Rotaryacts List

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Trinity Valencia

Seymour High School

Volunteer Experience
Above and Beyond Daycare
Aiding caretakers by reading to the children, supervising them while they played outside,
helping to feed them, and monitoring the children's behavior
Approximately 20 hours
Summer of 2014
One year
Jennie Couch- Smith
(812) 569-4277

Anchor House Food Pantry

Restocking pantry shelves, helping those that came in gather their items using the points
system put in place there, and breaking down cardboard boxes to carry to the recycling bin
2 hours
One year
Julie Otte
(812) 522-9308

Junior Volunteer Program at Schneck Medical Center

Transporting patients to and from their hospital rooms via wheelchair, delivering specimens to
the hospital laboratory, delivering flowers to patients rooms, and restocking magazine supplies
within lobby areas
Approximately 48 hours total
Summers of 2015 and 2016
Two years
Amy Cockerham
(812) 522-0439

The Alley Soup Kitchen

Preparing, distributing, and serving food to families and children in need, janitorial duties
Approximately 14 hours
Sporadically, 2014- 2016
(812) 498-8906

Red Sky Rescue

Feeding and cleaning up after rescue dogs waiting for their forever homes
5 hours total
Summer of 2014, once in 2015
Ruth Riley
Trinity Valencia
Seymour High School
Volunteer Experience
Football, Archery, and Basketball Concession Stands
Preparing food, cashiering, janitorial duties
Approximately 4 hours per sport
sporadically, 2013-2017
Cathy Reasoner, Jill Purkiser, Dave Urbanski (respectively),,

Brown Elementary Fall Festival

Supervising game booths, janitorial duties
3 hours
Tony D. Hack
(812) 522-5539

Biology Club of Seymour High School

Constructing Bat Habitats to help protect the decreasing bat population within Jackson County
Approximately 14 hours
Sporadically during club meetings throughout the school year
Paula Weaver

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