The Mexican American War Day One

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The Mexican American War

Compelling Question:
Was the United States justified in crossing the Nueces River in 1846, which started the Mexican American

Prior to this lesson, students have learned about the Louisiana Purchase, Texas Independence from Mexico,
and Texas annexation to the United States of America.
Students have also worked with analyzing documents in previous lessons.

Supporting Question:
What is the medias impact on shaping public opinion during times of war?
Why do military conflicts often times become controversial issues?

Students will be able to analyze sources to determine if the United States made the best decision to cross the
Nueces River in 1846
Students will understand how wars can be controversial
Students will identify the impact the media plays on shaping public opinion during war

Overhead projector
Video Questions
Map Analysis
Poster Analysis
Mexican American War Introduction Video
Boundary Dispute Document
Recruiting Poster
Map of Texas and Mexico

Introduction: (7 minutes total)

The teacher will engage students in a short review about Manifest Destiny, Texas Independence, and Texas
annexation to the United States in order to provide students context, and review previous lessons.
The teacher will pass out the video handout, and allow students a few minutes to look over the questions
Students will be shown the Mexican American War Introduction Video.
After the video, students will answer the video questions.
There will be a short class discussion afterwards.

Body of the Lesson: (20 minutes total)

A Map of Texas and Mexico will be pulled up on the overhead.
Students will participate in a Think-Pair-Share, without the share (10 minutes)
o Students will receive the Map Analysis worksheet, and will be given a few minutes to analyze the
o Next, students will be paired with a partner, and will discuss the map with them.
o While students are working and sharing with each other, the teacher will be walking around the
room to help answer questions, and observe student answers.
Next students will receive the document about the border dispute and the document analysis handout. (20
o With their partner, students will read and analysis the document.
o Once students have finished analyzing the document, there will be a short class discussion.

Conclusion: (18 minutes total, continues into the evaluation)

Students will receive a U.S. recruiting poster from the Mexican American War.
As a class, analyze the document.
The teacher will use the questions from the poster analysis worksheet to guide class discussion.

Students will create their own recruiting poster for the Mexican American War.
The teacher will randomly assign everyone in the class either a one or two.
All the ones will create a recruiting poster for The United States.
All the twos will create a recruiting poster for Mexico.
Students will have the remainder of class to complete their recruiting posters.
If they do not finish them, they will be homework.

Differentiated Instruction:
Instruction will be differentiated based on students IEPs.
Instruction will meet the needs of visual leaners through document analysis, watching the introduction video,
and the map analysis.
Instruction will meet the needs of auditory learners though the video.
Instruction will meet the needs of Kinesthetic learners through partner and class discussion.
Struggling readers needs will be met because there will be an introduction video, and a map to help provide
context in addition to a written document.
The map will also help English Language Learners because it is not written in English.

Alabama Course of Study standards addressed:

ALCOS 10:7 Describe causes, courses, and consequences of United States' expansionism prior to the Civil War,
including the Treaty of Paris of 1783, the Northwest Ordinance of 1785, the Northwest Ordinance of 1787, the
Louisiana Purchase, the Indian Removal Act, the Trail of Tears, Manifest Destiny, the Mexican War and Cession,
Texas Independence, the acquisition of Oregon, the California Gold Rush, and the Western Trails.

Day, or lesson within the unit:

Introduction to the Mexican American War

Class time (period or block):

55-minute class period

Name: Allison Rohrer

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