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Developed for the Geography Section Version 0.3 Not proof-read


Developed by:
Boris Burcin (

I am grateful to the below colleagues (listed alphabetically) for their constructive comments and
Ji Blaek, Zdenk ermk, Dana Fialov, Ludmila Fialov, Helena Jan, Tom Kuera,
Jakub Langhammer, Eva Novotn, Jitka Rychtakov, and Ludk dlo

The following thesis organisation is recommended (applies to the print version of your

1. Title page (see Appendix 1 for a template)

2. Author's statement (see
3. Acknowledgements (optional)
4. Abstract (both Czech and English on one page, including keywords; see Appendix 8 for
an example). The abstract is a brief outline of the contents and principal conclusions of
your thesis. The point of the abstract is to represent the whole thesis in a short extract.
The abstract is typically set in a smaller print than the body text, usually 1 point smaller.
The length of an abstract should not exceed 150 words. An abstract is followed by the
so-called keywords 3 to 7 crucial notions that identify the entire thesis.
5. Table of contents
6. Overview of abbreviations used (optional)
7. List of tables (lists of tables and figures are only compiled where they exist in large
quantities; see Appendix 5 for a template)
8. List of figures (see Appendix 6 for a template)
9. Body text of the thesis
10. References (see Appendix 7 for a template)
11. Appendices (optional)

The electronic version of the thesis differs from the print version in the opening pages: for
more, see

Page 2 of 22

Page format
Standard A4 (210 x 297 mm) page format is used.

Page margins
Left page margin: 3.5 cm
Top, bottom, and right page margins: 2.5 cm
The above margins apply to the text and all objects (tables, graphs, diagrams, illustrations,
photographs, etc.). The header (footer) of a page may be positioned outside the above
margins, but no closer to the top (bottom) of the page than 1.5 cm.

Printing and binding your thesis

Theses are printed one-sided on paper of at least 80g/m2. The front cover (so-called hard
cover is recommended) shall state the university, faculty and department names, the words
Master/Bachelors Thesis, and the year of the thesis and the authors first and last names in
the bottom half (see Appendix 2 for a template). The spine shall indicate the student's first
and last names and the year of the thesis.

Length of your thesis

The length of university graduation theses (excluding appendices) should be 2550 pages for
bachelors and 60100 pages for master theses.

Serif proportional typefaces preferably Times New Roman are recommended for the body
text. A suitable sans-serif font (such as Arial) is chosen for headings (chapters, subchapters,
and sections). Non-proportional serif fonts (such as Courier) are used to a limited extent, for
instance to show certain statistical software output. Sans-serif proportional typefaces can be
used in graphs Arial being a suitable one again.

Font size
The basic font size is 11 points. Bigger type is appropriate for chapter, subchapter, and
section headings (see below). Smaller type can be used in objects (tables, graphs, etc.)
including their captions (see below) as well as in footnotes. The minimum recommended font
size for the above uses is 9 points.

Text highlighting
Highlighting means emphasis on certain crucial ideas, text passages, etc. The use of italics or
(semi)bold typeface is recommended for highlighting. In no case should you use underlining
in your text that is a fundamental typographical error.

Page 3 of 22
Text alignment
The body text of a paragraph is justified (aligned to both page margins). The recommended
alignment method tends to generate some space distortion within paragraphs (uneven
spaces between words). This problem can be eliminated by rephrasing the text or adjusting
word spacing in MS Word, for instance: Format'Font'Character Spacing. Flush left
alignment can be used for all levels of headings, object captions, footnotes, the references
(see Appendix 7), etc.

Line spacing
The choice of the font and line spacing are the crucial parameters affecting the appearance of
your document. The line spacing is set, above all, depending on the font used. When using the
recommended basic body text size of 11 points, line spacing of 1.3 is advised. Bigger line
spacing fails to make an aesthetic impression. Smaller line spacing (1.0) is the option for such
places in your thesis where you use a smaller font size (10 or 9 points).

Separating paragraphs
Paragraphs are separated visually by indenting the first line to the right using a tab of approx.
0.6 cm (=so-called tabulator stop). In this case, it is important that the last line of the
paragraph is longer than this tab stop, and that the last line ends farther from the right page
margin than is the width of the tab stop. The first paragraph in a chapter (subchapter, etc.) is
not indented!

Orphans and widows

When setting text in paragraphs, avoid creating so-called orphans and widows. An orphan is
where the last line in a paragraph is also the first line on a following page. A widow is where
the opening line of a paragraph is also the last line on the page. This problem can be sorted
out in many ways by rephrasing, shortening or adding text, adjusting spacing, etc.

Word breaking; unbreakable text elements

If possible, avoid using line-end hyphenation in your thesis as the combination of spelling and
typographical rules is rather complex. However, do bear in mind that there are several
unbreakable text elements (meaning they cannot be broken, i.e. left alone at the end of a line).
They are namely the following:
# a number and its unit of measurement (100 kg);
# chapter, page, figure, table or similar number (Fig. 3);
# dates (3 Oct 2007; 8 October);
# initials and last names (J. R. Wilmoth);
# academic degree and last name (Prof. Wilmoth); etc.
The unbreakability of the above elements is assured by means of the so-called fixed
(non-breaking) space; in MS Word, for example, it is inserted by pressing Ctrl+Shift+Space).

When long web addresses are set, often there is no avoiding (in a justified paragraph) their
breaking into two parts. Such addresses can be divided at suitable dividing characters (such as
/, = etc.), but not in the middle of text units.

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Chapter (subchapter etc.) headings
The various levels of text (chapters, subchapters, etc.) are differentiated by font size and
boldness. Arabic numerals in decimal ranking are used in the headings of the various levels of
text; no full stop is inserted behind the last digit.

Arial font, bold typeface, is used in the headings of all levels of chapters: use 15 points for
chapters; 13 points for subchapters; and 11 points for sections. For the first level (chapter),
insert the word Chapter (set in 14 points) followed by a serial number above the actual title
(see Appendix 3).

Chapter 1 (Arial, 14 pt)

Chapter title (Arial, 15 pt)

1.1 Subchapter (Arial, 13 pt)

1.1.1 Section (Arial, 11 pt)

Chapter headings are always set on a new page. Chapter headings typically do not start at the
top of the page, but are inserted below a certain space, called the page stop, which has to be
identical throughout the text (i.e., for all chapter headings). A page stop of 6 cm from the top
of the page is recommended. The individual heading levels shall be divided from the body
text according to the diagram shown in Appendix 3.

Difficulties may arise where a higher-level heading is followed by a lower-level heading

rather than plain text. Vertical spaces defined for the two heading levels then cumulate to
create too much white space. In this case, set the vertical space below the higher-level
heading to zero. Do likewise for other combinations.

Chapter (subchapter, section) headings shall be left-aligned.

Page numbering
Page numbers can be placed in various parts of the page, including the header or footer. Their
placement in the top right corner of the page (as part of the header) is recommended. They are
typically set in a typeface identical to the body text, or 1 point smaller. Start the page
numbering from the table of contents and continue on all pages of the thesis except the
opening pages, which are not numbered but are included in the total page count of your thesis.
Use Arabic numerals for the page numbering.

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Footnotes and endnotes
Notes are mostly made in the form of so-called footnotes (placed by the footer of the page). In
that case, they are often separated from the text with a horizontal rule (line). The other option
is to place your notes at the end of a chapter (or the thesis) so-called endnotes. Footnotes
and endnotes are numbered continuously throughout the thesis. Note references are inserted
as superscript behind the word that the note relates to. Use a typeface 12 points smaller than
the plain text for footnotes and endnotes; set the line spacing to 1.0 and left-align the text.

Page headers
Page headers are set in a typeface 1 or 2 points smaller than the body text. They are separated
from the thesis text with a vertical space (e.g., a blank line) or a fine horizontal rule. Page
headers are not used on pages with objects rotated by 90 degrees. So-called dead headers are
recommended, which do not change throughout the thesis and include the author's name and
thesis title.

Sequential typesetting
Used for setting headings, tables of contents, indices, and lists. Subordination of text is
marked with numerals and letters (or other characters) in a certain sequence. When using
letters to mark sequence, insert full stops behind capital (upper-case) letters: A., and end
brackets behind minuscule (lower-case) letters: a) never insert both at the same time.

The table of contents (see Appendix 4) is an instance of sequential typesetting: it is typically

set in two columns with the first one quoting chapter (subchapter, section) numbers and
headings, and the other one quoting their respective initial page numbers. To improve
navigation, the two columns of the table of contents are linked with so-called leader
characters (full stops are used as a rule).

Objects (tables, graphs, maps, diagrams, illustrations, photographs, etc.)

If possible, place objects inside the page area delimited for text. The distance of all objects
from text should be constant throughout the thesis. Similarly, observe a constant distance
between objects and their captions see Appendix 3. Where an object combines with text on
a page, at least three lines of body text should be on the page; otherwise, insert the object

Objects should be placed amid the text organically; only in extraordinary cases are they
placed in appendices. Make reference to them in appropriate points in the text. Objects have
to be well readable and of appropriate quality avoid using photographs or other images from
the Internet in low resolution (below 300 dpi). Quote the sources of all objects (except the
authors own).

Object captions declare their contents briefly and aptly, particularly as concerns their factual
definition, and they many also contain a basic spatial or temporal definition. Use fonts 1 point
smaller than body text for object captions; various typefaces (italics, (semi)bold or
combinations) can be used to emphasise the captions.

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The captions should quote the object number, which allows making reference to it in the text.
For all graphic objects, the use of the abbreviation Fig. in the caption is recommended. The
numbering of objects has to be continuous throughout the thesis. Use a font 1 point smaller
even than that for the caption in object legends.

The following recommendations are made concerning the formal treatment of tables:
# Table width should ideally be equal to the width of the surrounding text; if not, centre it
on the page.
# Tables are set in a font identical to that of the body text, usually 1 or 2 points smaller.
# Table captions are aligned with the left end of the table.
# Place notes, explanations, and bibliographical reference under tables. The font size is 1
point smaller than that for the table text.
# A table should have more lines than columns.
# Long tables (= longer than 1 page) can be split into several tables; the table header then
repeats on each page.
# Wide tables (= wider than the standard width of the set text) can be rotated by 90
degrees (so-called landscape format).
# In tables, use a dash () to denote that a situation did not occur. A zero (0) denotes a
numerical value smaller than one-half of the unit of measurement used in the table. The
character () is used in tables to denote a piece of information which cannot logically be
expressed numerically. A dot (.) means that the information can logically be filled in, but
is not known or reliable at the time of compiling the table.
# If figures in a table column are of equal length, they can be centre-aligned. Figures of
various lengths are right-aligned in the column and centred to the length of the longest
figure (see Appendix 3).
# Text items in table columns are left-aligned.
# Long numbers are shortened in tables using appropriate units: e.g., use 1,255 instead of
1,255,455 and quote the unit of measurement (thousands) in the column header.

Similar rules apply to the treatment of graphs as to that of tables. In addition, the following is
# The independent variable is typically plotted on the horizontal axis, while the dependent
variable is on the vertical axis.
# Axis captions are always inserted in graphs including their units of measurement.
# The separate variables in a graph have to be differentiated distinctly, preferably using
different colours or symbols (see Appendix 6).
# Select colour shades (particularly background) soberly.
# Captions for all objects (including graphs) are only inserted in the word processor.

Page 7 of 22
Difficult points in typesetting

# avoid having redundant spaces between words;
# do not insert spaces in front of punctuation marks: wrong ? vs. correct?
# do not use spaces behind an opening bracket and in front of a closing bracket: ( wrong )
vs. (correct).
# avoid too long spaces in instances such as 150 kW, 5 Oct 1998 (see below)

Used both to break a word at the end of a line and to connect words in the following cases
(never separated with spaces):
# in compound adjectives: Czech-English, socio-economic;
# in names of places and regions: Southend-on-Sea;
# in paratactic compounds: propane-butane;
# in compound family names: Colloredo-Mansfeld

If a connecting hyphen appears at the end of one line, it has to be repeated at the beginning of
the next line: (Colloredo-

Dash (en-dash)
Inserted using the key shortcut Alt+0150. The dash is used to insert a syntactic parenthesis in
a sentence (in which case it is separated with spaces on either side). The dash also replaces
certain prepositions or conjunctions (such as and, to, up to, versus, compared to), in which
case it is inserted with no spaces:
# he worked here in 19401952
# a ParisLondon flight
# a BayernChelsea football match
# open MonFri
# the age group of 2024 years
# In case the dash is used as the minus sign in an arithmetic expression, it is inserted with
spaces (10 5 = 4).

Quotation marks
The English language only uses one type of quotation marks: These are the Czech quotation
marks. The lower quotation mark can be inserted by pressing Alt+0147, and the upper one
by Alt+0148. Single quotation marks these (Alt+0145, Alt+0146) are used inside double
quotations marks, particularly when quoting inside a quotation.

The slash is not separated with spaces inside numerals, units, fractions 1999/2000, m/s, b.
In text, it can be separated with spaces to mark the succession of various items: Internet /
E-mail / World Wide Web / Gopher.

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Punctuation marks (full stop, colon, ellipsis)
A sentence is always ended with a single full stop, even where the sentence ends with an
abbreviation using a full stop. Full stop is never inserted at the end of headings and numbers
of chapters, subchapters and sections (Subchapter 3.1). Where an entire sentence is put in
brackets, its ending full stop comes inside the brackets. Where only a part of a sentence is in
the brackets, the full stop is written after the end bracket. The colon is separated from
numbers with spaces (a 5 : 3 ratio). Ellipsis (three dots) is a special character in modern-day
fonts. It is typed as Alt+0133 on the keyboard.

The multiplication symbol is inserted as a special character (inserted in MS Word via the
menu Insert'Symbol'Symbols, Symbol font). Do not use the lower-case letter x.

Per mil ()
The per mil character () is inserted as Alt+0137.

Units and currencies

Units and currencies are separated from a number with a non-breaking space (12 kg, CZK
125), always to remain on the same line.

Numbers, dates
A sentence in a text should not begin with a number. Use the decimal point to separate
decimals (3.14). Thousands and millions are separated with commas (1,254,555). Also,
correctly typeset dates include non-breaking spaces (4 Apr 2007, 4 April 2007).

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The obligation to quote is not only derived from copyright and intellectual property right, but
also quotation ethics, which requires that all information sources used in a thesis be listed so
that they can be identified easily. Where another authors text is adopted and not quoted
properly, the graduation thesis shall not be accepted for defence and the act shall be
treated as a very serious violation of academic ethics with all due implications.

A quotation is a short form of a bibliographic entry, placed inside brackets in the text of the
quoting document. A quotation is useful both for a quick identification of the document from
which the author extracted and used the quote, paraphrased an idea, etc., and for the precise
definition of the location of the quote, the paraphrase, etc., within the source (quoted)
document. The quotation thus serves as a link between the place in which it is cited in the text
and the bibliographic entry in the list of literature.

The basic methods of quoting are defined by the international standards. Quoting using the
initial entry information and year of publication (so-called Harvard system) is largely used in
scientific and professional publishing (including university graduation theses).

The initial information (the authors last name or the first words of the corporation name, or
the first words of the document title if the document has no stated author) and the year of
publication are given in round brackets in the text of the quoting document. Furthermore,
page reference is given in the brackets which helps the precise location of the quote or
paraphrase, if necessary. Verbatim quotes are put inside quotation marks, and may be placed
in a separate paragraph, indented by about 0.6 mm on both sides.

Example texts with quotations

Direct quotations:
Borgman (2003) provides a detailed treatment of digital library issues in her monograph.

Indirect quotations:
Some authors point out the social implications of the development of digital libraries
(Rowlands 1999).

References following verbatim quotes must include the page number(s) of the quote:
The rates confirm beyond any doubt the fundamental role of the transforming health system
in the improvement of the health and the decline in mortality of the population of the Czech
Republic (Burcin 2009:19).

Where a document has multiple authors (4 or more), it is enough to quote the surname of the
first author, followed by et al.:
(Fialov et al. 2006)

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Where two or more documents have the same initial information and year of publication, they
may be disambiguated with lower-case letters (a, b, c, d, ), which follow the year of
publication immediately (with no space). The letters are given both in the text and in the
(Rychtakov 2008a, 2008b)

When two or more documents by the same author are quoted together, do not repeat the
name(s). Separate the years by commas:
(Kocourkov 1999, 2005).

Examples of bibliographic entries

(Newell 1978)
Newell, C. (1978). Methods and Models in Demography. London: Belhaven Press.

(Cranton and Saunders 1992)
Craton, M. and Saunders, G. (1992). Islanders in the Stream: A history of the Bahamian
people. Athens: University of Georgia Press.

Chapter in a book
(Ginsburg 1972)
Ginsburg, D. (1972). Models of the Interaction of Language and Social Life. In: Gumperz, J.
and Hymes, D. (eds.). Directions in Sociolinguistics. New York: Holt Rinehar: 3571.

(Hampl, Dostl, and Drbohlav 2007)
Hampl. M., Dostl, P., and Drbohlav, D. (2007). Social and cultural geography in the Czech
Republic: under pressures of globalization and post-totalitarian transformation. Social &
cultural geography 8(3): 475493.

Conference paper
(Elliot 2004)
Elliot, D. (2004). Emotional Intelligence at the Heart of the Curriculum. Paper presented at
the Scottish Educational Research Association (SERA) Annual Conference, Perth, 25-27

Page 11 of 22
Research reports, working papers
(Spielauer 2005)
Spielauer, M. (2005). Concentration of reproduction in Austria: general trends and
differentials by educational attainment and urban-rural setting. Rostock: Max Planck Institute
for Demographic Research (MPIDR working paper; WP-2005-012).

(Vallin 1973)
Vallin, J. (1973). La mortalit par gnration en France depuis 1899. Paris: PUF, INED: 484
pp. (Travaux et Documents; 63).

Doctoral theses
(Ikamari 1996)
Ikamari, L.D.E. (1996). Factors Affecting Child Survival in Kenya. [PhD thesis]. Canberra:
The Australian National University, Research School of Social Sciences, Demographic

Website content
(Center for Disease Control and Prevention 2001)
Center for Disease Control and Prevention (2001). Malaria [electronic resource]. Atlanta:
National Center for Chronic Diseases Prevention and Health Promotion.

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Faculty of Science
Arial, 12 pt
Department of Demography and Geodemography

40 x 39,5 mm


Arial, 18 pt, bold

Arial, 12 pt Master Thesis

Arial, 16 pt
Ainur Becker

Arial, 12 pt Prague 2010 Thesis Supervisor: RNDr. P. Novk, CSc.




Arial, 14 pt
Faculty of Science
Department of Demography and Geodemography

Arial, 20 pt, bold


Arial, 14 pt, bold Prague 2010 Ainur Becker



Author: Title Times New Roman, 9 pt, italics 7

Format: A4 Margins: left 35 mm, the rest 25 mm

Deafult font: Times New Roman, 11 pt Default line spacing: 1.3

6 cm from the top of the page (from TT)

Arial, 14 pt, bold Chapter 1
9 pt
Arial, 15 pt, bold Mezinrodn migrace v esk republice v kontextu
evropskch integranch proces
24 pt

Mezinrodn migrace obyvatelstva (zejmna: stavy a toky dvody/podmnnosti, mechanizmy,

dsledky) prola v esku (eskoslovensku) za vce ne jedenct transformanch let velmi
dynamickm vvojem. tyi pomrn vzjemn odlin etapy vvoje migrace (ble viz Drbohlav,
2001) vrchol souasnm stavem. Pes vechna specifika pedrevolunho i transformanho
obdob, jsou dnes migran parametry eska, tak je tomu ostatn tak nap. ve vvoji politickch,
ekonomickch nebo demografickch struktur, v mnohm podobn tm, je lze nalzt ve vysplch
zpadnch, zejmna zpadoevropskch, demokracich. Podobnost na poli migrace, jej vznam
v esku neustle roste, je patrn ve dvou zkladnch rovinch: 1) Z hlediska samotn ptomnosti
mezinrodnch migrant na zem sttu a 2) z hlediska obecnjch proces, kter mezinrodn
migraci vyvolvaj i trvale udruj v chodu.
6 mm K 31. 12. 2000 bylo oficiln na zem eska evidovno 200 951 cizinc (povolen trval
pobyty a vza k pobytu nad 90 dn, maximln vak do 365 dn). To pedstavuje cca 2 % domc
populace. Podle dat z konce 90. let se podl cizinc nap. v Dnsku, Francii, Irsku, Nizozemsku,
vdsku, Velk Britnii, ale i Norsku pohyboval v rozmez 3,0 a 6,3 % (Salt, 2000). Zahrnut
pomrn vysokch odhad ilegln pobvajcch cizinc na zem eska (cca kolem 200 tis.) by
patrn mal rozdl nkde snilo nebo pln vymazalo. Co se te potu dost o azyl, esko
v absolutnm vyjden v roce 1999 nap. vysoce pedilo Portugalsko, ecko i Finsko a jeho
poty adatel o azyl v danm roce byly vcemn srovnateln s Dnskem, Irskem a panlskem
(Salt, 2000).
24 pt

Arial, 13 pt, bold 1.1 Teoretick koncepty

12 pt
Monosti oven migranch teori jsou v esku, jako i v celm regionu transformujcch se zem
stedn a vchodn Evropy (SVE) zatm omezen. Dvodem je: 1) zatm krtk doba, kter ubhla
od potku transformace, resp. od nastolen pirozenjho migranho prosted/reimu, 2) doposud
probhajc transformace, resp. neexistujc pln stabilizovan standardn fungujc trn prosted,
stle do jist mry ovlivovan dsledky minulho ivota ve specifickch spoleenskoekonomickch
strukturch (Wallace, Stola, 2001). I pes tyto problmy je vak zejm
Author: Title 8

Pi irok analze migran situace je krom migran reality a teori nutn pohled na migran
3.6 cm from TT
politiku (vetn nsledn prosazovan praxe), jako na jednu z dnes i v esk republice klovch
determinant mezinrodnch migranch pohyb.
15 pt
Arial, 11 pt, bold 1.1.1 Vvoj a charakter migran politiky a migran praxe
3 pt
Pedem je nutno zdraznit, e se migran situace v esk republice mn, a to pedevm
v kontextu politickho a socioekonomickho vvoje jak v zpadoevropskch zemch, tak v ostatnch
transformujcch se zemch SVE. Rozhodujc vak pirozen byla a je socioekonomick situace
zem doprovzen pslunou migran politikou a prax. Velmi zjednoduen lze vvoj popsat
nsledovn: V rmci porevolun situace vstoupila v platnost (jet federativn) nov migran
legislativa, ve kter rychlost pprav a schvlen dostala pednost ped kvalitou. Nedokonal
a liberln pojat legislativa, doprovzen relativn prosperujc ekonomikou poloviny 90. let
a nadmru liberln migran prax podpoila pliv imigrant, pedevm ciz pracovn sly. Rok
1997, kdy se na mnoha frontch projevily problmy esk ekonomiky, znamen pelom v migran
politice a praxi. Zejm je posun od liberlnho k restriktivnmu pstupu. Zmenuje se prostor pro
operovn cizinc na eskm trhu prce, a to jak pirozenmi, tak i umle vyvolanmi barirami.
Do jist mry chaos na poli mezinrodn migrace byl v esku a do tto doby zapinn pedevm
nsledujcmi faktory: 1) Celkov podcenn otzek spojench s mezinrodn migrac (vlda,
parlament), dlouh ppravy neflexibiln legislativy, nefungujc regulan mechanizmy, minimln
mezirezortn spoluprce; 2) neexistujc vize, urujc k emu m vvoj mezinrodn migrace v zemi
smovat1 (ucelen migran strategie), nazrn migrace tm vlun z pohledu bezpenosti
sttu; 3) prosazovan pasivn, ad hoc politika2; 4) minimln publicita migran problematiky,
nedostatek objektivnch informac o migraci/migrantech jak odbornch, tak tch, prezentovanch
ve sdlovacch prostedcch.
Od roku 1998 se situace sten mn. Vrchol ptilet ppravy nov migran legislativy
a nov zkony . 326/1999 Sb., o pobytu cizinc na zem R a . 325/1999 Sb. o azylu, vstupuj
k 1. 1. 2000 v innost (ble viz ne). Tm se naplnil hlavn cl, koordinovan a systematicky
poslit kontrolu mezinrodn migrace (celkov zpsnn reimu) tak, jak to vyaduj standardy
a poadavky EU. Z iniciativy Odboru azylov a migran politiky MV R se zizuje Komise
ministra vnitra pro ppravu a realizaci politiky vldy R v oblasti integrace cizinc a rozvoje
vztah mezi komunitami. Dky prci komise vznik Koncepce integrace cizinc na zem R, kter
se po svm schvlen vldou (11. 12. 2000) stv zkladnm pilem v oblasti integrace cizinc. Pro
rok 2001 dochz k uvolnn 20 mil. K ze sttnho rozpotu a jejich perozdlen do vybranch
rezort. Jsou ureny k podpoe vzkumnch a organizanch aktivit, spadajcch do vypsanch
tmatickch okruh pro realizaci veejnch zakzek na podporu aktivit v oblasti integrace cizinc
na zem R. I dky...

Samotn prosazovan harmonizace s migran politikou a prax EU a vyhlen boj ilegln migraci rozhodn
nepostauj. Times New Roman, 9 pt
S nktermi vjimkami, pedevm velmi aktivnm a spnm psobenm Odboru pro uprchlky a integraci
migrant MV R a nktermi nevldnmi organizacemi. Line spacing: 1.0
Author: Title 9

V nsledujc sti se peneseme do obecnj roviny hodnocen vybranch migranch vztah

s drazem na kvalitativn aspekty migranho procesu. Konkrtn jde o oven, zda vybran
pravidelnosti znm z prosted vysplch imigranch zem plat rovn v souasnch podmnkch
eska. Testovny jsou hypotzy, kter se dotkaj vzjemnch souvislost mezi imigrac,
socioekonomickm vvojem clov zem a subjektivnmi postoji majority vi imigran minorit.
7 pt Times New Roman, 10 pt, bold, italics
Tab. 6 Zkladn vybran ukazatele mezinrodn migrace podle kraj R, k 31. 12. 2000
Times New Roman, 910 pt Times New Roman, 1011 pt

Kraj TP/a TP/r V/a V/r TP+V/a TP+V/r PP/a PP/r

Praha 12 710 10,74 44 873 37,90 57 583 48,64 13 916 11,75
Stedoesk 6 631 5,96 20 362 18,29 26 993 24,25 6 314 5,67
Jihoesk 2 585 3,69 6 177 8,83 8 762 12,50 1 830 2,62
Zpadoesk 7 548 8,82 11 804 13,79 19 352 22,60 1 854 2,17
Severoesk 10 580 8,96 11 383 9,64 21 963 18,60 3 592 3,04
Vchodoesk 6 106 4,96 9 437 7,67 15 543 12,63 4 338 3,53
Jihomoravsk 8 268 4,04 17 277 8,43 25 545 12,47 4 943 2,41
Severomoravsk 12 463 6,36 12 747 6,50 25 210 12,86 3 293 1,68
Notes: Kraje (8 vetn Prahy) jsou sloeny z okres tak, jak tomu bylo (s vjimkou nov vzniklho Jesenku) v rmci
pedrevolunho zemn-sprvnho lenn zem viz poznmka pod arou . 3.
TP/a trval pobyty cizinc (absolutn)
TP/r trval pobyty cizinc (relativn na 1 000 obyvatel stednho stavu v roce 2000 dan clov jednotky)
V/a vza k pobytu nad 90 dn (absolutn)
V/r vza k pobytu nad 90 dn (relativn)
TP+V/a trval pobyty cizinc a vza nad 90 dn (absolutn) Line spacing 1.0
TP+V/r trval pobyty cizinc a vza nad 90 dn (relativn)
PP/a pracovn povolen cizinc (absolutn)
PP/r pracovn povolen cizinc (relativn)
3 pt
Sources: Horkov, Macounov, 2001 a vlastn vpoty.
7 pt
Pi ovovn hypotz je nutn brt do vahy nkolik existujcch problm: 1) Ubhl
porevolun osmilet obdob samostatn R je pro vykrystalizovn trend velmi krtk, a to
i proto, e mnoh zmny pichzej s uritm asovm zpodnm; 2) esko stle prochz
transformanm obdobm, a tedy standardn mechanizmy vyspl svobodn demokracie se stle
buduj; 3) Kraje jsou v mnohm ohledu vnitn velmi heterogenn celky, ale pro nedostupnost
podrobnjch dat mus bt hodnoceny celkov; 4) I pes relativn spolehlivost vbru vzorku
respondent pi eten veejnho mnn, jeho vsledky vyuvme, dochz na rovni kraj
k stenm deformacm struktur, resp. vraznjm odchylkm od prmru. I tato skutenost by
mohla sten poznamenat charakter nkterch dosaench vsledk.
Ad 1: Hypotzu je mono vcemn potvrdit. Po rychlm pdu v plnm potku 90. let
pichz obdob relativn prudkho rstu esk ekonomiky (19931996 nap. rst hrubho
domcho produktu HDP v roce 1994 2,2 %, 1995 5,9 % a 1996 4,8 %), kter je doprovzeno
pomrn vraznm nrstem ekonomick, pracovn imigrace (v tomto obdob narostl poet cizinc
s povolenm dlouhodobm pobytem z 46 070 na 152 767). Obdob recese let 1997 a prv
poloviny roku 1999 doprovz vznamn pokles plivu, resp. t u nkterch typ pokles stav
ekonomickch migrant (nap. povolen k zamstnn poklesla z 61 044 na 40 312 v obdob
31. 12. 199731. 12. 1999, ivnostensk oprvnn ve stejnm obdob z 63 529 na 58 386). esk
ekonomika s relnmi nznaky oiven projevujcmi se vznamnji od roku 2000 (nap. posun...
Author: Title 10

Nejvce k celkovmu rozdlu tak nepispv vkov skupina 2029 let s vce ne trojnsobnou
nadmrtnost mu, ale skupina 6069 let, v n mui umraj jen dvakrt astji ne eny
(obr. 6).
7 pt Times New Roman, 10 pt, bold, italics
Fig. 6 Pspvky vkovch skupin ke zmn nadje doit pi narozen,
mui, 19872000

0,60 1995/1987


Pspvek (v letech)

Color chart























Vkov skupina

Times New Roman, 9 pt Source: CZSO

7 pt
Fig. 6 Pspvky vkovch skupin ke zmn nadje doit pi narozen,
mui, 19872000
Black and white varint of the same chart

0,60 1995/1987


Pspvek (v letech)

























Vkov skupina

Source: CZSO

Author: Title 5

6 cm from the top of the page (TT)

Arial, 15 pt, bold CONTENTS
24 pt

List of abbreviations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

List of tables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
3 pt
List of figures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

1 vod: Tmatick struktura a obecn kontext hodnocen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

2 Dlouhodob vvoj geografick organizace . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

2.1 Teorie stdi: geografick interpretace . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
2.2 Vvoj sociogeografick organizace: pklad esk republiky . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
2.3 Specifika a deformace povlenho vvoje . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35

3 Souasn tendence vvoje regionln a sdeln diferenciace . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41

3.1 Metodika hodnocen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
3.2 Tendence a podmiujc faktory souasnho vvoje regionln diferenciace . . . . . . 46
3.3 Kvalitativn promny koncentranho procesu a hierarchick organizace . . . . . . . . 63

4 Sociogeografick regionalizace, metropolizace a zmny vztahov organizace . . . . . . 77

4.1 Vchoz problmy a metodika sociogeografick regionalizace . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78
4.2 Sociogeografick regionalizace: stav a souasn tendence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83
4.3 Metropolitn arely . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88
4.4 Sociogeografick regionalizace a zemn administrativn lenn sttu . . . . . . . . . 97

5 Geografick organizace spolenosti: esk specifika a/nebo obecn model? . . . . . . 103

6 Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113

References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115

Appendices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121


Author: Title 27

6 cm from the top of the page

Arial, 15 pt, bold LIST OF TABLES
24 pt

Tab. 1 Rozloen etench obc podle seku hranice a populan velikosti . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25

Tab. 2 Poet respondent v phraninch mikroregionech . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
Tab. 3 Statistick pehled vybran literatury k problematice pohrani . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
Tab. 4 Pehled hraninch efekt a jejich vliv na sousedn socioekonomick systmy
v zvislosti na otevenosti hranice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
Tab. 5 Hodnoty komponentnch vah komponenty perifernost . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108
Tab. 6 Deset phraninch okres s nejvt a nejmen perifernost . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109
Tab. 7 Statistick charakteristiky perifernosti podle skupin okres . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109
Tab. 8 Srovnn korelanch koeficient vybranch charakteristik ve vnitrozemskch
a phraninch okresech eska . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110
Tab. 9 Typ korelace podle skupin okres . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111
Tab. 10 Fze evropsk integrace se zamenm na hranin problematiku . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 163
Tab. 11 Obdob podpory peshranin spoluprce z program Evropsk unie . . . . . . . . . . . 177
Tab. 12 Pehled slovenskch euroregion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 183
Tab. 13 Euroregiony v nmecko-rakouskm pohrani . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 184
Tab. 14 Zamen akc s peshraninm dopadem v eskm pohrani, realizovanch
s podporou CBC Phare . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 191
Tab. 15 Rozdlen prostedk CBC Phare pro esk pohrani . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 191
Tab. 16 Projekty v esko-nmeckm pohrani . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 195
Tab. 17 Indikativn rozdlen financ na projekty v esko-nmeckm pohrani . . . . . . . . . 197
Tab. 18 Pehled euroregion a vbor pro spoluprci v esku . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 197


Author: Title 27

6 cm from the top of the page

Arial, 15 pt, bold LIST OF FIGURES
24 pt

Fig. 1 Pan Evropa s centrln polohou ech . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

Fig. 2 Bhmisch Friedland / Frdlant v echch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Fig. 3 Pohranin okresy eska . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Fig. 4 Vymezen phraninho psu eska pro anketn eten u starost obc . . . . . . . . . . 26
Fig. 5 Lokalizace modelovch phraninch mikroregion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
Fig. 6 Index zmn vyuit ploch v esku (19481990; v %) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
Fig. 7 Systm fungovn phraninho regionu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
Fig. 8 Hranin efekty podle Martinezova modelu fungovn peshraninch vztah . . . . . 54
Fig. 9 Proces postupnho pokrvn zem eska signlem mobilnch telefon . . . . . . . . 104
Fig. 10 zemn variabilita perifernosti eska podle okres . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108
Fig. 11 Hustota zalidnn eska podle obc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113
Fig. 12 Relativn zmna potu obyvatel podle obc eska (19912001) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113
Fig. 13 Typologie eskho pohrani podle sousednch stt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137
Fig. 14 Typologie eskho pohrani podle vnjch struktur (sousedn regiony) . . . . . . . . 138
Fig. 15 Typologie eskho pohrani podle vnitnch struktur . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139
Fig. 16 Evropsk unie: lensk a pidruen stty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 153
Fig. 17 Hranin a peshranin regiony v Evrop . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 165
Fig. 18 Evropsk prostory spoluprce . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 170
Fig. 19 Peshranin spoluprce / euroregiony na hranicch Nmecka . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 170
Fig. 20 Peshranin struktury ve stedn a vchodn Evrop . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 171
Fig. 21 zemn vymezen pro Interreg II C (CADSES) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 172
Fig. 22 zemn vymezen slovenskch euroregion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 182
Fig. 23 Regiony NUTS II a NUTS III v esku . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 189

Author: Title 27

6 cm from the top of the page

Arial, 15 pt, bold REFERENCES
24 pt

Ginsburg, F. D. and Rapp, R. (1995). Introduction: Conceiving the new world order. In:
Ginsburg, F. D. (ed.). Conceiving the new world order: The global politics of reproduction.
Berkeley: University of California Press: 117.
3 pt
Dorgman, Ch. L. (2003). The invisible library : paradox of the global information infrastructure
challenges faced by libraries and proposed research designs. Library trends 51(4):
May, M. B. (2002). Asking women about having children: Interaction in
6 mm telephone-survey interviews. [PhD thesis]. Canberra: The Australian National University,
Research School of Social Sciences, Demography and Sociology Program.

6 cm from the top of the page
Arial, 12 pt, bold Pension system in the Czech Republic: Implicit tax imposed on work in the
pre-retirement and retirement age
12 pt
Arial, 11 pt, bold Abstract
The objective of this study is to analyse and to evaluate the prime pillar of the Czech pension
system with respect to the incentives on continued work in the old-age as a tool to measure this, the
Times New Roman, 11 pt

implicit tax is being used. In the first part, some of the concepts of implicit tax and the ways of their
use are being explored. The calculations of implicit tax made in the second part do not support the
standard retirement age as the most advantageous age of the labour market withdrawal.
Furthermore, the impact of both the gender and the improving level of mortality has been proved.
In this thesis the connection between two scientific disciplines, economics and demography, is
illustrated. In the very end, the use of implicit tax as the tool in economic policy is discussed.
According to the results of the sensitivity analysis such application of implicit tax is impugned..
6 pt
Arial, 11 pt, bold Keywords: implicit tax, pension system, pre-retirement and retirement age, labour market,
economic policy

Dchodov systm R: Implicitn da uvalen na prci v peddchodovm

a dchodovm vku

Clem tto prce je analyzovat a zhodnotit zkladn pil eskho dchodovho systmu z hlediska
podnt k setrvn na trhu prce ve vym vku. Jako nstroj k tomu vyuv ukazatele implicitn
dan. V prvn sti jsou popsny nkter z koncept implicitn dan a zpsoby jejich vyuit.
Vpoty implicitn dan proveden v druh sti neukazuj zkonem stanovenou hranici pro odchod
do normlnho starobnho dchodu jako nejvhodnj vk pro ukonen ekonomick aktivity. Byl
dokzn vliv jak pohlav, tak zlepujc se rovn mrtnosti. teni se tak nabz ukzka, jakm
zpsobem lze propojit poznatky dvou vdnch obor, ekonomie a demografie. V samotnm zvru
je na zklad vsledk citlivostn analzy zpochybnna spolehlivost implicitn dan jako nstroje
vhodnho pro pouit v rmci hospodsk politiky.

Klov slova: implicitn da, dchodov systm, peddchodov a dchodov vk, pracovn trh,
hospodsk politika

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