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Models for Var and Power Factor Controllers

Added to IEEE 421.5
C. R. Mummert, Member, IEEE

controls, or at least ensure that each application is reviewed in

Abstract The 1990 revision of IEEE P421.5 did not contain Var/pf regulators are briefly mentioned. Since var/pf
any models for var and power factor controllers. The 2004 regulators function similar to a voltage regulator, the var/pf
revised version of P421.5 contains several models for var and regulators can be modeled using the same models as most of
power factor controllers. This paper provides a review of those
the excitation systems. The only change to these models is
that the terminal voltage input, Vc, is replaced by the quantity
Index Terms-- AC generator excitation, industrial power being regulated, i.e. power factor or vars.
system control, modeling, power system dynamic stability, power
system modeling, rotating machine stability, synchronous
generator excitation, reactive power, voltage control. III. NEW MODELS FOR VAR AND PF CONTROLLERS
There are five sections in the revised standard that contain
new models. Section 11.1 contains a model for a voltage
See IEEE P421.5, Recommended Practice for Excitation adjuster that is used with either the power factor controller
System Models for Power System Stability Studies [1] for a described in section 11.2, or the var controller described in
list of all nomenclature. section 11.3. Both of these controllers function by moving
the output of the voltage adjuster. Alternately some
II. INTRODUCTION controllers function by adding their output to the output of

S tandard IEEE P421.5, Recommended Practice for

Excitation System Models for Power System Stability
Studies [1] presents system models suitable for use in large-
the voltage adjuster. This type of power factor controller is
described in section 11.4, or this type of var controller is
described in section 11.5.
scale system stability studies. This standard has been revised
A. Voltage Adjuster model
as of 2004, adding information on reactive differential
compensation, excitation limiters, power factor and var The model that is shown in Fig. 1 is used to represent the
(var/pf) controllers and new models incorporating voltage adjuster in either a power factor or var control system.
proportional, integral and differential (PID) control. This The output of the model is the Vref signal that is to be used as
paper presents the new models for the power factor and var the Vref input in any of the other previously presented
controllers. Sample data is not included with this paper, but is models. The inputs to this model are the raise or lower signals
included in the revised standard. from one of the following controller models, and a signal
A var/pf controller is defined as A control function that indicating if the adjuster should be raised at a fast rate. In the
acts through the reference adjuster to modify the voltage model, when both inputs Vcr and Vcl are low the output
regulator set point to maintain the synchronous machine remains fixed. When only Vcr is high the RAISE
steady-state power factor or reactive power at a ADJUSTER contact oscillates with an on time of Ton, and
predetermined value. Var/pf controllers are popular with an off time of Toff. The output ramps up at the set slew rate
small independent power producers, since they eliminate one (ADJ_SLEW/( Vadjmax - Vadjmin )) while the Raise
of the labor-intensive operating activities. When applied to command line is active, and pauses while the Raise
large machines or machines connected to the transmission command line is inactive. When only Vcl is high the
system, however, they reduce the amount of voltage LOWER ADJUSTER contact oscillates with an on time of
regulation, which may adversely affect power system stability. Ton, and an off time of Toff. The output ramps down at the
If improperly configured, var/pf controllers can also set slew rate while the Lower command line is active, and
contribute to system over, or under-voltage conditions. Many pauses while the Lower command line is inactive. When
utilities are developing policies to limit the use of such both Vadjf and Vcr are on the RAISE ADJUSTER contact
is on continuously and the output ramps up. When both Vadjf
and Vcl are on the LOWER ADJUSTER contact is on
C. R. Mummert is with Eaton, Asheville, NC, 28704 USA (e-mail: continuously and the output ramps down. ADJ_SLEW is the

time required for the output to go between the limits Vadjmin C. Var controller that moves voltage adjuster output
and Vadjmax, when both Vadjf and Vcr are on.
The model shown in Fig. 3 is used to represent a type I var
controller that operates by moving the voltage reference
directly. The var controller generates Adjuster Raise (Vcr)
or Adjuster Lower (Vcl) signals, which may be used as
inputs to the voltage adjuster model. This function operates
after a time delay to raise or lower this reference setpoint until
the generator reactive power (Var) is within the set
Deadband value. Both outputs are low when Vvare is
between Vvarc_bw and Vvarc_bw. When Vvare exceeds
Vvarc_bw for a time greater than Tvarc seconds the output
Vcr is held high until Vvare drops below Vvarc_bw. When
Vvarc_bw is more negative than -Vvarc_bw for a time greater
than Tvarc seconds the output Vcl is held high until Vvare var
Fig. 1 Voltage Adjuster model
becomes less negative than -Vvarc_bw.

B. Pf controller that moves voltage adjuster output

The model that is shown in Fig. 2 is used to represent a type I

power factor controller that operates by moving the voltage
reference directly. The Power factor controller generates
Adjuster Raise (Vcr) or Adjuster Lower (Vcl) signals,
which may be used as inputs to the voltage adjuster model.
This function operates after a time delay to raise or lower this
reference set point until the generator power factor is with in
the set Deadband value. Both outputs are low when Vpfe is
between Vpfc_bw and Vpfc_bw. When Vpfe exceeds
Vpfc_bw for a time greater than Tpfc seconds the output Vcr
is held high until Vpfe drops below Vpfc_bw. When Vpfe is
more negative than Vpfc_bw for a time greater than Tpfc
seconds the output Vcl is held high until Vpfe becomes less
negative than Vpfc_bw Fig 11.3 Var Controller Type I model

D. Pf controller that adds to voltage adjuster output

The model shown in Fig. 4 is used to represent a type II PF

controller that operates as a summing point type controller
and makes up the outside loop of a two-loop system. This
controller is implemented as a slow PI type controller. The
voltage regulator forms the inner loop and is implemented as a
fast controller. As shown in Fig. 4 , the power factor
controller generates the PF controller signal (VPF), which is
used as input to the voltage regulator loop. The resulting
control makes the generator power factor reach the desired
power factor set point smoothly. No dead band and time delay
is used. The controller response time depends on the PI
controller gains. In the overexcitation or underexcitation state,
the integral action is disabled to allow the limiter to play its
role. Non-windup limit (VCLMT) is used for bounding the PF
controller output voltage VPF.

Fig 11.2 Power Factor Controller Type I model


[1] IEEE Std 421.5-2004, Recommended Practice for Excitation System
Models for Power System Stability Studies Excitation.
0 s C. Richard Mummert graduated with a BSEE from the Pennsylvania State
University in 1974, and received an MSEE from the University of Pittsburgh in
His employment experience began with the Westinghouse Electric Company
in East Pittsburgh in 1974. He transferred to Asheville NC in 1986 where he has
worked as a design and development engineer for excitation systems since. This
excitation group became part of EATON in 1994.
Fig 4 Power Factor Controller Type II model

E. Var controller that adds to voltage adjuster output

The model shown in Fig. 5 is used to represent a type II Var

controller that operates as a summing point type controller. It
makes up the outside loop of a two-loop system. As shown in
Fig. 5, this controller is implemented as a slow PI type
controller and the voltage regulator forms the inner loop and
is implemented as a fast controller. The VAR controller
generates the VAR controller signal (VVAR), which may be
used as input to the voltage regulator loop. The resulting
control makes generator reactive power reach the desired
VAR set point smoothly. No dead band and time delay is
used. The controller response time depends on the PI
controller gains. In the overexcitation or underexcitation state,
the integral action is disabled to allow the limiter to play its
role. Non-windup limit (VCLMT) is used for bounding the VAR
controller output voltages VVAR.

0 s


Fig 5 Var Controller Type II model


The author gratefully acknowledges the contributions of all

the members of the excitation system subcommittee working

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