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MLK and Malcolm X

Date(s): Thursday Oct 13, Friday October 14

Instructional Resources/Materials: Computer, document camera, paper, pencils
Unit Essential Questions (What questions will foster inquiry and understanding):
How do people stand up against oppressors?
Lesson Objective (SWBAT): SWBAT gain a better understanding of the Civil Rights
Movement by analyzing an excerpt from Stride Toward Freedom and an interview
with Malcolm X.
Common Core State Standard(s):
Determine an author's point of view or purpose in a text in which the rhetoric is
particularly effective, analyzing how style and content contribute to the power,
persuasiveness or beauty of the text.

Lesson Procedure:

1. Transition from Red Jacket to civil rights, building background p. 300

2. Begin reading Stride Toward Freedom excerpt, p. 300-302 (Listen to S.T. F.

audio here)
Play 1st section of audio: acquiescence, then play Selma clip showing
acquiescing (5:50-8:45)
Groups of 3 or 4, time to discuss and take notes

3. Play 2nd section: violence, note good lines and argument given in support of violence
Groups, time to discuss and take notes

4. Play 3rd section: nonviolence, stop and explain philosophy

Groups, time to discuss and take notes -- Clip from Selma on bridge, context in
movie (1:23:51-1:31:30) MLK would sacrifice his reputation over promoting

Day 2

1. Set up sheet - 2 columns comparing MLK and Malcolm X, spot for picture, section on
bottom for why behind their philosophy

2. In groups of 3-4, assign someone to be interviewer, someone to be Malcolm X. Read

aloud the Malcolm X interview excerpt entitled Necessary to Protect Ourselves on pp.
303-304 (Listen to N. t. P. O. audio here)

3. How do you think MLK felt about Malcolm X? Selma clip (42:20-44:26)
What are some redeeming qualities about Malcolm X?
Why does he have the philosophy he has?
4. Fill out why section of sheet on each side

5. Four Corners Activity: Where do you fall? (Discuss with each result)
English is my favorite subject.
School should start 2 hours later.
You should always resist unfair laws, regardless of the outcome.
I were a Black person living in the 60s, I would get violent for my rights.
If I were a Black person living in the 60s, I would reluctantly accept segregation.
I think these issues are still relevant today..

Lesson Assessment(s)
Worksheet turned in following day
Lesson Accommodations (special needs and gifted):
Option for take-home and finish worksheet. Visual support from videos.
What will you do if students do not understand?
I will provide context for the lesson with 4 corners activity and role playing. Also, I will
add visual support in Selma clips
Extended Learning (Homework):
Finishing worksheet

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