1% of the game, metabolic demands. Lets take a
mands of this very fast moving occurs every 90 seconds, and cov- look at the SMC design approach.
sport. Although well-published lit- ers less than 15 m in length. A To create a training base for
tle league, high school, and college total of about 10,00012,000 me- soccer, the best method of training
statistics are not readily available, ters (6.257.5 miles) are covered is a simple interval program as
one can use the professional data per game. Goalkeeper data are part of a comprehensive condi-
as a model for soccer SMC at any slightly different. Goalkeepers tioning program. However, I give
level. Remember, these statistics cover about 1/3 of the distance of this program a twist by combining
are just what the name implies, other players (i.e., ~4,000 m). They simple skills as part of the sprint-
general averages! They will differ spend about 10% of the playing ing protocol. This accomplishes
across various league levels, posi- time in possession of the ball, several things. First, it conditions
tions, and playing styles. Howev- stand for about 13 minutes per soccer players in a specific meta-
er, these figures make the point of game and sprint between 1 and 12 bolic manner. Second, it improves
the intermittent nature of soccer, m at a time (1). their movement skills by teaching
a game that is often trained for as If this data seems to deviate them to run and turn more effi-
if it were a cross-country running too far from your level of play and ciently. Third, it prevents injuries
event. the athletes you work with, there from the perspective of the en-
Less than 2% of soccer is is another route you can take. hanced coordination of muscles

June 2002 Strength and Conditioning Journal 73

and additional joint integrity. Week 68 soccer specific with the above skill
Fourth, by allowing players to con- Sixty runs/workoutThis gives drills. For example, I will create an
dition themselves using various 1,2001,800 m running + 1,200 obstacle course consisting of
biomotor skills instead of just run- 1,800 m walking = 2,4003,600 m jumps, slides, rolls, and dribbling
ning, 2 training components, con- total. skills, lasting 710 seconds in du-
ditioning and skills development, ration, finishing with kicking the
are taken care of instead of just 1 Drills Menu ball into the net. These obstacle
component. courses will simulate live-play
1. Ankling (forward and back-
Here is a sample of an 8-week skills such as tackling, kicking,
ward)jog (high frequency).
program that I have successfully obstacle avoidance, etc. Between
Concentrate on fast feet!
used with junior high and high this type of training, functional
2. Hopscotch stepfeet together,
school soccer and lacrosse players. strength training, and the techni-
jump forward, and land with
I will adjust the volume upward as cal and tactical aspects of the up-
feet 20 apart. Repeat.
much as 30% and change the diffi- coming soccer practice, your ath-
3. Butt kicks (forward and back-
culty of skills if I see the athletes letes will be properly conditioned
ward)run, leaving the upper
can handle the increased de- and ready for aggressive soccer
leg pointing down, lifting heels
mands. However, I always start competition.
to buttocks.
with the minimum amount of work
4. Straight leg shuffle (forward References
to assure proper metabolic adap-
and backward)run, keeping
tation and mastery of the skills as- 1. Reilly, T. Motion characteris-
the legs straight and stiff.
signed. Since many drills go by tics. In: Football (Soccer). B.
5. Skipping (regular and power
various names, I have followed Ekblom, ed. Melbourne, Aus-
skipping forward, backward,
them with a brief description to as- tralia: Blackwell Scientific
and sideways)regular, low-
sist in their identification. Publications, 1994. pp. 3142.
amplitude; power, for height
Base Metabolic and distance.
6. Tapiocca or carioccasalter-
Conditioning (68 weeks)
nate crossover step for foot
Perform the workout indicated 3 contacts and speed.
times per week. Run the drills list- 7. Diagonal skater drillperform
ed in the drills menu below. Run diagonal skating actions (lat-
each drill 36 times. The length of eral, 1 leg bounding) in a Z for-
the run should be 2030 m, fol- mation.
lowed by a brisk walk for 2030 m, 8. Falling starts (standing or
and then both the run and walk from an athletic position)
repeated. allow yourself to begin to fall
forward and recover at the last
Week 12
minute by accelerating for-
Thirty runs/workoutThis gives ward.
600900 m running + 600900 m 9. Z runsrun in a Z shape, al-
walking = 1,2001,800 m total. ternating the plant and cut
Week 34
10. Explosive move and sprint (3
Forty runs/workoutThis gives vertical jumps and sprint,
8001,200 m running + 800 speed skate and sprint, or
1,200 m walking = 2,0002,400 m squat thrust and sprint)
total. combined.
Week 46 Run 23 Mile Fartleks, 12 Per
Fifty runs/workoutThis gives Week (Run 80%/Jog 50% Combo
1,0001,500 m running + 1,000 Runs)
3,000 m walking = 2,0003,000 m As preseason training camp gets
total. closer, I begin to combine various

74 Strength and Conditioning Journal June 2002

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