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Sports and games create disturbance in students life because

students cannot fully concentrate on their studies. To what extent

do you agree or disagree.

The academic curriculum requires to be diversified for the intellectual as well

as physical development of the pupils. It is sometimes opined that activities
except academic distract the students from their studies. I, however, strongly
oppose this statement. This essay will discuss in detail about the exigency of
co- curricular activities in student life.

The most important reason of the need of sports practice is in the form of
fitness provided by physical activities. It is commonly said that a healthy body
keeps a healthy mind. The exercises, done in playground, make body robust
and agile. The endurance gained through sports and games keeps body fit and
reduces the chances of falling sick. This eventually helps the pupils to avoid
taking sick leaves and their regular presence in schools and colleges benefit
them in their education.

A further reason of having sports period in educational institutions is to break

the monotonous timetable. The focus on course study only de-motivates the
learners. They may nurture disliking against their studies. If games break is
included in the routine schedule, then the chances of getting bored from study
will be less. Besides this, playing football, volleyball, cricket and racing
together teaches the pupils the importance of team work. They learn to accept
the failures without much emotional turmoil. These skills help in academics
also in the case students get low grades in studies.

To conclude, it is drawn that sports activities are no hurdle in focusing on

education rather these are integral part of the entire curricula. The need is to
strike a balanced approach between class work and sports.

It is argued that getting married before finishing school or getting a job is not a good choice.
To what extent do you agree or disagree?
Government of all the countries around the world have fixed an age above which both males and
females can get married. Age of an individual plays a crucial role in marriages. In many societies
children are got married during childhood or even before they start earning. I strongly disagree to
this practice.

To begin with , marriage is a huge responsibility and one should be prepared for all the challenges
associated with it. Children going to school are not physically , mentally and emotionally fit to face
the difficulties of this relationship . The body of adolescent kids is not prepared for physical
intimacy which is an inevitable part of a marriage. This results in early age pregnancies which is life
threatening for the mother as well as the child. This early age marriages has resulted in the rise of
premature delivery , still births , death of young mothers during delivery and anaemic mother and
child. If this continues of the nation would be dark.

Secondly , there are a lot of financial problems faced by individuals who marry without having a
secured job. This has lead to poor living quality of the individuals. They are are unable to take care
of their families which causes depression and frustration. Lack of money and market inflation has
lead these people into taking illegal measures and hence destroy peace and harmony in the society.

To conclude, I believe that education and financial security makes an individual truly eligible for
marriage. These two factors are a necessity to live a healthy and desirable life.

PTE ESSAY foolish to get married

Many people get married even before getting settled in their career. This can be seen in many universities
and offices. It is argued that getting married while studying or before getting a stable job can be arduous at
times. This will be shown by analysing how it can afflict a persons studies and unestablished employment.

To begin with, responsibility of a spouse can augment persons chores to a greater degree.
Say for an instance, a married person has to take out some time of his studies to spend with
his spouse, whereas a single person can focus on his studies and has an advantage to score
high grades. When looking at this example it is clear that, marriage is a hindrance for a
student. From this it can be concluded that its better to delay marriage and focus on

Furthermore, initial stages of work life are usually gruelling. One has to spend considerable
amount of hours to get established in a good job. For example, a person settling up in a job
may have to travel to different locations or branches. If the spouse is dependent, it can be
tough to be flexible to cater to the demands of workplace. When looking at this example it is
obvious that it is foolish to get married prior to getting a stable job.

These analysis prove that, its beneficial to complete studies and have a steady job before
getting married. As that adage goes, a person who chase two rabbits catch none. In a
nutshell, it is recommended that one must first settle in their own life before adding up a
responsibility of a spouse.

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