Admission Essay - Edited

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University of Arizona-Association of Chinese Students and Scholars (UA-ACSS)

Organization Introduction

Association of Chinese Students and Scholars is one of the clubs found at the University of

Arizona. Primarily, the organization is meant to welcome all students and ensure that they feel at

home while at the University of Arizona ("Association of Chinese Students and Scholars-

Home"). It is mindful of students from all corners of the world with beautiful with different

cultures, languages, and backgrounds.

Relevance of the Organization

UA-ACSS engages in different activities on campus that make relevant for students. Some of

them include:

The People/Talent

All members in the organization work hard in order to ensure that the fun remains

successful and full of fun. Therefore, it is made up of numerous Chinese cultures from a variety

of Chinese Cultures and individuals from other nationalities as well ("The Chinese Students'

Association - Home"). Apart from this, the most important thing that they focus on is the

enormous sense of humanity. That is, they have the belief that each person is equal irrespective

of their background, language, gender, and culture. For this reason, anybody can join and add

their talent to the club anytime. Some of the talents in the organization include poets, scientists,
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writers, mathematicians, inspirational speakers, linguist and actors among others. Nonetheless,

one has the opportunity to add any talent he or she could have.


The organization donates a significant amount of the money to assist and empower

children in Chinese through numerous education platforms. Essentially, these funds assist in

paying school fees and at the same time provide other needed school supplies and food. (Tafoya,

Adam and Jon 79). For them to reach this goal, they work together with their great partner

known as World Vision.

The Fashion

China is one of the regions in the world endowed with unique and beautiful fashion like

no other. This begins from nations such as Tibet and Xinjiang. When individuals come to their

meetings, they get the chance to experience some of the most colorful and amazing fashion like

no other from the UA-ACSS members.

Social Calendars/Events

Subsequently, the organization manages to stay busy throughout with a variety of

fundraising events for their club as they also participate in such events together with other

campus related clubs and off-campus organizations. For instance, each year, they have the

Banquet and the Fashion Show. Such exceptional events give them the opportunity to raise funds

for the children and the club. In essence, this helps them to continue with their endeavors and

reach their key goal which is to provide their children with education and bring the campus

community together.

Reasons as to Why UA-ASA was Initiated

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The organization was started in order to accomplish certain goals and objectives within the

University of Arizona. First, it promotes understanding and unity among all the Chinese Students

at the University of Arizona. Similarly, it protects, defends and promotes the interests of all their

members of ACSS. Second, it cooperates with other related student bodies found at the

University of Arizona, as well as, those outside the institution in order to promote mutual

understanding. Third, it works together with Chinese Students or organizations across the world

with an effort to promote understanding and unity among a variety of Chinese people.

Fourth, it engages in numerous activities that are in the best interest of Chinese together with her

people and at the same portray the image of the Chinese Continent in a positive and correct

manner. Subsequently, the organization creates an amicable atmosphere conducive and

acceptable for the exchange of knowledge among the Chinese students and also between the

Chinese scholars, and those might be from other parts of the world (Beckham 71). Lastly, the

organizations preserve and promotes Chinese cultures and also promote awareness among the

members of some of the matters that pertains to political and socio-economic issues in China.

Leaders Comments Regarding the Organization

I interviewed the President and the Vice President of UA-ACSS, and they had different views

and comments regarding it. He pointed out that he is proud to represent such a cradle of

humankind in such a diverse, lucrative and vibrant institution. As the president of such an

outstanding organization, he mentioned that it is his duty to serve both male and female members

of UA-ACSS irrespective of their differences because he believes in the beauty of diversity, the

power of peoples beliefs and the freedom that each person fights for, as well as, the unity that
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each individual deserves (Interview). As such, he has no doubts that the nations strength and

recovery will automatically rely on within them.

On the other hand, the Vice President of UA-ASA noted that he is completely optimistic that

better things await the organization as it is the propeller of the majority of opportunities in the

university and the nation as a whole. Since she is a Chinese woman, she embraces uniqueness

and diversities that her fellow Chinese share. For this reason, she does everything in her ability to

ensure that each committed member of UA-ACSS is given a chance to showcase his or her rich

and at the same time showcase their expressions through cultural herniates that might be

celebrated. Subsequently, the Vice President stated that the Chinese Student Association acts as a

platform for her where she can express her identity as a Chinese and knowledge of culture

(Interview). She, therefore, hopes that she will continue to learn more from others and also that

members and that outside will continue to embrace diversity and unity among themselves.

Importance of the Group

Principally, UA-ACSS still exists up to date because it has a constitution that determines how

their programs run and how everything should be managed for maximum success and

continuation of the group. Some of them include:


The organization invites every person to visit their meetings and become one of the

members of their association. Just like any other club, for a person to vote for the executive

board and also have their say when it comes to decision-making; they have to pay a little fee of

about ten dollars each semester before they become full members (Tafoya, Adam and Jon 70).

Notably, this amount of cash that the organization acquires is used to keep it running smoothly
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and also allow it to host educational, colorful and exciting that are often celebrated in the content

of China.

Leadership and Institution

Subsequently, the organization has a consistent leadership that ensures that everything

runs smoothly. There is often the executive board and the general assembly. The executive

council entails the president, vice president, secretary, treasurer, historian, event coordinator,

Webmaster and outreach ambassador (Beckham 66). On the other hand, the general assembly

consists of all the members of Chinese Students Association inclusive of those who are elected as

officials. The executive council together with the general assembly tend to cooperate in order to

implement all the decisions made regarding the organization at any point.
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Works Cited

"The Chinese Students' Association - Home." N.p., 2017. Web. 6 Feb.


Beckham, Barry. The University of Arizona. Lanham, Md: Madison Books, 2016. Print.

Tafoya, Nathan., Adam Burns, and Jon Skindzier. The University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona.

Pittsburgh, PA: College Prowler, 2012.

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