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Design Topic_Lines and Geometry _ Subject(s) __Math_ Grade(s) 4th Designer(s) _Doucette

Understanding by Design

Unit Cover Page

Unit Title: _______Lines and Angles____________ Grade Level: 4th grade______

Topic/Subject Areas: ____________Mathematics________________________

Key Words: __points, lines, angles, intersection, parallel, perpendicular

Designed By: _____Elizabeth Doucette_________ Time Frame: _______4 weeks___

School District: Regent University School: Teacher Ed & IDS Dept.

Brief Summary of Unit (including curricular context and unit goals):

Students will be able to identify and describe representations of points, lines, line
segments, rays, and angles including end points and vertices. Students will be able to
identify representations that illustrate intersections, parallelism, and perpendicularity.
By the end of this unit, students will be able to show by making a few projects, a
presentation, as well as written assessments that prove their knowledge.

Unit design status: X Completed template pages stages 1, 2, 3

Completed blueprint for each performance task X Completed rubrics

Directions to students and teacher Materials and resources listed

x Suggested accommodations x Suggested extensions

Status: Initial draft (date: ___________) Revised draft (date: ____________)

Peer Reviewed Content Reviewed Field Tested Validated Anchored

Source: Understanding by Design, Unit Design Planning Template (Wiggins/McTighe 2005) 1

Design Topic_Lines and Geometry _ Subject(s) __Math_ Grade(s) 4th Designer(s) _Doucette


Unit Title: __________Lines and Angles_________________________________________

Established Goals (cite specific VA SOL):

A.To identify and describe representations of points, lines, line segments, rays, and angles including
end points and vertices and b. to identify representations of lines that illustrate intersections,
parallelism, and perpendicularity. SOL 4.10

Understandings: Students will understand that Essential Questions:

(Provide 3 to 5) (Provide 3 to 5)
Students will understand that there are What jobs rely on knowing how to plot
several different types of representations lines and angles?
that show lines and angles How can knowing how to plot these lines
Students will understand that acute angles and points help you solve problems?
are less than 90 degrees, and obtuse angles Why is it important to have parallel lanes
are more than 90 degrees. on roads? For tables? For buildings?
Students will understand that there are Can you describe the relationship between
lines and geometry in the world around two lines?
themroads (with intersections and What are the characteristics of points,
parallel lanes), angles of different roofs lines, line segments, and rays. Why is this
How are you able to use lines and angles
in everyday life?

Students will know: Students will be able to:

(Give at least 5) (List at least 5 skills)
Points are single location Students will be able to identify
Lines are never ending representations of points, lines, line
Line segments are part of a line but have segments, rays, and angles
two endpoints Students will be able to describe the
Rays have one end point but are neve differences between different
rending on the other side. representations
Angles are measurements of a turn Students will be able to identify and
Acute, obtuse, straight, right angles describe intersections, parallelism, and
Parallelism vs perpendicularity &
Draw different lines and points

Source: Understanding by Design, Unit Design Planning Template (Wiggins/McTighe 2005) 2

Design Topic_Lines and Geometry _ Subject(s) __Math_ Grade(s) 4th Designer(s) _Doucette


Performance Tasks: Other Evidence:
(Briefly describe 1 to 3 authentic assessments) (List 3 including MC quiz)
Multiple Choice quizfinal assessment
The GRASPS ActivityThe students will Students will complete a project at home
work in a group of 4. They will pretend using marsh mellow (as end points)
they are a construction site manager, and toothpicks as lines (or for segments) and
they are to show their employees the candy corn (or other triangular candy) as
importance of keeping the lanes parallel. arrows. Students must create points,
They will work together during class to lines, rays, and line segments, parallel
come up with a way of explaining it, and lines, intersections, different types of
then they will present their thoughts to the angles. This will be a final unit project,
whole class. and must have definitions and labels for
Beach ball activitycolors on the board all parts. They will turn this in as a graded
with what each color represents (each assignment.
term) and if their thumb lands on that The final KWLs will be turned in for a
color they must tell the definition and then homework/ participation grade
pass the ball to another classmate
Students will make a map of their street,
showing parallel lines for the lanes, any
intersections, and a point for their house

Student Self-Assessment and Reflection

(List at least 2)
Students will start a KWL at the beginning of the class
Students will write down what they learned in their journal and glue in their completed KWL
As an exit ticket for the class, students will write down what was one take away from the
class, and any questions they still have about the material. All questions will be answered at
the beginning of the next class


Summary of Learning Activities:
(list by number here and then complete the week-by-week planning calendar below using the same

1. Review sheetsa warm up activity that have 100 easy multiplication problems. This sheet will get
the students mind on the topic, and will help them review multiplication problems.
2. Review jumping jacksBrain break activity. This will get the students moving. I will ask them to
do 5 jumping jacks and then I will as a math question and then they have to do more jumping jacks
when they get the answer right. If students are not able to do jumping jacks for some reasonthey
are to stretch.
3. Start KWLWhat do they already know or want to know about lines, points, and angles?
Source: Understanding by Design, Unit Design Planning Template (Wiggins/McTighe 2005) 3
Design Topic_Lines and Geometry _ Subject(s) __Math_ Grade(s) 4th Designer(s) _Doucette
4. Start explaining what we will be doing this unit.
5. Show the different types of linessegment, ray, line
6. Have students in groups of 2shoulder buddiesand do the matching game that I give them.
Students have several examples of segments, rays, and lines and have to put them in the right
7. Reviewing different types of lines on the board.
8. Showing how to write out using symbols and letters different types of lines.
9. Have students break up into 4 groups. The student in the front of each line will start at the board, I
will give them a math symbol showing a line, ray, or point, and they have to draw it. When they get
it right they hand off the marker to the next person.
10. I will explain the buddy game. Buddy group gamestudents will work in groups of two to act out
lines, line segments, and rays. For points the students will all have both arms in the air, for line
segments they will be holding hands with arms straight and their other arm in the air, and for rays
one will have one arm up and the other will be have their arm out pointing out, for lines students will
be holding hands arms straight and both their other arms out straight pointing out too. This will be a
fast pace game with me shouting out which one to do.
11. Students will get in buddy group and we will start the game.
12. We will start with a review of points, and how to chart them.
13. I will explain the marshmallow project. Students will complete a project at home using marsh
mellow (as end points) toothpicks as lines (or for segments) and candy corn (or other triangular
candy) as arrows. Students must create points, lines, rays, and line segments, parallel lines,
intersections, different types of angles. This will be a good project for a review of the previous
week, and must have definitions and labels for all parts.
14. I will hand out the rubric for the project, and answer any questions.
15. Ticket to leaveWrite two things that you found interesting from the points and lines section and
write if there any questions
16. Review of tickets. Answer any questions, and say bet incites from the tickets
17. Answer any questions about the marshmallow project.
18. Start on anglesstart with definition, then go to degrees.
19. Sign up for presentation day for marshmallows.
20. I will show students how degrees work, and how to see different angles with the protractor.
21. Students will practice using a protractor with different angles that I have on the board.
22. Turn in Marshmallow project.
23. Review of angles.
24. Students will break up into groups of 2, they will have an envelope of different angles they will
have to put all the acute angles together, all the 90 degree angles together, and all of the obtuse
angles together.
25. This is the end of the lines and angles section, so we will finish the KWL as a group. IF we do not
have enough time, this will be a graded homework assignment.
26. Marshmallow presentationsstudents will come up one by one and present their projects. They will
show the different angles and all the different terms.
27. Close with praising the presentations and how they have shown what they know.
28. The remainder of the class will present their marshmallow projects.
29. Close with a praise of what they learned.
30. Exit ticketanything they still have questions on or want to know. If no questions, then the biggest
takeaway from the week.
31. Review of the exit ticketsanswer any questions.
32. Start a KWL for intersections, parallel, and perpendicular lines.
33. Start going over lines.
Source: Understanding by Design, Unit Design Planning Template (Wiggins/McTighe 2005) 4
Design Topic_Lines and Geometry _ Subject(s) __Math_ Grade(s) 4th Designer(s) _Doucette
34. Parallel vs Perpendicular activity. Students will use strips of paper to practice making parallel lines
and then perpendicular. Also different types of intersections and which are perpendicular vs which
are just intersecting.
35. Explain the parallel vs perpendicular quizdefinitions then draw each out.
36. Going over intersections againsee if anyone has any questions.
37. Create Venn Diagram as a group to see the differences and similarities.
38. Quiz on parallel vs perpendicular vs intersections
39. Math videoschool house rock
40. The GRASPS ActivityThe students will work in a group of 4. They will pretend they are a
construction site manager, and they are to show their employees the importance of keeping the lanes
parallel. They will work together during class to come up with a way of explaining it, and then they
will present their thoughts to the whole class.
41. Exit ticketSomething you still wonder about with lines in the real world.
42. Review exit ticketanswer questions from previous week.
43. Ask about any questions from the unit so far.
44. Review the quiz and talk about the Grasp activity.
45. Talk about map my streethand out rubric.
46. Beach ball activitycolors on the board with what each color represents (each term) and if their
thumb lands on that color they must tell the definition and then pass the ball to another classmate
47. Practice review sheet. Reviews the entire unit
48. Finish KWL for Perpendicular vs Parallel Vs intersections.
49. Around the world with questions about the unitthis is a game that the front two desks start with a
question and the first to answer moves on to the next student, until one person makes it all the way
around the class and back to their seat.
50. Final assessmentcumulative for the unit
51. Map my street collection
52. Talk about peoples maps quick overview
53. Talk about how the assessment went
54. Go over problem areas from the assessment

Source: Understanding by Design, Unit Design Planning Template (Wiggins/McTighe 2005) 5

Design Topic_Lines and Geometry _ Subject(s) __Math_ Grade(s) 4th Designer(s) _Doucette

Stage 3 Plan Learning Experiences and Instruction

Source: Understanding by Design, Unit Design Planning Template (Wiggins/McTighe 2005)

Design Topic_Lines and Geometry _ Subject(s) __Math_ Grade(s) 4th Designer(s) _Doucette
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

1. Warm up review sheet 2. Warm up review 3. Warm up review sheet 4.Warm up review sheet 5. Warm up review jumping
Start KWL jumping jacks Points and types of Explain buddy jacks
Brief overview of Different types of line review game Review of points
the unit points and lines Write/describe lines Buddy game Explain
close Matching game Relay race close marshmallow
close Close
Ticket to leave
6. Warm up review jumping 7.Warm up review sheet 8. Warm up review jumping 9.Warm up review sheet 10.Warm up review sheet
jacks Sign up for jacks Marshmallow Marshmallow
Review tickets to presentation day for Marshmallow project project presentation
leave questions marshmallow projects turn in presentations Close with praise
Answer questions project Review of angles Close with praises from presentations
on project Angles with Matching activity from presentations Exit ticket
Start angles degrees and types
Finish KWL
of angles
11. Warm up review jumping 12. 13. 14. 15.
jacks Warm up review Warm up review Warm up review Warm up review
Review exit tickets sheet jumping jacks jumping jacks sheet
Start KWL Parallel and More about Quiz on parallel vs Grasp activity
Start talking about Perpendicular intersections perpendicular Exit ticket
lines activity ReviewVenn Close with math
Explain quiz Diagram video

16.Warm up review jumping 17. 18. 19. 20.

jacks Warm up review Warm up review Warm up review Warm up review
Review of exit ticket sheet jumping jacks jumping jacks jumping jacks
Unit and quiz Ball game Finish KWL Finial assessment Map street
questions Practice sheet Around the world collection
Talk about map my Review and Talk about how
street questions assessment went
Go over problem

Source: Understanding by Design, Unit Design Planning Template (Wiggins/McTighe 2005)

Design Topic_Lines and Geometry _ Subject(s) __Math_ Grade(s) 4th Designer(s) _Doucette
Map Your Street Rubric
Topic Description: For this assignment you will first draw a map of your street. You can include houses, and
other landmarks too. After you have drawn out your street, label the terms we have learned in this unit. For
example: parallel lines, perpendicular lines, intersections, rays, segments, points, types of angles.

Excellent Average Needs Unacceptable

Accuracy All the terms are Almost all of the Less than half of None of the terms
labeled and terms are labeled the terms are are labeled and
spelled correctly and spelled labeled and spelled correctly
correctly spelled correctly
Word Choice Shows at least 6 Shows at least 4 Shows at least 1 of Shows no terms in
different terms in different terms in the terms in the the diagram from
the diagram from the diagram from diagram from this this unit
this unit this unit unit
Neatness The diagram is The diagram is The diagram is The diagram is
well drawn, easy well drawn, labels poorly drawn and illegible
to read and are hard to difficult to interpret
interpret interpret

Source: Understanding by Design, Unit Design Planning Template (Wiggins/McTighe 2005)

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