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Motion & Newtons Laws Review

1. What kind of objects have speed?

2. What is the equation to solve for speed?
3. What is velocity?
4. Give an example of the velocity of an object.
5. What is the base unit for both speed and velocity?
6. What does it mean to accelerate?
7. Give an example of an object accelerating.
8. What is the base unit for acceleration?
9. What does Newtons 1st Law state?
10. What is another name for Newtons 1st Law of Motion?
11. Give an example of the 1st law in use.
12. What equation do we use with Newtons 2nd Law?
13. Explain the relationship between force, mass, and acceleration.
14. What base unit do we measure force in?
15. What units make up a Newton of force?
16. If you increase the mass of an object but apply the same amount of force, what happens to the
acceleration of that object?
17. What is net force?
18. Explain what balanced forces are.
19. Give an example of balanced forces.
20. What is the net force of balanced forces?
21. Explain what unbalanced forces are.
22. Give an example of unbalanced forces.
23. If you push a wagon north with 10 N of force while I pull the same wagon north with 12 N of force,
what is the net force on the wagon?
24. What does Newtons 3rd Law state?
25. Give an example of the 3rd law in use.
26. What kind of objects have momentum?
27. What is the equation to solve for the momentum of an object?
28. What are the 2 ways to increase the momentum of an object?
29. If two objects collide, what will the total momentum be after the collision?
30. Write a short story/scenario that uses all of the following terms:
a. speed
b. velocity
c. acceleration
d. inertia
e. mass
f. force
g. momentum

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